Disneyland is supposed to be one of the most wonderful places on Earth, and it's probably
one of the last places you would ever expect to die.
In a recent list, we already mentioned the death of Disneyland employee Deborah Gail
Stone, whose head was crushed while working as a hostess at America Sings.
Sadly, Deborah was not the only who met her maker in the park.
Here are 10 more shocking stories of people who died at Disneyland.
(Note: if you couldn't already guess from the title, some of this stuff is really dark
and disturbing… so you've been cautioned)
Mark Maples
They say that "boys will be boys" but in the story of Mark Maples, shenanigans are
what lead to his death.
The Disneyland Matterhorn Bobsleds opened in 1959.
It was one of the park's first roller coasters.
From the outside, it looks like the Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps, and park guests
zoom in and out of mountain caves.
Just a few years after the Matterhorn's grand opening, a 15-year-old boy named Mark
Maples was visiting Disneyland.
He decided to show off for his friend he was sitting next to.
He unbuckled his seatbelt, and stood up just before the ride flew down its highest peak.
Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and fell to the tracks down below.
Mark died, and his friend was most likely traumatized for the rest of his life.
Thomas Cleveland
On "Grad Night," high schools can book private parties at Disneyland for their graduating
seniors from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
In 1966, the legal drinking age was 18, and it was right around the peak of hippie culture
in California.
So you can only imagine the fun that went on during these Disney Grad Nights.
A local 19-year-old resident named Thomas Cleveland wanted to sneak into Disneyland
to join the Grad Night festivities for free.
He decided to climb a fence that lead up to the Monorail tracks, and planned to climb
down once he reached the other side.
A security guard spotted him, and started shouting to get down, because the train was
Thomas ignored him, and jumped from the fence onto the Monorail track, where the oncoming
train hit him, and dragged his body 40 feet down the track.
Needless to say, Thomas died that night, and he never got to crash the party.
Dolly Regina Young
Several years after the death of Mark Maples' death on the Matterhorn, a 48-year-old woman
named Dolly Regina Young died in almost exactly the same way.
Her seatbelt was not fastened, so when the Matterhorn bobsled dipped down the highest
peak, her body flew out of the seat.
She was sitting in the very last car, so she fell onto the track, and her body was crushed
by an oncoming sled.
She was sitting alone in the car at the time, so there was no one there to witness if she
forgot to fasten her seatbelt, if she chose to stand up, or if the ride somehow malfunctioned.
Disney park employees now claim that the spot where she died on the Matterhorn is haunted,
and it is nicknamed "Dolly's Drop."
Brandon Zucker
In September of 2000, a 4-year-old boy named Brandon Zucker was on the ride called Roger
Rabbit's Car Toon Spin with his father, David.
Somehow, Brandon managed to fall out of the moving car, and was crushed underneath the
car behind him.
The ride continued to move along without stopping.
David rushed outside multiple times, screaming for park employees to stop the ride, and help
his son.
Unfortunately, at the time, it was Disney park procedure to not call 911 right away,
no matter how frantic a park guest may seem.
The employees simply told him to calm down and wait for security to arrive.
The damage done to Brandon's body was incredibly graphic, and without immediate medical attention,
he would have died before the ambulance could arrive.
Thankfully, one of the parents who witnessed the accident was a medical assistant named
Teresa Reed, and she was able to rush to Brandon's aid.
Brandon to become paraplegic, and he was under constant medical care for the rest of his
For the next 8 years, he could not walk, talk, or enjoy life.
He died at just 13-years-old.
The family sued Disney for Brandon's medical bills, and the lawsuit forced Disneyland to
change their emergency procedures.
While the exact amount was kept private, it is estimated that the Zucker family may have
received close to $30 million in the settlement.
Bogden Delaurot
18-year-old Bogden Delaurot and his 10-year-old brother were visiting Disneyland, and they
decided it would be fun to stay past closing time to take a closer look at the burning
settlers cabin on Tom Sawyer's Island, since it's normally not accessible to park guests.
After a few hours, they both got bored, and decided it was best to head back.
The only problem was that there was no way off the island without getting in trouble
with park employees.
Bogden told his brother to get on his back, so he could swim them both to shore.
Unfortunately, the weight was too much, and it caused Bogden to drown.
