Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

You may have heard about the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities that affect virtually every

computer in the world, including your web host.

Fixes are coming, but those fixes may slow down computers by around 30%.

If your site loads 30% slower, are you gonna lose some rankings?

Google says not to worry.

Before we get into that though, I'm Mickey Mellen, and this is A Brighter Web, episode

number 35, brought to you by all of us at GreenMellen.

Our goal with this podcast is to give you quick weekly insights and tips to help you

get more done and free up your time to do great things.

We also want to thank our sponsor,

GoWP provides white label WordPress support for agencies and web professionals.

Use code ABW for a 15% discount on any monthly plan.

Today, we'll talk more about Spectre and Meltdown affecting your rankings, Google link colors,

mobile page speed, Search Console beta, GoogleBot's improved vision, YouTube monetization, and

much more.

Let's dig in.

So as I mentioned at the top, Specter and Meltdown are some pretty serious vulnerabilities

that affect the vast majority of computers in the world, but patches are coming soon.

The problem is your web server is one of those likely affected, and the patches are gonna

slow that server down by roughly 30%.

If the server is 30% slower, won't your site be 30% slower, and won't that hurt your rankings?

Google says not to worry.

Google's John Mueller says, "We currently differentiate between those that are really,

really, really slow, and the rest.

I doubt this would push any site over.

That said, users don't care why a site is slow."

So while speed is certainly important, remember that for a fast site, 30% really doesn't add

up to too much.

If your site loads in 2 seconds right now, 30% slower would be 2.6 seconds.

You hate to see any slowdown, but 2.6 really isn't that big a deal compared to sites that

load in like 10 seconds.

Plus, hosts should slowly adjust by moving sites around and adding more resources to

counter this issue over time.

So long-term, speed shouldn't matter too much for you.

Google's testing light blue links to match mobile link color.

For many years now, Google has used the same color blue on their links in the search results.

This is hex color #2200CC, for those interested.

Now they're testing a much lighter shade of blue to match the color of their mobile search


This won't affect you day-to-day too much, but it'll be interesting to see if they go

through with it, and is yet another sign of Google trying to get their mobile and desktop

searches to match.

Google says page speed will become a factor in mobile searches.

We all know that Google uses speed as a ranking factor, and they have for years on desktop,

but it's only been on desktop.

Google's not looked at that on mobile.

Starting this July, Google will start using speed as a factor on mobile sites as well.

Google says it will only affect, "A small percentage of the queries.

It's only especially slow sites we affect."

So likely you don't need to worry, as long as your site's not excessively slow.

But certainly keep an eye on that and a faster site, even if Google doesn't mind the speed,

faster is always better for your users.

Google Search Console beta sends invited to more webmasters.

Google sent out more invites to use a new version of Google Search Console, so keep

an eye on that.

They've also added a few new features, such as some export options.

We have a link in our show notes that dig into some of those new features a bit more.

So keep an eye out for those invites.

They'll arrive via email to the address you have connected to your Google Search Console

account, inviting you to try the new one.

And as we mentioned before, even when you're using the new Search Console, you still have

access to the old version, as there are some features in there that haven't yet made it

to the new one.

Google says that site splits or mergers take longer than site moves.

This somewhat make sense, but Google says that a clean site move from address to another,

or adding SSL, is much faster than partial moves, where you're splitting or merging content

between sites.

Specifically, Google's John Mueller says, "Site merges or splits generally take longer

than one-to-one site moves, but there's no fixed amount of time.

Reprocessing is on a per-URL basis."

So it doesn't mean you shouldn't split or merge content if that's make the most sense

for your situation, just realize it may take longer for Google to catch up to those changes.

GoogleBot can see even longer pages.

So GoogleBot is the little bot that Googles sends around to look at all the pages on the

internet to grab them and save them on their servers.

So GoogleBot is all of our friend if we want to rank better.

GoogleBot now can see taller pages.

So GoogleBot's typically limited by how long of a page it can see.

But there's a limit to what Google can see.

It's now reported that GoogleBot can see 12,140 pixels on mobile, and 9,307 on desktop.

That should be more than plenty for most of you, but it's something to keep in mind if

you have any extraordinarily long pages.

YouTube changes their monetization rules.

YouTube has just changed the rules on who's allowed to monetize their videos, effectively

kicking out thousands of channels.

The new rule is that you must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch

time in the past 12 months to be eligible for ads.

