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For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Best of Just for Laughs Gags Compilation 2018 - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
Common and Chance the Rapper's Grandmas Were Friends - Duration: 5:19.
How to Paint with SLIME | Most Crazy Ideal Ever!!! - Duration: 4:39.
Chloe Benjamin Reads Every Review of Her Books - Duration: 6:34.
New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 11 - Duration: 10:28.
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THE MOST SAVAGE moment | MINI GOLF KING (android) gameplay - Duration: 4:09.
Welcome back to my video it's MK 65
What's going on guys hope you are having an amazing day I will be playing Mini golf king
Without any delay let's get started.
This is my first multiplayer match Roller coaster par 5
I think my opponent is also new to the game
My turn Let's start off by hitting him This will either go bad or good
i sent his ball back to the start
I really like the graphics of this game it is very colourful
What does that mystery box do?
Is it good for me or bad let's find out
Oh my god
back to back destruction
i think he's given up Yh after what i did to him there's no way
he is going to carry on
My score is definitely lot higher than him
I think he want's me to finish as quick as possible.
It's a gg guys
now it's time to end the game
i am not going for the box again
instead just go for the hole
Wow i still managed to waste a shot
And for the win
Thank you so much for watching this video leave a like if you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe
and comment how i can improve peace out.
Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.52 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.31] - Duration: 34:01.
(Episode 52)
Pardon? Ms. Kim?
Okay. I'll be right there.
Good day.
How may we help you?
Is there a Ms. Gil Eunjo here?
I'm Gil Eunjo. What is this regarding?
You were reported for assault.
You need to come with us.
Ms. Jeong Inu has pressed charges against you.
Let's go.
Why would she do that?
She lost her balance and fell.
How badly is she hurt?
Anyway, charges have been pressed,
so you must come with us to be interviewed.
I can't right now.
I must go to the hospital.
Geez. You can't be like this.
I'll come after the hospital.
I'll just see how Ms. Kim is.
I won't run away.
You can't do that.
What's keeping you?
What are you doing?
- Ms. Gil. Ms. Gil. / - What in the world...
Get her. Get her.
Let go.
I'm not running away.
It's Ms. Kim.
I'll come to the police station after the hospital.
You can't do that.
Should we charge you with obstruction of justice too?
Someone's life is at stake.
Just an hour.
No. Just 30 minutes.
Behave yourself.
I'll come after the hospital.
Ms. Kim!
Please. Ms. Kim...
We can talk at the station.
Ms. Jeong Inu and Counsel Byeon are hurt?
The three of them were having
a serious discussion that led to a scuffle.
So Ms. Jeong, who's hurt, pressed charges?
Yes. I was interviewed as a witness.
I only told them what I saw.
Ms. Gil must be having a hard time.
She must be frazzled as it is because of Ms. Kim.
That being the case,
what will happen to our Center?
There probably won't be any changes.
Until Ms. Kim wakes up,
a proxy will probably fill in.
Oh. Then that would be Ms. Gil.
But what was Ms. Jeong thinking
pressing charges against Ms. Gil?
Does she not care because she's getting fired?
Gil Eunjo probably can't be Ms. Kim's proxy.
Who would be the proxy in a situation like this?
Make sure it's changed at set times.
Her breathing and pulse are stable,
so we're transferring her to the patient ward.
So when will Haengja wake up?
There's no way to tell.
She won't be in a coma for long, will she?
We'll see.
Myeongjo, what do we do?
Darn it. That Dr. Jeong.
Where is that jerk when he should be here?
Is he already planning to make a run for it?
What's wrong, Myeongjo?
Are you will?
Darn it. That Dr. Jeong.
What's wrong?
No. You've been off for a while.
Are you ill?
Can you get indigestion on an empty stomach?
It's not that...
What is this? Your sweat is cold.
Hey. You can't get sick too.
Myeongjo, tell me what's bothering you.
Say something. Oh, no. Myeongjo!
Oh, my. Hey.
Nurse! Nurse!
Excuse me! Nurse!
Are you okay?
(Kim Haengja)
We'll move out right away if that's what you want.
That would be appreciated.
We were going to move anyway,
so we're just hastening our plan.
I was worried as they wanted to lease a house quickly,
but it's worked out perfectly.
Every person and every house has its rightful match.
Let's see.
Oh. We can clear out of the house today.
- Really? / - Yes.
