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foods that make your buttocks bigger dis
fast food make my butt bigger this is a
very popular misconception by eating a
lot of junk food it's easy to think that
your butt will get bigger but what's
really happening is you're destroying
your body getting a bigger butt will
definitely add to your sex appeal and
confidence because it's one of the most
desirable assets in this modern age so
let's see seven foods that make your
buttocks bigger number one quinoa quinoa
contains a good amount of protein along
with some essential amino acids so for
people who want to get a bigger butt
eating this will definitely increase
your glutes mass along with doing but
workouts it has some other health
benefits as well it helps with
preventing colon cancer helps digestion
it's gluten free and it contains folate
along with other vitamins this makes it
one of the best superfoods for growing
your bud number two nuts this is a must
eat food if your goal is to get a bigger
but it's packed with good fats and tons
of protein to help grow your glutes
muscle it helps to reduce your
cholesterol levels reduces constipation
and it's rich in vitamins and minerals
some of the best ones are almonds
pistachios cashews and walnuts number
three eggs egg is one of the healthiest
and most efficient forms of protein
source on the planet it's a very good
source of energy that will help to power
your workouts and it will definitely
help you grow your booty it's best to
consume them in the morning as it will
help to power you throughout the day
and during your workouts number four
fish this is a very good protein source
especially for transitioning vegetarians
some of the most popular ones are tuna
tilapia and salmon fish is one of the
best foods to grow your bum because it
contains omega-3 fatty acids which are
known as healthy fats
so eating fish will definitely fulfill
the role of increasing your calorie
intake while providing your body with
the good fats number five chicken if
your non-vegetarian this will be one of
the best sources of protein it can be
prepared in so many different forms
which will make it very appetizing for
those who want to increase their calorie
intake chicken is packed with protein
and is beneficial in growing your
buttocks fast
eating chicken instead of red meat is a
better option because it has less
cholesterol number six
avocados avocado isn't a good source of
protein but it's a fantastic source of
mono saturated fats these fats will help
you gain mass on your buttocks and
reduce bad cholesterol on your body it
contains a lot of vitamins potassium
fiber and amino acids all of which help
you get a bigger butt number seven brown
rice this is one of the best sources of
carbohydrates and fiber and is
especially good for eating after working
out it's very helpful in giving your
body the fuel needed to sustain your
muscle mass while doing your butt
workouts it also promotes digestion it's
fewer in calories contains zinc and it
reduces the risk of heart disease thanks
for watching this video if you liked the
video please like and share and don't
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For more infomation >> How To Get A Bigger Buttocks - Foods that Make Your Bum Bigger - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
José José | Capítulo 10 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:44.
on El Patio
is no mere invitation.
Our magic will begin to take effect.
Go after him.
We'd like to honor Jose Jose.
Thank you.
Let it out!
I'm not like this because of him.
I'm mad at myself!
That's all. Understood?
If you don't trust your assistant,
then have her reassigned.
Mr. Ancona said you asked him to fire me.
I never said it'd be easy to win her over.
Kiki's a very difficult woman.
You don't want anything to happen?
-No. -No?
-Jose! -Jose?
How are you?
Hi, Anel.
Doesn't he look handsome?
Now, that's a jacket. Such elegance.
What brand is it?
Of course. It's Italian.
I finally get to meet you.
And how about that song?
You're singing my life.
Thanks, man.
Do you know her?
Is she seeing anyone?
Anel sure has made her way up the ranks.
Of course she has.
She and Jorge Landa are dear friends.
-Jorja. -Come on.
You deserve this and so much more.
Did you like the blouses I bought you?
Of course I did! They're beautiful!
The best part is seeing you sober, Chumo.
And I'll stay sober. I'll keep my promise.
Get ready because we're going to the Basilica de Guadalupe.
Let's toast to that.
With a pop.
To us and...
This is...
a life insurance policy.
What's this, Chumo?
You're still walking around with this temptation?
