(Episode 45) I'll keep trying even if it takes days.
Enter the passcode.
Unregistered code.
It's not a birthday
or a phone number.
Safe unlocked.
It was when we got our marriage license.
Door opened.
Door locked.
There's nothing much here, let alone her seal.
What's going on here?
Then where could Ms. Kim's registered seal be?
Come in. Come in. Come in.
It's Haengja's voice.
Hang on.
Hang on.
Why is this door locked?
Must have been Min Yang again.
Just a second.
- Come in. / - Thank you.
The thing is, I asked to see you today
because Myeongjo said something odd.
Please continue.
Myeongjo said
you and Eunjo seemed to have broken up.
I could ask Eunjo to find out,
but she's so busy these days
that I barely see her.
I'd like the two of you to be together.
But the truth is, Eunjo's feelings come first for me.
Is it true what Myeongjo said?
More precisely,
I'm waiting for Ms. Gil.
You're waiting?
After starting her job,
Eunjo's desire to marry seems to be fading.
She also seems to want to do well at her job.
My commitment hasn't wavered, so I'm waiting.
But even if it doesn't work out,
I'd like to keep working for you.
Geez. But of course.
There isn't some other problem, is there?
What other problem?
No, never mind.
I only asked out of concern.
Don't worry about it.
Maybe I should've waited to give her the Center.
A woman must have a career too.
I'm all for it.
Right. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for bringing this up first.
My goodness.
I feel bad I asked you to come on your day off.
Don't be.
I feel relieved after this heart-to-heart.
Yes. You can't force anything in life,
especially when it comes to love.
So let's give it a bit more time.
- Thank you for your faith in me. / - Sure.
What is it? Why?
Is this it?
There's no one else?
Who else would there be but the people you see?
But I lost him right around here.
Lost who?
No, it's nothing.
Clean the shop if you have time
to waste like this.
The shop's dusty everywhere.
Got it?
You must be tired too
to be called over on the weekends too.
I'm fine.
Who are you tailing anyway?
Huh? Oh...
Just someone.
I could've sworn he disappeared around here.
Wow. That was a very close call.
In any case, where do I find this thing?
How did you know I was here?
I'm not slow to pick up on things.
Did you find what you were looking for?
The thing is,
it's not in the safe.
It's not?
She seems to be more meticulous than I thought.
And suspicious too.
I figured as much.
You knew and yet you sent me here?
Who knew you'd come during the day on the weekend?
I'm anxious.
I'm not doing this for my benefit alone.
I'm just making preparations should something
happen to my spouse.
Is that a bad thing?
Ms. Kim probably wouldn't ever even tell me
due to ingrained habits.
You said there was a suitable building.
There's a building Ms. Kim's left unattended.
She won't know right away even if you get to it.
But how?
Because I'll make sure she doesn't.
I'm counting on you.
You'll have to be careful from now on.
You seem to have piqued Aunt Eunjeong's interest.
It's so bothersome as she follows me
like a shadow.
Be careful.
You might get caught when you least expect it.
Just do your part well.
Would I forget you if things went well?
I might even set you up with your own law firm,
Thank you.
But will you be able to do that with one building?
I'll start with one building.
One shouldn't be too greedy on the first attempt.
Take good care of my Inu.
I'm actually on my way to see her.
Counsel Byeon Busik submitted this.
Byeon Busik?
He applied for the new opening on the legal team.
(Recommended by Gu Jonghui)
Gu Jonghui?
Director Gu recommended him.
We are.
I'm going to marry him.
Long time no see although we live together.
Counsel Byeon applied for a job on the legal team.
He did?
Why didn't you tell me?
It says you recommended him.
He took care of the last lawsuit,
and I deemed him to be a young talent.
Any other reason?
Why would there be?
She said he's a young talent.
You know I make the final decision, right?
Did something happen between you and him?
And even if something did,
you won't make work decisions personal, right?
Hiring is the CEO's exclusive right.
Look at him talk.
So he'll do whatever he pleases now?
You recommended Counsel Byeon?
Hey, good job. Good job.
