The Beautiful wives of WWE superstars - WWE Wrestler's Wives You Never See
For more infomation >> The Beautiful wives of WWE superstars - WWE Wrestler's Wives You Never See - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
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The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.85 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.01.30] - Duration: 33:40.
Bye, mister.
See you tomorrow.
Go inside. Haesol will catch a cold.
You go first.
It's cold. Go in.
It's me.
Let's bring Haesol.
Jiseop, are you sure?
Let's raise Haesol.
You and I.
I don't care, as long as you're okay with it.
Let's do that.
(Episode 85)
What is it?
Do you need to tell me something?
I have a favor to ask you.
A favor?
Can you make my mommy smile?
My mommy is the prettiest when she smiles
but nothing makes her smile.
My daddy hurt my mommy too much,
so mommy's heart turned black.
Please help her.
How can I help?
Please become my daddy,
and make my mommy's black heart
bright again.
May I really?
May I really be your daddy?
Will you give me permission?
You're home late.
Yes. Haesol was discharged today.
I drove them home and had dinner with them.
If Seora marries you...
Will I really become Haesol's uncle?
That's right.
Please be good to her.
What are you taking?
Mother got it made for me.
She did?
They say too much stress
will hinder getting pregnant.
She says it's good for calming me down,
so I'll play along and drink it.
Don't be too anxious.
We can take our time having kids.
I know.
But I really want to have your child.
Did mother say
anything else?
Like what?
Like about the company...
Or Jaeuk's shares.
I wanted to talk to you about it, actually.
I don't know what's gotten into her.
She was so nasty to us earlier
for what we did to Jaeuk, but lately,
she's been stressing me out about focusing
on business management...
When you're doing such a good job.
I'm sure she has her reasons.
do you mean it about Haesol?
You were against bringing her.
What happened?
You were right.
That woman, Ki Seora,
is obsessed about exposing my true identity.
The marriage is simply an extension of that.
Haesol is the only way to stop them
from getting married.
That's the best thing for Haesol too.
I'll do my best to get along with her.
Okay. Thanks.
In exchange...
Be honest with me about everything.
That's all I need.
I'd like the families to meet.
Why are you rushing it so much?
There's no need to delay.
I spoke with her parents already.
Must you go through with this marriage?
I told you. I said I won't change my mind.
I'd like the families to meet next week.
Will they feed me?
Will it be yummy?
Then naturally, I'll be there.
Lady Gu, let's get all decked out and go together.
Chairman, no!
Inuk wants to marry a widow with a child.
You need to stop him.
At least she didn't scam anyone.
Look at the world.
It's filled with evil people everywhere.
As long as she's honest, and doesn't
stab you in the back, that's all that matters.
I have a morning meeting, so I'll excuse myself.
Sit down.
Inuk, if you insist on marrying her, go ahead.
- Mother. / - Mother.
Oh, my gosh.
What are you saying?
Marry her?
Why are you suddenly betraying us?
He's determined to get married.
What choice do we have?
But I'll prepare a nice meal,
so bring the family here.
Grandfather isn't against it.
What power do I have to stop it?
Bring them this weekend.
Thank you.
I don't understand what mother is thinking.
She promised she'd stop them from getting married.
What a blow.
I'm mother's target.
I'm the reason
she changed her position about their marriage.
What do you mean,
you're her target?
Don't trust her.
She wants to use Inuk and Seora...
To drag me out of here.
No way.
She said she'd trust us and rely on us to our faces...
But she's been scheming how to
remove you behind our backs?
I didn't think she'd stab us in the back...
By going as far as approving their marriage.
She acted like she forgave us on the outside,
but what she really wanted was to remove you?
I won't forgive her if she does.
We must stop their marriage,
in order to prevent that.
Han Jiseop.
How dare you bug my room?
Is this how...
You knew my plan ahead of time and killed Jaeuk?
Han Jiseop!
I'll tear you to shreds!
Wi Seonae.
You plan to use Inuk and Seora
to get rid of me?
Do you think you'll be safe...
If my identity is revealed?
Fine. Try me.
Let's see who wins...
You or I.
Jiseop bugged your room?
He had my room bugged and was monitoring me
like I was in the palm of his hand.
He knew I was going to kill him,
and used Haerim to kill Jaeuk.
He's much more cunning than I had thought.
I don't know how to get rid of him.
You'll have to be patient.
Once Gangin gets the construction project in China...
Haerim can take control over Gangin Group.
I know he disgusts you,
but wait until he gets the project through.
I have to live with that monster until then?
You have no choice.
We need time to counter his attacks.
We must set a trap that he can't escape from.
Don't show your feelings in front of Haerim until then.
She won't let go of him easily.
That's why I need to tell her that I'm her mom
and get her away from him.
Once Haerim finds out that I'm her real mom,
she'll have no choice but to take my side.
I told you, not yet.
It'll only push her away.
Did you locate the old man's shares?
They've all left the country already.
They have?
Chairman Kang's shares were all transferred
to an American corporation recently.
I guess the old man
really was just acting like he had dementia.
It's completely possible.
It wasn't Inuk, whom he adores.
Then to who
did he transfer all those shares?
I have no idea.
I need to go out to tend to some business.
The poor man.
His precious grandson wants to
marry a widow with a child,
who was expelled from her high school,
but he's not in his right mind.
They say the later you start,
the deeper you fall into it.
