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Enjoy your weekend <3
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Which Smart Speaker Should You Buy? - Duration: 3:37.
Smart Speakers are a new technology.
It started back in 2016 with Amazon's first Echo speaker.
Fast forward to 2018, and companies such as Google, Sonos, and Microsoft have created
their own, with one from Apple underway.
But which one should you buy?
I am assuming that most of you know what a smart speaker is, but for those that don't,
a smart speaker is a speaker with voice control and that company's voice recognition AI.
The two most popular smart speakers right now are the Amazon Echo, and Google Home,
in which the base model is tall with a powerful speaker (the Echo costing $99 and the Home
costing $130), and the mini model is smaller and cheaper (Both Echo and Home minis cost
When you say "Alexa", or "Ok Google", the speaker activates and you can say your
They can do stuff like play music, set timer and alarms, control your lights and smart
things, ask for the weather, get it to tell you a joke, and the list goes on.
So now you're probably wondering which one is better.
The Amazon Alexa looks sleeker, while the Google Home looks like an air freshener.
The Alexa also has more built-in microphones then the Home, allowing it to better hear
and understand your commands.
Not only that, but Alexa has way more skills than the Home (over 15,000), and is compatible
and integrated with many other smart products, while Google only has about 160 'services',
and is not compatible with apps like Hive and Uber.
However, the Home can stream to a Chromecast, and you can control YouTube videos with the
It also has the power of Google's search engine, so it answers questions better and
smarter than Alexa.
So, coming back to the original question, which one is better?
The Amazon Echo and the Google Home have similar features, but the Alexa is a newer 2nd generation
device, and is $30 cheaper than the Home, so it's a clear winner.
However, things with the Dots and Minis are different.
They are priced exactly the same, but the Home looks cooler, has a bit better speakers,
and has this broadcast feature that I just learned about, where you can say something
to one Home device, and it will broadcast that to another Home Mini.
This one is hard, but I would lean to the Home Mini, unless you already have an Alexa
device, in which case buy the Echo.
And finally, the big boys.
Echo Plus v. Home Max.
This one is, umm… well I actually don't know what to say.
The Echo Plus is like an Echo, but with a better speaker.
The Home Max, however, is a Home, but with a very, very good speaker.
Oh, and did I mention that the Echo Plus costs $150, and the Home Max costs $400?
That's a $250 difference.
You guys judge that one yourselves.
Now, let's talk Apple, or more specifically, the HomePod.
It is similar to a Home Max, in terms of that is focuses on the speaker, instead of the
voice assistant.
This is further proved by Siri, which is the worst AI of these three, and needs a serious
It's cooler than the Max, because it has a LED waveform on top, has a powerful A8 processor,
and looks a bit better, for a price of $350.
However, I wouldn't recommend the HomePod, as it's released has been delayed for a
very long time, and its AI isn't good when compared to Google and Amazon, and it hasn't
stood the test of time.
Even though smart speakers existed for two years, there are a lot of information on them.
I currently have an Echo Dot, I like it, even if the speaker is not the greatest.
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Also, which smart speaker was your favorite?
Comment down below, and I'll see you in the next one.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of Alabama… IT KILLED HER!!! - Duration: 3:47.
BREAKING News Outside U.S. Capitol – He's Just Been ARRESTED! Prison WON'T Be Fun For Him! - Duration: 5:28.
BREAKING News Outside U.S. Capitol – He's Just Been ARRESTED!
Prison WON'T Be Fun For Him!
It's the end of Democrat debauchery in Washington, D.C. as the lunatic left has come out of the
woodwork to inflict revenge on the man they didn't want win the election.
Despite Donald Trump being in the White House for a full year now, withstanding every attempt
from the left to take him out, he's still their president.
Trump prevailed over all their attacks, yet they still haven't stopped trying.
Now, they are going to pay a price for it, especially one particularly seedy liberal
leader who has just been arrested in the act outside the U.S. Capitol.
It's not the first time that this particularly hateful Democrat has been arrested trying
to impose his plans.
It was only a couple months ago that he was caught outside the Trump Tower in New York
City and taken into custody.
However, this time, he's getting locked up on his second time around trying to take
Trump down prison isn't going to be fun for him.
One of the most vocal immigration reform advocates came out of his hiding hole since the last
time he was arrested, to double down on his depravity after Trump's travel ban went
into full effect.
From Daily Caller:
Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois was one of the 200 protesters arrested on
the steps of the United States Capitol Wednesday afternoon.
The sitting member of Congress joined members of the Service Employee's International
Union (SEIU) as they stormed the steps of Congress to demanded action on DACA.
Both chambers currently are considering a bipartisan measure to replace the order that
allowed temporary protected status to illegal residents nationwide.
"Congress refuses to act, and it's killing us," one protester told The Daily Caller
News Foundation.
Union leaders on the ground declined a request for comment for the story.
If his name and angry face sound familiar, it's because this guy can't just seem
to do his job ethically and you probably remember him from September when he was placed in handcuffs.
Prissy Holly for Freedom Daily reported about what this liberal lunatic did outside Trump's
high-rise in Manhattan after Trump ended the Obama-era DACA program.
Liberals have been completely unhinged over President Trump daring to uphold the law,
where they continue to slander him as some sort of "bigoted Mexican-hating racist,"
despite the fact that our president is simply putting the interests of the American people
before illegals, criminals, and potential terrorists.
One of the most vocal opponents to President Trump's immigrant crackdown has been Democratic
Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who made headlines several months ago for inciting acts of terrorism
against President Trump, where he made a YouTube video encouraging illegals to "take to the
streets and fight" and start an all-out civil war against the President.
But calling for blood and violence in the streets wasn't quite enough for Gutierrez
who has just been caught in a career-ending scandal after it was discovered what he's
been secretly doing with taxpayer dollars for YEARS.
The DC Clothesline reports that this illegal-supporting Democrat has just been caught red-handed with
his grubby hands in the cookie jar and has been secretly funneling taxpayer money to
both his campaign and HIS FAMILY, making them rich!
Via DC Clothesline:
Gutierrez's wife has personally profited the most, pocketing more than $300K over the
last four election cycles!
The first time Soraida acted in an official capacity for the campaign, in 2010, she pulled
in over $44,000 and was the top recipient of cash from the Gutierrez campaign that year.
Soraida then pocketed over $93,000 in 2012, making her the biggest beneficiary of campaign
funds for the second election cycle in a row.
The committee disbursed $383,848 in 2012, so Soraida's payments constituted roughly
25 percent of all campaign expenditures.
Soraida was yet again the top beneficiary of cash from Gutierrez for Congress during
the 2014 election cycle, receiving $110,000.
Herman Andrew, a vendor, was the second highest-paid individual at $24,000.
Soraida has pocketed $65,000 during the 2016 election cycle to date.
She has been paid a total of $312,000 from the Gutierrez for Congress campaign committee
since 2010.
However, it doesn't stop with the $300K to Gutierrez's wife…
Gutierrez's daughters have also benefited from their father's campaign coffers, though
nowhere near as extravagantly as the candidate and his wife.
Of course, he has nothing to worry about.
The media won't report this because he's a Democrat.
As the liberal meltdown continues and their lunacy parade continues to get worse, it's
only making things better for Trump's re-election efforts in 2020.
So for that, thanks, Democrats for being out of control and letting everyone know you can't
be trusted.
There's only one reason why meltdowns of this magnitude persist and that's because
they feel exposed and vulnerable that their lies and scandals that are bad for America,
but good for them aren't being kept a secret any longer.
Trump should feel free to start planning his re-election parade.
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