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Untouchables | Episode 01 | A Web Original By Vikram Bhatt - Duration: 22:27.
Maze Runner 3 The Death Cure ENDING EXPLAINED (& Easter Eggs) - Duration: 6:33.
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I want to talk about some of the
key moments in the third and final Maze Runner movie, The Death Cure, as well as how they
affected its ending, and I'll also reveal some interesting details, connections and
easter eggs you might have missed in the movie.
If this is your first time on my channel, I do regular breakdowns of new movies, so
don't forget to hit the subscribe button and notification bell to get my videos as soon
I post them, plus later in the video I'm also announcing the winner of my latest giveaway.
Quick warning, I will be discussing spoilers from Maze Runner: The Death Cure, so take
care if you've not seen the movie yet.
Let's start with the final scene and work our way back to earlier moments which connect
to it.
Thomas wakes up from his injuries to find himself in the Safe Haven with Minho and the
other surviving Immunes.
And there's an emotional moment for Thomas when he finds a note inside the necklace that
Newt gave him.
In the letter, Newt tells his friend that the thing that scares him most about the virus
is losing his memory to it.
Memory has been an important theme throughout the Maze Runner films, with the first movie
showing the Gladers having no recollection of their lives before entering the Maze, and
note how in this latest film, Teresa wants to keep her memories of Thomas, despite Ava
Paige's offer to wipe them away, after all, as Teresa says, 'if we find a cure that's
the only way all this was worth it.'
Ok, back to Newt's letter, he goes on to say that if he could do everything all over again
he would and he wouldn't change a thing and he hopes Thomas will feel the same years from
Newt understands that Thomas has always been the key to everyone's survival and he tells
him that "the future is in [Thomas's] hands now" and that he'll have to find a way to
do what's right.
Soon after, when Thomas takes the vaccine Teresa gave him out of his pocket, Newt's
words turn out to be literally true as Thomas does indeed hold the secret to saving humanity
in his hands.
Another moment that showcases the trilogy's key theme of memory is Vince's speech to the
survivors in the Safe Haven when he reveals a large memorial stone to honour those who
didn't make it.
If you look carefully you'll spot the names of characters who died during the series,
such as Zart from the first movie, but also hidden in there are a few crew names like
Wes, a nod to Wes Ball, who directed all three movies.
This moment also calls to mind the first Maze Runner movie when the Gladers crossed out
a name on the maze wall whenever they lost one of their group.
Thomas carves Teresa's name into the memorial rock in honour of her sacrifice to save him
on top of the burning WCKD building.
Teresa's death was poignant not only because of her feelings for Thomas, but also because
her sacrifice was in keeping with her ultimate goal to find a vaccine for the Flare virus
for the whole of humanity, not just the select few that Janson wanted to help.
Although she betrayed the Immunes at the end of The Scorch Trials, it was only because
she believed in the idea that "WCKD [was] good" and she always thought the Immunes'
sacrifice would ultimately save the human race from devastation.
When Thomas asked her in The Death Cure if she regretted what she'd done she simply replied
But I did what I thought was right [and] I'd do it again", a sentiment which is later echoed
in Newt's letter to Thomas.
As Janson said to Teresa, "What I like about you is no matter how bleak things get, you
never give up", and in the end, she was the one who made the breakthrough as she understood
that Brenda's recovery after getting the serum from Thomas in The Scorch Trials meant something
different was going on, which is why in this film she smuggled out Thomas's bloody bandage
and inspected it in the lab.
Although she found it difficult to see her friends suffer, in Teresa's mind it was ultimately
worthwhile for what she saw as the greater good.
When she and Thomas are on the roof of the WCKD building, she's aware they're both in
mortal danger and understands that Thomas is the key to humanity's survival so she gives
him the serum of his blood that she was carrying and ensures that he gets on the aircraft first.
