It's time for Battle Trip where we give you
great tips for trips.
It's winter. The weather's colder.
You tend not to leave the house at times like this.
But going on trips is like a treasure
at times like this.
This can be the peak of the travel season.
- It is. / - Because of the holidays.
People tend to go away with their children on holidays.
When you think of traveling with your kids,
shouldn't you be happy?
- Of course. / - It makes me really happy...
But it's also so hard.
Up till what age is it hard?
How much do they need to grow...
It's still getting harder.
Now that they can talk, they don't listen.
It's that time.
For the 2 week holiday,
we traveled to Guam with the kids.
- Enjoy life. / - Yeah.
You went quickly.
I really like it
when the airport and the hotel are close.
- Being close... / - I prefer that.
That's a good thing.
That's most convenient with kids.
With an evening flight, the kids go to sleep.
And I can drink then on the plane.
There are various conditions.
So I really prefer Guam and Saipan.
I favor Southeast Asia.
It's warm there too.
- It's good to travel. / - Sikyung...
When I call him on the weekends,
he's always in Japan.
I'm a rookie singer in Japan.
What are you doing over there?
You are a rookie?
I go on radio.
I've been on TV for 7 minutes.
I sing in front of the shopping mall.
- You're back to being a rookie? / - Yes.
They announce me in front of the crowds.
It's kind of my second life...
- As a rookie singer. / - In Japan?
No one there knows who I am.
Didn't you go on holiday, Kim Sook?
I'm too busy to travel these days.
If I could sit in a warm room, watch Battle Trip
and eat mandarins until my fingers go yellow...
- Right. / - Nothing would beat that.
Where will we go today?
Let's meet the person that requested the trip.
Let's meet them now.
Hello, I live in Jinju.
I'm Gwon Minseong, 33 years old.
I'm planning a hot spring trip for the winter.
Please plan a unique hot spring trip
that will refresh my mind and body on Battle Trip.
A hot spring trip is perfect.
Going to a hot spring when it's cold...
Hot springs are like theme parks these days.
There are all sorts of varieties.
- It'd be fun to go to each one. / - In Korea...
There's Paradise Spa Dogo in Chungcheon
and Onyang Hot Spring.
So many nice places.
There's Suanbo Hot Spring as well.
The greatest charm of the hot spring is in winter...
- And the ones that are outdoors. / - They're so nice.
When you go in there and just have your head out,
you start to sweat on your face.
- Then you step out and sit on the ice. / - After rest.
Then it starts steaming from your body.
- The metabolism kicks in. / - You go back when it's cold.
The snow piles up, right?
You leave the beer in there
before you go in the water.
Just like when you go skiing.
After 10 minutes of being in the hot spring,
the beer is really cold.
Like watermelon in the stream.
Right before it freezes.
- Wow, and you drink it? / - That's right.
I'm starting to drool.
Who visited which hot spring today?
Let's meet them.
Let's welcome this week's trip planners.
A vacation spot like a hidden gem in Vietnam.
It's good we came here.
Nha Trang Tour.
Let's go!
Check it out.
This is perfect.
We'll bare Fukuoka.
Fukuoka Tour.
(Revealing the hidden hot springs)
This week's hot spring tour is an actress special.
Park Jungsoo.
- You hardly appear on variety shows. / - Right.
- I was shocked. / - I came for Hyunjoo.
- Because of Hyunjoo? / - Yes.
She likes me so much.
Are you normally close?
We're in the same agency.
Same agency.
With Hyunjoo...
Her hobby is traveling and so is mine.
So we said
we should go together one day.
At first, it must've been...
You must've felt shy.
Wasn't it embarrassing?
She was so
adamant about letting go.
She told me that.
She told me that we must let go.
So we didn't put on makeup...
I said this...
She wore a bathing suit.
- Yeah, that photo... / - Even we don't wear that.
There's a difference in their makeup.
You're right.
- Right. / - We were completely without makeup.
- Natural. / - I didn't wear makeup.
With Kong Hyunjoo...
- You'll see our bare faces. / - Okay.
You'll see two different people.
Following on.
They traveled to Japan for their hot spring trip.
We have Yang Jungah and Yun Hyeyeong.
We're not in the same agency...
- But we've been close for a long time. / - We're close.
- They're really great actresses. / - Of course.
- And pretty. / - Are you saying we're bad actresses?
- And pretty. / - Are you saying we're bad actresses?
No, I mean all four of you.
No, the thing is...
- Oh, no. / - Sung Sikyung!
- Serves you right! / - We got caught.
It feels like I'm watching a drama.
I've been in a drama with Sikyung.
In the past.
- You were in a drama together? / - Yes.
He was a cameo in my drama.
You're a good actor.
He's no actor.
Hyeyeong, was there a special reason that
you chose to go to Fukuoka with Yang Jungah?
We chose Fukuoka because...
- It's the closest place by plane. / - It's close.
When it comes to Fukuoka...
- Beppu, Yufuin... / - Yufuin.
- They're the focal areas. / - Lots of Koreans.
Instead of those places...
We chose places
that aren't must-visit.
We chose secret places.
- We love things like this. / - Really?
That's where we went.
Being a hot spring trip,
I feel like we had a special experience.
I'm so curious.
You went to Nha Trang.
I've never heard of Nha Trang, Vietnam before.
- Are hot springs famous there? / - To be honest...
It's the first time I've heard Nha Trang said like that.
- I always knew of Nha Trang. / - Oh, Nha Trang.
But I've never heard of it said the Korean way.
That's what they call Nha Trang these days.
So you went to Nha Trang?
Yes, Nha Trang.
I've heard of Nha Trang.
You'll find out in a minute
but I loved it.
- Really? / - Yes, yes.
You must've been to Japanese hot springs before.
- Right. / - Yes, yes.
I had no idea there were hot springs...
- I know. / - In Nha Trang.
- Is there a unique hot spring? / - Because...
I said I like hot springs, Hyunjoo looked it up.
She didn't want to get cursed out by me.
I wanted to visit
a special hot spring with a theme...
- You must've been so nervous. / - So I searched...
- What if you took her and she's like... / - I was.
- What is this? / - What's this?
What is this?
That's right.
- Like a mother-in-law. / - That's right.
What is this place?
On this trip...
You won't see her act like that even for a second.
Not at all?
What kind of hot spring is it?
Tell us about it.
Nha Trang is a hidden gem of Vietnam.
It hasn't been tainted yet.
- You can see beautiful views. / - How was the food?
You can look forward to it.
- Vietnamese food is good. / - The best?
In terms of cost-effectiveness...
- Best in terms of cost-effectiveness. / - Effective...
I wondered
when I liked Vietnamese food so much.
That's how impressed I was. I ate so much.
- We'll have to check it out. / - It's so different.
Japanese food is good too but Vietnamese is different.
- Right. / - Yes.
Let's check it out now.
The Nha Trang, Vietnam trip.
Let's check it out together.
(Nha Trang, Vietnam)
You can't leave out motorbikes with Vietnam.
That's right.
It's really humid over there.
The weather was so nice.
- What is this place? / - I thought it was Hawaii.
It was so nice.
(Experience both Mediterranean)
(And Vietnamese culture)
I need to go to Nha Trang.
(Who will plan the trip to Vietnam?)
Hyunjoo suffered because of me.
Where is your partner?
Right now...
She's not in Korea.
She left everything to me like it was a given
and left on a trip to Spain.
