Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

(Episode 45) I'll keep trying even if it takes days.

Enter the passcode.

Unregistered code.

It's not a birthday

or a phone number.


Safe unlocked.

It was when we got our marriage license.


Door opened.

Door locked.


There's nothing much here, let alone her seal.

What's going on here?

Then where could Ms. Kim's registered seal be?

Come in. Come in. Come in.


It's Haengja's voice.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Why is this door locked?

Must have been Min Yang again.

Just a second.

- Come in. / - Thank you.

The thing is, I asked to see you today

because Myeongjo said something odd.

Please continue.

Myeongjo said

you and Eunjo seemed to have broken up.

I could ask Eunjo to find out,

but she's so busy these days

that I barely see her.

I'd like the two of you to be together.

But the truth is, Eunjo's feelings come first for me.

Is it true what Myeongjo said?



More precisely,

I'm waiting for Ms. Gil.

You're waiting?


After starting her job,

Eunjo's desire to marry seems to be fading.

She also seems to want to do well at her job.


My commitment hasn't wavered, so I'm waiting.

But even if it doesn't work out,

I'd like to keep working for you.

Geez. But of course.

There isn't some other problem, is there?

What other problem?

No, never mind.

I only asked out of concern.

Don't worry about it.

Maybe I should've waited to give her the Center.

A woman must have a career too.

I'm all for it.

Right. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for bringing this up first.

My goodness.

I feel bad I asked you to come on your day off.

Don't be.

I feel relieved after this heart-to-heart.

Yes. You can't force anything in life,

especially when it comes to love.

So let's give it a bit more time.

- Thank you for your faith in me. / - Sure.

What is it? Why?

Is this it?

There's no one else?

Who else would there be but the people you see?

But I lost him right around here.

Lost who?

No, it's nothing.

Clean the shop if you have time

to waste like this.

The shop's dusty everywhere.

Got it?

You must be tired too

to be called over on the weekends too.

I'm fine.

Who are you tailing anyway?

Huh? Oh...

Just someone.

I could've sworn he disappeared around here.

Wow. That was a very close call.

In any case, where do I find this thing?

How did you know I was here?

I'm not slow to pick up on things.

Did you find what you were looking for?

The thing is,

it's not in the safe.

It's not?

She seems to be more meticulous than I thought.

And suspicious too.

I figured as much.

You knew and yet you sent me here?

Who knew you'd come during the day on the weekend?

I'm anxious.

I'm not doing this for my benefit alone.

I'm just making preparations should something

happen to my spouse.

Is that a bad thing?

Ms. Kim probably wouldn't ever even tell me

due to ingrained habits.

You said there was a suitable building.

There's a building Ms. Kim's left unattended.

She won't know right away even if you get to it.

But how?

Because I'll make sure she doesn't.

I'm counting on you.

You'll have to be careful from now on.

You seem to have piqued Aunt Eunjeong's interest.

It's so bothersome as she follows me

like a shadow.

Be careful.

You might get caught when you least expect it.

Just do your part well.

Would I forget you if things went well?

I might even set you up with your own law firm,


Thank you.

But will you be able to do that with one building?

I'll start with one building.

One shouldn't be too greedy on the first attempt.

Take good care of my Inu.

I'm actually on my way to see her.

Counsel Byeon Busik submitted this.

Byeon Busik?


He applied for the new opening on the legal team.

(Recommended by Gu Jonghui)

Gu Jonghui?

Director Gu recommended him.

We are.

I'm going to marry him.

Long time no see although we live together.

Counsel Byeon applied for a job on the legal team.


He did?

Why didn't you tell me?

It says you recommended him.


He took care of the last lawsuit,

and I deemed him to be a young talent.

Any other reason?

Why would there be?

She said he's a young talent.

You know I make the final decision, right?

Did something happen between you and him?

And even if something did,

you won't make work decisions personal, right?

Hiring is the CEO's exclusive right.

Look at him talk.

So he'll do whatever he pleases now?

You recommended Counsel Byeon?

Hey, good job. Good job.

It's got nothing to do with Dong Mi-ae,

so don't hold your breath.

That's a new dress.

Mind your own business.

You're on a roll these days.

It doesn't look cheap.

What are you doing?

Did Dad get it for you?

Why didn't he get me anything?

What about me? Am I not his daughter?

You don't like Dad eyeing someone else's wealth

but you want a dress?

Pick a side.

Jeong Inu, you silly bear,

you've changed a lot.

People do change in a blink of an eye.

Why are you picking a fight again?

Will a single dress take care of this mess?

What mess?

The $10,000 has to be repaid.

Neither of us can get another loan.

If we could have,

Mom wouldn't have turned to a loan shark.

That leaves only one option:

Dad, who's been flaunting his newfound wealth.

Hey, Jeong Injeong.

Mind what you say.

How dare you take a dig at Dad?

What a devoted daughter you are.

I'd always thought I was unscrupulous.

But now I know someone who's way worse.

You're stealing someone else's

man and money.

Hey! Watch what you say!

Am I wrong?

You have no right to say that to me.

I have no right?

You're always talking about rights these days.

Tell me.

Why don't I have the right?

Never mind.

I won't say as I don't want to be petty.

You're already petty.

Tell me.

Forget it.

That you sacrificed yourself

because we were poor?

That you gave up on college

in order to make money

as you were the eldest of divorced parents?

Don't oversimplify a very difficult past.

What were you doing then?

You got to enjoy what everyone else did.

You got private lessons,

went to cram schools,

and wore mid-range name brands

so you wouldn't be slighted.

Who paid for all that?

Do you think you're here thanks to your greatness?

Are you going to mope all day?

You need to make money to pay off the $10,000.

I can't make that kind of money in a few days.

Then do you have another plan?

No matter how hard I try, I can't think of

a way to get that kind of money.

Of course there is a way.

You could get that and more if you'd just

shut your eyes and get it over with.

What are you talking about?

Who? Ms. Kim?

Did you know it was Ms. Kim

who slashed the high-interest balance of $45,000

down to the $10,000 principal?

I had a feeling it was.

Geez. My ties with her are something else.

But she didn't do it for me. That jerk...

Geez. Why waste my breath?

I heard Ms. Kim was a big shot

when she was in the money lending business.

You've got yourself a very useful connection.

That's what hurts my pride.

It'd be upsetting to acknowledge her help,

but it'd bother me if I didn't.

Nevertheless, shouldn't you at least thank her?

I don't know.

Run along. Bye.

What's with them now?

Is Injeong still mad about the Myeongjo thing?

Turns out one can't tell what one's child thinks.

I can always tell what Busik is thinking.

What are you doing?


Are you going somewhere?

To the Center. I have a presentation tomorrow.

This beats when you were marriage-crazed.


You're okay, right?

About Injeong.

I'm fine.

Nothing happened.

Maybe it's good things blew up before anything did.

Why are you looking at me like that?

You don't have to put on a brave face for me.

I know what it feels like to quit before it begins.


Gil Myeongjo.

Something's with you today.

What is it, sis?

That's right. I'm your sister.