With Teresa and Ava Paige dead at the end of the Death Cure, and the Right Arm's scientist
Mary killed at the end of The Scorch Trials, it's not entirely clear who will have the
expertise to replicate the vaccine, but I guess that somewhere among the survivors there
may be another scientist who can help.
The other poignant death scene in The Death Cure was, of course, when Thomas had to kill
Newt after the Flare infection finally turned Newt into a Crank and he stabbed Thomas in
the chest.
There was plenty of foreshadowing for Newt's eventual transformation into a Crank throughout
the movies.
For example, during Thomas's hallucination scene in The Scorch Trials, he saw a vision
of Newt as a Crank.
And in The Death Cure, just before Thomas, Newt and Frypan ventured into the tunnel,
Newt said "I don't want to come across as too negative, but if I was a Crank, that's
exactly where I'd be".
Another thing foreshadowing Newt's death in this film is a jar containing what appears
to be a dead newt which you can see briefly in rebel leader Lawrence's room.
Brenda's line to Thomas in the movie, "you can't save everyone", is also a bit of foreshadowing
for when Thomas stabs Newt, however, it has a double-meaning because by the end of the
movie we know that Thomas can save everyone as his blood is the basis for the ultimate
vaccine against the Flare virus.
There's also a nice parallel between Newt giving his necklace to Thomas once he realises
he's unlikely to survive and Chuck who gave Thomas his wooden carving as he died in the
first Maze Runner film.
And when Newt explained to Thomas that WCKD must have put him into the maze "so they could
tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me", it's a reference to Newt's
backstory in the books where Newt had a sister who was an Immune abducted by WICKED.
In the books, WICKED decided to take Newt with them as well to use him as a control
subject in their trials to see how Immunes performed compared to ordinary people like
One new character we meet in The Death Cure is Lawrence, the rebel leader Gally's working
for outside the Last City.
When we meet him for the first time he has a curious interest in roses, despite the loss
of his nose and much of his face to the Flare virus.
This version of Lawrence is a clever reference that book fans will recognise as he's partially
based on the "Rose took my nose" Crank that Thomas encountered in The Scorch Trials book
but who never made it into the second Maze Runner movie.
Now, did you enjoy The Death Cure film and did you find the ending satisfying?
And if you've read the original books, how do you think the movie series compares?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this, remember to hit that thumbs-up button, share this video and also
subscribe to get more regular videos like this.
The winner of my second Star Wars The Last Jedi giveaway is on the screen right now.
If that's you, send me a private message with your details to get your prize.
Check out more videos you might like by tapping the screen right here.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
LEGO parts order unboxing from 📦 #216 - Duration: 12:15.
hello everyone it is that time again I has a box and in fact I has two boxes
and inside of these boxes I will definitely be finding Lego stuffs
because these are two orders from brick link at brick link calm and I got them
by going to brick lane and placing the orders together even counted together
these do not create my most expensive Lego haul ever from from brick link not
by a longshot however I will be using one of my most
expensive knives to open these two this is a thing of beauty with carbon fiber
that's milled and g10 and s35vn blade oh I love this thing you can check out more
of my thoughts about it in the link in the card in the video or in the pinned
comment but I'm just gonna be using it right now to open these boxes start with
smaller one which has more different things in it if I am not mistaken I
think I know this is one that I thought it was I think it is I think this is the
one that I was expecting and I see the paperwork here so I'm just gonna flip
that off-screen well I mean this starts with some good stuff doesn't it these
are I believe all from 1983 trying to try to find exactly I'm not even gonna
open these right now and I'm trying to find exactly what what catalogs I had as
a kid that formed most of my inspiration to get into Lego to enjoy Lego and to
ultimately have this channel that you're looking at right now I remember some of
these pictures but they did reuse some of these pictures a number of times in a
number of these scenarios so I'm not going to open them now because I want to
have genuine reactions when I when I do get into them just in case they are the
real deal and the exact ones that I had as a kid cuz I I've mentioned many times
before I didn't have much Lego that's good very very little but I had catalogs
and I used my imagination a lot this is a Kids Fest exclusive set of figures and
I've been wanting to get these figures for a while I've got the full
