My old sword! Sting.
Here, take it. Take it.
- It's so light. - Yes, yeah. Made by the elves, you know.
The blade glows blue when orcs are close.
And it's times like that, my lad, when you have to be extra careful.
Here's a pretty thing.
As light as a feather, and as hard as dragon scales.
Let me see you put it on. Come on.
My old ring.
I should very much like... hold it again, one last time.
I'm sorry I brought this upon you, my boy.
I'm sorry that you must carry this burden.
I'm sorry for everything.
The ring-bearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom.
On you who travel with him, no oath...
...nor bond is laid to go further than you will.
Farewell. Hold to your purpose.
May the blessings of elves and men...
...and all free folk go with you.
The fellowship awaits the ring-bearer.
Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?
For more infomation >> Bilbo Freaks Out | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 7 - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 80 - Duration: 13:47.
The Shooting Range
In this episode…
The new mechanics of light tanks — we take a closer look at Active scouting and Airstrike modules;
The Hotchkiss H 35 — or how the French military tried to get a new light tank without really trying;
Hotline: the developers answer questions that you've left in the comments!
But first, let's start with…..
An armoured car on His Majesty's service — we look at the gameplay on the newest non-French vehicle!
War Machines AEC Mk II
AEC Mk 2 is a modification of a famous armoured vehicle based on an artillery tractor.
It's a reward for those of you who got seven Christmas toys for tankers during our quest. Festive
Was it worth the work? Let's figure it out.
First of all. This is an armoured vehicle, and not a tank.
It just happens to have a turret and a 57-mm gun
that shoots every four seconds and pierces up to 126 mm from 100 meters.
That much firepower allows you to wreck practically anyone on your battle rating.
But there is a slight problem.
You've got only 25mm of armour. Oops.
Also, there are only three crew members.
That's why...forget about meeting your opponents face to face.
If you see enemy vehicles that you can't flank, let some of your better protected friends go first.
The AEC Mk2 was not built for the frontline.
As for the speed — this car can run at up to 40-45 kilometers per hour on any road.
And a lot faster, up to 78 kph
if you manage to find a perfectly straight and smooth road that nobody watches.
Which is probably not gonna happen
and since you've got no tracks, you'll lose a lot of that speed going off road,
slowing you down to approx 32 kph.
That means that it is a good idea to stick to roads or road-like surfaces
while going about your business.
It is also worth keeping in mind that you have no smokes
and that enemy planes can get you even if they've only got 20mm cannons.
So how do you drive this thing?
Given your size and protection (or lack thereof),
the best option is to rush to the nearest capture point right at the start of the battle.
Just be careful and don't forget to look out for enemies coming your way.
When the deed is done, ideally, wait for your teammates that have some armour before any further.going
If you do everything right, you'll have enough time to have a cup of nice English tea before they come along.
When they do, you have to choose.
You can support their attack from behind... or test your luck and flank the opponents on your own.
Both options are not perfect, but both of them mean that you'll have impact on the course of the fight
with a chance to do some serious damage.
Since you've got no smokes, the first scenario is considerably more dangerous,
even if you have some cover.
That's why we recommend the second option here.
Flank your opponents and try to get behind them,
mark their vehicles and shoot anything and anyone you see.
Change positions constantly, as you'll become a primary target after only a couple of good shots.
One last thing.
Remember, that the game classifies the AEC Mk 2 as a light tank.
So don't forget to use the "Active scouting" and the "Airstrike" modules.
And now, since we've mentioned those new mechanics, let's take a closer look at them.
Special The renewed light tanks
The gameplay on light tanks can be very challenging.
They don't have a lot of protection, and speed doesn't solve all your problems.
So in update 1.75, we made those machines a bit more interesting for you.
Now, the modification tree for all these machines (starting from tier 2)
contains two new modules available for research.
They are called "Active scouting" and "Airstrike."
Let's start with the first one.
Before this update, if you wanted to make your teammates aware of an enemy vehicle,
you had to get a visual on them, and then report their position to the chat or put a marker on the map.
Now, a scout's life has become much easier.
You just need to aim at the enemy through the visor and press the "Active scouting" button.
After that, all your teammates will see your target on their maps.
What is important is that you are rewarded with points for both successful scouting
and also when a marked target is destroyed.