Myeongjo, let's visit Mom and Dad tomorrow.

I was actually planning to.

We read each other's mind.

Sure. Let's go together.

Yes, let's do that.

Has yesterday's matter been resolved?

Don't bring it up as it wasn't pleasant.

Ms. Jeong Inu,

we work together

and Ms. Kim and Dr. Jeong are together.

That being the case, why don't we get along?

Why, all of a sudden?

It's not all of a sudden.

I have no desire to.

Busik and I broke up.


I can have him because you dumped him?

Look, Ms. Jeong.

You must've forgotten everything, but I haven't.

You were cocky from the start, trying to lecture me

about how being born rich is an ability too.

And now what?

You want us to get along?

That was then.

Things have changed.

I harbor grudges,

so it's not as simple for me.

So we stay this way, hostile and uncomfortable?

Fine, if that's what you want.

But keep this in mind.

What is it now?

I called Ms. Kim, and she took care of

your problem yesterday.

You know loan sharks charge very high interest.

What did you say?

If I didn't do anything yesterday,

Ms. Kim wouldn't have shown up,

and your family would've had to repay

the principal plus very exorbitant interest.

Excuse me?

That's how capable I am.

Oh, no. It's lunchtime.

What brings you here?

Am I not allowed to visit my own company?

Oh. You applied for a job on our legal team.


Mr. Byeon, you didn't get the job.

Are you threatening me because you're the CEO?

Of course not.

I'm merely informing you.

President Hong Seokpyo.


Hey, Gil Eunjo!

We were talking...


Come with me.

Mr. Hong.

Let's talk.

What is it? Hurry up.

You're capable?

Good for you that you're capable.

What do you mean?

No matter what happens,

stay capable.

Then you'll be able to get by at least.

Tell me why I didn't get the job.

One's personal life matters for our company.

Personal life?

What do you know about mine?

I heard you're marrying Ms. Jeong Inu.

Who told you that?

She told me herself.

She said you two go way back.

Am I not free to choose whom I marry?

Is that illegal?

I think I know why you chose Ms. Jeong,

but I do hope I'm wrong.


Who are you to act like you know me?

I can't give a job to someone

who's greedy and wavers

when he sees a better deal.

You're in no position to say that to me.

What's my position?

Isn't someone who wavers at a better deal

preferable to someone who's mentally unstable?

If someone like you is the CEO,

shouldn't there be a place for someone like me?

What about my personal life?

Do you know the life I've led?

Shouldn't you look at yourself

before passing judgment on others?

Mr. Hong.

What happened? Are you hurt?

Let me see.

Oh, no. You have a cut.

Did you tell Hong Seok...

Did you tell him

we're getting married?

It's the truth,

is it not?

But it won't help to advertise it to the world.

Answer me.

Are we or aren't we?


I don't care about anything else.

Are we going to get married or not?

You're putting a lot of pressure on me.

Can't you just trust me and keep it quiet?

I don't care what you and Dad are scheming.

All I need is your answer,

that we will be getting married.

Is that so hard to say?

Then let me put it this way.

I'm the perfect match for your terms of marriage.

Terms of marriage?

You don't want to be your rich in-laws' butler.

You want respect and a well-to-do lifestyle.

My dad's Ms. Kim Haengja's sole legal guardian.

And I'm my dad's daughter.

Doesn't that seal the deal?

I miss the old Inu.

The foolish eldest daughter

of a poor family of no renown?

No. I don't like that anymore.

I may not have any right to Ms. Kim's fortune now,

but over time,

it'll all come to Injeong and me.

You'd been thinking that far?

I've been waiting for you for 15 years.

I can wait another 15 years if you ask me to.

And if 15 years isn't enough, I'll wait longer.

And if I keep on waiting,

you'll be able to get everything you want.

I'll do that for you.

Let me see.

I'm fine.

You're not fine.

Why'd you provoke him

when you can't even throw a punch?

I lost it momentarily.

What did Mr. Byeon say?

That was

something between us men.

Men are loyal even after they get beaten up?

Never mind if you don't want to tell me.

Even though I got beaten up, I said what I had to,

so I have no regrets.

Good grief.

It's better for me just to laugh.

Mr. Hong,

I have a guilty conscience toward Mr. Byeon.

He's a two-timer, so what for?

You've gotten aggressive since I last saw you.


I'm the one who proposed to him,

and ultimately, it was me who broke it off,

so don't butt in for no reason.

You can't even handle it.


It's reassuring you seem to be your old self.

Registered seal. Registered seal.

She always has it with her?


That might make it easier to get.

What brings you here?

You know there was trouble at the salon, right?

It's been resolved.

Don't worry.

It hasn't been resolved.

We have to repay $10,000.

It could've been

$45,000 with the interest.

Do you think they're scared of the law?

They'll do whatever it takes to get that money.

So why did they suddenly slash it to $10,000?

It was all thanks to me.

Ms. Oh said Ms. Kim stepped in.

For whom do you think Ms. Kim did that?

It was all for me.

Is that so?

So don't worry.

Then you repay the $10,000.


Where would I find that kind of money?

Isn't that why you married a rich lady

at your child's expense?


Money is why you broke your daughter's heart

to be with that woman, so you repay the loan.

If not, I'll go see Ms. Kim myself.

Do you think you'll get $10,000 if you go?

Why would I ask Ms. Kim for money?

Then what?


I'll ask for Myeongjo.

It was very dirty the last time I came.

Don't mind me. Go do your work.


Wow. It's especially dirty here.

You should go and rest.

I'll do it.

You haven't heard yet.

I rank the lowest at the pawnshop.

I'm below Min Yang.

Cleaning is my job.

I see.

Oh, there.

I want to see if there's anything else in the safe,

but that leech...

I don't know what you're up to,

but you won't get your way.

- Let's do it together. / - Okay.

Do what together?

Diet boxing.

What do you think? Looks fun, right?

Tango's not enough, so now boxing too?

They say it's great for weight loss.

Let's do it together.


What do you think?

I'd like us to do it together.

But forget it if you don't think you can.

Truth is, I'm a bit of a klutz.

I'm not good at dancing

or anything else that involves physical activity.

It's not because you don't want to do with me?

No, it's not.

Fine. Let's do it together.

Are you really going to do it?

Don't be cocky

only to regret it later.

Give it some thought.

You want us to do something together,

so even though I might not be good,

I'm happy there's something

you want to do with me.

If this gets us to bond,

why would I say no?

When should we start?

Are you really going to do it?

Of course.

I can't tell when she's sincere

and when she's lying.

I'm talking about Gu Jonghui.

What are you doing?


I'm stepping out.

Where are you going?

I should thank Ms. Kim, albeit belatedly.

It's bothering me too much.

Ms. Kim? Huh?

Right. Timing is important in all matters.

What will I do if she really wants to box?

What? You want me to clean?

Yes. Today's our large-scale cleaning day.

Talk about a long day.

Wash the rag in water and wipe the surfaces clean.

You said you were coming in the evening.

I was just about to start cleaning.

- Yunbal. Yunbal. / - Yes?

Never mind that.

