Shahid Kapoor Daughter Misha Kapoor Having Fun With Father
For more infomation >> Shahid Kapoor Daughter Misha Kapoor Having Fun With Father - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
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The Return of Superman | 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 - Ep.210 : For You, Who Always Shine [ENG/IND/2018.01.28] - Duration: 1:30:25.
It's a thief.
- It's a thief. / - It's a thief.
(Did a thief drop by in the dead of night?)
What's going on with Seoeon and Seojun?
(The twins are caught in a huge incident.)
Come here.
How do we catch him?
Report it to the police.
- Call the police? / - Yes.
This has never happened. I'm baffled.
(What might have happened here?)
- Aren't you sick of this? / - No.
Do you know how many times we've played this?
About 1,000 times.
- If we win, / - Then?
then you must buy us more tops.
If I win, I won't buy you more tops, okay?
- Promise. / - No, buy us tops.
Then, let's switch it around.
If you win, Daddy, then you buy us tops.
If we lose, then you don't have to buy us anymore.
Wait, that's the same situation.
Hold on, Seojun. What happens if I win?
If you lose,
then you have to buy us three tops each.
- Three of them? / - Yes, that three-in-one pack.
- You want that? / - Yes.
How about if you lose?
Then we won't buy the three-in-one pack.
We'll just get a small one instead.
(One way or another, they want more tops.)
All right. Fine.
- Okay. / - Let's go.
- Three, two, one. Let it rip! / - Three, two, one.
(And so, the top battle begins.)
(They go at it for hours.)
Kids are all into these tops nowadays.
(The 3-2-1 countdown never ends.)
Seven to zero.
Let's stop playing now.
Let's play more.
Let's stop. Do you know what time it is?
We're done for the day. It's time to sleep.
We're playing tomorrow.
- One more time. / - We have to sleep.
- One more game. / - No. Go in, now.
Go inside.
- Please. / - No. You can't.
- Pretty please. / - No, you can't.
- Pretty please. / - Please.
(Cuteness assault)
No, you can't. Play tomorrow. Go inside.
Hurry inside.
(The twins give up and try to fall asleep.)
Close your eyes and sleep.
You're the best, Daddy.
Am I the best?
Sleep well.
Good night.
Be careful, Daddy.
I'm sorry.
Despite the struggle, Hwijae puts them to bed
and he goes to his bedroom.
The exhausted father also tries to sleep.
(the twins pop up.)
(Gosh, pretending to sleep was tough.)
Don't you want to go for a spin?
How? Let's do it.
Commence operation. Move out.
Let's hurry and play.
Just one game, right?
We need the flashlight.
I found it.
(They carry out their plan with a flashlight in hand.)
Let's go, Seoeon. Follow me.
Hey, Seojun. I think Dad's going to come.
It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid about.
You don't need to be afraid.
I'm just going to sleep.
Just go play alone.
My goodness.
- Please? Just one game. / - All right.
- Just once, okay? / - Sure.
Let's go.
Are they trying to spin tops instead of sleeping?
Oh, dear.
Hey, Seoeon. Take a look at this.
If you press this, it lights up.
Be quiet.
- Just press this. / - Shush.
(Sneaking around makes it so much more fun.)
All right. I win.
Let's just move it, Seoeon.
Move it.
(Let's move everything to the bedroom instead.)
Hey, just enjoy yourself.
Three, two, one. Let it rip.
Oh, gosh.
(They revel through the night with their tops.)
That's just game over.
But suddenly...
Hwijae wakes up.
(The twins cluelessly chatter about.)
Oh, gosh.
(Oh, no. What should we do?)
Daddy, to be honest,
we were playing with our tops.
(They hope for the best by admitting guilt.)
You said you were going to sleep.
- What were you doing? / - Spinning tops.
- You couldn't help it? / - No.
(My goodness.)
I told you to stop, so no more, okay?
(They get everything confiscated.)
(He cleans up after putting them back to bed.)
For goodness' sake.
(He worries about their obsession.)
They like them too much.
(He worries about their obsession.)
The Return of Superman, episode 210,
"For You, Who Always Shine".
Morning arrives.
(The twins wake up the following morning.)
Are you awake? Did you sleep well?
- Daddy. / - Yes?
Where did my tops go?
- What? / - My tops.
I don't know.
I didn't touch them.
Where did you put them?
I'm not sure. I didn't move them.
But you cleaned them up last night.
Sure, but I left them right where they were.
(Have they disappeared?)
(Are they here?)
(Seojun checks every little corner.)
Despite the search, they are nowhere to be found.
Where have they gone?
(Seoeon wakes up as well.)
Daddy, where's the arena?
The arena? I'm not sure. I don't know either.
I just woke up too.
Look. It's a letter.
It's a letter.
A letter?
Who stuck this here?
I don't know.
(They discover a strange red envelope.)
What is this?
I think it might be from Yerin.
Oh, my.
"As you're reading this,"
" I'm sure you're in an uproar over the missing tops."
(His eyes are quaking.)
"Shall I tell you who I am?"
"I seize tops from houses with big collections,"
"I am Top Thief."
"I hear, 'Three, two, one' all day from this house."
"Not only do you beg for more tops,"
"but you also play deep into the night."
"I'm sorry, but your tops"
"are now mine."
"Yours truly, Top Thief."
(A sudden calamity)
(Hopelessness and despair)
How did he come in?
How did he come in?
What's going on here?
(What is the full account of this burglary?)
(Hwijae sought out a childcare expert.)
- Hello? / - Hello, it's Hwijae.
- Hello there, Hwijae. / - Have you been well?
They're almost inexplicably obsessed
with playing with these tops.
They sleep late. It's almost uncontrollable.
They keep begging for more tops.
How can I get this situation under control?
It's natural for children to get very invested
in one kind of toy or activity.
The problem stems from overindulgence.
To combat the effects of overindulgence,
you have to admit their lack of control
and it's best to take the objects out of sight.
Simply put, you're temporarily removing the objects
that are causing their overexcitement.
All right. I understand.
(He follows expert advice.)
Hwijae seeks to discipline the twins
according to expert advice.
It turns out that Top Thief is Hwijae.
They're the most valuable to me.
How should we catch him?
- The police station. / - The police station?
Hurry and report it.
You want to report it? Do you know the number?
112. Is that right?
It's 112.
(Police crime report, 112)
- You want to report it? / - Wait.
We have a policeman on the first floor.
- There's a police officer on the first floor? / - Yes.
Isn't he like a section chief?
A section chief?
No, he's in charge of the maintenance here.
Report it, Daddy.
(Oh, no. This can't really be reported.)
(Moving hurriedly)
(He makes an urgent phone call.)
- Hello? / - Hey, Kyeonghwan.
- Who is this? / - It's me, Hwijae.
- Yes, hello. / - Hey, this is urgent.
- Okay. / - You're a policeman.
Just play along for my kids, okay?
- I'm a policeman? / - Yes, you are.
- I'm counting on you. / - Okay.
- Got it. / - Thank you.
Boys, come over here.
What's the number?
- You mean the police? / - Yes.
(He calls Kyeonghwan again.)
- Yes, hello? / - Is this the police?
Yes, you're right. Do you have an issue?
Excuse me, officer.
Hello, there.
A thief broke into the house
and stole our stuff.
You had a break-in? How frightening.
Our tops have disappeared.
Your tops?
They're gone.
What kind of tops? You mean snails?
- Then... / - Snails?
The window was open at night.
