Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 23 2018

For The First Time Google's AI Makes Its Own Creepy AI Children

Google�s experimentations with artificial intelligence are going from strength to strength.

Hot on the heels of creating an expert chess master AI in a mere matter of hours, the company

has now created an AI which is capable of producing its artificial intelligent programs.

The creations of the so-called parent bot have shown an enormous capacity for improvement

in the analysis, going from analyzing simple words to showing comprehension of complex

images in only a few months.

New Google AI can create its super-advanced children

This particular AI project is known as the AutoML system (Automated Machine Learning).

It works by having a controller AI � referred to as the parent � which creates the designs

for the �child� AI.

The child is then given a task which it completes and then sends feedback back to its creator.

The creator then uses the information to create a second child with various improvements on

the first.

It is hoped that this process will allow the parent AI to produce specific programs which

will be far more sophisticated than anything that human engineers will be able to produce.

�Our approach can design models that achieve accuracies on par with state-of-art models

designed by machine learning experts (including some on our team!), � said a representative

from the company.

Google representatives have also said that the parent AI is coming up with completely

innovative design features that the researchers cannot explain.

The fact that the new child AIs are becoming increasingly better at dealing with images

may make a major difference in how human beings use the internet.

Many websites use captcha, a program which asks humans to decipher a simple image-based

problem to prove that they are not a robot since AIs have historically been unable to

deal with images.

However, now they are becoming better, this technology will have to evolve to catch up

with the rate of change means that a completely new solution to preventing spam bots from

running wild on the internet might be needed.

For more infomation >> For The First Time Google's AI Makes Its Own Creepy AI Children - Duration: 2:48.


HSN | Smart Home featuring Google 01.23.2018 - 12 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Smart Home featuring Google 01.23.2018 - 12 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Ellen's Game of Games - Dizzy Dash: Episode 6 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Ellen's Game of Games - Dizzy Dash: Episode 6 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 4:18.


how to make a fidget spinner out of bottle caps without bearings | at Home - Duration: 3:16.

how to make a fidget spinner out of bottle caps without bearings

how to make a fidget spinner out of bottle caps without bearings

how to make a fidget spinner out of bottle caps without bearings

For more infomation >> how to make a fidget spinner out of bottle caps without bearings | at Home - Duration: 3:16.


Elite Praetorian Guards – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #4 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Elite Praetorian Guards – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #4 - Duration: 3:10.


Why Rewrap 18650 Cells - Duration: 11:11.