His younger brother managed to doggy paddle his way to park employees, who helped to fish
him out of the water.
Sherrill Anne Hoffman
In 1979, a 31-year-old woman named Sherrill Anne Hoffman was riding on Space Mountain,
and she became sick.
When all of the other passengers got off the ride, the park employees asked her to stay
in her vehicle, because they planned to remove it from the track, so they could continue
on without stopping to clean up the car.
Sadly, there wasn't very good communication between the employees, because Sherrill stayed
in the ride like she was told, but the car was never removed, and she went around Space
Mountain a second time.
She passed out, and by the time she came around again, she had to be rushed to the hospital.
She fell into a coma, and died soon after.
It turns out that Sherrill had a tumor, and the speed of the ride dislodged it into her
Sherrill's husband tried to sue the park for sending her around a second time, but
they claim that since they had signs warning people with medical conditions to stay away,
they couldn't be held responsible.
Ricky Lee Yama
It was August of 1967, and Disneyland had just opened Tomorrowland, which included its
new ride called the People Mover.
The cars moved fairly slowly, but their purpose was to transport park guests through every
section of Tomorrowland.
It was designed so that guests could get on and off the ride while it was still moving.
Only one month after it opened, a 17-year-old named Ricky Lee Yama thought it would be funny
to step out of his car and move to the next one, so he could sit with his friends.
He decided to do this while the People Move passed through a dark tunnel.
Unfortunately, Ricky lost his balance on the rotating platform, and fell onto the tracks.
Another set of cars came along, and crushed his body under the wheels.
He was dragged until the employees could stop the ride, but by then, he was already dead.
A few years later, in 1980, a teenager named Gerardo Gonzalez died in almost exactly the
same way, when he tried to hop cars on the People Mover during his Grad Night.
Philip Straughan
An 18-year-old named Philip Straughan was yet another high school senior who was celebrating
at Grad Night with his class from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
According to some reports, Philip was also celebrating his 18th birthday, so he got quite
drunk with his friends that night.
He decided to play one last prank by stealing an employee boat near Tom Sawyer's Island,
so he could take a drive.
Keep in mind, this was the middle of the night, so Philip couldn't actually see where he
was going.
He crashed into a giant rock, fell into the water, and drowned in Disney's "Rivers
of America."
Luan Phi Dawson
It was Christmas Eve of 1998, when a Microsoft engineer named Luan Phi Dawson and his wife
were visiting Disneyland with their family.
They were standing in line, waiting for a ride on the ship "Columbia" on the Rivers
of America.
The boat was tied to the dock by a rope, and secured around a metal cleat.
Unfortunately, the Disney park employee was poorly trained for their job, and forgot to
untie the rope.
So, when the boat moved forward, it yanked the metal cleat out of the dock, and hit Dawson
in the head.
He was sent to the hospital, and two days later, he was dead.
His children were standing close by, and witnessed the tragic end of their father's life.
This was the first death at Disneyland where the company could not blame the park guest
for their behavior, and they were forced to update their employee safety training.
Dawson's family took Disney to court, and they settled for an unknown dollar amount.
Some speculate that Disney could have paid the Dawson family as much as $20 million.
Marcelo Torres
Marcelo Torres was a 22-year-old graphic designer who decided to go on a spontaneous trip Disneyland
with his best friend.
He was riding the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which is basically a roller coaster shaped
like a train out of the Old West.
Park employees heard a loud clanging noise coming from the train, but none of them were
mechanically trained.
So, they decided not remove the car from the ride.
Sure enough, the wheel assembly fell off the train.
Ten park guests were seriously injured.
Marcelo Torres was in the very front seat of the train, and died from the crash.
The Torres family sued Disney for the death of their son, and won the case.
They created a scholarship fund in his name, donating $500,000 of it to aspiring graphic
This incident forced Disney to change their policies when it came to the maintenance of
their rides.
For more infomation >> 10 Shocking Deaths at Disney Parks - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
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Eric Dean's Temple: A rowdy home-built Ford GT40 | Why I Drive - Ep. 1 - Duration: 2:30.
- [Eric] The GT40 is easily my favorite car
that's ever been made.
I thought I had enough collective experience
to build one myself.
I was really unrealistic about
how long it would take to build this car.
