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DIY Personal Planner | Michaels - Duration: 1:07.Subscribe to our channel to see all of our exciting DIY projects. Share what you make with the #MakeItWithMichaels
Wikileaks has been a thorn in the side of the powerful for over a decade, and overnight,
they proved exactly why.
On Saturday, the New York Times published a story with the title "Republican Attacks
on Mueller and F.B.I.
Open New Rift in G.O.P.," and apparently Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange wasn't
too happy about it.
So early this morning, he used the official Wikileaks account to expose even more corruption
within Obama's administration as well as expose a member of the "legacy" media's
collusion with the government to deceive the public at-large.
The tweet revealed that a reporter for the Times used to give the State Department, which
was headed by Hillary Clinton at the time, email updates of the investigative stories
it was going to be publishing…days before the stories ever made it to print.
The emails were ostensibly to give Clinton and her agency time to come up with a narrative
to defend against the reports, which were problematic for the administration, or to
create some sort of diversion on the day the story dropped so that the public was distracted.
That sounds incredibly familiar, does it not?
Check it out:
"Email shows New York Times handed over Cablegate's publication schedule to the
US government (without telling @WikiLeaks) giving the State Department, then headed by
Hillary Clinton, up to 9 days in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions."
The Daily Wire has more on the people in the email chain:
The players in the WikiLeaks email are interesting.
Scott Shane is the national security reporter for The Times.
And the recipient of his email, Philip Crowley, was at the time the United States Assistant
Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Clinton's State Department.
As 2017 comes to an end, its clear the Clinton scandals won't go away any time soon.
Indeed, they won't be.
We previously reported that thousands of emails from Anthony Weiner's laptop were released
by the government just days ago, many of which contained classified information.
The release of the emails was labeled a "major victory" by Judicial Watch President Tom
"Judicial Watch has forced the State Department to finally allow Americans to see these public
documents," Fitton said.
"That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner's laptop dramatically illustrates
the need for the Justice Department to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton's
and Huma Abedin's obvious violations of law."
So really, if anyone is looking for any sort of collusion, they need to look no further
than the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton, because there's more than enough evidence
they worked together to keep the public in the dark about a wide range of issues.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Can A Pothole Deploy Airbags ? Let's find out - See Through Car E.3 with 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 7:11.Welcome back to Warped perception.
This is part 3 of our see through Car Series.
In the first episode.
I ran this Beast Through some of the worst streets.
that I've seen in the city of Chicago.
And I left off by popping both by Popping both driver's side tires.
My goal here is to show People.
What happens to their car.
And how the suspension works.
If they hit a pothole like this.
And in preparation of this episode.
Mercedes-Benz of Chicago gave me.
Some additional Wheels to put on standby.
Because this Is about to get extreme.
Alright thanks Ed.
Turns out they forgot to send me the trigger.
So now.
All right there is my pickle switch.
It's getting kind of tricky.
Because I'm going to have to drive the car as fast as I can.
Through this pothole.
And then get the car to a stop.
Then somehow figure out how I'm going to touch these two wires together.
Now that we got all of our high speed cameras set up.
There is just one more thing we have to do.
After the last run in Kingsbury Street.
Where I got the car airborne.
Unfortunately the transmission stopped shifting.
And in order for me to get more speed.
I'm going to need more gears.
But lucky for us.
Mercedes-Benz of Chicago has a brand new service facility.
Right over there.
Oh yeah there you go baby.
That's what we're looking for.
Oh man that looks like a transmission module to me.
That's the piece that was missing all this time.
Oh yeah my transmission modes are back.
Nice I got Gears baby I got Gears.
Now before I only got up to about 25 miles per hour.
This time I am going to try to get the car up.
To as fast as I possibly can on this stretch of Street.
And my goal is not only to pop the tires.
But also break the rims.
And hopefully tear the suspension apart.
Oh what !!. Well that was pretty amazing.
Apparently I was going too fast.
And the tires skipped right over the pothole.
I guess this is what happens when you're on the freeway.
And you're going too fast and you see a pothole and you hit it.
But you don't actually feel it.
So there you go.
One of the mysteries of hitting a pothole explained.
So I'm going to do that run again.
And I'm just going to go a little bit slower.
Maybe about 5 miles per hour slower.
I was doing about 45 or 50.
And then hopefully it dips down enough into the pothole.
To cause some damage.
That was the second attempt.
I slowed down a little bit.
But it still skipped over the pothole.
I mean it was clear.
It was nice and Center.
And you can see that the wheel went in just a little bit more.
I was doing about 5 to 7 miles per hour slower.
But this is not what I'm looking for.
That's all I got to say.
So I'm going to move back to the other potholes.
That destroyed our tires in that previous episode.
Here they are right here check it out.
This was the last pothole it was the rim killer.
And these were the primers.
These are the ones that kind of got all that momentum.
That shock in the suspension going Up and down for that last blow.
So I'm going to hit this up again 50 miles per hour.
Through this section.