The crook must have entered through there.
That's right. Top Thief left a letter behind.
The crook left a letter? What does it say?
He heard us fight over the tops.
And because we play with them late at night,
he said he took them.
Do you think we can find them?
I'll do my best,
but top burglary is a high-level crime.
Please find them for us.
Along with CSI,
I'll try to solve the case with community help.
But it won't be easy.
I love you, officer.
Sure, I love you too, but...
Please excuse us. The kids wish to salute you.
- Attention. Salute. / - Salute.
- Thank you, officer. / - Salute.
The officer is on the move to find your tops.
Let's pretend that the tops are here.
- You want to pretend? / - Yes.
(He winds up his invisible top.)
In three, two, one. Let it rip.
(The game is visible to just the three of them.)
Who will win?
Daddy's top is getting weak.
- Let's go. / - Seojun's is strong
and Daddy's top is getting weak.
- You destroyed his top. / - Yes.
- Three, two, one. Let it rip. / - Let it rip.
- Who will win? / - I wrecked Dad's.
- Hurrah, I won. / - Applause.
(Gosh, what is the point of all this?)
This isn't fun.
My top.
(Feeling hopeless)
Why did you take our tops?
Whatever for?
He didn't even tell us.
(Escaping reality)
You're doing fine without the tops.
- It's not fun at all! / - It's not fun!
(Spacing out)
(They have given up.)
(Cheer up, guys. Let's wait a bit longer.)
Daddy, can we go out to play?
- You want to go out? / - Yes.
But you can't play long.
Just a little while, okay?
My tops...
Hey, let's walk together.
The twins work out to forget about their tops.
Will they be able to get them off their minds?
(Why is it so loud?)
Just then, Seojun discovers something.
- What have they seen? / - Let it rip.
(Their expressions are suddenly bright.)
Hey, let's run.
(What luck is this?)
One more time.
(They discover kids playing with tops.)
Let it rip.
Wasn't that awesome?
(What's with these kids?)
- We don't have tops. / - You don't have any?
- No. / - We used to have some,
but Top Thief stole them away.
- Can we watch? / - Can we watch?
(He sits like a middle-aged man.)
- Gosh, it looks fun. / - Make it go inside.
It's about to go down.
The win is mine.
I want to play too.
You want to try?
- Sure, why not. / - Here you go.
(He hasn't felt this feeling in a while.)
- Three, two, one. / - Three, two, one.
(They yell at the top of their lungs.)
- Let it rip. / - Let it rip.
It's a tie.
- Give it to me. / - Is it not working?
Kids, it's been a while, so I have to go now.
(They have to go.)
Can you return the tops now?
He wants his top back.
- Why? / - Sorry, but I have to go.
(I already have to let you go.)
Let's meet again, okay?
(I want to play more, but I must hold it in.)
Now, please.
Hold on, guys.
Be very careful.
Watch out for Top Thief.
- Okay. / - Keep your windows closed.
All right.
(Dear tops, are you really leaving me?)
(The twins gaze on as they walk further away.)
(They can part without crying now.)
More time might be needed.
But I think they'll get used to it just fine.
I want to play with them differently too.
It'll take some effort.
From now on,
I'll only spend a bit of time playing with tops.
I won't sleep late because of them either.
I'll stop asking you to buy us more tops.
- Daddy. / - Yes?
I want to play something else now.
Something else?
Wed-light, green-light.
- Wed-light... / - You're saying it wrong.
(We hope they'll play more actively now.)
Watch this, Sian.
When the ball comes your way,
kick it like this. Got it?
- Try it. Yes, that one. / - With this foot?
Kick it hard, okay?
(He misses it.)
Watch the ball.
Focus before you kick it.
Let's do this.
(He shuffles his feet to time it right.)
There you go.
(King Sian, the new star striker)
All right. Here you go.
(Powerful kicks create bullet-like shots.)
I'm Sian.
(He performs his goal ceremony.)
Come here.
(He finishes it off with a cool pose.)
Is that how it's done?
What will you be when you grow up, Sian?
- A soccer player. / - A soccer player?
Hey, Sian.
Did you practice soccer a lot?
- I kicked the ball. / - Why are you sweating?
Sweating is normal after a good workout.
- I played soccer. / - Let's see.
Grandfather raised me.
So if you learn from him, you'll become like me.
How should you look before making a shot?
Place your hands like this.
(It's a strong gaze.)
That's intimidating.
In one, two...
What's with your legs?
(He's bow-legged.)
That's totally like Ronaldo.
That's how Ronaldo stands before shooting.
(There is a bit of a resemblance.)
- I can make hard shots. / - Can you?
- You sure can. / - Shoot next to him.
In one, two, three.
- Great! / - That's a goal.
(It's a perfect volley shot.)
(Feeling very pleased)
What's your girlfriend's name again, Sian?
Do you like Minchae or Grandpa better?
- Grandpa or Minchae? / - Or Minchae?
That's a tough question for Sian.
(Minchae versus Grandpa)
(Who will he choose?)
(A wise decision)
That won't work.
Sian, Grandpa and Minchae are drowning.
Who would you save first?
(Why would they be drowning?)
Who's first?
You'd choose Minchae, right?
(A firm nod)
You swim well, Grandpa.
Gosh. Already?
Do you miss Minchae?
- Do you love her? / - Yes.
He's totally head over heels.
Sian, since Seola and Sua went out with Grandma,
shall we have a boys' outing too?
(Bonding time for us men?)
Shall we wear matching outfits?
How about something trendy?
(What trendy outfit has Donggook prepared?)
What is this? It's ripped over here.
It's ripped.
Why is it ripped?
Is it normally like this?
One side is fine, but the other is ripped.
- Shall we get it mended? / - My goodness.
This is too embarrassing.
What's with this hat?
It's a trendy hat worn by youngsters these days.
The strap droops down to the back?
Yes, somewhat loose and disheveled.
Daddy, hurry on out.
All right. Here we come.
Grandpa has gotten a complete makeover.
Is it right? Are you part of Generation X?
(We belong to Generation X.)
(Sauntering along)
Do they really wear it like this?
Do people really wear these hats, Sian?
It's a hot trend started by G-Dragon.
- Is this a jacket? / - Yes.
Let's look at you, Sian.
- See? It looks great on him. / - It does.
Let's have a nice outing and eat good food, okay?
My father is a traditional
manly man from Gyeongsang Province.
Since I was very young,
we never exchanged words much.
I understand him better as a father myself now.
We have to make the first approach,
but it's not always easy.
We decided to have an outing
to a traditional village as a trio.
Do you remember this place, Sian?
Yes, I do.
We came here once with Seola and Sua.
We wore cool outfits. Try walking like me.
Do the walk. Hurry.
Just like this. There you go.
That's good. That's good.
- Let's hurry up. / - Pardon?
- Let's hurry up and go. / - Shall we hurry up?
(They become awkward in five minutes.)
(Donggook walks with his hands behind him.)
Dad, why aren't you holding my hand?
You are holding Grandpa's hand.
Men shouldn't hold hands.
Dad, hold Grandpa's hand.
- Sian, I will hold your hand. / - Should he do that?
Let's go.
I guess it puts Donggook in an awkward position.
We aren't close like that.
In one, two, three.
I can do this.
I can't hold Grandpa's hand.
- In one, two, three. / - My arms will pop out.
- My arms will pop out. / - Really?
- Your arms will pop out? / - We won't do it.
Let's go. What do you want to eat today?