It's Pepe's.
Really, it's Pepe's.
Don't lie to me, Chumo.
No... I wouldn't lie to you.
I never would.
That's essential on stage.
A true artist starts by working on his stage presence.
I'll wait till you're done thinking
about that gorgeous redhead.
I was paying attention.
Do you know what I think?
I think there's no way I'm ever leaving his side.
He's so talented.
You'd do well not to.
Although, I doubt someone as beautiful as you
would have anything to worry about.
You're such a gentleman.
Won't you join us at the party?
The crème de la crème of Mexico will be there.
Artists, intellectuals... people like you.
Sounds great.
-So you'll join us? -Yes, yes.
-We'll have so much fun. -I'm sure.
-You've no idea who'll be there. -Who?
Did you...?
No, darling. Nothing.
You know I can't keep anything from you.
Nothing? Really?
Then tell me what happened with that hunk Jorge.
Absolutely nothing.
Jorge's been a friend.
And he'll continue to be a friend.
At least, as far as I'm concerned.
Although, I must admit it's nice to see he's still trying.
And Jose?
What Jose?
I find it hard to believe you didn't see him.
A little birdie told me he's shooting around here somewhere.
I saw him.
-You did? -I saw him this morning.
He was holding hands with a huge, hairy, ancient tarantula.
Bad girl!
You're so bad.
Come, Leti.
Have a seat.
What's the matter, girls?
What's the matter, Leti?
What's wrong?
Let me see.
Rodolfo has been angry since...
It was my fault. I upset him.
Don't excuse him! He hit you!
You need to report him.
You're right, Mrs. Margarita,
but that's no way to talk to a woman who's been beaten.
Come on. Let's go the kitchen.
I'll make some tea to help you feel better.
Be careful. Come on.
Easy there.
Excuse me.
What would you like?
Coffee, black.
What would you like?
My job back.
That'll be all. Thanks.
The coffee here's great.
You know that, though. You come here often.
Are we here to talk about the coffee?
No, we're not here to talk about the coffee.
We're here because...
because I want to apologize.
If I'm perfectly honest...
I didn't handle that situation all that well.
If I'm perfectly honest,
I become very nervous and clumsy when you're around.
I didn't want to tell my boss the truth,
so he assumed the worst.
I already cleared everything up.
You can have your job back if you want.
-Yeah? -Yes.
-You don't want anything else? -No.
Thank you.
No, thank you. I'm sorry.
Welcome aboard again.
Thank you.
Abel, I'm extremely grateful to you
and I promise I won't let you down.
You won't.
That's why I want you to host the show.
I like your work.
We start tomorrow at nine.
With those employees, I'd love to start right now!
Who? Gonzalo?
He's Jose Jose's brother.
He's an extraordinary young man.
He's a hard worker and he's dedicated.
It's a shame he has a girlfriend.
Women always think men will change.
Are you feeling better?
You should really think about reporting him.
This isn't the first time he hits you.
He punched you this time, but it could be worse next time.
No, no...
I can't report him.
Then spend the night here.
Listen, you're not a burden to us.
Ma'am, just say the word
and some of my friends will teach your husband a lesson.
What's this?
What's this, Baldy?
This is too much! It's a lot of money!
I wasn't expecting this.
Manuel, I'm really sorry.
RVG said they'd pay for the marketing.
I know it wasn't your responsibility.
Then they said the show would be at El Patio.
Yes, and they should've been honest with me.
I apologize.
I'm so embarrassed.
They did me in, too.
I'm going to have to...
pay for this out of my own pocket.
-Manuel... -Half.
Take it or leave it.
Anel! Girl!
Guess who has a new job on TV!
Yes! I do!
I'm going to work with Abel Solares.
You've no idea how charming he is.
You really have to meet him.
Hey, congratulations are in order!
Aren't you happy for me?
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.
I'm sorry, girl.
My mind is elsewhere.
Know who called to invite me to his birthday party?
