Benefits of drumstick leaves Tamil health tips
Drumstick leaves has a vital role in South Indian diet and there are many medicinal properties in all parts of drumstick tree.
Drumstick leaves give more energy and it has loads of nutrient.
It has vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous etc.,
In this video let us see what are the benefits we get by adding drumstick leaves in our diet.
Drumstick leaves are rich in fibre and antioxidants, reduces bad cholesterol, control sugar level.
As it is low in calories it helps to reduce our weight and keep us fit.
Drumstick leaves cures pimples, cleanses our skin and keeps it glowing.
Drumstick leaves can be taken as poriyal etc., and to prevent anaemia in children fry drumstick leaves in ghee and give before food.
If we take drumstick leaves atleast once in a week, iron and magnesium present in it helps to cure fatigue and tiredness and keeps us fresh.
30 types of antioxidants present in drumstick leaves keeps the cells in our body healthy.
It cures cancer, fights against ageing and keeps our skin healthy.
Take drumstick juice and pour few drops in your eyes or mix with honey and apply on your eye lid to cure eye problems.
Take equal amount of drumstick leaves and pepper,crush it and extract juice and apply it as a pack on your forehead to cure headache.
An acid present in drumstick leaves is good for insulin secretion if it is in the right proportion.
The chances of diabetes also reduces and so you can add it in your diet.
Drumstick keeps our brain healthy and vitamin C present in it protects our nervous system.
So if we take drumstick leaves it makes our brain strong.
For more infomation >> Benefits of Drumstick Leaves - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
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How to like miserable me. 整体 大宮 うまくいかない自分を好きになる方法 - Duration: 5:04.
Hi,my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks to looking this video. This video talk about how to like miserable me.
One of characteristic, It is to doing have high ideal.
For example, There is person to work amazingly. Rarely fail.
「Work does not end within time」 「I am not good」 「If this goes on,not good」
For example, Have too High expectation.
「Want to be liked from many people」 「I should become have been rich」 etc..
There is method that to don't feel down too much when that time.
This method is to can not soon.
Say easy and,It is to become to like self.
To admit self. ・Self that the work can
・Self that be liked from many people ・Self that doing have money ・Self that there is a lover
but,important more than that,
"Other self"
become to like that. There is recommend things as method to realize that
It is meditation.
What image do you have about meditation?
「heart is become calm down」 It might be to many people say it. But,this time is wrong.
In meditation is there is effect of another one. It is to admit self that nothing do.
The meditation is completion myself only. Social contributions is nothing. There is not gain.
Around people do not thank you. Suddenly,It will not raise self abilities.
How much can self like? You can to know.
If you doing have high ideal,please try the meditation. Close eye and just breath. It's OK with few minute.
Please try it. Thank you for looking this video. See you!
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