For me personally, this means I'm no longer able to monetize my videos.

While I have around 2,500 subscribers, they've only watched 20,277 minutes in the past year,

so 337 hours, which is way short of the 4,000 hours needed.

Now granted, it only earned me a few dollars a month, and for most people that are getting

kicked out, it's not a lot of money we're talking about, but it's still a shame.

A lot of people said, "Hey, I used that to pay for my Netflix, I was making $10, $20

a month," and now they won't anymore.

But hopefully as channels grow, they'll get in there.

The consensus really is that this is not a bad move by YouTube, but perhaps they should

have grandfathered existing monetized channels in.

But they're not, and as of February 20th, that'll change.

So if you make money from YouTube, keep an eye on that, and hopefully it won't affect

you too much.

Smart speakers are stealing time from smart phones, TV and radio.

So with roughly 40 million smart speakers, the primary ones being Alexa and Google Home,

in homes today, there's increasing amounts of research on how they're used.

A new survey shows that smart speaker usage is replacing various other media in the house,

primarily affecting radio and smart phone usage, but also television, tablet and computers.

This makes sense.

We have a total of five Google Home devices in our house, and they certainly replace radios

for playing music, and a good bit of smartphone usage too for asking questions I normally

would've used my phone for.

A link to the full research can be found in our show notes, so you can learn more about


Facebook will be showing less content from publishers and brands.

Facebook business pages have become less and less prevalent in the news feed over the past

few years, but it's about to get much worse.

Specifically, Facebook has told publishers and brands that they, "May see their reach,

video watch time and referral traffic decrease."

We've seen this coming, and it's why we encourage companies to use multiple channels.

From Facebook's angle, it's probably a good way to get companies to spend more money with

them, which can have a pretty good return on investment, but it's something you need

to be aware of, and make sure you keep your marketing strategy wide, and don't go too

deep in any one channel for things like this.

Google's Project Fi just unveiled a new $80 unlimited plan with some nice perks.

So Project Fi is a great service, but I've been waiting on them to do something, because

they really haven't been competitive on data prices, and now they have.

If you're not familiar with Project Fi, it's a mobile phone service from Google that uses

T-Mobile, Sprint and US Cellular.

Whichever one's getting the best signal in any given location is what your phone will


It's pretty brilliant.

And for the most part, T-Mobile has phenomenal speeds inside of cities, and Sprint gets a

little more coverage outside, and together they become a pretty good network.

The main downside, it's only available on a number of select Android phones, primarily

their Pixel devices.

Now these are amazing phones, I have the Pixel 2 XL and I love it.

But it's a small percentage of the total phones out there.

The pricing for Project Fi has always been fair, but wasn't great for heavy data users.

For $20, you got unlimited talk and text, and then it was $10 a gig for data on top

of that.

What's neat is that you got a credit for unused data, so you never pay for more than you use.

However, with most companies offering unlimited data, $10 a gig was just too expensive for

most users.

So now they have a new plan.

They're calling it "bill protection", which caps the bill at $80 a month.

You still start at $20, and you still pay $10 a gig, but once you've used 6 gigs, a

total of $80, the rest of the data is free, up to I think 15 or so.

What this means is that your bill can fluctuate with usage.

You can use wifi to keep the bill low one month, but if you need to use a ton of actual

data the next month, the unlimited plan will kick in and keep the bill at $80.

With other carriers, you buy their unlimited plan, and if you have a really low month,

you still pay for the unlimited plan.

So this, in theory, if you watch your data, could keep you in better shape.

And then if you want to go just data-crazy one month, you're still covered there.

So it's worth checking that out if you're an Android fan, a Pixel fan, and have the

need for that kind of service.

And for our tip of the week, I would say to get a mobile hotspot, or learn to use your

phone as one if you want.

We have a few hotspots from Verizon, and they're pretty cheap when they're part of a family


Here's a couple examples why I love them so much.

So I was in a meeting a few days ago at a large new building, and I brought my hotspot

like I always did.

I fired it up and got to work in the meeting.

Meanwhile, I saw others struggling to make the wifi connect.

They were trying to track down the password, it went down at one point, just kind of the

normal wifi headaches.

It wasn't a big deal, but it made the hotspot decision seem wise.

A bigger problem I remember is from some years ago when I was still essentially a freelancer,

I accompanied an agency to a website pitch.

