♪ Best Friends Challenge ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
-All right, now --
-You better not give me a pen and a paper.
-No, but here we go. Get ready for this.
Now the game works like "The Newlywed Game"
but for friends.
So we're gonna take turns
reading questions about each other from the Best Friends Box.
And we'll try to write down...
[ Laughter ]
...the same answer.
Now, we didn't plan any of this out.
All right, here we go. Right here.
I will read the first question.
-Wait, wait. You -- This is about me.
When you read, it's -- -Yes.
I'm going to guess about if you're my best friend.
-Okay. -Here we go. Ready?
-Oh, this is about me.
-Okay. [ Laughter ]
-If Jimmy had a signature candle,
what would the candle smell like?
-Oh. -Be careful now.
[ Laughter ] -I know.
-If I had a signature candle,
what would the candle smell like?
[ Laughter ] -Um...
Mine are all inappropriate, always.
I can't do it.
-If I had a signature candle,
what would the candle smell like?
I'm trying to -- trying to give hints.
[ Laughter ]
If I had a signature candle... -Okay.
-...what would the candle --
-I don't think I'm gonna be good at this.
-I think we got -- I think we got this one.
Chrissy, what did you write down?
-Your daughters?
[ Laughter ]
-That's so cute, 'cause I'm always hugging them.
-You're always giving them hugs, you say.
-Yeah, I am, I do. I love them.
I put cotton candy.
That's all right. Very close.
-I feel like --
-My daughters smell like cotton candy.
We almost got -- Judges?
No, they didn't -- [ Bell dings ]
-Okay. -No, they're being very nice.
-They were being nice. All right.
-Everything else was -- I would get in trouble.
-Here we go. -Okay.
-That is your card up there. -Okay.
-And then, here we go.
So, we didn't get that one, but we have more chances to win.
-Yes, we did. It dinged.
Okay, Jimmy. -Yes.
-If we had a catch phrase, what would it be?
[ Laughter ]
Well, remember we used to, all the time, we would go...
[ Laughter ]
-Together we would go...
[ Laughter ]
Together, me and you, we always had a catchphrase
when we would go... -Yep.
I feel good about this. -Yeah, me too.
I feel good about it. Here we go.
My answer is...
Chrissy, your answer is... -Boo-yah!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Yes! Yes!
-How did we get that? -Yes!
I have no idea. [ Both laugh ]
-Boo-yah! -Boo-yah!
-Boo-yah! [ Laughter ]
-I got excited. -Oh, I got excited.
That was really good. I felt the vibes with that one.
-Baby's going. Okay. -Baby's kicking on that one.
-Baby's going. -Boo-yah! It was awesome.
-Okay. -Here you go.
I will read the next question. Here we go.
Yeah, we're getting warmed up.
We are BFFs. All right.
What is Chrissy's favorite swear word?
[ Laughter ]
This is a family show.
-Can I really write it?
-Chrissy's favorite swear word.
Oh, I don't know, man.
-I feel... -I know, I feel -- right?
-I feel... -Yeah, I know you feel it.
-I feel like I should -- -But don't.
-No? -Don't.
[ Laughter ]
Are you feeling it or are you --
-I feel like I shouldn't write it.
-Don't feel. [ Laughter ]
All right. What did you write?
Oh, no, you're still writing.
[ Laughter ]
-I don't know! Okay. I --
Me? I show now? -Yes.
[ Drum roll ]
All right, good, yep. [ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Both laugh ] Dude!
This is a record!
This is a record! -Whew!
I've never gotten -- -Wow!
-This is fantastic!
-We can't show that, can we? -We are --
No. We can show half of it, maybe.
-Okay. -But it's all good.
It's all good. We are on the same vibe.
All right, this is the last one.
I think already we won, but this is great.
We have one more for you. -Okay.
-Your turn to read, and here we go.
But I'm very excited about this. I think we're BFFs.
[ Laughter ]
-Okay, Jimmy. -Mm-hmm.
-If we were throwing a costume party, what would the theme be?
[ Audience "Oohs" ]
[ Laughter ]
Like a... Like a...
[ Laughter ]
-[ Laughing ]
-But you -- But you can't --
No! But you gave me a little --
[ Laughter ]
Now John's gonna kill me now. -No.
-Here we go. [ Drum roll ]
[ Laughter ]
Wait. All right.
