For more infomation >> How To Make The BEST FLUFFY SLIME! DIY Cotton Candy Slime! Easy Slime for Beginner! - Duration: 4:15.
morefire Kneipentalk - Auf ein Kölsch mit Rene Dhemant | Episode 6 - Duration: 18:12.
Hot Seat: Gasser verdict - Duration: 14:09.
New solar panel rule proposal has some feeling left in the dark - Duration: 2:33.
Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2018 | New Funny Videos 2018 - Duration: 10:16.
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Pet questions: How do I fix my cat's stinky breath? - Duration: 2:11.
FEC Train at Palm Ave Railroad Crossing - Duration: 4:04.
Okay ladies and gentlemen
This is Palm Avenue
Hialeah Florida
And there should be an FEC train very close to here
train horn
there you go
train horn
train horn
train horn
this is facing West
facing East
This 1st crossing here has a WC Hayes bracket
WC Hayes lights
I think they all got WC Hayes lights
They got WC Hayes
mechanical bell
on that side
some wood over here
graffiti express
Let's hear those WC Hayes bells in action
mechanical bells
let me give you a quick track view over here.
This is track view West
and this is track view East.
Oh wow! look at that WRRS stuff
and you know what that is
voo doo
MI cantilever
and WC Hayes lights
Alright you guys
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sapientdream. - STAY - Duration: 1:57.
sapientdream. - STAY
Vanessa Hudgens's Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★Income ★Education ★Biography ★Boyfriend-2018 - Duration: 5:13.
Vanessa Hudgens lifestyle biography
full name Vanessa and Hudgens alternative name vanessa hudgens
nationality us birth date December 14th 1988 age 29 years height 1.55 m 5 feet 1
in weight 50 kilograms born in Salinas California United States hair color deep
rich brown eye color dark brown measurements 34b 24 34 bra size 3 4 C
shoe size 9 us education she has not studied much but attended Orange County
high school occupation actress and singer family
Vanessa Hudgens father Greg Hudgens
Vanessa Hudgens mother genic Wanko
Vanessa Hudgens sister Stella Hudgens
Vanessa Hudgens present boyfriend Austin Butler
Vanessa Hudgens ex-boyfriend josh hutcherson Vanessa Hudgens ex-boyfriend
Zac Effron
favorite food chocolate sushi
networth vanessa hudgins net worth ten million dollars
Vanessa's first album was titled V released on September 26 2006
house fire Vanessa Hudgens location studio city CA price two
million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars size five thousand two hundred
square feet six bedrooms six point five bathrooms
Vanessa Hudgens Mercedes e350
Vanessa Hudgens Audi s5
2017 HIGHLIGHTS - Checkpoint #3 - Duration: 18:31.
Hi everyone!
We meet again – as we said – for the first video of the year
In this video, we will take time to come back to everything that we've done
during the year 2017, chronologically from the beginning to the end
We will come back to the music videos, to the album, to the various places where we have played
We will obviously tell you what we are currently developing
What our projects are; including this format but we will get back to that later
And what we plan to do this year
No more waiting, let's go!
[What Are We Talkin' About ?]
So, 2017!
2017 started very quickly: in January we decided to shoot
our first music video, Don't Wanna, which announced the release of the album
This video was fun, we had an absolute blast writing it, partly directing it
That was a great pleasure… although it was a pain as well because it was super hard
with the very little means that we had to be coherent in our very complex story
And by the way I beleive a lot of you people didn't really understand the video
I feel like lifting the veil! So it gives you an occasion to watch it agin
So Don't Wanna is a song that speaks about the circle of virtue in which one enters when one
forgives in opposition to the circle of vice in which one enters when one holds grudges
Say that's beautiful!
You will not have missed that I represent Vins's conscience,
that I'm not really in the story
We notice that quite quickly, because of my clothes for starters
that are just a light jacket while he's in a thick coat and it's winter
(It was about -1 or -2 outside… crazy stuff!)
So the idea is that Vins, at the beginning of the video, is very angry
We see that in the way he gets up, in the way he spills the glass of orange juice
he's in a hurry, he is… he's not doing so well!