I shouldn't have taught him how to play cards.
I told the housekeeper about your meal and snacks,
so she'll give them to you.
- I'll be back. / - Two go! Two go.
Yes. Good. Keep it up.
- It's my lucky day. / - Father.
Drop the act.
Your dementia act
is over.
Give it back!
Drop the act! It's over!
Why you... Give it back.
It's three go.
Three go.
Bring me some rice punch.
I'm dying of thirst.
Haesol! Haesol!
Tell Seora to come out.
She's inside, right?
Wait. She isn't home right now.
- Mommy! / - Mommy!
Why are you crying?
Bongcheol, what's wrong with her?
Did you hit her?
I don't hit girls anymore.
Then why are you crying?
Haesol, what is it? Tell mommy.
Haesol's daddy died, right?
I said her daddy saved her
during the accident, and that he died,
so she started crying.
did the mister that looks like daddy die?
Did he really die saving me?
Did he really go to heaven?
Haesol, you know he adored you, right?
Is mister in here?
It's all my fault.
He died because of me.
why are you saying that?
It's because he came back
to get the drawing I drew for him.
If I didn't call him, he wouldn't have died.
It wasn't your fault.
No! He died while trying to save me!
I'm bad! It's all my fault!
It isn't like that.
Don't be like that. You're upsetting me.
The man who looks like daddy died,
but daddy won't come home.
Why is he still living in that house?
I hate daddy!
Mister and daddy were supposed to switch places,
but because mister died, daddy didn't come back.
Haesol's daddy is a bad man!
Oh, no!
There's an article saying Gangin Foods is
stopping its franchise.
I didn't know it would proceed so quickly.
Franchisee requests stopped
since the story published.
Gangin Foods' stock price is plummeting as well.
Is Gangin Foods really closing
its franchise business?
What was that article about?
You said you'd cut back on expanding
but you're closing it?
Is this true?
It's only temporary.
We have no money to invest right now.
Gangin Foods brought in so much money.
Did you
invest it all in Gangin Construction?
I told you.
Gangin's flagship business is construction.
What are you thinking?
How dare you mess with Gangin Foods
after all I did to save it?
Who do you think you are?
It's for all of Gangin Group.
Don't look only at what's in front of you.
Look at the long run!
Grandpa never touched Gangin Foods
even when the subsidiaries were in danger.
Because Gangin Group
was built on Gangin Foods.
Who are you to touch Gangin Foods?
Grandpa! Grandpa!
Stop being a child.
That's why Gangin Group won't grow.
think about how to surpass grandpa.
Be rational.
All I did was pause Gangin Foods temporarily.
Once Gangin Construction is revived,
I'll put Gangin Foods back to where it was.
Aren't you the one...
Who sent grandfather's shares abroad?
What nonsense is that?
I wouldn't put it past you.
You overestimate me.
It's kind of flattering but you're wrong.
How could I
touch his account when I'm not even blood-related?
I'm not you.
Leave the company to me...
And just focus on your wedding.
If you two work together...
You may be able to take my job.
I'm willing to fight.
Kang Inuk.
If you want to remove me from here,
beat me with your skill.
If you can't do that, stay down.
That's the best for the company.
(Lease Contract)
Take a look.
This is an annual lease for an apartment.
Where did you get the money
for an annual lease?
That's none of your business.
Take turns and look at it.
What is this, mother?
Why are you showing us a lease?
I need my own place to live in
with my granddaughter.
What do you mean,
a place to live in with your granddaughter?
Are you deaf?
It's my home where I'll live with Haesol.
What stupid gibberish is that?
Why would Haesol live with you?
My daughter-in-law is getting married.
I should raise my blood.
Why must my granddaughter live
with someone else's last name?
Are you insane?
Did Haerim put you up to this?
Or was it Jaeuk?
No one put me up to it.
Haesol is my grandchild and my blood.
You'll be someone else's wife
and have kids with him.
Then Haesol will be the ugly duckling.
I won't let that happen!
Why are you doing this?
You're not human. You're a monster!
I'm done talking. Bye.
Wait, in-law,
the mother should raise the child.
How could her grandmother raise her instead?
Be honest. You'd be relieved
if I raised her.
Seora is marrying into a rich family.
She can't bring a child.
She should have some shame. Anyway, I'm leaving.
No. Haesol is my daughter.
I'll raise her.
Then don't get married!
If you give up on this marriage, I'll give up on Haesol.
Mother! Mother!
Let go!
- No. / - Let go!
Not Haesol!
Stop it already!
You know, don't you?
You know that Kang Jaeuk is Han Jiseop, don't you?
What crazy talk is that again?
Didn't you hear? Jiseop and
Jaeuk are twins.
Jaeuk is my blood too.
He's my sister's son!
Mother! Mother!
You witch. You witch!
Are you really Haesol's grandma?
How long has it been since she woke up?
Why are you trying to kill my baby again?
- Fine! Pull my hair! / - Witch!
- I don't care! / - Die!
Do it! Go ahead!
Die! Die!
if you want to take Haesol,
you'll have to kill me first.
I'll kill you and myself.
Let's see who wins! Try me!
What is this mess?
I thought she could finally have a good life
with a nice man.
What is this mess now?
This isn't right. This isn't right.
Haesol. Haesol!
- Get in. / - Mommy!
- Mommy! / - Haesol!
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
I'm okay.
