What's up guys! Today we are going to talk about AI that build AI. My name is Selim Chehimi
And this is episode 8 of AI news.
If you think that AI can't replace computer programmers in the future, you are wrong! This is the dream of
researchers: building a machine that could build other machines.
Recently, Jeff Dean, one of Google's leading engineers, announced a new project called AutoML. ML stands for Machine Learning,
if you want to know more about the differences between AI and Machine Learning,
I made an entire video about this
And I'm going to put a link to the video so that you can see it.
AutoML is a machine learning algorithm that can create other machine learning algorithm.
As you can imagine, in the long term,
This technology may replace computer programmers. If you're already familiar with machine learning,
You know how much it requires mathematics.
Did you know that 10.000 people worldwide have the knowledge and experiences needed to build these complex
mathematical algorithms? There is definitely a lack of AI talents!
Between us, if you are planning to be a machine learning engineer,
I want to emphasize that the tech giants such as google, facebook, Microsoft are paying millions of dollars a year to keep their AI talent.
This lack of AI talent is the reason why there is lag in the adoption and effective use of AI in companies.
Consequently, AI has not impacted the economy for the moment. Now, Jeff Dean's vision makes more sense and is very easy to understand:
"the work we are working on will help companies build systems with artificial intelligence,
even if they lack extensive expertise".
Artificial Neural networks are
algorithms inspired by the human brain. They can learn tasks without instructions if you give them many examples. To
have a neural network to learn a specific task,
researchers are first running 10, or even 100 of experiments to find the right algorithm.
It's hard to find because it depends on so many factors. It can depend on the size, quality, and nature of data,
, but also on how much time they have.
They also have to do many adjustments over and over until they obtain an algorithm that works well. Sometimes,
it's hard to explain for them why they did a particular adjustment. In fact, they may not know themselves! Honestly,
it's nearly considered like magic. Nowadays, those algorithms are like a black box that we don't really understand.
AutoML has been created to automate this process.
I personally believe that if something can be automated, it should be automated. The results are very promising.
For example, Google announced that AutoML built an image recognition
algorithm that is more effective than those created by humans.
Thank you so much for watching guys, if you are not yet subscribed to my channel
please do so, the goal is to reach
20.000 subscribers by the end of the year. If you want to see more of what AI can do, I linked another video for
you that is interesting.There is a playlist where you can see all the videos
I've made about Artificial Intelligence.
If you want to learn more about AI, there is a link to my blog selimchehimi.com where I'm posting articles about it.
For more infomation >> Google's AI creates AI - Artificial Intelligence - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Michael Strahan Wants Being Tom Brady to Be Illegal - Duration: 3:17.
TOP 10 Zázraků, které umí citron - Duration: 7:20.
Michael Strahan Shares His Super Bowl LII Prediction - Duration: 4:07.
Should Women Get Mammograms Starting at Age 40? - Duration: 6:20.
Magic Yummy Food Surprise Stories for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Learn Wow English TV - Duration: 5:26.
It's Steve and Maggie – Wow English TV Yeah!
Oh, I do like going for a walk on such a beautiful day.
I am getting bit hungry, though.
Oh, hi there.
How are you?
It's a beautiful day and I am out walking but I haven't got anything to eat or drink.
I have to go home.
Wait Steve.
I can help.
Oh, hello Maggie.
What do you mean?
Well, with a little Maggie Magic, we can have a picnic.
Just sit down here.
Ok, yeah!
Looks like we're going to have a picnic and I am really hungry.
Ok Maggie, ready when you are.
Hey, what happened.
What's this?
Sorry Steve.
A table cloth?
I can't eat a table cloth.
Steve, don't be silly.
Don't eat the table cloth.
It's Magic.
So just put it down and wish for what you want.
Ok, Haha.
Right, I can wish for anything.
What do I want to eat?
I know, what about a sandwich.
Oh, I wish I had a sandwich.
What is it?
It's a sandwich.
What a delicious sandwich.