hey guys Frank here just wanted to do a quick video on Reese Kinning sells so

why would anybody in their right mind get cells that they've harvested from

laptop batteries and want to reskin them we're gonna cover that right now

so why reskin 18 650 cells that we've harvested from laptop batteries or from

any other source wouldn't get them even new ones one of the main reasons is

safety safety is really first and foremost why we would do that a lot of

times when we harvest cells they end up being damaged like these where the skins

are ripped off or just mucky or bad and so it's a good idea to put a fresh skin

on so that you have less chance of actually short-circuiting the cell so

it's good to be able to reskin a cell another reason is so that the cells will

fit in the cell holders if you have a cell that you're trying to you know

mount into these cell holders to make these cell packs the cell needs to be

able to fit and you don't want it something that's too tight or weird and

if you have to force it in you could actually cause problems so it's best to

have a good fresh skin so that when you're using those holders cell holders

you're not going to have items that are damaged or mucky the other thing that

the reason one of the reasons I like to do it is cuz I spend a lot of time

cleaning up these cells making them the way I like them and I want them to look

good I just do it maybe it's arrogance pride thing but I don't know I want them

to look at so I reskin my cells one of the reasons is so that they look good

because I like the way the cells look when they're consistent and I even like

to put my logo on them I put the logo that I've developed for the DIY engineer

I like to put it on my cells they're mine I take ownership of them so that's

another good reason in my mind to do that one other thing this is

something else to spend money on it's what we're going to do anyways right we

just go and yeah we spent all this time and you know if you're spending a dollar

a cell or two dollars a cell or $5 a cell I don't know why because there's

good cells out there that you don't spend that kind of money but if you're

doing that you want to take ownership and you want were to look nice and why

not let's spend some money on something else actually it's pretty cheap and I'm

gonna leave some links below on some different skins that I've seen that I've

used myself there's a lot of them that you can get them in large rolls or you

can get them pre-cut so it's really up to you on how you want to spend your

money and it comes down to really the number of cells that you plan on

rescanning so with that what I want to do is actually jump in and show you some

bad cells show you some the rescanning process that I use

I've actually ran across some of the skins or some of the cells that Tesla

has put out and there they actually leave them the metal-looking and/or the

the whatever it is aluminum chrome they're they're really sleek

nice-looking cells and so I use a clear sleeve over the top of my label and the

cell so that it gives a really nice look so let's jump over the bench and let's

reskin a few just so you can see my process on re skinning cells so I just

want to give some examples of some cells that are kind of gunky here's some

samsung cells that came out of a some laptop batteries that they were really

gummy do they had all sorts of this glue and gunk on them they don't come clean

you can't really pick it off a lot of times you can scrape at it but I'd be

taking forever and then this is one that's kind of a safety issue because

it's exposed you have the the positive end of this cell the negative goes all

the way up the cell and so having that properly coated is is important the

other thing that's important to have is these gaskets making sure that you have

good gas on the top these give a good separation

between the positive and the negative right here and then as you go and you

place a skin on this is a clear one and there's a red skin and when you put

those on it covers that in so you actually have good coverage all right so

let's see if I had a you know cells just don't fit when they're properly when

they're they're gummy and that's really the point I want to make is when you

have one that's gummy it doesn't go in and after you've reskin them they fit in

really nice they're just a nice smooth fit and you want them to to be that way

so anyways let's move on to actually re skinning a couple of these cells so I

have one here that has already been stripped and I will show you my labels

these are the labels that I create they're just regular Avery 15 695 labels

that are run through a laser printer and they have my logo and the other thing I

put on here is the cell ID the milliamp hours and the make and model if I know

it on some of these cells I do know it on others I don't and then all I do is I

just find a good clean place to place this and I'm gonna stick this probably

you know I'm gonna strip this because I I really don't like having all of the

lettering on there that's what the still wolves fall for if I just take and buff

it just a little bit on the negative side down here try not to get it up on

the hand because it like you saw it sparks I can clean that up and give it a

nice shiny look so I know this is time-consuming but it's to me it's worth

it because I've already spent a lot of time putting these cells together and

then I just try to Center it the best I can on my cell so it's nice and clean

looking and then I seal it down to the cell itself so now that cell actually

has a label on it and then I take and open up a skin and slide the skin over

the top so that it is pretty much sealed in there now one

of the things that I do is I use if you can't really see it down here but I have

like five washers little tiny washers that are stacked up and I just took the

negative end down on it and that way there I get the same distance on the

bottom each time and then I place my my gasket on top here then when I have with

my gasket and then I use you can use any number of things so I have a heat gun

that I picked up at Harbor Freight you can use a lighter that you'd go through

a lot of lighter fluid I even have a butane torch that I could

make it heat this thing up and really torch this but I've found that just

having my little heat gun works really well so I'll just keep this up a little

bit and shrink it on there so it just gives me a nice shrink wrap on the top I

go right down the seams

and then I do the bottom making sure that I have a good coverage all right

there you have it that skin that cells been reskin with my logo and all the

demographic information on there and it fits nicely in the cell holder and I'll

just do a couple more here in time-lapse you can watch me do them and then just

kind of give you an idea of the way I do it

oopsie I'm gonna forget my gasket let me forget that on there

that was helpful you know really what it comes down to is safety when you're

working with this much energy you start building out power walls you know that

run 10 20 40 100 kilowatts and just having one cell not right you know it

may not be that dangerous but overall it's just a good practice to have all

right thanks for watching hopefully this was helpful please subscribe or at least

give me a thumbs up so I know that you've been watching and if you have any

questions or comments please leave them in the comments below and please be safe

as you are working on your electrical projects using 18 650 cells or whatever

cells you might be using till the next video have a good one

For more infomation >> Why Rewrap 18650 Cells - Duration: 11:11.