That means that you can help your team and get some extra points at the same time!
Good scouts also get an extra artillery strike in arcade mode
and in RB they can spawn a plane at a smaller cost.
That's right: now the light tanks can do a much better job just being themselves.
But we've decided to spice their gameplay up even a little bit more.
So here's another module that's called "Airstrike."
Now you can join your allies on a strike aircraft or a bomber in an active air battle in Arcade
And get into the sky faster in RB.
Want even more? Thought so.
On top of everything we mentioned, light tanks can also repair any allied vehicles
not just their squadmates.
Of course, new mechanics change the tactical environment in battles.
Expect to see new "Tactics & Strategy" guides in our next videos.
And now let's talk about a story of yet another French tank.
Pages of History Hotchkiss H35
During WWI France was one of the world leaders when it came to tank building.
The French were the ones to create, build and use the first tank with soon-to-be called classical layout
the Renault FT.
The design of this relatively light infantry support vehicle turned out to be very successful.
So despite having the production started only in 1917
by the end of the war the French than 2500 of those in service.
Incredible numbers, right?
The Renault FT was light, simple and cheap.
Exactly what they needed during the war.
But after it, the French couldn't let all of this tank's disadvantages slide.
It was frustratingly slow, had awful endurance and poor undercarriage life-span.
Its tracks could turn to dust after only 200 kilometers!
France needed a good replacement for the old FT — and that's where they got stuck.
At first, they were trying to improve the FT itself.
During the 1920s Kégresse and Renault came up with an in-depth modernization plan.
The FT was to become a completely new vehicle, good enough to be exported to other countries.
But now the military command wanted 30mm of armour,
a 47-mm gun, and later, another crew-member — a radio operator.
So the designing team came up with not one but two new machines — the D1 and the D2...
but were both unsuccessful and got only limited production.
There was no other option on the market, though, so even by the 1930s
there was still no replacement for the obsolete FT.
And then something happened that nobody could possibly have expected.
Usually manufacturers don't lead the dance when it comes to creating new machines.
Which is perfectly understandable, of course.
They patiently wait for exact specifications from the military,
do their best and then hope to get the order.
But in 1933 the Hotchkiss company suddenly showed up at the command's doorstep,
with a project for a new vehicle that nobody had ordered.
Its hull consisted of cast details connected with bolts
it was a new design solution that considerably lowered the cost of the tank.
Also, in order to make it lighter, they ditched the turret and placed the machine-gun in the hull.
The military were hooked, that's for sure, but just to be safe, they still organized a tender for this order.
The results were as unexpected as the whole situation.
14 competing companies took part
though only five of them made it to the prototype stage.
One of those was a tank by the "Atelier de construction de Puteaux"
that lost the competition, but had a very well-designed cast turret that was quickly... let's say
adapted to be used on other tanks in the competition — including the Hotchkiss.
In the end the top brass decided to order the new Renault R 35 tank.
It was very similar to the Hotchkiss one — with the same Puteaux turret and cast hull included.
Perhaps there was some foul play, because the Renault got such a big order way too quickly.
Also, perhaps, that was the reason why the Hotchkiss suddenly decided to withdraw from the competition.
They still found a way to profit from their project though.
Of course, the cavalry also wanted new tanks,
and the famous Somua S 35 was still in the works.
So they took the Hotchkiss light tank into service and called it the H 35.
And they never regretted this decision, as it was even faster than the R 35,
Consequently, the cavalry and the infantry command
got themselves a couple of very similar (and well-designed) light tanks.
Get ready for the traditional last part of our show: Hotline!
Developers answering questions from the comments!
The first question comes from Severyn Baltos:
"War Thunder for Nintendo Switch. WHEN!?
Ya know... using the Switch motion controls for a battle actually sounds badass..."
It actually does, mate!
But for now... we don't have such plans.
As we said in the previous episodes, we've got a lot of cool stuff to introduce in the coming months.
After that — we'll see. No promises though.
Then there is a question from a user called NotSoEdgy:
"Are you still planning on doing the history of the vampire fb.5?"
Yes, mate, we still are. It probably won't be out for a couple of next episodes, but we haven't forgotten it.
Pentatome writes:
"You said 'char de bataille de 90t' instead of 'quarante tonnes'(40t)".