She's a traveler.
We haven't been in any dramas together...
But we've been to many events...
So I got close with her on a personal level.
She's very young at heart.
Like a young girl.
And easy going.
Because she's easy going and daring,
she doesn't like things to be stuffy.
So I...
I stressed a lot about this trip.
She's anxious.
- Why? / - She looks really anxious.
But we have similar personalities.
(Who is her daring partner?)
I'm trembling because I'm nervous.
She looks like she's trembling a lot.
- I was really trembling. / - Does she hit you?
- No. / - Why are you trembling so much?
I don't know what to do.
Where is she right now?
Is she here?
She must be here.
She's here, right?
Is she here?
Where is she?
She's really running out to welcome her.
They're like mother and daughter.
When did you arrive?
- Of course I came earlier... / - You're wearing loafers?
- Loafers! / - Why am I still so short?
I feel even shorter.
I'm annoyed. Stand over there.
Let's hold hands.
Hyunjoo is tall.
Should I sit?
Thank you for calling me...
- Hyunjoo. / - Not at all. I've prepared something.
Have you seen this?
No. What is this?
Is this that...
It's the signature item on Battle Trip.
- You carry it around and film like this? / - Yes, like this.
If you give this to us...
- It won't be good. / - Still.
Okay. I'll do my best.
(So much cuteness)
She really liked that later on.
- What? / - Ta-da.
- Guide Kong. / - Guide Kong.
- That's very cool. / - Yes...
Guide Kong's Nha Trang Tour.
Welcome to the Kong Tour.
- That's awkward. / - It's so unnatural.
She must've studied a lot.
How many countries have you been?
Which countries?
For the show,
I sat down and counted.
Around 24 to 25 countries.
And around 50 regions?
- 50 cities. / - Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macau...
Vietnam, the Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Taiwan,
Australia, New Zealand, Bali, Hawaii,
Fiji, Samoa, Kenya, England,
Germany, France, Spain, Italy,
Switzerland, Czech Republic, Monaco.
I have never
been on a package tour.
From the airline to the hotel
to the local destinations...
- I plan them all. / - She's a master traveler.
It's easy if you have...
- Someone like that. / - You need them.
- So good. / - It's comfortable.
- You need to travel with her. / - I have to do it myself.
With language...
I can speak enough to travel without problems.
But with Vietnam or China...
It's a bit...
- It's not easy. / - There's like this card...
For people who travel.
It has pictures and phrases.
So I prepare the picture cards.
She's very meticulous.
She could be a travel guide.
I do want to be a travel guide.
I wanted to be a travel writer as well.
This is my debut as a guide.
I've prepared a schedule.
- Oh, schedule? / - Yes.
It has to be perfect when you go with a senior.
(Girly at times)
This is nice.
Can't we just stay here?
The fact that they don't give you napkins...
Are you crazy?
What do we do?
(Two-faced customer, Park Jungsoo)
In Vietnam...
There's a legend that's similar to one in Korea.
I'm really scared.
(Guide of misfortune, Kong Hyunjoo)
It's so nice here.
- Is that the hot spring? / - Yes.
- Hot spring. / - It's a theme park.
Since everything costs so little...
- Order whatever you want. / - Food, food.
I'm going there no matter what.
All of the foods are like a dollar.
- Nha Trang Tour. / - Nha Trang Tour.
Let's go!
I really like Guide Kong.
(Korea to Nha Trang, Vietnam)
Guide Kong.
(Is this how you use this?)
What do we ride in?
We can use an airport pickup service.
It's $20, one-way.
Great job.
It's good that I came with you.
Let's go.
Let's leave.
We've arrived at night
and it's so great. I love it.
- If you use the pickup service... / - Pickup service.
A local service will come and get you.
Wow, so nice.
It's great that I came with you.
The swimming pool is so pretty.
It's so pretty.
Tomorrow night...
Should we go for a swim?
- It feels great just thinking about it. / - Great, right?
That's the swimming pool at our resort.
It was so sick.
- That hotel costs a little over $100? / - Yes.
- A little over $100? / - Yes.
It's so big.
- Hyunjoo. / - Not at all.
- Guide Kong. / - We haven't even begun yet.
- So far, I'm grateful. / - You've only seen the hotel.
We'll have the buffet breakfast
and head out quickly.
- Let's walk around the beach. / - Beach? Okay.
Good night, good night.
- You're right in front of the beach? / - Yes!
The weather's so nice.
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang)
This beach is so nice.
This place is incredible.
- It's like Hawaii. / - So incredible.
It's really clean from up close.
We are currently at Nha Trang.
She really looks like a guide.
It's called the Naples of Asia,
the Mediterranean of Vietnam.
It's the hidden gem of Vietnam.
What's Nha Trang famous for?
When it comes to Nha Trang...
The beach we're walking along right now...
It's 6km long.
It's really...
It keeps going. I think this is pretty.
I think it's prettier here than Naples.
It's much more tranquil than I expected.
Nha Trang...
It's not a well known vacation spot.
So compared to other areas...
- I love that. / - You can relax and enjoy it.
Why didn't you wear your bathing suit?
- Huh? / - Bathing suit.
- Forget it. / - What?
You need to swim.
No, no, no.
Also, I...
Prepared this especially for you.
A course to conquer the hot springs in Nha Trang.
There are hot springs here?
They're no ordinary hot springs. There are mud ones.
There are natural open air hot springs.
- That's so good. / - Look forward to it.
Thank you. You thought of my skin care.
We're going to eat pho now.
- It'll be boring to just go... / - Great.
So we'll head there on a cyclo.
- Great. / - Shall we head off?
Seeing Hyunjoo like this...
You seem like a Vietnamese person.
A Vietnamese beauty.
This is quite fun.
You must haggle.
How much?
20,000 VND.
One? One?
Hey, Hyunjoo.
Just ride this even if it's expensive. Save elsewhere.
- Just get on. / - Ma'am.
It's only $1.
- Really? / - Yes.
It's only $1.
- Really? / - Yes.
Is that okay?
Wow, get on already.
- Okay. / - Yes, okay.
The good thing about Vietnam...
About Nha Trang is that
you can enjoy so much with so little.
It's the best.
When you calculate the exchange rates...
Remove a zero and divide by half.
I went to Vietnam as well
and I was told to haggle.
But it's only like 20, 30 cents.
- So you just end up paying. / - I know.
- Let's go. / - Go.
I wish we could ride around all day in this cyclo.
This is so nice. It's cool.
The pho place we're going to is really famous
so all the drivers know where it is.
- Really? / - Yes.
The place we're going to is extremely famous.
- Is this it? / - Yes.
This place...
Is a hidden pho eatery.
(The deep aroma and flavor of beef pho)
It's so good.
Vietnamese pho is the best.
It's refreshing.
The broth is extremely refreshing.
At this place...
The menu is just like that.
Large or small.
- Not much to choose? / - They only have one menu.
That's usually the case with famous places.
- The large one is 50,000 VND. / - Yes, 50,000.
The small one is 45,000 VND.
To calculate into dollars...
Remove a zero.
- Then divide by two, right? / - Yes.
- That means... / - You divide by half.
Is that $2.50 then?
- The large one is $2.50. / - 25 cents?
- $2.25, $2.50. / - That's right.
It's extremely cheap.
Isn't it better to eat the large then?
- It's only $2.50? / - Yes.
The two of us can eat our fill for $4.50.