BREAKING!!! HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES! - Duration: 4:37.


HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES!


Former First Lady Hillary Clinton might be scrambling after she learned what just happened.

Anyone else would be considered a flight risk if they were in the same situation that she


A hacker broke into some Clinton Foundation databases and uncovered some disturbing evidence

that leads to a possible revelation of the alleged Clinton crime syndicate.

The information attained could have her face prosecution, but since the evidence was hacked,

then it may not be admissible in court.

That's for a judge to decide.

No matter how they found it, the facts remain, and that should be how it works.

The information was gathered by a hacker known as Guccifer 2.0.

The hacker found their way into a Clinton Foundation database and what they've uncovered

could be the key to the battle against supposed Clinton corruption.

If the information is useful, then Guccifer 2.0 may have unraveled a way for us to travel

further down the rabbit hole than ever before.

No matter what you see next, keep an open mind as you peruse the hacked information.

It may be deleted one day, so view at your own risk and come to your conclusion on what

you see.

LibertyOneNews reported more on the hack and leaked documentation:

"We've been awaiting the highly anticipated Wikileaks announcement for about a week now,

but we know that Julian Assange delayed the release of the supposed bombshell files on

Hillary Clinton.

Apparently, that's too long for another hacker to wait.

Infamous hacker, named Guccifer 2.0 hacked his way into the Clinton Foundation databases

and uncovered some of the most damning evidence to date of the Clinton corruption.

Here's his message below and he got impatient and did some digging himself.

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment.

I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and

donors' databases."

When Barack Obama demanded that Congress approves more bailouts in 2009-11, it seems the big

banks through the Clinton Foundation offered kickbacks to Democratic politicians, including

crooked Hillary, to make sure the bailout was approved.

Somehow crooked Hillary also aided the big banks to bribe Democrat politicians.


That's taxpayer bailout money that went right to the pockets of Democrat PACs!"

Our money went right to the Democrats and their shady, back handed, back alley deals

with the big banks.

How are these people still running this country?

"Hillary Clinton and her staff don't even bother about the information security.

It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.

It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage

of the allocated TARP funds."

It looks like Guccifer 2.0 uncovered one of the most corrupt money funneling scams in

political history.

If these documents are valid and someone speaks out, then it could be over for the Clinton


A professional will likely browse the content and decide if justice will be held at the

highest court of the law, or if the information is not usable because of the way it was attained.

If there's one thing I know, it's that Americans want answers.

They want the truth.

They want to know if all of the accusations are true and to what extent.

Americans deserve to have the truth.

If taxpayer funds were being funneled into Clinton PACS, then do taxpayers get a return

on that?

Will people get their illegally funneled money back in their wallet somehow?

What can be done to give the taxpayers hope that their money won't be funneled into


Americans want a transparent government that works for them and puts their tax money to

the most productive use possible.

It's OUR money.

We work for it.

We pay it.

We demand that our elected government does a better job spending our money.

What do you think it's like to be Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea right now?

Are they nervous?

Do you think they have an escape plan?

Are their lawyers working overtime to create a defense that will protect them in court?

Will a member of the Clinton family wear handcuffs?

How much swamp is left to drain?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES! - Duration: 4:37.


Which Are The Real Photos of Spacecraft? They're Out There and They're Amazing - Duration: 12:44.

The internet.

It gives us an instant connection to the some of human knowledge, but it also lets misinformation

travel at the speed of light.

Everyday I get comments about how people will believe we've been to space after I show

them evidence of actual spacecraft taken in space and not CGI mock-ups.

Challenge accepted.

Here come a whole bunch of photos of spacecraft taken in space.

Actually, I don't really care if you believe it or not.

I was just so excited about some of the fantastic pictures of spacecraft - taken by spacecraft

- that I decided to dedicate a whole episode to it.

For starters, I've got to address the elephant in the room.

Why are there so many illustrations and computer graphic images of spacecraft and not real

photos of spacecraft?

Here's the answer.

Spacecraft aren't equipped with selfie sticks.