You are right mate, our bad! Thanks for pointing that out.
The last message comes from a player called Zach Waites:
"PO-2 is 2-OP backwards... this is proof we need to immediately buff it to BR 99999999.7.
If you say no, it's gulag for you :)" Bruh.
We've already said, that the PO-2 will be our first candidate for BR 11.0.
Baby steps.
That's it for today but feel free to write your questions in the comments below.
We do read them all, and you might see some of them answered in the next episode!
If you like what we're doing, don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
See you on the Shooting Range!
Simontive 6 Episode 11 - Duration: 1:02.
Title: Simontive 6 Episode 11 A Dangerous Move
Mr. Dinosaur: Yi, you are arrested for placing fake traffic signs.
Yi: I want to contact the Chinese Embassy.
Governor FBI: Ok. I will send a message right now via the United States.
Title: Governor FBI contacts the Chinese. Los Angeles, California, United States of America.
Simon: Hello, are you ready for a road trip anymore?
Mr. Dinosaur: No way. Make sure that Yi does not escape.
Simon: Ok. We have to wait for the Chinese response.
10 Bizarre Things Americans Believe According to Studies - Duration: 12:51.
As famed American philosopher H.J. Simpson once so eloquently put it, "facts can be
used to prove anything that's even remotely true."
Well, join us today as we discuss 10 studies showing that a not insignificant percentage
of the American population believe in everything from lizard people running to world, to HTML
being an STD…
7% of Americans think chocolate milk comes brown cows
In mid-2017 the American blogosphere erupted with jeers and mockery following a study released
by the Innovation Center of US Dairy showing that some 7% of adult Americans believes chocolate
milk came from brown cows.
As others have pointed out, this amounts to around 16 million American citizens (roughly
double the population of New York City) being unaware that chocolate milk is just regular
milk with chocolate in it.
Something you think they'd gather from… well, the name.
As the Washington Post points out, though, the really shocking thing about this statistic
is that it isn't higher.
Studies have long shown that Americans are remarkably dense when it comes to basic agricultural
knowledge, with studies variously showing that upwards of 20% of American respondents
don't know that hamburgers are made from beef or what foods common farm animals eat.
The answer to the latter, of course, being other farm animals.
Thousands of Americans believe they're being systematically harassed and stalked by groups
of people, for no reason
Gang stalking is the term used to describe a very specific form of paranoia that affects
an unknown, but not insignificant number of Americans.
In short, those who believe they're being gang stalked believe that they're at the
center of a systematic, targeted harassment campaign involving hundreds, if not thousands
of individuals.
A fear needlessly stoked by internet echo chambers, victims of this bizarre conspiracy
quite literally believe that everyone is out to get them to the point experts studying
it have found individuals who believe their dog has been replaced by an exact double that
is trained to nip at their balls.
According to the New York Times, the support network of individuals claiming to be victims
of this supposed phenomenon is "conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members," with
the true number likely being way higher due to gang stalkees naturally shying away from
the internet and people in lab coats with clipboards.
Described as a "mishmash" of conspiracy theories, reports of the phenomenon understandably
spiked following 9/11 and those who believe they're being stalked have blamed everyone
from the Jews to aliens.
When in reality we all know it's most likely Jewish aliens.
A quarter of Americans believe God has a role to play in who wins the Super Bowl
According to questionnaires doled out shortly before the Super Bowl one year, a sizeable
percentage of quizzed Americans pray before the big game to ask whichever deity they believe
in to sway the result in their favor.
This, in and of itself, is pretty normal, right?
We mean, people probably pray to God asking for mundane stuff all the time, why wouldn't
they pray asking for their favorite team's kicker to have a good day.
However, here's the weird part…
You see, an impressive amount of quizzed individuals who admitted to praying for their team to
win believe that prayer actively sways the result of the game.
Which is amazing, if you think about it, because surely these people know the other side is
also praying in roughly equal numbers to the same God for their team to win.
In other words, another way to look at the results of this study isn't that around
a quarter of Americans believe prayer actively impacts the results of the Super Bowl, but
that a quarter of Americans believe that, for some reason, God just so happens to support
their team.
12 million Americans believe lizard people secretly run the US
Oh boy, oh boy.