A year and a half in, I reached my breaking point
and I thought, this might be the first project
that I haven't finished.
Once it was done,
it was one of the most satisfying things in my life.
(engine revving)
I keep a stash of ear plugs in the door
because it is that uncivilized.
It's rowdy, it's loud.
Driving this car is a workout.
You feel every crack in the road.
You can't let your mind wonder, you've got to stay focused.
Even though you're surrounded by this noise,
it's peaceful.
It's almost meditative.
It handles and it's planted.
You can drive it really fast.
It does everything you want it to do.
Building it with my own hands,
I know every square inch of the car.
If I just bought this car, it wouldn't feel the same.
My name is Eric Dean and this is why I drive.
(engine revving)
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Important Things You Need to Know About Marriage & Dating! - Nouman Ali Khan Animated - Duration: 8:17.
So now we turn to this idea of you know guarding ones privates within marriage before young
man gets married in our times nowadays you know they've watched a few movies here and
there before they make tawba and they became religious and they have this idea of what
love is what marriage is and you know brothers come up to me all the time brother man I gotta
get married man you know as though like in their head once they get married all their
temptations are just gonna poof disappear and life is gonna be bliss and we're gonna
read Quran together you know and you know it's gonna be just a spiritual experience
right and there's this this fantastic view of what marriage really is those of you that
are married are probably not even laughing right now because what is he talking about
because you don't even remember feeling that way right so yeah you know it's many at times
you do run into a brick wall because what is what is shown to us about marriage our
idea of marriage especially the modern mind whether Muslim or otherwise the modern idea
of love and companionship and a man and a woman together the idea of it is basically
the same as dating okay and dating means you have all the fun and when things get difficult
you walk away that's what dating is right so what we actually when we think of marriagemen
brothers and sisters even when they think of marriage they're thinking of the aspects
of marriage that are like dating but you know there's a lot more to marriage than dating
right there's the bills and there's the chores and then there's you have to you have to learn
to live with another person which is very difficult you do things your way she does
things her way and now there's a towel hanging the wrong way or the toothbrushes in a different
place or you know something that there's a little too little sugar in your coffee or
something or little things start adding up and start in the beginning I loved her too
much I'm not gonna say anything I can handle this but a couple of years later it starts
piling up and you're like again with the sugar you know and it starts adding up now this
doesn't happen in dating because you're tired of this girl what did the next one or she's
tired of you I I think you know I I don't want to deal with your smell anymore I'm out
you know it's just walk away from it but marriage is a serious commitment and you know the terminology
used in Quran is very strong you know the ihssan in Arabic it's the the word used for
putting someone inside a fort like a military camp the idea of that is there enemies outside
once you're inside this military facility you're safe right so women are told are described
as women are our females that have been put inside the camp of protection and who's protecting
them the husband is from everything from sadness from difficulty from shamelessness in terms
of ignorance he's protecting them he's giving them an education is protecting them in every
single way and the one who wants to get married Allah describes him there are men who have
the intention of bringing women into this fort into their protection the start families
not just to get their desires out mossafih is someone who has hormones overtaking him
that's why he wants to get married that's it right so Allah changes our mindset about
marriage but if you marry for the right reasons then you will have a healthy relationship
with your wife if you marry for the wrong reasons and the wrong reasons are I just you
know I have a hormonal problems that's why I want to get married and that's it you know
what you're gonna have a miserable marriage and you'll never be satisfied and you probably
many of you learned this the hard way already because the intention was all messed up the
intention has to be to start a family to please Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to do to increase
the good in society so now the principle the underlying principle in marriage as it is
in everything else in this deen of Allah subhana wa ta'ala you worry about your obligations
and you forget about your rights I know that sounds very harsh but if you can do that I
mean experiment it for six months forget about your rights worry about your obligations what
can I do for my wife what more can I do for her can I buy her a gift I haven't you weren't
giving her anything for a long time you know if she makes a mistake pretend like you didn't
even she didn't even make it right tasfau means cover the page when you cover a page
you can't see the previous page right so if your wife makes a mistake you pretend like
