Hi guys
This episode is with a 'face in the clouds'. My guest is en ex-flight attendant
the topic is working on board,
she gives you some tips how to start doing this job
and some details from crew training program. So we can go on!
welcome again, as I mentioned, the topic is flight attendants job. My guest is ex-flight attendant Karolina
hello Karolina, - Hi
Starting with exaggeration, I have two non-standard questions from friends - travellers ...
The first one: have you ever heard about (or do you have an experience ) with '10000ft club'?
And the another one, if flight attendants (girls) have closer relationship with pilots
And we can start with the Pilots topic :)
Is this true? - Yes ... same like in other, office and collective jobs
When the crew, generally people, working and spend time together
then the relaton ships can grow into partnership
but please, don't belive
that something can 'happend' in aircraft cockpit
meanwhile you are eating your lunch
... really no, during flight are all crew members professional
and second '10000ft club' question
for those who never heard about
when you are 'dating' :) on board in 10000ft ... on toilets...
do you have any professional experience?
That was the most polite explanation I have ever heard :-D
Yes, it happened from time to time. I met this situation once.
but not in my cabine space.
and it wasn't my personal expeirence :-D
god, save me, that I really don't wanna experience.
but it happend on my flight
and to be honest with you, I really don't understand that
first of all, the toilets are really small
really, so its unbelievable that somebody can 'get into action'
and then, the plane is most of the time flying,
and there is no extra time to clean the toilet
before each flight...,
to precisly clean it
so then we can say... its also 'kind of couple challenge' :D
so also from the hygiene point of view, I recommend not to do that
... that was for a fun, but now, let's get into serious topic
we are talking about flight attendants job
and what is this job about
what did you expect and what exactly was far from your expectations?
lot of young girls are dreaming about a job on board, like glance job
what is the reality?
What are pros and cons of this job
what I really like about this job
and true is, I also dreamed of being flight attendant, during my childhood
The main bonus is travelling.
The chance to see the world
to visit places, where I could never get to
because of ... lot of purposes
or at least visit one place per year during holiday
so the travelling and meeting new people and cultures is the best advantage
this opens your mind and gives you new, wider perspectives
And do you have a chance or time to experience foreign culture at destination
or it is about on board experience only?
when the flight is longer than 5 hours, then there is a time
called 'layover' - I can explain as a time to refresh yourself, somewhere abroad
free time is about 24 hours or more
and then there is a time to do trips or sightseeing
or do longer, further trips
and that is bonus from employer?
No, that is paid on my own
or from budget I got for layover.
Is there something in this job, you were caught out by?
Or some cons of this job?
I was suprised, how hard - exhausting, this work can be,
despite I heard about that ...
Most 'false' myth is that flight attendant is sky waitress only
I disaggree with this term
all members of a crew have hard
2 month training
and it is difficult to get used to
different working place and foreign language
with this life style
to deal with it
each of flight is different, new crew, never met before
the crew is not a stable team?
It is not so common in Emirates
and trully, I am not sure,
may be it can have some pros ...
so you need to be able to work in a temporary team
So it is temporary team work.
Now skipping to another topic
myths and facts in aviation services
don't forget to read article on kecall.cz where are more details.
Flight attendant does not have to help you with a cabin luggage.
Especially helping with luggage is the most common myth.
We have no duty to lift up baggage into 'hat rack' (place above a head)
we are not paid for that even not insured
so when I helped with luggages
I did it for a half of a year
and sometimes the luggages are heavier then 7kg
it is my own risk, when something happens, like back pain etc.
So simply it is not duty ... it is just an option to help
The red dress is not the official suite
but she brought a part of a suite
So I explain you the way to wear it
Put the hat on, at the back hair knot,
with little of forehead covering
Desert scarf? (joking)
There are 7 parts of a structure
like a 7 Arabian Emirates
Sorry it is not well ironed :D
Don't worry it is ok. :) .. ok :)
and thats it
So when you decided to be a flight attendant, you mentioned, you had a training
can you in few words explain to us what is the training about?
Sure, it is two month training
part is a theoretical
aircraft technical and common aviation knowledge
Training is done for specific aircraft type and its specifics.
Is it common to be trained for specific aircraft type?
It's common
After training, you got a licence for the defined aircraft type.
And you are trained for?
for Airbus A380
and its my favourite one
and I am also licenced for Boeing B777
I like A380 because of comfort for tall people
but back to the training
so you have to remember aircraft technicals
then there is a first aid course
survival course, in case of accidents
What does the survival course consist of?
It is about practical skills
in case of emergency landing
into the water, or on the landscape
what is necessary to do when..
And that's done on simulator?
sure, its one to one plane model to real plane
is it in Czech Republic?
no, its trained in Dubai, Emirates
but I think
CSA has here in Czech some simulators
at least for pilots
simulator is a bonus for us
in short you have
survival training
medical training
how is about language? Is excellent English level is needed?
You don't need to have a certificate
my English wasn't the best one when I 've started working
but by chance, I passed through an interview
but after few months I got better
the management understand
that when you daily face the English language
you quickly get deeper into the language
if you have good basics
I forget to mention self defence
with practical issue
in case of onboard accident
and more and more knowledge
and of course .. the waiteress onboard skills
serving meal and drings
Another information, recommendation and job restrictions
are ready in article on kecall.cz website (link below the video)
Can you give an advice for job candidates?
Let me think..
Girls and boys interested in..
to get this job is not easy
but worth to try it again and again and never give up
for some airlines is more difficult, than the others
it can takes a time,
but if you hang on, finally you can get the job
And what is more important
you need to have some social skills,
which one do you mean?
and be able to work in temporary team
every day different team, different cultures and nationalities
and 'keep your shirt on' in tight situation
when angry or drunken passanger is unpleasant and rude
simple to be able to wear the smile and be professional
We are at the end of the interview, and that is a time for an interesting or funny story.
So what interesting or funny happened to you on board?
I have funny experiance
this I like to tell when somebody asks me
I took a care of drunken passenger
that happend a lot
but this one was really drunken
so I need to take a care of him and don't serve him alcoholic beverages
he was in my part of cabine
I took a care of him
so he thought that I like to be with him
and at the end of the flight, he decided to marry me
... before landing, I couldn't find him
then I found him on toilet
he slept on a toilet
... with pans off - naked
:-D and that time you decided not to marry him :-D
:-D I closed the toilet,
and went to senior to help him
The first question of my senior was if I saw his penis
.. and because you saw, you decide not to marry him
(smiling) ... I closed the door and went for a senior
really funny story
Karča like taking pictures and now working as a photographer
so there are pictures in the web article made on her trips.
during layovers
So don't forget to follow us here on youtube,
on instagram - instagram.com/kecall.cz and read the article on www.kecall.cz
see you next time bye, bye
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