South Korean skiers and ski coaches are now in North Korea.... for a two-day joint training
session with North Korean skiers.
The two Koreas had agreed on the joint ski training..... as part of a series of events
ahead of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
And before we sit down with an expert to talk about this... our Ji Myung-kil tells us more
about the joint ski training program.
Some thirty-one skiers from South Korea are at North Korea's Masikryong Ski Resort on
The group of non-Olympic skiers and ski coaches took a chartered flight to the North's Kalma
Airport, some 45 minutes away from the resort.
On the first day the skiers will do free skiing,... getting used to the slopes of the Masikryong
Ski Resort and having friendly races with the North Korean skiers.
On the second day... the South and North skiers will hold joint training sessions.
North Korean skiers who will be taking part in PyeongChang 2018 will also be participating
in the training session.
Once the joint training session ends on Thursday,...
South Korean skiers plan to fly back to South Korea, with the North Korean athletes accompanying
Prior to the joint event,...
South Korea has been in close consultation with the United States.
The Seoul government has stated that the inter-Korean sports and cultural activities.
won't break the international community's sanctions on the North.
Last September, the Trump administration announced a set of sanctions that included banning vessels
and aircraft that have visited North Korea within 180 days from entering the U.S.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Two Koreas start joint ski training in North Korea - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
8 Short Bollywood Actresses Who Prove That Height Is Not A Matter In Acting - Duration: 3:26.
8 Short Bollywood Actresses Who Prove That Height Is Not A Matter In Acting
State of the Union: Donald Trump delivers his first address - Duration: 1:56.
At the Capitol in Washington, U.S. President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union
address on Tuesday local time.
For more, we have Lee Jeong-yeon on the line.
Jeong-yeon, during the long and mostly on-script speech made by President Trump, can you tell
us more about the part where he mentions North Korea?
Hi Jiyeon, yes President Trump gave his first annual remarks to Congress and the U.S. public
today on Capitol Hill.
He said "maximum pressure" will be placed on the North Korean regime as he referred
to its "cruel dictatorship" and its "reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles" that could threaten
the U.S..
He said "Complacency and concessions only invite aggression and provocations.
I will not repeat the mistakes of the past administrations that got us into this dangerous
Trump narrated the incident with Otto Warmbier and his death as well as the story of the
North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho who was present at the address.
Aside from comments on the regime, he mainly stressed 'unity' and 'reconciliation' of different
parties to come together 'for the people.'
Immigration was a key issue.
He said he would push for policies that focus on the 'best interests of American workers
and American families,' by crafting a bipartisan approach to immigration reform.
He mentioned the 'four pillars' plan.
This includes a pathway to provide citizenship to 1-point-8 million unregistered immigrants
in the U.S., securing the border with Mexico, and ending the visa lottery as well as chain
He also took credit for the record-low unemployment rate and rising wages in the country after
'years of stagnation,' and claimed that 2-point-4 million new jobs were created since his election.
He also said the U.S. has enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in its history that he
says will provide 'tremendous relief for the middle class and small businesses.'
Back to you.
Thanks Jeong-yeon for that report.
Lion Attack the Wildebeest is Sleeping - Amazing Wild Animal Attacks - Duration: 3:52.
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House Cleaning Forums to Grow Your Cleaning Business - Duration: 6:46.
House cleaning forums.
Is there a benefit to joining house cleaning forums?
We're going to answer that question today.
Hi, there. I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by
It's a 360 view of the perfect home.
So if your business goes and services homes, this is for you.
Now, we have a new feature that we just added and it's snow blowing.
Outside across the country, there's snow everywhere and it's cold outside and people don't want
to get out and shovel their own walks, so there are people, there are students, some
of them are retired, some of them are in between jobs and they've set up these business fan
pages where you can hire them and they can come blow your snow or they can shovel your
snow and clean your walks.
There's one guy that somebody hired for all the rest of the year while there's snow and
they're like, "We want to be the top of your list.
When it snows, we want you to come to our house first," and they put a retainer on
him so that he would be the first.
Awesome, I know, right?
If you offer this service, go set your business up at
All right. On to today's session, which is about house cleaning forums.
I got asked this question the other day.
What is the benefit of belonging to house cleaning forums?
Well, I am a fan of house cleaning forums for the fact that I feel that together, we
are better.
A whole bunch of people's ideas are better than one and if somebody's doing something
quicker, faster, more efficient, if they're using a different set of solutions that's
more effective, that does a better job, that's non-toxic, that's greener, that's more environmentally
friendly, teach me.
Teach me.
I don't have all the answers.
Teach me.
I don't know that anyone has all the answers.
There are as many different ways of cleaning houses as there are people and there are people
that have found ways based on their particular situation to make whatever they have work.
I know that there are particular cleaning chemicals that I've heard rave reviews about
but they don't sell them in the United States.
There are rave reviews about cleaning products we sell in the United States that we don't
sell in the UK and so there are different places
where different people have different ideas.
The benefit of forums is you get to hear all the different ideas from the different places
and then instead of claiming that somebody is right or wrong and shaming someone because
they're right or wrong, it's kind of like walking down the aisle of a grocery store.
There's a variety of different brands and a variety of different things.
You can pick and choose which ones suit you best and so as you go through the forum, if
you hear an idea or you hear a strategy or you hear somebody saying, "I would never
do that," you can analyze that and say to yourself, "Would I never do that either
for the same reasons or could I set myself apart by offering a service this house cleaner
refuses to do?"
There are different ways you can figure out how to run your business based on all the
different snippets and pieces of information that you garner.