I wrote down tasty food I want to buy you
and places to go.
He wrote down what he wants to do with Sian.
We can feel his love for his grandson.
I have a disposable camera.
(It's a must-have item for youngsters.)
- Is it a camera? / - Yes, it is.
- Really? / - Yes.
Where did you get this?
You need to turn it.
Here. Take a picture of me.
I can see you.
In one, two, three.
In one, two, three. There you go.
All done. I took a picture.
You took a picture.
He took his first picture with a disposable camera.
- Move closer together. / - All right.
Shall we move closer to each other?
(They are awkward around each other.)
Hold hands.
- We should hold hands. / - What?
We should do as we are told.
(Is this a handshake between politicians?)
- Hold hands. / - We did.
I don't think we are in the frame.
Thanks to Sian,
they take a picture while holding hands.
Sian, follow me.
Put your leg on the bench.
(It's like a magazine of Generation X.)
In one, two.
They try a cool pose
and an old-fashioned pose.
The three generations' memories are captured.
- Sian, are you hungry? / - Yes.
What do you want to eat, Grandpa?
What do you want to eat, Sian?
- Bread. / - Bread.
- Do you want croquette? / - Yes.
Will you go and buy it on your own?
Yes. Put money here.
Okay. Go with the uncles.
Buy croquettes.
One original croquette
and two bibimbap croquettes.
Two bibimbap croquettes.
Buy two of them.
- I will be back. / - Okay.
Two bibimbap croquettes.
(I will jump here too.)
I am okay.
Let's go.
Let's go where they sell croquettes.
(It's here.)
Two bibimbap croquettes.
(Is this the line?)
Two bibimbap croquettes.
One original croquette too.
One original.
- There you go. / - Thank you.
Meanwhile, these brusque men are left alone.
It's awkward around them.
Fathers and sons are like this in real life.
(Sian, come back quickly.)
What's taking him so long?
(They become awkward when Sian isn't around.)
(Sian is back.)
- Dad. / - Hurry up.
- I got them. / - Okay. Run.
- You are back. / - Yes.
Did you get croquettes?
- These are croquettes. / - These are croquettes.
Sian, this one is yours.
- Isn't it spicy? / - No, it isn't.
There is bibimbap inside.
A croquette that contains bibimbap
is a unique specialty of Jeonju.
It's quite unique.
- Is it spicy? / - Yes, it is.
- Is it red? / - Yes.
This one isn't red.
Look. It's red.
It's my first time eating it.
It's my first time eating it too.
(They eat without a word.)
- Ask him if it's tasty. / - Is it tasty?
(Is Sian a messenger between the two brusque men?)
How about Dad?
Dad, is the spicy one tasty?
- It's the best. / - Dad says it's the best.
Food tastes better when we eat together.
(Donggook is done with his croquette.)
Sian, may I have a bite of your croquette?
It's not spicy.
- May I try it? / - Yes.
(He gives it to his dad.)
Don't get fooled. He will take a big bite.
(Donggook acts like he ate everything.)
(Where did it go?)
(I got fooled again.)
What is it?
I didn't eat it.
It's here. He was joking around.
- Why do you keep making him cry? / - It's here.
My goodness.
(His sorrow explodes.)
Take a look.
- Take it. / - Don't go to Dad.
(Don't go to Dad.)
Don't look at him. Stay by my side.
It's okay. Why does Dad keep making Sian cry?
Don't cry. Eat up.
- Can you eat? / - It's okay.
You are eating tear-soaked bread.
- It's okay. / - I won't look at you.
He became a crybaby in front of his grandpa.
I will scold Dad if he pesters you.
Should I beat him?
I shouldn't beat him?
Give me a bite.
Are you going to give him a bite?
Is he giving his dad another bite?
Gosh, Sian is so nice.
Thank you, Sian.
Take a big bite.
Then I will choke.
Right, you will choke.
There is no way you will get an upset stomach.
(While Sian eats tear-soaked bread...)
(Gimpo International Airport)
Which family is at the airport?
We need to ride an airplane.
Let's go.
It's good to travel by ourselves.
Where are you going?
Did you freeze because it's cold?
Let's go. It will be warmer inside.
(It's heavy.)
We need to ride an airplane.
Where are you going?
(Babble Translator, Tokyo?)
William, take this.
(What is this?)
Take this.
(Necessary item, a passport)
Who is that?
(Let's take a look at William's picture.)
William's passport picture is revealed.
Who is that?
- A baby. / - A baby?
(Who is that?)
A baby?
It's you in your pajamas.
(Is that me?)
William is becoming cuter by the day.
William, are you ready? Give it to her, please.
William, where are you going?
- Where are you going? / - Where are you going?
I have a schedule in Tokyo.
Since Bentley is still a newborn,
I decided to bring William with me.
It's a trip between two men.
Mom is at home.
What is that?
(What is that?)
What is that?
- Air. / - Air?
It's an airplane. We will ride it.
(He is seated.)
(He has no time to rest.)
You have something you need to do.
(What does he need to do?)
(Eat snacks?)
(William might get loud in the airplane.)
Every time he goes abroad with William,
Sam prepares something.
(I might be a bit loud. I will try to be good.)
It's a bag
of snacks and a letter for the passengers.
- Please enjoy. / - Thank you.
All right.
(William used to be held by Sam.)
William used to deliver snacks in Sam's arms.
Now he can make the deliveries by himself.
(Thank you.)
Sam must be proud.
How is it?
Are you ready?
William, this airplane will soar into the sky.
Are you scared?
(Sam tries to calm him down.)
Your ears might feel stuffed.
If that happens, swallow.
(Holding tightly)
(I am worried.)
The airplane takes off
and William falls asleep.
He is a good son.
(Sam's touch makes him fall asleep.)
Sam manages to relax and rest.
(He is a good son.)
(They sleep the same way.)
(William, the good son, sleeps on the show.)
(Smell of food tells them it's mealtime.)
Your food is here.
(Sam doesn't skip a meal.)
(William decides to sleep.)
- Hello. / - Hello.
We are big fans.
No, your baby's.
(They are William's big fans.)
All of us follow him on Instagram.
- Really? / - Yes.
(After an in-flight fan meeting,)
(the announcement for landing comes out.)
Would you like us to remove it?
- That's all right. / - You can eat slowly.
(He can't give up on his meal.)
(William, it's time to wake up.)
(William goes to Tokyo.)
Let's go.
(William, isn't it your first time in Japan?)
What is this?
Eating this makes you seven years younger.
(He loves the eggs.)
You need to eat mochi in Japan.
They eat and eat, and eat.
Sam and William eat tasty food in Japan.
Sam and William's trip to Japan
starts now.
Finally, William,
we are in Tokyo.
Yes, we are in Japan!
It's a trip between men.
I'm here for work.
You can help me with work, right?
(Don't worry.)
That's a positive answer, right?
William, you will meet an aunt.
Do you know Aunt Yuri?
She is very pretty.
(Yuri of Girls' Generation?)
She is beautiful.
Shall we go
and meet Aunt Yuri?
Shall we go?
Because of work,
I can't stay by William's side.
That's why I asked for a favor.
I asked Aunt Yuri,
a pretty lady William would like.
(He travels by Japanese subway.)
(His destination is Harajuku.)
Okay. I figured it out.
1 dollar and 60 cents.
(Sam checks the fare)
(and William gets a ticket.)
Good job.
(They got their tickets.)
Good job, William.
(You are the best.)
