Soros Meltdown in Davos: Facebook, Google and Free Speech's "Days Are Numbered"
The billionaire George Soros has launched a blistering attack on the tech giants Google
and Facebook at the Davos summit which some claim amounts to a call for the total destruction
of freedom of speech on the internet.
In his speech, Soros condemned the social media giants and claimed that their popularity
and �monopolistic behavior� had transformed them into a menace to society which he claimed
was undermining the integrity of national elections and causing addictions which were
similar to that of gambling.
George Soros calls social media a menace to society
Soros�s main gripe was the social media platforms were being used by election campaigners
(and perhaps espionage agents from foreign states such as Russia) for the proliferation
of fake news stories.
According to Soros, the spread of disinformation in the course of the last presidential election
in the United States directly led to the victory of President Donald Trump.
Soros said that Trump�s disastrous presidency was a danger to the entire world and therefore
the mechanisms which brought him to the power needed to be controlled more effectively by
regulatory bodies.
Soros�s proposed solution to his perceived problem of market dominance by Google and
Facebook was to adopt the policies of the European Union competition commissioner Margrethe
Vestager which would entail the social media giants coming under much more rigorous regulatory
Soros said that he believed that this course of action would be appropriate because, �the
fact that they are near- monopoly distributors makes them public utilities and should subject
them to more stringent regulations, aimed at preserving competition, innovation, and
fair and open universal access.�
However, not everyone agrees with Soros�s assessment of the situation or his proposed
Many have suggested that his rant about the social media giants was little more than a
case of sour grapes as his preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost in the last US presidential
It has also been pointed out that Soros in the course of his many past campaigns has
made ample use of the power of social media to influence opinions.
For more infomation >> Soros Meltdown in Davos: Facebook, Google and Free Speech's "Days Are Numbered" - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Porque TOMILHO faz bem (com receita fácil e especial) - Duration: 3:19.
Forgotten Hill Mememtoes chapter 1 walkthrough. - Duration: 6:43.
Video- Spring rain leaves, light winter snow arrives - Duration: 3:15.
Zebrainy ABC Wonderlands - Learn H alphabet letters - Education Game App for Kid - Duration: 3:02.
Zebrainy ABC Wonderlands - Learn A to B alphabet letters - Education Game App for Kid
Zebrainy ABC Wonderlands - Learn A to B alphabet letters - Education Game App for Kid
Top 5 Free Video Editors For Windows And Mac In 2018 - Duration: 4:01.
hey what's up guys Hazet here and welcome back to a brand new video on the
channel so when this video I will show you guys the top 5 best free video
editing software for Mac and Windows so those all software's are 100% free
and without any watermark and also you can render 1080p 60 frames videos with
those so before start the video hit the like button let's see if we can hit 20
likes in the video so that being said let's get stayed into the video okay so
at the number 5 we have the windows movie maker or iMovie those are the very
basic editing software for the both operating system but with this you can
do pretty basic editing you can cut crop your clips add images and text with this
and also use some transition effects with this and those both software are
very easy to use so if you don't even have any editing experience then also
you can make great quality videos with this and the best thing about those that
those are 100% free so you don't have to pay anything ok now
the number 4 we have the shortcut video editor so if you are looking for a video
editor what's very easy in pretty advanced then it could be the best
choice for you shortcut has pretty much effects which I think enough for most
videos and they have also some basic tutorials on YouTube and the best thing
about it it's very easy to use and also it's comes with mac and windows both
okay now if shortcut is not advanced enough for you then I will suggest you
to go with the Lightworks video editor so its name could be light but it has
some heavy facilities so some people told that it's very similar with older
versions of Sony Vegas but I think it's a little bit like the camp T j29 and
this editor is pretty advanced it has a lot cool effects what's helped you to
make great professional-looking videos and the thing I like most about it that
is the timeline it has a very big and fat looking timeline I mean I personally
don't like little tiny timeline like the Adobe Premium Pro it has a lot tutorials
there on YouTube so if you want then you can check those out and also it's comes
absolutely free with Mac and Windows 2
okay so coming up number two we have the DaVinci Resolve 14 it's a really really
good video editor it's very very advanced and one of the best editing
software out there and it's mainly focused on the color gradient and
colorful effects so you can add a lot colorful effects on your videos with
this I will mainly suggest this for music video blogs and beauty related
videos for this but if you are a beginner Video Editor then it could be a
little bit hard for you guys to use this one but there are a lot of great
tutorials out there so that would be very helpful for learning it and also
it's comes free with Mac and Windows both ok so finally at the number one we
have the none other than the hit film Express so this is the best free video
editing software ever made so if you are looking for a very professional advanced