That's two bowls of pho.
Okay, pho.
I like pho.
- Let's eat it. / - Okay.
Lots of coriander for you?
You can ask for it if you can say it in Vietnamese.
- Just a little coriander for me. / - Okay then.
- What I'll do is... / - You ask for a lot.
Ta-da. I've prepared this.
Ta-da. I've prepared this.
If you prepare pictures in advance,
it's easy to communicate.
Are you saying hello?
No, that is...
- Hello, coriander. / - She understood.
- She understood. / - She understood.
- Lots for me. / - No.
A lot.
It's so convenient to have this.
- You brought that for me, right? / - Yes.
Wow, looks delicious.
Oh, that looks so good.
It was so good.
- Try it. / - The visuals...
It's so well presented and looks delicious.
You're right.
- How is it? / - It's so good.
- Really? / - It's so good.
- I just want one spoonful of the broth. / - No...
- You need the hot sauce. / - You need it.
What is it?
- Lime? / - The chili peppers.
Squeeze in some lime and add plenty of peppers.
I'm drooling again.
That looks so good.
It really makes you salivate.
It's really like...
The pho you have at the place of origin.
It tastes lighter than the pho in Korea.
Yes, it's clean.
Right, it tastes clean. It's not greasy.
It tastes lighter.
(What is this?)
Is this the thing we add in?
The spicy thing?
- For me... / - Just add it all!
- For me... / - Just add it all!
Just add everything.
That's really spicy.
- Add it all. / - You like spicy food, right?
Yeah, I like spicy food.
I didn't add any coriander...
(Did it succeed in captivating her taste bud?)
It's not overbearing.
It's so good.
It's kind of like rib soup in Korea.
I'd like mine to be spicier.
You're adding more?
She wants it spicier.
It wasn't that spicy. It was really good.
It was so good.
If you really like spicy food...
I'm starting to sweat here.
Ma'am, the broth...
It's starting to look like instant noodle broth.
Is it good?
Isn't that too spicy?
Isn't there more sauce than broth now?
I'd like to ask for more broth.
That looks good.
- You'd drool watching that... / - It was really good.
The viewers must be cooking instant noodles now.
Isn't it spicy?
- I like it. / - You like it?
In my throat...
- With this... / - Milk!
It's spicy.
It is spicy for her.
It's too spicy!
So spicy.
Don't my eyes look weird because it's too spicy?
She's really daring with food too.
It's a charming kind of spiciness.
It felt like she was eating a punishment meal.
- She really likes pungent foods. / - She likes it strong.
It's too spicy.
How will you eat this?
But it's nice that I'm sweating. It's refreshing.
This is the first restaurant you've taken me to...
- After we arrived in Nha Trang. / - Yes.
Do you like it?
I do like it
and it's having a huge impact.
- Really? / - Yes.
- From now... / - The spiciness.
You're the one who made it spicy.
We're going to a hot spring later.
- Okay. / - So eat up.
Then we shouldn't eat too much.
- Since we're going into hot water. / - Yes.
She's sweating before she reaches the hot spring.
On the first day...
We're going to hot spring with a special theme.
Recently with my mom,
I visited the Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch.
She loved it.
It was like going back to her childhood.
Enjoying the animals and nature...
I thought she'd really like it.
It'd be nice to see rare animals and
when you get tired,
it'd be nice to hit the hot springs.
So I'll take her there for the hot springs...
Since I've traveled with my mom before...
- I had an idea of what mothers like. / - You'd know.
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, Yang Bay Eco Park)
Yang Bay is really charming.
Where is this place?
It's called Yang Bay.
You can enjoy hot springs
and there are various themes.
- It's a theme park. / - Yang Bay...
So this is Yang Bay Eco Park. / - Yes, yes.
For $40, they pick you up
and you can enjoy...
- Everything in here without further pay. / - $40?
That's expensive.
- That's... / - The entrance fee?
Yes, it includes lunch
and a pickup service.
The entrance fee is $7.50.
- Guide Kong. / - Yes.
What is that tree?
That tree...
- It looks special. / - It's a special tree.
You can make a wish and hang it.
Since it's the end of year,
how about we make a new year's wish?
The fun thing is,
you use a slingshot to hang the wishes.
- Let's try it. / - Slingshot?
You hit the tree with a slingshot?
Yes, that's how you hang it.
Try it.
That's interesting. Okay.
(The wish tree that will grant the new year's wish)
(They write their wishes on the ribbon)
You have to hang it high.
(With the hope that their wishes will come true)
(Jungsoo fails)
- Goodness. / - Oh, my. Oh, my.
It's not easy.
(Jungsoo fails)
- Will it work? / - This isn't so easy.
You didn't trick me, did you?
You didn't trick me, did you?
How do you hang this? It won't work.
- It won't hit. It pops out. / - It won't.
It's supposed to latch on.
That's right.
Was that Vietnamese? Argh?
Did you get it?
- I think it'll work... / - It stuck to the top.
- Doesn't it work? / - It's a tree...
You have to shoot it where it'll hang...
It wasn't easy.
- Shoot it high. / - Why you...
Hey! This tree...
This tree...
Mine wouldn't stick but Hyunjoo's did.
You'd feel so sorry...
- Mine worked first so... / - I know.
The guide made a mistake.
Why did you do that?
- Mine caught on. / - So tactless.
You should've done it later.
- Really? / - Ma'am.
- Failed again? / - Oh, no.
This program, today...
We won't be moving on until I get this.
Just so you know.
It'd be so funny if she did it until sunset.
- Just keeps going? / - I told you.
If you fire it this way from up close...
Guide Kong, don't excite me. Stay still.
I've put everything on the line for this.
Next year...
- If she shot with more power. / - Why won't it work?
I'm getting really angry now.
I went right up to the tree and it still didn't work.
- Isn't that cheating? / - Want me to do it for you?
- It still didn't work. / - Please!
I climbed the tree.
I actually hung it myself.
- Hey. / - Yes?
This is the best I can do.
I'm so angry.
- So long as you hang it. / - That's right.
(We hope your wish comes true)
(1. Wish tree)
Come here. It's over here.
Oh, there...
Oh, no!
What's going on?
There we go, there we go.
Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my.
- Oh, carp! / - They're carp.
- Here, here, here. / - Over there...
The carp are fed with bottles.
That looks scary.
That's cute.
They suck on it?
I'm so scared.
- Nice, right? / - I'm scared.
Oh, no.
I normally don't get scared like this.
(Meanwhile, Madam Jungsoo)
(Is giving out love evenly to all)
There you go, there you go.
There, there.
(So many fish)
There you go.
- They eating so well. / - They're sucking on it.
My goodness.
- Goodness. / - That's fascinating.
They're not scared of people.
- What was that? / - It jumped out.
Are you insane?
Did you just get mad at a carp?
- Are you insane? / - Are you insane?
Thing is...
That sounded like a line from a drama.
Are you insane?
They ate it all.
All done.
They ate it all.
What's wrong with you?
This is
the difference between a mother and a single lady.
That was fun.
We'll go in there.
Do you want to feed a crocodile?
Yes, let's try it.
(1. Wish tree, 2. Feeding carp)
(3. Feeding crocodiles)
Oh, this.
That was scary. It's alive.
(A tough leather back)
(Sharp teeth and exceptional hunting skills)
Over there, over there.
Do you see the crocodile?
It's here.
There are so many.
It's too expensive to feed the crocodiles.