Forums are a great place for that because there are a lot of people who want to share
their information and so I belong to a Facebook group.
Actually, there are a couple of Facebook groups and every Facebook group has its own specific
The beauty of that is this.
There's one that's just kind of a hangout group.
We just kind of chat.
We talk about our day.
We nitpick things.
We have great moments.
We share celebrations.
We share sadness.
It's like friends.
Friends hang out.
Then, there's another one that's really all about the business.
It's all about pitching your service.
When someone says, "Hey, what do you do?"
you get to pitch your service back.
I'll put links in the show notes to the different groups and I'll make an explanation of what
they are in case you decide you want to join but one is a pitching group and you get to
pitch your piece of software, your best idea, your best marketing idea.
You get to express how your business operates.
You get to explain about your team.
You get to explain why you're better than the next person.
Every day, we ask you for a different call to action so at the end of your pitch, you
need to bring us back to your website or you need to bring us back to your Facebook page
or you need to give us a business card and ask us to call you.
What that does is it's a training ground where you get to practice your pitch in front
of a house cleaning forum and now, it's actually a little bit wider.
The marketing one is a little bit wider in that we include carpet cleaners and pressure
washers and it's all of our friends from HouseCleaning360.
They come together and we all pitch our different services.
Here's the beauty of it.
As the group grows, we get to know the members of the group a little bit better.
If somebody says, "Hey, do you know anybody in New York that cleans houses?"
I'm like, "I do.
I know 43 people in New York City that I would recommend right now."
I've never worked with them so the recommendation is not based on me hiring them, it's based
on me knowing them and I know what kind of a person they are and I know how thorough
they are and I know their character because we've spent a lot of time together in these
online groups.
"Yes, let me give you the name of this guy and tell him I sent you,"
and so it's a recommendation from a friend because now,
I know this person because we spend a lot of time together.
There are people that, based on our interaction in the group,
I would not recommend at all ever.
You do.
You learn a lot about people and you learn about their characters and that happens in
online forums.
Some of the dearest friends you will ever have in the house cleaning business will come
from online forums.
One of the benefits of this is house cleaning is a solo sport.
You are cleaning all day by yourself.
You are in your own head and maybe you have a podcast that you're listening to but the
beauty of it is when you get home at night and you turn on your computer, you don't even
have to go anywhere.
You can network with a whole bunch of people that know exactly what your day was like and
they can add their two cents.
They can share ideas.
They can help you troubleshoot a problem.
They can help you through a problem with a customer.
Online forms are great especially house cleaning forums that are targeted to our specific niche.
Yes, I'm a huge fan and my recommendation is join one if you haven't already because
the opportunities that they will offer are far beyond where you're going to get on your own.
All righty, that's my two cents for today and we'll talk again soon.
Until we do, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Wheels On The Bus - Songs for Kids | Lingokids - Duration: 1:39.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!
The dogs on the bus go: woof, woof woof! woof, woof, woof!
woof, woof, woof!.
The dogs on the bus go woof, woof, woof!...
All through the town!
The cows on the bus go: moo, moo, moo!
The cows on the bus go: moo!
All through the town.
The snakes on the bus go: hiss!
The snakes on the bus go: hiss!
All through the town.
The sheep on the bus go: Baa, baa, baa!
The sheep on the bus go: Baa!
All through the town.
The ducks on the bus go: Quack, quack, quack! quack, quack, quack!
quack, quack, quack!.
The ducks on the bus go: quack, quack, quack!
All through the town.
The lion on the bus go: Roar! the lion on the bus go: Roar!
all through the town
How to download whatsapp status video of other contacts from your whatsapp account - Duration: 2:52.
Aubameyang is not the real reason Giroud is joining Chelsea ● News Now ●#AFC - Duration: 1:48.
Arsenal are on the verge of selling striker Olivier Giroud to Premier League rivals Chelsea.
It is widely thought that in order for Borussia Dortmund to allow Pierre-Erick Aubameyang
to join the Gunners, Giroud will first have to move to Stamford Bridge.
That will then free Chelsea's Michy Batshuayi to move to Dortmund and henceforth Aubameyang
arrives in north London with Arsenal.
However, Wenger insists that's not the real reason why he is off-loading Giroud.
Instead, he claims that the forward has been offered regular game time which will enhance
his chances of making France's World Cup squad.
And the manager underlines that the 31-year-old has always been fully committed to the Gunners.
"He's an Arsenal man, after that he needs to play as well because he has not played
many games in the Premier League since the start of the season," Wenger said.
"He's a regular player in the French national team.
"He has a World Cup where France will go, places of course are difficult to get.
"It was a difficult situation for him but he always had his heart 100 per cent in the
team and was committed."
Giroud said his goodbyes to Arsenal fas as he came off the bench during the 3-1 loss
to Swansea last night.
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018 Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan - Duration: 15:09.
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Earthquake Jolts Pakistan 31 January 2018 Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab He runs a Madrasa in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim 500. Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab He runs a Madrasa in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim 500.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 His audio lectures are circulated on the internet.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry. Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl. According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Azadi March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March', although as stolen by PTI.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz. Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Subscribe : Facebook Page: Google+: #Subscribe
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 - Duration: 4:37.
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018
Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab He runs a Madrasa in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim 500. Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab He runs a Madrasa in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim 500.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 His audio lectures are circulated on the internet.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry. Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl. According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Azadi March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March', although as stolen by PTI.Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz. Earth Quake Zalzaly Kiun Atay ha Maulana Tariq Jameel Emtional Bayan 2018 Subscribe : Facebook Page: Google+: #Subscribe
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