(He is good at inserting the ticket.)
Let's go.
Good job.
(He is a talented boy.)
Hurry! In one, two, three.
(He rides the escalator bravely.)
(Look at that.)
What is it? It's a train.
(The subway comes in.)
(Hello, subway.)
Let's go.
(He boards the subway with Sam's help.)
(It's his first time to ride the subway.)
(Looking around)
put your feet further apart.
(There he goes.)
We are going.
(Making the train sound)
(They arrive at Harajuku Station.)
We are getting off now.
They arrive at Harajuku Station.
(He grabs the handles.)
(The power of a little boy)
Yes, we are getting off.
(He barely manages to get off.)
(They go outside the station.)
- William. / - We are going out.
It's William.
(A Japanese fan recognizes William.)
Say hello, William.
How cute! Bye.
(Thank you. Take care.)
(He can insert the ticket on his own now.)
Wow! Pass!
We did it.
(They move to meet Aunt Yuri.)
Let's go.
I think this is nice.
Look at that bicycle.
You and Bentley can ride a bicycle like that together.
You at the back and Bentley in front.
- Baby. / - Did you see the cat?
Why are there so many people?
(What caught their eyes?)
Do they have tasty food?
(This restaurant has a long line.)
The restaurant that catches Sam's eyes
serves the hottest lobster rolls in Tokyo.
It's very crowded.
(Since he stumbled upon a good restaurant,)
(he refuses to pass by it.)
William, we have time. Let's get in the line.
Let's get in the line.
(It's time to order.)
One lobster roll, please.
Okay, thank you. No coins?
Hang on.
(Hurry up. I'm hungry.)
Five, six.
Wait, wait.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
William, you are hungry, right?
- You want food? / - Food.
Food will be here any moment.
Please wait.
(He leaves Sam out of hunger.)
Be careful.
(William, where are you going?)
Hi, baby.
(They exchange eye contact.)
- Shake hands. / - Hi.
(William asks for a handshake.)
(His heart flutters.)
- How old is she? / - Two.
- Two. / - Yes.
(They exchange names after a kiss.)
- How old is he? / - He is 16 months old.
- 16 months. / - Almost 2 years old.
(It's nice to meet you.)
Okay. Bye.
- Bye. / - Bye.
(She blows a kiss as a goodbye.)
I think he is shocked.
Look at what Daddy got.
Plump lobster meat makes the roll delicious.
(Lobster meat makes your mouth water.)
(Give it to me already.)
(How does William like the taste?)
(The taste is electrifying.)
Is it good?
(I will give it a taste.)
It's really tasty.
(They have the same taste in food.)
- Dad. / - All right.
Why are you eating so well?
(He inhales the food.)
(He even licks his fingers.)
You are eating so well.
(Humming in approval)
(It's a taste that makes me happy.)
Let's go meet Aunt Yuri now.
(It's a recycling collection day.)
- Seungjae, who ate it? / - Sorry?
Who ate these?
- I did. / - You did.
I ate everything. I drank the soda.
When did you drink the soda?
(Wasn't it soda?)
I will teach you how to recycle.
Where does this go?
- Here. / - No.
PET. It's here.
Look at the picture. It looks similar, right?
- Yes. / - Where does it go?
- PET. / - PET.
Look at the picture. Where does it go?
There you go.
(Seungjae is smart.)
I will do the rest.
Put these old clothes in the collection box.
- All right. / - Turn left at the security office.
Hug them.
- Come back soon. / - Okay.
I will put these in the collection box.
Turn left at the security office.
I came to throw these away.
- What are these? / - Old clothes.
- You came to throw these away? / - Yes.
The collection box is up there.
Thank you.
I will come back again.
The security guard gave him directions.
I don't know why I feel a bit anxious.
(He walks forward.)
(The collection box is full.)
(I will put it by the collection box.)
(He picks up the item he dropped.)
(He finishes his errand.)
It's Dooly!
I found Dooly!
(He found a Dooly doll.)
Why does it have that facial expression?
It's bleeding.
It's sad
because it's lost.
What is this?
Its tail is raised.
Its face is gaunt.
Is that a real nose?
Is that a fake nose?
Bye, Dooly.
Seungjae feels bad about leaving the doll behind.
(He knows he shouldn't take it.)
(He can't walk away.)
After looking back,
Seungjae returns.
All right.
It's okay.
Let's go home.
(He comes home with Dooly.)
What kind of dinosaur is your dad?
Brachiosaurus? Stegosaurus?
My dad goes to work.
That's why he is good at working out.
Dad, I found Dooly.
- What is that? / - Dooly.
Where did you find it?
I found it over there.
Dooly's belly burst.
What should we do?
Seungjae, I think
it was thrown away because it's damaged.
Go and throw it away.
- No. / - Won't you put it back?
Why not?
- Dooly is pretty. / - Washing it
won't solve the problem.
What should we do with it?
(I don't want to part with Dooly.)
Seungjae, will they be able to fix Dooly?
- It's that way. / - No, it's not.
(They set out with Dooly.)
That's the hospital you go to.
Would you be able to fix this doll?
We don't fix dolls.
- No? / - No.
- This one is worn out. / - All right.
Thank you.
Let's go. It can't be fixed.
Does it need to go to the hospital?
(Please save Dooly.)
Dooly is hurt, right?
Do you want to fix Dooly?
What should we do?
(Is there a way?)
Seungjae, this place is near home.
What is it?
This place can fix Dooly. Should I give them a call?
(Is it a place where Dooly can be fixed?)
- Is it open today? / - Yes, it's open.
Okay. Thank you.
We will be able to save it. Let's go.
Let's go and save it.
- Let's go. / - Let's go.
Look at these stuffed toys.
The stuffed toys that fill the room
are awaiting to be fixed.
It can teach a meaningful lesson to children
who buy a lot of new toys.
(A place that revives stuffed toys,)
(a stuffed toy hospital)
Hello. What brings you here?
- Dooly is sick. / - Is Dooly sick?
- Is the patient's name Dooly? / - Yes.
Who is the guardian?
- Ko Seungjae. / - I see.
How old is he?
- Five years old. / - I see.
He needs surgery on his nose.
As you can see, his stomach
and back need to be stitched.
Please write your name and sign the agreement.
I will help you.
(He signs the agreement before the surgery.)
Does he need a shot?
Yes, he does.
It won't hurt.
Let's go.
(A surgeon with 30 years of experiences)
His stomach and nose hurt a lot.
His butt hurts a lot too.
Let's see his wounds.
These wounds will hurt Dooly.
But here... Doctor.
Please give him a shot gently.
I will make sure it doesn't hurt.
Otherwise, Dooly will cry.
How did you lose so much weight?
The surgery will begin now.
Dooly, you will be fine.
Get better soon
so you can meet Kildong,
Ddochi and Douner.
(She is almost done with the surgery.)
You are incredible.
- The treatment is done. / - It's done.
He looks good, right?
The wounds are nowhere to be found.
Dooly is back in his healthy state.
Thank you. Thank you.
Be careful.
Is your bottom okay?
Is your nose okay?
The surgery hurt, right?
Did the shot hurt?
You are pretty.
My heart warmed up
to see Seungjae empathizing with Dooly's pain
and wanting to see Dooly get better.
Since Seungjae thinks of Dooly
as a friend,
I will let him be.
(Thank you, Seungjae.)
Store-pubs in Jeonju have old-fashioned charms.
