Hey Wisecrack, Jared here.
With the imminent release of The Avengers: Infinity War, we thought we'd go back and
look at the Civil War.
No, not that one.
This one.
Now, on its face, Civil War is a 2-hour spectacle of biceps, chases, mandatory character introductions
to feed the MCU, and man...
You know he lifts.
But, in addition to some good ol' fashioned fisticuffs, Civil War also explores the idea
of global fisticuffs, or international relations, as you may know it.
Which bring us to the question: What do super powers like the United States have to learn
from Tony Stark or Steve Rogers?
Welcome to this Wisecrack Edition on the Philosophy of Captain America: Civil War.
Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already.
And as always, spoilers ahead.
While the Civil War comic series deals with issues like privacy and domestic policing
in the wake of the PATRIOT Act, the film makes an ambitious break with its source material.
Instead, it focuses on a conflict between two approaches to international relations.
Civil War frames the conflict between Captain America and Iron Man as a battle between two
opposing views on the Avengers' role in the world.
Specifically, the film asks: Should a US-based, high-powered, and potentially destructive
team like the Avengers be allowed to operate internationally, independent of government
It's a poignant question to ask, especially in the wake of America's own questioning
of its interventionism abroad.
In Civil War, this question comes to head in the debate over the Sokovia Accords.
The Accords claim the Avengers have no right to cross national borders and fight their
highly destructive battles without the approval of all governments concerned.
Their argument is grounded in the notion of 'Westphalian sovereignty,' the idea that
a nation-state is and ought to be in charge of all affairs within its borders.
This modern notion of sovereignty only came to exist in 1648, after the major European
powers were tired of fighting either the 30 Years' or 80s Years' War, which, unlike
the liar 7-years' war, lasted as long as advertised.
The resulting Peace of Westphalia created the idea of sovereignty we understand today.
But in our highly globalized modern world, things are a little more complicated than
when people were still charging into battle on horseback.
Many contemporary political commentators are all about the idea of a 'post-Westphalian'
world order.
They argue that globalization has broken down traditional ideas of who holds power where.
Under this system, independent actors (such as private corporations and terrorist cells)
are able to wield as much, or sometimes more, power than the nation-states whose borders
they cross at will.
In the film, the Avengers are portrayed as a product of this post-Westphalian world.
They are a group of US-based superhumans who go wherever they want, whenever they want,
without the permission of local governments.
The film even emphasizes this modern notion of the Avengers in its opening, where our
heroes try to catch a former HYDRA agent, while using the language of a police operation
- complete with surveillance, drones, and calls for backup.
"Sam, we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building."
However, they function less like a traditional police force and more like a private security
If, like main villain Zemo, your family happens to be the one that gets blown up in their
latest attempt at saving the world, you might even consider them terrorists.
"What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced inividuals… who routinely ignore
sovereign borders... and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem
unconcerned about what they leave behind?"
The Sokovia Accords, then, are the Westphalian-world dealing with Post-Westphalian realities.
The debate over the Accords is grounded in two competing views of how the international
arena works: 'realism' and 'liberalism'.
Realism argues that states are self-interested, power-seeking rational actors, who seek to
maximize their security and chances of survival.
'Liberalism' stresses interdependence among states, multinational corporations,
and international institutions, arguing that these various actors can and should work together
for the benefit of all.
The Sokovia Accords fit this liberalist paradigm to a T. Under the new rules set out in the
accords, governmental actors (i.e. the UN) will work together with non-governmental forces
(in this case, the Avengers) for the presumed common good.
This means more rules and greater oversight for the Avengers, who will no longer be able
to gallivant around the globe fighting whenever and wherever they please.
"Compromise, reassurance, that's how the world works."
Tony Stark buys into the Accords' liberalist framework, but still manages to do plenty
of gallivanting — "You seriously think I'm going to listen to you after that fiasco in
He argues that cooperation with sovereign governments - even to the point of accepting
the imposed limitations - is crucial.
For Stark, respect for the interdependent world order is part of what separates the
Avengers from the terrorist groups they fight.
"We need to be put in check.
Whatever form that takes, I'm game.
If we can't accept limitations, we're boundary-less, we're no better than the bad guys."