I mean, it would be cool to have the spacecraft take a picture of itself while Saturn photobombs

the background, but that weight is better used with additional fuel or scientific payload.

Scientists are completely unconcerned about having to prove anything to anyone, and they'd

prefer to maximize the science coming back from their spacecraft.

So, whenever you see an image of a spacecraft that's out there in space, all alone, then

it's going to be an artist's illustration.

Here's the Voyager spacecraft flying through space, except it's a computer graphic, obviously.

Here's the Pioneer passing Jupiter.

I mean, here's a painting of Pioneer and Jupiter, because there's no way to actually

take a photograph of this moment.

NASA and the other space agencies will also create CGI renderings of spacecraft that don't

exist yet, to give us an idea of what it might look like when it gets created.

Like the James Webb Space Telescope that hasn't even been launched yet.

Here's what it really looks like, getting worked on in the lab here on the ground before

its launch.

I provide you with plenty more examples.

But in general, if you see a "photograph" or video of a spacecraft, and you're not

sure if it's real or not, just ask yourself, who could have taken the picture.

Also, if the image looks too good and clean, then it's probably computer graphics.

But the reason this is actually an episode is that the question got me thinking of some

really amazing pictures and videos I've come across in my years of space reporting.

Photographs of spacecraft taken by humans, or other spacecraft which are absolutely amazing

and worthy of wonder.

This gives me an incredible opportunity to show you some of the coolest pictures ever

taken, and I'm going to take it.

So here's the deal.

For the rest of this episode, I'm only going to show you actual pictures of spacecraft,

taken from the ground or in space.

No artist renderings, paintings or computer graphics.

First up, let's do some pictures from the Apollo missions.

One of the classic videos used over and over again is the Saturn V rocket tossing its 3rd

stage back as it continues its mission towards the Moon.

I like this, and it's iconic, but check out this one.

This was during the launch of Apollo 3 on a Saturn 1B rocket.

You're seeing the command module and upper stage detach from the second stage, captured

by a camera inside the stage.

The spacecraft flies out and then the stage tumbles towards Earth.

In the last moment, the camera is ejected out so that it can return to Earth and the

film to be recovered.

There it is, right… there.

Imagine the engineering required to get this automated shot and retrieve the film.

All before digital cameras could beam their images back to Earth.

By 1975, the race to get humans to the Moon was over, but the Americans and Soviets were

still launching people into space.

To begin a new partnership, the two nations agreed to have their spacecraft dock with

one another in orbit.

Three astronauts and two cosmonauts piloted their spacecraft together, and docked in space

for 44 hours.

Both the Apollo capsule and Soyuz were equipped with cameras that captured the docking procedure.

Then they detached and returned to Earth.

Actually, there was a pretty scary mishap for the Americans during their re-entry where

a valve was accidentally left open and toxic fumes came into the cabin.

There are plenty more examples during the Gemini and Apollo missions.

Docking spacecraft together was one of the great accomplishments of this era, and there

are many amazing examples.

But I think I like this, during the first US spacewalk, where astronaut Ed White is

floating at the end of an 8-metre tether above the Earth.

It must have been terrifying and exhilarating.

The photo was captured by his crewmate, James McDivitt.

Astronaut Bruce McCandless passed away last week.

He was a mission specialist of two flights of the space shuttle.

But he was the first person to fly untethered out in space using NASA's Manned Maneuvering


It's an iconic photograph and an incredible accomplishment.

Back when the space shuttle was flying, I always loved to see the high resolution images

captured as it was approaching the International Space Station.

There was a very practical reason for these photographs, the Columbia Disaster.

In 2003, the space shuttle Columbia was destroyed as it was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.

A chunk of foam from its external fuel tank dislodged during the launch, impacted the

shuttle's wing and tore out a chunk of its protective heat tiles.

During re-entry, hot gases made their way into the shuttle and the spacecraft was lost,

including all 7 astronauts on board.

NASA vowed to never let that happen again, so they did an incredibly detailed scan of

the shuttle after launch to make sure there weren't any damaged tiles.

The shuttles would extend their Canadarm with a specially built camera system and scan the

tiles with incredible detail.