(Cheap bar snacks cooked over briquette)
Pollack and squid are cooked over briquette.
Accompanied by cold beer,
they soothe the tired heart.
(2 dollars 50 cents for a bottle of beer)
- Hello. / - Hello.
Let's sit down.
- It smells good. / - It smells tasty, right?
It's the smell of pollack.
Sian, I'm visiting this store-pub
for the first time thanks to Grandpa.
Say, "Thank you, Grandpa."
- Thank you, Grandpa. / - All right.
It's my first time here.
- Ma'am. / - Yes?
Please give us dried pollack,
beer and...
Sian, do you want yogurt?
- Yes. / - Please give us a yogurt.
You should learn the drinking etiquette.
(Sian will learn the drinking etiquette.)
You will learn the drinking etiquette.
- Dad will teach you. / - This one.
- What? / - This one?
- It goes like this. / - Try it.
You need to do this. Lift it.
(He gets Grandpa's help.)
- It's opening. / - You got it.
It opened.
- The other one. / - We start with this.
We will open it after we finish one.
(The three generations)
(have gathered.)
We are doing this for the first time.
It's thanks to my day off tomorrow.
Please give me yogurt.
- Yogurt! / - It's yogurt.
Hold on. You need to learn the drinking etiquette.
Hold it with both hands.
When an adult pours, accept with both hands.
All right. There you go.
Use both hands.
Hold your glass lower than mine.
Turn around and drink.
There you go.
(Just like this?)
That's how you drink with elders.
- Cheers. / - Cheers?
- Let's drink again. / - Dad, give a toast.
Hold on. Don't drink yet.
Just hold the glass. Don't drink it yet.
Wait until Grandpa gives his toast.
Always eat your meals
and live a healthy life. Don't worry your parents.
(Oh, right. Two hands.)
You're taking too long to finish that glass.
It's even a small glass.
You have to empty your glass.
All right. Our side dish is here.
What is this?
This is dried pollack.
- Dried pollack? / - Yes.
She grilled the dried pollack on briquettes.
I have never had this before.
It's even better with special soy sauce.
(It makes a perfect pairing with beer.)
Here you go.
Try it. How is it? How does it taste?
Is it good? Is it?
Do you like it?
- To us. / - To us.
- To us. / - To us.
(Imitating his dad)
(Imitating his dad)
Why did he make that sound?
I don't have to teach him. He teaches himself.
This is tasty.
(He starts singing after having a glass.)
(This is the song Sian wrote.)
(Open two)
You can't help but sing, right?
You can't stop yourself after drinking, can you?
(He starts singing first.)
(What's wrong with my age?)
(It's the perfect age)
(I'm going to sing the chorus.)
Sian, stop drinking. You had enough.
I think you drank too much. Stop drinking.
- Don't drink too much. / - Doesn't it feel nice?
You must drink moderately, and never too much.
- Understood? / - Okay.
Has it been 30 years since we had a bath together?
Was it 30 years ago?
I don't remember.
- How long? / - I do remember this.
You told me to count to 100 in the hot bath.
If after that, you still couldn't scrub my body,
you told me to go back in and count again. Goodness.
- It was so hard. / - That was necessary.
Without it, I couldn't scrub your body.
Did you goof around when you were little, Grandpa?
I didn't goof around.
He didn't fool around with me.
He really hit me.
But I don't remember hitting him.
I remember because I was the one who got beat.
Who else hit me?
(The past has its own place)
They roasted the dried pollack.
I haven't seen briquette in ages.
Back in the days, having a lot of rice
and briquettes meant we were rich.
I used to change briquettes too.
My brother and sister made me change them.
They always made me do their unwanted chores.
We smelled a lot of briquette gas too.
When the cold winter comes,
every household would be busy getting briquette.
One briquette could keep the whole family warm.
(Even now, after all these years,)
(the briquettes warm our body and heart.)
(Thanks to them, Sian can enjoy his food.)
(Thank you, briquettes.)
The yogurt drink is really good.
- Do you want another one? / - Yes.
There's a snack for you over there.
Go roast the sugary treat.
Ask her to roast the jelly for you.
The jelly. Where is she? Where?
I'd like yogurt drink and jelly, please.
Please make them tasty.
Can you take it to your table? Here.
- Be careful. / - It's hot.
Is it hot?
- Yes. / - It's not that hot.
(Don't exaggerate.)
(Here comes the treat.)
- Here comes the jelly. / - The jelly.
It's hot.
- I'm fine. / - It's hot.
- I'm all right. / - I excelled at this.
(Donggook's childhood snack)
(And now, Sian likes it too.)
- Is it good? / - Yes.
- How does it taste? / - Have one too, Dad.
You take care of your dad.
You take care of him even though he makes you cry.
Do you still like your dad?
(I love my dad.)
Sian, pour me a glass. Okay?
Grab it like this.
(He uses both hands as he learned.)
Pour me a glass.
(Sian pours and Donggook receives it.)
Great job. I helped you, didn't I?
It's my first drink from Sian.
(He looks at his son and grandson.)
I wrote a few things to talk about.
Sian, you should learn this from him.
What did you write?
I want your dad to take good care of his health
so he can be a valuable player
for his team until he retires.
Since he scored his 200th goal,
the first half of his life is over.
Now he is entering the second half of his life.
- So... / - Dad.
That's what you wanted to say.
Take a deep breath
so you can start your second half.
I can't wait. I wonder how my second half will be.
So he must come up with a good game plan.
Sian, it hasn't been five minutes for you.
(Did the first half even start?)
It hasn't been five minutes for you.
- Grandpa, / - Yes?
are you having fun today?
Of course, I'm having fun. I'm having the best time.
Let's do this more often. Okay?
- Okay. / - Good boy.
I don't think we can do it without you,
so you must come with us, okay?
(They won't go out without Sian.)
When I was one,
my dad had passed away.
So I don't know about fatherly love.
I never got to call someone as my dad.
But when I see Donggook taking care of
his children and his family,
it makes me happy.
I'm so proud.
(I'm happy for your family and proud of you, my son.)
Let's go.
(Where will they meet Yuri?)
(His love for birds is unyielding.)
That's a bird, isn't it?
(It reflects William's taste.)
(A unique bird cafe in Tokyo)
We are supposed to meet her here.
Look at the bird.
(It's the bird I like.)
Isn't that a pretty bird?
Isn't it beautiful? Chirp, chirp.
Where's Aunt Yuri?
Wait, that's her! William!
- William. / - Hello.
Say hello.
- Long time no see. / - Say hi.
Long time no see, William.
- Say hello. / - Hi.
I've never been to a cafe with so many birds.
I knew William likes birds.
That's why we are here.
- I wanted to meet here. / - This is great.
(Hello, birdies.)
- William. / - Hello.
- Don't come close. / - Don't get too close.
(His Japanese isn't that fluent.)
Isn't that from Australia?
- She said it is. / - It's a cockatoo.
- Cockatoo. / - Cockatoo.
William, you saw this a lot in Australia.
- Hello. / - Hello.
(This isn't a cute bird. It's scary looking.)
(He even looks away.)
William is more interested in smaller ones.
I see.
(A birdie approaches William.)
(How will William react?)
(He's flustered and stiff.)
How is it, William?
(This is not what I was expecting.)
Look, William.
(What's worse is that the bird leaves William.)
(He can't seem to close the distance.)
The bird's good at push and pull.
(His third attempt ends in a failure again.)
(I don't want you either.)
(We aren't easy, you know.)