But why is grandma acting like that?
What do you think you're doing?
Are you really human?
How low will you go?
Just when will you people end your scam?
Send in security.
A lunatic is in my office,
causing a scene...
Jin Haerim.
If you don't want to see me lose my mind...
- Stop playing games. / - Games?
You must want to use Haesol
to make me surrender.
But if you touch Haesol,
you're all dead.
As Han Jiseop's brother...
I will raise Haesol.
It's better for me, her dad's twin, to raise her.
Than Inuk, who isn't related to her at all.
Why you...
Give Haesol to me.
And have kids with Inuk
and live happily ever after.
What are you doing?
Be rational.
Which is best for Haesol?
If you want to protect her,
give up on the marriage and focus on raising her.
- I'll support you financially. / - No.
I will marry Inuk.
And I'll stick to you like a leech
and suck you dry.
Naturally, I'll keep Haesol too.
Try me.
Step on me.
I'll survive to the end.
Jin Haerim and Han Jiseop...
You two...
I will destroy you.
Don't you dare touch Haesol again.
I won't be so nice next time.
- Stop right there! / - Let her go.
Forget this.
We'll have to speed up our plan.
Buy up Gangin Construction stocks.
I checked in China,
and the deal is almost a sure thing.
If we use this opportunity right,
we can be the major shareholder.
It's the best chance
to take over Gangin Group.
Use all the funds that we can.
Gangin will soon have a new owner.
It's me, Park Jisuk.
Gangin Construction's stock will soon go up in price.
Start purchasing them.
What are you doing in the middle of the night?
Can't you see? I'm having a late night snack.
What? Are you upset I'm eating your food?
How do you look so cute and lovable
even when you eat?
Leave. Get out!
Let me eat!
Okay. Keep eating.
Why won't I get full?
Oh, my gosh. Is this my stomach?
I'll just eat until I die.
She's so cute when she eats.
Don't forget your vitamins.
♪ I'm the boss, me ♪
Part-timer, bring me some hot tea.
Don't you see I'm cleaning?
Finish cleaning quickly and then bring me the tea.
Do you not have hands?
Make it yourself.
Hi. It's me.
Find me a part-timer.
The worker that I have now has a nasty temper.
What are you doing?
Can't you tell?
I'm firing my old worker and hiring a new one.
You're fired,
so look elsewhere.
What? Fired?
You're on cloud nine, now that you're the owner.
If you want to be on cloud nine,
you should become an owner too.
I was wrongfully terminated by a boss
abusing his authority.
I'd like to report him.
What are you doing?
Don't touch me,
if you don't want to become infamous villain.
I guess she doesn't want to be fired.
Drink this.
Just leave it there.
You can't skip any, if you want it to be effective.
Drink it.
I said I'm fine!
I said I don't want it.
Why do you have such a nasty temper?
Please be honest.
What is this tonic?
What do you mean?
Is it...
Something bad?
I can't trust you.
How could I trust you, when you're such a hypocrite?
If you hate us,
just hate us to our faces.
Stop confusing us!
Is it
because I approved Inuk and Seora's wedding?
You said you'd stop it.
But what, you'll cook for her family?
I don't know how to interpret anything you do.
It's for you.
You'll realize with time
that I was right.
You're taking revenge
on us right now.
You plan to have Inuk marry Seora
and drive us crazy.
Did Jiseop say that?
It's true, isn't it?
I told you not to trust him.
He'll betray you in the moment of truth.
I don't know what proof you have to say that.
What proof do you have
that I'll betray Haerim in the moment of truth?
We need time to counter his attacks.
We must set a trap that he can't escape from.
Don't show your feelings in front of Haerim until then.
She won't let go of him easily.
It's a common saying to never trust men.
Don't take it to heart.
Mother is trying to turn us against each other.
Be careful.
I know.
Don't worry.
That cunning jerk.
When the time comes, I'll drag you down
and throw you in jail.
Enjoy yourself until then.
Your guests have arrived.
Welcome. It's good to see you.
Thank you for inviting us over.
Yes. Hello.
Thank you for having us.
We could've had a simple meal at a restaurant.
I'm sorry for troubling you.
Not at all. I really wanted to have you over.
I came as well.
Why, of course...
Actually, this is my first time meeting you
as Seora's mother.
Whichever way suits you best.
Everyone's here. Are you on your way?
I was about to leave.
I'll be there soon.
Are you Kang Jaeuk?
Who are you?
You are under arrest for hiring Han Jiseop's murder
disguised as a hit-and-run.
- What are you waiting for? / - Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Drink up.
(The Secret of My Love)
You should find your birth mom.
Who is it?
Who's my birth mom who abandoned me at birth?
Do you want to know?
Did Kang Jaeuk really hire you to kill Han Jiseop?
Tell them the entire truth. Don't hide anything.
I'll tell you everything.
What would Haerim say?
- Shut it. / - You're the one who should shut it!
Don't you dare mistreat Seora.
You made mother take Haesol, didn't you?
- Tell the truth. / - You're making a big mistake.
Why are you making my mommy sad?
- Haesol. / - I hate you now, daddy!
I hate you!
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Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 62 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:46.
This can only mean one thing.
Indio Amaro is working with someone or for someone.
Which one is it?
Daniel might be flawed, but he's not a bad father.
Don't hide from him that he has a son.
That ------------- gringo!