in the package for less than the price that the figures themselves are going
for so open that straight up well I mean I'm mostly like this but that one is
also very cool as well just and it's always nice to get more more Lego set
tiles and such weather stickers or prints and that one is a print so that's
that's very good let's see what else is in here shall we
yeah well foliage pieces I want to make more palms and Palmetto type builds that
some was this quad row or primo this is primo these are primo bricks they
already had some of this poor quality a poor quality bag that it's ripping I
have more of these in different colors I'd like to use them at some point in my
city for some kind of display but we'll see Oh check this out something I've
never had before in my life ever module X brakes module X bricks bricks yes just
bricks tiny little things major staying hmm very discolored the seller was very
honest about that up front so no worries there I just have never had module X
before and I wanted to try it out see what it looked like actually have some
in in my hands in person made by Lego smaller size and really really got
anywhere interesting stuff hmm odd numbers woulda thunk yeah you can look
up module X you want to learn more about these these oddities a couple links or
old stuff gear forget the name of that offhand the linkage system that those
work with arm related things as a replacement for a piece that I stole
from another build at some point this is the main reason that I made this order
is just to finish off on these since I didn't get enough that first time around
for my elevated rail so definitely automate to go all the way around and
then I was at this store I got more stuff to work on my terrain you know
more slopes both gray colors I'll need lots of these I'll need lots more this
is not nearly enough it's gonna be a massive massive project more in here
it's more interesting stuff in here a couple more of these black straight
track pieces come back to these big heads as well oh there you go
I got these just for detail for rebelling and then I believe these are
nine stud long and on nine mod long
axles I need some seven long ones those are the ones that I'm I'm down on at
this point these are some three White's to go also with that same upper elevator
rail layout got some of these newer style slopes with no stud on top in the
light gray these are all pen pieces PE n pieces the so-called beads that are
stackable including the Darth Vader head ah a minifig piece although looks like
it would still fit on a minifig just has a stud on top it's based on the original
main fake mold yeah just interesting stuff for what texture and all also
interesting for the texture can be used for all sorts of things and a bunch of
small pieces you know random little stuff no big deal in there and another
kind of evil version of me to do another alternate figure I need to show my
collection of of Jang's at some point and then some i angry clones cuz you can
never have too many angry clones right I mean look what go where Lego does a
paper they prove that every single season can
have too many angry clothes alright let's get to the big box it's taking me
too long get this sliced can't see through my
hand this this did come from within the United States I have one more order
coming from outside of the United States that will have similar contents to at
least the majority of this if I remember correctly what it is and I do and it's a
lot of corner bricks and man they've gotten scratched up because they weren't
even really packed in it definitely needed more packaging material here hmm
hmm not too not too happy about that and these these on the edges got really
really beaten up and chipped up and nicked up that well actually some of
those piece of coal bits of damage will actually affect connecting parts
together so I'm not happy about that at all not all of them have that it's
mostly gonna be the ones on the top or on the bottom I am opening opening this
upside down but it just needed more packing material there's some effort
made I'm okay with it not being all in bags and such but when you pack stuff it
needs to be tight it needs to not be able to move around significantly
otherwise this is the result all these scratches and scuffs or so
many of these pieces and I actually have little bits of plastic that are just
coming off on me all over the place these are just these were new these were
brand new and now they are really not fortunately I will be covering most of
these things and fortunately it's all just for train anyway so it's not gonna
hurt me that much it's gonna be a little bit annoying in some places trying to
put pieces together they don't connect well but there is some other stuff in
here though I think there is somewhere
one little bag Newtown jr. figures this is max that Jack stone
I think forget her name these were pennies the store was trying
to get rid of them so I was happy to oblige glad that this was not severely