What brings you to Tokyo? Are you on a trip?
I came here to meet an actor.
- Really? Which actor? / - Yes.
He's the one who played Luke Skywalker.
- Seriously? / - Yes.
Are you going there with William?
Hence the favor. Could you look after him?
- I can't bring him. / - I can look after him,
but won't William cry? Will you be okay?
(I'm fine!)
(Sam is getting ready to interview.)
From William's dad to an interviewer.
He looks a little nervous.
(He's very nervous.)
Hello. Hi, Sam.
(He's finally meeting Mark Hamill.)
You can start.
Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you.
I'm Sam Hammington.
I'm here with Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker.
And then you can just roll it back up
and just put it on the side of the couch.
William, bang! William. Bang!
(They're playing "Star Wars".)
I just died. Bang, bang.
I died.
(Wait, what is that?)
You must really like this.
William, good luck!
(This is...)
(It's William's favorite, a slide.)
(I'm so excited.)
William, come down.
(He's enjoying a slide even in Japan.)
Good job.
William. Watch out.
You came down like a turtle.
(He's feeling great after going on the slide.)
Say goodbye to all the fans.
Thank you so much for your support
and for this present. You didn't have to.
Now if you can just... Yes.
There we go.
(The interview is finished.)
(Why is Mark laughing?)
Oh, goodness.
(A baby robot is entering.)
(William transformed into R2-D2.)
Hi. Say, "Hi."
He just started watching "Star Wars".
I turned it on, and...
(It's the "Star Wars" song.)
What is it?
He makes these sounds
when he wants to watch it. That's his...
- That thing... / - That's his message.
Chewbacca. How does Chewbacca go?
(He's imitating Chewbacca.)
Yoda. What about Yoda?
(He's showing off his impersonations.)
Darth Vader.
Bam. Bam.
Yes, that's it.
(They're becoming one through the song.)
- Do you mind if we get a photo? / - Of course not.
Eye and everything. Look over there.
(It's a memory they will never forget.)
(May the force be with you.)
(A cafe in Seoul)
It was hard to find the space.
- Was it hard? / - It was hard.
(Which family is coming to the cafe?)
(It's Rohui's.)
It's smaller than I thought.
Rohui, what do you think about this coffee shop?
Is this good enough?
What do you think? Do you like it?
What would you know?
(Delicious Ki Cafe)
Welcome to Ki Cafe.
They posted the opening on the internet yesterday.
It's an event where Taeyoung
will serve free drinks to dads with babies.
- Here. / - Rohui, let's change.
I prepared this.
- What is it? / - Aprons.
Mom, when did you prepare that?
- When did you bring it? / - Do you have one for me?
Of course, I do.
We have to serve customers today.
- Why is it so long? / - It's pretty.
Is it pretty?
Look at me.
Am I ready?
Wow, are you a barista?
We need to show this off.
(What did they bring for their opening?)
They have barista certificates.
This couple is perfect.
It sounds like "Ki" stands for energy.
What is that?
It's an energy training center.
(Is your energy well?)
Do you know what energy is?
- What should I write? / - Americano.
Yes, Americano.
(She's scratching it off with a lid.)
Iced latte?
It's coming off.
- We just need milk. / - It's coming off.
Hot chocolate?
(Will it erase Mom's?)
Oh, no.
- We need this. / - We can't do business.
♪ Americano ♪
♪ I like it, I like it, I like it ♪
(Mom, what do you like?)
Isn't that Poli's song?
(She's interrupting again.)
Rohui, why do you keep doing that?
Mom, you can use this if you want.
Eugene's handmade sign is finished.
(The menu is finished thanks to Rohui.)
(Kids' Menu, Strawberry Juice, Sikhye)
(The cafe is full of Rohui's pictures.)
Rohui's pictures
are in every corner of Ki Cafe.
Every picture is so lovely.
(Why did they open Ki Cafe today?)
Today is a meaningful day.
It's our last shoot.
(It's Rohui's last story.)
I believe it was December 7th, 2015.
That was our first shoot, and two years already passed.
Many dads told me that
it felt like Rohui grew up with their kids.
I wanted to repay the love they gave us,
so we prepared this.
Now that I think about it,
I started my first shoot with coffee as well.
I made coffee
and gave them to our cameramen.
I'm ending it off with coffee again.
- Welcome! / - Welcome!
- Welcome! / - This is Ki Cafe.
We're Ki Cafe!
Here. Hello.
Welcome. We'll open now.
- We have customers. / - They're coming.
- Hello. / - Welcome.
- Welcome. / - Welcome.
(Four teams)
(Five teams)
Your friends came.
The menu is over here.
(Ki Cafe is open.)
We have strawberry juice and sikhye for kids.
Strawberry juice, please.
One hot latte and one strawberry juice.
What would you like?
One Americano and one strawberry juice.
- Do you want it hot? / - Yes.
Here, you can make it now.
Three hot lattes, six strawberry juices
and two hot Americanos, please.
Barista Ki is at work.
(Barista Ki)
Even a big order doesn't scare him.
Barista Ki is skillfully making coffee.
He's making two cups at the same time.
That's really amazing.
I made the two Americanos first.
Rohui, Americano.
- Did you order it? / - Yes.
- Three strawberries. / - Okay.
Follow me.
Give one to him.
Hand this to him.
(Sometimes, she tastes the juices.)
Do you want strawberry juice or sikhye?
Do you want strawberry juice or sikhye?
- What would you like? / - Strawberry.
- Strawberry? / - Strawberry.
You don't want strawberry juice?
- Sikhye? / - Do you want sikhye?
(There are more customers.)
Welcome. Hello.
Two lattes.
- This is for the baby. / - It's strawberry, right?
Did anyone not get their latte yet?
- Here's latte. / - One, please.
Yes. One latte.
(He's focused.)
It's too hard to do it by yourself, right?
It's okay.
(He has to make foam)
(and tend to the customers too.)
He must be sleepy.
There are so many orders that
Barista Ki can't leave the kitchen.
Two strawberries.
I just got another order.
(More orders come one after another.)
- Is this a latte? / - Yes.
(He's like a coffee vending machine.)
Where's Rohui?
She's drawing with the other kids.
What is this one?
This is just a toy.
I want five, please.
- Do you want one more? / - I want five crayons.
- You want five? / - This is a puppy.
(Somehow, she's being babysat.)
(Here comes another customer.)
Wait, who is this pretty young lady?
(It's Jung Sungyun and Moa.)
- Hello. / - Welcome. It's been long.
(They got close two years ago.)
- Dad, by the way... / - Yes?
- Where is Rohui? / - What?
- Where is Rohui? / - Rohui?
(Looking around)
Where is Rohui?
(They're so sloppy.)
They're way too busy.
Where is Rohui? Moa, look for her.
Where is Rohui? Do you want to sit?
Rohui... She's right here.
Rohui is right here.
Hello, Rohui.
(Who are you?)
Rohui, don't you remember Moa?
Do you want to say hello?
That's not Rohui.
She is Rohui.
It's not Rohui.
It is her.
What does she do?
Moa. Moa.
They both grew a lot, so they feel unfamiliar.
- Welcome. / - Welcome, welcome.
We're really out of space now.
If it's okay, they can sit together.
Yes. Could they sit with you?
- You can sit with Moa. / - Okay.
I took a day off for this.
I see.
(They're strangers, but they're getting along.)
Are you on paternity leave?
- No, I just took a leave. / - I see.