And I'm getting a little aggravated.
Because I want this thing to just break apart.
But apparently it's built like a tank.
So this is going to be my 3rd attempt.
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
And hope that this thing just rips apart.
whoa !!.
Ohhh !!.
Now we got warning messages.
Look at this.
The side curtain airbags deployed.
Yeah I was wondering.
I hit that really hard and it was just like.
and our tires are still intact.
But that thing was really loud it sounded like a firecracker in my ear.
I had too many explosions already.
At least at least we got some kind of damage thank God.
Man all day shooting here.
Finally got something.
We're going to call it a day because we finally got some damage.
Got the car back safe and sound as you can imagine.
I don't think there's much worse than what I just put that car through.
Take a look at our damage a little bit more.
A little closer I mean this is like a huge hole.
As a result of that pothole.
And it's the end of our day.
I'm exhausted.
And that is pretty much going to bring this episode to an end.
But I am planning an episode 3.
Which is going to be a lot more extreme than this was.
The results were okay.
They were good.
But I just didn't feel that it was as Extreme as I wanted it to be.
So I'm going to plan a third part.
That's going to be more extreme than this.
And I can't believe that the car survived this long.
So thanks for watching don't forget to like share and subscribe.
And check us out on Discovery.
Adios until next time.
Localizar Ubicación Activar cámara a distancia sin que lo sepan - Duration: 3:21.in today's video we will see an application to remotely control a phone
android, for an elderly person or a child or the person you choose your
the application that we will see works Similar to board administrator device
of google that places on a map devices a particular Google account
but this application has many more functions that the application of google that we will see,
before anything like the aplicaion of Google must log into an account
gmail, does not have to be that this registered in the device but in the
browser enter data account any and ready gmail.
While we already have a device, this will be the phone I'll call it spying for
but somehow I set before so we activate the sound detection
motion detection I leave without activating because I will then come to another phone for a
lot of notifications whenever move so I leave it just like that, the recording
route if active, then explained as It is this feature, we have some options
payment and below we have an interesting option and work with the screen off
to pass unnoticed, high performance mode will keep the
application consuming more battery so The'll leave it without activating
we have the audio only mode that consumes less internet because it will not send streaming
videos captured by the camera of this device but it is limited to audio
upload recordings to google drive if as active will serve me to see them in
any moento so good we turn to ghacer a small test
right here on the phone right I to spy on the left so I press
on the button obviously Meizu phone camera I'm not spying on myself and as we see
the camera is activated and care if the phone on the left is not running the application
or if the other person talking on whatsapp for example even it works with the screen
We turned off within this option can ponerel audio mode only, negating sending pictures
the other phone to activate the flashlight and Ttiene a button to talk like a walkie talkie
while you press
default notification is created but we can remove it from the notification itself
settings or installed applications also We have the option to remove notifications, and
so the other person will not suspect that we're spying if our intention
also it tells us the location on a map of google is going to update the position and
als all recordings either audio only audio or video stored in the cloud
and we can download from here as we see Here are the recordings to the table that I just
to do and I get the locations journey made by the person, this
option is activated from the circle button active tracking device and guaerda
google cloud drive
well since this would be the application that is good to have someone controlled
greater than you can lose, so give like Subscribe if you liked the video we see.
Every Episode Of SpongeBob Season 1 Reviewed In 10 Words Or Less! - Duration: 6:53.Hey ladies and jellyfish, wumbos of all sizes, welcome back to A.S.K.
Air's videos.
Today I am officially kicking off Every Episode Of SpongeBob Season 1 Reviewed In 10 Words
Or Less or EEOSS1RI10WOL for short.
Here's how it goes.
I rate all the Spongebob episodes of one season good, meh or bad and give each a 10 or less
word sentence.
Some may be more than 10, so if you notice that, just keep it to yourself.
At the end, I will make a top 5 list of the season in my opinion and show a graph of good,
meh and bad episodes, and we can't miss me crowning an episode the Golden Ep of the
I upload these monthly for all of 2018 as a huge project and will eventually jumble
them together, probably on January 1st, 2019.
Anyways, if you want the full explanation, check out the announcement video in the card
above and the description below.
And, you're viewer enjoyment is as important to me as to you, so make sure to turn the
quality to the highest and turn on the captions if you like.
Check out some stuff in the description below and comment down below your thoughts on my
My rankings will be recorded in a document in this show's page on my website, so if
you want to see it, the link is down below, and you can also find spoilers, upcoming news
and projects and links to videos more organized and accessible.
Anyways, let's kick it off with: Help Wanted
Good Hydrodyanamic Spatular…
Reef Blower Meh
Looks like Squid torture originated in the second episode.
Tea At The Treedome Meh
I need it…
An episode with a plot!
Bubblestand Good
Of course.
Ripped Pants Good
You thought Spongebob could go 5 episodes without a song?
Jellyfishing Meh
Firmly grasp it!
