You know, I was getting along with everything fine.
I accepted it, and then you happened.
Hi, this is Mandy Moore, and this is a dramatic reading of some of Mandy Moore's most iconic
movie quotes.
Mia, you're such a freak!
I don't even remember this.
Mia, you're such a freak!
Princess Diaries was my first role, ever.
It was the project that really solidified to me, like, oh, I want to do this.
You know, I was getting along with everything fine.
I accepted it, and then you happened.
I do not need a reason to be angry with God.
And that film is, goodness, you know, like 15 years old now?
Oh, this was fun.
You okay?
No, Roland, I crashed my van into Jesus, okay?
I have a pimple the size of Jupiter.
I am not okay!
This is not how I wanted to remember my prom, this is not how I wanted to remember my life.
Oh my gosh, this is a full monologue for Because I Said So.
I'll tell you one thing, though.
You did not have me the moment that we met, because I wasn't even sure I liked the fact
that your staff talked about you behind your back at the dessert table.
And excuse me, but truth be told, I didn't like anything that you ordered for me on our
first date, except the calamari.
And okay, fine, yes, it was nice to not have to think for a change, but who wants someone
who doesn't think?
Look, and sometimes you laugh when I cry and you say 'huh' when I make perfect sense, and
never in my life have I burned a chocolate soufflé until now, and that in and of itself,
oh my god, should have told me that I didn't feel like myself around you.
And I would have decided that, a long time ago, if it weren't for my mother.
Because who wants someone who laughs like a hyena in a polka dot dress that my mother
made me buy?
I don't even know if that makes any sense.
How To Deal.
Did anyone even see this movie?
The quickest way to ruin a relationship with someone is to actually try and have a relationship
with them.
The quickest way to ruin a relationship with someone is to actually try and have a relationship
with them.
Poor girl.
It gets better, trust me.
Dad, way to go.
I can't believe you had that restaurant swarming with all of your secret service, and now I'm
going to die before I ever get to third base.
I mean, second.
I can't believe I actually said that.
47 Meters Down.
I can't believe how close they are!
We'd like to come back up now!
Yeah, that was a long eight weeks of filming underwater.
This is fun.
I have been looking out of a window for 18 years, dreaming about what I might feel like
when those lights rise in the sky.
What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?
Oh, Rapunzel.
It's okay, it's all going to work out.
For more infomation >> Mandy Moore Reenacts Her Best Movie Moments | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
🐺 VLOG #11 - Ueno Park, Tokyo 【Part 2】 - Duration: 13:04.
Hi there ^-^
Okay I'm back! Well unfortunately
The 25 km from yesterday were a tiny bit too much for my body I think, because I
don't know I'm not really used to walk that much
and I unfortunately my feetpaws got some blisters and if I say some I mean
SOME! And yeah....well maybe you don't know but I'm a diabetic
So that's kind of a problem...I have to keep it a bit lower today bud oh well!
That's all right I can still walk around a bit and the pain is all right!
So don't worry about it!
I've decided to....not walk that much today
Maybe I can walk to the Ueno Park
Which is kind of close
2 km away, so that should be fine
See you there!
Fursuiting in Japan is by far the easiest thing ever when you're walking
around the people are like accepting you like it's totally normal
That's the perfect thing
And that's something you really enjoy if you're fursuiting in Japan
I would suggest just get over here and have fun you don't need a
spotter at all I mean I haven't had a spotter for days now
It's just awesome!! ^-^
If you're a fursuiting in Japan
I would also suggest to get a SUICA Card
SUICA is just like a card which you can use like everywhere
It doesn't matter if you want to take the train the subway or whatever
it is or just get a drink at a vending machine
You just hold the SUICA card onto the machine and you can get the drink
or the ticket to the train
So there are two different cards in Japan but both of
them are pretty common SUICA and PASMO
I would suggest SUICA
because you can get a personalized version where you can put some name
on it and stuff and yeah charge this card and everything is fine
The card itself is valid for 10 years
It's pretty useful because if you're going to
a vending machine you just hold it on the machine get the drink and you
don't have to pay the money which is pretty useful as a fursuiter because
it's difficult to get the money inside so yeah
It's a pretty cool thing!