It's 50 cents.
Are these crocodiles grown for eating?
They look so tender and delicious.
They didn't look very tough,
they looked really tender.
Are these crocodiles grown for eating?
They look so tender and delicious.
(They attempt to feed the crocodiles)
They look like floating logs.
They stay still
then just bite out of nowhere.
It looks scary.
I'm going to faint because of your screams.
Darn, it ate it!
I was trying to hoist it
and they cut it off.
- Goodness. / - Oh, my.
They ate it.
(Only Guide Kong is left with feed)
It bit it.
It bit it. Pull, pull.
Lift it up.
It bit it.
It bit it. Pull, pull.
Lift it up.
Good, good.
It's scarier when you lift it up.
It's better when they're in the water.
Can't we try one more time?
Guide Kong?
Are you trying to catch one?
I want to catch just one.
- One more time? / - Yeah.
Once more?
It's such a shame.
Not yet...
- Jungsoo is really competitive. / - Yes.
I'm so scared.
It's really thrilling.
(A battle with the crocodiles)
She keeps snatching it to try and catch them.
I think that day was
the day the crocodiles were the angriest.
(All eyes on the feed)
Their eyes look closed but they're all watching.
Bite it.
That'd be more fun than fishing.
It's going to break a tooth.
Who's faster? You or me?
Darn it!
Darn it!
Fine, I lose. I give up.
You can eat it all.
- Ma'am... / - Happy, right?
(Thanks for the food)
Crocodile, are you insane?
When I raised it, its teeth...
That sound.
(What did Guide Kong see?)
Is that a real crocodile?
- It must be real. / - Don't be like that.
- It's real. / - It's alive?
Is that a real crocodile?
- It must be real. / - Don't be like that.
- It's real. / - It's alive?
Darn it.
Aren't they being raised to be eaten?
They look so tender and tasty.
(She's face to face with a crocodile)
What will we do?
- She has no fear. / - She's fearless.
She's touching the crocodile.
It's fine.
It's alive.
- It's for taking photos. / - Please, please.
It's really warm.
Its claws are digging into your skin. Are you okay?
I'm so scared.
This guy...
His neck is moving.
- He's breathing. / - I was completely frozen.
1, 2,
That's not a genuine smile.
She's frozen with fear.
- That's not a genuine smile. / - Nice photo though.
What are we going to do now?
- Let's climb up. / - Shall we go to the hot spring?
Okay. Let's go.
So you've enjoyed the park
before the hot spring,
with all the animals, right?
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, Yang Bay hot spring)
- It's a forest. / - It's a natural...
Open air hot spring.
- This place is called Yang Bay, right? / - Yeah.
Yang means heaven.
And bay means water.
So it's heavenly water.
The people of Nha Trang
believe this water is very sacred.
Really? Wow, check out that water.
I was scared when we crossed that bridge.
She's scared of everything.
So you weren't holding on for Jungsoo's sake.
You were holding on to her back, right?
I was holding on tight.
Is hot spring water good for you?
It doesn't feel soft.
It doesn't seem to have any sulfur.
This hot spring water is close to the sea.
It's high in salinity and minerals.
Good for skin recovery,
circulation, and skin beauty.
But we sweat it out doing activities earlier
so it's really nice being in warm water
with the rain falling on us.
That day...
- It rained a lot. / - Isn't it warm?
- Isn't it warm? / - It's not warm.
- It was around 35℃. / - That day...
- The rained cooled the spring. / - The rain...
In the rain...
Sitting in warm water in the rain...
You know that feeling?
- Being warm in the rain. / - It's so nice.
- That'd be so nice. / - I was worried by the rain...
She's learned how to swim. She looks professional.
- She's learned it properly. / - That's true.
Are you happy?
(This is the best)
You can enter the stream
and swim in there as well.
This is so nice.
This is great.
This is really nice.
- I was worried. / - You can stop filming now.
We'll hang out a bit more here...
By ourselves.
There must be a variety of pools.
Yes, there were round springs
and ones over there. There were a few.
The important thing about hot spring water
is that it gets tiring when you take a hot bath.
- Yes. / - Right.
But when you go in a hot spring filled with minerals,
even though it's hot, your body...
- That's right. / - It relaxes.
- The fatigue drains away. / - It feels different...
To the tap water.
It's all absorbed into your body.
If we just go where everyone goes,
it'd be boring.
So there's a really famous
restaurant loved by the locals.
It doesn't even have an English menu. It's local.
I wanted to show Jungsoo
what the locals enjoy.
So I chose a special place for the first dinner.
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, bo lac)
(A popular restaurant among locals)
This is a famous place?
They don't even have an English menu.
The tourists don't know about it.
It's a Vietnamese local eatery.
What's good here?
The best dish here
is this bo lac.
Bo means beef.
And lac means shake.
They shake the beef in a pot.
If you eat it with banh mi,
it's really delicious.
They call baguettes
banh mi over there.
That's because of their colonization influence.
- France. / - The French...
They needed their baguettes but they didn't have any
so they made it with local ingredients.
- Oh, really? / - Yes.
Vietnamese food
has less calories than you'd think.
- Really? / - Yes.
I ate so much.
- Over there. / - But you didn't gain much weight?
I really stuffed myself over there.
But then...
- I didn't gain that much weight. / - Right?
How about this corn?
- Okay. / - This corn looks good.
It's called bap xao tom.
Bap means corn and tom means shrimp.
- I think it'd be good. / - Really?
- Is this that shaken thing? / - Yes.
That looks so good.
The bread looks delicious.
Looks good!
For 20 cents,
you can keep ordering more bread.
The bread is 20 cents.
The food here...
It suits the Korean palate.
They use refreshing Vietnamese spices
but it tastes similar to our braised ribs.
It's a flavor that everyone can enjoy.
Yeah, it's good.
I normally like coriander.
- It's good with coriander. / - Because you sweat...
- Of course. / - In hot countries...
- The food is salty and stimulating. / - Right.
- The coriander tasted so good. / - That looks good.
This isn't eaten often
here in Vietnam.
They eat it at parties and on special days.
Let me try this
in a wrap.
(How does bo lac taste with vegetables?)
This tastes better with bread.
This tastes better with bread.
Does it not go with the lettuce? Like this?
- With the bread. / - They're like mother and daughter.
- Right. / - Yeah.
You get really hungry after a bath.
You do.
(I pair well with leafy vegetables)
This is so...
- In the wrap... / - That has to be good.
That looks so good.
It looks like stir-fried pork.
The bo lac...
That looks similar to lettuce.
Let's see.
if you eat it like that,
you don't get tired of it.
It's really good.
This tastes different to this one.
This seems more Korean.
It's not refreshing.
It's a little spicy.
You can't stop eating it.
Like Korean stir-fried pork.
- If you had to compare. / - Made of beef.
If you had to compare.
For me...
I like it better with this lettuce.
I thought only Koreans ate meat
wrapped in vegetables.
- But they do this Vietnam too. / - Yeah.
From what I see...
Bo lac is more delicious than this dish.
More than this one.
Yes, bo lac is better.
This is the dish you chose.
They must've fried the corn.
Is this dried shrimp?
That one!
- I'd like them to sell it in Korea. / - Stir-fried corn.
The price is amazing. It's $1.50.
- It's too expensive. How would you eat it? / - $1.50.
(Bap xao tom, $1.50)
How is it?
(Thumbs up)
For me...