Steve Rogers, on the other hand, is a realist.
He is focused on security and his own agenda, first and foremost, and argues against the
Sokovia Accords on the grounds that they will make the Avengers less able to respond to
critical situations, thereby putting the world in danger.
"If we call Tony—" "No, he won't believe us."
"Even if he did…"
"Who knows if the Accords would let him help."
"We're on our own."
While the realist position allows for cooperation that will increase the likelihood of the world's
survival, Captain America is simply unconvinced that this will improve security for anyone.
Steve argues that shifting agendas of those who uphold the Accords could lead to compromised
security down the line.
"This is the United Nations we're talking about.
It's not the World Security Council, it's not SHIELD, it's not HYDRA."
"No, but it's run by people with agendas and agendas change."
The film asks some pretty heavy questions that may as well be directed at a modern superpower:
Is unfettered power inherently dangerous?
Do rules only tie up crucial fighting forces in dangerous amounts of red tape?
Instead of providing some black and white answer for an insanely complex question, the
film offers us some ambiguity.
While one may criticize Captain America for his unilateral approach to solving things,
"Stark tell you anything else?"
"That you're wrong, and you think you're right.
That makes you dangerous."
You could equally say the same of Tony Stark as he tries to enforce the Sokovia Accords,
leading to plenty of collateral damage along the way.
While exploring these international frameworks, the film also explores how personal ethics
can complicate these concepts.
When a terrorist blows up the UN, killing Black Panther's father, he goes on the hunt
for presumed culprit, Bucky Barnes.
The attack on the UN creates a rift between those Avengers who want the government to
take in Bucky, and those who believe Captain America is right to attempt his own rescue.
Through this conflict, the film asks us to consider whether it is better to act based
a preconceived set of moral obligations, like the Captain's obligation to Bucky, or with
consideration for the greater good, like Stark and his compatriots.
Tony Stark and his gang embody a branch of philosophy known as 'utilitarianism,'
which holds that actions should be judged based on their overall consequences, rather
than on their adherence to abstract ideals.
Tony Stark believes that oversight will reduce the amount of collateral damage caused by
their activities, and that this is reason enough to support the Sokovia Accords - above
and beyond his belief in the usefulness of a liberalist world order, Tony Stark supports
the Accords because they align with his own utilitarian conception of morality.
These two ideas are different, though not necessarily contradictory.
While he knows that the new rules will inconvenience him and his team, he is convinced that they
will improve the lot of humanity as a whole.
It's not about his personal convictions, it's about the greater good.
"Captain Rogers!
I know you believe what you are doing is right.
But for the collective good, you must surrender now."
Captain America, on the other hand, flirts with an ethical position known as 'deontology.'
Deontology judges the morality of an action itself, without consideration for the effects
that said action might have.
Again, not contradictory to his realist beliefs, but different nonetheless.
From a deontological perspective, certain actions can never be justified, no matter
how much they might promote some "greater good" - like killing an innocent person,
even if it could save millions more.
While Steve Rogers isn't a perfect deontologist in the sense of OG deontologist Immanuel Kant
- he acts according to personal laws, rather than universal ones.
He bases his actions around a set of moral duties.
Cap believes that his moral duty to save his friend, Bucky Barnes, trumps whatever greater
good might be served by his death or imprisonment, no matter how many cops Bucky happens to beat
the piss out of.
In the film's closing minutes, we learn that that all of the carnage, betrayal, and
heartbreak we've followed for the last two hours is the secret plan of former Sokovian
special operative Zemo, whose loved ones were more collateral damage of the Avengers.
Zemo reveals that it was his plan all along to tear the Avengers apart by showing Tony
Stark footage of Bucky Barnes murdering his parents.
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again.
But one which crumples from within?
That's dead… forever."
And here, I think, the film suggests a failing of all of these philosophical systems.
No matter how right participants in these systems believe they are, there will always
be somebody who gets the shaft.
Tony Stark is confronted by the mother of one of the many eggs he had to crack to make
a superhero omelette — "Who's going to avenge my son, Stark?
He's dead.
And I blame you."
She is essentially in the same camp as Zemo.