This is going to be a fun one, so let's just get right to it.
According to multiple studies conducted by a range of establishments, it's been suggested
that anywhere upwards of 12 million Americans (about 4% of the population) believe that
interstellar lizard-men secretly run the world.
Ignoring the fact that's it not really that big of a secret if 12 million people are supposedly
"in" on it, and millions more are aware of the theory via pop-culture osmosis, let's
unpack this.
According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center, depending on your definition,
anywhere between 4 and 8 million Americans are Jewish, meaning proponents of the Lizard-people-running-the-world
theory outnumber the total believers of one of the biggest religions on planet Earth by
a factor of several million in the United States.
Believers in the Lizard also handily outnumber the total number of American Muslims, Hindus,
Mormons, and Buddhists combined if percentages provided by Pew are accurate.
This means more Americans believe that our world is run by Lizards than believe in established
religions that have existed for millennia.
At this point followers of the Holy Lizard should just start their own religion.
At least that way they'd let the Lizards know they're onto them and weaken their
overall lizardy-grasp on humanity be ensuring they don't get any of their taxes.
A bunch of Americans HTML is an STD
According to a poll of America's less tech savvy residents aged 18 and over, some 11%
reported that they thought HTML was the name of a terrifying and hilarious-sounding sexually
transmitted disease.
But we're not done; the study also found that a decent amount (of the people quizzed)
were almost hilariously computer illiterate, reporting, among other things, that MP3 was
the name of one of the robots in Star Wars.
The poll also found that 18% of Americans thought Blu-Ray was a kind of weird sea-creature
and a further 12% assumed the acronym USB referred to a country in some long-forgotten
grey part of Eastern Europe.
Not all is lost, though, because more than 61% did report that they felt having a good
knowledge of technology and computer jargon was an important life skill.
So, yeah.
As many Americans believe in Bigfoot as the Big Bang Theory
In 2014, Chapman University conducted a study to gather hard data on the ubiquity of irrational
beliefs in regards to the American adult population.
The results of the study, which are quite illuminating on their own – revealing among
other things that 20% of polled Americans believe fortune tellers can predict the future
– were then compared to similar studies conducted on a similarly representative cross
sample of American adults.
The results, as you've probably guessed by now, are kind of hilarious… in a terrifying
sort of way.
As the Washington Post and the title of this entry note, about as many Americans (about
30%) believe in Bigfoot as their are Americans confident that the universe began with a Big
In a similar vein, just as many Americans believe that ghosts and spirits can haunt
specific rooms as responded positively to the statement "childhood vaccines are safe"
(about 50%), while slightly more Americans agree with the statement "Satan Causes Most
Evil in the World" (about 45%) than agree with the theory of natural selection, which
only 40% of representative American adults admitted to believing in.
Almost 50% of Americans believe major news outlets make stuff up about Donald Trump
According to a 2017 poll conducted by Politico, some 46% of respondents believed that major
news organizations simply make stuff up about Donald Trump.
The results, which were understandably skewed along party lines, found that an overwhelming
majority of polled Republicans (76%) believe the news regularly published or reported on
untrue stories about the president.
For comparison's sake, only 11% of Democrats agreed with the same statement.
Most worryingly of all, 28% of those polled reported that they'd be happy if the government
had the power to revoke the broadcasting licenses of news organizations it "believes" is
spreading fake news, while a further 21% said they were unsure if they'd be okay with
Meaning at least a quarter of polled voters would be happy for the government to have
the power to instantly silence criticism it doesn't like.
Luckily we don't count as news, so it won't affect us.
But jeez, the guy who wrote this is English and even he thinks that's government overreach.
A significant proportion of Americans believe dinosaurs and humans coexisted
Dinosaurs are awesome and it's a shame that they lived so long ago that the DNA locked
inside their bones has long since withered past the point of us being able to use it
to clone them.
As such, it's understandable that some people – let's call them "heroes" – have
steadfastly ignored science and facts to assert that, actually, dinosaurs roamed the Earth
a couple thousand years ago.
While hard numbers are difficult to obtain, one study asserts that some 41% of adult Americans
believe that dinosaurs and humans roamed the Earth at the same time during some period
in history.
In addition, thousands of children in the US are currently attending schools that teach
a fundamentalist curriculum.