(A whole new world)
You made an excellent choice.
This is so good.
This is something I haven't tasted before.
- It's savory and salty. / - It's so cheap.
- Perfect with beer. / - Yes, perfect with beer.
- With beer. / - It's perfect with beer.
- It's very crunchy. / - Oh, you ordered the beer.
- Hyunjoo, thank you. / - You worked hard.
Not at all. Traveling with you...
I'm able to experience things I wouldn't on my own.
I got to eat good food thanks to you.
Things I like.
Look forward to tomorrow as well.
Okay. Thank you.
The hot spring we'll be visiting today...
It's mud hot spring with an egg theme.
This is nice.
What is that?
- Mud hot spring. / - Okay.
If you look here...
This is so nice.
It's great that she's having fun.
- She eats well. / - Hyunjoo must've been real happy.
It's good.
This is my favorite.
This is nice.
It's good we came to Nha Trang.
This is nice.
- Yang Bay... / - Is ours over already?
For now.
- It ended too soon. / - That theme park...
You paid for a tour package, right?
You can apply for it.
You can pay a $7.50 entry fee
and enter the park.
If you use a tour package,
they pick you up, provide the meal,
and even give you an English guide.
- $7.50 for just the entry? / - Yes.
I shouldn't say this but the Fukuoka Tour team
just said,
"Let's go to Nha Trang next time."
Jungah, are you on our side now?
No, that's not it.
It's so affordable.
- I love eating. / - Really?
- It's awesome there. / - To be honest...
It's definitely cheaper than Japan and seems delicious.
- I was a tiny bit jealous. / - I hesitated at first.
But it was so good.
So good.
I want to applaud Guide Kong.
Well done, Guide Kong.
she enjoyed the trip way more than I thought.
She really liked it.
So from the first day,
I was able to let go of my concerns.
- She's so energetic. / - Very nice.
If she was tired and couldn't be bothered...
- It's really exhausting. / - Of course.
- But you really enjoyed it. / - The idea of traveling...
- Is to enjoy the local food. / - Right.
That's the point of traveling.
- It's to have fun. / - Right.
If you have time,
would you like to be an MC on our show?
- How about being a regular? / - We need one more.
How about becoming a regular member?
- You're so fun. / - That's a bit...
I'll think about it.
Yes, thank you.
Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Let's see what kind of fun they have now.
Guide Kong's Nha Trang Tour.
Let's check out the second half.
(Guide Kong's Nha Trang Tour, day 2)
The people are all so polite.
They're very polite.
- It's so good. / - They're all nice.
(What are the plans for day 2?)
(6 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, Po Nagar)
Guide Kong.
Where are we starting off today?
What you see here
is a place that existed for 1,300 years in Vietnam.
It's a Hindu temple raised by the Champa Kingdom.
Entry is $1.10.
- That's amazing. / - It's so good.
- Champa Kingdom? / - Yes.
There are many minority groups in Vietnam.
And the oldest group, the Champa Kingdom,
built this historic site.
It's called Po Nagar Cham tower.
As you can see, it's built on high grounds
so if you look down from there,
you can see all of Nha Trang city.
It was unique that the temple was in the city.
That was really charming.
- The fact that you don't have to go far... / - In the city.
To see a historic site. It's very convenient.
I guess it's a must to see this in Nha Trang.
- At least once... / - How did they build that back then?
There were 8 in total but only 4 are left.
(Entrance fee for Po Nagar, $1.10)
Are you okay to climb the steps?
I'm okay.
Are you short of breath?
No, I'm...
This is...
I feel like you're more fit than me.
I'm so embarrassed.
No, no.
My goodness.
How did they stack the stones like that?
How they delicately stacked the stones
is still a mystery like the Pyramids.
Yeah, yeah.
Those stones...
How did they stack them so neatly
like steamed rice cakes?
Like steamed rice cakes?
Rice cakes...
- It does seem like rice cakes. / - It does.
This is the Po Nagar temple
so there's a place that houses the goddess.
Po Nagar defines the goddess with 10 arms.
They come and pray here to have sons.
They have this...
In every country.
- Should we go further in? / - Okay.
You can go there in shorts, right?
You can't.
- They give you a gown to rent. / - Lengthy clothes.
(They're praying right now)
Did you pray?
I did.
I asked for lots of work next year.
I'm healthy now but...
- For good health? / - Yes, for good health.
I prayed for family health and happiness.
And that I'd get lots of work.
- Health... / - Health is most important.
Our episode of Battle Trip...
High viewer ratings.
She even thought of our ratings.
Thank you, ma'am.
Please be a regular.
I think the ratings will be too high.
Great ratings thanks to you.
Don't you think we'll win?
Nem nuong.
That was delicious.
Nem nuong?
(Po Nagar to nem nuong, 6 minutes)
- Hyunjoo. / - Yes.
Where are we headed right now?
Oh, here...
It's nem nuong.
It's a place with grilled meat restaurants.
- Really? / - Yes.
(A street filled with nem nuong places)
- Nem nuong. / - Nem nuong.
They're all nem nuong.
- It's like pork hocks street in Korea. / - That's right.
- Famous places. / - Which one's the original?
That one is really famous.
The place with the stacked chairs.
Apparently, there's nowhere to sit in the evening.
(The nem nuong restaurant chosen by Guide Kong)
Nem nuong?
- Yes. / - Nem nuong?
If you look here...
- Oh, I see it. / - It's unique, right?
It's minced pork.
Cooked on charcoal.
They look like hotdogs.
They look like sausages, right?
Yes, sausages.
Is nem nuong
commonly eaten in Vietnam?
It's like our charcoal meat.
It's a dish enjoyed by Vietnamese.
- A native dish? / - Native dish.
Sikyung, you must want some.
I want to eat that.
When you shake your legs, it means you want it.
- Hyunjoo, nem nuong? / - Yes.
We saw the meat being cooked earlier.
Do we eat the cooked meat as is,
dipped in sauce?
Just as we have Vietnamese wraps in Korea...
You get dry rice paper
and just wrap it and eat it.
- It's a bit... / - But then it'd be too dry.
How do you eat that?
It's different to in Korea.
It's prepared in a more local way.
That's a famous place even there, right?
It's a really famous place.
It's packed even when it's not lunch time.
(A table full of Vietnamese cuisine)
(Fried rice paper)
(Nem nuong)
(Nem nuong meal, $2,30 per person)
What is this?
What's this?
- Mango? / - Yes.
- An unripe mango. / - No mango!
So sour.
What kind of mango is this?
They served unripe mango.
How do we eat this?
He would've washed his hands, right?
Your hands clean?
Your hands clean?
Your hands clean?
Just like with Vietnamese wraps.
Like this...
Isn't everything so fresh?
This is nem nuong.
- Nem nuong. / - Nem nuong.
So you do this...
Wrap it up.
Dip it?
This a special sauce.
That looks so good.
- It's so good. / - So good.
That looks so good.
- That looks really good. / - So good.
Let's see.
How is it? How does it taste?
It's not as refreshing as spring rolls in Korea.
It'd taste better...
With these chilies and garlic.
I'll try it.
I'll try it.
- That's really spicy! / - It's really spicy.
That pepper is too spicy.
Oh, no.
- Whole... / - It tastes good with it.
- So daring. / - What?
There's pleasure in that intense heat coming and leaving.
- That's... / - That'd be so spicy.
You eat that for punishments.
