To speculate with our destinies.
with our houses, with our lives...
There is someone buying this house to speculate with us,
Our attempt is to highlight this whole capitalist shit.
and to achieve something for them.
We fight together with the people affected
they are looking at everybody.
Well it's the same with Google this is what they are doing,
you would kick them out of your building right?
is listening to your kids when they sleep,
is looking through the window,
in the mailbox, is looking through the keyhole,
and you know this person is looking at everybody's mail
If in your building somebody would move in
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Stunning Report: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Caught Leaking After Admitting "Trump-Russia"
Collusion Story Was "Bullsh*t"
Veteran media critic and author Howard Kurtz writes in his new book "Media Madness,"
that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe initiated a meeting last February with then-Chief of
Staff Reince Preibus to relay he believed a New York Times piece alleging Trump campaign
officials made contact numerous times with Russian intelligence officials was "bullsh*t."
According to Kurtz, Preibus asked if the FBI could release a statement denying the report's
The former FBI Deputy Dirctor said he would have to think about it, later telling Preibus
that there was nothing he could do.
Later, Comey called to relay the same message, instead offering to provide Senate Intelligence
Committee investigators with evidence that would discredit the report.
"You'll never guess what happened next," writes The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway.
Now, a week later, CNN was airing a breaking news story naming Priebus.
According to 'multiple U.S. officials,' the network said, 'the FBI rejected a White
House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald
Trump's associates and Russians known to U.S. intelligence.
Priebus was stunned by the implication that he was pressuring law enforcement.
Had he been set up?
Why was the FBI leaking this information when one of its top officials had initiated the
CNN's story was authored by Sciutto, Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, Manu Raju, and Brown.
Raju is the reporter who later messed up a massive Russia-collusion story by not verifying
underlying details in any serious way.
He has not explained how he got the story wrong or done anything to regain credibility
lost by running a blatantly false story.
The story is sourced to a "U.S. law enforcement official" who seems to know an awful lot
about McCabe (e.g.
"A law enforcement official says McCabe didn't discuss aspects of the case but wouldn't
say exactly what McCabe told Priebus.")
While Hemingway only strongly suggests McCabe leaked details of the meeting he initiated
with Preibus to the press, the website's co-founder, Sean Davis, appears certain the
top FBI official set the whole ordeal up.
"McCabe told Priebus a big NYT story alleging treasonous collusion was false.
Priebus asked if he could make that public.
McCabe then leaked that Priebus was interfering with the FBI, tweeted Davis Monday.
As previously reported by Business Insider, then-Director James Comey testified to Senate
Intelligence Committee last June that The New York Times piece was "not true."
When asked by Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) whether the report was true or not, Comey replied,
"In the main, it was not true.
And again, all of you know this.
Maybe the American people don't.
The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters about writing stories about classified information,
is the people talking about it often don't really know what's going on, and those of
us who know what's going on are not talking about it.
And we don't call the press to say, 'hey, you got that thing wrong about the sensitive
We have to leave it there."
Last week, the Daily Beast reported former FBI Director James Comey, bureau Deputy Director
Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are officially named in the
"shocking" FISA abuse memo.
According to the Washington Post, McCabe intends to resign from the FBI once he is eligible
for full pension benefits in March.
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