you don't even see it right instead of bringing it up and again with this you know so you
cover her mistakes and you go out of your way to fulfill your side of the obligations
you go out of your way to show sabr and compassion and overlooking and even the hurtful comments
you don't respond to them except with a smile etc etc you go out of your way to do your
part because you know when you start expecting you expect certain things from your wife she
should take care of me I have physical needs I have needs I have psychological needs you
should give me company she should be nicer to me she said smile when I come home from
work instead of frowning at me all the time and reminding me what groceries I didn't do
or what laundry I forgot to finish right she should be nicer to me there's always these
expectations in your head and you know the believer who does he expect from the believer
expects from his Lord right because everyone besides Allah subhanho wa taala will disappoint
your expectations is a universal principle Allah awj revealed the one who seeks the one
who demands is weak has been weakened and whatever he seeks has also been weakened inherently
weak so what so long as you place any hopes in creation you are necessarily going to be
disappointed you put hopes in your boss he's gonna give you a promotion it's not gonna
happen you know you put hopes in a friend he's gonna come through he gave you an appointment
time he's gonna pick you up he's gonna be late he's not gonna be able to make it you
you put hopes in creation you put hopes in things they will disappoint you Allah Azza
WA JAL wants us to learn to place hopes only in Him and then when this attitude is developed
then what happens is if your wife gives you a little you're very grateful because you
weren't expecting anything well a lot of times what happens is we read a couple of Islamic
books maybe a couple of our hadith about the rights of a husband and the rights of a wife
and what the crazy thing that happens is husbands are reading about what husbands deserve and
wives are reading about what wives deserve as opposed to the opposite husbands are supposed
to be reading about what what the wives deserve but everybody's obsessed with themselves they're
selfish even when they come to Islam they learn and they study that which serves them
so for example parents they may not know any Quran but they know: "...and to parents, good
treatment." Surah Al-Isra (17:23) Quran they know that one they don't even know where it
is in the Quran but they know this by heart right why do they know this by heart because
it serves them right the man they may not know much about Quran but as soon as the wife
says a word: "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women,..." Surah An-Nisa (4:34) Quran because
it's self-serving now you're not a servant of Allah Subhan Allah Tala you're you're using
Allah's Deen to serve yourself right so one has to understand our Deen first and foremost
is a responsibility to fulfill our obligations so we study and we learn what how do we excel
with our wives how does the wife excel with the husband you know I gave a hope but some
time ago about the rights of the wife and the husband and you know I made two handouts
one was advice for wives one was advice for husbands and I said it over and over in the
khutba don't read the rights of the husband the husband's don't read those just read the
rights of the wife I made a handout for you don't read the wives handout read your handout
twenty brothers come up to me after brother the khutba "brother that handout for the wives
can you give me a copy" no I can't give you a copy because you're gonna go home and say
see this point number four right here you've been missing out on this for six months you
know this and these are real problems in marriage this can lead to a really serious turmoil
in marriage so you want to have a healthy relationship in marriage you have to take
care of your obligations.
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지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us (each other)
For every little step that we took
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時 Tokini When
に大事なもの daijina mono something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it
ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is
not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with
all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
지나버린순간들은 Jinabeorin sungandeureun The moments that passed
영원히 사라진 것이 아니요 yeongwoni sarajin geosi aniyo are not gone forever
최선 다해 싸운 시간 Choeseon dahae ssaun sigan When we fight our best,
우리를 배신하지 않으리라 urireul baesinaji aneurira we will not betray us
For every little step that we took,
we would lose something
時に些細なもの Tokini sasaina mono Something trivial
時に大事なもの Tokini daijina mono when something important
There used to be regret in the past
But we can't even see it ahead of us
目の前に広がる Menomaeni hirogaru The road that spreads in front of you is
道は長く遠い michi wa nagaku tooi road that is long and long
repentance can save
souls of tragedy
心の傷 Kokoro no kizu Here embracing the scars
抱いて idaite of my heart
그것만이 남겨진 길 Geugeon mani namgyeojin gil The only thing left of it
The time past is not the time lost
We can only leave everything up to heaven
The time we spend with all of our soul
Never betrays the hearts bound together
Together ~ From left: Mimi, YooA, Arin, Jiho, Seunghee, JinE, Hyojung, Binnie
Nightcore - No Glory (Lyrics) ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 4:12.