Before we went in, I fired up my hotspot so I was ready to go.

Once we sat down, the agency guys needed wifi, and we couldn't really start til they got


So they asked the firm we were at for their wifi info, but they didn't really know what

it was.

So the business owner got up, went up to reception, got the info for them, came back, then they

still couldn't connect.

They were like, "Is that a one or an I," trying to get it sorted out.

It eventually got settled, but it really kills your professionalism when you're messing around

like that.

Again, you can usually add a hotspot to your line for like $20 a month, and it just works

awesome, you can let other people use it.

I use it in the car when I convince my wife to drive on longer trips.

The other reason I like hotspots over using your phone is they don't drain your phone


Hotspots on your phone can really kill the battery.

You can move them around to a more signal-friendly area, for example I could put it by the window

or something and get a better signal.

I do that when I'm in south Georgia sometimes with my in-laws.

But if not though, particularly with unlimited data plans, using your phone as a hotspot

can work just fine.

Either way, just be prepared, so you're not fumbling in front of colleagues or clients

at your next meeting.

That's all we have for this week.

You can find me on Twitter @mickmel, M-I-C-K-M-E-L, or learn lots more at

And you can find out more about the podcast, including show notes and links, as well as

video tutorials and many other resources over at

Thanks for listening.

For more infomation >> A Brighter Web, Episode 035 - Google link colors, mobile page speed, YouTube monetization and more - Duration: 9:22.


SW _ Så här tittar du på bläddra eller rensa sökhistoriken i YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history.

Access your search history by selecting History in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab.Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> SW _ Så här tittar du på bläddra eller rensa sökhistoriken i YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.


Tutorial: SPL Calculator on PAcalculate app - Duration: 12:44.

Hello, this is Joe Brusi

developer of 'PAcalculate', the free

multi-platform app for mobile phones and

tablets with calculators, reference

information such as pinouts, like this

useful speakON NL8 drawing, as well

as utilities such as an inclinometer, or

a flashlight, or a light screen for

theater applications. As far as

calculators go all of them include

relately lengthy help text here at the

bottom of the screen, or if we had a mobile

phone with a smaller screen, that text

screen would be accessed through an info

button like this. So that help

information is integrated within the app

but in this first video tutorial we

wanted to complete this information with

more detailed explanations on the sound

pressure level related calculators. The

SPL calculator calculates a resulting

total direct sound SPL. As well as doing

that it provides partial results that

you can see here on the right hand side

with the yellow background. On smaller

screens these corrections you'll find

them here at the bottom of the resulting

SPL. The calculation is for parameters

that you see on the screen:

sensitivity, power, number of speakers

with phase, and distance, so that means other

factors such as air attenuation,

reverberation, wind, or pressure gradients

that could curve the sound upwards are

not considered.

Also not considered is the loss of

sensitivity due to loudspeaker heating

or the signal crest factor, which means

that, depending on the amplifiers peak

power output, we will have more SPL for a

modern song with little dynamics than

for an uncompressed live sound audio or

songs from the 70s or 80s that were

recorded with much more dynamics than

those of today. The first input field is

sensitivity, which is the sound pressure

level produced referenced to a distance

of 1 meter with an input of 1 watt. Of

course, with sensitivity, the higher the

better because that means we have more

pressure for the same amount of input

power. Here we would enter the nominal

sensitivity from the manufacturer's spec

sheet but you should know that

sensitivities are not all born the same

and manufactures could use different

criteria that could result in slightly

different results, say plus minus 2 dB,

This sensitivity data that we introduced

here is the base SPL to which

corrections of power, number of speakers,

and distance are added, to get a total

resulting SPL. Next field is the power

that an amplified channel delivers to

each loudspeaker enclosure if we have a

box with more than one speaker then we

will treat it as a black box (because we

don't care what's inside) and we'll use

the number of boxes in the number of

loudspeakers field and in the

sensitivity field we'll use the

sensitivity of the entire box. If we have

several boxes connected to the same

amplifier channel then we'll enter the

power of the amplifier channel divided

by the number of

boxes. For example if we have 2 boxes

of 8 ohms each connected in parallel and

the amplifier delivers a power of a

thousand watts into a 4 ohm load then

we'll enter a power level of 500 watts.

It's important here to enter real power

based on RMS voltage. These days a lot of

manufacturers use peak power which is

twice as much or specifications based on

sinewave busrts, and that's a power

that cannot be maintained continuously.