I'm gonna pull a liter of blood for every kilo he took.
Let me go!
Don't you dare touch me again!
Leave her alone!
-Shut up! -Leave her alone!
------- it!
Either way, Pepita will watch you die.
And now, till death do you part, suckers.
We seized almost two tons.
The downside was that Owl and some bald, fat guy got away.
We caught one of them, though.
We spent the night examining fingerprints
and looking for clues.
We tried to get the guy to talk,
but, as you can imagine, he didn't say a word.
Indio Amaro's people won't talk
even if you're beating them to death.
Want to hear the interesting part, baby?
We found initials on the merchandise.
That leads us to believe that Indio is working with someone
or for someone.
We asked the DEA to trace the merchandise and...
Baby, are you listening to me?
I'm telling you something interesting.
We dealt the Tijuana Cartel a strong blow
and I thought you'd be pleased.
Gringo, did you have a child with Frida?
You took my merch, -----!
You have my woman!
Know what I'm gonna do to you?
I'm going to tear your heart out.
I'll make you watch.
You and everyone else responsible for this mess
will become human sacrifices to the Aztec gods.
Pepa claims he ratted us out.
He's paying the price right now.
A revenge worthy of you, boss.
Only two people knew about this shipment.
Jose Angel wasn't one of them.
Did you betray me, ------------?
Never, sir. Ask Azuceno.
I didn't rat you out. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here
and ICE agents wouldn't have tried to blow my brains out.
How the hell could you let them take Ratface?
It was him or us, boss.
Besides, I don't think that guy will talk.
My men are well trained, boss.
Not as well as yours, but they know not to blab.
Azuceno, find Ratface and rip his head off!
We can't leave any lose ends.
We will destroy them all!
Let me out!
I feel sick!
Carmencita, hang in there.
I swear on all that is holy that we'll get out of here.
I'll get you an antidote.
Please hang in there.
I can't...
I can't, Jose Angel.
This is my fault!
I wanted to die alone!
I wanted to escape the pain.
I had nothing left on this ranch.
I hated knowing you didn't want to look at me anymore.
I couldn't stand this hell...
and I dragged you down with me.
Forgive me.
Yes, baby, I went to see Frida so we could talk.
I didn't tell you, so we wouldn't argue.
You've been keeping a lot from me lately so we don't argue.
I just want to know if that kid is yours or not.
I don't know.
Frida says he's not, that I shouldn't get any ideas,
but if I'm really honest, the math says otherwise.
I don't know, though.
I'll be honest too, then. Take a paternity test.
If the test comes back positive...
What happens to us if it comes back positive?
That's not what matters.
If it comes back positive, you do the responsible thing.
Spend time with him and be a good father to him.
Do you agree?
Don't cry, baby.
That's not it.
Let's just drop it because I'm still confused.
I need some space.
How could my perfect plan fail?
I thought you knew the desert inside and out, Owl!
Why'd you end up looking like a newbie?
I know that area very well.
And traitors aside, things are different now.
Everything's being monitored.
They've installed sensors underground.
There are drones that follow suspicious movement.
They're spending money to turn that area into a stronghold.
I learned that from Indira Cardenas, the ICE Chief.
Right now, she's ICE's most guarded prisoner.
Speaking of Indira. What about her?
I keep hearing her talents are going to waste.
We need to force her to work for us.
It won't be easy.
That bitch is very stubborn. Plus, she's lost it all.
There's no way to blackmail her.
Before being sent to prison,
Ayala said her ex and son were under police protection.
They're still alive, then.
A woman would do anything for her children wherever they are.
The copper's Achilles heel is her kid.
He is her heart, her blood flows through his veins.
We're going to shed that blood.
We'll leave her with nothing!
The burger would've been better with a beer.
What is the minimum drinking age in Canada?
Nicolas, you've got a lot of waiting to do.
Are you going to finish it?
From now on, everyone will fear me.
I will be everyone's shadow.
Whoever messes with me faces a death sentence.
Whoever has seen me, crossed my path,
breathed the same air I have, is dead!
Or suffering.
What's this? I never get food at this time.
Then you have something to be thankful for.
Everything we do here is for your own good.
They will see a storm brewing.
If they don't kneel before it...
they will drown.
The storm bears my name.
If you were followed, we could be in danger!
Indio Amaro could walk through that door right now!
Relax, our men are ready for anything.
Who are you, Officer?
Erick Quintanilla, you're under arrest for attempted homicide,
conspiring with the drug trade, and gun trafficking.
I don't have enemies.
An elephant can't be the ant's enemy.
A giant can't be the dwarf's enemy.
A wolf does not negotiate with sheep.
It's the natural order of things.
I command pain and suffering!
That can't be.
My husband was just awarded for his fight
against the drug trade.
I received a medal from the President himself.
Under whose orders are you acting?
This must be a mistake.
Each and every one of them will fall...
like a house of cards.
No, this isn't a mistake.
They have evidence that he is guilty of the crimes mentioned.
You work for us, you bastard!
What are you doing, Triple R?
I'm upholding the law.
I couldn't let someone like him hold such an important post.
You're a criminal.
Don't do anything, Erick.
Officer, you're making a huge mistake
and you'll never forget it.
You're arresting an innocent man,
someone who could be the next mayor of Matamoros.
-Let's go. -Don't hurt him!
Get rid of them and come with me, Bebote.
I think...
Frida, be honest with me.