What's the problem? Why are you so glum?
The problem is that Toño, Kiki's friend,
is hosting the dinner.
I'm sure that tarantula and Jose will be there.
That's a great!
You haven't seen each other in ages!
No, I saw him this morning at the studios.
Okay, but you haven't talked.
You have a lot of unfinished business, Anel.
This is a great opportunity to put that behind you.
We're treated like punching bags.
That doesn't apply everyone. My Chumo's different.
I brought him into this world and he was raised around women.
What else did you expect?
We're at fault, too.
We don't teach them right from wrong.
We do the same with our children.
Your husband is the bad guy here, Leti.
And don't you forget it.
We live in a sexist society.
We need to change it.
Ladies... I don't have the strength to do it.
You don't on your own,
but it would be easier if we were all there to support you.
We need to report that son of...
I hope you understand I never meant to hurt you, Nora.
Yes, I believe you, sir.
Pedro. Call me Pedro.
I hope you'll see me as a friend
who only wants what's best for you.
I realized my nervousness could make you uncomfortable
and therefore affect your work. I didn't want that.
Thank you, sir. Pedro!
I'm sorry. Pedro.
I appreciate your honesty.
I love the music industry.
I don't want my nervousness or yours...
to get in the way of our work.
I want earn my stripes
and learn about the business myself.
I'm sure you will.
Thank you all for coming to my house
on this very, very important day.
Mauricio Garces!
What's it like to be a year older?
Don't remind me!
If life is hard for us beautiful people,
I don't want to imagine what it's like for the ugly.
Thank you.
Why are you all alone?
I'm not, really.
It's okay, darling.
I'm a gentleman...
who's looking for a woman to make a bad boy out of me.
Hello, Mauricio.
Are you hitting on your friend's girl?
I'm sorry, Sergio.
I didn't know she was your girlfriend.
You'd kept that secret very well.
I only take her to the best events.
Right, honey?
Isn't the guy over there the latest "it" singer Jose Jose?
Yes. I'll introduce you two.
Jose! Pepe, come here.
Pepe, this is Sergio Oliva.
He's a great businessman and fan.
Nice to meet you.
If it weren't because my bodyguard
loves your sickeningly sweet ballads,
I wouldn't know about you.
If he were to see you now, he'd go crazy.
My bodyguard.
He's a very smart man.
Don't be ignorant.
Jose is the best singer in all of Mexico, the US
and Latin America.
His ballads were written by international composers.
Your jewelry isn't real, is it?
Is this your mistress or your wife?
Thank you for planning such tasteful event, Kiki.
Settle down. Toño is brining the food.
There's caviar. Have you ever had any?
That's probably him!
Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 60 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:04.
What I can say, and I mean this...
I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Can we be friends?
I'm not ready to be your friend,
not today, not ever.
What the ---- are you saying?
Triple R tried to kiss you? He thinks he can do that?
I'm going to go give that bastard an earful!
Boss, they just entered the campaign center.
Perfect. Keep your eyes on them.
Those ------------- will have to return to their hideout.
Well, doc?
Who did you sell your soul to?
Jose Angel Godoy?
Or worse, his boss Indio Amaro?
Talk, -------!
Who are you working for? Who's paying you?
We're going to get into trouble.
Listen to her. Don't make trouble...
The only one in trouble here is you, buddy.
It's no coincidence you're treating Jose Angel's lady
and Chayo as well.
That bastard ruined Chayo's life,
for your information.
She can't have kids because of him,
and she lost this last one too!
How would I know that?
I don't give a damn!
You decide how this ends.
I've got all the time in the world.
I understand and respect your frankness.
If I were in your shoes
I wouldn't be friends with me either.
But let's be professional. We need a cordial relationship.
Not for our sake, for Aida's. She needs us.
For Aida's sake.
For Aida's sake.
Who's this?
Diego. My whole world.
How old is he?
Doesn't matter.
Please don't start thinking things.
And please go. I need to work.