- I'm self-employed. / - I see.
I took a paternity leave.
(The babies are having fun too.)
Will you take that?
Thank you.
Good job.
(The dad wants a picture with the fairy.)
Thank you for coming. Please enjoy it.
- Rohui's dad. / - Yes.
- Welcome. Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Enjoy.
It's such hard work raising kids.
While raising Rohui,
this stage was hard, but when they get bigger...
I mean, it's physically easier,
but there is much more to think about.
When they're 6 to 12 months old,
it's the best time to learn language.
You have to show them your mouth.
Your lips and your eyes.
It's winter, so be careful of norovirus.
Did he get HFMD?
- No, did Rohui? / - Be careful. Yes.
If they catch it, their nails fall off.
He was everyone's ideal husband material.
Taeyoung cared for Eugene by being fit.
It's best to put in the vegetables last.
(He became a good dad,)
(then he was called Professor Ki.)
(Ask Dr. Ki about child raising.)
(Sam learned from Professor Ki.)
Someone's here.
Hello. Jiwoong, Jiwoong.
- Hello. / - Jiwoong, Jiwoong.
- Say hello. / - She's smiling.
Hello, Ahyoung.
Who is this pretty baby?
It's Jiwoong's sister, Ahyoung.
(She's a beautiful baby.)
(They saw Ahyoung when she was just born.)
- Closer. / - Go closer?
(This tiny baby is already eight months old.)
She's growing up so beautifully.
Hi, Ahyoung. Gosh, you're so cute.
(Someone else is here.)
- Where are we? Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Hello.
I heard Taeyoung is treating us.
- She's so big now. / - Aren't we in recession?
Where is Uncle Taeyoung?
He taught me to tie your hair like this.
(Professor Ki taught him how to tie hair.)
Kyungmin learned how to tie hair from Professor Ki.
(What is this?)
Wow, he's a professional now.
Here is iced Americano.
(The dads and the kids are sitting together.)
Thank you. It's my coffee.
Let's drink strawberry juice.
It's good.
(Jiwoong is staring at Rawon.)
(Look at Jiwoong, Dad.)
Is she here?
(He keeps on staring.)
- Earlier... / - Jiwoong.
Are you interested in her? You're staring too much.
- Do you like him? / - Is Rawon pretty?
Is she pretty?
He thinks so.
(My goodness.)
Are you interested?
(He's straightforward.)
- Your shoes are off. / - Is Ahyoung pretty?
Is she pretty?
- No, Rawon. / - She finally talked.
(She talked out of frustration.)
- It's Rawon. / - Yes, it's Rawon.
Jiwoong, come.
She wants him to come.
- She wants you to come. / - Ask him yourself.
Are you shy?
(Jiwoong, sit next to me.)
She wants you to sit beside her.
Meanwhile, the customers are stamping
their fingerprints on Rohui's tree.
The tree grew big with their thoughts for Rohui.
Thank you so much for coming to Ki Cafe.
It's a cold day today.
Good luck with parenting and stay healthy.
- Good luck, everyone. / - Good luck.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
(Ki Cafe closes with success...)
Who is that?
(Did someone else come?)
- William! / - William!
(William is here.)
- Rohui, it's William. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - He's about to cry.
What's wrong?
- William is here. / - Jump.
Jump. Jump.
- Jump. / - Gosh.
William. What's wrong? Are there too many people?
♪ As fast as lightning ♪
(Rohui dances for William.)
(Her dance is serious.)
(That's really cool.)
I don't really know it.
William, give this to Rohui.
Where is Rohui? Give it to her.
Thank you.
(He's feeling better.)
- Good job. Clap! / - Clap.
- Good job. / - Good job.
- Isn't it pretty? / - No, clap.
- Clap. / - Do you want me to smell it?
Bump it. Bump it.
Bump it. Yes.
- Coffee... / - You did it together?
William, this is a secret.
Are you giving it to him?
Are you going to give her something?
- No. / - No.
She said no.
It's a secret.
(She makes an exit with a dance.)
(I almost forgot!)
Do you want sikhye or strawberry juice?
(I want...)
He doesn't know it yet.
(She doesn't wait for his answer.)
What should we give to William, then?
(Rohui recommends sikhye.)
- Sikhye. / - Sikhye?
Don't worry. You can leave it to me.
(Hey, try some sikhye.)
(He's in doubt.)
It's good, right?
Is it good?
Is it good?
You can hold it.
(She acts like an older sister.)
Good job. You should look after younger babies.
Is it good?
(I can't stop drinking it.)
Rohui, look. William bought it for you.
Shall we look at it?
- Bread. / - Thank you.
Thank you, William.
Thank you. I'll enjoy it.
I love bread the most.
(You sure know your stuff.)
- Here, here. / - I'll give it to him.
Do you want to do it? Go ahead.
(I'll take care of William.)
(Is this for swordfights?)
(Rohui is playing along.)
Where did your sword go?
- Bread. / - There's more.
- Bread. / - He says it perfectly.
- Is this for me? / - Will you eat it?
- Long. Long. / - Okay, I'll eat it.
Long? Do you want a long one?
- Long. Long. / - A long one?
- Long. Long. / - Can I eat one more?
What should you do when you get it?
Say thank you.
- Bang! / - I died.
(She's shooting people while eating bread.)
(William learned something fun.)
(They will kill you with their cuteness.)
Rohui, say bye to William and Uncle Sam.
- Good. Thank you. / - Bye.
How cute. Bye. Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
- Bye. / - Bye.
Take care.
Good job.
Honey, it's too cold to take it off the window.
- Okay. / - Can you do it?
You can do it.
Gosh, these are
(Taeyoung is sentimental.)
old pictures of my daughter.
Give it to me.
(She signals the production team.)
- Mom, I'll clean. / - Okay.
Rohui, come here.
(She calls Rohui over.)
(They're going inside the storage.)
Rohui, come here.
We're going to surprise Dad.
(He's too emotional to notice.)
Hi, Dad.
(She's not talking right now.)
Did you call me?
(It's a video projection.)
Hi, Dad. Hi, Honey.
- What is this? / - Did we surprise you?
You worked so hard for two years.
It was difficult since Rohui was so young,
but you got through it really well.
You were able to make good memories. Thank you.
- Did you have fun? / - Yes.
- Did you like it? / - Yes.
- Didn't you miss me? / - I did.
Rohui, say something to Dad.
You already know...
You know I love you.
- Dad, we love you. / - Dad, we love you.
Dad, I love you.
Dad, we love you.
(Rohui came running to hug Taeyoung.)
I love you too.
Actually, we prepared one more thing.
- What is it? / - Go up, Rohui.
Okay, now look at Dad.
- I'll start now. / - Okay.
(She starts off with a light bounce.)
(My dear dad)
(was born in the winter)
(He has a beautiful smile)
(He's my Superman Dad)
(To prepare for today...)
(He has a beautiful smile)
(He's my Superman Dad)
(They practiced every chance they had.)
Good job.
(Dad, do you know how I feel?)
(Dad, I love you!)
(When did Rohui get so big?)
Thank you, Dad.
- It's so beautiful. / - Thank you, Dad.
Thank you.
Were you surprised?
I didn't expect it at all.
You always prepare surprises for us.
(My dad is the best at surprises.)
What kind of surprises did you do for us?
You did one in the river. What was it again?
- Rocket something. / - Flying board.
Yes, flying board.
In Guam,
you did one while scuba diving.
Even during our concert,
you made cookies. Muffins.
