Republican Introduces Bill That Would Name People In Congress Who Settled Harassment
With Taxpayer Funds.
The American people recently learned some outrageous news.
It seems some members of Congress have used taxpayer funds to settle sexual harassment
claims against them.
Florida Republican Ron DeSantis has introduced a new bill to deal with this.
CNS News reports:
House Bill Would Name Those Who Have Used Taxpayer Funds to Settle Sex Harassment Claims
Legislation introduced by Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) last month would require the Congressional
Office of Compliance to submit to Congress the names of those members who have used taxpayer
funds to settle sexual harassment claims, require the members to reimburse the U.S.
Treasury, and void non-disclosure agreements so victims can tell their stories.
The "Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act," introduced by DeSantis
on Nov. 30, currently has 88 co-sponsors.
"What does it say about the sincerity of Congress in combatting harassment when members
and staff can have taxpayers cover for their misconduct while keeping it all secret?,"
DeSantis said in a statement.
"This legislation will protect taxpayers by making congressional settlement data public,
barring tax dollars from being used to bail out congressional misconduct and requiring
reimbursement of the treasury by members and staff who have had taxpayer-financed settlements
paid on their behalf.
The bill will also allow victims to speak publicly about harassment suffered irrespective
of any non-disclosure agreements."
According to the bill, "Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this
Act, the Office of Compliance shall submit to Congress and make available to the public
on the Office's public website a report on all payments made with public funds prior
to the date of the enactment of this Act for awards and settlements in connection with
violations of section 201(a)(1) of the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995."
It also prohibits the use of public funds for future sexual harassment settlements and
requires those who have used taxpayer funds for claims to repay the Treasury.
The bill bans future nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) and allows those who have signed NDAs
in the past as a condition of the settlement to "make public any information relating
to the award or settlement."
"Members of Congress and staff cannot live under special rules," DeSantis said.
"The current system incentivizes misconduct and makes it difficult for victims.
By exposing these secret settlements and by discontinuing using tax dollars to pay for
member misconduct, this bill will reduce the incentive for bad behavior and bring more
accountability to Congress."
According to the Congressional office of Compliance, since Fiscal Year 1997 Congress has paid out
more than $17 million to settle 264 workplace claims from a Treasury Fund created by the
1995 Congressional Accountability Act.
It's about time this was dealt with.
If taxpayer funds are used then taxpayers have a right to full transparency.
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For more infomation >> Republican Introduces Bill That Would Name People In Congress Who Settled Harassment With Taxpayer F - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING NEWS! IT'S HAPPENING!! Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks! - Duration: 8:29.
Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks!
The Trump-Russia dossier circulated around the time of the presidential campaign and
while it has been debunked now by even the most gold star news organizations it is still
being discussed on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.
Specifically, within the committees of Congress who have jurisdiction over the issue.
And now there are some new developments,
Info Wars reported,
"GOP Congressional investigators have written six letters to individuals or entities involved
or thought to be involved in the funding, creation or distribution of the salacious
and unverified "Trump-Russia dossier" believed to have been inappropriately used
by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration in an effort to undermine Donald Trump as both
a candidate and President of the United States.
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SCS) wrote six Judiciary Committee
letters requesting information from: John Podesta, Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, Robbie Mook, the DNC, and Hillary For America Chief Strategist Joel Benenson.
A brief refresher of facts and allegations:"
Those facts include Hillary Clinton's PAC and the DNC having paid an opposition research
firm called Fusion GPS to create the dossier to try and harm the presidential campaign
of then-candidate Donald Trump.
During their research, Fusion commissioned a British spy known as Christopher Steele
to put together the dossier which he got based primarily off of Russian tips.
Info Wars continued,
"– According to court filings, Fusion also worked with disgraced DOJ official Bruce
Ohr, and hired his CIA-linked wife, Nellie Ohr, to assist in the smear campaign against
Bruce Ohr was demoted from his senior DOJ position after it was revealed that he met
with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson as well as Christopher Steele – then tried
to cover it up.– Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, denied under oath
to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he knew about the dossier's funding, while
Clinton's former spokesman, Brian Fallon, told CNN that Hillary likely had no idea who
paid for it either.– Current and past leaders of the DNC, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz
(D-FL) also denied knowledge of the document's funding.Podesta met with Fusion co-founder
Glenn Simpson the day after the Trump-Russia dossier was published by Buzzfeed News.
The Senate Judiciary Committee letters read in part:
In October 2017, the Washington Post reported that Hillary for America and the Democratic
National Committee had funded, via Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele's creation of a
series of memos relying largely on Russian government sources to make allegations against
Donald Trump and his associates.
A letter from the law firm Perkins Coie acknowledged that, " [t]o assist in its representation
of the DNC and Hillary for America, Perkins Coie engaged Fusion GPS in April of2016″
and that "the engagement concluded prior to the November 2016 Presidential election.