This apparition of his conscience that I represent, we don't really know what it does here
but what's for sure is that by choosing to ignore it, only catastrophes happen to him
Particularly the car accident there is roughly in the middle of the video
So eventually he decides to listen to that conscience, and what happens to him
is that he realises that if this person whose image he sees hurt him and if he's mad
it's merely because they themselves is in pain
And I think that's a truth, I think there is almost no-one in this world
who is mean just to be mean
When we hurt others it's because we hurt inside
And that is depicted by the usage or drugs; we can see me at the end of the video ODing on the couch
I'd like to say that I wasn't really ODing, that wasn't really heroin,
that was a mix of Coke and water for those who would like to pretend
they're high on heroin sometimes, we never know…
Eventually he decides to listen to his conscience and decides to put his hard feelings aside and forgive
and to come save me, so that things go well for ma and for him
At the beginning of the video the story begins once again
He believes things haven't really happened and it was all just a bad dream
but there are still some clues that prove it has kind of happened
That's a way to show this vicious circle
and that when one enters such negative dynamics, not everything goes wrong at once,
there are warning signals; and that was the warning signal
that pseudo-accident that doesn't really happen though
And eventually, instead of restraining himself inside this loop, he decides to break it
listening to his conscience and coming to save me
So that was Don't Wanna's music video
That was a bit complicated, but we're pretty glad of what we have done with it
Then in March or April, we shot the second music video, Checkmate
After Don't Wanna's pain-in-the-ass shooting – because we've got to say, shooting Don't Wanna was
as much a pain as it was fun, there were so many shots, it was hard to follow the plot
with rigour – we tried something else with Checkmate
We worked a lot less… but we gave a lot more to the director
In concrete terms, we shot it with a green background here in the studio
Well, with green curtains because we forgot the green background that day
There has been a huge post-production job from Arnaud who directed the video for us
Because imagine that we simply played guitar
on high chairs in front of green curtains and then
all the animation of the chess board was post-production
That was a gamble but we are exploring different horizons
I don't know what you guys liked more, you can tell us
if liked the short-film story-like ambiance from Don't Wanna better
or rather the more visual ambiance from Checkmate, please tell us
So Checkmate was released, I believe early May, just after the release of the album
That was THE big event of the year 2017 and l would even say
The big event of our lives because it's the first album we ever release
That was a lot of work: we started writing the songs many years ago
and recording them during the summer 2016; and since we recorded them all by ourselves
in this very studio, there was so many things to learn, it was a bit harsh
We had to record several times some of the tracks to get a good result
We're pretty glad with the ultimate result because that was really not easy
The outcome may not me 100% professional, but good enough according to us
to be presented and by the way that's why we chose to release it
and show it to you, then make a CD pressing, that was a lot of work as well
having to design the package and everything, but that was pretty fun
So that was the biggest part, it was out on April 30
And around that we made several shows and I will speak about that now cos that was cool
I believe just the day before, we played at the Théâtre du Luxembourg in Meaux
I think that to this day, it's pretty safe to say that
it's the most beautiful venue in which we have performed
because it was a gigantic stage, it's such a great memory
Around that time we also played at the Batofar, that was quite nice
We played at l'Etage as well, the first out of 3 because we went back there several times during the year
Lots of people amongst you came to support
and that was definitely great, it made us really happy
So, April 30 was the release of the album and in May or June
We shot both Solstice and Don't Let Down videos
in almost just one week
Solstice then, is the eponymous song… for the band so it makes sense
we really wanted to release it on the day of the solstice, so we did on June 21
For the record that one was really relaxing, we invited some friends, the weather was great
And shortly after we went to London to shoot the video for Don't Let Me Down,
the cover of The Beatles; for those who didn't know by the, it's originally from The Beatles
and it's a funky cover of it
That was a tough one! Because we went by car, we left on Saturday morning and came back on Sunday evening
and it's about 8 hours of driving to go to London, as well as to come back obviously
So in a way that video just shows our 24-hour trip to London
So that was everything that went on until the summer
And during the summer, you probably didn't miss that we went to La Rochelle
That too was an important part! Firstly because we went there with no idea
if we would be able to play, where we would be able to play, and I'll say that too
we went there with no idea where we would sleep
And it turns out on the first evening we had to sleep in a park
It lasted a week, it was super beautiful, super nice
And the people since they were on holidays really enjoyed our music
We sold, if my memory is correct, 58 albums in one week
It gave us a nice moral boost, to realise that
we could go anywhere with very primary conditions seek people
we absolutely didn't know, had never met
and seeing they could enjoy what we did that much
That was very pleasing, and it was the first time we had decided just to take our guitar
our pedalboard and our amp and just go busk
Which we sure did after that, because starting September,
even though we had had the authorisation a few month before, we went in the underground!