Good A funny and well written plot that went to
Naughty Nautical Neighbors Good
Bubble calling sounds fun… oh they put me on hold!
Boating School Good
The French narrator looks…unappealing.
Pizza Delivery Good
Overrated, but that ending bro.
Home Sweet Pineapple Good
"I'm a nematode" is my new catch phrase!
Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy Good
Pickles Good
Bun, patty, ketchup, tomato, bun, in that order, Farmer Brown.
Hall Monitor Good
To later get copied fifty times!
Jellyfish Jam Meh
Sandy's Rocket Good
Spongebob goes to bed with a Santa hat on.
Squeaky Boots Bad
Squeak one more time and I'll shove it down your throat!
Nature Pants Meh
Patrick just makes this episode.
Opposite Day Good
Culture Shock Good
Squid's dance moves grew with memes.
Good I like Plankton's song better.
MuscleBob BuffPants Meh
I expected Tiny Tim, in case you were wondering.
Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost Good
The Chaperone Good
A simple and good episode.
Employee Of The Month Good
Nothing short of brilliant.
Scaredy Pants Good
The haunted mattress?
That was the name of my band in college.
I Was A Teenage Gary Bad
SB-129 Good
Karate Choppers Good
Tons of memorable scenes, and the Tom Kenny hot sauce!
Sleepy Time Good
Suds Good
I don't get colds, I get dislikes.
Valentine's Day Good
Patrick…don't go there buddy.
The Paper Meh
Making a paper airplane sounds reasonable.
Oh yeah, underwater.
Never mind.
Good Wheast?
Reminds me of Scum Banana.
Oh the memories!
Rock Bottom Good
The vending machine is my new spirit animal.
Texas Good
What's the difference between Texas and Rock Bottom.
Walking Small Good
Not insertive!
Fools In April Good
The ice gag got me.
Neptune's Spatula Good
Who else likes Tom Kenny in the shower?
Hooky Good
To be ripped off later.
See what I did there?
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II Good
The conch knows all, and I know it comes back in a few episodes.
So, that was fun.
Now let's get into the top 5 revealing the season 1 Golden Ep, but before that, here
are some quick honorable mentions.
Help Wanted – A very good episode for a pilot and I congratulate them for that
Arrgh – Very funny and exciting SB-129 – Memorable and classic with a lot
of stuff to take away Rock Bottom – A great setting, atmosphere
and a funny and well written plot Suds – A well-paced and funny episode with
a lot to offer to the newly Spongebob watching eyes
Number 5: Walking Small This episode isn't special or anything,
but it's very well done.
So the plot is that Plankton wants to build a big mega Chum Bucket, and he is too small.
So what's ironic about this is that he gets help from Spongebob but only backfires as,
well, as we all know, Spongebob's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
The ironic part isn't that, it's that Plankton ends up teaching Spongebob about
Although his rather short appearance.
This episode is chuck full of jokes and good writing.
Number 4: Culture Shock This episode was pretty fun.
It was upbeat and energetic.
It included a ton of characters it spent 10 episodes building and brings them together
to a fun place.
The shows are happy and funny and the battle of Spongebob and Squidward is genuine and
Spongebob classic.
An original and great overall episode.
Number 3: Fools In April This episode was fabulous.
You got a well paced intro with Spongebob doing some of his innocent and stupid pranks,
which, in and of themselves are all pretty funny!
Then, when Squid snaps we have a creative and fun prank that sends Spongebob crying.
Then, Squidward actually understands Spongebob's misery and actually apologizes.
The apology also isn't short and unmeant.
He keeps doing it until he literally screams it, and gets what he deserved through a funny
I doubt you haven't seen it, but I won't spoil the ending.
It's pretty good.
Number 2: Sleepy Time This episode is imagination done right.
It includes a lot of characters we know the demeanors and moralities of, a great feel
and atmosphere and a nice animation.
Scenes like Gary talking and the "My leg" gag in Plankton's dream are some of my favorites.
Golden Ep: Employee Of The Month This episode is brilliant!
It has great animation in some scenes, some great comedy, a good competition no one wins
because they're both the protagonist, some great stopping each other scenes and the characters
are amazingly done.
Overall a spectacular episode and the best episode (in my opinion) of SpongeBob season
Well, now that that's done, I should talk about this season in general.
First I'll talk about the data we have here.
According to this conveniently timed and big pie chart, we know that in season 1, there
were 32 good episodes, 9 meh and 2 flatout bads.
I think that clearly makes this a good season.
The good episodes were good, and the top 5 and honorable mentions were great!
The meh episodes were either boring, slow or lacked in comedy or plot.
And the two bad episodes were bad, but compared to what I've seen this show can throw out,
Do I agree?
Of course!
Being my third favorite season, I think season 1 was a great introductory season.
Well, that wraps it up for today.
Be sure to stick around till' next month when I tear apart season 2.
I hope you enjoyed.
If you did don't forget to like and subscribe, and visit my website down below for links,
upcoming news and tons of spoilers.
Thanks for watching and peace!
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