Let's go further!
Housekeeping is finished!
And my feet paws are finished as well
Ouch! :(
Oh, no lights...
Of course there is no light, because there is no card inside...
Kee has made some light!
Oh my gawd!
Well I don't care about the walking and stuff, but....
But but feetpaws hurt...
And that's pretty difficult...
Hmm what else to say....
Well...erm....I was walking around in Tokyo
for quite a while now
Since I've checked to Google Maps yesterday my location history
I did 25 kilometres of walking yesterday and about 6 kilometers today I
think I have to check that...
But yeah I only have those two days in Tokyo because
I'm moving to Toyohashi tomorrow for JMoF
So yeah I think there will be
another video of JMoF than, because I don't like to make long videos and stuff so
yeah I hope you're going to see that video as well and and and I hope you
enjoyed this one and well thanks for watching and see you in a bit!
Bye Bye!
Zainab Murder-er Imran Link With American Website | عمران علی کا امریکی ویب سائٹ سے رابطہ - Duration: 1:43.
Zainab Murder-er Imran Link With American Website | عمران علی کا امریکی ویب سائٹ سے رابطہ
Average temperatures on the planets of the solar system - Duration: 7:07.
It will be no secret to anyone that Earth is the only planet inhabited in our solar
All planets except the earth are characterized by the lack of an adequate atmosphere to breathe,
and many of them are too hot or too frozen.
What exactly do we know about the temperatures of their surfaces and what does this actually
affect these temperatures? and What are the average temperatures on the planets of the
solar system?
Hey there, This is Bhaskar Banerjee and you are watching YouTube Channel Bhaskban.
Of the eight planets of the solar system, Mercury is closer to the Sun, so one would
expect it to be the "hot" one on our list.
However, since it has no atmosphere and rotates very slowly around its axis, the temperature
on its surface varies in fairly wide ranges.
A slow rotation around the axis causes the side facing sun to warm to 427 degrees Celsius.
On the opposite side, temperatures drop to -173 degrees Celsius, so the average mercury
temperature is 67 degrees Celsius.
Venus, the second planet closest to the Sun, also has a high surface temperature of up
to 470 degrees Celsius.
This temperature on the surface of Venus is due to the greenhouse effect, the slow rotation
around the axis and the proximity to the sun.
Due to the dense atmosphere, the daily fluctuations of temperature are insignificant, although
life on Venus at the limit of the settlement area is impossible.
Earth is the third planet of the Sun, it is still the only inhabited planet known.
The average temperature of the earth's surface is 7.2 degrees Celsius and depends on a number
of factors.
The significant influence on the temperature of the northern and southern hemispheres of
the planet is tilted on the axis, that is, at certain times of the year receives one
of the hemispheres more sunlight and the other hemisphere less.
But in spite of everything, there are extreme places on earth, for example, in Antarctica
a record temperature of -91.2 degrees Celsius was recorded, and in the Valley of Death in
the Mojave Desert of the USA.
A positive temperature of 56.7 degrees Celsius.
The average temperature on the Martian surface is -55 degrees Celsius, but there are also
temperature changes on the red planet.
At the equator temperatures reach 20 degrees Celsius, at the poles the thermometer columns
drop to -153 degrees Celsius.
But on average, Mars is much colder than it is on Earth because of its subtle atmosphere,
which can not contain the heat received from the sun, and also because it is on the outer
edge of the inhabited area.
Jupiter is a gas giant and the largest planet in the solar system.
It has no surface and therefore we can not measure its temperature, but the measurements
made in the upper part of the Jovian atmosphere showed a temperature of around -145 degrees
Celsius, as we get closer to the center of the planet we see an increase in the temperature
due to atmospheric pressure At a point where the atmospheric pressure of Jupiter is ten
times higher than on Earth, the temperature reaches 21 degrees Celsius, which we consider
comfortable, and in the center of the planet, the temperature reaches up to 35,700 degrees
Celsius more than on the surface of The sun.
Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter, a giant of cold gas with an average
temperature of -178 degrees Celsius.