My goodness. Thank you so much.
Sure thing.
Affix your seal here, please.
I was going to sell it when we moved,
but leasing it isn't bad either.
Moving company?
I'm in front of the house.
Come clear out the house right away.
There's not much, so it won't take long.
Yes, yes. Okay.
Recipient isn't answering...
Geez. Why isn't Ms. Gil picking up
or reading my texts?
Slurp chomp, slurp chomp,
yummy instant noodles.
Slurp chomp, slurp chomp,
yummy instant noodles.
We're having instant noodles?
There's rice too.
And you don't want to eat out.
Look at the pigsty you live in.
The rolled up socks there,
that, and that, and that.
This isn't fit for human habitation.
Hang on.
This is my house.
What's it to you
how I live in my own home?
I'm depressed as it is
as I'm on standby at work.
More depressed than me?
You said you're seeing investors today.
Eat up and go.
More importantly, I can't reach Ms. Gil.
Why isn't anyone picking up?
Stop with the phone calls.
Just one more.
We need to draw up a report.
Just one call to the hospital.
This is urgent.
Look, Ms. Gil Eunjo.
Will you answer to any mishaps Ms. Kim suffers?
Good grief.
Just one call.
The ICU, please.
I'm wondering how Ms. Kim Haengja is.
To the general patient ward?
So she's awake?
Oh... I see...
Very well then.
Okay? So let's get started.
Ms. Jeong Inu reported that you assaulted her.
Assaulted her?
But I never even laid a finger on her.
You see Ms. Jeong's medical report, right?
She'll need 4 weeks of treatment.
We all fell because Ms. Jeong
pushed Mr. Byeon Busik.
It was Ms. Jeong's own fault that she fell.
Bodily injury has occurred,
so you could be charged for assault.
Where is Ms. Jeong?
No. Mr. Byeon knows what happened.
Why don't we draw up your statement?
This will only drag things out.
I did nothing wrong.
I'm charged with assault because I didn't get hurt?
Get Ms. Jeong Inu here.
Mr. Byeon Busik too.
I'm not talking until they're here.
Leave it there.
Huh? Inu.
What happened to your arm?
Oh, my goodness. What happened?
My arm took the brunt of my fall.
You were just unlucky.
You should've been more careful.
Busik's hurt too.
How badly?
What happened?
No. Wait, wait.
Where is he right now?
Is he hospitalized?
I'm more badly hurt.
He went home after dropping me off.
Did you two fight?
Do you get physically aggressive?
Is that what it was?
Gil Eunjo pushed us.
I reported her to the police just now.
- What? / - Eunjo?
But why...
This is just crazy.
Why did Eunjo push you?
What happened?
She was being unreasonable,
lost her temper, and then pushed us,
which led to this.
So you really reported her to the police?
Yes, I did.
Geez, the police...
Inu. Inu.
Busik. Busik!
I heard you're hurt.
How badly? Where?
Oh, no. This will take a long time to heal.
I'm fine. It's a slight sprain.
You're not fine.
It's very uncomfortable having one bad finger.
Why did Eunjo push you guys and do this to you?
Who told you that?
She said she reported Eunjo to the police.
You weren't with her?
When did she go to the police...
Oh. While I was getting my finger set.
Has she resorted to physical violence now?
I didn't take Eunjo to be violent.
Inu's at home right now, right?
Where are you going?
Hey, did you really press charges?
I told you I did.
She should be at the police station by now.
Ms. Kim's in a coma.
Why didn't you just let it go?
Can't you see this?
And what does Gil Eunjo have to do
with Ms. Kim collapsing?
You shouldn't be heartless when someone's suffering.
Yes, okay, okay.
Go in and rest.
Anybody home?
Yes, come in.
How are you?
Fine. That doesn't look that serious.
What a relief.
I'd like to speak with Inu.
Yes, yes. Sure. Go ahead.
Did you really press charges against Ms. Gil?
Look at us.
Was I just supposed to take this?
Since it's just us, let's be honest.
It wasn't Ms. Gil's fault.
We're the ones who got hurt.
That's because we were unlucky.
Are you saying it was wrong of me to press charges?
Withdraw the charges.
I can't do that.
- Inu! / - Busik!
Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
From now on, no matter what,
you must listen to me
and take my side.
Why must I do that?
Why did you break up with Gil Eunjo and come to me?
Wasn't it because of my dad?