See? You did so many.
What was most memorable for you?
- Walking. / - Walking?
Where did you walk to with Dad?
(He thinks about his walks with Rohui.)
(Yes, Rohui.)
(We walked on many paths together.)
(We even walked down the virgin road.)
(Which road was most memorable to you?)
Where did you walk to with Dad?
To buy chocolate.
(I only care about chocolate.)
She drives me crazy.
Rohui, we went to so many places.
We went to a lot of places together.
What was the most memorable to you?
- It was a long time. / - Me?
I think the first shoot was the most memorable.
- On the first day, / - The first day...
I was worried about leaving her by herself.
(Eugene was worried on the first day.)
I couldn't get myself to leave.
(It was her first-day leaving Rohui.)
(She wouldn't see Rohui for 48 hours.)
(It was hard to leave)
(even though it was only for a little while.)
Why are you crying?
People might think you're leaving for a month.
- Don't cry. / - Take good care of her.
Move this thing.
(They were getting along well back then too.)
My daughter. My eldest daughter.
(That's how they started their first 48 hours.)
There are so many memories with her dad.
(She couldn't even walk yet at eight months old.)
Soon, she was able to approach her dad.
(She took her first steps.)
With the most beautiful smile in the world,
she made her dad happy.
You used to have hair like an eagle.
When did you get so much hair?
Eagle hair? Me?
What is this?
(She miraculously said, "banana".)
(She became cuter as she started to talk.)
- Banana. / - Banana.
My gosh.
My gosh.
Why are you copying that?
(She would melt his heart with her confessions.)
- I love you. / - Okay.
Heart, heart, heart.
(I can't see the heart.)
That's because you made it way too small.
- Heart. / - Heart.
You went go-kart racing near Taean.
It was so much fun.
She told you to step on it.
- Fast, fast. / - Faster?
(Your car is fast.)
(This is pretty.)
(The airplane is fast.)
The airplane is fast.
Stop it.
(Sometimes, she would nag at him.)
(She even sang with her cute voice.)
(Every moment was amazing for the two of them.)
They laughed and enjoyed time together.
She was so happy when she was with her dad.
I have something to say to you.
Rohui loves her dad.
- Really? / - Yes.
Rohui. I...
(A message for Rohui)
What do I do?
(It's hard for him to say the words.)
What do I do? You need to edit this out.
When Rohui watches this video later,
I want her to see how much I loved her
and how much I'll continue to love her.
Most of all, there is nothing more I want
than her health and well-being.
I hope she'll grow up to become
a positive influence to many people.
I'm really thankful
you spent so much time with me.
I love you a lot.
(I love you.)
Thank you so much for loving
Rohui's family for the last two years.
We'll continue to show a good example.
- No, no. Rohui. / - Don't.
- No, Rohui. / - I just said
we would show a good example.
This is not setting a good example.
I hope you will remember Rohui.
Thank you for giving us so much love.
- Bye. / - Thank you.
- Bye. / - Bye.
- Bye. / - Bye.
Rohui, always shine bright.
We love you.
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Big News: Why Selena Was Not Worried About Justin Partying the Night Away In LA - Duration: 2:40.
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Why selena gomez was not worried about Justin Bieber partying the night away?
And the sources close to the power couple have told us that Selena Gomez was not at all worried about Justin Bieber
Partying the night away in Los Angeles recently as you might already
Be aware the singer was spotted at poppy nightclub on January 25th and Gomez was nowhere to be found
Causing many to think that he might be in trouble for going out and ditching her, but don't worry
Apparently the new and improved Justin Biber as on his best behavior in Selena trusts him a hundred percent
One eyewitness at the club told us that he was alleged having fun
he was relaxed and
Socializing with everyone he seems to have found a piece about him that many have not seen in him a long time
He took most of the night to dance with his friends as well
and he was not dancing with girls, so
Selena shouldn't have to worry one bit as he never even once flirted or danced with any girls
We're relieved to hear that Justin is keeping his promise of never hurting Selena again
And that following his night out. There are really no problems in paradise in fact
This is not even the first time. He was caught out and about without his girlfriend in the last few weeks on
January 24th Justin and his mother were seen attending church just the two of them
Before that they even had a cute mother-son vacation in Mexico
That being said fans were super happy to see the family members together considering that for a while they had drifted apart
If only Selena Gomez's mother would accept her relationship to Justin then everything would be perfect at
Least Bieber is doing whatever he came to prove the woman that he is no longer the same person who broke her daughter's home
কোনো জামেলা ছাড়াই সকল অবাঞ্ছিত লোম ফেলেদিন খুব সহজেই। কিভাবে দেখেনিন ভিডিওতে #HealthCare-360 - Duration: 5:05.
| Partial Lookup in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 4:55.
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Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time - Duration: 2:40.
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Why Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Relationship Is Different This Time
Justin Bieber is behaving like a Gentleman toward Selena Gomez - Duration: 1:44.
Justin Bieber is behaving like a Gentleman toward Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber is behaving like a Gentleman toward Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber is behaving like a Gentleman toward Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber is behaving like a Gentleman toward Selena Gomez
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Unlocking The Maw and when to do last transcension in Clicker Heroes 1.0e10 - Duration: 1:45.
Hi Guys, today I have a short update for you on my journey to zone level 1 million.
In my previous video I was preparing for the last transcension.
Today we are going to click that transcend button for the last time.
Once you unlock The Maw you are almost guaranteed to reach zone level 1 million in next transcension.
As long as you reasonably allocate your ancient souls you should be good to go.
The Maw gives sick DPS boost.
Just take a look at the DPS exponent as I purchase first levels.
It is going from 73 thousand to 80 thousand after moving gild levels.
If you just want to reach zone 1000000 you don't need to progress further than zone 500000
before transcending.
I wanted to see how far I can go and it will also help to overachieve the goal.
After the zone 700000 I run out of ancient souls for Borb and it was no longer worth
the time to continue.
In total I had almost 30000 ancient souls and with the last transcension I more than
doubled that.
I could have transcended anywhere between zone 400000 and 500000, which would put me
above 40000 ancient souls.
With the outsiders calculator you can see that 40000 ancient souls is enough to sustain
Borb up to zone level 1 million.
Clicker Heroes 1.0e10 gives unbelievable progression comparing to previous versions.
Next week probably I am going to reach zone level 1 million.
It is going to be epic.
Until then, keep clicking and I will see you in the next video.
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How to Make Chicken Meatball / Chicken Meatball CP Style / Chicken Meatball Recipe Bangla - Duration: 3:10.
Hello viewers, in this video I will show you how to make Chicken Meatball
Ingredients will need for making Chicken Meatball
Boneless chicken meat 150 grams
Garlic 4
Coriander leaves
Carrots 1 tablespoon
Green chili 2
Salt to taste
Black Pepper powder 1/4 teaspoon
2 Pieces of bread that are soaked in water then drained
I have also used Tomato Sauce 1 tablespoon, Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon
Put chicken meat, garlic, ginger, chilli, coriander leaves and Carrots in a blender and should blend them well
After blend, mix bread, 1 tablespoon tomato sauce,
1 teaspoon soy sauce, Black pepper powder and salt to taste with the blended chicken mixture
Make small balls with chicken mixture
Boil the small chicken ball in hot water for 4-5 minutes
Chicken balls should be cooled before frying
Heat soybean oil in a pan then fry the chicken balls until golden brown in low flame
Chicken Meatball is ready to be served
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