Am I the father of your child?
I command destruction.
Acero, Quintanilla, Phillips.
I couldn't care less about their last names.
When the last one of them falls, no one will remember them.
Get that silly notion out of your head.
A puppet's strings are weak, like people themselves.
If you don't tell me the truth, I'll demand a paternity test.
Don't be ridiculous!
I wouldn't make him take such a stupid test.
You wouldn't, but I would if you're not honest with me.
He's not your son!
Sweetheart! Hi, honey!
How'd it go at school?
I hate school!
Who is he? A friend?
Yes, we're friends and I wanted to meet you.
And those strings... always snap!
It doesn't bother me that Daniel had a son with Frida.
It bothers me that he didn't tell me about it
and that he left Frida to be with Jessica.
Right, but you don't even know if he's really his son or not.
No, I don't, but I hate that he keeps secrets from me.
He met with her on another occasion
and didn't tell me about it either.
And you know how he reacts
-when I bring up Romero. -You're jealous too, Vicenta.
-I'm not jealous, damn it! -Oh, yeah! I can tell!
Daniel only has eyes for you.
Now, what would you do if it turns out he is his son?
What would we do? Nothing!
We'd man up and we'd treat that kid right.
He'd have an honorable and responsible father,
God knows I wanted one!
If Daniel refuses to do that, then we're not getting married.
I'm ready to go on our trip.
You look ready for summer, Mrs. Victoria.
-You look great! -What? We're not going?
You promised you'd take me to the beach!
Have you seen the weather outside, ma'am?
This is getting old.
Daniel asks me to get dressed and pack my bags
and then he says we're not going because he's busy.
That's why you can't trust men.
You can't trust men! I agree!
Why are you here so early, honey?
This is when I normally get here.
Yes, that's right. I lost track of time.
I'm sorry!
Aren't you going to introduce me to your son, Frida?
My name is Diego.
Nice to meet you, Diego. My name is Daniel.
How old are you?
Hey, did you know that you weigh less in space?
-Really? -Yeah.
Does that mean you like astronomy?
Mom and I visited NASA recently.
We're going to go back to see a launching.
When are you going?
I'd love to join you if you don't mind.
-Sounds good. -May I?
No, he can't, honey.
He's a very busy man who works a lot.
I can make time for this trip.
Have you met Diego?
Yes, we were just introduced.
He invited me to join him at NASA, right, Diego?
-Yes! -You should go!
Diego loves space, galaxies, and the universe.
Must be why Frida's head is always in the stars.
Well, no one's going to NASA.
We have a lot of work to do. Please get Diego out of here.
Why? What's the rush?
We're getting to know each other.
Let them talk.
What's there to talk about?
We all know Pluto isn't a planet anymore.
No, Mom. Pluto's a planet again.
Why are you so nervous?
Yeah... why are you so nervous, Frida?
Why are you so nervous?
You're so pushy.
Hang in there, Indira.
Hang in there.
Learn animals for kids with Baby Dance | Wild Animals with POCOYO (Part 6) Yolo KidsTV - Duration: 2:19.
Learn animals for kids with Baby Dance | Wild Animals with POCOYO (Part 6) Yolo KidsTV
Incesto Con Mi Hija 😡👭☠ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:34.
RED BALL RED BALL 4 vs ZOMBIES #4 cartoon game for kids PRO RED BALL video for kids - Duration: 10:40.
Learn color with Colored Toy Guns ! New Colorful Toys - Johny Johny Yes Papa Song with Learn Colors - Duration: 1:58.
pink color
آموزش رایگان زبان پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 5:36.
دیروز – امروز – فردا
Ontem – hoje – amanhã
دیروز شنبه بود.
Ontem foi sábado.
من دیروز سینما بودم.
Ontem estive no cinema.
فیلم جالبی بود.
O filme foi interessante.
امروز یکشنبه است.
Hoje é domingo.
من امروز کار نمیکنم.
Hoje não trabalho.
من امروز در خانه می مانم.
Eu fico em casa.
فردا دوشنبه است.
Amanhã é segunda-feira.
من فردا دوباره کار می کنم.
Amanhã volto a trabalhar.
من در اداره کار میکنم.
Eu trabalho no escritório.
او کیست؟
Quem é este?
او پیتر است.
Este é o Pedro.
پیتر دانشجو است.
Pedro é estudante.
او کیست؟
Quem é?
او مارتا است.
É a Marta.
مارتا منشی است.
Marta é secretária.
پیتر و مارتا با هم دوست هستند.
Pedro e Marta são amigos.
پیتر دوست پسر مارتا است.
Pedro é o amigo da Marta.
مارتا دوست دختر پیتر است.
Marta é a amiga do Pedro.
دیروز – امروز – فردا
Ontem – hoje – amanhã
دیروز شنبه بود.
Ontem foi sábado.
من دیروز سینما بودم.
Ontem estive no cinema.
فیلم جالبی بود.
O filme foi interessante.
امروز یکشنبه است.
Hoje é domingo.
من امروز کار نمیکنم.
Hoje não trabalho.
من امروز در خانه می مانم.
Eu fico em casa.
فردا دوشنبه است.
Amanhã é segunda-feira.
من فردا دوباره کار می کنم.
Amanhã volto a trabalhar.
من در اداره کار میکنم.
Eu trabalho no escritório.
او کیست؟
Quem é este?