Maybe -- Should I give mine first?
-Yeah. [ Drum roll ]
Wait. Should you?
-I don't know. I don't know if I should now.
I want to kind of change it.
-At the same time? -Let's go at the same time.
I said... [ Drum roll ]
I don't know why I said this.
-I don't know why I said this, either.
I don't even know why. -I don't even why I said this.
-Me neither. -All right, I said...
"Eyes Wide Shut." -Me too!
I said "Eyes Wide Shut"! -For real?
Are you kidding me?! Yo!
Are you kidding me? [ Both laugh ]
Yo! We are best friends!
-We're best friends! -Chrissy Teigen, everybody!
How did we do that?
For more infomation >> Best Friends Challenge with Chrissy Teigen - Duration: 6:20.-------------------------------------------
Glenn Howerton Talks A.P. Bio - Duration: 5:10.
Glenn Howerton Took a Class to Prepare for Doomsday - Duration: 5:07.
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Wake Up Call from Pleasant Street Center - Duration: 0:36.
How to regulate high blood sugar Levels? - Duration: 2:41.
cardamom for controlling sugar level cardamom is full of magnesium potassium
calcium and etc best ingredient for anemic patient and infertility issues
and also best to control sugar at any level here is a home remedy to control
diabetes with cardamom ingredients cardamom seven seeds fennel few seeds
cardamom it has amazing health benefits it removes toxins from the body it acts
as a great blood purifier it improves blood circulation it helps in digestion
if you can't digest your food properly you cannot observe the nutrients present
in it cardamom is the best spice for the people who suffer from bad dream if you
consume cardamom regularly you can reduce mouth ulcers the antiseptic
properties present in the cardamom are really good for diabetes cardamom is
high in anti-diabetic properties by taking this regularly you can reduce
diabetes fennel fennel is loaded with vitamin C other prominent vitamins and
minerals in funnel include potassium and folate several other nutrients plates
supportive roads namely manganese calcium iron magnesium phosphorus and
copper these vitamins are nutrients or enough to see each has potential to be
beneficial to the night fennel contains no fat or cholesterol it is very low in
Karl and cops and has a glycemic load of just two so is fennel good for diabetes
yes it is so if you want to add a dab it is friend you vegetable to your diet
give fennel a try take six to seven cardamom seeds and pure fallacies I'll
make you fine powder now take a glass of water and boil add one tea spoon of this
powder and mix well drink the water daily on regular basis
by doing this you can reduce your high blood sugar levels thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Trump promete desclasificar un memorándum sobre supuestos abusos del FBI [SUBTITULADO] - Duration: 0:19.
Electrical magic | You won't believe your eyes - Duration: 1:34.
Hello Friends welcome in techbook.
So I am going to show you electrical magic
so please watch the complete video
We perform this experiment under the supervision of experience technician.
so please do not try this at home
it might be dangerous for you.
we use 230v AC supply in this experiment
Through wire
so friends i know that all of you may have question
how the electricity flow from the body
but still he doesn't fill the shock.
so i will answer this question in the next video.
so do watch my next video
to understand what the science behind in it.
If you like this video
please like, share and subscribe my channel
thanks for watching guys.
Branch Warren Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Income ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 4:25.
Branch Warren Lifestyle 2018
Branch Warren Lifestyle 2017
Branch Warren Lifestyle
Branch Warren 2018
Branch Warren
Branch Warren Wife 2018
Branch Warren Daughter
Branch Warren Family 2018
Branch Warren Friends 2018
Branch Warren Cars Collection 2018
Branch Warren Cars
Branch Warren Net Worth 2018
Branch WarrenArnold Classic 2011
Branch WarrenArnold Classic 2012
Branch Warren House 2018
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[31.1.2018] Highlights EVS vs FFQ || Game 2 - VCS Mùa Xuân 2018 - Duration: 4:48.
details Yamaha Exciter 155 VVA 2018 | Yamaha MX Kinh 155 VVA 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Ellender pond - Duration: 10:02.