It's got nothing to do with Dong Mi-ae,
so don't hold your breath.
That's a new dress.
Mind your own business.
You're on a roll these days.
It doesn't look cheap.
What are you doing?
Did Dad get it for you?
Why didn't he get me anything?
What about me? Am I not his daughter?
You don't like Dad eyeing someone else's wealth
but you want a dress?
Pick a side.
Jeong Inu, you silly bear,
you've changed a lot.
People do change in a blink of an eye.
Why are you picking a fight again?
Will a single dress take care of this mess?
What mess?
The $10,000 has to be repaid.
Neither of us can get another loan.
If we could have,
Mom wouldn't have turned to a loan shark.
That leaves only one option:
Dad, who's been flaunting his newfound wealth.
Hey, Jeong Injeong.
Mind what you say.
How dare you take a dig at Dad?
What a devoted daughter you are.
I'd always thought I was unscrupulous.
But now I know someone who's way worse.
You're stealing someone else's
man and money.
Hey! Watch what you say!
Am I wrong?
You have no right to say that to me.
I have no right?
You're always talking about rights these days.
Tell me.
Why don't I have the right?
Never mind.
I won't say as I don't want to be petty.
You're already petty.
Tell me.
Forget it.
That you sacrificed yourself
because we were poor?
That you gave up on college
in order to make money
as you were the eldest of divorced parents?
Don't oversimplify a very difficult past.
What were you doing then?
You got to enjoy what everyone else did.
You got private lessons,
went to cram schools,
and wore mid-range name brands
so you wouldn't be slighted.
Who paid for all that?
Do you think you're here thanks to your greatness?
Are you going to mope all day?
You need to make money to pay off the $10,000.
I can't make that kind of money in a few days.
Then do you have another plan?
No matter how hard I try, I can't think of
a way to get that kind of money.
Of course there is a way.
You could get that and more if you'd just
shut your eyes and get it over with.
What are you talking about?
Who? Ms. Kim?
Did you know it was Ms. Kim
who slashed the high-interest balance of $45,000
down to the $10,000 principal?
I had a feeling it was.
Geez. My ties with her are something else.
But she didn't do it for me. That jerk...
Geez. Why waste my breath?
I heard Ms. Kim was a big shot
when she was in the money lending business.
You've got yourself a very useful connection.
That's what hurts my pride.
It'd be upsetting to acknowledge her help,
but it'd bother me if I didn't.
Nevertheless, shouldn't you at least thank her?
I don't know.
Run along. Bye.
What's with them now?
Is Injeong still mad about the Myeongjo thing?
Turns out one can't tell what one's child thinks.
I can always tell what Busik is thinking.
What are you doing?
Are you going somewhere?
To the Center. I have a presentation tomorrow.
This beats when you were marriage-crazed.
You're okay, right?
About Injeong.
I'm fine.
Nothing happened.
Maybe it's good things blew up before anything did.
Why are you looking at me like that?
You don't have to put on a brave face for me.
I know what it feels like to quit before it begins.
Gil Myeongjo.
Something's with you today.
What is it, sis?
That's right. I'm your sister.
Myeongjo, let's visit Mom and Dad tomorrow.
I was actually planning to.
We read each other's mind.
Sure. Let's go together.
Yes, let's do that.
Has yesterday's matter been resolved?
Don't bring it up as it wasn't pleasant.
Ms. Jeong Inu,
we work together
and Ms. Kim and Dr. Jeong are together.
That being the case, why don't we get along?
Why, all of a sudden?
It's not all of a sudden.
I have no desire to.
Busik and I broke up.
I can have him because you dumped him?
Look, Ms. Jeong.
You must've forgotten everything, but I haven't.
You were cocky from the start, trying to lecture me
about how being born rich is an ability too.
And now what?
You want us to get along?
That was then.
Things have changed.
I harbor grudges,
so it's not as simple for me.
So we stay this way, hostile and uncomfortable?
Fine, if that's what you want.
But keep this in mind.
What is it now?
I called Ms. Kim, and she took care of
your problem yesterday.
You know loan sharks charge very high interest.
What did you say?