Should I be more precise?
My dad, who's married to Ms. Kim Haengja.
I do love you,
but that doesn't mean I have no pride.
I am a woman,
and I can be proud too.
If you side with Gil Eunjo again
and make me mad,
I won't stay put either.
What will you do?
I'll have to reconsider our relationship.
Why? You don't think I can?
I have no intention of settling with Gil Eunjo,
and tell her not to ask for forbearance either.
I'm wanted at the police station.
Gil Eunjo's refusing to talk.
You must have heard from them too.
Let's go then.
I'll be watching to see what you say.
How you answer will determine
how our relationship will be.
Geez. I didn't have to run over.
Haengja, look at the state you're in.
Why couldn't you be more giving
rather than getting worked up and collapsing?
I'm sure you're worried about Eunjo and Myeongjo,
but don't worry too much.
They say everyone's born with a means to survive.
Eunjo and Myeongjo are adults.
They'll be able to take care of themselves.
So don't worry too much
and just lie there and relax, Haengja.
Yes. Did you get everything out of the house?
Then take it over to the address I gave you.
Call me when you're done.
Yes, okay.
Oh, here you are, Dr. Jeong.
Now, now.
Don't raise your voice in front of a patient.
I went home to get some of Myeongjo's clothes,
and you had the movers clear out the house.
How can you move us out of our house without a word?
Your house?
How is that your house?
It's not yours either.
Haengja's house is my house,
especially so since she's in a coma like this.
Wow. I... I don't believe this.
Someone showed up to lease it at just the right time
with money in hand,
so was I to say no?
How much did you get for the lease?
That's none of your business, is it?
Is this how you're going to be?
Aren't you going back to the States?
Look, Dr. Jeong.
I'm Ms. Kim Haengja's legal guardian.
Does that give you a right to lease
her house and take the money?
How could you do that?
As long as Haengja's in a coma,
I'll take care of everything.
Haengja, you see, right?
I warned you. This is how this man is.
Were you this bad of a judge of character?
I find this offensive.
I'm right here.
This isn't right.
How could you move us out when Myeongjo's
also recovering from an appendectomy?
How in the world can anyone do this?
What happened to Myeongjo?
He received surgery for acute appendicitis.
The poor thing.
But appendectomy is no big deal these days.
Now, listen carefully.
Neither Eunjo, Myeongjo, nor you
have any right to the old house
or the new one we're moving to.
I was going to let you stay with us as I'm nice,
but I must reconsider if you're being like this.
What do you mean reconsider?
I don't know.
I'm not a philanthropist.
Dr. Jeong!
Think hard about what kind of behavior
is in your best interest.
President Hong, Ms. Gil was accused of assault
and is at the police station.
Nothing changes even if you keep asking me.
This happened because Ms. Gil pushed us.
Mr. Byeon, please be truthful.
That's not what happened.
Go ahead, Busik.
Go ahead.
Their statements contradict each other,
so what you say is important as you were there.
Mr. Byeon.
What Ms. Jeong said is true.
Mr. Byeon.
Ms. Gil extended her arm as they were arguing,
so Ms. Jeong and I lost our balance and fell.
How... How can you be like this?
That's not what happened, Mr. Byeon.
We're all set, right?
Can we go now?
Yes. You can leave for now.
You can press charges too if you feel wronged.
Not that it will do any good.
But how...
How can someone be like this?
Must you take it this far?
What are you so distraught about?
It's not because I'm still hung up on Ms. Gil.
This goes against human decency.
Human decency?
Do you know how Gil Eunjo has been?
She's done whatever she pleased
as if she ruled the world.
Yet you talk about human decency?
Are you kidding me?
Under normal circumstances, the great Ms. Kim
would've had a lawyer get her off on bail.
You couldn't have taken on Gil Eunjo at all.
That's right.
But things have changed.
Gil Eunjo needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
She needs to know how cruel the world is.
You choose.
Either go and change your statement
or come with me.
You'll have to bear the consequences.
How can this be?
You don't say.
I'm so out of it right now.
But where in the world is Eunjo?
The thing is, she's at the police station.
Police station?
What for?
I have enough on my mind as it is.
There was a bit of a commotion at the Center.
Two people got hurt,
and Eunjo's been accused of assault,
so she's being questioned.
What? Assault?
So you're saying Eunjo's under arrest?
Yes. That is the case in a nutshell.