Move it!
You need to pick up the pace and do double the work.
We have a very big order that needs to go out ASAP.
Ma'am, please let us rest a bit.
It's tough work.
Without rest, we can't do what you need.
We just want some water, then we'll go back to work.
This isn't break time. We have a schedule.
Whoever doesn't like it knows where the door is.
No one's forcing you to be in the US!
Especially you. You'd better work double.
You already knocked over a bucket of milk,
which cost me a pretty penny.
If you're so hot and tired...
you could imagine...
that you're in the middle of the desert,
being chased by traffickers.
If you survived that, you can survive this.
Move it! Let's go!
She's going to pay big time for what she's doing to us.
Step back! Give her some room to breathe.
It's too many hours working without food or water.
Move it!
None of you are a doctor.
-Wake up. -Can't you see she fainted?
Get up.
That's what I get for hiring cheap labor.
Why don't you hire gringos then?
Oh I forgot, you all don't get your hands dirty.
You've got us for that, and you pay us peanuts!
No one's forcing you to be in my country, little girl.
Your "Woe is me" song and dance about being mistreated...
I'm sick of it!
Learn some English, stupid.
Study a career.
When you do something worthy, then we'll talk.
Show's over! Move! Get back to work!
-Move it! -Come on, guys.
Cover that fish up well. Don't want it rotting.
It's freshly caught from the Gulf
and I need it back to make ceviche.
What's wrong, Amarito? Don't like hard labor?
It's hard to work so hard
when not long ago I was king of the mountain.
Good thing you're an X-man with that glove.
You've got the powers of extreme obedience
and rapid recovery.
Can I ask you something, boss? Straightaway?
All this merch... how will you cross it over?
Are you really worried about that?
No, I want to understand the magic, boss.
So I can applaud even louder
when you pull the rabbit out of the hat.
All kidding aside, I'm intrigued.
With Ayala out of the game at the checkpoint,
I'm really curious.
I can only tell you two things.
First, we're crossing over the merch at Miguel Aleman.
Second, my plan is so perfect not even Owl can mess it up.
-Now you trust that bird? -Nah.
I trust his knowledge of the desert.
Owl's like an old, ugly, rabid dog.
Your either shoot and kill him or have him dogfight
and make money off him.
Excuse me, boss. Time to do my lookout shift.
-Can I go? -Go ahead.
Alright, Amarito. Keep going, X-man.
Your mental powers aren't going to finish that.
Don't get wet, boss. Careful.
Double bulletproof vests.
We've got a new prototype dress code.
And a new prototype weapon.
It's a semi-automatic rifle.
What we need is men.
Good ones.
They need to be able to shoot as well as be trained to kill.
We've got to be ready
for the next attack on Indio Amaro's ranch.
Once we find the bastard we'll make it rain bullets on him.
We've lost too many men, too many vehicles.
That last attack was nothing and they'd have killed us
had we not escaped through those tunnels.
-That can't happen again. -Listen, buddy.
Honestly, I'm fed up.
Barcos, Petates, Tijuanos...
Where does Amaro find all those people?
We kill one, and two appear. How the hell?
Not just that, he's kidnapping migrants,
brainwashing them into killing for him.
So what's the solution?
At the rate we're going, the payroll is ready
and half of Matamoros is on it.
Exactly. We need to win the election.
With you as the mayor and me laundering cash,
we'll be untouchable.
-Good afternoon, gentlemen. -Good afternoon, my ass!
What's the matter? No!
What's your problem?
You crossed the line with my lady.
Now I'm crossing the line with you.
Do your patient files have photos?
I need you to get them.
See if it is the girl that's with Pepito.
-Where are they? -In the cabinet.
Go on. Listen, doc.
I sure hope you're telling the truth
about not having sold out Chayo.
Because they don't call us Aceros for nothin'.
You got that?
You got that?
Special treatment, doc. It's an Acero.
But I'm a Montero,
and this business is only big enough for one of us.
