what's going on everybody rate Chico here and I'm back with another fortnight
video to the channel and in today's video I'm gonna be doing a second
episode of mythbusters' I haven't like done this in a while I done it probably
like maybe two weeks ago and I'm gonna bring it back with a new episode to the
channel but before we do get into this video I'm gonna be asking you guys if
you want to answer in a chance to win 7500 feet book so I got to do is just
like the video subscribe if you guys are new to the channel and make sure to turn
on my post notifications if you haven't already to be up to date some videos on
the channel and then lastly I just want you guys to comment down below anything
you want followed by like safer on Xbox just provide me with your gamertag or if
you're on ps4 put down your PSN or if you're on PC make sure to provide me
with your steam name so I could contact you through any one of those consoles if
you do win all the myths I'm going to be covering in this video are from you guys
DMing me like ideas of like what myths I should bust in the next video so our
first myth is going to be if you lose fall damage from jumping from a high
distance hitting the launch pad and as you see there maybe I was like too low I
thought I was too low it's like jump on the launch pad and then these people
kept shooting me so I was losing health from there too but then I realized when
I'd made this up like structure bigger I didn't have had no way to jump on my
launch pad because it wasn't in the middle of my building and then this guy
just like blows up my whole building that I just built so I can jump on the
launch pad so yeah I just tried from like a higher distance and as you see
here I do not lose health and when I jump from the launch pad and I know this
because when I jump from here I do lose health and that's the same exact kite or
maybe even a little bit smaller from when I actually jump up a launch pad so
the next myth is what happens or how high does a launch pad launch you when
you are on the lowest point of the game on fortnight Kevin what you do
after we built as far out as we could go just because the storm was right there I
mean this was a really pointless to do but we just wanted to see how cool the
scenery would look from this far out and actually looks really nice but yeah so
anyway getting back to the myth and this is the lowest point of the game where
you could actually build stuff and place the launch pad on so yeah as my friend
jumped and I jump on it it looks like the same amount of distance that the
launch pad will launch you if you want a normal surface or the highest point of
the game no I'm not gonna so this next myth is a highly requested one that you
guys told me to do and this one is what happens when you are in the Boogie Bomb
effect and you use a launch pad this took me so long just because I couldn't
find a boogie bomb and a launch pad in the same exact game but I finally did it
and once I did do it I used to believe on and when you use the launch pad when
you were in the boogie bum effect it literally just cancels out the whole
bookie bomb effect immediately and you just used the launch pad like it
was normal like if you didn't even have any like effect on you okay this is our
second-to-last myth in the video and this myth is probably the one you guys
been waiting for the most and this one is what happens when you are down and
you use a launch pad so my friend I had my friend go on to this plank and right
under it is a launch pad and when he actually fell onto the launch pad
literally nothing happened nothing happened when you are down and you are
on a launch pad so I then try to revive him when he was on the launch pad and he
didn't jump or anything but he just got revived he started standing on the
launch pad and nothing happened but when he did jump then the launch pad went
into effect on his body and he started flying up into the air so our final myth
for the video I don't know why you guys wanted me to do this but I was actually
interested in doing this too but what happens when you shoot a rocket launcher
at a launch pad well like the rocket launcher fly up into the air or will
just completely destroy it and as of right now you see here that the rocket
launcher completely destroys the launch pad I mean like it was kind of like a
stupid myth to do but it was kind of interesting to see what would happen
alright guys I hope you enjoyed this video I'm gonna be showcasing now some
like gameplays or some like a really cool
gameplay that I had with my friends while recording this video overview
Marius I got him down to go him down our he's there he's there
about the street
the Christ
I know obviously are you retarded
Marius how'd you get there what's what's that girl's skin Manish you're gonna die
just kill yourself
faster than a blue on a farm boy right on top you know we put a trap down
what's up fridge still only Angoor half
For more infomation >> What Happens When You Use A Launch Pad While Knocked Out? | Fortnite Battle Royale (Myth Busting) #2 - Duration: 8:40.-------------------------------------------
3 arrested after Manchester incident - Duration: 0:59.
Module 3 Lesson 1 - Position Tracking - Duration: 6:43.
Hello and welcome back to our course!
This is the first lesson of the 'MEASURE' module.
It is dedicated to monitoring your campaign and adjusting your strategy.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use Position Tracking to monitor the progress of your rankings
on search engines.
To do this, we will use the data picked out from the Keyword Magic Tool.
Position Tracking allows you to monitor your and your competitors' organic and paid Google
rankings for a list of keywords you've selected, and to manage them in several ways.
First, let's set the Position tracking tool up.