traumatized in storage because or in transit because these are worth a lot
and getting those collecting those from our planetary defense Force Base these
are going to be used for probably my mine area some more slopes see if
there's anything else in here there's another bag
err packets here you know this may actually have been tight together when
it was first packed but then it's settled
still whatever the case may be this was not good a lot of people don't
understand packing there's nothing else in here just packing material and these
corner pieces so I'm not gonna continue to go through it tons of these as I
started putting together look just grabbed a random one and look
at that damage on it that's dumb as I you know continued with building up
my my kind of mountainous area a little hillside area little no side area I
realized that these are super valuable and super useful anytime you want to to
change direction they just help so much to fill in the space rather than using
just the traditional you know large ugly rock pieces and medium ones you know and
kind of offsetting them and then having to fill in all that space this fills in
most of that space for you and they're just incredibly useful so as you see I
got quite a lot of them and I will be I will be very happily putting those to
work putting those to good use a bunch of different types of stuff but most of
the bulk is this type of stuff and you'll be seeing a lot of this stuff in
my layout actually a lot of it soon and other stuff will kind of trickle its way
into other videos and some of it will just go into the part collection to be
used in custom creations and such in the future but that's it for this haul sorry
I didn't let you see everything on the screen at one time I was focusing on
what was in front of me a little bit more than what was on the monitor but we
can get back to work because I need to start using some of this too
talked again soon
WHAT IS LOVE? Agape Love In The Bible #TheAnnaSzaboShow Saturday with Anna Szabo - Duration: 23:52.
Happy Saturday!
Are you ready to continue our LOVE TALK?
As promised, today, let's chat about AGAPE LOVE.
The essence of agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love.
Agape love is sacrificial and unconditional.
That's exactly how WE want to BE loved.
But remember, this series is how WE can DO love better.
And that's what we will focus on today.
Coming up!
You are listening to The Anna Szabo Show, a podcast for Christian women where we have
conversations about God, Gospel, and the matters of life.
If you enjoy this episode, please consider posting your review today.
Love is the thing we all desire the most.
I remember when Michel and I were recording our wedding video a few days before the actual
wedding in May of 2016, he said: and I want to sacrifice myself for her as Christ loved
the Church.
I was so impressed.
I thought: what a mature Christian man I am about to marry!
Lucky me!
Here's what Michel promised as were entering into an eternal marriage covenant in May of
Of course, if you've been listening to my podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or iHeart
Radio, you know that Michel abandoned our marriage right after the wedding and filed
for a divorce twice in our first year.
But in the midst of his divorce filings, I was realizing how much I wanted TO love Michel
with agape love, sacrificially, but I didn't know how.
So I asked God.
And before I share with you what God taught me about agape love, let me invite you to
connect with me daily on my YouTube channel at
Again, it's
I publish a new video every single day there for you.
I started on Christmas Eve and haven't missed a day, so check it out.
In the meantime, out podcast community has been growing!
I'm so inspired to watch you, guys listening.
The most downloads we have in the US followed by Canada, Ireland, Australia, United Kingdom,
Sweden, Japan, and South Africa.
And then after these, we have a few downloads in other countries I shared with you.
I'm so grateful for you, keep listening, keep sharing this podcast.
Thank for all your reviews.
One thing about reviews: unless there are 3 reviews posted for just your individual
country on iTunes, no reviews will show up for that country.
Also, you don't see any reviews for any iTunes podcast, BUT the reviews posted only
in your country.
So, that being said, I know you, guys, posted more reviews than what I can see here in America
and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you want to share the screenshots of your podcast reviews you posted, send me a message
on Instagram at AnnaSzaboJDMBA
Ok, let's continue with our Love Chat!
Oh and the lessons learned will be posted in the description of this podcast episode
on YouTube, so you can get those if you need them.
So, now let me share with you what God taught me about Agape love.
I spoke to God through prayer, journaling, weeping from grief and sorrow, and worship.
God spoke to me though poetry.
The day of our divorce meditation, out of the blue poems started coming to me and there
are 45 of them now.