The astronauts on board the ISS would also visually observe the shuttle as it was approaching

the station.

As the shuttle departed, they would take some final pictures of the International Space

Station floating high above the Earth.

Here's an image that you might not have seen, though.

Here's the space shuttle Atlantis after it had undocked from the station, and it was

re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.

In fact, when the shuttles were landing in Florida, people in Texas would see the shuttle

pass overhead and hear the twin sonic booms.

I'm sure you've seen plenty of launch videos, from the Apollo era to the space shuttle

as well as commercial and military launches.

We now see high quality images and videos of launching and landing rockets, thanks to


In fact, during all SpaceX launches now, they provide continuous coverage of the launch,

from liftoff.

The footage splits so you can watch the first stage return to Earth and land on the ground

or a floating barge in the ocean.

The second stage continues to space, carrying its cargo into orbit.

It's hypnotic, and I try to watch every one.

The most powerful telescope ever sent to another world is on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance


In general, it's used to take incredibly detailed images of the surface of Mars, down

to a resolution of a meter across.

But occasionally it's been called in to take images of other spacecraft.

Here's a photo it took of NASA's Curiosity Rover as it was landing back in 2012.

You can actually see the parachute deployed and the landing system suspended down below.


It's also photographed Curiosity hard at work on the Martian surface, as well as the

Spirit and Opportunity Rovers, the Viking landers.

Perhaps its greatest detective work was to find the missing Beagle 2 lander, lost in

since it crashed in 2003.

When the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft began its mission at Comet 67P,

it detached the smaller Philae spacecraft to try and land safely on the surface of the


Unfortunately, the extremely low gravity messed up its landing, causing it to bounce unpredictably.

For the longest time, nobody knew where the lander went.

Finally, some detective work turned up Philae, turned over on its side on the surface of

the comet, seen by the orbiting Rosetta spacecraft.

Oh, I said that spacecraft aren't equipped with selfie sticks, but Rosetta did catch

this cool image of itself approaching the comet.

Here's a picture of NASA's Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars, but how did it take

the picture?

It actually does have a selfie stick, kind of.

Curiosity is equipped with a robotic arm and an instrument called the Mars Hand Lens Imager.

The rover can move the arm around its entire chassis, taking dozens of pictures which are

then assembled together on computer to create this composite.

This arm allows Curiosity to take close up pictures of interesting rocks and terrain,

and operators back on Earth to keep track of the damage to the rover's wheels.

All of the spacecraft on the surface of the Moon have been photographed from space too.

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is at the Moon, helping scientists study the lunar


They're mostly interested in craters, lava tubes, and fields of rock, dust and ancient

lava flows, but they took a few images of some Apollo hardware as well.

They've got pictures of all the Apollo landing sites, where you can make out the landers

and other hardware, and even the footstep paths taken by the astronauts as they wandered

across the lunar surface.

But probably the best one is Apollo 15, when they had the Lunar Roving Vehicle, and drove

around the surface of the Moon.

You can see the tire tracks from their exploration.

In a previous episode, we talked about how spacecraft die.

Most of the time this happens at a random spot on Earth, but if you get the calculations

right, you can take pictures of the moment it's happening.

The European Space Agency's Jules Verne automated transfer vehicle re-entered the

Earth's atmosphere in 2008.

ESA operators knew exactly where it was going to crash back through the Earth's atmosphere,

and they were able to take this stunning video of the spacecraft burning up.

We've talked about spacecraft and astronauts taking pictures of other stuff in space.

But now I wanted to tell you how you can take pictures of spacecraft all on your own, from

down here on Earth.

And we'll get to that in a second, but first I'd like to thank:

Val Parks David Gines

Jeff Wilkie

And the rest of our 785 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

You, yes you can see spacecraft with your own eyeballs.

You can see the International Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope and and various

objects in low Earth orbit.

The best way to do this is to go to a website like Heavens Above.

It'll show you the current location of all the satellites orbiting Earth and calculate

when a specific one is going to be flying over your location.

For example, the International Space Station.

