(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
Today's legend is someone truly legendary.
Folk music, dance, ballad and trot music.
He covered all these genres
in the 1,200 songs he wrote.
He brings time and generations together.
It's lyricist Lee Gunwoo!
(Passionate lyricist, Lee Gunwoo)
(Jeon Youngrok, "Paper Crane")
(Yoon Sooil, "A Blissful Confession")
(Yang Sookyung, "Love Is a Cold Temptation")
(Sobangcha, "On the Phone")
(Kim Gunmo, "Speed")
(Tae Jina, "Not Anyone Can Love")
(Sad lyrics that make our hearts cry)
(His lyrics are so addictive.)
(A hitmaker that transcends generations)
(Passionate lyricist, Lee Gunwoo)
(The lyricist who gave birth to 1,200 songs)
(We'll hear the classics we love so much.)
(Passionate lyricist, Lee Gunwoo)
(Returning after 12 years, NRG)
(Our class president, Hong Kyungmin)
(Multi-entertainer, Boom)
(Angelic voice, Bae Dahae)
(Ballad duo, GB9)
(Performance king, Koonzo)
(Talented co-ed group, KARD)
(Who will be the winner of Lee Gunwoo Special?)
Immortal Songs,
- Singing the Legend! / - Singing the Legend!
(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
I'm getting a strange vibe today.
It feels like we went back to 15 or 20 years ago
and I'm in a waiting room of a music show.
- That's how I feel. / - It's their first time here.
They're back after 12 years.
It's NRG!
(NRG first started the Korean wave.)
We should say hello.
- We're... / - After a 12-year break,
- We're N! / - R!
- G! / - G!
(They debuted in 1997 with "I Can Do It".)
(They received attention for the acrobatic dances.)
(They were the first Korean singers)
(to be cast in a Chinese commercial.)
(The first generation idol, NRG)
We made a comeback last year on October 28th.
This is our first time on a talk show.
- Really? / - Yes.
- Sungjin, I was told / - Yes?
you worked really hard to prepare for today.
We're singing Sobangcha's "On the Phone".
Our agency is run by a Sobangcha member.
Kim Taehyung is our agent.
That's why we must sing better than Sobangcha.
Also, they have an iconic dance.
We need to do better, or there is no point.
- Yoomin. / - Yes?
It's been a while since you worked as a team.
What became a hot topic
is that you look just like how you did
back when you were in NRG.
- You look great. / - Many pictures came out.
People were very happy for me.
I lost 30kg.
- That's how much I lost. / - That's amazing.
I want to help you lose weight.
No, I won't do it.
- Why not? / - This makes me funnier.
(It's the perfect weight to be funny.)
We're so happy to see NRG today.
We'll look forward to your stage.
- Okay. / - NRG!
It's our class president, Hong Kyungmin.
Hong Kyungmin!
It's been a while since you last came.
Your good friend Sungjin is here today.
Is there anyone you're eyeing to beat
in making people laugh?
Usually, we perform
and compete fiercely on stage.
People tend to be more passive with talks.
- Yes. / - That's right.
However, I have a feeling it will be the opposite.
(Today feels different.)
I don't think there are many
who will be fierce on stage.
- Just here. / - It's more fierce here.
I can feel it.
Let me assure you. Only GB9 will sing hard.
Only GB9 will go on stage and...
(He can see the future.)
Meanwhile, it'll be really loud in here.
Dahae too.
Only those two teams will sing hard.
These are the only teams who fit the show.
(These two teams are fitting for the show.)
You need to just shoot these two teams.
We'll look forward to your talks.
We look forward to it.
It's his second appearance.
He's a cheerful multi-entertainer.
- Boom! / - Hello!
Valet parking. It's Boom!
How much is it?
Last time, you were very close to winning.
We thought you might be the winner.
(Boom was in the finals last time.)
(He showed off his cheerful spirit.)
(It was a passionate stage where they became one.)
(However, he lost.)
I was in second place. Second place.
You don't know your score.
Why do you think you're in second?
Except for the winner, we're all in second place.
That's the system.
After a week or so,
they tell the MCs the score.
I'll tell you one thing.
Someone else is in second place.
I must be third.
(I'm in third place.)
- Are you third? / - Yes.
- Are you satisfied? / - Yes.
He's very positive.
To be honest, the sparks went off
at the end and I thought I had it.
You thought you won.
But the lights went off.
I asked myself if it's foreshadowing my future.
- You were surprised. / - I was very surprised.
I'm worried about where Dahae is sitting.
- I have a bad cold. / - She was coughing.
It's a good thing you can't hear very well.
(It's buzzing.)
- Is that what you hear? / - Yes.
Dahae, I heard you have a special guest
here with you today.
I have a Korean traditional music team.
It's classical and traditional music?
It looks like you're on the victory train today.
Yes, it's obvious.
- Right? / - I always try.
- Choo, choo. / - He's so noisy.
I'm making sound effects.
Was it that wrong of me?
- Good job. / - I, I...
I think you're doing a great job.
- You're excellent. / - I'm a train.
Dahae said that he's too noisy.
(We don't get along.)
I will now pick our first performer.
Shin Dongyeop will pick the first performer.
I was curious about this person personally.
We get to see this team earlier than I thought.
They caused a gust of wind in the music world.
- Is it KARD? / - Could it be KARD?
- Or NRG? / - It's their first time.
Even before their official debut,
they held concerts in 13 countries
including the States and Europe.
(They had concerts in 13 countries.)
It's KARD.
They're a talented co-ed team, KARD.
They're a super rookie.
It's a co-ed group, KARD!
(Global super rookie, KARD)
(They compose and write their music.)
(They did a global tour before their debut.)
(KARD placed first on iTunes K-Pop chart.)
(The global co-ed group, KARD)
I saw them on the stage.
- Where did you see them? / - An award ceremony.
They remind me a bit of butter.
- How should I say it? / - I see.
They remind me a bit of steak.
- A little bit. / - Steak.
They have the exotic atmosphere.
- BM, where are you from? / - I am from LA.
He has that pronunciation.
How did people react to your visit to the show?
Jay Sup, how did your parents react?
- It's J.seph. / - It's J.seph.
His name isn't Jay Sup.
- It's J.seph. / - J.seph.
My mom and dad enjoy watching
this program.
When we got the offer to be on the program,
I called and told my parents right away.
(He exudes exotic charms.)
They wished me luck.
The way you speak and gestures tells me
that you are also from abroad.
No, I am from Danyang, Chungcheong Province.
Are you from Danyang, Chungcheong Province?
I was going to say,
"Your parents must watch KBS World."
He looks like he came from abroad.