Go to your projects list, then select Position Tracking.
In the setup menu, choose what you want to track - a root domain, a subdomain, a URL,
or a subfolder.
We recommend that you begin with setting a root domain for tracking, and then narrow
your tracking scope later.
By setting a specific URL, you will get the results exactly matching this URL, so you
need to be sure that this is the URL you want to track.
You can change the tracking scope at any time, and all the data, including the historical
data, will be updated right away.
Setting up your Business Name will help you see the locations where you succeeded with
getting into Local Packs.
It is important in case your business is focused on certain locations.
Unlike the SEMrush 'domain analytics reports' which provide data on the national level,
Position Tracking allows you to track rankings for a specific location!
You can monitor your rankings on desktop and mobile SERPs by setting up projects for different
Guru and Business subscribers can see how to streamline their SEO efforts by merging
their projects in a multitargeting project later on, this can be done in the 'Devices
and Locations' report.
If you select one of multilingual countries like Canada or Belgium, where Google performs
searches in different languages, you will be able to choose the desired language.
Next, add up to 20 competitors to compare your rankings to.
They can be either added manually or selected from a suggested list.
Finally, choose keywords for your tracking campaign.
You can:
Add them manually.
Receive suggestions based on SEMrush's organic or paid positions reports.
Receive suggestions from your Google Analytics account.
Import them from a file.
You can also add more keywords whenever you want.
It may take a few minutes to half an hour for Position Tracking to gather the data for
your project.
This depends on the number of keywords you wish to track.
Once the report is gathered, you will jump to the "Position Tracking" overview page.
There you will find the visibility trend of your website.
Visibility is a metric that reflects how visible your domain, subdomain or URL is for the list
of keywords you've set up.
100% visibility means that the tracked domain, subdomain or URL has the first position for
every keyword in the project, while zero visibility indicates that it doesn't rank in Google's
top-100 for these keywords.
You can analyze how your competitors succeeded in ranking for the keywords of interest by
seeing which domain has the highest "visibility" metric.
Also, keep an eye on the estimated traffic and average position metrics.
Estimated traffic is a calculation that predicts how many people will visit the domain daily
from the keywords being tracked.
Average position is the average of all the rankings for the keywords in your campaign.
An increase in your domain's estimated traffic as well as its average position rise indicates
that you are making progress in your SEO.
You can compare up to 5 domains from your competitor list by these metrics at the same
The "Ranking Distribution" report allows you to:
Find out who attracts more attention by comparing your domain and your competitors' domains'
visibility and estimated traffic.
See the number of keywords in the campaign you and your competitors have in the top 3,
top 10, top 20, and top 100 positions.
The 'Rankings' report provides you with data on your ranking and your competitors'
ranking for every keyword you've set up in the campaign.
The report is organized as a table with the list of keywords.
Every competitor you add for comparison is represented as a column of data.
The "Landing Pages" report shows you the landing pages of the selected domain that
rank for the list of the campaign's keywords.
Here you can find the distribution of estimated traffic and total volume between the pages,
and their average positions.
The "Competitors Discovery" report will help you find out who you are competing with
for your target audience.
It is a good place to find your competitors because it discovers them based on your list
of keywords.
You can see the domains that compete with you for keywords in the top 3/5/10/20/50 or
100 results of Google.
The 'Featured Snippets" report will help you find the opportunities to get at Featured
Snippet position, see the keywords your domain already ranks for in a Featured Snippet.
Furthermore, it estimates how much traffic you might gain in case you win a Featured
You can also set up alerts triggered when a certain event takes place, and get the summary
of your progress via email every week.
Just a reminder.
In this lesson, we've learned about the Position Tracking tool.
It allows you to observe your SEO campaign in comparison with your competitors.We advise
you to play around with Position Tracking, because practice makes perfect.
Also, don't forget to consult the 'Read Further' section, and visit the SEMrush
blog and Knowledge Base.
PSYCHOPATH TEST: Are You a Psycho Killer? - Duration: 7:28.
Are You a Psycho Killer?
City putting up new safety signs in West Palm Beach - Duration: 1:23.
TrackMania: Tracks created be me with TrackMania Unlimiter [Quick flashing lights warning] - Duration: 13:44.