Due to the tilting of Saturn's axis, the southern and northern hemispheres heat up differently,
causing seasonal changes in the planet's temperature and strong winds.
Like Jupiter, the temperature in Saturn's upper atmosphere is quite low, but closer
to the center of the planet the temperature increases.
It is believed that the temperature in the core of the planet reaches 11,700 degrees
In contrast to the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, which consist mainly of hydrogen and
helium, Neptune in the bowels of Uranus has no metallic hydrogen but large amounts of
ice in high-temperature modifications, so these two became separate planets in a separate
"Ice Giants".
The temperature of Uranus at a pressure of 0.1 bar is -224 degrees Celsius, which makes
it the coldest planet in the solar system, Uranus is even colder than Neptune, which
is further from the sun.
The temperature of the upper layers of Neptune's atmosphere drops by -218 degrees Celsius,
the planet is the second coldest place in our solar system.
Like all gaseous giants, Neptune also has a hot core with a temperature of around 7000
degrees Celsius.
The climate on the planet is destructive, storms and winds reach supersonic speeds,
most of the winds in Neptune blow in the reverse rotation direction of the planet, which in
high latitudes the wind direction coincides with the rotation of the planet, and in low
latitudes it is opposite.
In summary, our solar system has extremely low to extremely low temperatures, from extreme
to extremely superheated and, in general, there are few places that are sufficiently
And from all places, the Earth is the only planet that is best adapted to live a stable
Cut a Lemon and Put Salt Then Put it in The Kitchen and See What Happens - Duration: 2:55.
Cut a Lemon and Put Salt Then Put it in The Kitchen and See What Happens
cut a lemon and pie salt then put it in the kitchen and see what happens the
lemon is a citric that brings great benefits to our body being vitamin C
what contributes most it is used in the kitchen and is also used in natural
medicine to create a lot of remedies so in this video we will tell you what the
benefits of lemon with salt in addition to a lot of uses you can give lemon but
the benefits of lemon do not only reach organic issues but in some cultures are
attributed powers to drive away negative energies and at the same time attract
well-being in prosperity but if we combine lemon with salt and other
precious and powerful element of nature we can get a disinfectant that
eliminates germs bacteria and viruses that are bound in the environment try it
in the kitchen to eliminate germs bacteria and others one take a container
and squeeze several lemons to pour plenty of salt three pour some water
four take a rag moisten and clean the kitchen five you can also scrub the
kitchen floor with this mix the following is an important list of the
different uses you can give to lemon or lemon combined with salt 1 the smell of
lemon goes back to warm climates to spring in summer it is a refreshing and
penetrating fragrance that never goes unnoticed take some green lemons cut
them into several pieces and place them in several containers distributed in the
rooms of your house it will serve to Arava ties and refresh your home to take
a lemon cut into several slices in place in a Center of tables sprinkled with a
little salt that this will eliminate the negativity and bad energies that
circulate around your house another trick to attract well-being in
prosperity is by placing a floor made of rice in a ceramic bowl and supporting
nine lemons you should place this container on the refrigerator rice is
also known as an amulet to attract abundance
if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends if you
want more recipes home remedies and tips subscribe to the channel don't forget to
subscribe my channel click the bell button to get notified directly for
latest updates
다른 사람을 기쁘게 하는 삶은 의미 없는 희생이다|HYA TV - Duration: 7:59.
Huawei Mate 10 Pro: Top 5 Features! - Duration: 9:28.
Obama-Appointed Supreme Court Justice FAVORS Decriminalizing Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking - Duration: 7:23.
How To Download YouTube Videos [2018] - Duration: 2:06.
Hello Guys Welcome to iSpecss
In this video I will Show you about how to download youtube videos in just a minute Or
All you have to do is simply copy and paste the video URL.
So before we Start up get subscribed to this channel and click on the bell icon and become
a part of our notification squad.
First Go to then search and open the video you wanted to download.
then right click on the video and copy the video url.
now open new tab and type SAVEFROM.NET
paste the video url here and you are good to go.
select the video quality you need and click on download.
Thats all .