Come sit down.

What's put you in such a bad mood?

Listen. This came.

Do you know what that is?

It's a credit card statement.

What about it?

Yes. You racked up a huge bill.

What happened?

It's because I used it.


Didn't you give it to me to use?

I didn't go over the limit though.

W-W-What I mean is, you should be frugal...

That's why there's something called a credit limit.

Dr. Jeong.

You rushed over because of this chump change?

Chump change...

This isn't right.

I can put up with everything else,

but I have no tolerance for reckless spending.


One must spend to keep up appearances.

K-Keep up...

I wouldn't know anything about that.

You said you didn't need anything,

so I gave you the card to buy your friends dinner.

That's precisely it.

My friends are all important people.

I can't feed them just whatever.

Why have you changed so much?

I really liked that you weren't greedy.

Humans are bound to change,

and only change brings progress.

And to that end, we need a little money.

That's a bunch of bullcrap!


Haengja, how can you use such vulgar

language as Jeong Geunseop's wife?

You said that was my charm.

It depends on the situation.

Wow. It's so hard to get through to you.

The more we talk, the more I feel

we're sinking into a pit.

Excuse me?

That's right, I am...

The bully of Geumdong Market, right?

How much longer will you keep proudly

saying something so ridiculous?

I'm very disappointed.


I'm the one who's really disappointed.

Give me back the credit card for now.

But I have a social standing.

Listen, Dr. Jeong!

Watch it.

Nothing's more base than assuming

that the louder voice wins.

In short, it's ignorant.

What? Ignorant?

Um, that's not what I meant...

As they say, bad habits die hard.

When will you grow up? When?

When Haengja decides against something,

she tends to be resolute.

Good grief. I'm at a loss.

End it by giving him a store space for alimony.

We want you to adopt us.

The building's owner is Ms. Kim Haengja.

Can you sell it right away

if I bring her registered seal?

Tell me if you have any other debt.

I'll repay everything.

I'll get the seal somehow.

B-Burglar! Burglar!

For more infomation >> Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.45 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.22] - Duration: 32:21.


Việt Nam Ơi ║ Thùy Dung Cover ( Cổ Vũ U23 Việt Nam ) - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Việt Nam Ơi ║ Thùy Dung Cover ( Cổ Vũ U23 Việt Nam ) - Duration: 3:02.


Tony Robbins: BREAK YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (Motivational Video 2018) - Duration: 19:51.