او پیتر است.
Este é o Pedro.
پیتر دانشجو است.
Pedro é estudante.
او کیست؟
Quem é?
او مارتا است.
É a Marta.
مارتا منشی است.
Marta é secretária.
پیتر و مارتا با هم دوست هستند.
Pedro e Marta são amigos.
پیتر دوست پسر مارتا است.
Pedro é o amigo da Marta.
مارتا دوست دختر پیتر است.
Marta é a amiga do Pedro.
دیروز – امروز – فردا
Ontem – hoje – amanhã
دیروز شنبه بود.
Ontem foi sábado.
من دیروز سینما بودم.
Ontem estive no cinema.
فیلم جالبی بود.
O filme foi interessante.
امروز یکشنبه است.
Hoje é domingo.
من امروز کار نمیکنم.
Hoje não trabalho.
من امروز در خانه می مانم.
Eu fico em casa.
فردا دوشنبه است.
Amanhã é segunda-feira.
من فردا دوباره کار می کنم.
Amanhã volto a trabalhar.
من در اداره کار میکنم.
Eu trabalho no escritório.
او کیست؟
Quem é este?
او پیتر است.
Este é o Pedro.
پیتر دانشجو است.
Pedro é estudante.
او کیست؟
Quem é?
او مارتا است.
É a Marta.
مارتا منشی است.
Marta é secretária.
پیتر و مارتا با هم دوست هستند.
Pedro e Marta são amigos.
پیتر دوست پسر مارتا است.
Pedro é o amigo da Marta.
مارتا دوست دختر پیتر است.
Marta é a amiga do Pedro.
José José | Capítulo 12 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:58.
If you're dating him,
I need to tell you a few things.
You pig!
-Are you okay? -Yes, Pepe.
Take us to the bus terminal.
What if he comes looking for you again?
These employees of yours make me want to start right now.
Gonzalo? That's Jose Jose's brother.
Gonzalo, wake up.
Come on, you drunk fool!
Your mom will say I don't care about you!
If you keep this up, you can forget about marriage.
I didn't think you were the marrying type, but alright.
Kiki, why don't you come on tour with me?
Because I have children.
Kiki and Jose? Are you guys having issues?
May I please have a rum and cola?
No ice.
I'll just have a cola.
-What? -I don't drink.
Do it for me.
You and I are going to take over the world.
This is my buddy, Jose Jose!
Come on, Pepe! Yeah!
-Calm down! -Let go!
-Come on. -Get off!
Let me go, Pepe!
I've never told you anything!
Get him out of here. Now!
No, no. Please calm down.
We don't want any trouble. Calm down.
I'll take full responsibility. Stop it.
Calm down. Calm down, Chumo.
Take it easy, please.
No one's safe in this business.
What kind of drug are we talking about?
Pheno... something. What do I know?
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
I just want to know why that man's looking for me
if he wants to spread a rumor about Kiki.
Because you want the man she's with.
-No! -Yes.
Jose's traveling.
So is Kiki.
Isn't that too much of a coincidence, honey?
Here's everything I managed to get my hands on.
Do you think we're stupid, Minerva?
Let's go talk outside.
Hey, calm down. I'm doing the best I can.
Then you'll have to do better.
Isn't your brother-in-law selling a bunch of records?
How come we're not reaping the benefits?
That's rich.
Why don't you do something yourselves?
You want everything, but you won't move a muscle.
If you expect to live off of me,
you won't have enough to even buy a pint.
Damn. She's right.
About what?
We can make our own money.
Am I right?
So, babe... When should we start work?
I'm not your babe.
And I'm not looking to hire you.
I want you to leave.
You're making a mistake, Sister.
A place like this needs some security.
Someone could come and destroy it.
What if someone flips the tables?
Get out of here!
What if they break things? [Estruendo]
Poncho, don't. Please.
God willing it won't happen.
But if He's willing,
we'll be here to watch your back.
Get out!
You don't get it, do you?
Alright. See you later.
See you, Sister.
Speaking of vices, what do you think?
-Is it true or just a rumor? -I think it's true.
Kiki dated Javier.
They were in all the papers.
And all the magazines!
Anel, this is your chance to get revenge.
No! I won't do it.
It'll surely bite me in the ass.
Besides, I have self-respect.
Benefitting from harmless gossip isn't a crime.
What would be my benefit?
-Pepe! -Who?
- ¡AY!
Honey, please.
We know this is valuable information.
If you don't use it, I will.
-I forbid it, Jorja. -How come?
Didn't she call you a whore and a junkie?
Yes, but I won't stoop to her level.
I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a gossip.
Well, don't get too caught up playing the Virgin Mary
or you'll waste a good opportunity.
I think this is your chance to get your prince back.
What prince?
How many times do I have to tell you he's not my prince?
-He is. -He is.
Where were you?
I've been looking for you all day!
-Then you weren't really... -Shush.
My mom's sleeping.
Then you weren't really looking.
My mom's sleeping!
I was here. Ask your mom.
Where are you coming from?
Come on, Minerva. Don't be like that.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what happened this morning.
I already wasn't feeling well. Remember?
All I remember is that you were so drunk you could barely talk.
Well, I wasn't feeling well and you were hounding me.
So it's my fault?
No, it wasn't. It was my fault.
It won't happen again. I promise.
And how do I know you won't slap me around next time?
No, babe. I swear.