The underground is as educational as it is frustrating
Because it is for people who are just really passing through, we are not anymore
in the same case as La Rochelle where the people were on vacation
They see musicians in the old port, the view is beautiful,
They are in no hurry, they stay and take the time to listen
Here in the underground, you know what it's like, everything goes so fast, people are just passing through on their way back from work
It's still nice because we somehow manage to attract some people's attention
but at the same time I would qualify it as a little unrewarding
We are there, we are playing, for several hours and at times we feel like
we are playing for nothing and at the same time it's very educational for us
because we have played during hours and hours, we made a lot of progress
So obviously we will definitely keep on playing there all along the upcoming year
We are holding back a bit right now because the temperature makes things a little hard
We went there by 0°C once, and it's the last time we did until today
so we will let you guys figure out the connection
I think we actually became aware of the potential for this sort of mobile music
because ultimately, it's the only way it makes sense to play any music
Just go out and play!
We think it's the only way we will be able to keep playing and go further
Just by going out there meeting people, playing in the streets, in the underground
anywhere, I don't know, on a boat…
It's something on which we are clearly going to insist in the future
In November, as we were peacefully playing in the underground
Someone came to see us and explained about his association which is called
Cool, Mon Bus Arrive (Cool, My Bus is Coming), you may have heard us mention it already
because we have once or twice during the month of December
Cool, Mon Bus Arrive, we suggest that you go visit their website
Long story short, it's an association that will implement a system of free bus riding inside Paris
inside which there will be sort of an ''art exhibition''
I believe what they want to do is put many paintings or drawings
Pictural arts anyways, kind of like a private viewing or a regular exhibition
and then arrange a stage at the bottom of the buses where the musicians like us could play
And so that the people no longer have to have the initiative of actively going to discover
new artists but on the contrary, it would be the new artists who would be rolling
and moving to come meet people directly in their daily life
We like the concept right away, so we chose to act as 'sponsors' for them
It's an association which primary goal is to have buses move around Paris for free
but in reality that would be the first contact with the artists, and the goal is also
to organise bigger events, rent venues to have concerts in them
rent venues to host exhibitions on a larger scale
but that first contact with the artists would be while wandering in the bus
Since we volunteered to sponsor this association, there is a strong probability that we will -
And actually I think it's already planned for this year - do some concerts with them in venues
And then again we strongly recommend you to come because there will be a lot of other artists
We are obviously not the only artists getting involved in this organisation
It will be cool, hence the title, it will be cool because the bus is coming
What I'm saying right now makes absolutely no sense!
So here it is for the year 2017! That part is done!
It was a bit long because we discussed each event, month after month,
and now we will focus a little more on what we are currently building
As we briefly evoked in the former video
We have got - Vins will come show you
We have got a controller keyboard
That's a controller keyboard, it possesses 25 keys with pads, linked to a computer
And the computer is the one determining the sounds that will come out
I'm going to put this on to show you what it sounds like
So we can have drum sounds
And let's be honest, that's definitely dope!
We also have bass sounds
We've got classic piano sounds
There are other modern sounds, hear that for example
That's a sound widely utilised nowadays and we like it very much, kalimbas
Those are just random examples
This keyboard in linked to Vins's loop pedal
I remind you the loop pedal is a thing that he controls with his foot and allows him to record
what we play and sing and have it looped so that we can
add some layers onto one another and build the instrumental, reaching depth in what we play
Up until now we only did it with an acoustic guitar, that was nice
It has its inherent charm as well, it's not something we plan to abandon
We hit the guitar to have lower-pitched sounds such as a drum beat
But with this keyboard the outcome is deeper, with much more bass
and we thought that when we will be on stage
Acoustic guitar is nice when we are mobile, when we were in La Rochelle or in the underground
but when we are on stage, it's a lot nicer to have something more evolved
So here's a proposition for you, we are going to play a song!
So let's go, we will use the keyboard, Vins will come pick up the guitar, and we will play for you
[Loop 65]
So here is what it sounds like, that was Loop 65 with this new setting
It was just a teaser, but the whole video is available
so do not hesitate to go watch and share it
It's really something we feel like establishing regularly during the rest of the year
It's a different way of playing songs we have already played over and over again
It will require to adapt to new instruments
To learn some bass because we will incorporate real bass in the near future
To learn things on the keyboard, and mostly it will allow when it's just the 2 of us
We are often accompanied by a drummer and a bassist, those who came to see us live know it
But sometimes it's just the 2 of us and it will give our music a body
as imposing as when we are in a more sophisticated ensemble
We are finally there! What we plan to do this year 2018, is to come back on a regular basis
with this VLOG format where we tell what happened, what we have planned, what we will do, etc.
and we will constantly associate it with a song we want to play
May it be a a song of ours, a cover, maybe some new stuff
Please tell us if you like this because we want to do it regularly
if you have things to say, to improve, let us know
And share these videos on your social media accounts if you enjoy them
Something else that will naturally be of importance for this year 2018
is to go busk again with our acoustic guitar and amp as we have already done
in the underground mostly as soon as the temperature will have warmed up a bit
We will go back down those underground corridors
And of course it goes without saying for every musician, what we expect the most is to have lots of shows
So we are currently trying to set this up
We are trying to anticipate our summer, that is how things go when you are musician
During the winter you organise the summer
So we would like to have shows, shows, and more shows
We hope we will be able to land some festivals!