Found a little bit a light, tryna find my heart
Funny when I'm bright, gotta lifestyle dark
Hundy when I write, get a tight flow spark
With a physco chart, playing dice go start
Oh who are you, better know yourself
Know your soul gotta know your wealth
Slow your role, getta a hold don't melt
And don't you fall, when it feel like hell
Oh who am I, M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna fuck wit
Late nights messin' up my sleep so I'm flustered
Taking out aggression wit my pen because I trust it
Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard
For the game
Leave 'em hanging by his chain
Click bang, feel enraged
Feel it firin' my brain. Feel insane
Enda story, feel the flame
45 to the brain, praying lord please help
No Glory
No glory, I M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna fuck wit
Late nights messin' up my sleep so I'm flustered
Taking out aggression wit my pen because I trust it
Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard
No glory
Remember, I used to be that kid that everyday would
get rejected Y'all got my story the glory
was painted on a song
I'm mortified but feel immortal
This pen to this paper always open up different portals
It's I and me, it's me and I'm by myself I'm down to ride
Taking on the tides, size of tsunamis touchin' the sky
I get a quick scan, it's time to move
Leavin' everything else behind I got something to prove
I'm just running away
No, I ain't running away
I got memories saved oh I'm just finding my place
Where I belong to
Barely glory in my soul
Eyy I'm riding away yeah, I'm finding my place yeah
I gotta escape yeah, its what I gotta do
See you on the other side
See you on the other side
See you on the other side
We all know
No I ain't running running running yeah
I'm coming coming coming yeah
Knocking all these demons that been tryna run up on me yeah
Oh I keep on fighting, they keep coming coming coming yeah
I'ma keep keep on fighting till I'm gone
I need the glory
Wie DODGE CALIBER Stoßdämpfer hinten wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 13:31.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №10
Use a combination spanner №15
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use an open-end wrench №15 and an ajustable spanner
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
How to write a perfect article without any skills - Article Writing Tips [Urdu - Hindi] - Duration: 37:54.
How to write a perfect article without any skills - Article Writing Tips [Urdu - Hindi]
Why is a fish on Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel? - Duration: 2:53.
The Swan and Dolphin hotels at Walt Disney World are unique in a number of ways.
For one, they're not actually owned by Disney, and come from a time where Disney almost turned
to outside companies for all it's new resorts.
Beyond that they're iconic for their design.
Both resorts are adorned with massive statues of their namesake.
The swan with its two majestic swans, and the dolphin with… fish?
So yeah, what's up with that?
Why are there giant fish statues on the Dolphin hotel?
Well the answer is there aren't.
Those are actually dolphins, just not the kind we're used to seeing.
When the Swan and Dolphin were designed by architect Michael Graves in the late 1980s,
the statues for the two dolphins were inspired by the same design used by famous Italian
sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
His depictions of dolphins, most noticeable in the 1642 Triton fountain in Rome, similarly
looked like fish.
They were just scarier than what we have in Disney World today.
In fact, this inspiration is why you can find similar styled dolphins somewhere else in
Walt Disney World: Epcot.
The door handles in Epcot's Italian pavilion sport a similar design, and the pavilion's
statue of Neptune also features two pretty mean looking dolphins.
This was common as the dolphin was often associated with Neptune, who was the Roman god of the sea.
The dolphins were often shown with an exaggerated arched back, meant to represent the dolphin mid-jump.
As for why they look so different from actual dolphins?
Well while there's no clear cut answer on that, the general belief is that the lack
of easy access to dolphins meant that artists were often forced to depict them based on
word of mouth descriptions.
After all, they couldn't just check Google image search or run to the zoo.
I also believe there's an argument to be made that the inaccuracies were embraced for
their thematic purpose.
I mean, which of these says "ocean conquest" more?
The horrifying sea monster or the Lisa Frank dolphin?
So there you have it.
The fish on top of the Dolphin hotel are actually dolphins.
They're just meant to look like dolphins a sculptor made nearly 400 years ago, and
those were meant to look like dolphins as they were depicted as far back as ancient Rome.
It's just another reason on the list of reasons why the Swan and Dolphin are unique
hotels at Walt Disney World.
If you want to know more about how they came about, I have another video from a while
back on the subject and if you want to learn even more about not just those two hotels,
but that period of the company as a whole, I highly recommend Disney War by James B Stewart.
There will be a link to it in the description below.
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time!
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