Markus' computer entertainment
MarkuStation 2 (MTM)
Tracks I have created with TMUnlimiter (10 tracks)
Track #1 Go out of bounds
Track #2 Unknown blocks
Track #3 Too high
Track #4 Bouncing gravity
Track #5 Boat ride
Track #6 Easy track, but it is underwater
Track #7 Environment MIX
Track #8 Track of madness
Track #9 Crazy mix
Track #10 Turn around
Tracks made with TMUnlimiter
Created by: Markus Maal
Music: TrackMania Nations/United Forever soundtrack TrackMania United menu music
Software used: TrackMania United Forever TrackMania Unlimiter (TMUnlimiter) Sony Vegas Pro (version 11.0)
Thank you for watching! Markus' videos 2018 Created for TheMarkusGuy's channel
Subtitles created by Markus Maal (TheMarkusGuy)
전자레인지에 데우지 말아야 할 7가지 식품|HYA TV - Duration: 7:40.
Cook's Corner: 2-ingredient pizza dough - Duration: 3:20.
Harmony Mendoza's Monday forecast - Duration: 2:31.
Video: Quiet but cool wether for the first part of the week 1/29/18 - Duration: 3:07.
Clouds, chance of showers Monday afternoon - Duration: 2:37.
Democrat Bombshell Just Uncovered, Their Racist Message to Whites is HAUNTING - Duration: 1:37.
Así vivieron los premios Grammy 2018 Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee y Zuleyka Rivera - Duration: 4:31.
La Dra Gissele Carazo nos explica porqué tu cuerpo te pide comer dulces y chocolates - Duration: 4:32.
Top Juegos MMORPG/Supervivencia/Carrera Para Pc 2018 + Links De Descarga (MEGA) - Duration: 8:43.
Te mostramos los mejores momentos de la entrega de los Premios Grammy 2018 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemund - Duration: 3:15.
Explorer 1: Celebrating 60 Years in Space - Duration: 1:15.
We are all explorers
But legacies are made by those who take
the first step into the unknown
Explorer 1, First American Satellite in 1958
Apollo 11, First crewed mission to land on the Moon in 1969
Voyager 1, First spacecraft to enter interstellar space in 2012
Sixty years of space exploration
and we're just getting started
Solar Parker Probe coming 2018
TESS coming 2018
GRACE - FO coming 2018
ICESat-2 coming 2018
New Horizons arriving 2019
InSight coming 2018
James Webb Space Telescope coming 2019
Celebrating 60 Years in Space #ExploreAsOne
Marjorie de Sousa y Julián Gil no llegan a un acuerdo y no festejan el cumpleaños de Matías - Duration: 5:49.
Mario Vannucci nos explica cómo puedes simplificar tu vida con 10 claves muy simples - Duration: 2:34.
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Jameel 2018 Valentine - Duration: 4:44.
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine
Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine This article is about the liturgical celebration and romantic holiday. For Brazil's corresponding celebration, see Dia dos Namorados. For uses of Valentine, see Valentine. For other uses, see Valentine's Day (disambiguation). "St. Valentine's Day" redirects here. For the Bing Crosby album, see St. Valentine's Day Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country. Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine Several martyrdom stories associated with the various Valentines that were connected to February 14 were added to later martyrologies, including a popular hagiographical account of Saint Valentine of Rome who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius, and before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell. Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century,In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). In Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys are given to lovers "as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver's heart", as well as to children, in order to ward off epilepsy (called Saint Valentine's Malady). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine Saint Valentine's Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church. Many parts of the Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrate Saint Valentine's Day, albeit on July 6 and July 30, t Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, of Hieromartyr Valentine, Interamna (modern Terni). Saint Valentine History Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred in 269 and was added to the calendar of saints by Pope Galesius in 496 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. The relics of Saint Valentine were kept in the Church and Catacombs of San Valentino in Rome, which "remained an Middle Ages until the relics of St. Valentine were transferred to the church of Santa Prassede during the pontificate of Nicholas IV". The flower-crowned skull of Saint Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. Other relics are found at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) and is said to have been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian in 273. He is buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location from Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino). Jack B. Oruch states that "abstracts of the acts of the two saints were in nearly every church and monastery of Europe." The Catholic Encyclopedia third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of February 14. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions. Saint Valentine's head was preserved in the abbey of New Minster, Winchester, and venerated. Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine February 14 is celebrated as St. Valentine's Day in various Christian denominations; it has, 'commemoration' in the calendar of saints in the Anglican Communion. feast day of Saint Valentine is also given in the calendar of saints of the Lutheran Church. in the 1969 revision of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, the feast day of Saint Valentine on February 14 was removed Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSlZ75KHQHI&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOejl03K-w8&feature=youtu.be Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcudzsYK8CSZNVw06s9BDEQ?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DEEN-LIFE-700798213337429/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/115096648832473252773 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcudzsYK8CSZNVw06s9BDEQ Valentine Day Bayan by Tariq Tameel 2018 Valentine #Subscribe
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