(Episode 49)
Motion to dismiss President Hong Seokpyo.
With 51 for
and 49 against,
the motion for dismissal passes.
This is outrageous.
Talk about a sneak attack.
This doesn't count!
What's going on? Dismissal?
What happened?
This isn't right!
So the investment deal was a setup.
Who put you up to it?
Was it Director Kim?
How can you do this?
- President Hong! President Hong! / - Seokpyo!
- President Hong. / - Seokpyo!
How can we put the company's future
in his hands if he can't even handle this?
So it's true he has health problems?
It must have been more than just a rumor.
He's just exhausted from preparing for the meeting.
We will submit his physician's diagnosis.
This emergency meeting is void!
After all the help I've given Director Kim,
how can he stab me in the back like this?
You should take that up with Director Kim.
Word is that
you were the mastermind of the emergency meeting.
But a lowly lawyer has no such power.
And I don't even work at Genius.
You'll join the legal team once there's a new CEO.
Am I wrong?
You're the one who recommended me.
That's because Director Kim asked
and also because of your mother and my brother.
Fine. More importantly,
the CEO's dismissal wasn't the main goal.
It was President Hong's health.
Am I right?
Why are you being like this?
You voted for the CEO's dismissal.
That was different.
I didn't know I'd be used like this.
But you did throw a yes vote.
Is there anything else?
I have an engagement.
Director Kim was the mastermind.
All I did was inform Director Kim of
the health condition of President Hong,
I mean, Center employee Hong Seok.
The motion for dismissal passes.
Are you awake?
You asked for this despite being
barely conscious on my back.
How did it go at the meeting?
You see...
So the motion really passed.
Counsel Choi said you could sue,
contesting the validity of this dismissal.
What good would that do?
So you'll just step down?
It's game over even if another meeting is held.
Get me a list of the shareholders that voted yes.
The thing is...
You'll find out eventually...
Gu Jonghui?
How could Aunt Jonghui...
Why the police station?
I hate police stations.
Wow. That was close.
I should be more careful.
Are you going somewhere?
You said you were staying put today.
Where's Eunjeong?
In the bathroom.
Constipation or the runs?
Why is she in there all day?
Truth is,
she said she had to pursue someone.
Good grief.
Oh? What brings you here?
I'm busy right now.
No matter how busy, please hear me out, Mother.
Huh? What about?
I'll explain everything inside.
Okay. So let's see what you have to say.
It's about your store space by the police station.
I was on my way out because of that.
I never sold it,
but I was told it was.
I heard something too as I was reviewing
your store spaces for the foundation.
Turns out Mr. Gwon, the realtor,
confused yours with the one next door.
What? How can he confuse something like that?
No, no.
Mr. Gwon was very interested in my store space.
No. I should go and find out myself.
What is it now?
Yes. Yes, Mr. Gwon.
I was just about to...
Oh, really?
Anyway, stay away from the store space.
Even if I sell everything else, I won't sell that.
Yes, okay.
Was it Mr. Gwon?
What did he say?
My goodness. You were right.
He got it confused with the one next door.
Listen, Busik.
I didn't know this would happen.
Didn't I warn you to leave that alone?
We had managed to sell a building,
so I thought a store space would be a breeze.
It's quiet at the Paju building
because I'm making sure it stays that way.
I know.
It was a momentary lapse.
Anyway, what do I do?
If Ms. Kim goes to the realtor,
everything will come to light.
That's why I told you...
you won't go unscathed either.
If Ms. Kim calls,
tell her someone kept calling about
selling her store space and you said no.
Don't tell her you went to the realtor either.
Will that do?
It should work, right?
I'll take care of it.
Hand them over.
The agreement and the deposit for the store space.
Okay. Fine. Fine, okay?
We must void the agreement even at a penalty.
You're here and well like this,
so who would steal your fortune?
That's true.
I should've found out what happened first.
I've grown very impatient.
Don't worry.
I have your back, Mother.
Right. That's why it's so reassuring.
Why hasn't he called or texted?
Does a job interview last all day?
Geez. Bring them all in one go.
You're only half done?
Your work's suffering because you're distracted.
You spend more time
on the phone than on the receipts.
Hong Seok? Talk about bad taste.
Excuse me?
He's just a serial part-timer at his age.
Oh. But it's fine since you're capable,
capable thanks to your rich Ms. Kim.
You're being let go next month, Ms. Jeong Inu,
so worry about yourself.
You should be fine since Busik's capable.
What are you doing?
Do it again.
You might've slipped up since you were on your phone.
When will I do all these?
That psycho.
We should talk.
Will you keep avoiding me?
I have nothing to say.
Why not?
Give me some kind of an excuse at least.
Aunt Jonghui.
Seokpyo, are you okay?
I'm sure it was a huge shock,
but the doctor said after a little rest...
(Gu Jonghui)
Did you really vote for my dismissal?
No. No way.
Would she have signed a motion to dismiss you?
There must be a misprint.
Yes. I did sign it.
Why didn't you just tell me
you wanted to be CEO?