Whether you're operating for the greater good, your personal ethics, at the behest
of your own country, or an international agreement, there's always a Zemo that loses out.
And that's the problem with a force as powerful as the Avengers.
As Vision says, "Our very strength invites challenge.
Challenge incites conflict.
Conflict breeds catastrophe."
Someone is always gonna get shafted by these philosophical systems, but when the team doing
the shafting has the force of a nuclear superpower, the forces that challenge them will invite
equally destructive force.
And that can turn out pretty poorly for the world.
So what do you think?
Are the Avengers right to agree to the Accords?
Should Captain America give up his own code for the greater good?
Or are there no right answers?
Let us know what you think in
the comments, and
thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> The Political Philosophy of Captain America: Civil War – Wisecrack Edition - Duration: 11:46.-------------------------------------------
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Crap ! :P
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This was the great watchtower of Amon SÃl.
We shall rest here tonight.
These are for you. Keep them close.
I'm going to have a look around.
Stay here.
My tomato's burst.
Could I have some bacon?
Want a tomato, Sam?
- What are you doing?! - Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon.
- We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo. - Put it out, you fools!
- Put it out! - That's nice! Ash on my tomatoes!
Back, you devils!
Oh, Sam.
- Help him, Strider. - He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade.
This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine.
Springfield High School lockdown lifted - Duration: 1:51.
Get Your Ex Back Fast - Duration: 6:31.
Hello and welcome….
I'm Brad Browning, YouTube's #1 breakup expert, and in this video you're going to
Now, I know what you're thinking… you're expecting me to give you the secret ingredient
that's going to make your ex take you back TODAY.
You want a quick fix, a shortcut…
...well, I've got good news and bad news for you… the bad news is that there is no
There's nothing you can do to speed up the process of getting your ex back… and if
someone tells you there is, then they're full of S….
BUT, there is good news: I am going to tell you how to win back your ex in this video.
And I'm going to do it FAST… there's not going to be any fluff or filler in this
video, folks, I'm just going to give you the 2-minute tutorial on exactly what you
need to do to get your ex to come crawling back to you.
Let's get started.
STEP 1 -- Find out where you stand.
Alright, the first thing you're going to want to do is take my free quiz to figure
out what your chances of success are…
I've spent a looong time developing this quiz tool, which takes about 5 minutes to
complete, and it's designed to tell you where you stand with your ex and what your
odds are of successfully winning him or her back.
So as soon you're done watching this video, visit BreakupBrad.com/Quiz and take that free
quiz for yourself…
I'll put that URL right at the top of the description below this video so you can click
on the link as soon as you finish watching this video.
STEP 2 -- Give your ex some time and space.
Look, in almost every single scenario, you're going to need to cut off the lines of communication
with your ex for a little while.
I typically recommend 30 days, and there's some research that supports that number….
but you may need to stop interacting with your ex for even longer than that, depending
on your situation… take that quiz I just mentioned to find out how long you should
ignore your ex for.
Either way, now is the time to go 'cold turkey' on your ex and employ my No Contact
Trust me, it works, and it's an important first step because it will help your ex reach
what I call "Emotional Neutral"... it's designed to set the stage and make sure your
ex is receptive to what comes next.
STEP 3 -- Use those 30 days productively.
Alright, you've got some time on your hands, because you're not contacting your ex for
30 days or so….
But it's not time to sit around the house crying and feeling sorry for yourself, folks.
That's what your ex expects of you, and it's only going to hurt your chances.
*insert stock clips or pics of ppl crying, being losers at home, etc…
flash each very quickly on screen then cross them out with an X or something like that*
Instead, you need to do something contrary to what your ex is expecting.
Nobody wants to get back together with a loser who spends their Saturday nights watching
Family Guy re-runs….
Which is exactly why you need to do the opposite.
Now is the time to be as social as you possibly can… get out of the house as often as possible,
hang out with friends and family, keep busy, take up a hobby, join a club, go on dates
even if you don't feel like it….
Be productive and social.
Trust me, this part is crucial, even if it sounds dumb right now.
STEP 4 -- Stop yourself from doing anything dumb.
Let's quickly cover some things you need to prevent yourself from doing…
No begging, pleading, or apologizing over and over.