Isn't it spicy? It's too spicy.
Are you okay?
- Oh, my. / - Oh, my God.
Are you okay?
(Oh, no)
It's spicy but good.
This nem nuong
needs pepper and raw garlic.
For my personal tastes.
With that nem nuong,
you can't stop eating.
- Look so good. / - You keep wrapping them.
- You keep wrapping. With beer. / - Order more.
- It's not fattening and it's low calories. / - Also...
That meat has the flavor that kids like.
It's perfect for them.
- I'll try it. / - Try some.
- First. / - Lettuce and chives.
I think it'd taste good with this in it.
(Will Guide Kong like it too?)
How is it? Is it good?
It's so crunchy and nice.
The texture...
Vietnamese wraps have that chewy texture.
But since you don't wet the paper,
it's crunchy and the flavor of the meat
mixes well with the vegetables.
It's really savory.
I don't prefer strong flavors.
I preferred it without the chili.
I wrapped it with the sauce inside.
- I found it easier to eat that way. / - Was it?
(They try the meat on its own)
This is perfect for kids.
- Tastes like sausages. / - Sausages?
It has a sweet seasoning.
(Crunchy fried rice paper)
I think this provides the savory flavor.
(I am the reason for savory flavor)
I like vegetables so I'll add a lot.
(A lot of veggies)
Add lots.
Aren't you being too greedy?
(Let's try this)
(Thumbs up)
The way you eat it...
It makes you want to pick up the phone and order.
It feels like it'll be sold out on home shopping.
She eats better than the people on "Delicious Guys."
Sold out.
The theme of this trip is
conquering the hot springs, right?
There's a special hot spring I've prepared for today.
The hot spring you'll visit today...
It's a mud hot spring.
Can we eat some more first?
- Next up is the mud hot spring. / - Okay.
- Do you like it? / - Yes.
I love it.
She's healthy because she eats well.
I think that's why I'm healthy.
- Because I eat well. / - Nem nuong is a must.
(Nem nuong to egg mud hot spring, 30 minutes)
It's called Tram Trung?
- Egg? / - Oh, here.
It's a mud hot spring with an egg theme.
You see the eggs there?
- That was so funny. / - Why?
They've decorated with eggs and chickens.
It was so cute.
- It'd be good to go there with kids. / - It's the concept.
It's chickens everywhere.
With lots of chickens and eggs...
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
Since I love eggs,
I feel like eating...
Boiled eggs.
That hot spring is fairly new
so it's really clean.
This is the hot spring swimming pool.
If you just pay the entry fee, you can swim
and enjoy the hot spring.
It's really big.
You could spend an entire day there.
- So we go up this way? / - Yes.
There are so many eggs here.
We did spend some money...
- And we got individual springs. / - Oh, really?
It's one egg per person.
- Private? / - Yeah.
- So we go in here? / - Yes.
It's mud.
They have numbers like hotel rooms.
Oh, my goodness.
(So beautiful)
(She enters the egg mud with a great body)
It's deep.
Is it deeper than it looks?
- So deep. / - What's deep?
- Hyunjoo's just... / - It's not deep.
She's already inside.
It feels like my skin is getting sleek.
I can stay in here for 40 minutes.
I don't want to leave.
Was it warm? How was it?
It's warm.
That'd be so nice then.
- Ma'am. / - Yes.
Through here?
She's so cute.
Hey, this is nice.
- So cute. / - The theme is fun.
In this forest...
- It's like we're in the jungle. / - Exactly.
So nice.
The private tubs are good.
Nice, nice. With all those trees...
It's so nice like this.
It'd be nice here with kids.
Mothers and daughters...
It'd be nice to come together.
I think that'd be nice.
The minerals in the mud
will make your skin better.
It's not coarse mud.
It's very soft, like flour.
It's really fine.
And this place...
There are 3 mud hot springs in Nha Trang.
It's the newest one of the three.
It's the newest facility.
- That's why it must have a theme. / - Yes.
- I like it. / - You do?
I like things like this.
- Put the mud on your face. / - Okay.
(She's already doing it)
You need to put the mud on your face.
Make sure you don't get any in your eyes.
(Massaging for prettier skin)
(How actresses take care of their skin)
- Ma'am. / - Yes.
Vietnam is known for pho...
- But it's also known for coffee. / - Yes, coffee.
It's like she's got a beard.
- I've reserved a cafe. / - Okay.
Let's wash up and go.
Let's have a cold cup of coffee there.
But don't call me too soon.
I'm going to use up all of my time here.
(She actually filled up all of her time)
I really didn't want to leave.
It'd be nice if you could relocate in the egg.
There's a time limit?
- Fly! / - Yes, there is.
- How many hours? / - You can't stay longer.
I think Nha Trang was a good choice.
(6 ways to enjoy Nha Trang)
(Vietnamese coffee)
- Vietnamese coffee is famous. / - Time for coffee.
Vietnamese coffee is really good.
Vietnamese coffee is famous, right?
- It's a cafe district. / - Yes, coffee.
- This entire area is a cafe district? / - Yes.
(This tranquil street)
(Is a Vietnamese coffee street)
(We have coffee)
That's the cafe we're heading to.
- Here? / - No, this way.
That looks like some primeval forest.
Doesn't it seem real fresh?
It's a rainforest theme.
It's unique.
(How will it look inside?)
(It looks like they're in a forest)
(You can relax in the middle of the city)
Such a wonderful spot has been reserved for us.
It suits the title, rainforest.
It's so cool.
- Rainforest? / - Yes.
- It's must be a popular place. / - It is.
For me, in Vietnam...
- I have to try coffee with condensed milk. / - Right.
- Coffee with condensed milk. / - I want to have that.
Sua nong is hot coffee.
Sua da is cold coffee.
- I want sua da. / - Sua da no matter what?
That's right. Of course.
You need cold drinks in Vietnam.
I only found out this time round
that Vietnamese coffee tastes so good.
People buy lots of coffee in Vietnam.
It was good.
This is sweet like a mocha.
Their handmade yogurt is famous.
- Okay, good. / - It's refreshing and has fruit in it.
I'll order one each for us.
Isn't it so nice with the trees here?
It's so nice.
I like this place best out of all the places in Nha Trang.
Is the chair uncomfortable?
So pretty.
(Strong espresso and condensed milk with espresso ice)
- I want coffee. / - That was good.
- That ice is so pretty, right? / - It's round.
Jungah, stop falling for them.
Jungah, just sit over here.
(Bac xiu is coffee made with milk)
That yogurt was so tasty.
I really wanted to buy some and bring it home.
Coffee is $2.10.
I like this cup.
The cameraman drank this
so I was wondering why he placed it so it leans.
But it was the cup that's crooked.
This is just like me.
- This has my personality. / - Why?
I'm always crooked.
(I'm crooked)
(She enjoys the crooked coffee)
My pupils are trembling.
It really opens up your eyes.
It's very sweet, isn't it?
You crave sugar at times like that.
- That's right. / - It has the right amount of sugar.
- It's good, right? / - Yes.
There's cocoa powder at the bottom.
The coffee's good here.
The unique thing is...
You drip the coffee here.
(Drip coffee from grounded beans)
(Stir to melt and mix in the condensed milk)
(Pour it onto the espresso ice)
- It's so good. / - It really was good.
It looks so good.
The espresso is good too.
Does it make your eyes open wide?
It's a new taste.
It's good.
- Right? It's good, right? / - Yes.