It's easy to watch KBS shows in Danyang.
- In two, three. Hello. / - Hello.
- K, A, R, D, we are KARD. / - We are KARD.
- Hello. / - It's nice to meet you.
We prepared to sing a song by a co-ed group, Roo'Ra.
- "Wingless Angel". / - Yes.
The two men and two women of the group
have different voices.
We will be able to show something original.
We want to show the audience
that we can have fun on the stage.
People who are like our parents
must be in the audience.
Think of our performance as your children's
talent show and enjoy.
- In one, two, three. / - KARD, let's go!
"Wingless Angel" by Roo'Ra!
All right.
("Wingless Angel" is the title song)
(of Roo'Ra's second album.)
(It won Grand Award on Korean Lyrics Awards.)
Here comes the first performer, KARD!
(The first performance by KARD)
(KARD is here.)
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
I am nervous.
("Wingless Angel" by KARD)
(KARD is here.)
Let's sing together!
Let's go.
Let's sing together!
(A co-ed group is back, "Wingless Angel" by KARD)
(The youngest group's fresh charms shined.)
That was great.
KARD opened the show with "Wingless Angel".
The song is a bit difficult.
- The rap is hard. / - It's very fast.
Boom, can't you do it?
It's exactly the 4-4 time. One, two, three, four.
(To be nice to me)
(She went away without a word)
I did it wrong.
- It's really hard. / - It really is.
KARD gave the first performance.
Koonzo, the master of performances.
How did you enjoy KARD's performance?
- Both the rap and dance are hard. / - That's right.
They recreated them perfectly.
They even kept the signature dance move.
It was trendy and nice.
I thought the female members
of a co-ed group would be shy.
They were full of spirit and energy.
The duo is here for the first time.
The sentimental ballad duo, GB9 is here.
We learned something interesting.
- GB9 is a team. / - That's right.
However, they never came as GB9.
Is it the first time the duo visited together?
We either collaborated with another artist
or visited separately.
I am expectant because they did well
even when they came separately.
I wonder what the duo will show us.
Did you come today with the thought of winning?
We came with the thought of bread.
He is nice.
- He really is. / - He is nice.
He is pure.
I will now pick our second performer.
Dongyeop picked the second ball.
To tell you the truth,
this man is usually very shy.
- He is like that. / - Boom.
- It must be Boom. / - I found out recently.
When he stands in front of the camera,
his mood continues to improve.
By the time the shoot is over,
he can't contain his good cheer.
He is a multi-talented entertainer, Boom.
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!
- Boom! / - Hold on. Boom.
Perhaps it's earlier than you expected.
However, if you manage to beat the rookies of 2018,
you will become a singer
who is widely loved in this era.
Boom, please say a few words.
I will show you the manly side of Minho.
My real name is Minho.
I will show you the charms of Lee Minho.
Lee Minho?
Like the Lee Minho we know?
It would have felt weird without a stage name.
(It would have felt weird without a stage name.)
Boom debuted first.
That's right.
You debuted first but changed the name.
If a better Boom shows up, I will change it again.
- I can change it again. / - All right.
He becomes cheerful
- when the shoot starts. / - That's right.
He is the most energetic after the shoot.
The king of good cheer, Boom, let's go.
Let's go.
Hi, it's nice to meet you. It's my second visit.
It's nice to meet you. I am Boom.
(He visited the show in December of 2017.)
(By showing off his talent,)
(he stole the audience's heart.)
(He proved himself as a singer.)
After the episode aired,
my family said they'd have a party.
I received a lot of phone calls.
That was a legendary performance for me.
"Like Boom on Saturday" was really great.
Today I'll sing a manly song.
It's a dance of a man.
It's "Ecstatic Proposal" by Yoon Sooil.
Fiery eyes, thirsty lips.
I majored in theater and film.
So I will show you
the actor side of me on stage.
I want to highlight my eyes and lips.
I'm here to cheer you up again.
I want those tired people
living in the busy society to gain energy
from seeing my performance,
I'd love that.
(I will love you only)
Let's go!
("Ecstatic Proposal" is in Yoon Sooil Band's)
(fifth album. The upbeat melody and the lyrics)
(about a passionate love proposal)
(were greatly loved by people.)
(Yoon Sooil dressing up in an officer uniform)
(and performing with dancers were a huge hit.)
Here comes the second performer, Boom.
(The second performance by Boom)
("Ecstatic Proposal")
Is this it?
No way.
He can't play this until the end.
("Ecstatic Proposal")
(Yoon Sooil's video is still playing.)
(What's going on?)
("Ecstatic Proposal" by Boom)
Forever like this!
Everyone, scream for three seconds!
You'll get fat if you just sit there.
Get up!
Get up and jump!
Come on!
Please get up. It's over.
Get up. It's over.
You danced so hard. Get up.
(Everyone could see Boom's passion.)
- He was great. / - Yes.
After two appearances,
Boom completely made the stage his.
He's so great on stage.
All four dancers fell down.
I think Boom has everything.
- Everything? / - He sang.
- He rapped. / - Yes.
- He danced. / - Yes.
He made the audience get up.
I think he did everything.
I can't believe the audience all got up
when he shouted, "Get up!"
Everyone got up and screamed.
That was really special.
- That's power of music. / - What are you doing?
Sitting down will only make you fat.
(You'll get fat if you just sit there.)
(Gilgu heard that too.)
I can't sit down.
We can't sit down.
(It's their destiny.)
Boom said we'll get fat if we sit down.
Great attitude.
We shouldn't have had pastries earlier.
You ate so much. Don't you feel guilty?
We exercised, so we can eat again.
Now that we exercised, let's eat.
(Time to eat!)
If we want to eat, we need to work out.
You're so funny.
What did you think about the performance?
I thought it was like a dinner show.
We had food in front of us.
We enjoyed the show as we ate.
- Good analogy. / - Yes.
- A dinner show. / - You could pay to watch.
It was like an expensive dinner show.
- That was cool. / - I think Koonzo became very calm.
- Boom is his rival. / - I think he's shocked.
He considers Boom as his rival.
I've made the audience stand up many times.
The audience shows
different levels of reaction.
There are different levels.
You can tell if it's real
- or if they were told. / - If they were forced.
Okay, I should get up.
(Getting up very timidly)
- That's not by will. / - That's different.
I think the reaction was real.
You don't get that often.
Come on!
(KARD versus Boom)
(He seems to be looking for something.)
- I threw my sunglasses. / - Okay.
(Earlier on the stage,)
(he took off his sunglasses.)
They're designer brand.
Boom. Could you come forward?
Keep walking straight.
Bow your head down.