Glad you turned it on again today
I am currently at scouting
in a forest I do not know
I saw a pond here on google maps
It looks pretty wild here
the forest is very busy here
The weather is not great, it's about 2 degrees
that's why I have the cap on
because of my hair
so they do not get too wet
Let's see what there is
some trees are a little older
some very young
then again some are marked
there are human pipes
come here, ruby. these are fox buildings
there are deer
look at google maps where that was
there in front
it seems like
is that the pond I open
google earth
is closed
you could go in there though
But I do not want to get in there with the dogs because I believe
that these are incubators for ducks
at least it looks the same from the far away
I do not want to go in now
there were just a few ducks
then we'll just keep looking
and let's see where I mean then
Can make coffee
let's see further
there is a feeding place
there is again ..
.. there is a lot of game
Ruby stay there
ok, i think that's what coffee is all about
it looks bad
I definitely do not want these animals here
all too disturbing
come here
funny grove
And, I like to see something, too
then I would say
Let's go back this way
there was a fence
the question is if we get over there
they were outside the fence
everything is upset here
even if I did not make it to the finish
to find the pond
So I found him, but I did not go in there
still has to be a coffee
that's the good thing about Titan, you can attack that right away
I'm looking forward to it the whole day
Cheers Carlos and Walter
and to all my subscribers too
then become
We'll pack a little bit together again, go back for that
there were a few sounds before, but now
you do not hear anything
He's already starting to shake me
relish the coffee drink and then we will go home
Hello, you are already cold
stay here
something was just shot there
We drank coffee, let's go
I do not think so far
from a way
have camped
here is a way
because now I'm going home
That's it for today again
I hope you liked it anyway,
even if we did not drink the coffee right there by the pond, and see you next time
Bussi baba
how to install ceramic tiles on the simplest porch the fastest for the beginner - Duration: 10:20.
Hello, Today I will be shooting video.
install ceramic tiles on the simplest porch
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If Your Period Was A Person | Akshay Kumar & Sonam Kapoor | MissMalini - Duration: 2:47.
It's all about loving parents.
When did you last call your parents?
You didn't, did you?
And when they call you, what do you tell them?
"Maa, I'm busy. We'll talk later."
Is that fair?
You're worthless. You should keep on crying.
Aren't you looking a little bloated today?
There's a pimple on the right side also.
So, Padman looks amazing. How was it working with Balki?
So, Padman's releasing on the...
Let's give her some cramps.
And we're very excited, and...
It was an amazing experience.
Just give me one more second.
Can we take that again please?
Umm... Balki is an incredible filmmaker.
Damn it.
Uh, sorry.
Hello... But, you're not understanding what I'm trying to say.
Please try and listen to me.
It's seriously about time we told him off.
Right now. Tell him.
You don't get to talk to me like this all the time.
Just tell him today!
Get out your frustrations.
This is it. You will not speak to me like this again.
The deal is a no deal.
Yes, we did it!
Look what you left behind.
Ugh, my God.
Nope, not at all.
We know periods can be hard to deal with.
Watch how one man tackled it better than we ever could.
Only in Pad Man.
See you at the nearest theatre.
And see you next month... With full force.
كيفية عرض سجل البحث أو حذفه في يوتوب. - Duration: 2:14.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
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To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history. Access your search history by selecting History
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Lady Gaga Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★ Income ★ Education ★ Biography ★ Boyfriend - 2018 - Duration: 6:59.
lady gaga lifestyle biography
full name Stephanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta a alternative name Lady Gaga
Gaga Lu nationality American birth date March 28 1986
h 31 years height 1.55 m 5 feet 1 in weight 49 kilograms born in Manhattan
New York u.s.
hair color naturally brown eye color hazel measurements 34b 2635 bra size 3 4
B shoe size 6 us education convent of the Sacred Heart Lee Strasberg theatre
and Film Institute Tisch School of the Arts occupation actress singer and
songwriter family
lady gaga father Joe Germanotta
lady gaga mother synthia Germanotta
lady gaga sister Natalie Germanotta
lady gaga boyfriend Christian Kirino during pre Grammys
favorite food
lady gaga favorite food root vegetables egg burger
Net Worth
Lady Gaga net worth 275 million dollars
the international superstar earned fifty nine million dollars
in 2015 and 33 million dollar in 2014 Lady Gaga's six albums the fame
selling more than 15 million copies worldwide and earning her 18 million
Zuma Beach purchase price twenty three point five million dollars ten thousand
two hundred and seventy square feet five bedrooms twelve bathrooms on six acres
Lady Gaga's new Audi r8 GT price 176 thousand dollars
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