Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I am a pediatric physical therapist. Hi! I
have about 30 years of pediatric clinical experience. I'm here with my
co-instructor, Myla. She is 10 and a half months old. She has low tone, and she
has Down syndrome. She is still trying to figure out how to take weight
on her legs. So, I'm giving some strategies of how to help her figure
out that weight bearing through her legs is
a good, great idea. So I'm gonna roll her
over... Hi! Hii! Hello!
Fix the Dress... There... We are going to work on standing laying down. So I
hold on to each leg with the scissor method, one (finger) in the front one in the back
of the shins...(on the other leg ) one in the front and one in the back and my thumb's on the bottom of her
foot. My thumb's are pretending the floor. I'm going to try milk shaking her.
I'm trying to get her to keep her legs straight with weight up through her body.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I got six seconds. The goal would be that she
would do that longer. So this milkshake idea is a simple idea to work on weight
bearing through legs laying down as opposed to standing up.
Thanks a lot, and I'll see you later! Bye!
For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #20: Getting ready for standing 1 - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Dennis Prager: "I Was Wrong. Donald Trump Is a 'Great President'. - Duration: 4:11.
Dennis Prager: "I Was Wrong.
Donald Trump Is a 'Great President'.
"My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong," said Dennis Prager, describing Donald Trump
as a "great president" whose political successes are connected to a disregard for
the left-wing and partisan Democrat news media narratives.
Prager's comments came during Thursday's episode of his eponymous radio show.
While Prager has said that Trump was his last choice during the Republican primaries, he
supported him vigorously in the general election against Hillary Clinton.
"The only way to govern [while advancing] the principles of conservatism," said Prager,
was to disregard left-wing and partisan Democrat agitation pushed across the news media landscape.
Prager said:
I was wrong.
My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong, in retrospect.
I was wrong.
I had friends who supported him, and I didn't understand them.
I said, "Are you not aware of what he said about John McCain?
Isn't that enough to disqualify the guy?"
They perceived in him what I did not perceive in him, that these over-the-top statements
– as objectionable as the statements themselves may be, and none of them defended the statements
– nevertheless, what they perceived was accurate: a man who doesn't give a damn
about what the press says about him.
That is the only way to govern.
It is the only way to advance the principles of conservatism in the United States is to
not give a damn.
"[Donald Trump] is so much better a president than Mitt Romney would've made," said
Prager, describing Romney as "tepid" and concerned with appealing to news media outlets
such as The New York Times.
A president's actions are a more important metric of presidential success than a president's
demeanor, said Prager:
Would I like Donald Trump to have Mitt Romney's temperament, or for that matter Barack Obama's
So what?
I would like a whole host of things.
People are packages.
What a president does is more important to me than a president's demeanor.
He is so much better a president than Mitt Romney would've made.
Mitt Romney would've awakened every day to read The New York Timeseditorial page to
see how he's covered.
Mitt Romney gave us Romneycare in Massachusetts.
I campaigned for Mitt Romney, he would've been a better president [than Barack Obama].
Any Republican is better than any Democrat, that's just the way it is.
Having said that, Romney would've been a tepid president.
Nothing comparably conservative compared to Donald Trump.
Concerns with a president's demeanor should be secondary to broader analyses of a president's
impact, said Prager.
"He has turned out to be a great president with big communication flaws, in the way he
tweets and some of the things he says and his temperament," said Prager.
"My temperament is the opposite.
I love dignity.
I love understatement.
Okay, so be it.
So what?
I'm not sure I'd be as good a president as he.
How do you like that?
That's how good he's been."
In April of 2017, Prager invited ostensibly conservative NeverTrump news media figures
to celebrate Trump's presidency.
"Do conservatives — or non-leftists, for that matter — appreciate just how terrific
Donald Trump has been as president?" he asked.
"And how lucky we are that he won the presidency?"
"What I do know is that they ought to be deeply appreciative of him, and deeply grateful
for luck or providence, and certainly for Trump himself, that he was elected president,"
continued Prager.
"First, it is unlikely that any other Republican would have defeated Hillary Clinton.
Second, he has not only surpassed many of our expectations but also thus far governed
in a manner more consistent with conservative principles than any president since Ronald
Reagan, and arguably Calvin Coolidge."
what do you think about this?
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What is Cryptocurrency + Crypto mining + Crypto Hash - Duration: 3:56.