At the appointed time, head outside and watch the space station pass overhead.

If you use a pair of binoculars, you can see the station's solar panels making it look

at bit like a Tie Fighter.

And if you want to get really fancy, you can use a website called Transit Finder, that'll

let you calculate when ISS is going to pass directly in front of the Moon from a location

near you.

It's hard to track the space station with a telescope, but if you know where it's

going to be, you can take pictures of the Moon instead, and get ISS passing in front.

One of my favorite photographers is Thierry Legault, who's based in France and takes

this technique to the logical extreme, capturing images of ISS during eclipses, or seeing spacecraft


And here's another amazing photographer, Szabolcs Nagy based in London who takes his

own amazing images of spacecraft.

So, if you're looking for a new hobby and you want to take your astronomy to the next

level, try this.

What an amazing time to be alive.

To have so many spacecraft buzzing around the Solar System, with more on the way.

What are rare pictures now will be commonplace in the future, and I can't wait to share

them with you.

Did I forget any awesome images of spacecraft taken in space?

Let me know in the comments and maybe I can do a part 2.

Do you want to know when we release a new episode.

Are you worried that YouTube is going to accidentally unsubscribe you?

I've created an email mailing list to announce new videos when we post them.

I'll put a link to the mailing list in the shownotes below.

In our next episode we'll talk about biosignatures.

What kinds of chemicals would we need to detect in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet

to know that there's life there.

It's a surprisingly tricky problem.

That's next time.

And finally, here's a playlist

For more infomation >> Which Are The Real Photos of Spacecraft? They're Out There and They're Amazing - Duration: 12:44.


So What If I Look Different? - Duration: 2:42.

I was born with a rare syndrome called tilted disc syndrome. It affects 1 to 2

percent of the population and I was one of the unfortunate ones to get it.

This caused my eye to be in this awkward location.

My parents didn't notice it until I was 3 and when I finally went to the doctor

for the first time to see about the problem, they said they couldn't do

anything about it. So for most of my childhood I had to live with this

appearance. This caused a lot of bullying and a lot of kids to call me ugly and a

lot of kids thought I was blind. I didn't trust anyone except a few friends who I

had who didn't care about how I looked. Around this time there was a new book

that came out called "Wonder". So I finally decided to read it and this gave me a

lot of inspiration to stand up because even though I was born with this weird

syndrome, I knew I was still beautiful. it's just the other kids were too blind

to see it. I got through my elementary school years,

and I finally got the treatment I needed so then I could have a normal appearance.

Though there were a lot of side effects. I did get sick and I got a lot of

headaches but that was only for a few months and then finally I was good. But

they had to plant these metal implants so then my eye could be adjusted and

that caused some weird facial expressions. So whenever I grinned it

would look really weird and whenever I was looking over at someone my eyes

would be really wide open. A lot of kids started to call me "The Devil" and it was

really really sad. It's caused a lot of depression and me though I thought of

what the Wonder kid Auggie would do and I realized that who cares...You be you.

You're amazing. I just went with that throughout my middle school years.

I'm a freshman in high school now and I don't care how I look I don't care if I have a

weird facial expression. I don't care if I once was a freak. I just be myself and

that is what gets you through life. So now all those people who are being

bullied out there for their looks. just remember you

are beautiful on the inside and that's all that matters.

For more infomation >> So What If I Look Different? - Duration: 2:42.


Valentines Day 2018 - Duration: 7:08.