Wow. Unbelievable.
How big of a commotion did she cause?
You're not here about settlement money, right?
I don't have any money.
Geez. The other party's refusing to settle,
so she might end up going on trial.
Who got hurt and how badly
that they're refusing to settle?
Dr. Jeong's daughter,
Ms. Jeong Inu.
It's just one thing after another.
Why his family again? It's so annoying.
Dr. Jeong wasn't in Ms. Kim's room.
Where is he?
We should try pleading with him.
Pleading won't get us anywhere.
Then what do we do?
What can we do?
Eunjo must suffer the consequences of her actions.
Geez. Everything's a mess right now.
Will this do?
This is perfect.
You can have me tidy your office, sir.
I'm packing.
Geez. You know we have a new CEO, right?
I have a feeling I'll be fired,
so I'm organizing my things now.
Where will you be going?
I suppose wherever the higher-ups tell me to.
If that's home, that's where I must go.
No matter who succeeds me,
you'll do well as you're capable.
Thank you for assisting me,
a sloppy boss.
That's not true, sir.
Why are you pestering me, asking me to come and go?
Ms. Jeong, what will it take for you to settle?
I told you I'm not going to do that.
Didn't you come back because you might settle?
What do I have to do?
What's with the change in attitude?
Did I come back hoping for something from you?
I have to go see Ms. Kim.
So please settle.
Let go.
Everything was my fault.
If I upset you in any way, please let it go.
I apologize.
Whatever I say?
You still seem clueless about what's what.
No. Everything... Everything is my fault.
So please help me get out of here.
It's Ms. Kim.
I won't be able to cope if Ms. Kim dies.
What can I do to make your anger subside?
Kneel and beg for forgiveness.
Beg me for forgiveness
over how you slighted me and angered me.
You still have your pride.
Not good enough.
Ms. Gil, what are you doing?
Get up.
Stay out of this.
I apologize for slighting you
and unintentionally hurting your feelings.
I'm sorry.
Ms. Gil.
I'm sorry I hurt your arm,
I'm sorry I talked back to you,
and I'm sorry I said things that seemed cocky.
I'm sorry about everything.
My anger still hasn't subsided.
Mr. Byeon too...
Don't bring that up.
It displeases me.
Enough, Ms. Gil.
Please settle, Ms. Jeong.
Ms. Jeong.
The powerless boyfriend should stay out of this.
I can't right now.
I'll mull over it tonight
given your effort
and let you know tomorrow if I'll settle.
Get up.
Ms. Jeong Inu.
I don't know what you're going to say,
but you'd better choose your words wisely.
One wrong word, and I might change my mind.
Do you know how much bad blood us three have?
Is that so important?
Human decency...
Ha... Human decency. Human decency.
People are so strange.
Why human decency only when they're desperate?
If people were always decent,
something like this wouldn't have happened.
Tell Gil Eunjo to reflect on her misdeeds
all night long in a holding cell.
Recipient isn't answering...
Counsel Choi, this is Hong Seokpyo.
Call me as there's an emergency.
It looks like you'll have to stay here tonight.
You should go.
But I'm going to stay the night here.
Don't do that.
How can I sleep when you are here?
Why don't you watch over Ms. Kim in my place?
Ms. Jeong will probably settle tomorrow,
so go be with Ms. Kim tonight
in my place.
Will you be okay here alone?
Please tell Ms. Kim I'm fine.
She might get nervous if I'm not around.
So please go and reassure her
that I am fine.
Okay. I'll do that.
Thank you, Mr. Hong.
Counsel Choi, you'll have to come my way.
Why are you so startled?
Despite the sorry state I'm in,
all my friends are hot shots.
My doctor friend said Haengja won't wake up,
so I filed to have her declared incompetent.
They call it adult guardianship these days, right?
You're quick.
What's more important than that?
I must be designated Kim Haengja's legal guardian
if I'm to do as I please with all her fortune.
I asked for express processing.
Haengja's condition is very bad.
They did meet right before
Ms. Kim collapsed,
but what did they talk about?
Do you still want to lecture me?
But that might eliminate you as Inu's partner.
Don't trust Inu too much.
They say women are fickle, right?
You shouldn't be smiling.
Do you think only Eunjo can be left high and dry?
You're no different.
Wow. You're finally warming up to me.
What took you so long?
Do you know what Ms. Kim
had been planning before she collapsed?