I can't control whether you're husband

and wife will live or die

or get sick or leave you or get a

divorce I don't want any of that to

happen any human being I hate suffering

I do anything I can't help people's not

suffer but I can't control that you can

you can there are people have lost their

arms lost their sight there have been

people that have been through the most

horrific experiences life and they found

a way to still be happy because they've

made the decision that life is too short

to suffer by the interview dozens and

hundreds over the years but dozens that

like have impacted my soul that made me

realize I can change this I've just

gotten used to it I bought into the

theory that this this survival software

that's constantly running and making you

suffer that that's normal now that's

what the mind will do and mind has been

around forever what I'm gonna do is

something different and the way I get

out of suffering I gave myself a 90

second rule it's really simple

I say look I feel myself starting to

feel that stress filling that pissed off

mr. upsetness or concern or worry but I

get whatever I realize that's not gonna

make it better life's too short to

suffer and then I just gotta breathe

slowly slow everything down that crazy

about every set of thought I'm gonna

kill that son of a bitch right and then

that you don't kill him could you don't

believe that mom it's the thoughts that

are stressful that you

you question them you break the pattern

there are certain patterns that cause

people to be fulfilled to be happy to

fit to be strong to feel alive to be

vibrant to have passion in their life to

do well financially but even more

importantly emotionally psychologically

spiritually in their health and their

relationships and there are also

patterns and make people frustrated

overwhelmed depressed sad lonely cause

them to be struggling financially

struggling with their bodies struggling

intimately and those patterns they're

not because there's something wrong with

somebody's because of a pattern that

we're doing at what's the fastest way to

create a changed in basically developing

the one thing that all people have in

common who succeed their leaders because

I don't care what what style you are I

don't care if you're a mom you're a

great mom you lead your child you're not

led by your child or great dad

you're great businessperson you're great

salesperson you're a great negotiator

you're great anything you're great human

being things this has been my entire

life's obsession what makes the

difference in people's lives and that

leadership component as I say doesn't

always mean somebody follows you a

leader somebody lives life on their

terms that you will never settle for

less than you can be or share or give or

create it's not what we get that makes

us happy it's who we become how we live

our life who we are as a person people

can take away all the things but who you

become no one can take away and the

problem is most of us are trying to be

something or not but it isn't so much

about change about changing yourself the

change happens when you be yourself know

thyself that's the hard part for most

people and then be thyself because most

of us in our lives out of a desire for

respect or achievement or love or

connection or something we've been

trying to be the way we think we have to

be in order to get that love respect

appreciation whatever it is we've been

after at some unconscious level and

we've been doing it so long that we

think that this is who we are because

success without fulfillment is failure

and I can't tell you how many people I

work with who are supposedly the best

world of what they do and they have more

money than they can spend and they have

all these people that love and respect

them and yet they're unhappy inside

because if you want to know what's

really you where are you gonna be alive

is when it's really you

and you may think you know who you are

cuz you've been living a certain way but

I'll tell you how you'll know you'll

feel you for if you'll feel strong

you'll feel unlimited you'll feel free I

have seen and a three million people

around this earth in 80 countries I've

seen just about anything you can see and

there are only so many patterns and what

you're gonna find underneath all of this

behavior is we have the same needs when

you understand what those needs are and

which ones you're focusing on you start

to understand why people do the crazy

things they do including you and I and

you begin to understand hey there might

be a better way to meet my needs I don't

have to get caught up in this game of

stress and frustration upset or I could

really help this person I care about

because I could see what's really going

on part of what we want to accomplish

here as leaders is we want to become

practical psychologists we want to

understand what's really going on so we

can help so we can make a difference so

we can transform so yes of course you

can do better in your business because

the more you understand about what

people need and want but greater you're

gonna be the better manager a better

leader the better mom or dad the better

friend and there's a better you that's

available when you understand what's

driving you but most of us are running

patterns over and over again and we want

to free that up to free it up we got to

break the pattern we got to do things

that are different so we're gonna do

something different I'm not here because

I believe in positive thinking if you

think's that's what I believe you don't

know much about me I'm not one those

people who believes you're supposed to

go to your garden and chant there's no

weeds there's no weeds there's no weeds

there's weeds right there all right

that's what I believe

here's what I believe I believe if you

really want to be effective you got to

tell the truth what I want you to get is

the single most important skill in life

it's the word that all leaders have what

would that word be influence what

changes companies is leaders the only

way to change the company is leadership

and I want to change a company that I

own and I want to make a shift in that

company the number one thing I'm gonna

do is shifting leadership that might be

taking leaders to a different level that

I bring new leaders in that by the new

leaders of New Voices with new

perspectives with new skill sets new

directions but we need to take things to

the global leaders solve problems and

leaders maximize resources if you're

gonna solve problems you can't do it

yourself who had already been solved you

have to get others to help you to do it

that requires influence true if you can

get people to maximize resources that

requires influence if you're gonna get

people to partner with you provide you

resources capital suppliers anything

that requires influence if you're gonna

have an impact on your kids or your

community or the world that requires

influence there is no more important

skill of leadership than influence and

yet most of us think of it like selling

and as a result we don't master

influence so I'm not here today to try

and get you to become a master of

influence in 45 minutes or so my

chatting with you here because we have

so many other speakers this is the area

of life I am most focused on because I

know that if you can't influence you

can't lead but if you can influence

powerfully intelligently with integrity

there is no limit to whatever you can

envision and what you can make real and

if your influence becomes not just use

the influence but you're able to

influence systems people company culture

if you can turn other people into

influencers now whatever you vision

about can be made into reality and so as

a skill of influence we can ask

ourselves from the agree leaders are

what change companies or a janitor you

hear that say I

and leaders number one skills influence

of degrees say I then then the question

becomes how do you influence how do you

influence consistently with integrity

you can influence many ways you can do

without integrity but the good news is

we live in a world today where whatever

you do it's transparent to the world

because there are no secrets anymore

other I don't try to have a secret today

bless you you can forget the secret with

the internet with a culture we have the

way the world is today there are no more

secrets and whatever you think is still

possible to keep secret give it three or

four more years and it'll be impossible

every phone call you make is recorded

there's no single phone call that goes

in and out of North America but they

don't have a recording of and they can

search by word by tone by tempo they can

even recognize voices now there's no

thing is such thing as privacy

everything you've ever put on the

Internet is there forever and people

know it and can search it the way you

write the searchable now you cannot sign

you email you can put on somebody else's

email and the structure of your language

and the way you influence things can be

study at this level so the good news

about that is manipulation as a ongoing

tool for success is over but adding

value will never go out of style truth

will never go out of style

so influencing with integrity is the

secret but what really influences people

do facts and figures we give you the

facts and figures out of a course story

as I can influence people no it's the

weaving of that story together in a way

that produces what shifts people and

that's human emotion ultimately the big

game here is emotion you have to

influence emotion you have to influence

the emotion of your people if you're

gonna maximize resources and if we all

agree as we talked about the other day

it's not a lack of resources it's a lack

of what resourcefulness if you're

creative enough if you're playful enough

if you're determined enough if you're

focused enough you can find a way if

you're giving enough if you're generous

enough if you're honest enough if you're

courageous enough you will get people to

help you you will find the way you will

make that thing happen you'll access the

resource you get some of the coach you

teach you loan it to you let you try it

drive it experience it so it's the

ability influence emotion because that's

what affects our intellect

that's about in line our core story is

only there

to give you a set of facts to educate

someone that will make them emotional

have to make a decision and what they do

is they go through a series of things

that you love emotions about that may

save them in a non emotional way but the

only reason they work is because you

know they're gonna open the person's

emotion how many agree with me on the

side so as leaders we can never forget

that humans are emotional creatures

including ourselves and to influence

other people we have to know what

already influences them we can't ever

forget what truly influences them it's

gonna come down to our ability to

connect with them in a deep emotional

level or get others to do the same

here's how I'd say it a really simple

term to influence someone you have to

already be influenced right to move

somebody you better be moved to touch

somebody you can't touch somebody about

your product or service or vision right

here your company if you're not touched

to persuade others you have to be


you can't give somebody else what you

don't have now you may have been

intellectually and here's the challenge

we first meet somebody in your

relationship and you're all excited

what's a little more energy like zero to

ten make the sound of that energy and

meet somebody you're totally excited by

make this Saturday six months six years

twenty years later that's scary at it

and it's not time because there are

people I've taught I've been with them

been together 65 years and they're still

out of their mind for each other they

make the same amount of noise you did in

the beginning here what changes is very

often when you're around something

enough I don't care what it is there's a

law called the law of familiarity the

law of familiarity says this every

around something enough you take it just

a little bit for granted and as a matter

what it is it's not that you don't care