If I didn't do anything yesterday,
Ms. Kim wouldn't have shown up,
and your family would've had to repay
the principal plus very exorbitant interest.
Excuse me?
That's how capable I am.
Oh, no. It's lunchtime.
What brings you here?
Am I not allowed to visit my own company?
Oh. You applied for a job on our legal team.
Mr. Byeon, you didn't get the job.
Are you threatening me because you're the CEO?
Of course not.
I'm merely informing you.
President Hong Seokpyo.
Hey, Gil Eunjo!
We were talking...
Come with me.
Mr. Hong.
Let's talk.
What is it? Hurry up.
You're capable?
Good for you that you're capable.
What do you mean?
No matter what happens,
stay capable.
Then you'll be able to get by at least.
Tell me why I didn't get the job.
One's personal life matters for our company.
Personal life?
What do you know about mine?
I heard you're marrying Ms. Jeong Inu.
Who told you that?
She told me herself.
She said you two go way back.
Am I not free to choose whom I marry?
Is that illegal?
I think I know why you chose Ms. Jeong,
but I do hope I'm wrong.
Who are you to act like you know me?
I can't give a job to someone
who's greedy and wavers
when he sees a better deal.
You're in no position to say that to me.
What's my position?
Isn't someone who wavers at a better deal
preferable to someone who's mentally unstable?
If someone like you is the CEO,
shouldn't there be a place for someone like me?
What about my personal life?
Do you know the life I've led?
Shouldn't you look at yourself
before passing judgment on others?
Mr. Hong.
What happened? Are you hurt?
Let me see.
Oh, no. You have a cut.
Did you tell Hong Seok...
Did you tell him
we're getting married?
It's the truth,
is it not?
But it won't help to advertise it to the world.
Answer me.
Are we or aren't we?
I don't care about anything else.
Are we going to get married or not?
You're putting a lot of pressure on me.
Can't you just trust me and keep it quiet?
I don't care what you and Dad are scheming.
All I need is your answer,
that we will be getting married.
Is that so hard to say?
Then let me put it this way.
I'm the perfect match for your terms of marriage.
Terms of marriage?
You don't want to be your rich in-laws' butler.
You want respect and a well-to-do lifestyle.
My dad's Ms. Kim Haengja's sole legal guardian.
And I'm my dad's daughter.
Doesn't that seal the deal?
I miss the old Inu.
The foolish eldest daughter
of a poor family of no renown?
No. I don't like that anymore.
I may not have any right to Ms. Kim's fortune now,
but over time,
it'll all come to Injeong and me.
You'd been thinking that far?
I've been waiting for you for 15 years.
I can wait another 15 years if you ask me to.
And if 15 years isn't enough, I'll wait longer.
And if I keep on waiting,
you'll be able to get everything you want.
I'll do that for you.
Let me see.
I'm fine.
You're not fine.
Why'd you provoke him
when you can't even throw a punch?
I lost it momentarily.
What did Mr. Byeon say?
That was
something between us men.
Men are loyal even after they get beaten up?
Never mind if you don't want to tell me.
Even though I got beaten up, I said what I had to,
so I have no regrets.
Good grief.
It's better for me just to laugh.
Mr. Hong,
I have a guilty conscience toward Mr. Byeon.
He's a two-timer, so what for?
You've gotten aggressive since I last saw you.
I'm the one who proposed to him,
and ultimately, it was me who broke it off,
so don't butt in for no reason.
You can't even handle it.
It's reassuring you seem to be your old self.
Registered seal. Registered seal.
She always has it with her?
That might make it easier to get.
What brings you here?
You know there was trouble at the salon, right?
It's been resolved.
Don't worry.
It hasn't been resolved.
We have to repay $10,000.
It could've been
$45,000 with the interest.
Do you think they're scared of the law?
They'll do whatever it takes to get that money.
So why did they suddenly slash it to $10,000?
It was all thanks to me.
Ms. Oh said Ms. Kim stepped in.
For whom do you think Ms. Kim did that?
It was all for me.
Is that so?
So don't worry.
Then you repay the $10,000.