editing software then this is the best choice for you because it has about are
more than 150 visual effects it's support 2d and 3d both editing and it
support unlimited tracks and also has a lot free tutorials and online and also
it has a very good supporting team so they can help you out with anything and
the best thing I like most about it that it's really easy to use I think it's
very similar with the Adobe premium pro what required 20 dollars per month and
here you are getting almost same thing for free so I think it's the best for
anyone starting out or professional ok guys so that was it for the video each
of those softwares download link will be in the description and if you have any
more video suggests like best Android video editors comment down below and
hopefully I will make an at their video about it so thanks for watching the
video my name is has it and I am signing out
these guys
10 Most Shocking Animal Mutations On Planet Earth Vol 1 - Duration: 2:57.
10 Stunning Animals With The Most Unique Color Mutations On Planet Earth.
These tigers feature different color variants due to genetic conditions.
Second from left is a "normal" tiger, along with big cats of three color variants:
a stripeless white tiger, a golden tiger whose stripes are a darker
orange, not black and a white tiger with black stripes.
This bicolored cardinal is known as a bilateral gynandromorph.
This genetic mutation occurs during the first cell division of the fertilized egg, causing
one of the cells produced to be male and the other to be female.
The result is a peculiar animal whose entire one side is female while the other side is
Pythons are usually covered in colorful scales that keep them camoflaged for safety or to
help them to sneak up on their otherwise unsuspecting prey.
But this python's unusual—and eye-catching—piebald patterning isn't slowing him down.
Blonde elks typically boast thick, dark brown fur to help them keep a low profile in the
brush when predators lurk nearby.
This one may be the exception to the rule, but that doesn't make her any less beautiful.
Male peacocks are typically characterized by their brightly colored plumes.
They use these feathers to catch the eye of potential mates.
If looking unique is the order of the day, this bicolored peacock shouldn't have any
problems doing just that!
Whenever you see a lobster, it's usually an unmistakable bright red color—and on
a plate.
When alive, however, lobsters tend to have a mottled brown or orange hue.
That's why this rare blue lobster definitely stands out from the rest.
Erythrism is a genetic condition that results in an unusual reddish pigmentation of the
animal's fur.
Thankfully, in the case of this badger, his different-colored coat doesn't keep him
from making other badger friends.
Is a black-backed jackal still a black-backed jackal if he is erysthristic—and thus, he
has no black back to speak of?
And no, this is not a riddle, but it certainly sounds like one, doesn't it?
Good luck figuring this one out.
This sweet Rottweiler has a condition called vitiligo, which causes depigmentation of parts
of his skin and fur.
It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigmentation, die or are simply unable
to function.
While most of his fur is white, you can see his typical black and tan coloring near his
snout, brows, and ears.
You might think that pink dolphins are something that exist solely in Lisa Frank illustrations,
but this rare little fellow is proof that reality can be better than anything you could
dream of.
Imagine seeing this little guy in the ocean?
How To Remove Dandruff from Hair At Home - Remove Hair Dandruff - Duration: 3:22.
How To Remove Dandruff from Hair At Home - Remove Hair Dandruff
Dandruff, also known as Seborrheic Dermatitis, is a common scalp disorder.
It can occur due to dry skin, irritated oily skin, a growth of bacteria and fungi on the
scalp, inflammatory skin conditions and other factors.
Causes itching along with excessive flaking of dry skin on the scalp.
Here are the best 6 home remedies for dandruff
Coconut oil
Coconut oil helps to eliminate dandruff due to its antifungal properties.
It also moisturizes dry scalp and provides relief from itching.
Take some coconut oil and mix half the amount of lemon juice it contains.
Rub on your scalp and massage for a few minutes.
Wash your hair after at least 20 minutes.
Follow this remedy two or three times a week.
Apple cider vinegar
The treatment of the scalp with apple cider vinegar is effective to eliminate dandruff.
Restores the pH balance of the scalp, which inhibits the growth of the yeast.
It also works as a natural hair clarifier and helps clean clogged pores and hair follicles.
Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Mix an equal amount of water and 15-20 drops of tea tree oil in it.