Your sunglasses are there.
It's better to put those on.
Because Boom will feel comfortable
and we'll be comfortable looking at you.
KARD. This is your first appearance.
How do you feel?
I don't remember what we did.
It all went by so quickly.
Despite that, you guys still did a great job.
Let's ask the legend. What did you think of it?
These days, we rarely see
- male-female groups. / - That's right.
Watching KARD's performance today
almost made me feel like Roo'Ra is back.
- They were incredible. / - Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Then there is
Yoon Sooil's "Ecstatic Proposal" which Boom sang.
You worked with Yoon Sooil a lot, right?
Back then, there was a culture
where singers, songwriters and lyricists almost
lived together for two months while working on songs.
When I was struggling to come up with the lyrics,
I told Sooil that I want to fly in an airplane
and he actually flew me to Jeju Island that day.
That was my first flight ever, so I was very ecstatic.
Hence the title, "Ecstatic Proposal".
Many artists have released remakes of the song,
but Boom's performance today was the best one
among all the performances of the song I've seen.
All right.
Boom said he's now afraid of darkness
because the light went out suddenly the last time.
Will his phobia worsen?
Or will he be able to overcome it after today?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Show us the result.
(KARD versus Boom)
(The glorious return of a male-female group)
I'm so curious about the result of the first match.
Will KARD be able to take their first win?
(He impressed us with his cheerful energy alone.)
Boom wants to be our new super rookie.
Will he beat KARD and achieve his goal?
(Who will win this match?)
(The audience chose Boom.)
Amazing! All right.
With the score of 398,
Boom beat the super rookie group, KARD,
and took his first win!
This is Boom's very first win on our show.
Let's go out for dinner together later.
We should have a team dinner.
This is more meaningful than even my birthday.
I will now pick our third performer.
(Who will compete against Boom?)
I heard she recently had an interview where
she talked about an object she treasures the most.
It's the first trophy she won on our show.
I understand why she feels that way
because it took her about a year and a half
to achieve her long-awaited dream
of becoming the winner
and winning a trophy which she now cherishes so much.
I hear that she keeps it by her bedside
and treasures it.
The angelic voice. It's Bae Dahae.
(Bae Dahae)
Is it Dahae? I guess I should say goodbye here.
I'm not going further in this competition.
Dahae, isn't it better to get it over with?
You're not feeling well because of your cold.
Are you okay with performing now?
Yes, I can perform anytime.
She looks prettier today because of her puffy face.
- Stop bringing it up. / - I told you
not to say that to ladies.
- Doesn't she look better? / - Stop it already.
Stop that. That's bad for your knees.
I told you to never say "puffy" to any ladies.
Whenever Dahae performs,
we can expect a high-quality performance.
She can fill up the stage with her presence alone.
- That's right. / - Totally.
Oh, are you saying she can fill up the stage alone
because she's all swollen today?
The puffy face will definitely help.
Dahae is actually angry at you now.
Please tell us what your goal is.
I'll perform with utmost sincerity.
I practiced hard, so I'll do my very best.
- Dahae, good luck! / - Good luck!
(For a high quality-performance)
She's very forgiving.
(Chiyeul makes sound effects.)
(Can you at least begin normally?)
Chiyeul's Fierce Welcoming Ceremony!
(Chiyeul's Fierce Welcoming Ceremony)
I can see that all of you are so excited for this.
We love this segment the most.
Absolutely. Everyone waits a whole week for this.
They're finally back after 12 years.
My idol, NRG, is here.
(NRG will flaunt their special talents.)
NRG released a new song after a 12-year hiatus.
- Can we see it? / - Yes, of course.
- There are key points. / - "20th Century Night".
We'll show you what they are.
Sounds good. Music, please!
(Chun Myunghoon came up with this dance move.)
(They sure can still dance.)
(The dance move is very addictive.)
I like that part.
I actually used that dance move a lot on this show.
- Oh, this dance? / - I did it in China too.
- Seriously? / - So, they copied you?
(Chiyeul used the move to steal ladies' hearts.)
(Did you have to bring that up though?)
Are you saying NRG copied you?
(Is that what you mean?)
We made our debut years before he did.
He insists that he's the original.
(Don't get me wrong.)
Back in the days on variety shows,
Myunghoon always did his retro dance.
- It's so addictive. / - It really is.
- We have to see it today. / - Could you show us?
- I'm so excited. / - Music, please!
He's such a good dancer.
(He's warming up his joints.)
(This is the true retro dance.)
(He still got the moves.)
I think he also knows Twice's dance from "TT".
Following his retro dance,
Myunghoon will also show us Twice's dance from "TT".
- Do you have the song? / - Music, please.
(Both the choreography and their faces are so cute.)
(What will Myunghoon's version be like?)
(It's too much.)
(We can't take it.)
All right. Good job.
(He sure can dance.)
Gilgu, I heard that you can do this dance too.
- "TT" by Twice. / - Me?
Let's do it.
- Myunghoon is excited. / - Gilgu, you should
just make your debut as an entertainer today.
Music, please!
Go, Gilgu!
(He's irresistibly cute.)
- ♪ You're too mean ♪ / - ♪ You're too mean ♪
♪ You're too mean ♪
(Gilgu, you're cute enough to join Twice.)
- I'm sorry, everyone. / - You rock.
Hello, I'm Bae Dahae. It's nice to meet you all.
I've listened to his other songs as well
and his lyrics have such wide range of themes.
This song made me very sad.
"Not Anyone Can Love" is known
as an upbeat, fun, and cheerful song,
but I also wanted to convey
how heartbreaking love can be and thought
that Korean traditional music would be perfect.
That's why I decided to perform
with Korean traditional musicians and singers.
As usual, I tried my best to show you something new.
Please root for me. Thank you.
(It was released in Tae Jina's album in 2000)
(and became a major hit that's loved by everyone.)
(Tae Jina took this song to Japan and caused)
(a trot sensation there as the song)
(topped the local music charts and set records.)
(This is the song Lee Gunwoo spent)
(the least amount of time on)
(and it's also the most profitable one.)
Here comes the third performer, Bae Dahae.
(The third performance by Bae Dahae)
(Bae Dahae)
("Not Anyone Can Love" by Bae Dahae)
(Guest star: Kim Junsu)
(The song shows how love is cherished.)
("Not Anyone Can Love" by Bae Dahae)
That was amazing.
It was Bae Dahae and Kim Joonsu.
"Not Anyone Can Love".
Vocal music and traditional Korean music.
I didn't know it would sound so good.
Not anyone can do collaborations.
I can do it because it's me. It's because I'm Dahae.
It sounded so natural.