Where would I find that kind of money?
Isn't that why you married a rich lady
at your child's expense?
Money is why you broke your daughter's heart
to be with that woman, so you repay the loan.
If not, I'll go see Ms. Kim myself.
Do you think you'll get $10,000 if you go?
Why would I ask Ms. Kim for money?
Then what?
I'll ask for Myeongjo.
It was very dirty the last time I came.
Don't mind me. Go do your work.
Wow. It's especially dirty here.
You should go and rest.
I'll do it.
You haven't heard yet.
I rank the lowest at the pawnshop.
I'm below Min Yang.
Cleaning is my job.
I see.
Oh, there.
I want to see if there's anything else in the safe,
but that leech...
I don't know what you're up to,
but you won't get your way.
- Let's do it together. / - Okay.
Do what together?
Diet boxing.
What do you think? Looks fun, right?
Tango's not enough, so now boxing too?
They say it's great for weight loss.
Let's do it together.
What do you think?
I'd like us to do it together.
But forget it if you don't think you can.
Truth is, I'm a bit of a klutz.
I'm not good at dancing
or anything else that involves physical activity.
It's not because you don't want to do with me?
No, it's not.
Fine. Let's do it together.
Are you really going to do it?
Don't be cocky
only to regret it later.
Give it some thought.
You want us to do something together,
so even though I might not be good,
I'm happy there's something
you want to do with me.
If this gets us to bond,
why would I say no?
When should we start?
Are you really going to do it?
Of course.
I can't tell when she's sincere
and when she's lying.
I'm talking about Gu Jonghui.
What are you doing?
I'm stepping out.
Where are you going?
I should thank Ms. Kim, albeit belatedly.
It's bothering me too much.
Ms. Kim? Huh?
Right. Timing is important in all matters.
What will I do if she really wants to box?
What? You want me to clean?
Yes. Today's our large-scale cleaning day.
Talk about a long day.
Wash the rag in water and wipe the surfaces clean.
You said you were coming in the evening.
I was just about to start cleaning.
- Yunbal. Yunbal. / - Yes?
Never mind that.
Come sit down.
What's put you in such a bad mood?
Listen. This came.
Do you know what that is?
It's a credit card statement.
What about it?
Yes. You racked up a huge bill.
What happened?
It's because I used it.
Didn't you give it to me to use?
I didn't go over the limit though.
W-W-What I mean is, you should be frugal...
That's why there's something called a credit limit.
Dr. Jeong.
You rushed over because of this chump change?
Chump change...
This isn't right.
I can put up with everything else,
but I have no tolerance for reckless spending.
One must spend to keep up appearances.
K-Keep up...
I wouldn't know anything about that.
You said you didn't need anything,
so I gave you the card to buy your friends dinner.
That's precisely it.
My friends are all important people.
I can't feed them just whatever.
Why have you changed so much?
I really liked that you weren't greedy.
Humans are bound to change,
and only change brings progress.
And to that end, we need a little money.
That's a bunch of bullcrap!
Haengja, how can you use such vulgar
language as Jeong Geunseop's wife?
You said that was my charm.
It depends on the situation.
Wow. It's so hard to get through to you.
The more we talk, the more I feel
we're sinking into a pit.
Excuse me?
That's right, I am...
The bully of Geumdong Market, right?
How much longer will you keep proudly
saying something so ridiculous?
I'm very disappointed.
I'm the one who's really disappointed.
Give me back the credit card for now.
But I have a social standing.
Listen, Dr. Jeong!
Watch it.
Nothing's more base than assuming
that the louder voice wins.
In short, it's ignorant.
What? Ignorant?
Um, that's not what I meant...
As they say, bad habits die hard.
When will you grow up? When?
When Haengja decides against something,
she tends to be resolute.
Good grief. I'm at a loss.
End it by giving him a store space for alimony.
We want you to adopt us.
The building's owner is Ms. Kim Haengja.
Can you sell it right away
if I bring her registered seal?
Tell me if you have any other debt.
I'll repay everything.
I'll get the seal somehow.
B-Burglar! Burglar!
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