By the way if you know any people who work in festivals or in venues
Really don't hesitate to say it, it's important to us
if you have the ability to connect us so that we ask for a programmation
That's all for today, we hope you will have enjoyed this new format
we are putting in motion
Once again we are waiting for your feedback and hope you will share these videos
Remember to watch the video for Loop 65 that we did with these new instruments, especially the keyboard
And, we'll you soon?
Bye bye!
saranac ice palace - Duration: 1:27.
Is Vt's $1B underwater power project toast? Scott says maybe not - Duration: 1:52.
고현정 조인성 친한것도 죄가 되나?|Top Stories - Duration: 5:14.
BREAKING!! Trump Just Announced What He's Doing With The FISA MEMO! - Duration: 5:08.
BREAKING!! Trump Just Announced What He's Doing With The FISA MEMO!
The Secret FISA memo has had the media and the American public in a frenzy these past
few weeks.
Allegations are out their that the memo contains information that verifies the rumors that
the deep state under the Obama administration purposefully tried to undermine then-presidential
candidate Donald Trumps presidential campaign.
Now more details are emerging.
There is a rumor that Trump wants the secret memo released to the public.
The Blaze reported,
"President Donald Trump wants the secret memo that details alleged government surveillance
abuses released to the public.
What did he say?
According to the Washington Post, Trump last week told Attorney General Jeff Sessions,
via White House chief of staff John Kelly, to release the memo, also known as the "secret
FISA memo."
The Post noted that Trump's directive contradicts the Department of Justice's position on
the matter.
The agency has said releasing the classified memo without official review would be "extraordinarily
A "senior administration official" who spoke to the Post anonymously said Trump "is
inclined to have that released just because it will shed light" on the FBI's Trump-Russia
What did he say?
According to the Washington Post, Trump last week told Attorney General Jeff Sessions,
via White House chief of staff John Kelly, to release the memo, also known as the "secret
FISA memo."
The Post noted that Trump's directive contradicts the Department of Justice's position on
the matter.
The agency has said releasing the classified memo without official review would be "extraordinarily
A "senior administration official" who spoke to the Post anonymously said Trump "is
inclined to have that released just because it will shed light" on the FBI's Trump-Russia
"Apparently all the rumors are that it will shed light, it will help the investigators
come to a conclusion," the official said.
When will the memo be released?
According to the Post, Trump's request was relayed to Sessions.
However, the decision to release the secret memo ultimately lies with Congress, specifically
the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).
If the committee votes to release the memo, the process will then head to Trump's desk
for final approval, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio.).
Still, a GOP congressman said last week that it will take 19 congressional working days
to go through the process to release the classified document.
All told, that would put its release at sometime in mid-March.
What does the memo show?
News of the memo quickly became one of the hottest stories of the month in the days preceding
the government shutdown.
Every member of the House has been granted access to view the memo in secure locations,
however many — mostly Democrats — have not taken advantage of the opportunity.
The memo allegedly details extensive government surveillance abuses, including evidence the
Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign and Trump transition through the secret FISA
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said he was "shocked" to read the four-page memo, according to USA
"I had the opportunity to go into a confidential setting to make sure that we can understand
better what actually took place," Meadows said in a speech on the House floor.
"And I'm here to tell all of America…that I am shocked to read exactly what has taken
I would think it would never happen in a country that loves freedom and democracy like this
Media pundits have been discussing it as well.
This past weekend Sarah Carter of Fox News gave her two cents about when the memo might
be released saying,
"We know that probably within the week, now I'm not guessing tomorrow.
I've been hearing different things.
The House Intelligence Committee will go to a vote on this first.
This is what has to happen first.
We know that the president right now, according to my sources, is not going to object to the
release of the memo and I think that's what's most important here."
If the memo is voted on and it is passed the President would have to them sign it.
While he supports the release of the memo his Department of Justice has encouraged him
and publicly stated it should not be released.
If he releases it he will be going against the recommendation of his own Department of
However, it wouldn't be that abnormal to see him sign it and do what he wants or see
a rogue member of a Congress go on the House floor and read it.