It wasn't like that.
Sure it was! Here's clear proof!
Hear me out. You must.
You know from figures and stats
that the business is highly likely to succeed.
That's just a possibility.
There's no guarantee of success.
You call that an excuse?
Are you a rookie entrepreneur?
I didn't know you'd be like this.
Nephew. President Hong.
Where are you going?
You can't just leave like this.
Leave him be.
Gu Jonghui.
I was used by Director Kim too.
I didn't know this was how he'd use my vote.
How could you not have known?
Do you expect me to believe that?
I thought reassuring
Director Kim would allow Seokpyo to finish.
I thought I was using Director Kim,
not the other way around.
You knew what Director Kim is like.
I bet you knew he could betray you.
No one knows how I feel.
How could they?
How can you do this to family?
This isn't right.
Despite everything, I trusted Aunt Jonghui.
So how could she?
I'll apply for your adoption within a week.
I'll tell you which forms we need,
so get them ready.
Will do.
Finally, Haengja...
Your wish is coming true.
Where were you all morning?
Do you really not know?
Today, it was the police station...
No. Never mind.
How did I come to tiptoe around everyone?
Why the police station? Are you in trouble again?
Geez. Do I always cause trouble?
I'm doing all this legwork to stop trouble.
I'm not eating.
You're so hard on me.
Good grief.
She's pouting. She's pouting again.
I don't know why she can't act her age.
Eat. Eat, okay?
It's nice we get to eat together
every day because Myeongjo's on vacation.
Why don't you look happy then?
Are you unwell?
I'm fine.
It's just that I'm tired.
You too, Eunjo. Eat.
Come on down!
What's this?
Soak your feet.
You enjoy it.
She's offering, so why not?
Why don't you do it too?
I'm pampering you girls today.
Come sit.
What are you doing?
Hold still.
Doing this for you will make me feel better.
Geez. They were so smooth when you were a baby,
but look at all these
calluses and cuts now.
Because I'm in heels all day.
My goodness. Your feet are no different.
That tickles.
Don't be a brat. Where's your gratitude?
Here you go again.
Hey, hold still.
I'll paint your toes when this is done.
I got hit 3 times,
so 3 hits back at you.
Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
You're going to get drenched.
You're too old to be horsing around like this.
- See you, madame. / - Hold down the fort.
Oh, wow. What brings you here?
I thought she might be here,
but they're closed.
Director Gu Jonghui?
She hasn't been answering her phone either.
Do you know where she...
Never mind.
I'm going to see her as she just called me.
What? Are you friends with her?
We're neighbors, so we've talked a few times.
She must need a friend to talk to right now.
Where is she?
No. Um... Can't I go in your place?
Her brother asked me as a favor.
Fact is, I have urgent business to see her about.
Will you go then?
No one knows how I feel.
Mister. Mister!
You bumped into me, so you should apologize.
What do you think your staring will do?
Huh? Mister. What do you think it'll do?
Oh... Sorry. Sorry.
Ms. Gu, sit. Sit.
Mi-ae, how did you know I was here?
Mi-ae, he bumped into me and then
walked off without apologizing.
What's wrong with you?
Hurry up. Mister, hurry up and apologize.
We should go.
You're drunk. You're drunk.
What did I do that you're causing a scene?
A woman should stay in the kitchen.
- What a world we live in. / - You don't say.
How dare you go on a drunken rant to a man?
Wait. What did you just say?
I don't believe this.
How dare you relegate women to the kitchen?
You need to starve for months
to stop taking us for granted.
That's right! Go, Mi-ae!
Drinking isn't for men only.
Do women not pay taxes?
Geez. This is just ridiculous.
What's with this lass?
Psychos. Let's go.
Did you just call me a psycho?
That's right. I called you a psycho? So what?
How dare you call me a psycho?
I called you a psycho because you are.
How dare you?
Look what you've done. Look.
What's the matter with you?
Let go! Let go!
Stop it.
Let go! Let go!
Let go of me!
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you doing this to me?
Hi, son.
Are you okay?
I'm fine,
but I'm embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed.
The charges are damage to property, obstruction
of business, and drunk and disorderly conduct.
Director Gu Jonghui?
What's wrong with her?
I don't know. Geez.
Jonghui. Where's Jonghui? Jonghui. Gu Jonghui.
Executive Manager Gu.
I'm so sorry.
I shouldn't have asked you to look for Jonghui.
It would've been far worse if I hadn't.
Geez. Director Gu, wake up.
Something happened at work today.
I'm sorry, Counsel Byeon.
I heard about the emergency meeting.
President Hong was dismissed, right?
What? How did you know?
Oh. You applied for a job on our legal team, right?
I'm waiting as I was told there will be good news.
Is President Hong okay?
How can he be after being ousted like that?
Why haven't you called all day?
Don't be disappointed if things didn't work out.
Please call.
President Hong, where are you?
Director Gu is...
Mr. Lee,
call President Kim Haengja.
Tell her I want to see her.
The sooner the better.
Even tomorrow will work.