Of course doubling the power means

adding 3 dB to the SPL so when we go

from 500 watts to 1000 watts we go

from 27 to 30 dB. Next is the number of

boxes that we enter the sensitivity for

in the first field of the calculator. As

we could expect doubling the number of

in-phase loudspeakers gets us an

increase of 6 dB in SPL, we double again

we have an extra 6 dB,if we double again to 8

we have a final total correction of 18

dB for 3 times doubling of the number of

speakers (from 1 to 2 to 4 and to 8)

whereas if we switch to the random phase

option, then it becomes 3 dB per doubling,

There a total of 9 dB for 8 speakers

carrying independent signals.

If we had 2 loudspeakers, one on each

side, carrying totally different signals,

such as instruments and voices that had

been panned completely to the right or to

the left, the sum of the sound pressure

level from each speaker would be 3 dB

more and that would happen pretty much

anywhere within a room. However if we

have the same two speakers carrying the

same signal, the only points in space

were the contributions from the two

speakers arrive at the same time is

this center line here, so only points

along this line would get a total

summation with no interference. therefore

6 dB extra decibels. However for any

other positions outside of this center

line the time arrivals from the sources

would be different and that would mean

the possibility of interference

Depending on the frequency and the time

arrival difference we might get total

summation, if we're lucky, 6 dB more.

Total cancellation if we are unlucky or

somewhere in between, that's why as a way

to make some kind of an average

throughout the area we tend to use the

random phase option in the SPL

calculator, so that we have an average

result which is also a conservative

result, so if there is any additional

gains because because of the spacings at

loudspeaker or the size of the room then

that's something that will will add to

our conservative estimate; we'd rather

have a more realistic conservative

estimate than overestimate the result.

On the other hand if we had an array of

subwoofers in the center, then pretty

much anywhere in the room time arrivals

are similar and considering that low

frequencies have very large wavelengths

In this case we could more or less use

the in-phase option for the SPL

calculation with relative certainty. As

the last field we have the change of SPL

contributed by distance to the source.

That works with the inverse square law,

so, of course, when we double the distance

(which we can enter in meters or feet) we

decrease 6 dB. If we double again we have

again 6 dB less; if we double again we

have a total of -18 dB. If we want

to calculate the effects of air

absorption for a specific frequency we

can use the air absorption calculator

here we can see the effect of different

variables in the total attenuation. For

instance, temperature does have an effect,

but if you watch the result field here

at the bottom it's not a great

difference. Let's go back to 25 degrees

(again we can use Celsius or Fahrenheit here)

As far as the relative, humidity water

is a much better conductor of sound than

air is, so that means the humidity has a

big impact: for instance here we have a

relative humidity of 15% with 3.5 dB

loss. If we go to 50% humidity

then that'll go down to 1,3.

Distance is also, of course, key. If we

change this 15 to, say, 100, that increases

dramatically. And frequency is also key:

if we change this 8,000 Hertz to 16,000

we would in this case almost quadruple

the air loss attenuation. The last sound

pressure level related calculator is SPL

addition, that allows us to add multiple

SPLs with a phase option that should be

used in the same way we saw before. Here

we can see for instance that if we have

two dB SPLs spaced by 10 dB, if the

phase option is at 'random phase' then the

end result is pretty much the largest

SPL we had to begin with, whereas if we

switch to 'in phase' now it's relatively

significant. As a final note, it's really

important to put the meaning of dB into

perspective and to remember what level

changes in dB mean: a change of 10 dB is

perceived as a change of doubling the

loudness, whereas 3 dB are basically

just a noticeable change and 1 dB

would hardly be noticeable at all,

especially when playing music. That's all

for now. See you next time!

For more infomation >> Tutorial: SPL Calculator on PAcalculate app - Duration: 12:44.


#6 THE MAGIC TREE ! ? In the Wolrd of Kalaweit... - Duration: 1:48.

At the heart of the Supayang reserve up on large strangler fig tree, about 20, 22 meters high ...

yeah it's very high ...

So these large fig trees are extremely important because they are emerging (they come out of the canopy) and used as sleeping trees

for some monkeys

but they are also

extremely important for the gibbons as they come to feed, and it is often very important areas in their territory that's why

I come to place an camera-trap.