Along with teaching these kids that the Earth is only 10,000 years old, some go further
and assert that Adam and Eve chilled in the Garden of Eden alongside cool-ass dinosaurs.
Which, as adults, we find horrifying.
But as big kids, we find that kind of awesome because nothing was more disappointing as
a kid than learning that our ancestors never drop-kicked a T-Rex.
Half of Americans believe Global Warming will harm America, but not them personally
In recent years, more and more Americans have come around on the idea of Global Warming
being, well, a thing, with the latest figures suggesting some 58% of Americans believe climate
change is both real and man-made.
As an aside, over 97% of climate change scientists believe the same thing.
Curiously, though, although more than half of polled Americans admit that that climate
change is real and poses a tangible, credible threat to humanity as a whole, only 40% think
that it will harm them "personally."
Which is, well… it's an impressive feat of mental gymnastics, if you think about it.
Imagine having the mental capacity to understand the harm global shifts in weather patterns
can have on a macro level, but having no idea how said changes would ever impact your own
We mean, these people know that they live on Earth too, right?
LIke, any changes that impact the day-to-day running of America will inevitably impact
the lives of its citizens, right?
This isn't us being sarcastic, we genuinely need to know because we're kind of baffled
about the results of this study.
Barely anyone in America knows anything about the Constitution
America is a country founded on the principles of personal freedom and responsibility to
the care of your fellow man.
Or at least, most people assume it is, because multiple studies have shown that a shocking
amount of Americans know almost nothing about the documents that formed the bedrock of modern
American society.
We are, of course, talking about the Constitution and the first of many subsequent amendments
made to it in the Bill of Rights.
Countless polls and studies have shown that the average American citizen knows almost
nothing about the Constitution or has even the most basic understanding of how the country
For example, one study found that a third of respondents couldn't name a right protected
by the First Amendment, and a similar amount couldn't name a single branch of government.
Another study conducted way back in 1991 found that a third of Americans couldn't recognize
the Bill of Rights, with 1 in 10 having no idea why it was drafted in the first place.
Further back still, in the 1950s a reporter walked around on the 4th of July with the
Declaration of Independence strapped to a clipboard, telling people it was a petition.
Of 111 people he asked to sign it, only a single person recognized that the petition
was actually the Declaration of Independence and agreed to sign it.
Meanwhile, 20 people accused the reporter of being a communist and at least one person
asserted that the document was actually the Russian Declaration of Independence.
Vlog 105: The Best (Eclipse) Day Of My Life - Milestone Rides - Duration: 7:59.
So another state crossing.
This time it's Nebraska!
Never been here before and this is the first time crossing from Wyoming off of Highway 151
And today's date is...
August 19th... I believe.
Yes, August 19th, Saturday.
So. Woo hoo!
What's up party people?
I am finally in the state of Nebraska.
I'm in the city of or the town of Scotts Bluff.
Last night was...
Pretty good at Hawk Springs.
Slept pretty well considering that I didn't take a shower.
And I think... I realize that I do enjoy a nice good shower.
But the ride today was pretty darn good.
54 miles
But it got real hot early.
I think I realized I need to have some Gatorade or some electrolytes in my system after...
Riding so much with heat and...
Having just water is not gonna cut it.
Good morning!
It is August 20th, 2017.
And I am making my way up to Harrison...
Pretty much on a road...
With nothing on it for the next 50 plus miles.
Yeah that's
The plan for the day.
It's gonna be a 70-mile kinda ride so we'll see how it goes.
In the middle...
Of nowhere.
So it's August 21st, 2017.
I'm here with a couple of friends.
And they invited me to watch the eclipse.
A little bit of convincing on their part, but not really too hard.
But I just want to point out that we're practically in the middle of nowhere here.
Surrounded with people in cars and this little ditch.
And we're getting ready to watch the eclipse in a couple of hours.
And a...
Guest what I...
Look what I got here.
Let's see if I could find it. Oh here it is!
Picked up a pair of these.
For free!
So this is pretty amazing.
And thank you guys!
What's your name?
Man: Paul. Johnny: Paul
And of course, Rachel.
Johnny: Whats that? Paul: I'm glad we can convince you...
Johnny: Oh yeah!
Paul: Because you originally didn't want to come.