Look, I might be crazy and stubborn,
but I promise I'm not a violent guy.
I heard otherwise at the market.
What happened with the Crocodiles?
Nothing. They left.
You know why?
Because I won't let anyone talk smack about you or my mom.
Come on. Forgive me.
Fine, but listen to me.
If you ever raise your voice or your hand at me again,
I'll rip it off and take it with me.
Okay. Deal.
Wait, Chumo. Take it easy.
You'd make a great lawyer.
We've only gone partying this once.
Yeah, and it cost us a lot.
I barely had enough money to pay for the mess you made.
You're being dramatic.
No, I'm not.
Tomorrow we have an 8:00 AM flight to Puerto Rico.
Don't forget.
Exactly! So let's celebrate.
No, man! Stop it.
Why don't you buy a bottle?
I'm not buying anything. This is important to me!
My, my... Yes, sir.
Hi. Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, what do you need?
My friend's staying in 502 and I knocked but he didn't answer.
I also called him and nothing. I'm starting to get worried.
You're Jose Jose, right?
Let's see if your friend is in.
Thanks a lot.
He's not here.
I'm taking his suitcases in case he catches up with me.
-Can I have an autograph? -Sure thing.
The Lord won't allow Satan to return to this place.
Mark my words.
What'll we do?
The Crocodiles are growing in numbers and power.
Well, yeah,
but they've built their reputation on corrupt deeds.
They're lost souls.
Oh! I think I get it now.
God set them on this path so I'd keep an eye on...
Why not just call the police and be done with it?
What for?
We went to the police recently and they didn't do anything.
They might hear you out, though. because you're a man.
Well, my cousin works in city hall.
I'll talk to him.
Wasn't it weird seeing Minerva with them?
The whole thing was very strange, right?
It was, but it's not the first time I see them all together.
Cream, milk, cheese... Where are the eggs?
My boss asked me to...
Ma'am, I'll take care of this.
I left the beef on the stove
and I always overcook the potatoes.
See you.
My boss wants them to pay off the debt first.
I know.
It's just that she's having a rough time.
Even I'm chipping in and helping her.
I feel bad.
Isn't her son Jose Jose? He's famous.
Well, yeah, but fame changes people.
The poor thing sacrificed so much for her sons,
but she barely has enough to eat.
They're really ungrateful.
If I were famous, I'd make sure my mom was well off.
So what do you say?
Can we pay you later?
Yeah. I'll even talk to my boss.
Isn't there any way for you to bring me a dozen eggs?
Since you're around, you know?
Hi, sir.
Are you checking in?
I don't speak English.
Are you checking in? The plane has to leave.
I'm just not sure that my friend will get here in time.
-Can I change my flight? -Of course.
Just say when.
Well... later today.
Sorry, all other flights leaving today
are booked to capacity.
Ma'am, I have important commitments in Puerto Rico
and I can't cancel them.
Calm down, sir.
You're the one who wants to change his flight.
I apologize.
Where the hell are you, Chumo?
We thought you'd be in San Juan by now.
I'm looking for Chumo. I thought he was here.
I haven't seen him.
-Thanks. -Okay.
How's it going, man?
Have you heard from Chumo?
Yeah, he came back last night and joined us for drinks.
Later we asked him to join us at a cabaret we work in,
but he said no because he had an early flight.
Did he leave with anyone or was he alone?
Alone. He took a cab.
That's strange.
I went to his room, but he wasn't there, just his things.
Don't worry, Jose.
Chumo does this when he's partying.
I've known him for years. He always comes back.
What do you mean by that?
Well, when he parties, he really parties.
But he calms down eventually.
That's weird.
I've never seen him like this before.
He's very professional when he's working,
but when he's partying, he's up for days.
He eventually calms down, but you never know when.
This is the studio's main attraction
because of the wondrous women who work here.
Anel, sweetheart.
What's wrong?
You're here, but you seem distant.
Kiki's away and you're the star.
I know, Mau, but if I'm honest, I'd rather she were here.
Not someplace else.
And not in such good company.
Do you know where she is?
She didn't tell me.
But from what I've heard, I'm sure she's in Acapulco.
At the Alemans' wedding.
So she's in the country?
You never know with her.
She could also be in Paris having mimosas.
Just mimosas?
Are you sure she's not drinking anything else?
Oh, Anel!
My lips are sealed.
We all have our secrets.
Which always reveal themselves in the worst ways.
Hey. What's up, man?
Excuse me?
Are you really asking me that?
We missed our flight to Puerto Rico, Chumo!
I was worried. I didn't know where you were.
Alright, alright. Don't yell at me.
I'm hung over.
You've never done this to me, Chumo.
I was really worried about you.
Well, don't worry.
As soon as I get rid of this hang over
and my head stops throbbing, it'll be fine.
Alright, well... Eat something.
It'll make you feel better.
No, I can't keep anything down. What I need is a beer.
Take a bath, then.
I'll make some calls and I'll get you your beer.
You know what? Make that two beers.
Miss, can you patch me through
to El Condado Hotel in Puerto Rico?
Yes, I'll hold.
అశ్వని నక్షత్రం | Aswani Nakshatram 2018 | Aswani Nakshatram | Yoga Manjari | Rasi Phalalu 2018 - Duration: 25:56.
Orgasmo telepático 😁😈🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:18.