So in case if you are wondering how to download from your smartphones.
i will tell That too for you.
simply open youtube app or go to from your smartphone browser and copy the
video url
now go to from your smartphone browser, paste the video url and download.
so thats all for this video guys.
comment down on how you guys will download and while you are down there toss us a like
if you end up liking this video.
and get subscribed.
thankyou guys for watching.
have a good time untill we meet in our next video.
Caillou Steals the iPhone X / Oofed - Duration: 2:20.
("Focusing" by GoAnimate plays)
Man. I'm so bored.
I'll just check what's trending on YouTube.
What's this? Apple launched a new iPhone!
The iPhone X! Let's check it out.
That gives me an idea!
Hey, Daddy.
What is it Caillou?
Can we go to the Apple Store to get the iPhone X?
No way!
The iPhone X is a thousand dollars. Sorry Caillou.
That's fine.
I will just play a game on my iPhone 3G.
Wait I have an idea.
I will steal the iPhone X from the Apple Store!
First I need to plan my heist.
("Fluffing a Duck" by Kevin MacLeod plays)
Okay, I'm ready!
("Rock and Roll" by GoAnimate plays)
Caillou, are in--
Huh? What's this?
Caillou's plan to steal the iPhone X?
That boy is so going to be *Oof!* when he gets in here!
Caillou! What the heck are you doing with that cell phone?
That's it! Here it comes!
Animations are back!
This video was just for fun
and is not meant to be taken seriously.
Check the February 2018 Upload Calendar tomorrow.
BBC Report On Zainab Case Murder-er Imran Ali | زینب کے قاتل عمران علی پر بی بی سی کی رپورٹ - Duration: 1:43.
BBC Report On Zainab Case Murderer
Zainab Murderer Imran ka sath kis ne Diya | عمران علی کا ساتھی گرفتار - Duration: 1:28.
SUBSCRIBE to My Channel For Daily Videos
Noticias Telemundo Mediodía,31 de enero de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 22:03.
Anggun beats Selena Gomez on Billboard chart - Duration: 1:17.
Anggun beats Selena Gomez on Billboard chart
Anggun beats Selena Gomez on Billboard chart
Honda Civic To Be Showcased Ahead Of India Launch new Auto Expo 2018 - Duration: 10:16.
Honda Civic To Be Showcased Ahead Of India Launch new Auto Expo 2018
Filtered SMS from Puigdemont - "This is over, they have sacrificed me" - Langosto - Duration: 2:33.
we live again the last days of the republican catalunya is confession
that yesterday afternoon he did the ex President of the Generalitat to his ex
health counselor in the messages that recorded a pulecdemont telecinco camera
admits that the strategy of the moncloa and speaks of historical ridicule
the leader of junts per catalunya feels that his people have sacrificed him and gives
understand that you want to withdraw from the first political line
I have endured for a common goal says this has expired and I will have to dedicate the
life to my political defense so much carles puigdemont like toni comín have
confirmed the conversation they have done almost at the same time through the
social networks both defend that it was private and
criticize its dissemination Commonly taken out of context bush
lemon justifies his doubt that his hand but warns that his intention is to continue
forward with the independence plan the question of journalists accident
included persecuted the president of the funny Aragonese parliament of his
party saying it affects you but esquerra and the independence movement
complete has kept silence either for lost all this Tuesday in the
congress no I will not make statements the only
response we have obtained by the private messages that have been filmed without
the consent of those involved is unfortunate for the opposition the
verification of a truth that this is a farce that tells the truth to its own
people to the people they have excited to the people they have lied to in the
people who have been promised something that will never come
it's not the football sacrifice is it not it's viable they say be president
here is not a sacrifice that there are the doubt the discouragement the disappointment that has
raised an impossible goal and that in some time you have to give it up a
attack of sincerity from intimacy he recognizes that this is over
it's the deadline for another candidate
Huawei Honor 8 Original look - Duration: 9:49.
Zainab Case Murder-er Imran ka USA ki Gandi Website se Rabta - Duration: 2:32.
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Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350X & 500X cruiser motorcycles launch date revealed - Duration: 10:30.
Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350X, Royal Enfield Thunderbird 500X, Royal Enfield bikes
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