So we will be able to see the animals that pass and precisely

in front of me there is a family of gibbons, which is now starting to vocalize, because they spotted me

and this tree is at the heart of their territory. There are four individuals

These trees are a little bit unique because they use other trees as tutors they end up killing

as they are big enough and had access to sunlight

that's why we always have a hollow structure in the heart of the tree, which corresponds to

the old trunk that served before as tutor, here we can see it, it is at my feet

So this big hole was before occupied by the trunk of the previous tree that was killed by strangler fig

So that the fig tree is certainly the most important tree for gibbons

For more infomation >> #6 THE MAGIC TREE ! ? In the Wolrd of Kalaweit... - Duration: 1:48.


Charlene von Monaco: Das Aus ist besiegelt! - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Charlene von Monaco: Das Aus ist besiegelt! - Duration: 4:54.


New Suzuki GSX-S150 model 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> New Suzuki GSX-S150 model 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:07.


Angela Merkel: Spätes Glück! - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Angela Merkel: Spätes Glück! - Duration: 4:25.


Taken 2x03 Promo "Hammurabi" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Taken 2x03 Promo "Hammurabi" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:17.


Dieter Bohlen: macht sich Gedanken über seine Beerdigung - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Dieter Bohlen: macht sich Gedanken über seine Beerdigung - Duration: 4:19.


మణికంఠునిమహత్యం Episode26 | Mani Kantudu Mahatyam | Lord Mani Kanta | Ayyappa | Manikantuni Mahatyam - Duration: 24:06.


For more infomation >> మణికంఠునిమహత్యం Episode26 | Mani Kantudu Mahatyam | Lord Mani Kanta | Ayyappa | Manikantuni Mahatyam - Duration: 24:06.


మీనరాశినక్షత్రాల స్వభావం | Meena Rasi 2018 | Meena Rasi Characteristics | Uttarabhadra | Purvabhadra - Duration: 27:47.


For more infomation >> మీనరాశినక్షత్రాల స్వభావం | Meena Rasi 2018 | Meena Rasi Characteristics | Uttarabhadra | Purvabhadra - Duration: 27:47.


Jacqueline Fernandez - Jacqueline Fernandez Gym workout | Fitness Icon Workout Video | - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Jacqueline Fernandez - Jacqueline Fernandez Gym workout | Fitness Icon Workout Video | - Duration: 6:06.


waterproofing - roofing - Duration: 10:23.

Today I will be shooting video

waterproofing - roofing

You pay attention to see the video offline.

Sign up to see the latest videos, thanks

For more infomation >> waterproofing - roofing - Duration: 10:23.


Учим части тела для детей. Развивающие мультики для самых маленьких детей. Развивающие игры - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Учим части тела для детей. Развивающие мультики для самых маленьких детей. Развивающие игры - Duration: 4:16.


Learn Colors with Lipstick Colours Makeup Colors to Kids Children Toddlers Baby Play Videos 2018 - Duration: 6:52.

Learn Colors with Lipstick Colours Makeup Colors to Kids Children Toddlers Baby Play Videos 2018

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Lipstick Colours Makeup Colors to Kids Children Toddlers Baby Play Videos 2018 - Duration: 6:52.


Sergei Eisenstein Biography | Sergei Eisenstein Google Doodle - Duration: 1:06.

Sergei Eisenstein's 120th birthday is celebrated in many countries by a Google Doodle.

gei Eisenstein is represented by an animated Google Doodle.

Sergei Eisenstein was Born on this day in 1898, Sergei Eisenstein was a Soviet artist

and avantgarde director of several groundbreaking films, including Battleship Potemkin, Strike,

and The General Line.

Sergei Eisenstein was Known as the father of montage which is a film technique of editing

a fast-paced sequence of short shots to transcend time or suggest thematic juxtapositions.

Sergei Eisenstein deployed arresting images in sequences of psychological precision.

His films were also revolutionary in another sense, as he often depicted the struggle of

downtrodden workers against the ruling class.

Today, we celebrate his 120th birthday with a tribute to his pioneering technique.

Happy birthday, Sergei Eisenstein!

For more infomation >> Sergei Eisenstein Biography | Sergei Eisenstein Google Doodle - Duration: 1:06.


Justin Bieber's Mom Stuck in Wheelchair after Breaking Her Foot 2018 - Duration: 1:40.