What is it?
It's a sandwich.
Say it with me.
It's a sandwich, it's a sandwich, it's a sandwich.
One last time, it's a sandwich.
Oh, delicious.
Oh Maggie, the sandwich is delicious, so, could I also have a biscuit?
Oh, I wish I had a biscuit.
What a big biscuit!
But with such a big biscuit, I think I'll need some tea.
Maggie, can I have some…
Wait a minute!
Where's my sandwich?
Oh no!
Oh Maggie, did you eat my sandwich?
That's very naughty.
I didn't.
But at least, I've still got my big biscuit and as I said, it'd be nice to have some
So I wish I had some tea.
Look, what's this?
It's tea.
So, pretend to pour with me.
Are you ready?
And say: It's tea!
It's tea!
And again.
It's tea.
One last time.
It's tea.
Oh, that'd be great with my biscuit…
Oh Maggie!
Did you eat my biscuit as well as my sandwich?
You naughty, naughty bird.
I didn't.
At least I've still got my tea.
What goes with tea.
I know!
Maggie, I am going to wish for some cake and you can't have any.
I wish I had a cake.
Tea and cake.
He, he, hey.
Look at this, what is it?
Yeah, it's a cake.
Hey, so stamp your feet and say with me.
It's a cake.
It's a cake, come on!
It's a cake.
Once more.
It's a cake.
Ho, hou.
Cake and tea…
Where's my tea.
I've had enough.
I don't believe it.
Maggie, you've taken everything.
You naughty, naughty bird.
Hey Steve, look out.
Your cake is running away.
It's running away.
Don't be silly Maggie, cakes can't run aWAY!
Look, my cake is running away.
I am sorry Maggie.
It wasn't you, it was the ants.
Oh look, there's my sandwich.
And my biscuit!
My tea!
Maggie, help me catch my picnic.
See you later.
Come here…
Bye, bye.
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Thank you!
Bollywood Actresses Look Without Make-Up | You Will Be Shocked - Duration: 11:40.
Bollywood Actresses Look Without Make-Up | You Will Be Shocked
The Room - Der beste schlechte Film! | Film Review - Duration: 8:06.
Nhạc chế remix 2018 ║ Liên Khúc Nhạc Chế DJ Nonstop Cực Mạnh Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:24:23.
Dinosaur Age Meets the Space Age at NASA Goddard - Duration: 3:23.
Ray Stanford: This part on my right was the part that was sticking above
the ground when I made the discovery and I recognized
immediately that we're looking at a large footprint of a armored dinosaur, a Nodosaur.
And, it was not until we excavated the
dirt out of the back of it that we realized a baby dinosaur had stepped in it; and a lot of other
activity was going on. Martin Lockley: We're looking at
the largest known slab that has mammal tracks
on it from anywhere in the world. I know of about four or five sites
in the whole age of dinosaurs that have mammal tracks and some of them only have one or
two and here we've got approximately a hundred footprints on it. It's amazing!
Well this whole area here, is very, very, interesting
because we have these nice five toed tracks, theirs actually
a pair here. So we have a left and a right, and as mammals
we have five fingers and five toes, and so these are our
cretaceous ancestors you might say. For a comparison
you could look at this track, it has three toes and that
is just typical of a modern bird, or the ancestor
of a modern bird, which was a small theropod dinosaur.
This one here is very small, it's the size of
a squirrel track and has its toes going in this direction.
Ray Stanford: I find this very exciting because of the kind of details we can see.
And see how sharp these claws were. Martin Lockley: What's special about this
track is that it is the largest mammal track on this surface and
indeed it's the largest mammal track known from the age of dinosaurs.
During the age of dinosaurs we've traditionally regarded most
mammals as the size of rodents, rats, and squirrels and so forth.
It is very rare to find anything this big. I mean this was an animal that was
maybe the size of a badger. This was a big animal by mammal standards from the
age of dinosaurs.