Got it.
-Well? -Found it.
-It's her. -You sure?
Sweet Virgin, please protect my baby.
It'll be alright.
You'll see, the Virgin will be with you.
Nice to meet you. I'm Carmen.
Yes, I'm certain.
Show's over! Move it!
Get to work!
Lazy bums.
Move it, little girl!
That's enough!
You don't need to treat us like animals.
It's not our fault that we're hot and starving!
Are you going to form a union?
But for your own good you should take her to a hospital.
She's not coming to and she hasn't eaten in many hours.
If you care so much about your rights,
exercise them on your side of the border.
We're in charge here!
Just a little water. You can't deny anyone water.
Not even people on the other side of the border.
Get to work. I'll handle this.
Let's see if you wake up now.
Get up!
You're next on my list.
You'd better watch what you do, Aida.
This phone is encrypted.
Only use it to talk to us. Got that?
-Yes, sir. -Look.
This could save your life. So use it wisely.
I don't want any gossip.
I only want the real intel. Alright?
Only what's important, quality info.
It's me, Lumbre.
What's up, buddy?
Give me something good to chew on.
They're crossing merch over today
at the Miguel Aleman checkpoint,
the one leading to Roma, Texas.
It's gonna be a big one.
You've got big ----- to try to kiss my wife.
-You're a dead ------------. -Gallo, please think.
I don't think when some jackass puts the moves on my woman!
You have this coming.
Erick, you're the mayoral candidate.
You can't blow your consultant's brains out
in your office!
Not his brains.
I'm gonna blow this -------'s ----- off.
No, please calm down!
This guy's well known in political circles.
You can't make him disappear and you know it.
Get out.
I'll come back when you've calmed down...
Go ---- your mother and don't ever come back.
-You're fired. -What?
Please, let's not mix things up...
I'm giving you a chance to leave with your ----- intact.
Beat it!
Fine, I'll go.
But you were no one when I met you,
just some circus freak, a clown.
Now you're up in the polls and it's thanks to me!
Listen, -------, don't push your luck.
You moved on my aunt.
I haven't kicked your ass
because it's not good for our candidate.
So tone it down and get out.
Oh, this moron will drop in the polls.
I took him to the top, I'll bring him down just as fast!
Alright, enough! Get out!
Give me a break.
------- it, Gallo.
-It's good. -It was my mom's.
What's up, Bebote?
<i> Lumbre called.</i>
<i> There's a shipment</i> <i> crossing over</i>
<i> and all the cartel top brass</i> <i> will be there.</i>
Alright, man.
Lumbre spilled the beans.
Carmen? I know her.
She was there when we rescued Nicolas.
But here's the question, doc.
What does Carmen have to do with Indio Amaro?
How would I know? Please leave.
Carmen Plascencia. We're going to find you.
I met her and she's super nice. I doubt she's involved...
You know, I think they're all in cahoots: Pepito,
Carmen, all of them.
That's why Salvador went crazy and why you lost your baby.
And you're implicated in this, doc.
I swear I don't know Indio Amaro
or any other of those names.
I know her because she came like any other patient.
Don't kill me. I have a family.
No kidding? Me too.
Vicenta, it's the police.
The nurse must've called them.
Chayo's been bleeding since she lost that baby.
Give her a prescription. Now!
If she's bleeding
it's because she didn't follow orders and rest.
You must take a pill three times a day for five days.
What is this?
Tranexamic acid.
We use it to stop heavy bleeding.
Alright. Thanks for your cooperation.
I do want to be clear about something.
This office visit never happened.
We're watching you.
Don't do anything to end up on my conscience.
Got that?
Let's go.
You know what?
What if Lumbre's intel is part of a setup by Indio Amaro?
He knows we've got him by the -----.
I doubt he'd try to pull something on us.
Hey. Phillips.
I've got some info for you.
There's an Indio Amaro shipment that'll cross over soon.
What's the source of that info? Your mole?