Johnny: I did not. No.
I wanted to
Keep on riding
But this is a...
Paul: Wait another 40 years for the next one?
Johnny: Yeah!
So the lighting is a little different right now.
We are at maybe 50% or more.
But people all around
Our little group here.
And yet the temperature is a little, low.
It's really cold. I forgot a jacket but..
It's kind of weird...
Getting ready for some square dancing here.
There's going to be a sight to see.
This is interesting how people celebrate the eclipse.
It is getting darker.
Darkening up.
Rachel: CAR!
Johnny: CAR!
Ah these people.
Looks somebody has like a job or something
Paul: Wow!
Rachel: Oh my God!
Coolest thing ever!
Oh man.
This is so trippy.
The lighting is just so weird.
Oh my God!
Ooh ooh Aah!
Look at the horizon!
Look at the colors.
No, no, no!
Look. Look at the sunset all around!
Rachel: It's gone!
Johnny: It's gone?
Trippin out!
Like by myself...
In the middle of the road.
This is so crazy.
Oh man.
Paul: Yeah, we're
We can see it getting light...
Johnny: It's getting lighter.
Johnny: It's like street lights.
Paul: Jeezus!
Johnny: Streetlights.
Mike: So cool!
Rachel: Wow!
Paul: I guess that totality is over.
Johnny: Oh, wow!
Mike: That was incredible!
Johnny: That is insa...
It's incredible that...
This is what happens.
[laughter and cheering]
Paul: Mother nature, you did good.
Rachel: The Earth is flat!
Johnny: The Earth is flat!
We have the mass exodus of cars.
Everybody's beating the traffic.
The SECRET to MANIFESTING MONEY EASILY! With Law of Attraction Guided Visualization (Meditation) - Duration: 12:13.
FBI Texter Privately Confessed They Had No Real Evidence Against Trump - Duration: 3:48.
Anti-Israel Obama Panders, Says He Is Actually a Jew - Duration: 3:11.
all brothers subtitles FR / GB - Duration: 3:51.
More Texts: FBI Investigators Terrified of Hillary - Duration: 4:05.
Как правильно изменить размер натуральной дубленки. Увеличиваем размер любимого изделия. - Duration: 15:17.
MAZDA SPEEDOMETER 5.2 - Duration: 5:40.
We have a new Speedometer 5.2 version, thanks to @Trezdog44, a great developer
Here you can see all the changes and the download link
download the file
and unzip file in PC
I delete the zip file
Now connect usb and Format it to Fat32 Windows
I copy the files to the root USB stick folder
VERY IMPORTANT Remove the USB stick safety
there it is
I´m going to the car. In applications I have the Video Player and Android Auto
Now connect USB stick
Wait first message few minutes, be patient
As always, In the first message, Speedometer 5.2 version appears
now your OS version should appear and if it is compatible
Start of tweak intallation
Wait a moment
installation messages and system reboot
Remove the usb stick and wait for the system restart
Check that we have Speedometer app available
You can see changes in the statusbar, different digits and more information
We go to the applications and click to start the application
It is better to wait a few minutes before opening the app so that the values work
It is the update of the previous version
The controls go like this: Tilt up - toggle mpg & km/h
Tilt left - toggle background
Tilt right - toggle km/L & L/100km (only in km/h mode)
TAP Any 2 Values To Swap Their Positions
Any Values Can Be Swapped
as you see TAP Any 2 Values To Swap Their Positions
Tap Below The Bottom Row To Swap For The Hidden Values In Other Rows
Any Values To Swap Their Positions Even The Main Speed
It works very well
Test the reverse gear and when exit return to the application. Its well implemented
I test the Speedo and the values
Tilt up - toggle mpg & km/h
Tilt left - toggle background
Work fine, the values are little delayed
the changes can make in motion
Works smooth, great work @Trezdog44
Like if you enjoyes it !!!
Tom Fitton: There Is Enough Evidence To Arrest Hillary Clinton Now - Duration: 1:28.
Corrupt Democrat Mayor was Just ARRESTED, Reason Why Leaves Americans Speechless - Duration: 2:06.
Midranger - I'll Be There (feat. Ratfoot) - Duration: 3:11.
Midranger - I'll Be There (feat. Ratfoot)
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