it's a it used to it it's that the

variety of it is not quite as high it's

not so new and with that sometimes you

give it less significance even though in

your heart you know it's significant you

don't keep the aliveness of it it

becomes simple you intellectualize

versus something you feel inside your

body with a passion so there people say

but we love each other yeah oh that's


hug each other right now and then you

say you love it you cousin little kiss

like that was that how it was in the

beginning no it isn't time it's that

most people don't understand that this

emotion this intensity this passion has

to be constantly reinforced every single

day and like any muscle if you don't use

it you so then you have the base

understanding why you do what you do but

you've lost the energy that makes it

alive and so if you're gonna be touching

people you got to be touched so then the

question is how do we influence

ourselves how do we influence other

people we got to get them into their

emotions we got to get ourselves into

the emotions they're gonna move us to

action we got to do that ongoing cuz

otherwise all the stuff you wrote down

will die it'll die in your book it'll

die in your head it has to be a level of

emotional level hunger in you that makes

you go falls through there's got to be a

level of energy knew that when you go

share with people you're able to

influence them to follow through and

when they don't do it enough to get back

in there with them again and get them to

do it again this is where the whole game

gets won or lost you agree you disagree

with me on this so what we gotta look at

is first of all us how many do you have

days when you wake up and you feel like

I don't want to talk to people today how

many got days like this Eli's say ah but

again as I said the other day if you're

the leader you don't have that choice

and you're the leader you have to get in

a good state if your leader you have to

get yourself in that place and how many

of you have had some gut checks let me

see again in the last six months 12

months in your business with economic

Khanna me changing light has never

changed before I'm a dad those got

checks say I so what do we do we have to

become masters of influence which means

we have to be able to master the state

of our own organization the master state

of our own organization we got to know

how to change that how fast my friends

how fast and where does it have to start

our selves since were the first

constraint and if we can do with

ourselves an influence then we can teach

everybody else to influence we said

business is innovation and marketing you

have to influence people to innovate

because they're not going to just do it

because they're used to what works and

it's easier and they know it innovation

means massive what change how many

people go give me more massive change in

my life

with all the other things I'm trying to

hang on to they're not going to do that

you have to influence people to innovate

and marketing is influence so what

influences us is our States how do we

change our states let's start with you

and I and with anybody I'm going to work

with you've worked with me before you

know the first answer if you're going to

change somebody state the fastest way to

do it is physical trying to change

somebody's mind is really hard change

their body their mind will go if you

doubt it give someone enough alcohol and

just see how quickly you can change them

true give it a falcon don't care who

they are they're gonna change what are

you changing biochemistry physiology

physical body and the emotion the mind

will shift that's why people take drugs

it's why people eat when they go eat

it's a biochemical change in their body

so but we can do this through movement

we can do this to change so if you want

to be the leader and you're gonna be

affected first thing I've said all of

you going home so you don't feel

overwhelmed is you need to develop a

ongoing discipline because we are our

rituals I mean a physical one if you

want to say well why is my life the way

it is today look at your rituals whether

you call them rituals or not you have

them most of you get up and you have a

set of rituals you go straight to email

or you go straight work out or you go

have your breakfast or you hit the

snooze long at least three times to

ritual who knows what I'm talking about

here and if you want to know what

somebody's like you can see the rituals

you can look anybody's body in this room

if you have them take their clothes off

and you know some of their rituals or

lack thereof is it true if every day you

get up and your ritual is you go to

Starbucks and order a smoker book of

whatever those things are that you have

right and a big muffin and whatever it

is right that's what you do every day

it's not hard to figure out what you're

gonna be like by 10:30 in the morning

you're gonna be look at me next coffee

next whatever is gonna stimulate your

adrenal glands like crazy and they're

gonna drop predictably and we know what

your stress level is gonna be like we

know when you're in is you're gonna go

and fade it's predictable because of

your rituals if you eat a certain way

you can predict that person's gonna be

fat and tired he's a different way you

know if a person eats and they exercise

a certain way you know what their body's

gonna be like who here works out five

days a week never

mrs. it's just your life let me see your

hands looking for beeping that's

fantastic howdy everybody hand that's

really fantastic who here honestly never

works out consistently alright don't

clap here's what's interesting

I'm not saying one is right as one

that's wrong but were those two

different rituals create a different

body yes or no if we wanted to really

make it clear we'd say everybody works

out five days a week stand up like a

look at him sit down everybody doesn't

work out stand up look at him it'll be

pretty obvious now

some people's metabolism is different

than get by with different things but

you get the picture don't you your

relationships today are the results of

your rituals if the first thing eating

every day when you come home is hi honey

and then you go and get a little peck on

the cheek and then you sit down and

start typing your emails when you flip

on the news it's not hard to know what

your relationships gonna be like you

guys might love each other but it's

gonna be one boring dead relationship

it's like having a brother or sister but

if your new ritual was and you just in

the beginning you made it a ritual just

made for fun you say every day when I

come home I'm gonna do those already

y'all my husband or wife's name or

sometimes my wife's a little crazy so I

called Lucy I'm home and then we both go

running wherever she is now so whenever

the house we go running full-speed like

lovers they haven't seen each other in

six months we do it that's my sister all

the time not every day but it's a ritual

do this process right it's just a crazy

thing thank you thank you I appreciate

the anthem I'm telling you to do this

I'm telling us cuz I want you create

yours because when you do that and

you're playful and crazy and you do that

a regular basis thank you can't wait to

see each other and the biggest ritual

that we have besides physical and by the

way let me just say to you this this

when you go home if you want to

transform your business transform you by

creating first if you don't already have

one a set of physical rituals that

you're not gonna miss I don't care what

three days a week four days a week

something that's gonna make you

physically strong because in a place

where if there's gonna be a lot of fear

the way you deal with crisis is number

one thing you should do is feed your

mind and you're doing that get yourself

new answers immerse yourself a new


get new voices have new perspectives ask

some new questions is that what we've

been doing here right and we're doing it

together and bringing all these people

together I basically to create

innovation in your life and marketing

I've assembled here 19 people you

assemble five days your life and we're

just rocking day and night it's the

total immersion of what I taught you in

innovation it's really what it is but

it's got to continue for it to continue

that we've also been managing your state

to a great extent okay most of you don't

call home in four or five days they

start clapping like crazy and screaming

and shaking you don't do that you say

alright and somebody gonna go like wow

it doesn't feel the same as what the

seminar and stuff I'm back here by

myself and my people aren't doing this

but some of you will go home and

initiate this you're gonna have your

physiology five your five minutes of

physiology shift once an hour once every

90 minutes or no more than once every

two hours you're gonna start your

morning with everybody you're gonna

bring in and get some little audio clip

of something from a movie or something

that blasts across you know the room and

have anybody stand at attention you're

gonna do some crazy stuff if you're

smart go over examples and see what they

do they got the most crazy stuff going

on there all the stuff that I do in

seminars they do every day at their

location with their people and people

can't wait to get the work in they're in

a certain State

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: BREAK YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (Motivational Video 2018) - Duration: 19:51.


How to draw GLOBE - Duration: 2:51.

How to draw GLOBE

For more infomation >> How to draw GLOBE - Duration: 2:51.


Satisfying Strawberry Orbeez Slime Stress Ball Cutting | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:29.

Satisfying Strawberry Orbeez Slime Stress Ball Cutting

For more infomation >> Satisfying Strawberry Orbeez Slime Stress Ball Cutting | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:29.


How To Get 4000 Watch Hours On YouTube Fast - Duration: 5:57.

Oh no I'm gonna lose monetization on my channel. How am I gonna make money on

YouTube? YouTube sucks I'm going elsewhere. My channel is screwed with

these changes. These are just a few of the outcries from the YouTube community

concerning the new requirements for YouTube monetization. In this video

you'll learn the pros and cons of enabling monetization on your YouTube channel

and discover 7 ways to get 4000 watch hours on YouTube fast . Hello my

name is Herman Drost from If you want to grow

your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on

autopilot hit the subscribe button or hit the bell notification icon. Pros of

monetization. Generate revenue from Adsense, link to an Associated website

from cards and in screens, Super chat, Sponsorships which are for gamers only. So

what are the new requirements to enable monetization on your YouTube channel for

2018? According to YouTube once a channel reaches 4,000 watch hours in the

previous 12 months and 1000 subscribers it will be reviewed to join the YouTube

Partner Program. What if your channel is currently in the YouTube Partner Program?

Your channel will automatically remain in the YouTube Partner Program as long

as it meets the requirements if your channel is below the requirements it

will be removed from the YouTube Partner Program. Cons of monetization. Unable to

monetize your videos using Adsense ads, no longer link your cards and end

screens to an Associated website however you'll still be able to link to videos

and playlists with your cards and end screens also the previous links that

you've added to your channel will remain there even though you're not part of the

YouTube Partner Program. No super chat, no sponsorships which refers to

gamers only click the card icon to watch my video on 7 alternative ways to

generate revenue from your videos without Adsense. Here are 7 ways to

get 4000 watch hours on YouTube fast 1. Trends if there's a trending

topic in your niche jump on it right away

and discuss it in a video for example I created a video when YouTube came out

with the new requirements for monetization as a result I accumulated

a lot of watch time hours and also attracted new subscribers use a website

like Google Trends to discover the trends in your niche.