Yep. It's Lumbre.
I don't trust him, but I think he's telling the truth.
He says it's several tons. I'll send you the address.
He says Owl is handling it.
Perfect. Send me the address.
I'll put together an elite team.
Owl, right?
Got it. Hang on.
<i> If we deal this kind</i> <i> of blow to Amaro</i>
<i> after what happened with the</i> <i> tunnels, that SOB is done for.</i>
I hope so, man. I do.
Daniel says he'll put together a team
to bust Indio Amaro's ass big time.
Courtesy of the Acero-Quintanillas.
I hope so.
It's long overdue for that bastard.
Let's go.
You all didn't hear a thing.
Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 43 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:13.
Serena and Juanjo aren't answering my calls.
Can you try calling Paloma and asking her?
Why bother Paloma? Juanjo should call soon.
Is it so much to ask?
Call her!
Fine. What's her number? I'll call her.
Alright, alright.
Paloma, it's me Paco...
You finally called back!
<i> Oh, Paco.</i> <i> I'm so glad you called.</i>
<i> I'm dying to see you.</i>
<i> I came looking for you at the</i> <i>office, but you'd left already.</i>
<i> So much has happened.</i> <i> I need to see you.</i>
Our IT guy said recovering past recordings was impossible,
but I think this is more than enough.
Check this out.
Let me go!
It's too late for you!
Let go! Please!
Let go!
What are you doing?
Let's go.
Going out, honey?
Uhh... yes.
Meeting with Mike.
You spent most of the day together already.
Yes, but something came up, so he wants to talk.
Is this personal or work-related?
I'm not sure yet, but I'll find out soon.
If you hear any news about Aurora, let me know.
Serena's still in the dark.
You can count on it.
Your endurance has gotten better.
All that training is paying off!
Are we here to talk about the benefits of exercise?
No. We're here for this.
-What'd you want to talk about? -Later. Kiss me first.
Mercedes, give me my son!
It's my right!
What's this? What do they want now?
Susan brought Aurora!
Aurora, honey!
Give me my son!
No! Why should I?
Because your wife has a restraining order against you.
This lying...
Give your wife the baby.
She's the one who tried to kill me.
You're hereby prohibited from having any physical contact
with your wife and son for a week
until your court hearing for domestic abuse.
So hand her the baby or we'll have you arrested for a year,
you sick, abusive ----!
I needed this so much.
So much is going on.
I needed to feel you and be with you.
What happened?
Are Aurora and her baby okay?
It's a long and complicated story,
but to make things short, Aurora was arrested
for attempting to murder her idiot husband.
Juanjo called and said...
It's Natalia!
Get down!
Put your window down!
-The window? -Yes!
-Don't do it! -I have to.
How are you?
Hey! I'm good.
What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?
Nope, running errands. I was just on my way out.
I heard about Aurora, by the way.
How is she? How are things?
Aurora, let me say goodbye to my son.
-Don't come near me. -Please! I have rights!
Don't you dare, Roberto.
What part of restraining order don't you understand?
Should I explain in prison?
Don't worry, champ.
I love you, son. See you soon.
Aurora, honey. Let's talk.
I know we can fix this. Let's talk!
Let Susan take care of this.
If you want to talk to Aurora,
you'll have to file for permission
through your attorney.
I repeat, you have an active restraining order against you.
So get lost and don't come near Aurora again.
Aurora and I are a family. We live together.
Not anymore.
I'm not going back home...
so if you want to go there, go ahead.
What are you going to do?
You don't have to answer that, Aurora.
That's not your problem, Roberto, so get lost!
Thank God he left without causing any more trouble.
Is your car here?
Where will you stay?
Here, of course! This is her home.
Well, if you don't want to stay here,
I can drop you off anywhere else.
Susan placed a temporary restraining order on Roberto.
At least my sister's safe for now.
How long will that last?
Throughout the week before the trial.
Hopefully she'll be able to place
a permanent restraining order on that idiot.