Our days topic is cryptocurrency
So the first questions comes in our mind is what is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD but designed for the purpose of
exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of
It is a currency
associated with the internet that uses
cryptography the process of converting legible information into an almost
uncracked able code to track purchases and transfers
Cryptography was born out of the need for secure communication in the Second World War
It has evolved in the digital era with elements of
Mathematical theory and computer science to become a way to secure
communications information and money online
How cryptocurrency is different from banking system?
Now let's see how cryptocurrency is different from regular banking system
unlike centralized banking like the Federal Reserve System
Where government's control the value of a currency like US dollar through the process of printing fiat money?
Government has no control over
Cryptocurrencies as they are fully decentralized
Decentralized means
no central authority controls, but coin or its network of transactions a
Community of Bitcoin miners make up a network
processing the transactions if any changes are made to get coined by a
Developer or developers using github a 51 majority of the miners hashing power must agree upon it
This ensures that in theory no individual can steal your bitcoins or print create more
What is cryptocurrencies and market?
That coin is the largest cryptocurrency in both market
Capitalization volume acceptance and notoriety, but it's not the most valuable coin
Nem stake while only having a market cap of 1 million one hundred
Sixteen thousand seven hundred twenty dollars trades at one thousand one hundred seventeen dollars a coin
Looking at the market cap like coin takes second place after Bitcoin with ripple close behind
Important feature of cryptocurrency is crypto mining
Mining is the process by which
Transactions are verified
And added to the public ledger known as the blockchain and also the means through which new Bitcoin are released
What is cryptocurrency hash?
Cryptocurrency mining power is rated on a scale of hashes per seconds a
rig with a computing power of 1 KH s is mining at a rate of
1,000 hashes a second one MH
Second is a million hashes per second and a GH
Second is 1 billion hashes per second
every time a miner
successfully solves a block a new hash is critted a
Hash algorithm turns this large amount of data into a fixed-length hash
The Psychology of Mantra - Duration: 3:53.
What is it about the mantra that makes it work?
What goes on in the mind while we perform a mantra?
The mysteries of mantra continues to fascinate us in the Eastern practices.
Here I will explain the process of mantra and the human mind.
It turns out that what seems mysterious is often very simple.
What is Mantra?
In Sanskrit, a mantra is the word.
It is a word, phrase, or a sound that creates transformation.
The primary purpose of mantras in the Hindu tradition is to elicit the enlightenment state
and release us from illusions.
But mantra, by itself, has a much simpler purpose.
The Psychology of Mantra Mantras…
Help you to control your mind, especially when you start meditating.
Get into focus with the right state of mind Use symbolism to link to the desired effect
Think of it as auto-hypnotizing yourself.
By repeating a word, you create boredom in the mind and your mind will go to sleep.
When your mind goes to sleep, the conscious mind slowly fades and the subconscious mind
For example, if you chant a mantra "Ram Ram Ram" in a monotone voice, this chanting
bores the mind and it will fall asleep while opening the subconscious mind.
Does the word do anything?
The word is just a arbitrary sound.
There are no words of power!
A mantra only uses words to link towards a certain effect.
As you repeat the mantra that has meaning, you recreate the effect of that mantra within
For example: every time you say "PEACE" in a soft soothing tone, you feel calm.
The more you say it the same way, the easier it is to feel calm.
How Mantras Work
You need 3 things for a Mantra: the word, the meaning and the sound.
The Word: This is a place holder for the mantra to work.
It is the trigger for its effect.
It can be mumbo jumbo rambling, but don't mistaken the word as nothing more than that.
You don't want to use words that already have certain meanings in your mind.
So often we use random words like "Ram", "Aum", and "Di".
The Meaning This reinforces the effect, it links the purpose
of the word to the desired effect.
When you associate the meaning with the word, you create a link to get back to that desired
When we say "Om Mani Padme Hum", these words are linked to the state of mind they
are defined.
This mantra has a saved state of mind for altruistic intention, enlightenment, compassion,
love, wisdom, indivisibility, and transformation of impure body, speech, and mind into the
state of the Buddha Dharma.
This is the basis of symbolism.
You must at least understand the meaning before receiving its effect.
The Sound This is the unique indicator.
A mantra is made manifest when we voice it aloud.
The sound links to the effect of the already saved state of mind.
In other words, the sound with the combination of word associates with meaning.
It can be voiced aloud or in your head.
Mantra in a Flash The word of power is nothing.
Yet, the power is in the word.
If repeated, you create meaning from word and sound.
From word and sound, you can go into a desired state of mind.
Ordena tus Archivos Automaticamente con Actiona - Duration: 21:23.
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