The Committee has been investigating the FBI' s relationship with Christopher Steele during
this time his work was funded by Hillary for America and the DNC.
The scope of our review includes the extent to which the FBI may have relied on information
relayed by Mr. Steele in seeking judicial authorization for surveillance of individuals
associated with Mr. Trump.
It also includes whether any applications that may have been made for permission for
such surveillance fully and accurately disclosed:
(1) the source of Fusion GPS's and Mr. Steele's funding;
(2) the degree to which his claims were or were not verified;
(3) the motivations of Mr. Steele, his clients, and his sources; and
(4) representations about their contacts with the press.
The letter then goes on to list twelve questions – the last being a request for all communications
between a list of 40 individuals or entities – including Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,
Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Glenn Simpson and former CIA Director John Brennan.
The six recipients of letters have two weeks to comply with the following requests (note;
"Hillary for America" is replaced by "the DNC" depending on who the letter is addressed
Prior to the Washington Post 's article in October of 2017, were you anyone else at
Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele's efforts on behalf of the Clinton campaign
to compile and distribute allegations about Mr. Trump and the Russian government?
If so, when and how did you first learn of his activities on the campaign's behalf?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive copies of any of the memoranda comprising
Mr. Steele's dossier prior to its publication by Buzzfeed in January of 2017?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Regardless of whether you or your associates received copies of the actual memoranda, did
you or anyone else at Hillary for America otherwise receive information contained in
the dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing the dossier in January of 2017?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive other memoranda written or forwarded
by Mr. Steele regarding Mr. Trump and his associates that were not published as part
of the Buzzfeed dossier?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America distribute outside of the organization any
of the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by
Mr. Steele?
If so, please list who distributed the information, what was distributed, and to whom it was distributed.
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with any government officials
– whether in the executive, legislative or judicial branches – regarding the dossier
memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele?
If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication,
and the date and means of the communication.
Please provide all related documents.
References such as "anyone at Hillary for America" include all of Hillary for America's
officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, advisors, volunteers, and, of course, Secretary
Clinton herself.
Mr. Podesta January 25, 2018
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America instruct, request, suggest, or imply that
any individuals should pass along information to Mr. Steele or his intermediaries?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with members of the press regarding
the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by
Mr. Steele?
If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication,
and the date and means of the communication.
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America inform Secretary Clinton of Mr. Steele's
efforts, whether by name or not, or of the allegations he was spreading?
If so, who and when?
Please provide all related documents."
The reason why is so serious is that it has been completely steeped underneath the rug.
The news organization who published the Trump-Russia dossier had to publicly apologize and take
a credibility hit for having even published it.
The people who actually falsified this document should also be held responsible as well.
However, they haven't.
And if the information that has been dug up so far is accurate them the results won't
be great for the United States.
Because that will mean our then President Obama, the Department of Justice and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation actively worked to interfere with and undermine a presidential
election to try and get a person elected whom they thought should be in office.
But that isn't the way that it works.
It is the people who decide this not the hegemonies in power.
What do you think about this?
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G'day guys today's video: Tips on how to get your baby day finger food is a
viewers request. I had a question in my video what my baby eats in a day as a
seven-month-old for some tips on how to get their baby to eat finger food. So I
thought I'd share with you some things that we've done that's helped Sophie to eat
finger food. She's now 10 months old and eats what we
eat except for salads I don't find salads have enough substance so she
doesn't eat salads when we're having salad for dinner.
So first off eat with your child so the old saying monkey-see and monkey-do. For
meal times we sit down and we all try to eat together so for us we actually eat
at 5:30 when Sophie eat and before Sophie was weaning we sat her at the
table in the bumbo so that she was part of the experience of mealtimes even
though she wasn't yet eating food so that really helped her to get interested.
The second one is have your baby in their high chair for meal so it's easy
sometimes to put them on your lap and just spoon in the food but by them
having their own seat in the highchair it just creates independence with eating.
My next tip is finger food first so like I said we actually eat at 5:30, so I
found that if I gave Sophie some finger food at about quarter past five when she
wasn't super hungry then she was more likely to try the finger food. Once she's
really hungry I found early on when we were getting
into the finger food she just wouldn't eat it she just wanted the puree she
wanted food in her tummy. So I suggest giving finger food first and giving it a
bit earlier than your normal mealtime another option if they're not showing
interest in their food is to give food from your plate so
Sophie has her own plate and she'll be eating the same food that we're eating
so for instance fried rice but if it comes from our plate she's more likely
to eat it so in the short term we've found this as a good solution for her to
eat finger food. So the next tip is to have some soft food that can easily be
gripped I've actually done a video on Sophie's kind of first finger foods I'll
link that in the description below. So they don't just give you some ideas of
some finger food so apple pieces as well as penne pasta which she really enjoyed.