Whatever is in this memo could be incredibly damaging however given how slanted and biased
the media is the likelihood of them fairly reporting on it for the mockery of the democratic
system that it is slim to none.
This memo will likely prove the work the deep state did to try and keep Trump out of office.
Given how close the midterm elections are it could help to embolden Republicans and
the loyal Trump supporters to vote in favor of the Republicans versus abandoning them.
Keeping Republicans in power for another two years.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
Best dance song, true! 🔥 Free music for video production 🔥 Thumbs up! :-) - Duration: 2:36.
Best dance song for you! This is awesome free music for video production with VJ-animation.
If you want use it - just subscribe and give credit to the author in your description.
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Maino Thinks Fabolous Wants To "Be In The Bed" With Ashanti | Rate The Bars - Duration: 5:11.
(Hip hop music)
- BK grimmey MC, rap wreck machine.
My n****s on the scene with the machine guns,
the infared beams.
Hand gun with silencers, ride up on the side of ya.
Flash this gun up in ya face like a photographer.
Right here, I'm at a three with this, alright, three.
It's not fair I can't hear the beat, nahmean?
It's like, reading the raps, he might he saying it
in a different way, you know?
Put his eight ball dead in the side pocket.
Some lead from a hot rocket, left in his side pocket,
kill em, f**k a microwave, that will
turn his head to a hot pocket.
I don't know, I don't know man.
Like, this is like, put his eight ball
dead in the side pocket, uh, uh,
put some lead from a hot rocket, whoa, whoa,
left in his side pocket, kill em, kill em,
f**k a microwave that will turn his head to hot pocket
pocket pocket pocket pocket, add echo at the end.
I don't know about this s**t, um,
I'ma have to give the deuce to that one.
A Compton n***a that could go bar for bar with Jada,
let me tell you who suck, like a banana now or laters.
Blac Chyna head the bomb, al-Qaeda,
listen, if you want beef I'll cater.
Yeah yeah yeah, this is hard, I know this.
Yeah, I know this, yeah ill give this a four.
Yeah, definitely.
Kick it with you b***h who come from Parisian.
She know where I get mine from, and the season.
Now she wanna lick my plum in the evenin,
maybe that's like, evenin,
and fit that tou-tongue dee-deep in.
I guess that c**t getting eaten.
Whoa, bam, I'm like.
Cookies, codeine and mushrooms, drug addict.
That's me, that was an ad lib from me.
Cookies, codeine and mushrooms, drug addict.
Sweep a nigga like I was a broom,
I be going up like a balloon, chop a n***a
with the bamboo in Cancun.
Oh, that s**t is horrible, I'm not f****g,
that s**t got a minus zero.
Who's running around with bamboo?
You got bamboo (bleep).
(bleep) die everyday in this country, alright?
Its gang violence at an all time high,
and all you runnin around with bamboo?
F**k a shooter, I'm my own shooter.
All this ice, I'm my own jeweler.
Six lawyers and they're all jewish.
I'm the star, b***h, this my movie.
Yeah, I like that, I'm at a four with that.
Came in the game flippin bigs like Ashanti.
My new ish is foolish like Ashanti.
You miss me?
Ahh baby, like Ashanti.
I told shorty, you know the rule like Ashanti.
Ah slick, this n***a want some Ashanti ass.
(bleep), you know what I'm saying,
like when (bleep) make a song like that
it's because he know he wanna have,
he wanna be in the bed with her.
This is what I'm thinking he felt like,
oh yeah this will get me that (bleep).
I'm at a two with this.
The power of the dussy make a grown man cry.
Curse (bleep), why you saying dussy?
That right there already put me in a bad place.
That depressed, that depresses me.
The power of the dussy?
Who talks like that?
Am I sexist for believing every rhyme I read
was from a male's perspective?
We gotta do this shit over.
This (bleep) getting a zero.
That (bleep) scared me.
I blew my money in aces, I've seen your woman crush naked.
Fuck and forgot what her name is,
she didn't even know what a wraith is.
I know who made that, that, we at a five with that one
right here, this is a five.
Because we know the beat, we know the beat.
We at a five with that guy.
Stupid lil fool, here go ya intervention.
When they talk about the time,
ya name is never mentioned.
Nobody cares, I ain't dissin, this is true,
you a bulls**t Jordan crying face, boo hoo.
Three, wasn't really mad at it.
Stupid lil fool, here go your intervention.
When they talk about the time,
your name is never mentioned, wasn't really mad at that.
Give it a fair, two and a half, three-ish.
What up this your boy Maino, the KOB,
and right now you watching, rate the bars,
right here on
(outro music)
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