- I got goosebumps. / - Me too.
Usually, we would analyze the stage.
However, she went after Boom went.
All I could think of was,
"We're finally watching Immortal Songs."
We're finally seeing Immortal Songs.
(Bae Dahae versus Boom)
Bae Dahae sang Tae Jina's "Not Anyone Can Love".
Did you guess what a hit this song would become?
Jina called me in a rush one day.
He told me that there is an old traditional song
and that he wanted me to come up with the lyrics.
When I listened to it, the melody sounded familiar.
I wrote the lyrics in an hour.
You get nervous when it takes too little to write,
or too long to write.
- Of course. / - For lyricists.
That's why I had no idea it would become a hit.
I see.
Sometimes, kids you don't expect
to treat you well come to treat you well.
Dad, are you watching?
How did you watch Bae Dahae's stage?
I'm her fan.
I already knew she sang well.
However, I was surprised
at how she mixed in traditional Korean music.
It was an amazing performance.
I would like to applaud
those who played and edited the song.
- Okay. / - Thank you.
What was the reaction like
in the waiting room for Boom's song?
We'll find out on television later,
but I'm very curious to know.
He broke out
from the Immortal Song's preexisting mold.
We were all very surprised.
He told you to get up or gain weight.
To be able to say such a thing...
Yes. It was something unprecedented.
Dahae, you could get in trouble if you copy him.
- I'll be careful. / - Always think carefully.
She's such a great singer.
I was moved while listening back there.
To me, it doesn't sound like "Not Anyone Can Love".
It sounds like "Not Anyone Can Sing".
She sang so well.
- I was moved. / - She's known for it.
Traditional or unconventional?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
(Bae Dahae versus Boom)
(His performance broke all the rules.)
Boom was able to show his true value.
With 398 votes, will Boom win a second time?
(A beautiful harmony)
(between classic vocal and traditional music)
A classical stage with Kim Joonsu.
Will Bae Dahae be able to beat Boom?
(Or unconventional?)
(Who will be the winner?)
(No way)
Boom won.
Boom takes his second win!
(Boom wins again.)
- What do I do? My gosh. / - Okay.
What do I do?
What happened?
Is this a candid camera?
I will now pick our fourth performer.
(Who will be today's fourth performer?)
Their fans have been waiting
for a very long time.
They're back on the exact date
they debuted 20 years ago.
After 12 years of break, they made a comeback.
They were welcomed by everyone.
The original Korean wave star.
It's NRG!
Personally, it's going in the order I wanted.
Boom is the king of performance.
If he wins three times, that's what he'll be.
He needs to be stopped.
NRG or Koonzo should go out
and turn the tables around.
If you lose to Boom...
That's why I have mixed feelings.
- What if you lose? / - What do we do? We have to win.
We should try to enjoy it.
It's been a while since we went on stage.
We didn't get to show our fans yet.
Everyone, we worked hard for this performance.
You can look forward to it.
- NRG, let's go! / - Let's go!
- Good luck. / - Let's go.
- Hello. / - Hello.
We are back in 12 years.
- We are NRG. / - We are NRG.
(They made a comeback after 13 years)
(to celebrate their 20th anniversary.)
(The idol singers returned in style.)
It's our first time to visit a competition program.
We came together after 12 years.
"I see that NRG still has it."
If the audience thinks that, I will be very happy.
When you think about us,
I hope you would say
that NRG is still a group
that is full of joy and surprises.
We prepared a song by the genius lyricist.
- "On the Phone". / - "On the Phone".
Please look forward to it.
- We are NRG! / - We are NRG!
("On the Phone" is a double title song)
(of Sobangcha's second album.)
(The lyrics compare the turned away heart of a lover)
(to a phone on a busy line.)
(The song received a lot of love)
(thanks to a back handspring move)
(and dance-style melody which was in vogue)
(in the U.S. and Japan.)
We will take the stage.
12 years have passed.
Let's go.
(Nervous and excited)
We can do this. Move your hand downwards.
In one, two, three. Let's go!
Here comes the fourth performer, NRG.
(The fourth performance by NRG)
(Sungjin and Myunghoon)
("On the Phone" by NRG)
NRG is back!
Let's go. Disco!
(Sungjin and Myunghoon)
(The emotions linger even after the song ends.)
(A performance only they can give,)
("On the Phone" by NRG)
We didn't make a big mistake.
We didn't make a big mistake.
(They are relieved after the performance.)
We performed well without a big mistake.
(The perfect finale makes them cheer.)
They even did a back handspring.
NRG sang Sobangcha's song.
The old-fashioned dance song
harmonized well with the performance
of the first generation idol group.
- NRG also mixed in fun disco sound. / - That's right.
People in the audience who remember Sobangcha
could press the button in happiness.
- Their faces... / - They looked excited.
They looked alive.
They practiced hard for this performance.
- Yes. / - I bet they felt happy
even during the practice.
The performance showed their earnestness.
That's right.
It was clean and straightforward.
(NRG versus Boom)
At Immortal Songs,
the audience comes from different age groups.
NRG could sing
in front of the fans who always cheer for them.
You know,
seeing them makes me feel emotional.
Regardless of the outcome or the score,
I am happy to be here with the members.
Thank you.
- Myunghoon. / - I am...
(He can't stop the tears.)
(They wanted to stay together.)
(The days of longing led to this moment.)
You can't help but become emotional and tearful.
You must know the reason.
We understand how it feels.
Sungjin, seeing everyone become emotional
after completing the performance
must have filled you with many thoughts.
We thank you for a chance to take the stage.
- We had fun. / - All right.
This song received a lot of love.
In 1988, Sobangcha sang "On the Phone"
and it became wildly popular.
How did the lyrics come about?
The Olympics was nearing in 1988,
so I thought it would be nice
to have a Korean song with English lyrics.
"I love you. I need you."
It's the first song I wrote
with English lyrics.
How did you enjoy NRG's performance?
Every song has an age.
"On the Phone" by Sobangcha turned 30 this year.
NRG was reborn
and NRG's version of "On the Phone" turned one.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
By the way, at the end of the performance,
they did the same power tumbling
Sobangcha did back in the day.
I was shocked.
I asked our staff, and he said
they practiced a lot for this performance.
Silver medal gymnast Yoo Wonchul,
and gold medal judo player Choi Minho helped us.
- Where are you? / - Thank you so much.
There he is. Please give it up for him.
- Yes. / - Thank you.
A lot of people are cheering for NRG
who hasn't been on stage for a long time.
The audience is happy to see them.
After the performance,
they gave them such a big round of applause.
So I'm really curious about the result.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
(The result)
(NRG versus Boom)
It's a match between entertainers.