Valentines Day 2018

Valentines Day 2018

Valentines Day 2018

Valentines Day 2018

Valentines Day 2018

Valentines Day 2018 Valentines Day 2018 This article is about the liturgical celebration and romantic holiday. For Brazil's corresponding celebration, see Dia dos Namorados. For uses of Valentine, see Valentine. For other uses, see Valentine's Day (disambiguation). "St. Valentine's Day" redirects here. For the Bing Crosby album, see St. Valentine's Day Valentines Day 2018 Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country. Valentines Day 2018 Several martyrdom stories associated with the various Valentines that were connected to February 14 were added to later martyrologies, including a popular hagiographical account of Saint Valentine of Rome who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius, and before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell. Valentines Day 2018 The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century,In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). In Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys are given to lovers "as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver's heart", as well as to children, in order to ward off epilepsy (called Saint Valentine's Malady). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Valentines Day 2018 Saint Valentine's Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church. Many parts of the Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrate Saint Valentine's Day, albeit on July 6 and July 30, t Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, of Hieromartyr Valentine, Interamna (modern Terni). Saint Valentine History Valentines Day 2018 Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred in 269 and was added to the calendar of saints by Pope Galesius in 496 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. The relics of Saint Valentine were kept in the Church and Catacombs of San Valentino in Rome, which "remained an Middle Ages until the relics of St. Valentine were transferred to the church of Santa Prassede during the pontificate of Nicholas IV". The flower-crowned skull of Saint Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. Other relics are found at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. Valentines Day 2018 Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) and is said to have been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian in 273. He is buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location from Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino). Jack B. Oruch states that "abstracts of the acts of the two saints were in nearly every church and monastery of Europe." The Catholic Encyclopedia third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of February 14. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions, but nothing more is known about him. Saint Valentine's head was preserved in the abbey of New Minster, Winchester, and venerated. Valentines Day 2018 February 14 is celebrated as St. Valentine's Day in various Christian denominations; it has, 'commemoration' in the calendar of saints in the Anglican Communion. feast day of Saint Valentine is also given in the calendar of saints of the Lutheran Church. in the 1969 revision of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, the feast day of Saint Valentine on February 14 was removed Valentines Day 2018 Subscribe : Facebook Page: Google+: YouTube Channel: Valentines Day 2018 #Subscribe

For more infomation >> Valentines Day 2018 - Duration: 7:08.


MySPP: introduction - Duration: 1:52.

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for my SVP you will need your SVP account number a valid email address a

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for watching

For more infomation >> MySPP: introduction - Duration: 1:52.


Plan De Crecimiento Para Tener Mejores Relaciones Sociales - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Plan De Crecimiento Para Tener Mejores Relaciones Sociales - Duration: 4:06.


Música de YOUR NAME (Kimi No Na Wa) FULL em PORTUGUÊS: "Zen Zen Zense" - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Música de YOUR NAME (Kimi No Na Wa) FULL em PORTUGUÊS: "Zen Zen Zense" - Duration: 5:03.


Weird News: Justin Bieber Gives His Mom a Foot Massage - Duration: 2:11.

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Justin Bieber gives his mama foot massage

weird or not

Justin Bieber was seen massaging his mom Pattie Mallette

Broken foot while on vacation with her in the Maldives and many fans seem grossed out by it

Justin Bieber may not be a doctor

But he sure was acting like one while on vacation in the Maldives with his mom Pattie Mallette on January

22nd as we previously told you Pattie has been stuck in a wheelchair the last couple of days as she unfortunately

Broke her foot during their mother-son vacation and now it looks like Justin has been trying to comfort her

Starting with a foot massage Pattie took to Instagram on January

22nd where she posted a story video of Justin giving her a massage

You're not a doctor. Don't touch it. She joked with a caption then she pretended

He responded back by saying I care out

And then she asked her followers if she should trust Justin or not, lol

It seems like a sweet thing for Justin to do but Twitter isn't a huge fan of this massage

Some fans have said it's pretty weird for a son to massage his mom's foot but will refrain from making a judgement

Instead we'll just show you what Justin's fans have been saying about the new video am I the only one who thinks

Justin Bieber and his mom are too touchy-feely with eco thir and too close is what one Twitter user

asked others asked similar questions

There were also a few people who said things like yikes. It's weird

Fortunately for Justin though a lot of people found the video to be cute

For instance take a look at the tweet below with the video and a caption saying this is not funny

But look at this laugh, um I can't laughing so much if Justin Bieber your laugh is everything and stop hurting your mom

For more infomation >> Weird News: Justin Bieber Gives His Mom a Foot Massage - Duration: 2:11.


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Dark Guitar type rap beat instrumental

Wicked rap beat

Electric guitar type rap beat instrumental

Type beat 2018

Rap beat instrumental

Type beat

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