Ray Stanford: What excites me about this slab found at Goddard Space Flight Center,
is that this shows us the actual life in action
of all this incredible diversity. From the flying reptiles,
to the large dinosaurs, to the very small or tiniest
perhaps dinosaurs. And three, four, five types of
mammals. In fact, it shows us not the dead
but life is almost like a time machine. We can look across
I guess, maybe two weeks of activity of animals
and we can almost picture it unlike if we were just looking at bones.
We see the interaction, how they pass in relationship to one another.
So what we have here from Goddard, is looking
deeply into ancient time on the Earth, and I think it's just tremendously
Ducati Shotgun new model | New Ducati Shotgun exotic motorcycle model - Duration: 2:06.
Dschungelcamp 2018: Schock-Beichte von Daniele Negroni! - Duration: 4:21.
10 Most Shocking Animal Mutations On Planet Earth Vol 3 - Duration: 2:26.
ten stunning animals with the most unique color mutations on planet earth
if you spotted this rusty hood Gator at the edge of a lake you might think you
were actually looking at a statue he doesn't even seem real unfortunately as
his prey already knows he is most certainly not fake this strawberry
colored leopard is so rare that only one was ever discovered what's so wonderful
about this animals coloring is just how subtle it is you might not even notice
there was anything different unless you really looked for it this pink
grasshopper is the antithesis of what we think an insect should be green with a
beautiful rosy coloring like that it's hard not to imagine that he sticks out
to predators speaking of pink.this pink katiedids view is also the result of air
frizam most don't survive to adulthood because their vivid color makes them
more visible to predators the silver lining here is that they are certainly
beautiful while they are alive have you ever seen anything like this piebald
squirrel hanging off of a concrete wall it's cool that certain squirrels are
born with looks that make them more conspicuous everyone knows how sneaky
squirrels can be this distinctive leopard was photographed in India who
knows just how many of these leopards exist the photographer who snapped this
image was lucky enough to capture the normally nocturnal hunter on film at all
a spotless cheetah was only ever seen once isn't it strange how this animal
seems to have an almost cartoonishly long body because of its strange
markings or lack thereof it's weird but no less beautiful here's a partially
melanistic squirrel sure everyone knows that this squirrels appearance is the
result of a genetic abnormality but that doesn't stop it from looking somewhat
sinister here's another squirrel with a dark side
of course that is meant literally just check out his unique black stripe it's
almost as if he fell into a vat too payment his strange looks don't seem to
be affecting him at all in his quest for acres though if you came across this
photo of a piebald moose and thought you were looking at horse you certainly
aren't alone it's crazy how changing the color of an animal you've seen a
thousand times can completely transform its appearance I hope you like this
video then please hit the subscribe button and click on bell icon to never
miss the video from our Channel
Nitro Team Exposure Gullwing 155 2018 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.
Hello, I'm Wagner Dominik. Nitro team rider and also Blue Tomato team rider.
And today I introduce to you the Nitro Team Exposure in the Gullwing Rocker version.
The team board at Nitro. Actually the most popular board of the whole team.
Here in the Gullwing Rocker version.
Which means it is even better in the turns and more playful than the normal team board.
It has a Dual Degressive Sidecut, which means it is carving-friendly but because the radius at the nose and tail is somewhat mellowed out, it is not too aggressive.
It has a sintered base that means it runs really fast on any surface and any snow condition.
On this board the design is also important.
Made by Nitro's in-house photographer Lorenz Holder – all analog images,
developed with a complex process by hand.
The team board is also my favorite board. Works on every terrain.
You can always rely on it and it's a great board.
Because of the fact that the team board is so successful, it is available in different lengths and also as a wide version.
Andrea Berg: Erschütternder Todesfall! - Duration: 5:08.
DODGE CALIBER hátsó lengéscsillapítók csere ÚTMUTATÓ | AUTODOC - Duration: 13:31.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №10
Use a combination spanner №15
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use an open-end wrench №15 and an ajustable spanner
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
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