Will Boom continue his winning streak?
They're back after 12 years of break.
Will NRG win against Boom?
(They're desperate to win.)
(Who will be the winner?)
(Who will be the winner?)
(Who will be the winner?)
It's NRG!
With a score of 407, NRG wins against Boom!
- Congratulations. / - Amazing.
Please give them another round of applause.
Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
(Their legs gave out.)
- My legs are shaking. / - Mine too.
I'm so grateful.
Thank you so much for inviting us
and letting us perform.
I will now pick our fifth performer.
Last time when I went to someone's wedding,
this person sang a nuptial song.
You can tell he really loves his daughter,
because when he looks at a bride at a wedding,
he's reminded of his two-year-old daughter
and he gets sad as if his daughter
is getting married off.
He's a fool for his daughter.
It's Hong Kyungmin.
(Hong Kyungmin)
It's Hong Kyungmin.
(Sorrowful rocker, Hong Kyungmin)
Will Kyungmin
heartlessly win against the tearful NRG?
Going fifth isn't a great turn to perform.
But Kyungmin should go out there
- and show NRG / - Go and show them.
that Immortal Song isn't an easy show.
Immortal Song's Hong Kyungmin.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
He showed us excitement.
We've missed him in the waiting room.
He's back after two wins.
Boom has returned!
♪ I will win you over ♪
(A snazzy return)
Boom hadn't won before, for real?
- No. Never. / - It feels like he did win before.
His performance was so exciting.
I won for the first time today.
- What is it like to win? / - How do you feel?
I keep getting greedier.
- Right. / - Yes.
I felt like my life just got a green light.
Something like that.
- You're way over the top. / - Am I?
You saw NRG cry on stage.
What did you think about that?
They've gotten really old.
They can't hold back their tears.
When Sungjin was tumbling,
- our eyes met. / - Really?
- When he was in mid-air, our eyes met. / - Did they?
He was in the midst of tumbling.
I was so shocked.
(Boom was below the stage.)
(The tumbling was meticulously planned.)
(His wide nostrils show his confidence.)
"I can't believe he tumbled."
- He sneered slightly. / - Did he?
He smiled as he was tumbling.
I saw his face.
"I'll win with this power tumbling."
That made me so upset.
Even if I forget everything,
I won't forget his tumbling.
Do you know how worried NRG was
before going out there?
They went out all shaky
thinking that they could lose to you.
Boom, you are that important to us.
I gained confidence through this show.
- That's great. / - I will
keep going forward feeling confident.
Your performance was great today.
- Thank you. / - It was amazing.
He can write trot, dance
and various other genres.
Today I will sing
"Secret Garden" by Park Sangmin.
For a change, I will put on
a simple performance
that is very faithful to the original.
Please enjoy.
("Secret Garden" is the title song)
(of Park Sangmin's fifth album.)
(The song is an epitome)
(of Park Sangmin style rock ballad.)
(Because of the sorrowful lyrics,)
(Park Sangmin sheds tears)
(every time he sings this song.)
(He stayed up all night recording this song)
(over and over again in order)
(to express the ardent feeling of the words.)
Here comes the fifth performer, Hong Kyungmin.
(The fifth performance by Hong Kyungmin)
You're amazing.
Hi, I'm Hong Kyungmin.
It's good to see my old colleagues
return and perform again.
I'm so proud and happy to see them
be so well-received on Immortal Songs.
Today, I will sing "Secret Garden" by Park Sangmin.
Thank you.
(Hong Kyungmin)
("Secret Garden" by Hong Kyungmin)
(A man's heartrending wailing)
("Secret Garden" by Hong Kyungmin)
(We can't help but admire his performance.)
"Secret Garden" by Hong Kyungmin.
He sang a rock ballad after a long time.
He usually performs with other musicians,
but he did it solo today. It was so cool though.
If I were him, I wouldn't have made
the guitar solo part that boring.
- Then what? / - What would you do?
I would have the fire come out again.
(Fire makes any guitar part better.)
I'd do a kick like this first,
then the fire would shoot up right away.
(Get ready.)
(A man holding fire)
What did you think of it?
Do you think he'll be able to beat NRG's 407 points?
I still can't forget the way Sungjin
made eye contact as he was tumbling.
- With that smirk. / - I think his smirk
left an impression that would last a bit longer.
The energy will keep them on a winning streak.
- Yes, I think so. / - They might win again.
Two teams, GB9 and Koonzo,
- haven't performed yet. / - Right, Koonzo.
Bonggu, what did you think of it?
He said that it won't be anything glamorous,
but I think it was the most perfect one so far.
It didn't have any unnecessary elements.
All men dream of being a rocker, you know.
- With an electric guitar. / - A true man.
- Exactly. He was so cool. / - He says it was perfect.
Then in Boom's performance,
what were some of the unnecessary elements?
There were many, right?
Where he said, "Get up, or you'll get fat."
(Get up if you want to lose weight.)
You really didn't need to say that.
It keeps bothering me.
He stands up every time I stand up.
We might become best friends at this rate.
He keeps getting up.
- All right. / - What should we do?
I think we'll be best friends.
Gilgu keeps getting up every time I get up.
(Don't leave me alone.)
(NRG versus Hong Kyungmin)
Park Sangmin's song, "Secret Garden".
I heard from Sangmin a long time ago that the song
makes him emotional every time he sings it
and that it even makes him tear up.
He said it's because of the sad lyrics.
How did this song come into being?
This song is...
Sangmin and I are both from Pyeongtaek.
I wanted to write especially good lyrics
for him because we're from the same town.
It took me about four months to write them.
I really struggled to write them.
You're so impressive because you also wrote
the lyrics for Yonja's song, "Amor Fati".
- Yes, that's right. / - My gosh.
(That's amazing!)
How did you come up with those lyrics?
It's actually what Nietzsche said.
It means that you should love your fate.
I thought about what I could do to energize
and give hope to those whose lives are tough
and wrote lyrics that everyone can sing.
That's how the song "Amor Fati" came into being.
I see. My gosh.
Please continue to write great lyrics
for many good songs.
What did you think about Kyungmin's performance?
He usually adds many performance elements,
but his sincere singing really impressed me today.
I think it was the best performance.
(It was the best performance.)
Kyungmin and NRG.
Didn't you guys debut in the same year?
- Wasn't it the same year? / - That's right.
I was actually the host of their comeback showcase.
- Oh, I see. / - Yes, he was.
As you know, they're back after a long hiatus.
They're my colleagues, so meeting them again
made me so proud.
Their performance received such amazing response.
I'm happy for them.