Planning? Kim Haengja?
Except for the new house, pawnshop, Beauty Center,
and a trust fund for Myeongjo, she was planning
to donate her entire fortune.
And she put me in charge of that.
I was looking into setting up a foundation for her.
Hypothetically speaking, if I submit
all the paperwork for the foundation,
how do you think the court will rule?
Will the court give Ms. Kim's fortune
to you, her guardian,
or will they give it to the foundation?
Why are you saying this?
Don't you think they'll side with the foundation?
Then your rights will only extend to
what remains of her fortune:
the new house and the pawnshop.
Why are you being like this?
We make a fantastic team,
don't we?
That depends on how you do.
How can you be like this?
That's not what happened, Mr. Byeon.
That's why I warned you.
I told you to be smarter.
What a fool that woman is.
You toughed it out.
The Genius legal team came
and got me out on bail.
Oh... Because Ms. Kim's the Center director.
Let's go see Ms. Kim.
It's very cold out.
Thank you.
Did you get Ms. Gil out?
I'll get to the bottom of this.
Why would our kids move into the new house?
They're not Ms. Kim's children.
I'm going to enjoy everything I can.
I'm Ms. Kim Haengja's husband.
What is this regarding?
It's about this Center.
I can take over now, right?
What do you mean?
There's no room in this house for you.
Have you already forgotten that you're cursed?
You won't be able to find investors anywhere.
Is it because of Director Kim?
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How to draw a WALLET - Duration: 3:52.
How to draw a WALLET
How to remove blackheads naturally at home - Duration: 3:25.
How to remove blackheads naturally at home blackheads are small black skin
projections often found on the face especially on the nose and sometimes on
the back these black projections form a plug blocking the sebaceous glands of
the skin they are caused due to excessive production of sebum an oily
substance from the sebaceous gland that slowly gets hardened when they mix with
dead skin and bacteria the sebum gets exposed to oxygen from the air and gets
oxidized and turns black what are the common causes of blackheads stress
hormonal changes inheritance unclean skin cosmetics smoking alcohol caffeine
natural ways to clear blackheads on nose follow these simple natural ways to
clean the pores and remove blackheads using easily available ingredients at
home number 1 egg white mask you can use the white portion of an egg to create a
mask for tightening your paws you will not just have the answer to how to get
rid of blackheads on nose but you can prevent future outbreaks as well the
white portion is good for your skin as well as it is rich in nutrients needed
items a single egg a clean towel a small bowl some toilet paper or facial tissue
how to do separate yolk from the eggs white portion rinse your face pat your
face to make it dry apply the egg white on your skin the layer should be thin
keep the toilet paper or facial tissue on the white portion and press this
gently on your face keep it for some time so that the layer can dry now apply
a second layer over the paper or tissue the tissue or paper shouldn't slide give
it more time so that this layer can dry as well you can apply a third layer to
this is optional your face will feel tight when your mosque is dry peel off
the mask get rid of any residue pat dry apply some moisturizer number two milk
and honey honey and milk are both good for your
skin there are antibacterial properties in honey and the lactic acid of milk can
keep your skin supple and soft however when you are mixing these two what you
will get is an adhesive that can answer your question needed items organic raw
honey 1 tablespoon milk 1 teaspoon 1 cotton
strip how to do pour milk over your raw honey and mix thoroughly heat this for 5
to 10 minutes in your microwave now mix again it should blend well apply
the paste over your blackheads the layer should be thin Pat some cotton over it
gently allow this to dry it is best to wait for 20 minutes at least
now peel this strip away carefully rinse using cold water if you liked the video
give us a thumb and subscribe to our channel thank you
The Amazing Combination of Lemon And Baking Soda! - Duration: 4:15.