As you know, I framed them and put them on for you to but for your home decor
or prayer room, I will link to them in the podcast notes or you can go to
and search hashtag #PoemsFromGod
Through enduring Michel's nonsense, staying committed to him, driving 5 hours a day to
go to work, remaining in our marital residence at Adair Park in Cumming and not giving up
on Michel or our marriage, I also got to take care of him when he was sick in bed with the
I realized that loving someone is a privilege.
You get to be Christlike toward them and what is a better way to glorify God?
Here's the first poem I will share with you today as we discuss Agape, Sacrificial,
Selfless Love:
"What Love Is"
Love is not a temporary feeling.
Love is a commitment and a behavior choice.
Love is a mindset of intentional healing.
Love is that kind and patient inner voice.
Love allows for acceptance and forgiveness.
Love allows for plenty of mistakes.
Love is an action, it's courageous and fearless.
Love never fails and never forsakes.
Love always honors and does good to others.
Love is selfless and expects nothing in return.
Love perseveres, even when it suffers.
Love is a skillset we perfect as we learn.
Love is a privilege for those who experience it.
Love is a journey and a special pursuit.
Love is challenging but it is resilient.
Love is the first and foremost of the Spirit fruit.
In my marriage with Michel there was so much to persevere THROUGh and so much suffering,
but the lessons I've learned from that devastating experience are certainly the lessons of love.
Here's the second poem I will share with you today:
"How To Love"
You asked us to love one another.
You taught us the details of love.
Instructions you gave us are thorough, But knowing them isn't enough.
To love one another with kindness Means dying to flesh every day
And also surrendering our blindness, While choosing in Spirit to your Word obey.
To love one another with patience Acceptance requires and yielding,
And selfless forgiving in all situations, In prayer each other uplifting.
You told us that love is not proud, Not arrogant, it's rather humble,
And so you requested each other we honor, In hope persevere we when stumble.
Your orders of love are high-maintenance, But trusting in you, I surrender.
I'm learning to love with kindness and patience To glorify you in your splendor.
Now, high-maintenance might be a funny word to describe God's request of love but that
was the word Michel always used to describe ME dismissively.
High-maintenance is the opposite of laid-back.
I am not
a laid-back person and God's requirements of how we must love are NOT laid-back, that's
why I used the phrase high-maintenance.
The main request God has for us is that we must love one another unconditionally.
We must forgive and accept one another.
And here's the 3rd poem I will share with you today:
"Unconditional Love"
Unconditional love is not easy.
Unconditional love is hard work.
Unconditional love is soul-cleansing.
Unconditional love is responsibility, not a perk.
Unconditional love is the opposite of ego.
Unconditional love is a selfless gift.
Unconditional love is exciting and intriguing: I'm always curious to
see what else God enables me to give.
To love unconditionally, we must practice.
We must remember Christ and His sacrifice.
We must choose kindness when ego attacks us.
We must give without expectations - ego is love's price.
And when we fail at it, often or seldom, We must reach out for God's grace
And start all over, being intentional and not random,
And just remember why we decided to love in the first place.
I had to remind myself daily WHY i decided to love in the first place - and it was because
I said YES to Michel's marriage proposal.
I agreed to marry him for the rest of my life and even though he completely misrepresented
who he was, I did vow to love him forever in front of God, church, and family with friends.
And that's why I started Love Dare on Michel.
That's what we will be diving into next week, so if you're not subscribed to this
podcast, make sure you subscribe and go to and subscribe there,
I also have a playlist there for this podcast that you can bookmark for your
All the notes will be there.
Have a blessed day!