Don't worry. I'm going home.
I can't let it end like this
after all that I've endured.
I can't let Director Kim have the company.
I'm sorry I couldn't call.
Please wait just a bit longer.
Whatever it is, it's better to worry together.
Why are you still up?
Huh? What about you?
The CEO or whatever of Genius wants to see me.
What? What for?
This. His secretary brought this over.
They're developing skin cosmetics or something.
But I have no idea what any of this means.
So you take a look at it.
Why was this given to you?
It's obvious. They want my money.
Oh. An investment?
What would I know?
You know more than I do.
So I found a few places that could advise me,
but I'd like to know what you think.
You're interested in this stuff.
Will you invest if I like it?
After I look thoroughly into it.
Okay. I'll read it over.
Aunt Eunjeong
says you seem to be on cloud nine these days.
What's going on?
I myself can see you have a glow too.
Did you and Busik make up?
But we never fought.
- And... / - Yes?
Busik and I broke up.
That's not what he said.
I didn't tell you in case you'd get upset,
but he broke up with me.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want you to worry.
It's fine.
We can just say Busik and I were incompatible.
But then why did Busik...
No, no. It's nothing.
Hey, hey, wake up.
Hey, wake up for a second.
- Geez. / - Come on.
What is it?
You said you went to the police station.
Why? Who were you following?
Geez. I told you I was tailing Dr. Jeong.
But I lost him near the police station.
Which police station?
The big one behind the three-way.
You ignored me earlier,
so why did you wake me up to ask me about it?
Dr. Jeong was near the police station?
No. That can't be, can it?
Hello? Hello, Mr. Oh.
It's me, Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market.
Yes, yes. It's been a while.
You need to find out
something for me discreetly.
Can you look into a real estate deal?
Don't tell anyone I asked you to.
Yes. I'll text you the details.
Yes, okay. Thank you.
Your meeting for Ms. Kim is set for 7:00 p.m.
She wants to meet at the pawnshop.
Okay. Thanks.
Are you just going to take this?
I'm taking it for next time's sake.
What are you going to do?
Continue the R&D and release the product line.
Even if Ms. Kim agrees to invest,
it probably won't be enough.
Then I'll sell the house, vacation house,
and some of my shares.
President Hong.
What's the good in having them?
They're to be used when needed.
What is this regarding?
I'm here to inform you of something.
What is it?
Because your R&D efforts failed and
cost the company...
Failed? That's utterly preposterous.
We're still in development.
Hang on.
Go on.
A claim for damages and an injunction
against the sale of your shares have been filed.
What was filed?
An injunction against selling your shares.
Starting today until the suit is settled,
you cannot sell your company shares.
President Hong.
I can't sell my own shares?
President Hong Seokpyo has really become
the Center part-timer Hong Seok,
Mr. Hong.
Genius Legal Team. Byeon Busik.
I'll be reporting to work starting next week.
You joined our legal team with the CEO change.
That's how the world works.
How will you fight me now?
You don't have the power
nor can you stand before people.
Why? Are you going to punch me again?
Because I won't stop at a single punch this time.
I'm going to get my shares back.
I'll see my venture through
and return as CEO.
And most importantly,
I have Ms. Gil.
I don't know if you heard,
but Ms. Gil was the one who wanted to marry me,
and I was the one who dumped her.
Do you know your lips can lie but not your eyes?
Your eyes tell me you still have feelings for her.
How cocky...
I'll make sure you can't get anywhere near Genius.
Ms. Kim, someone's here to see you.
Long time no see, Haengja.
Hi. You can go.
Okay. We can catch up later.
Did you look into it?
Have you gotten married?
Huh? Yes.
Why? What about it?
Some recklessly gutsy fellow
claiming to be your husband
brought a family relations certificate,
seal certificate, and power of attorney and sold
your store space by the police station.
W-What? What did you say?
Did you buy this?
Being Cinderella isn't just for young ladies.
It didn't go well.
Hang in there until it does.
You have me.
I'm Hong Seokpyo, the CEO of Genius.
You're not a Center staffer?
That foolish bear's in trouble.
Is that why you're going to marry Inu?
Why not?
He laid his dirty paws on my fortune?
Oh, my...
Is something wrong?
I'm Kim Haengja!
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Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
We've endured not freezing but arctic conditions this whole week.
How is the forecast looking from now on?
Yes, conditions are really brutal, and as you can see, the whole country is under cold
wave alerts.
And in weather like this, I can't stress this enough, take precautions, both at home and
when you head out.
The weekend is not going to change a lot, unfortunately.
Sunday's readings are looking quite promising, compared to now, but those readings are still
below seasonal averages.
It's going to be sunny and dry,... with Seoul starting off the day at minus 15 degrees Celsius,
while Daegu and Busan drop down to minus 12 and minus 8 degrees respectively.
For the daily highs, Seoul makes it to minus 3,...
while Gwangju and Busan climb above zero.
We'll continue to see the mercury hovering around minus 10 degrees during the first half
of next week, but starting Wednesday, conditions are expected to improve gradually.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
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