Horrific. I can't believe it.
And to think that he worked for us for so long.
-He seemed normal. -Yeah.
That bastard's an expert at two-facedness.
I've gotta go, Natalia. I'm late.
Right, right...
By the way, if you need anything, just let me know.
Thank you.
I hope things get better for you guys.
She's gone.
Should I have ordered coffee and cookies for all of us?
Did you forget I was down there?
You wouldn't stop chatting!
You think this is funny? Seriously.
No, no.
Not funny, Paloma.
No, Paco, no.
This isn't right.
This definitely isn't right.
Paco! Come on!
Thanks for everything, but I just came to pick up my car.
Can I borrow your computer to book a room?
A hotel? No, Auris.
You can stay here with us.
It's alright, Serena.
I don't want to give you guys any more trouble.
Aurora, things couldn't get any more complicated.
Stay with us. You won't feel so alone.
I don't think you should spend tonight alone.
You can decide what to do tomorrow.
So Aurora's supposedly innocent now, huh?
Then how come she didn't stay at home?
She went running to Juan Jose Montiel's house!
Of course she didn't stay here!
You haven't been the least bit kind or understanding!
You're clearly on that abusive bastard's side!
I'm on nobody's side, Meche.
Well, you should be!
You should be on your daughter's side.
You should feel her pain!
I don't get you, Crisanto.
Don't you understand?
Think of all the things he must've done to our daughter
to merit a restraining order!
I don't get you, Crisanto. I really don't.
Come on in.
Drinking without me? What's all this?
Look who I found on my way here.
You wanted to meet with Mike, didn't you?
Hey, Paco. How are you?
Were we supposed to have a meeting?
-News to me. -Well...
Since we're all here, how about we cook dinner?
You need to tell me everything.
About what?
What do you mean what? The latest!
I bumped into Paloma.
She told me all about Aurora and Roberto.
Awful, isn't it?
I'll bring some wine glasses.
Tell me all about it!
I can't take your bed.
I'll sleep on the couch. It's fine.
No, Auri. Don't be silly.
You can sleep with the baby.
You need lots of rest...
especially to tackle this upcoming week.
You know what?
I probably shouldn't stay the night here.
I should go to a hotel.
If Roberto finds out I'm here, he'll...
Aurora, listen.
Roberto doesn't have to find out.
Besides, there's a restraining order against him.
He wouldn't be stupid enough to violate that.
Roberto's capable of anything... and you know that.
Hello, there. Excuse me.
I brought you some tea and your pills,
so you can sleep a bit better.
Thank you.
No problem.
And thanks for picking up the room.
I wouldn't have been able to.
No need to thank me.
I do it because I care.
You're the only friend I have in the world.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
I love being with you.
I mean... I'm heading out.
I need to take care of my mother.
If you need anything, just call.
I'll come right over.
Please don't leave me.
Stay with me a while.
People like him are experts at hiding their true personality.
They come off as charming and sweet,
yet they're actually hiding a dark, brooding side to them.
You could say they're professional liars.
That's right.
Nati, these shoes are killing me.
Could I borrow a pair of flats?
Come on.
No need to suffer. I'll lend you some sneakers.
Thanks, girl.
I told you not to drag me into this, Paco.
I'm not dragging you into anything.
You told Natalia you were meeting with me.
You lied.
Don't use me as your front,
because I refuse to cover for you.
Much better.
I couldn't handle wearing those heels any longer.
Can't sleep?
You scared me!
Sorry. Didn't mean to.
What's the matter?
Are you okay?
This is too much for me, Juanjo.
You know... it's like my life changed
from one moment from the next.
My marriage was destroyed.
My parents turned their backs on me.
I'm unemployed, broke... and I'm a single mother now.
You aren't alone.
You still have me.
I'll always be here for you.
You know Serena's here for you too.
Come here.
Thanks for everything.
You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I love you, Auris.
I'll be here for you till the end.
So will I.
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