Apply it to your scalp and massage.
Rinse your hair after a few minutes.
Follow this natural treatment two or three times a week.
Baking soda
Being a gentle exfoliant, baking soda helps remove dead skin cells and absorbs excess
It can also help balance the pH levels in the scalp and reduce the growth of fungi that
cause dandruff.
Wet your hair and rub a handful of baking soda on your scalp.
After a couple of minutes, rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water.
Repeat once or twice a week for a few weeks.
Olive oil
The dryness of the scalp can be cured with the regular use of extra virgin olive oil,
an effective natural moisturizer.
Heat a little extra virgin olive oil until lightly warm.
Massage on your scalp and then wrap your hair in a warm towel.
Leave it on for at least 45 minutes or overnight and then shampoo and condition your hair.
Repeat this remedy a few times a week.
Tea Tree oil
Tea tree oil has strong antifungal properties, making it a good treatment for dandruff.
Simply add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo when you wash your hair.
Add one drop of this essential oil per ounce of shampoo.
You can also dilute the oil by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of olive
or coconut oil.
Apply it to your hair, let it act for at least 30 minutes or all night and then wash your
Do this once or twice a week.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice contains acids that fight the fungus that can cause dandruff.
It also helps to relieve itching on the scalp.
Mix the juice of half a lemon in a quarter cup of plain yogurt.
Apply it to your hair and scalp.
Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it and washing your hair with shampoo.
Alternatively, you can simply massage your scalp with a few teaspoons of lemon juice
mixed with a little water.
Leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing it and washing it with shampoo.
Opening IGDM | The Ocean by Ocean Guardians - Duration: 0:13.
Canh chua mực, vịt kho gừng ║ Hai món ngon giúp cơ thể chống chọi với cái lạnh ✅ - Duration: 3:12.
DJI QuickShots - FLY AUTONOMOUSLY! + CINEMATIC SHOTS - Duration: 2:43.
After the meeting of the Standing Committee, which is what Mirza Fakhrul said - Duration: 1:24.
bangladesh news
Người Lạ Ơi ! Tuyệt Phẩm Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất Ơi Người Lạ Ơi ! Hoa Bui Music - Duration: 44:18.
Nhà nhà - đón đội tuyển u23 việt nam - người người đón đội tuyển việt nam - Duration: 11:56.
BREAKING From Alabama!! SHE'S GONE… After 1 WEEK! - Duration: 5:17.
Blur, Sharpen and Smudge tool in Photoshop (Lesson 26) - Duration: 6:07.
Hello viewers!
I am Rakib.
In this lesson, I will discuss about
the Blur, Sharpen and Smudge tool in Photoshop.
With the blur tool you can blur part of an image like this.
The more strength you set the more intensively it will be applied.
And you have the other options, the blending mode
and if you are working with multiple layers you have that option Sample all layers
the hardness and different brush options.
Let's choose the Sharpen tool.
It does the opposite of the blur tool.
It sharpens the area of an image.
You can see the result and one thing you should remember which is:
The blur tool removes the noise
and the sharpen tool increases the noise.
Applying any of them too much will not look good,
you can see that here.
So you will only apply the amount that will look good
you can do a lot of things using this Smudge tool like
if we choose this brush tip and increase it
and you can hold shift and drag like this.
So that will create a pattern for us.
So in this way you can create any pattern using this smudge tool.
There are a lot of other ways that you can use this tool.
Let's see another example on a different image.
In this image, I have completed clipping path around this
child and
let's press Ctrl+Enter to make the selection
and press Ctrl+J to duplicate this
and we will pick a different background
and now we will set it behind
and if we zoom in you can see the hair of this
child is not looking that good
because it's a cut out not a hair masking.
We will see how we can
apply hair masking later but now we will see
after cut out how we can enhance the hair edges using this Smudge tool.
So we will keep this layer as a backup and we will press Ctrl+J and uncheck this
and we will select a brush for it.
I am selecting this one and
we can drug like this that will enhance the edge.
So now if you uncheck this and see this one,
you can see the difference.
Here is the before and here is the after enhanced.
So in this way you can apply the smudge tool and
also there is a lot of options for you to select from here,
different brush tips will provide you different results.
You can check them out.
So that's it for this lesson.
Thanks for watching and if you like this video then
don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more videos like this.
Hope to see you in the next lesson.
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