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Justin Bieber's mom stuck in wheelchair after breaking her foot on mother-son vacay

Justin Bieber's mom Pattie Mallette won't let a broken foot stop her from enjoying her maldives vacation

She's taken to relaxing in a wheelchair

Justin Bieber's mom Pattie Mallette injured herself during her vacation in the Maldives with her son, okay, so yeah

I broke my foot on the first day of vacation round, but there are worse places to be hurt smile of that

I am sure she captioned an Instagram photo of her foot in a boot almost all I got our foot pics

Lul I had to take a few bolts and seaplanes to get it looked bad treated

But I had awesome help present a really cool wheelchair made for sand my foot has definitely been on an adventure this trip

Justin posted his own photo of his mom's unfortunate injury on his own Instagram account

He shared a photo of her sitting in the really cool wheelchair Patti mentioned

She looks happy with flowers in her hair as resort employees surround her and the love yourself singer

Even though the stars mother got hurt. She's definitely seemed to make the most of her private island getaway

earlier in their vacation she got the boat Justin on social media

she posted a photo of the two of them relaxing on a boat in the Indian Ocean and

Captioned it with a long message dedicated to how proud she is a big Grammy winner

Hope they're having a wonderful time together

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber's Mom Stuck in Wheelchair after Breaking Her Foot 2018 - Duration: 1:40.


List Of Things That You Should Know When Going Through Menopause! - Duration: 4:21.


List Of Things That You Should Know When Going Through Menopause!

Even though people claim that they are aware of how going through menopause feels, that

is, completely natural, it can actually feel like hell.

It can cause you to gain a couple of pounds, or hair to start growing on your chin, due

to which women find menopause a practical hell on earth.

However, that doesn't signify that menopause are just downfalls.

There are certain positive aspects as well!

The 20 things that you have to be aware of when it comes to menopause are the following:

Crying for no reason The hormones rushing through your body are

generally going to make you cry for no particular reason.

Hair is going to start growing on random areas Finding hairs on the chin is not actually

odd, however due to some absurd reason, you are going to frequently discover hairs on

odd and absurd areas.

You are going to have difficulties sleeping without being disturbed

Insomnia while going through menopause is an actual thing and it can be quite agonizing.

You are frequently going to find yourself lying in bed without being able to fall asleep.

You are going to want to eat all of the chocolate in the world

You are frequently going to crave chocolate and sweet foods.

You are going to gain some weight In certain cases, the gaining of the pounds

will be triggered by all the chocolate you eat, however, in other cases, it will be as

a consequence of the fact that your metabolism is decelerating.

You are going to start forgetting your own name frequently

When going through menopause, you are going to start frequently forgetting even the simplest

things and many simple things are going to confuse you.

You are going to feel as if your brain has left you

The menopause is going to make you feel as if your brain has left you.

You are going to have break-outs like a teenager During this period you are going to relive

the troubles of your teenage days.

You will start saying things that you have on your mind

Keeping the negative remarks for yourself is in certain cases going to seem a bit difficult.

You are going to be more direct even when making small talks.

Certain body parts are going to swell Usually the ankles are the ones that most

frequently swell.

You are going to have mood swings At one moment you are going to feel happy,

at another moment sad, or find yourself wishing to rip someone's head off.

That is what menopause is.

Within a period of twenty minutes, you're going to shout, laugh, cry and scream.

In case someone touches you, you might scream Even when someone is trying to console you,

you are going to feel like wanting to scream in their face.

You will find it difficult to hold back mean comments

Even in cases when you feel a bit annoyed you are going to start saying mean comments

to everyone.

You are going to feel as if you are going insane

At a certain point, you are going to find yourself feeling as if you've lost all connections

to the real life.

And you are going to want to eat more chocolate.

Hot flashes It is quite probable that you have already

heard the myths regarding "hot flashes", but it is going to seem much worse than what

you have in fact thought it would be.

You would rather sit in the refrigerator You are going to feel very hot.

And we don't mean sexy, but hot.

You are going to want to live in the refrigerator.

You are going to sweat more than every other person in your house

You are always going to feel sweaty and never actually fully clean.

But, somehow you still retain water You are going to be bloated, even if you have

sweated out all liquids.

This is a consequence of the fact that you are going to have issues with retention of


What you are going to want to do all the time is eat, eat, eat

Food is going to become your life and it is going to become a substitute for your social


You are going to be craving food constantly.

You are always on the war path Anger is going to become part of your everyday

because you aren't going to let anyone stand in your way.

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