2. Livestreams the beauty about going live is that people spend

more time on your video than regular videos this is because there's live

interaction going on during your live stream it's a great way to accumulate

watch time hours quickly. 3. Collaborations this is a great way to

expose your content to a different audience as you do more collaborations

you'll expand your audience attract more subscribers and generate more watch time hours

4. Increase upload frequency the more frequently you upload

new videos the more watch time hours and subscribers you'll attract for example

if you're only uploading one new video a week you're not going to attract many

subscribers or accumulate much watch time hours however if you increase the

frequency to two or three times a week you'll gain more subscribers and

accumulate more watch time hours. 5. Increase audience retention

this refers to the amount of time that viewers remain engaged on your videos

the longer they stay watching your videos the more watch time you'll

accumulate check the current audience retention for your videos by going to

YouTube analytics- audience retention if your average audience retention is below

50% then work on improving it. So how do you increase audience retention? Make

sure you grab viewers attention in the first few seconds of your videos you can

do this by asking a question or stating clearly what your video is all about the

rest of your video content should reinforce what you've introduced at the

beginning also make sure you reset the attention

of reviewers every 10 seconds or so by creating a patent interrupt this can be

as simple as adding a transition or adding some b-roll footage make sure

you also ask viewers to subscribe at the beginning and/or end of a video this

will help you to increase the subscriber count for your YouTube channel number

6. Playlists the beauty of playlists is that they contain a series of videos so

people will binge watch your videos when somebody watches multiple videos in

succession it greatly improves your watch time hours therefore make sure you

link to playlists from your cards and end screens

you can also link to a playlist in your description and also pin a playlist link

to the top of the comments. When people go to comment on your video they'll

automatically see the playlist link 7. Adwords for video campaign did

you know that you can promote your video for as little as one cent per view with

a video ads campaign if you create ads that get good engagement you'll quickly

accumulate a lot of watch time hours once you've got an ad that performs well you

won't be very far away from achieving 4,000 hours of watch time you could also

run ads to gain subscribers if you want to learn how to attract traffic using

AdWords for video click the card icon to download my video ads cheat sheet Here's

a bonus tip on how to get more YouTube subscribers which you'll need to meet

the requirements from the YouTube Partner Program here are five areas

where you can add a subscribe link to your YouTube channel. Include it on your

channel banner, Include it in your video description, pin your subscribe link to

the top of your comments, add a subscribe watermark across all the

videos on your channel add a subscribe link under the video that's embedded on

your website now you know 7 ways to get 4000 hours on your YouTube channel fast

if you want to learn 7 alternative ways to generate revenue from your YouTube videos

without Adsense click the card icon you''ll not only generate more revenue

than Adsense but you'll make it faster if you want to learn how to grow your

audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot Click

the SUBSCRIBE button below and check out the related videos

For more infomation >> How To Get 4000 Watch Hours On YouTube Fast - Duration: 5:57.


CHỊ-CH con GÁ'I 18 tuổi P'HÊ LOL truyện đêm khuya hay nhất 2018 truyện đêm khuya cho FA - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> CHỊ-CH con GÁ'I 18 tuổi P'HÊ LOL truyện đêm khuya hay nhất 2018 truyện đêm khuya cho FA - Duration: 14:51.


„Bauer sucht Frau" Benny & Nadine: Hochzeit & Baby-Glück - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> „Bauer sucht Frau" Benny & Nadine: Hochzeit & Baby-Glück - Duration: 3:54.


5 Thành Phố Cổ Đại Được Xây Dựng Trong Lòng Đất | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 8:58.

Xin chào, cảm ơn các bạn đã theo dõi Khoa học Huyền bí, tôi là Mike Chen.

Trong thế giới mà chúng ta đang sống ngày nay, tôi thấy nhiều người với tiềm lực trong tay

đang chạy đua để xây dựng các tòa nhà và kết cấu càng cao càng tốt.

Khung cảnh của nhiều thành phố trên toàn thế giới dày đặc những tòa nhà chọc trời cao chót vót,

thời gian trôi qua, chúng càng ngày càng nhân lên gấp bội

hoặc bị thay thế bởi những toà nhà cao hơn và to hơn.

Mặc dù vậy, điều này không có gì mới vì xã hội loài người

từ xưa đến nay đều đã thể hiện khả năng và khát vọng xây dựng các công trình vĩ đại.

Nhưng trái lại có nhiều lần người ta đã đi theo hướng ngược lại là xây dựng các thành phố dưới lòng đất.

Xuyên suốt lịch sử, những thành phố dưới lòng đất này được sử dụng

để làm nơi trú ẩn trong các thời kỳ chiến tranh, thiên tai

hoặc làm thánh đường thiêng liêng để phục vụ cho tôn giáo và tín ngưỡng.

Chúng cũng được biết đến với rất nhiều huyền thoại và truyền thuyết cổ xưa,

hầu hết trong số đó cho thấy rằng những vương quốc dưới lòng đất này nắm giữ nhiều bí mật

có thể làm thay đổi sự hiểu biết về lịch sử thế giới hiện nay của chúng ta.

Mặc dù vậy rất nhiều thành phố dưới lòng đất bí ẩn

vẫn chưa được khám phá cho đến ngày nay.

Nhưng có một vài trong số đó đã được nhân loại hiện đại biết đến,

mặc dù sự hình thành và mục đích thực sự của chúng phần nhiều vẫn chưa được giải đáp.

Vậy nên trong video hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ nói về 5 thành phố cổ dưới lòng đất

mà cho đến bây giờ vẫn còn bị che phủ dưới màn bí ẩn.

Số 1, mỏ muối Wieliczka ở Ba Lan

Mỏ muối tinh này nằm ở thị trấn Wieliczka phía Nam Ba Lan.

Nó được người ta biết đến nhiều hơn với tên gọi 'Nhà thờ muối dưới lòng đất'

vì vị trí dưới lòng đất và kích thước rộng lớn

chiếm đến 287 km thị trấn của nó.

Nó được mở ra lần đầu tiên vào thế kỷ 13 và sản xuất muối tinh cho đến khi khai thác thương phẩm bị ngừng vào năm 1996,

và toàn bộ hoạt động bị dừng lại vào năm 2007.

Vì lý do này nó được xem là một trong những mỏ muối lâu đời nhất vẫn còn duy trì hoạt động cho đến thế kỷ 21.

Tuy nhiên một số chuyên gia cho rằng việc thăm dò và khai thác các mỏ muối ở khu vực này bắt đầu sớm hơn nhiều,

có thể vào khoảng 6.000 năm trước hoặc nhiều hơn thế.

Bởi lẽ các nhà nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra các nghĩa trang cổ xưa có niên tại từ thời Neolithic khoảng 6.000 năm trước.

Ngày nay mỏ muối với các di chỉ tôn giáo này được coi là di tích lịch sử quốc gia ở Ba Lan

không chỉ vì di sản 700 năm tuổi này sản xuất muối

mà còn vì các đường hầm phức tạp và các tác phẩm điêu khắc đá muối phức tạp bên trong nơi này,

gồm cả tượng của nhiều nhân vật huyền thoại và một vài nhà nguyện,

được tạo nên bởi các thợ mỏ muối hay các nghệ sĩ đương thời.

Các phòng trưng bày và đường hầm của nó kéo dài hơn 300 mét dưới lòng đất,

và mỏ muối là một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng với khoảng 1,2 triệu du khách mỗi năm.

Kế đến là ngôi làng Lalibela ở Ethiopia.

Thị trấn linh thiêng Lalibela nằm ở trung tâm của Ethiopia

là quê hương của những nhà thờ làm bằng đá nguyên khối lớn nhất thế giới.