Nature's pharmacy is fantastic
it offers us common but powerful products that help prevent many
health problems and cure others once they've begun to attack our bodies used
by themselves things like fruits oils vegetables and natural chemical
compounds have been used for millennia to treat basic ailments however
combining complementary elements from nature's pharmacy often packs a more
powerful punch and can fight off several health issues at the same time consider
lemon and baking soda both have the power to make acidic substances more
neutral when paired together they become even more efficient at raising our
body's pH levels but lemon juice adds an anti oxidizing effect to the combination
that assists the body in certain ways while baking soda works in other ways to
solve both internal and external maladies take a look at the following
video to see exactly what lemon juice and baking soda combination can do for
your health healthy immune system one of the major issues with serious diseases
like cancer is that they thrive in acidic environments so by neutralizing
the acid in our bodies and increasing its alkalinity we can prevent and battle
against many diseases that's why lemon juice and baking soda
can be effective in this battle lemon juice helps to prohibit the oxidation of
our cells and protect them from being broken down it also hinders the growth
of microorganisms in our digestive tract the baking soda balances our body's pH
levels and doesn't allow acids to dominate like this cancer is less likely
to develop much less thrive in our systems thus reducing the risk of cancer
healthy digestive system lemons are high in polyphenols micronutrients found in
natural food sources paired with vitamin C these compounds help our body burn fat
baking soda and lemon worked together to regulate the acid in the gut less acid
means less inflammation and that eliminates heartburn acid reflux and a
host of other issues associated with too much acid in our stomachs balanced acid
levels provide for optimal digestion and less irritation after we eat healthy
skin and teeth when lemon juice is used externally its high level of citric acid
is a great cleanser the antioxidants cut down on free radicals and slowed the
natural aging process that our skin goes through lemon juice can rejuvenate as
well as clean the skin in smaller doses the mixture can be used to bleach our
teeth the acid of the lemon will whiten our teeth and the baking soda will bring
our mouths environment back to a healthy balance when we ingest lemon juice it
becomes metabolized and ceases to have an acidic effect on our organs instead
it helps our kidneys flush harmful toxins proving that it's a great
cleanser both externally and internally that's encouraging for both our skin as
well as our kidneys healthy circulatory system baking soda helps to alkalize our
body but it's also capable of improving our circulatory system by fighting bad
cholesterol and increasing our good cholesterol levels when blood is able to
flow more freely through our arteries and veins it makes us less likely to
suffer from crippling heart diseases we always recommend that you speak to your
doctor before adding any mixture like this to your diet it's important to know
how natural remedies might interact with your prescription medications.
Narcissist Is Jealous Of Your Accomplishments 😈 | Spoken Word by Anna Szabo #NARCISSIST [2018] - Duration: 0:59.
The Narcissist is jealous of your accomplishments.
He targeted you for your beauty and smarts -
Because for having you he loves getting compliments; But that is also where his hatred toward you
The Narcissist lives in the world of scarcity.
Your success to him means that he doesn't measure up.
He hates on you with laser-focused clarity, Aiming to completely empty your emotional
He drains your energy and hope out of you By gaslighting you to make you feel crazy.
He also meticulously projects his every fault on you,
So that it looks like your mind is confused and hazy.
The Narcissist constantly competes with you.
For him to feel better about himself, you must fail.
So, with his well-thought cruel techniques, he confuses you.
And you get so depressed that you can no longer avail.
Do You Have Any Idea Why You Sneeze And Have Runny Nose In The Morning - Duration: 2:45.
Do you normally sneeze in themorning right when you wake up?
according to specialists these sneezes and morning
congestion 'z may be caused by your sleep environment your pillow or
bedspread may be the problem if you live in a very dry climate or if your air
conditioning has turned up very high your nose may be reacting to the changes
in the air you might also be having allergic reactions to dust mites the
first step to treating morning sneezes is identifying any allergens or
irritants try changing your bedspread for a week sleeping with a humidifier or
turning your air-conditioning down a few degrees
if these quick solutions don't work try these home remedies one black pepper
pepper leaf saffron wrap 5 to 8 pepper seeds and a pinch of saffron up in a
pepper leaf warm it slightly then chew it brush your teeth afterwards to fennel
tea some plants such as fennel have anti allergic properties drink some fennel
tea which is also antiviral and antibacterial to develop a resistance
against allergies that may cause morning sneezes 3 ginger just like fennel ginger
can help with allergies chew a small piece of ginger which also has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can help lessen coughing
4 chamomile tea chamomile is recommended to treat sneezing and coughing due to
its calming antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
5 orange a vitamin C infusion can effectively reduce the amount of
histamine present in your body if your morning sneezes are being caused by an
allergenic drink a cup of orange juice or eat an orange at breakfast to help
prevent them six peppermint oil refined peppermint
oils antibacterial properties make this homemade remedy particularly effective
against sneezing and stopped up noses boil 2 cups of water with 5 to 6 drops
of peppermint oil inhale the vapor to relieve congestion and sneezing.
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