- I see. My gosh. / - Thank you.
- Thank you. / - They're close friends.
All right. Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Please show us the result.
(The result)
(NRG versus Hong Kyungmin)
(It's their first time here and they won once.)
That was NRG's splendid comeback performance.
Will their score of 407 enable them to win again?
(Will NRG take their second win?)
(The leader of the Immortal Songs team)
Will Kyungmin, who gave a charismatic performance,
be able to beat NRG today?
(Will he beat NRG and take his first win of the day?)
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
What will the result be? What happened?
(Whom will the audience choose?)
(The audience chose NRG.)
NRG won.
All right. With their score of 407,
NRG took their second win
even though this is their first time on our show.
(They've already won twice.)
It's a big accomplishment as it's their first time.
Their score is very high.
Many people are welcoming and rooting for them.
I will now pick our sixth and seventh performers.
(Who will be named the sixth performer?)
Was it back in 2013?
They joined us for Yoo Jaeha Special
as Ha Dongqn's special guest performers
and contributed to him becoming the final winner.
They left an unforgettable impression that time
and they're back as a whole five years later.
It's the first performance of their own on the show.
The hottest ballad duo of the moment.
It's GB9.
(Their first performance as GB9 on the show)
You guys must be very nervous.
How do you feel now?
We were nervous even when we were practicing.
We're very nervous and anxious,
but we're also really excited at the same time.
We'll finally perform the song now.
(This one doesn't look nervous at all.)
I hope that all of you
enjoy our performance.
The macarons got all stuck between his nails.
(He ate,)
(ate some more)
(and kept on eating.)
(It's delicious.)
Gilgu, you should also tell us what your goal is.
Sure. Mom and Dad, I'm on TV.
I'll do my best.
How adorable.
He's so cute!
The most talented vocal duo, GB9.
- Best of luck! / - Best of luck!
Gilgu, you got this.
- Thank you. / - You guys can do it.
- Go for it! / - Best of luck.
- I'm Gilgu. Hello. / - I'm Bonggu. Hello.
(Ha Dongqn was able to win thanks to their help.)
(The duet with U Sungeun transformed Bonggu.)
(He also won Jeong Doosoo Special as a solo artist.)
(Bonggu has certainly proved his ability.)
(Today, they're here as a whole.)
(The talented vocal duo, GB9)
We wanted this to happen for such a long time.
- We're finally here. / - Yes.
We're finally here together as GB9.
We're very happy.
The song we'll perform today
is "Are You Crying" by Jeon Youngrok.
The lyrics have an innocent aspect to them.
"You must be crying. It's raining outside."
We're not innocent,
so I'm not sure if we can convey that aspect well.
- I'm innocent. / - Gosh, you're right.
He's really innocent.
(Never judge a book by its cover.)
We'll be ourselves and show you what we can do,
so please show us your support.
The 1986 KBS Music Awards.
Best Male Artist of the Year goes to Jeon Youngrok.
(1986 KBS Music Awards, Best Male Artist)
(1986 KBS Music Awards, Best Male Artist)
(Released in Jeon Youngrok's second album,)
("Are You Crying" is a song about regrets)
(one has about unattainable love.)
(It's one of his major ballad hits.)
(It became wildly popular)
(and earned him his first Grand Award.)
Here comes the sixth performer, GB9.
(The sixth performance by GB9)
- Hello, we're Gilgu... / - And Bonggu.
- Nice to meet you. / - Nice to meet you.
Actually, it's our first time
to be on a show together.
That's why we prepared extra hard.
We're nervous, but we'll try our best.
Please cheer for us and feel the song with us.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
("Are You Crying" by GB9)
(The pain of letting go and leaving behind)
("Are You Crying" by GB9)
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
That was amazing.
After hearing them,
I can understand you.
It's a good thing you went before them.
If Boom went right after these two,
do you think you would be pressured?
That would be a pressure as big as the world.
- As big as the world. / - It's huge.
Does this mean it's the end for NRG?
Will they lose after having two wins?
Or will the get their third win?
This is as far as their tumbling will go.
- Tumbling... / - That smirk.
They will stop winning at this point.
I think it was easy to see
why they perform as a duet.
They support each other.
At times, they sing in one voice
and at times, they have two different voices.
Jiwoo, what did you think?
They have two very different tones.
I found that charming.
Since it's a lyricist special,
the lyrics really spoke to me.
(NRG versus GB9)
At the time, Jeon Youngrok
won the grand prize at the KBS music awards.
How did these lyrics come about?
I lived with Youngrok for a year.
I was writing a diary
and he peeked through it one day.
What was written in the diary
became the lyrics of this song.
Whatever happened
with the woman that was crying?
All right.
They are such great singers.
What did you think?
- It was so good! / - It was my first
- seeing them sing. / - They're the best!
I've never seen anyone with such great talent.
- I was impressed. / - Thank you.
(The legend agrees they're perfect.)
No wonder they're strong on the charts.
While you were preparing to sing together,
what did you talk about?
We became a team 12 years ago.
Since I have someone to rely on,
I think I was less worried.
Maybe that's why you were able to sing
so beautifully with your voice.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(NRG versus GB9)
(The return of Sobangcha)
It's a battle between new faces.
Will NRG win for the third time?
(It's their first time as a complete team.)
They showed us a perfect harmony.
Will GB9 have their first win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
- It's 416. GB9! / - Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Good job.
How do you feel? The score went up.
- You look nervous. / - No, it's an opportunity.
- It's an opportunity? / - You can beat 416.
Is 417 an opportunity?
It's still lower than my best score.
I have a story today.
How to win a woman's heart.
It will be fun if you pay attention to that.
I'll give it my best.
- Let's go. / - Great.
He's the performance king.
It's time for a new generation.
Show everyone that you can do better.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
(Good luck, Koonzo!)
Good luck!
Hello, Immortal Songs. It's Koonzo.
(His performances took everyone by surprise.)
(He always has unique performance ideas.)
(The newest performance king, Koonzo)
The song I will sing today
is a song Lee Gunwoo wrote the lyrics to.
It's "Speed" by Kim Gunmo.
Whenever I went on a school trip,
I used to prepare choreography for this.
I remember enjoying it.
So I think it'll be so much fun.
That's what I thought.
You fall in love and in the end,
you win over her love.
The words are so pretty.
How can I express the lyrics beautifully?
That was the only thing I focused on.
The love story between the female dancer and I
will be interesting to watch.
I hope you'll enjoy my performance.
I'll do my best. Let's go!
Winner of 1996 Seoul Music Awards is
Kim Gunmo.
Kim Gunmo!