Mười một trong số các nhà thờ Thiên Chúa giáo kỳ diệu làm từ đá nằm tại ngôi làng Etiopia này.

vậy nên không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên khi ngôi làng dưới lòng đất này

được coi là một địa điểm thiêng liêng của nhà thờ chính thống Ethiopia.

Nơi đây chào đón khoảng một trăm ngàn người hành hương hàng năm.

Các nhà thờ được kết nối với nhau thông qua các hành lang

và lớn nhất trong số chúng là "Ngôi nhà của Medhane" cao hơn 11m,

dài hơn 39m và rộng khoảng 27m.

Nhưng mang tính biểu tượng nhất trong các công trình tại ngôi làng này là Nhà thờ của Thánh George,

với hình chữ thập.

Một số người cho rằng chính Thánh George đã giám sát việc thi công nhà thờ linh thiêng này.

Làng Lalibela được coi là một ngôi làng bí ẩn dưới lòng đất vì một vài lý do thuyết phục

và sự say mê của người ta với nó xoay quanh việc các nhà thờ đã được xây dựng như thế nào

và vì sao chúng được xây dựng.

Theo các truyền thuyết, các nhà thờ làm bằng đá khối này được khai quật vào khoảng thế kỷ thứ 13

trong thời cai trị của Gebre Mesqel Lalibela tại Ethiopia.

Một thiên thần được cho là đã giao nhiệm vụ xậy dựng các nhà thờ cho vị vua này.

Và để ngay lập tức hoàn thành công việc,

người ta đã phải làm việc không mệt mỏi cả ngày lẫn đêm với các thiên thần để chạm khắc các kết cấu lên đá khối.

Với sự giúp sức của hai thiên thần của Chúa, các truyền thuyết kể lại rằng tất cả các nhà thờ trong làng

đã hoàn thành chỉ trong 24 năm

Tất nhiên một số nhà khảo cổ học và các chuyên gia khác nhận thấy điều này là khó có thể xảy ra.

Vài người lập luận rằng một số công trình tại khu vực này

có tuổi đời già hơn vài thế kỷ so với những công trình khác, trước rất xa triều đại của Lalibela.

Kế đến là thành phố dưới lòng đất Naours tại Pháp.

Thành phố dưới lòng đất Naours của Pháp khởi đầu một cách khiêm tốn

vào thế kỷ thứ hai dưới sự thống trị của Đế chế La Mã.

Thời đó, nơi này chẳng có gì hơn là một mỏ đá vôi.

Nhưng trong những thế kỷ tiếp theo, người dân địa phương trong khu vực đã biến nó thành một kho lưu trữ ngầm

và nơi ẩn nấp trong thời gian chiến tranh và lúc bị xâm lược trong thời Trung Cổ.

Thành phố ẩn này có một mạng lưới các đường hầm kéo dài khoảng 3,2km,

nó có hơn 300 phòng có thể chứa được 3.000 dân cư.

Khu vực dưới đất này cuối cùng biến thành một thành phố nhỏ

trong đó có cả các chuồng trại, những nhà thờ nhỏ và tiệm bánh mì

để nuôi dưỡng cộng đồng sống bí mật dưới lòng đất này.

Theo một số chuyên gia, người Viking cũng có thể đã sống trong thành phố ngầm này

khi họ xâm chiếm vùng này của nước Pháp vào thế kỷ thứ 9.

Nó cũng được chứng minh từng là nơi ẩn náu hiệu quả

khi quân đội và lính đánh thuê cướp bóc và giết hại người vô tội

trong suốt 30 năm chiến tranh chết chóc hồi thế kỷ 17.

Khi châu Âu trở nên hòa bình và ổn định hơn,

thành phố ngầm cuối cùng không còn được sử dụng với mục đích ban đầu

rồi sau đó bị bỏ hoang và đi vào quên lãng.

Nó đã được một người đàn ông tìm ra khi ông này tu sửa lại ngôi nhà của mình trong thế kỷ 19,

và đã được sử dụng một phần trong Thế chiến thứ nhất và thứ hai.

Ngày nay hệ thống đường hầm tinh xảo của nó đã biến nơi này thành điểm thu hút du khách rất nổi tiếng ở Pháp.

Tiếp theo là Derinkuyu ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ.

Thành phố cổ này nằm ẩn dưới khu vực Cappadocia thuộc tỉnh Nevşehir của Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

và được xem là khu phức hợp ngầm lớn nhất trong thành phố,

trải dài khoảng 79m dưới mặt đất.

và chiếm một diện tích khoảng 650m2.

Nó là một trong nhiều cấu trúc ngầm được tìm thấy trong vùng đất nổi tiếng lịch sử này.

Người ta tin rằng những người Ấn Âu cổ đại Phrygian đã gây dựng nên công trình này

vào khoảng thế kỷ 8 và 7 trước Công nguyên.

Tuy nhiên các chuyên gia không hoàn toàn nhất trí về việc ai mới chính xác là người xây dựng nên Derinkuyu và thời gian xây dựng nó,

vài người gợi ý rằng cấu trúc đa cấp của thành phố ngầm này

có thể đã tồn tại từ năm 1200 Trước Công Nguyên

Derinkuyu có 18 tầng,

chỉ có một vài trong số đó là có thể tiếp cận được kể từ khi nó được khám phá vào những năm 1960.

Nó là một đô thị đầy đủ chức năng có khả năng cung cấp nơi ăn chốn ở

lâu dài cho 20.000 cư dân

Thành phố không chỉ có hàng chục ống thông gió giúp phân phối không khí

mà còn có các phòng ốc với các loại kích cỡ để phục vụ cho các nhu cầu khác nhau.

Trong khi khai quật một địa điểm, các nhà nghiên cứu cũng đã tìm thấy phòng ngủ, phòng tắm, nhà bếp

kho lưu trữ thực phẩm và vũ khí cùng với các công trình công cộng như trường học và nhà thờ.

Trong thành phố còn có những ngôi mộ, chứng tỏ rằng người ta đã tính toán đến việc định cư lâu dài dưới mặt đất.

Người ta cũng tin rằng có một đường hầm chưa được khám phá

kết nối Derinkuyu với một thành phố ngầm khác gần đó,

từ đó chỉ ra rằng những nền văn minh bí ẩn này có thể đã trao đổi và hợp tác với nhau từ trước đó.

Cuối cùng là thành phố lữ hành Petra cổ xưa ở Jordan.

Trong nhiều thế kỷ, thành phố lịch sử này đã biến mất khỏi sự hiểu biết của văn minh phương Tây

cho đến khi nó được khám phá bởi một nhà thám hiểm người Thụy Sĩ vào đầu thế kỷ 19.

Khu vực này được gọi là 'Petra' theo tiếng Hy Lạp có nghĩa là đá,

bởi vì thành phố cổ được chạm khắc trực tiếp vào đá sa thạch.

Một số chuyên gia khảo cổ học tin rằng

đây là nơi sinh tồn của một nền văn minh cổ đại hơn 9.000 năm trước.