No angry messages out outbursts, and no trying to get 'revenge' on your ex.
No drama or initiating long, drawn-out "serious talks" with your ex….
In fact, don't talk to your ex about your relationship or your breakup at all.
No agreeing to be "friends" with your ex…
And like we already talked about, no sitting around at home crying about the breakup.
STEP 5 -- Re-spark a connection with your ex through fun, upbeat messages.
Once the No Contact phase is over, and you've given your ex plenty of time and space for
30 days or so, it's time to slowly start to re-initiate contact with him or her.
I recommend you do this via text message or Facebook message or WhatsApp… something
like that, where you can send your ex a 2-line message that's funny, interesting, or brings
up some nostalgic happy memories.
Don't get carried away here, this is just about sending your ex a message or two to
get them thinking about you again and build some intrigue.
Try to make your ex laugh or smile at your message, nothing more.
Don't know what to say in your messages to your ex?
Don't get this part wrong, because it's really important you re-establish positive
contact at this phase….
If you need more help on what to say to your ex, I've got a number of specific examples
in my best-selling program, The Ex Factor… to learn more about the program and get full
access to all of my attraction-building text messages, just head to BreakupBrad.com.
STEP 5 -- Re-spark a connection with your ex through fun, upbeat messages.
Alright, step 5… nice job, you've made it this far, and if you've played your cards
correctly in the previous phases, your ex is already going to be showing a lot more
interest and will have let go of many of the negative thoughts and memories that led to
their decision to break up… so now it's time to meet in person and seal the deal.
Make an excuse and arrange a casual in-person meet up with your ex.
For example, tell your ex you want to catch up over coffee and get some suggestions on
where to go during your upcoming vacation to Italy….
Whatever, you can think up any believable excuse, the goal is just to give your ex a
reason to grab a drink with you.
Keep it casual and don't call it a date.
In person, when you're with your ex, it's time to get your flirt on….
Don't go overboard, it can sometimes take a few 'dates' before your ex really becomes
fully receptive to your flirting and your advances, but make sure you're building
sexual tension and showing your ex a good time.
Always keep the mood light and fun, make your ex laugh, and don't forget to share some
stories and some updates about the fun, exciting, and busy life you've been leading since
the breakup.
By the way, jealousy can be a very useful tool at this point in the process, and it's
something I talk about in some of my other videos here on YouTube… but if you do decide
to try and incite a bit of jealousy to help your cause, please just be careful not to
let things backfire on you.
STEP 6 -- Spend more time in person, and turn flirting into physical intimacy.
Crank up the attraction, ramp up the flirting, and continue having fun with your ex… sooner
or later, your ex is going to change his or her mind about the breakup and ask you to
give them another chance.
I know that sounds far-fetched from where you're sitting right now, but after a few
'dates' in person and enough flirting and sexual tension, that's typically what
Obviously you need to be on your game up to this point for things to come together, but
it's definitely not impossible, and most of you watching this video will have a good
chance of getting to this point and getting a chance to start over with your ex… and
like I mentioned at the beginning of the video, to find out your chances and see if there's
still hope, take my free quiz at BreakupBrad.com/Quiz right now… once you finish the quiz, you'll
also get some personalized recommendations on how to get started and what to do first.
STEP 7 -- Get going!
I told you this was going to be a FAST one, and I wasn't kidding…
…if you've got questions, suggestions, or if you just want to tell me how handsome
I am... please use the comments section below and I will personally get back to you.
And of course for more guidance and more sneaky psychological tactics you can use to reverse
your breakup and win back your ex, you know where to go…
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Grammy Stars Warned About Bashing Trump And Didn't Listen – Now Look What Happened
24Hrs After!
If you didn't know that the Grammys were about recognizing the best of the best in
the music industry, you would think it was a show dedicated to trashing President Donald
That seemed to be the focus of the Sunday night ceremony and even Hillary Clinton showed
up to take some jabs at the man who beat her to White House.
It was all fun and laughter for the liberal celebrities and the woman they wanted as their
president, but they didn't listen and are now paying a massive price for their disrespectful
The hosts and participants of the 2018 Grammy Awards may have thought they were pretty clever
but they aren't laughing now, just 24 hours after making idiots of themselves on stage
at our president's expense.