It's good.
I don't really like espresso that much.
It's too strong.
- But with the condensed milk... / - With strong...
Mixed in, and drinking it cold...
- It's good. / - Yeah.
Let's try the yogurt now.
It's $3 for yogurt.
They have so much fruit.
(How does fruit yoghurt taste?)
It's good.
Vietnamese food is good.
It's really good.
Plus, the fruit in Vietnam are delicious.
- That's right. / - They give you so much fruit.
- Good level of sweetness. / - It's good.
That looks so good.
I got greedy and ordered two.
It's good.
(She got some yoghurt on her)
(Where's my napkin?)
- The thing about Vietnam... / - Yes?
Everything is good but they don't give you napkins.
- Napkin... Hurry! / - This is a concern.
They would've had them ready in Korea.
It's good.
You've had Vietnamese street food
and local food too.
I prepared a really fancy restaurant for our next meal.
Thank you. I'll look forward to it.
You can look forward to it.
You must adore her.
A junior preparing all this for you.
She could become your travel partner.
Yes, after this trip,
I'm certain about it.
Sikyung, you should take a senior too.
- Someone like Kim Heungkook. / - What?
Take Kim Heungkook on a trip.
Why won't you go with your senior?
(6 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, traditional food)
(Vietnamese coffee to traditional restaurant, 5 minutes)
(The sun goes down)
Are they eating again?
Of course.
Since it's cheap, you can eat lots.
How many meals are you eating?
With Vietnamese food...
- Nothing tastes bad. / - That's right.
- It's perfect for Korean palate. / - It's perfect.
If we had looked for good places
in the side alleys so far...
Since today's the last day,
we've come a slightly
fancy Vietnamese restaurant.
Why didn't you take me here earlier?
If we had started with places like this...
- You'd be dissatisfied with the others. / - True.
This is a really famous place
many locals and tourists come here.
(A table full of food)
(Food looks as good as the restaurant)
(How will the food taste?)
- Shall we try it? / - Okay.
Let's dig in.
- This is the spring roll? / - Yes.
- These are like the spring rolls in Korea? / - Yes.
This is called goi cuon.
It's a traditional Vietnamese dish.
We normally have it with peanut sauce.
But it's a different peanut sauce here.
I want to try this first.
That's really good.
This isn't right.
This is just...
It's a spring roll.
It's a bit different to Korea.
It's a wrap.
- That isn't fattening at all. / - It's a spring roll.
But it's different to spring rolls in Korea.
The previous place we went to...
They just put meat and vegetables.
But here they add seafood
and wrap it in rice paper.
Even I think we're eating way too much here.
When we travel overseas,
the most important thing is a good restaurant.
You just introduce the places
and I'm doing all the eating here.
You won't get fat but I'll gain tons of weight.
Is she a rapper?
Show me the money.
I'm eating a lot too.
You don't like coriander as much as me...
It tastes good no matter how much weight I'd gain.
(She eats the last bite)
- Shrimp. / - Fried shrimp.
- Shrimp cha gio. / - It's good.
My favorite Vietnamese dish is cha gio.
- Shall we have a taste? / - Yes.
(Thumbs up)
It's good.
It has shrimps and minced meat.
It's good.
I'll be thinking of this in Korea.
I'll crave it.
Vietnam is famous for pho, right?
For today,
I ordered a famous
mixed noodles in Vietnam.
At Vietnamese restaurants in Korea,
they sell this as bun cha.
It's popular among Koreans too.
Try some.
They eat like there's no tomorrow.
It was just so good.
Like this...
Dip it in the sauce.
(How does local bun cha taste?)
- It's good, right? / - It's good.
The basic taste of Southeast Asian cuisine.
They have a special sauce of this region
that's different to coriander.
It's sweet yet salty.
It has a sweeter taste.
That tastes like pork ribs.
- The sauce... / - It's stimulating.
- Yes, with veggies... / - Jungah is on our side.
I'm just concentrating.
I'd better try it.
Since it's so cheap here,
it's great that we can order everything we want.
How much was all this?
This is a fancy restaurant.
We ordered so many dishes but...
- How much? I wouldn't know. / - $11?
Hyunjoo paid.
If you come as a family...
I think this is a tourist spot
where you can eat everything...
- You and your kids want. / - Nha Trang?
- It's expensive in Japan. / - It is.
I think it's great for an eating trip here.
Yes, very cost-effective.
(It's already the final night)
(The beautiful night view of Nha Trang)
Even young kids can go in there.
- There? / - Yes.
The club only opens late at night.
If you avoid those times...
- You can go there with family. / - That's good.
We went up there and the cool breeze...
Since it gets cooler in the evening.
The cool air was nice.
You can see a 360 degree view of the night.
If you go there...
- Oh, yes. / - Yes.
I see a stage over there.
After 10 o'clock, it's a club.
I have to see Guide Kong's dance skills.
She's so funny.
You can feel our groove, right?
- What's wrong with me? / - She was too good for me.
- She really knows how to have fun. / - What's wrong?
Are you insane, Jungsoo?
There she goes again.
(She wants to dance some more)
You need to groove.
Oh, yeah.
It seems like you've been to lots of clubs.
I only studied.
(A cocktail for the studious Jungsoo)
- It's $7.50 for entry. / - Free drinks?
- With a free drink. / - For real?
That's part of the entry fee?
That drink was nice too.
Thank you.
Our final night.
- Let's end on a high. / - Yes.
It's good.
It's so good.
- It's refreshing, right? / - Yeah.
- Let me try yours. / - Yeah.
(She takes out the mint)
(To her mouth)
Why do I like herbs so much?
- When I see these... / - It's for decoration.
Try it.
- It's mint. / - Yeah, mint is delicious.
Isn't it good?
(While she's busy with the cocktail)
(Spits it out)
- Don't you like mint? / - No, it's too strong.
I like it.
Let me just live in Vietnam.
Being here on a rooftop...
Listening to music and having a drink... How is it?
I love it.
When you first suggested we come here,
I don't really like being up on high places.
But if you visit Nha Trang,
make sure you go to a rooftop.
It's so cool here.
With incredible music...
And a cocktail.
It's nice.
How was the tour?
First, I never knew
that I liked Vietnamese food this much.
I realized it for the first time.
When I don't have an appetite,
sometimes I had Vietnamese food.
But I really had no idea
that I'd enjoy local Vietnamese food this much.
With my loving junior...
It was great to share special moments.
I liked that the best.
It felt like I was traveling with a friend my age.
You had more fun than me.
When I saw that...
The things I hesitated with,
you enjoyed without fear.
It was embarrassing.
I was supposed to be the guide.
(The final part of the memorable Nha Trang Tour)
- Nha Trang Tour. / - Nha Trang Tour.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
Isn't that Gangbyeonbuk-ro in Korea?
That was...
Such an energetic trip
despite being in Spain not long ago.
It was so nice to watch again.
I want to go again.
I think this tour was so perfect.
You should make a travel package named Kong Tour.
I really like that idea.
- Kong Hyunjoo... / - It was perfect.
I'm asking as a father.
How long from the airport to hotel?
From the airport to hotel...
Was it 50 minutes?
- How long? 50 minutes? / - It's far.
The hotel is too far from the airport.
He's doing that on purpose.
We'll attack one more time.
Let's check the travel expenses of Kong Tour,
excluding the airfare.
For 3 days and 2 nights, you ate so much.