The next tip is quite similar and it's about how you present your food so for
instance we found if you kind of do a carrot stick with foods
we did sweet potato where we just slice it and then cut it in half and it just
didn't work it was too hard for Sophie to grip onto so we found if we kind of
did it like a carrot stick she could grab onto one end and eat with the other
end. You don't want it to be too small that's your choke and speaking of
choking and gagging they're two different things so gagging is a natural
body reflex so for Sophie if she puts too much food in her mouth she will gag
and then all come out again. Even with gagging though sometimes she'll get red
and she'll cough but the airway isn't blocked whereas choking is a
life-threatening condition because something is blocking the airway and you
need to provide first aid. When you're giving them finger food it's important
that you're with your baby and you're sitting there and you're observing them
The next tip is demonstrating how to pick up food so first off we put the
food on the tray and then we used our hand to take it to her mouth. And then
once she was taking it that way we then demonstrated with her hand how
to pick it up and do it and then the next step is she does it by herself. Now
for some babies they will go straight to just picking it up by themselves but if
not you need to demonstrate how to do it especially for different food that's
different shapes some slimy some squishy we found it helpful to demonstrate with
Sophie how you'd pick it up. Leading on with this we found one bit of food at a
time now I know this is different to baby led weaning where they kind of
talked about putting it all out and letting your baby choose. With Sophie we
didn't find that worked if we had a variety of options of food in front of
her she would sort it. So she would and then chuck it over the side and she kept
doing that. So what we found best for us is to just put one at a time and she
eats it and once she swallowed it then we give her the next piece of food. So
that's also a difference between puree and finger foods for your babies, so when
they're having purees they're just swallowing whereas when you're having
finger food you need to chew first. and then swallow. When you're trying to get
your baby to have finger food do it at the meal that they are less tired so for
instance if your baby's most awake at lunchtime that's the time to really work
on having finger food. If by the end of the day they're too tired then not
gonna be interested they just want food in their tummy so they can go to bed. So
choose the meal that they are most awake and ready to learn. And the last tip for
you is offer water regularly especially when you're giving them bread and cheese
so in the mornings when Sophie is having her toast we have water there and she sips
it throughout. Thanks for watching guys I'm a first-time mum these tips have
helped us. If you've got some other tips to share please let us know in the
comments below I know personally when I'm watching other YouTube's I like to
scroll through the comments and see what other tips people are providing. So
please share in the comments below. I'll see you next time. Take care! Bye!
Rompecabezas de Coco "No Music" Puzzle Game for Kids KFF TV - Duration: 1:01.
JPG to PNG Image Manipulation in Photoshop | Lasso Tool, Transparency, Shadows and Effects. - Duration: 15:11.
Teria here.
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Mengenal diva Asia 7 bahasa, Teresa Teng, Google Doodle, 28 Januari - Duration: 1:31.
30 CC Transformice Giveaway! (Description for rules and information) - Duration: 0:51.
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How To Mask Visuals In Text | Final Cut Pro X - Duration: 3:35.
What's going on everybody this is Le Sora and let's jump right into today's tutorial.
First things first let's bring out the Titles and Generators sidebar, by simply clicking this icon right here.
Go to the search bar, and then type in "Basic Title".
Drag that and then place it right above your clip.
Readjust your title's length so that it fits with your clip. Head over to the Text Inspector by simply clicking this icon right here.
Rename your title.
I'm renaming it to VISUALS for now.
Adjust the font style and size based on your preferences.
Reposition the text so that it centres the frame.
This is absolutely optional,
but if you like to space out the letters in your title, simply head over to the Tracking option and increase its percentage.
Moving on, let's head over to the Video Inspector by clicking this icon right here.
Go down to Blend Mode and click right here to drop down the menu.
Select "Stencil Alpha".
Let's take a look at what we've got.
But let's say you want to have this effect place on top of another playing video.
The same rule applies here, what you've got to do is bring out the Titles and Generators sidebar and then search for "Basic Title".
Drag that and place it above your clip.
Readjust its length.
And then head over to the Text Inspector.
Rename your title.
Adjust the font style and size based on your likings.
And then centre your title.
Moving on, let's bring out the Video Inspector. Go to blend mode, and then select the "Stencil Alpha" option.
Select both your title and clip. Right-click and then create a New Compound Clip.
Rename your new compound clip and then hit OK.
Drag your new compound clip and place it above your footage.
Readjust its length so that it fits with your footage.
Now let's give it a quick play.
And that's pretty much it for today's tutorial guys. Thank you so much for watching.
I hope you find this somewhat helpful, and if you did,
please leave it a like and also subscribe for more short films and Final Cut Pro tutorials like this one.
Good luck with your project, have fun and get creative with it, and I'll see you next Monday.
Bye bye :)
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