Các bộ lạc khác nhau trong những năm qua đã lần lượt đến sống tại thành phố này

gồm cả người Nabataean, những người đã biến nó trở thành một trung tâm giao thương

và thủ đô cho đế chế của họ từ năm 400 trước Công nguyên cho đến năm 106 sau Công nguyên.

La Mã sau đó chiếm thành phố này vào một thời gian nào đó

Và cuối cùng một trận động đất và sự suy tàn của giao thương quốc tế trong khu vực

đã dẫn đến việc nó bị bỏ hoang vào thế kỷ thứ 7 sau Công Nguyên.

Ở đỉnh cao của mình, Petra có thể cung cấp nơi ăn chốn ở cho khoảng 20.000 người

và nó có những ngôi nhà, đền thờ, nhà hát, những ngôi mộ

và một hệ thống giao thông và thủy lợi công phu cho phép cộng đồng cư dân địa phương phát triển mạnh mẽ.

Những cuộc khai quật nhằm khám phá thành phố ngầm này vẫn đang diễn ra.

Và theo các nhà khảo cổ, mới chỉ có 15% diện tích thành phố là đã được khám phá,

phần lớn còn lại vẫn đang ẩn dưới lòng đất và chưa bị động chạm đến.

Một trong những cấu trúc biểu tượng ở Petra là Kho Bạc,

đây một thánh đường cổ được chạm khắc từ một phiến đá sa thạch cao 51m.

Và bạn có thể đã thấy nó trong bộ phim "Indiana Jones và Cuộc thập tự chinh cuối cùng,"

khi Indiana đi tìm kiếm Chiếc chén Thánh huyền thoại.

Mặc dù mối liên hệ của nơi này với thánh tích Thiên chua giáo kể trên chỉ là hư cấu,

vài người vẫn tin rằng Petra có thể thực sự là nơi

Moses đã dùng quyền trượng của mình tách nước biển làm đôi để tạo lối đi cho người Israel rời khỏi Ai Cập.

Một số người cũng cho rằng châu báu có thể được cất giấu trong Kho Bạc

và nhiều ngôi mộ đã bị trộm cướp phá để tìm báu vật.

Nhân tiện nói về các thành phố dưới lòng đất,

tôi từng sống trong một căn hộ mà thực ra là một tầng hầm trong khoảng ba năm

và nhà tôi có một cái cửa sổ có phân nửa trên mặt đất

ít nhất cũng giúp tôi biết được trời mưa hoặc không.

Tôi không biết cảm giác sẽ thế nào khi sống cả đời trong một thành phố hoàn toàn dưới lòng đất.

Đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ, nếu là tôi, trong trường hợp một vụ nổ hạt nhân xảy ra và tôi được quyền lựa chọn

là trú ẩn trong một hầm ngầm mà chỉ Chúa mới biết là trong bao lâu,

thì tôi nghĩ tôi thà chọn vụ nổ còn hơn.

Cảm ơn các bạn rất nhiều vì đã theo dõi video này, hẹn gặp lại các bạn.

For more infomation >> 5 Thành Phố Cổ Đại Được Xây Dựng Trong Lòng Đất | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 8:58.


PyeongChang Counter-Terrorism & Safety Center holds security sweep to ensure safety in Olympic... - Duration: 1:49.

A massive security check up on the Olympic venues has begun.

The experts from various agencies will carry out their duties meticulously to ensure safety

of athletes and spectators.

Lee Ji-won files us this report.

The PyeongChang Olympics Counter-Terrorism and Safety Center started its security sweep

of the Olympic venues on Monday, beginning with the Pyeongchang Olympic Village where

some 4-thousand athletes will be staying during the Winter Games.

The security sweep will check all the facilities and equipment to make sure that there is nothing

potentially harmful inside the facility and that everything runs properly before the venue

is open for use.

Some 100 personnel from the counter-terrorism center, military and police force, fire department

and other organizations took part in the checkup, using tools such as metal detector and bomb-sniffing


A total of 23 Olympic venues will be checked between this Monday and February 5th, with

five venues for VIPs and the International Olympic Committee to be checked by the presidents'

security teams.

Once the checkups are complete, the team will keep the venues safe from possible threats

by stationing security guards and organizing committee members at key locations, as well

as operating smart CCTVs and X-ray machines, both inside and outside of the venues.

Meanwhile, Korea's Road Traffic Authority said Sunday that the 'Olympic Lane' will be

in operation for the whole month of February on roughly sixty kilometers of major roads

including a number of national routes and parts of the Yeongdong Expressway.

The roads allow Olympics-related vehicles to quickly transport athletes and authorities

to the Olympic venues.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> PyeongChang Counter-Terrorism & Safety Center holds security sweep to ensure safety in Olympic... - Duration: 1:49.


Detail of Ducati motorcycle model preparing for MotorGP 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Detail of Ducati motorcycle model preparing for MotorGP 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Clash of Clans | NO SKIPS ALLOWED | 2018 Gameplay - Duration: 2:57.

Welcome back to my video it's MK 65

what's going on guys hope you are having an amazing day

i will be playing Clash of Clans with a brand new twist

without further ado let's begin.

i will be using 25 wizards 7 wallbreakers

21 giants and 1 archer.

but i will be attacking

the first base i see no skips allowed

3, 2, 1 go

OH No!!

town hall 10, why Let's see if we can take a win here

start with the giants

wall breakers along with the wizards

this is an easy one star

it's a good attack but it could be better

unfortunately couldn't get two star

but decent loot though

that is it today

comment if you want me to do another one

thank you so much for watching this video

leave a like if you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe

peace out

For more infomation >> Clash of Clans | NO SKIPS ALLOWED | 2018 Gameplay - Duration: 2:57.


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For more infomation >> ✅ USB personalizados #5 Memoria usb giratoria de colores - Duration: 1:02.


Andrea Berg: Schlimmes Trennungs-Drama - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Andrea Berg: Schlimmes Trennungs-Drama - Duration: 3:48.


குழந்தைகளை வைத்து சீரியல் பார்க்கும் ஒவ்வொரு பெற்றோர்களும் கட்டாயம் பார்க்கவேண்டிய வீடியோ | Tamil - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> குழந்தைகளை வைத்து சீரியல் பார்க்கும் ஒவ்வொரு பெற்றோர்களும் கட்டாயம் பார்க்கவேண்டிய வீடியோ | Tamil - Duration: 1:21.


"Bauer sucht Frau"-Schäfer Heinrich: Er ist frisch verliebt - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> "Bauer sucht Frau"-Schäfer Heinrich: Er ist frisch verliebt - Duration: 3:36.


🌲 Skunk #1 de Sensi Seeds - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 🌲 Skunk #1 de Sensi Seeds - Duration: 1:54.


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For more infomation >> Patrick Lindner: Traurige Trennungs-Beichte - Duration: 4:40.


Prinzessin Mette-Marit: Neuer Krankheits-Schock! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Prinzessin Mette-Marit: Neuer Krankheits-Schock! - Duration: 4:21.


ch24 - Duration: 28:24.

Channel24 News 19 January 2018 চ্যানেল২৪ সংবাদ Bangla News Today Bangla Latest Update News Bangla

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