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She Adopted A Dog In Need, But His Odor Lead Her To Call The Police - Duration: 5:56.
the day Kelly picked up the dog she adopted was one that she'll never forget
she knew that he was the perfect dog for her and looked forward to spoiling him
as soon as Kelly got the dog into her car she just knew something was a bit
off something that made her make a phone call to the cops
even though Kelly already had a dog named Brewer she was thinking about
getting another one Kelly refused to buy a dog though she
was firm in her belief of saving a dog that needed a family luckily she found a
perfect dog for her he was a white pitbull mix named rocco kelly
immediately got the ball rolling so she could bring Rocco home Kelly had been
searching Facebook when she found Rocco he was being sold for $50 by the
roommate of Rocco's owner so she never did speak to the owner Kelly really
wanted Rocco so she kind of just let it slide that she wasn't able to speak to
the person responsible for the pup she offered to buy Rocco and waited
patiently for the day she could bring him home
Kelly fell in love with Rocco as soon as she met him he just so happened to be
the sweetest dog she had ever met Kelly put Rocco in her cart and they drove
away they were only together for a few
minutes before Kelly could tell there was something wrong with Rocko there was
an unbearable smell coming from her new pup there are a couple of reasons why a
dog might smell bad obviously one of those reasons is lack of Hygiene it was
good possibility that Rocko hadn't had a bath another cause of bad odor and pups
is the natural bacteria they produce in their paws it kind of smells like Fritos
maybe Kelly was a bit more sensitive to the smell or maybe the smell was
something that should alarm her the smell bothered Kelly to the point that
she had to pull over she got out of the car and walked over to where Rocco's to
investigate the smell at a quick glance she still didn't know where the horrible
smell was coming from then she took off Rocco's harness finally Kelly found the
unbelievable source of the smell on Rocco's chest there was a huge gash
about six inches long and 1.5 inches deep the injury was completely hidden by
the harness so Kelly hadn't noticed it it was obvious that the smell was from
the wound because it was badly infected Rocko had to be taken to the vet as soon
as possible it was fortunate for Rocko that the infection could be controlled
the vet gave Rocko some antibiotics and pain reliever and told Kelly that as
soon as the infection was gone Rocko would need surgery Kelly was
grateful to hear that Rocko was going to recover but she still had absolutely no
idea how Rocko got the injury and who was responsible for it the vet closely
examined Rocko she realized that his injury was caused by the harness he was
wearing the vet told Kelly that Rocko had most likely been wearing the harness
since he was a puppy and while he drew the harness became embedded into his
skin obviously Kelly was extremely mad so she called the woman who sold her
Rocko when Kelly called the woman to tell her
about Rocco's injury she was completely caught off guard
the woman panics and tried to bribe Kelly by promising that the owner we pay
the medical bills Kelly knowing that Rocco was clearly
abused decided to call the police instead when the owner was contacted by
the police and Kelly he tried to say he had no idea where the injury came from
he said that he didn't even know that it was there he claimed the harness was for
Rocco's safety so he didn't run away it was too bad for him and his roommate
that the court didn't believe them the court found Rocco's previous owner and
his roommate guilty of mistreatment of animals they were fined $1,500 even
though she wasn't sure if Rocco's medical bills would be paid for Kelly
didn't care she was just grateful that justice had been served for Rocco and
that he was no longer in a situation where he was being abused by these
people Rocco immediately loved Kelly and now
she couldn't imagine being without Rocco I have never felt this strong of a bond
or as much love from any living thing she told animal kind even though Rocco
was clear of any immediate danger his wound was definitely not healed his road
to recovery would be slow but he had his new mom there by his side
Kelly was told by the pit that it would take two months for Rocco's injury to be
healed enough to be closed until then Kelly would be responsible for keeping
his bandages clean and making sure that the wound didn't get infected again the
process was painful for Rocco in a lot of work for Kelly but it was all out of
love and all of the work paid off in the end
Rocko eventually had the surgery he needed and he healed up quite nicely the
pain that they experienced was finally behind them and they were able to enjoy
their new life together after a year Rocko still has a scar on
his chest but regardless of that Rocco is extremely happy and absolutely adores
Kelly and Kelly will always have his scar to remind her to speak up for
animals I hope you liked this video then please hit the subscribe button and
click on Bell icon to never miss the video from our Channel
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