So many heroes.
So much equipment.
So much stuff to pay attention to.
But is Battle Arena a hard game?
Not at all.
It is super simple to get into.
And we'll teach you how.
First thing to do — Assemble your team Over the course of the tutorial, you'll
receive 3 heroes.
First Lyndra, the fire mage.
Then Rosinant, the protector.
And then someone else — it can be anyone depending on your luck!
You have 3 character slots initially and you can use all of them in a single battle, changing
heroes between rounds.
Some people don't put a new character into the third slot right away — don't be this
If you'll drop into a match with only 2 heroes in your pocket when everyone else has
3, it'll be a bummer.
So, don't forget to review what you have at the start.
Second thing to do (and keep doing) — collect chests
As you noticed, you get heroes and items from chests.
You get chests for logging into the game and also for certain amount of wins each day.
What might not be clear at first, the higher your rating is, the more loot every chest
contains, and much cooler items become available as you go upwards.
Third thing — mind your rating!
For each battle won you get rating points.
If you tap the top left corner on the main screen, you'll see your progress through
leagues: from Bronze up to the Champions.
With each league you start receiving better stuff from the chests, so keep climbing!
Fourth thing — know your Equipment Items available to you are ranging from Common
(green) to Legendary (golden yellow) The higher item's rarity is, the more stats
it gives you.
You can, however, upgrade your basic items to match Legendaries — it will take some
effort, but it is completely doable.
Fifth thing — embrace the Fashion Arena Items you put on your heroes affect your stats.
Right now it's pretty straightforward Fortitude increases your health — basically
deciding how many hits you can take Strength affects how hard you hit with attacks
and abilities Defense reduces incoming damage
And penetration reduces enemies' defence So in a nutshell: if you want to live longer,
build defence and fortitude, to hit harder get strength and penetration.
As simple as that.
Worth noting that during beta we want to add more interesting effects to the items.
Stay tuned for the updates!
We'll be back soon.
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