(Grand Award, Kim Gunmo)
("Speed" was released in 1996 in Kim Gunmo's)
(fourth album. Lee Gunwoo got the idea)
(for the song from the movie "Speed".)
(The song topped the music chart)
(and it was the second best-selling album of the year.)
(Kim Gunmo won numerous awards)
(with this song and his popularity soared.)
(It's a memorable dance song)
(with Kim Gunmo's shouting rap)
(and fast beat melody.)
Here comes the final performer, Koonzo.
(The final performance by Koonzo)
("Speed" by Koonzo)
Are you ready?
Let's go!
(Only the brave takes the beauty,)
("Speed" by Koonzo)
Thank you!
- Koonzo's amazing. / - Yes!
(Koonzo doesn't disappoint.)
- Koonzo. / - He's great.
He's the king of performance.
We listened to "Speed" by Koonzo.
He put on a performance with a narrative.
It was a king-like performance.
Boom, you're making good guesses.
Yes. I got 100 percent.
But you only guessed right once.
That's why it's 100 percent.
He was sitting here for too long.
So his voice wasn't warmed up at first.
He had a bit of pitch trouble.
But once he changed his outfit,
he showed a perfect performance.
So I think GB9 will win.
(Boom thinks GB9 will win.)
Dahae, what did you think about Koonzo's performance?
He always tries something new.
It was a lot of fun.
The audience went against our picks.
They chose an upbeat performance,
then they chose a serious one.
I'm not sure whom they'll vote for.
It was visually interesting.
He acted and he changed outfits.
He definitely grabbed people's attention.
I think it was like a finale.
So I will go with Koonzo.
You think Koonzo will win.
- One for Koonzo. / - Yes.
It was like watching a musical.
(Koonzo versus GB9)
All right. So Gunmo released this song
after leaving his old agency
and becoming independent.
You must've felt a lot of pressure.
- How was it? / - I can't even describe.
"Wrongful Meeting" was such a huge hit.
I lost about 5kg when I wrote "Speed".
He continually released hit songs before "Speed".
Yes, that's why I felt so pressured.
When I was listening to Koonzo,
I felt like I was watching Gunmo back in the day.
I think it was a fabulous performance.
Thank you.
What was it like being on this show?
Immortal Songs can't be any better than his.
I'll continue to write lyrics
that will have positive influence on people's lives.
I'd love to come back here for 2,000th song special.
Thank you.
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
You're watching Lee Gunwoo Special.
We are waiting for the final result.
GB9 has a score of 416.
Will they continue their winning streak
and win the trophy?
Or will the last performer,
Koonzo, be the final winner?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
It's the final match of the lyricist
Lee Gunwoo Special.
Will GB9 win with a score of 416?
(The up-and-coming stronger performer)
Will Koonzo be the final winner?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Next week)
(Numerous super rookies)
(discovered by Immortal Songs!)
(Min Woohyuk's title defense match)
(Will he be able to defend his title?)
The Seven Voices of 2018 starts now!
(Min Woohyuk, Kim Yongjin)
(Yu Taepyungyang, Baek Ayeon)
(Parc Jaejung, GB9)
(Greedy for a win? Of course!)
(I'll keep the title for two more years.)
(The Super Rookie of 2017, Min Woohyuk)
(Will he be able to defend his title?)
(Dreaming of the Super Rookie of 2018)
(Talented vocal duo, GB9)
(The voice that touches our hearts, Kim Yongjin)
(The first victory and the first trophy)
(Will he earn the super rookie title as well?)
(Everyone wants the super rookie title.)
(Min Woohyuk beat us last time.)
(Please let us win this time, Woohyuk.)
(Could you let them take one more vote than you?)
(I absolutely can't give the title away.)
(Vocal group that never disappoints us, Voisper)
(The next-generation diva, Baek Ayeon)
(Yu Taepyungyang, traditional music prodigy)
(The Seven Voices of 2018)
(Look forward to the birth of a new super rookie.)
(Whom will the audience choose?)
(The audience chose GB9.)
With their score of 416,
GB9 became the final winner
of Lee Gunwoo Special and made the trophy theirs.
They're accepting the trophy from the legend.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please give them another big round of applause.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
(Passionate Composer, Lee Gunwoo)
("Parade" by Younha)
For more infomation >> Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Lyricist Lee Gunwoo Special [ENG/ 2018.01.27] - Duration: 1:38:08.-------------------------------------------
ভয়ঙ্কর সামরিক শক্তিধর ৫টি মুসলিম দেশ । যারা এক হলে পুরো পৃথিবীকে শাসন করবে মুসলমানরা ইনশাআল্লাহ্ ! - Duration: 4:20.
Today I will discuss with you the best five powerful military states of Bissau.
Then let's see the video and still not subscribe to our channel, subscribe by clicking the
Bel button, so that you can get the latest videos first.
5- Egypt is the 5th military power in Muslim Bissau, Egypt.
The Egyptian armed forces were quite strong.
The situation has changed after one of the strongest opponents of the Camp David accord
with Israel.
That is, there is no possibility of Israel's war with Egypt.
Egypt's defense industry creates medium-sized arms including tank.
Defense forces are being operated because of the risks of the war, because of the risk.
4- Saudi Arabia is at the 4th position of Muslim Bisus - Saudi Arabia is the only country
in the world who has spent the maximum amount in importing weapons.
There are some sophisticated weapons in the country that have not been introduced in the
US Army.
But the problem is that Western military experts are engaged in the operation and direction
of these weapons.
Although there are sophisticated armaments, there is a lack of power to the Saudi soldiers.
There are numerous military advisers in different countries in Saudi Defense Force.
3 - Turkey, 3 countries of the Muslim Bissau countries: Turkey: Turkey is ranked 8th in
the world in military strength.
Westerners gave certificates to Turkey in Muslim countries.
Turkey builds several types of armor, including goons, cannons, light tanks and drones.
But the powerful naval power and the sky fighters still can not achieve self-sufficiency, but
with the help of the navy and air force, Tibet is already moving ahead in the direction of
Pakistan is in 2nd position: the only nuclear-powered country among the Muslim countries.
Advances in the missile technology In the military field, the country is far behind
than neighboring India.
Significant shortfall in shipbuilding, submarine and sophisticated fighter jets.
Pakistan is behind Pakistan's construction of military drones or space defense.
On the other hand, there are a lot of deficiencies in different departments due to the non-stop
movement of the country's terrorist group.
80% of Pakistan's arms are imported from China.
Once Pakistan, including the United States, collected rival weapons from the West.
China's main reliance now is due to the cooling of relations with these countries on regional
But Pakistan has been lobbying for purchasing some arms through negotiations with Russia.