- Enjoyed hot springs to the fullest. / - Yes.
- You stayed at a 5 star hotel? / - Of course.
- For 3 days on the Kong Tour... / - You'll be shocked.
- The expenses at Nha Trang... / - Total costs.
- Per person... / - Per person?
Please tell them.
This is so...
- The cost-effectiveness... / - $220.
Isn't that the cost of one meal in Fukuoka?
It's not that expensive.
That's going too far.
If you have proper sashimi...
- It'd cost more. / - With drinks...
We didn't eat sashimi.
- For me, Vietnam... / - We ate cheap food.
I knew it was cheap.
- But I didn't think it was this cheap. / - The hotel...
It cost $57 per person.
We accept that.
- Including breakfast. / - We accept it.
Nha Trang was good.
How long did the flight take?
The flight took some time.
- That's a bit... / - 5 hours and 20 minutes.
- It's a direct flight. / - Direct flight?
- There's a direct flight. / - There is!
- To Nha Trang? / - Yes.
They're going to make another direct flight.
We took a direct flight.
Great. Now we'll head to Fukuoka.
- Next week. / - Are you confident?
- Us? / - Yes.
Jungah is already on our side.
No, I'm...
She's completely into our trip.
The food looked so delicious
and it cost so little.
That was pretty good.
- We accept it. / - We do...
- But Fukuoka is close. / - Right.
- You can go there fast. / - It's...
15 minutes from the airport.
A cheap trip doesn't mean...
- It's good. / - That's right.
That's obvious.
Don't compare the costs.
Let's check out your trip first.
- Should we? / - Good.
The hot springs were so good.
- Our skin got better. / - Good.
I look younger now.
It'd be hard to believe
but she's my age and she's 1 year older.
This is how young they became.
- I know. / - It's because of Fukuoka.
Next week, Fukuoka.
Look forward to our hot springs.
(Next episode)
This is our secret course.
So pretty.
I didn't know such a place existed.
They have over 28 hot springs.
This is awesome.
It's getting hot, isn't it?
We're becoming skin beauties.
Hot springs are so nice.
(Battle Trip)
("Tell Me" by INFINITE)
For more infomation >> Battle Trip | 배틀트립 – Ep.76 : Trip to Nha Trang, Vietnam [ENG/THAI/2017.01.28] - Duration: 1:17:11.-------------------------------------------
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U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis says the Olympics should not distract from the internationally
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In a meeting Friday with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo at U.S. Pacific
Command headquarters,... Mattis said he welcomes the talks on Olympics-related matters, but
the international pressure campaign must continue to pressure North Korea to denuclearize.
Mattis said "the Kim Jong-un regime is still a threat to the entire world" and that Washington's
response remains focused on diplomacy, backed up by military options.
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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez forced to keep things a secret
According to new reports after Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber's rekindled romance caused her
Relationship with her mother to grow cold Selena is now dating Justin more privately
One source revealed that in order to avoid more conflicts with her mom she is trying to keep things a secret
Just between them
Justin in Selena have been forced underground with their relationship due to the strong opinions of some of their closest family and friends
For now the couple has decided to keep their forbidden love private behind closed doors
someplace only the two of them can share
Selena's tired of having to justify herself to her mother every time she spends time with Justin and
So her idea was to keep things on the down-low as fans certainly know
Selena's mother Mandy TFE has not been too fond of the fact that her daughter decided to give her ex Justin another chance
Even though he broke her heart in the past
It looks like Mandy's opinion has affected her daughter's love life a lot
Because of her mother's judgmental attitude towards their relationship Selena feels like it's easier to keep things a secret
Justin's been really sweet and
Understanding about the entire thing giving Selena all the time and space she really needs to figure things out
If her issues mean they can just enjoy secret rendezvous for now he's totally okay with that
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Virgin Media V6 TV Box Unpacking and First Look - Duration: 4:47.
Hello and today we're gonna take a very quick look at the Virgin Media V6 box.
I've been a Virgin Media customer for some time now,
this has arrived today, just try see how to get into it, so I'm about two weeks
from the end of my contract, it's a great time to call and ask for some upgrades.
If you've been with Virgin Media for a while you'll know the V6 box was
originally £100. I called up, got through to the
cancellation team and told them I wasn't happy I was gonna cancel, all the usual
they upgraded me from 150 Internet to 200, V6 box free of charge with the self
install and I kept my TV and phone line package exactly the same and that came
to some like £54 a month. So if you do call up be nice, polite with
them, it was a really nice chap I spoke to and he gave me a good deal so
just open this up we've got 'Activate, Install, Just follow the instructions, after
calling please lift this flat and grab the set up guide' let's take a look at
what's in the box, we've got HDMI cable, ethernet cable, self
install guide, "there's no need to return your old box so you can just recycle it
by going to..." your old TIVO you just recycle it rather than sending it back to Virgin Media.
We've got the new remote, fairly similar to the old remote.
New remote.
A little spanner, the V6 box itself which is really small in comparison to the
standard TiVo box, which again I'll show you a comparison once I've got it all unwrapped.
Very nice, so this is one terabyte box.
Power brick.
There's also a guide for the new TV services. Let's do a quick comparison and
then I'll see about getting this set up and running.
If you're an existing TiVo
customer you will absolutely love the small size of the new V6, it is tiny in
comparison, yet it offers a lot more. So here it is in profile, it's a tiny little
box, but it packs in a lot more storage space, this has a terabyte of storage space my
old TiVo had just 500 gig and it now has zero card slots on the back, so you used to
have to have these little card things that just plugs in you see doesn't plug
in anywhere. I had some problems getting this set up you had to call to activate
but the first time I tried work.
"To activate your new equipment please press 1"
"We're sorry, but we're unable to activate your new equipment right now."
I waited 20 minutes or so, tried again and it
worked fine, then you have to wait for it to go through the setup process where
it's getting connected its sorting out all your channels, verifying, so let me
just show you these two remotes the one on the right is my original TiVO remote,
the one on the left is the new V6 remote, you can see it's slightly squatter it
has all the same buttons but it's a little bit more compact. It feels just
the same in the hand it's very nicely weighted and just close up you can
see absolutely everything is the same it's just a bit more compact. I have to
say that the biggest benefit to me is the menu speed. This is the original TiVo
I am showing you now, let's just do a quick comparison of searching for
something on catch up. So we've now got the V6 is the larger screen, the TiVo is in
the bottom right, and you see straight away we're off and I'm just going to
search for Doctor Who. Everything about the V6 is so much faster I found the
TiVo incredibly frustrating and this was one of the points I raised when I was on
the call getting this sorted out I said that the original TiVO was just so slow,
iPlayer wasn't very good and as soon as he heard this they know that the V6 is so
much better so you can see I'm straight into iPlayer so I have to say it's worth
the upgrade alone just for the speedy menu system. While making
this review news broke that Virgin Media we're actually going to be upgrading all
existing customers to the V6 so you may not actually have to go down the
cancellation route like I did. I'm not quite sure what the upgrade process will be
you'll need to check that out with Virgin. If you are towards the end of your contract
don't wait for an upgrade, ring up and go via the cancellation routes anyway
because you may find you can get a better deal by haggling with them you'll
get the V6 box and as I said earlier I was upgraded to 200 meg and
they shaved a few pounds off my monthly bill. I hope you found this short
overview useful, if you have please consider him the subscribe button, thanks
for watching I'll see you next time.
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