They took turns reading excerpts from Michael Wolff's Trump administration exposé 'Fire
and Fury,' which was completely irrelevant to the purpose of the awards show.
Now they're realizing that the man they hate is still their president too whether
they like him or not and disrespecting him on such a large scale doesn't sit well.
"Last night, the Grammy's was nothing but a Trump-bashing fest with entitled singers
and music artists spewing their self-righteous, political opinions," I Love My Freedom reported.
"They even gave Crooked Hillary a cameo, and it was just cringe-worthy from top to
"Thankfully, the ratings just came in and these Grammy's were down 20% from last year
According to Deadline:
Back in New York City for the first time since George W. Bush's first term and drenched
in the politics of the Donald Trump era, last night's Grammy Awards was rockin' with
multiple wins for a very non-political Bruno Mars and a very, very political Kendrick Lamar.
The more than three-and-a half-hour– long CBS show also had an audio book audition cameo
by Hillary Clinton (see below), a use or two of the censor button, a lot of U2 and Sting,
a powerful Time's Up speech by Janelle Monáe and an equally powerful performance by Kesha
and a chorus of supporters.
With a 12.7/21 in metered market ratings, the Recording Academy's big hootenanny was
also way down from the early numbers from the LA-based February 13, 2017 59th annual
By way down, I mean a just over 20% decline from last year to what looks to be an all-time
low for the ceremony.
The ratings also reflect the gross hypocrisy that was on full display considering that
having Hillary Clinton there was a complete contradiction to the anti-sexual abuse performances
and message of the evening.
The Grammys were called out for this cameo spot on Twitter:
There was no place for this skit that's irrelevant and completely unrelated to the
awards show other than to collectively try to humiliate the president by reading some
biased person's opinion on him.
What's real, was the response to the awards show by not only the American people, but
Trump's son, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and the president
himself who may just have something better to read aloud tomorrow at his State of the
Union Address.
"The segment resulted in wild applause from the star-studded crowd.
But not all were pleased.
United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the bit.
However, the harshest words came from Donald Trump Jr.," Fox reported.
As long as people are reading things aloud in front of all of America, Trump can and
should do the same with the much-anticipated memo he's holding on to for just the right
That time should be tomorrow during the SOTU and while there's no confirmation that he
plans to do so, he certainly has the motivation to read it and expose all the corruption from
Hillary's campaign and his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama to keep him out of office.
What's perhaps most humiliating for Hillary is that she's been reduced to stupid skits
on stage after her efforts to derail Trump, as detailed in the memo, failed.
It would be poetic justice for him to read that memo out loud tonight when more people
will be watching his address than those who bothered to view the Grammy awards.
It's time for music, sports, and big screen stars to stick to their industries and avoid
getting involved in politics where people don't want to see the two mixed.
If the NFL taught us anything this season, it's that it doesn't end well for any
industry that crosses into unfamiliar, divisive territory outside of entertainment.
Hopefully, for Hillary, her sickening antics was just the trick to get Trump to release
the memo and seal her fate.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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I understand his will to me very well and I absorb it by my faith
Wherever I go or move , his sweet words are in my ear
And he draws a smile in my eyes and also draws a beautiful comfort zone inside me
From my heart I am telling him that his sweet words strengthened me
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
I am always sleeping in this hug covering myself with his warm calmness
And when I think and go away I feel his hankering and longing
His traits are amazing there is nobody in this life like him
There is nothing like his kindness and his love and also his beauty
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
I am seeing that all of people who are not beside him lost a lot and it's too late for them
And in the time of distress for sure he felt fear and not okay
And I felt what he feels , and one day I was one of them
And I felt tired in my past life But now there is a big difference !
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
I am better and I am feeling safe
And already I am living my life with him
I became quieter than before
I don't feel worry when I am with him
c h o g i w a - Duration: 0:12.
okay, listen
id help u find him myself
but its freezing
aNd ThIs SwEeT a$$ iS sTaYiNg InSiDe
but how do i find him?
*awkward silence*
just say the "Wolf" thing
oh, you mean the c h o-
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