1- Iran tops the military power of Muslim Bissau: Western sanctions on Iran over long
periods of three decades and at the same time imposed on Iraq by helping to make Iran competent
in military affairs.
Iran knows well that it is better to strengthen the defense industry in the country rather
than help someone during the time of danger.
In the last three decades, Iran has made remarkable progress in the military industry.
Construction of sophisticated tanks, heavy armored vehicles, missiles, aircraft carriers,
drones, helicopter gunships, cruisers, sub marines of various models, numerous gunbots,
and ammunition are also used.
In a word, Iran is now the single largest powerhouse of the Middle East.
Iran has recently liberated the country's sky by collecting the S-300 missile from Russia.
In all, among the Muslim countries, Iran is the only way to achieve self-sufficiency in
the defense industry.
The country has a sur-chain defense force.
Only Iran has succeeded in bringing down some of the enemy's military drones or making electronic
jam to the ground.
In the next five years, Iran is believed to be pushing Western many countries behind with
military power.
So analyzing various issues, Iran among the Muslim countries is the best in military power.
Do you think so?
Make a comment and like the video, and do not forget to share.
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it's got fantastic nutritional properties but even if it's not a
fashionable food it'll get the job done it's a great ally for your health
because it's a source of a series of compounds with medicinal properties in
today's video we are going to give you seven reasons to eat more purple onion
one it prevents cancer cell growth onions are rich in sulfur compounds that
protect your body from developing tumors and several different types of cancer
these compounds also destroy the bacteria that attack your urinary system
- it controls diabetes raw onion especially if it's purple stimulates
insulin production so if you struggle with diabetes eat more raw onions 3 it
relieves constipation purple onions are also rich in fiber and that's why they
are so good at fighting constipation the fiber and purple onions help your
intestines expel toxins from your body - for a cure sore throats onion juice is
commonly used to treat colds and sore throats and has surprising results 5 it
helps with nose bleeding if your nose is bleeding try smelling the inside of a
half of freshly cut onion this old home remedy can help you with this problem 6
protects and strengthens your heart onions especially if they are purple
protect you from coronary heart diseases and regulate arterial pressure 7
normalizes cholesterol purple onions balanced cholesterol levels and lessen
LDL or bad cholesterol after learning about all of these
benefits you now have plenty of reasons to include purple onion in your diet.
БЕГИ СОСИСКА БЕГИ что будет с ЗОМБИ сосиской и Разделочным НОЖИКОМ Игра для Детей побей рекорд - Duration: 13:24.
Kids Party Wear Traditional Dress Designs Catalogue Baby Girls Lehenga Designs 2018 - Duration: 0:45.
TOP 10 Kids Party Wear Traditional Dress Designs Catalogue
Baby Girls Lehenga Designs 2018 in flipkart and amazon shopping online
Tuy đã thua - nhưng đội u23 việt nam vẫn là người vô địch - của khán giả việt nam - Duration: 11:24.
U11 EYEs vs A8+ 2018 vs XA2 Ultra vs ZF4 Selfie Pro - Which Should You Buy? | 大對決#26【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 13:31.
씨름인에게 조롱? 여당 대표의 오만함, 김무성의 민낯|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:15.
చంద్ర గ్రహణం రోజు ఇలా చేయండి..? | Chandra Grahanam 2018 | Chandra Grahanam Niyamalu | Lunar Eclipse - Duration: 28:22.
Tồn Tại (Phần 1/2) | Đọc Truyện Tình Cảm - Duration: 27:46.
📦 NEW EXOTIC ANTS | Unboxing from Netherlants - Duration: 6:15.
Hi guys,
I just received a parcel from my supplier Netherlants, this is an exotic species from Asia.
Thank you Netherlants for sending me the colony, I really appriciate that you send me these ants.
If you guys searching for ant colonies or queens,
check out the link down below in the video description.
I'm really excited guys!
I'm in search of this arboreal ant for a long time and thanks to Netherlants I finally get it!
Guys, say welcome to....
Tetraponera rufinigra, also know as the bicoloured arboreal ant
So, let's finish to check out the box, what we have here...
Some PTFE, very useful to prevent escapes
A tube of honeydew.
Thank you!
Netherlants offer a nice variety of local and exotic species at a fair price that include
live arrival warranty and in case of cold temperatures the delivery will be provided
of heatpacks, like in this case.
As you surely understand by the name, they are located in Netherlands and they handle
the same shipping price to all the Benelux and Germany.
Still working on the site and slowly adding more and more to their assortments, Netherlants,
in my opinion offer a good and professional service.
Checkout Netherlants.nl and be sure to use my personal discount code "Safewaysentmehere"
to get a 15% off!!
Ok guys, this is my first time with Tetraponera Rufonigra.
I just overturned the box in an old arena and placed a couple of covered nest tubes.
I want to remember that the sting of this ant is very painful and honestly, I don't
give a ***** to try it on my skin, so with a lot of caution and twezzers I removed all
the stuff from the arena checking for ants and larvae inside every single piece of paper
and leaf.
After this ordeal that I want to spare you the only thing we can do is to give time to
the ants to reorganize themselves in the new home.
Meanwhile, I wan't to say that It's always a good idea to search informations about the
species you keep.
Being an exotic ant, this species has slightly different needs from any other of my actual colonies
Firstly, Tetraponera rufonigra needs a constant temperature throughout the year.
That mean I'll need a heating mat or cable to keep them active and alive during the winter.
These ants usually nest inside dead dry wood and hates moisture.
So I've just placed another test tube in the arena as a water tank and leaved the nests
completely dry to recreate the most similar condition.
I would like to keep you updated about the developments of this colony and I will make,
in future, a video dedicated entirely to this species and its maintenance.
I think there's nothing to say in front of this view.
What I see
is a healty, very active and beautiful colony.
The first interesting behavior I observed is a sort of call they use.
Like almost of the arboreal species, even Tetraponera rufonigra beats the gastro on
the floor to create vibrations.
Looks like a call for recruitment because happens every time I give food.
I'm also impressed about the eye sight of this ant, especially when I'm handing in the
arena for cleaning, it's weird to see how they follow the movements of my hand and often
try to attack the twezzers.
I think it's time to give a name to the colony and it would be a pleasure to me if you, guys
choose this name.
Just leave a comment with your suggestion and then in the next video we will choose
it with a poll.
As always thank you for watching and see you next time!
Zainab Case Murderer Imran Link to Uncle Majboor | عمران کا انکل مجبور سے کیا تعلق ہے - Duration: 2:31.
#JusticeForZainab "SUBSCRibe to My Channel For Daily Videos"
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