Bhaj Mann Mere Eko Naam | Bhai Anantvir Singh LA | Akhand Kirtan - Duration: 35:15.
ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Gauree, Fifth Mehl: ਗਊੜੀ ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਹੀ ਪੰਜਵੀਂ। ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਤੇਰੀ ਜਾਇ ਬਲਾਇ ॥ Remembering the Lord in meditation, your misfortune shall be taken away, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਦਾ ਆਰਾਧਨ ਕਰਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਤੇਰੀ ਮੁਸੀਬਤ ਟਲ ਜਾਏਗੀ, ਸਰਬ ਕਲਿਆਣ ਵਸੈ ਮਨਿ ਆਇ ॥੧॥ And all joy shall come to abide in your mind. ||1|| ਅਤੇ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਖੁਸ਼ੀਆਂ ਆ ਕੇ ਤੇਰੇ ਚਿੱਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਟਿਕ ਜਾਣਗੀਆਂ। ਭਜੁ ਮਨ ਮੇਰੇ ਏਕੋ ਨਾਮ ॥ Meditate, O my mind, on the One Name. ਤੂੰ ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਮ ਦਾ ਆਰਾਧਨ ਕਰ। ਜੀਅ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੈ ਆਵੈ ਕਾਮ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ It alone shall be of use to your soul. ||1||Pause|| ਹੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਮਨੂਏ ਇਹ ਤੇਰੀ ਜਿੰਦੜੀ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਆਏਗਾ। ਠਹਿਰਾਉ। ਰੈਣਿ ਦਿਨਸੁ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਉ ਅਨੰਤਾ ॥ Night and day, sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord, ਰਾਤ ਅਤੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਨੰਤ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦਾ ਜੱਸ ਗਾਇਨ ਕਰ, ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਕਾ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਮੰਤਾ ॥੨॥ Through the Pure Mantra of the Perfect Guru. ||2|| ਪੂਰਨ ਗੁਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਪਵਿਤ੍ਰ ਉਪਦੇਸ਼ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ। ਛੋਡਿ ਉਪਾਵ ਏਕ ਟੇਕ ਰਾਖੁ ॥ Give up other efforts, and place your faith in the Support of the One Lord. ਹੋਰ ਉਪਰਾਲੇ ਤਿਆਗ ਦੇ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਭਰੋਸਾ ਕੇਵਲ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਉਤੇ ਰਖ। ਮਹਾ ਪਦਾਰਥੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਰਸੁ ਚਾਖੁ ॥੩॥ Taste the Ambrosial Essence of this, the greatest treasure. ||3|| ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਤੂੰ ਪਰਮ ਵਡਮੁੱਲੇ ਵੱਖਰ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਮਈ ਜੋਹਰ ਨੂੰ ਚੱਖ ਲਵੇਗਾ। ਬਿਖਮ ਸਾਗਰੁ ਤੇਈ ਜਨ ਤਰੇ ॥ They alone cross over the treacherous world-ocean, ਕੇਵਲ ਓਹੀ ਪੁਰਸ਼ ਕਠਨ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਤੋਂ ਪਾਰ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਨਾਨਕ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ॥੪॥੬੮॥੧੩੭॥ O Nanak, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. ||4||68||137|| ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਉਤੇ ਹੇ ਨਾਨਕ! ਸੁਆਮੀ ਆਪਣੀ ਮਿਹਰ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਾਹ ਧਾਰਦਾ ਹੈ।
మణికంఠునిమహత్యం Episode33 | Mani Kantudu Mahatyam | Lord Mani Kanta | Ayyappa | Manikantuni Mahatyam - Duration: 24:12.
Joe Kennedy: The Country Will Be Judged By Promises Kept | NBC News - Duration: 1:29.
Skiing in Cortina d'Ampezzo near the Italian Dolomites - Duration: 1:33.
The Snow Service Ski rental is a shop in the heart of Cortina d'Ampezzo, five minutes
from the main bus stop in town.
Here I rented a pair of boots, skis and a helmet for a day of skiing in the Italian
Ready to ski in Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Socrepes is about 10 minutes away from Cortina by bus, offering slopes for the less experienced.
It is here you can learn to stand on the skis, walk and slide down the baby slopes.
The views are absolutely breathtaking on either side of the ski lift and if you are lucky
the sun will be shining like it did when I was there.
The Dolomites now completely dominate the area and are now protected under UNESCO World
Heritage status.
If you slide down through the forest route, you will arrive at the Teleferico, which will
take you to the top of the mountain.
The ride will take about 10 minutes with one change, flying you up to 2800 meters.
Cortina will be in front of you in the valley as you stand at the edge and later while you
are descending back to the valley.
FIX You require permission from SYSTEM to delete this folder Windows - Duration: 2:16.
FIX You require permission from SYSTEM to delete this folder Windows
Let's try delete this folder :)
Sorry, you can't :P
Right click on the folder (or file) what you want to delete which has this annoying problem – choose Properties.
Go to "Security" tab – "Advanced"
Click Disable inheritable
Click Remove
Go to "Owner" tab – "Change" Owner tab
Click Advanced
Click Find Now
Click on the username you are using at the moment
Press OK to save and keep pressing OK until you close all the windows
Tick the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects"
Apply and OK
Check the "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object"
Apply and OK
FIX You require permission from SYSTEM to delete this folder Windows
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