Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

So many heroes.

So much equipment.

So much stuff to pay attention to.

But is Battle Arena a hard game?

Not at all.

It is super simple to get into.

And we'll teach you how.

First thing to do — Assemble your team Over the course of the tutorial, you'll

receive 3 heroes.

First Lyndra, the fire mage.

Then Rosinant, the protector.

And then someone else — it can be anyone depending on your luck!

You have 3 character slots initially and you can use all of them in a single battle, changing

heroes between rounds.

Some people don't put a new character into the third slot right away — don't be this


If you'll drop into a match with only 2 heroes in your pocket when everyone else has

3, it'll be a bummer.

So, don't forget to review what you have at the start.

Second thing to do (and keep doing) — collect chests

As you noticed, you get heroes and items from chests.

You get chests for logging into the game and also for certain amount of wins each day.

What might not be clear at first, the higher your rating is, the more loot every chest

contains, and much cooler items become available as you go upwards.

Third thing — mind your rating!

For each battle won you get rating points.

If you tap the top left corner on the main screen, you'll see your progress through

leagues: from Bronze up to the Champions.

With each league you start receiving better stuff from the chests, so keep climbing!

Fourth thing — know your Equipment Items available to you are ranging from Common

(green) to Legendary (golden yellow) The higher item's rarity is, the more stats

it gives you.

You can, however, upgrade your basic items to match Legendaries — it will take some

effort, but it is completely doable.

Fifth thing — embrace the Fashion Arena Items you put on your heroes affect your stats.

Right now it's pretty straightforward Fortitude increases your health — basically

deciding how many hits you can take Strength affects how hard you hit with attacks

and abilities Defense reduces incoming damage

And penetration reduces enemies' defence So in a nutshell: if you want to live longer,

build defence and fortitude, to hit harder get strength and penetration.

As simple as that.

Worth noting that during beta we want to add more interesting effects to the items.

Stay tuned for the updates!

We'll be back soon.

For more infomation >> Tips & Tricks #1 — Battle Arena - Duration: 2:24.


How To Make Tamarind Rice | चिंचेचा भात | Tamarind Rice Recipe In Marathi | Archana Arte - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> How To Make Tamarind Rice | चिंचेचा भात | Tamarind Rice Recipe In Marathi | Archana Arte - Duration: 3:17.


FREE SSL Certificate For WordPress: Why You Need It & How To Get It - Duration: 5:02.

Hello Everyone, my name is Robert and in this video, I will tell you exactly what is an

SSL certificate, why you need it and how to implement that useful security feature on

your WordPress website with just a couple of clicks, for free.

SSL, which means Secure Socket Layer, is the standard security technology for establishing

an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

This link ensures that all data passed between the web server of your website and your visitor's

browsers remain private and integral.

You can notice a website with a Secure Socket Layer on when you see the HTTPS protocol instead

of HTTP at the beginning of the web address.

The main reason you need to think about using SSL on your WordPress website is SEO.

Yes, this is a Search Engine Optimization factor.

Your website security is one of the top 10 ranking factors used by Google when somebody

searches for what you have to offer online, and if you are a big business that receives

daily payments through your website or you think about building a huge online store you

definitely need a trusted SSL which will appear as a custom certificate with your business

name on it.

If you type, for example, in your link field of your browser, you will notice

the name of the business which means they use a custom SSL certificate and if you type there is a simple certificate which ensures that the website is secured.

If you think about starting your own e-commerce business using WordPress I recommend this

video to see how it's done.

Moving forward, a Basic SSL certificate is something you can get, usually, for free and

you can install it on your domain name by yourself.

If you know nothing about how to do that, contact your hosting provider and they will

be happy to do it for you, usually, free of charge.

I use as my favorite hosting provider for WordPress so and I can show

you how easy it is to install the free SSL certificate provided by Let's Encrypt on your

domain name with just a couple of clicks.

I log in to my cPanel now and then

I will create a new subdomain for a demo purpose here...

Next, I am going to install the free SSL certificate on that subdomain.

You can browse through the options of your cPanel until you find what you want but the

easy way is to use the search function here.

Type in Let's Encrypt and then click to open the admin panel of that feature.

Select the domain you wish to install the SSL certificate on it, change the email here

if you want then click install.

What you will see next is this pop-up window which is showing you that the certificate

installation is in progress.

Seconds after pushing the Install button a new pop-up window will prompt you that the process is over...

...and the Let's Encrypt certificate installation


Click OK and you are done!

What you can do next, is to activate the HTTPS Enforce and External Links Rewrite functions

which can be both very helpful if you have an old WordPress website with lots of files

like images and other external links without HTTPS.

These functions will automatically do the job for you, which otherwise you need to do

manually in hours of your precious time.

Now, If you check the subdomain on your browser you can see that the SSL certificate works

fine and your website is secured.

If you want to learn more about WordPress for beginners and advanced, check out these

videos and then please subscribe to get the new content we publish every Monday and Wednesday.

For more infomation >> FREE SSL Certificate For WordPress: Why You Need It & How To Get It - Duration: 5:02.


Ford Ranger Black Edition: 100 Days of Dark - Duration: 3:57.

You can't really escape the darkness

when you are in the full polar north.

The darkness is powerful


You learn something about yourself from it.

This is maybe one of the toughest

darkest places on earth.

Svalbard island between the North Pole

and Norway.

Well right now it's dark 24 hours of the day.

It's minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Pretty normal day for this time of year.

This isn't the Wild West this is the wild raw north.

Longyearbyen is the northernmost town.

Around 2,400 people live on this island

and we're trying to figure out a way to make this work

this Svalbard experiment.

It might be dark 24 hours a day

but with shops still open

when they're supposed to open

and the kids still have to go to school,

we still all have to do our jobs

and life it still goes on,

like normal.

My permaculture business involves growing fresh food for the island.

When I first started these people thought I was crazy.

If I can do it here ...

we can do it anywhere.

We deal with the sort of extreme conditions

on a daily basis,

that many people will never face.

I don't have running water

so I need to bring all the water by myself from the town.

It's not a hassle it's my decision,

otherwise I need to live in the middle of the town,

and I don't want to live in the middle of town.

You're either made for this,

or you're not.

We have so many dangers here in Svalbard:

Avalanches, there's crevasses and glaciers ...

there's polar bears ...

and most commonly the cold.

The cold is really really dangerous.

This place has definitely toughened me up.

When you see it, you have to go through

just one two days of living in the dark.

When somebody says, I've been here 20 years.

That is the definition of tough.

I'm born for this.

Most people would describe ...

the way I live here

as a tough life

but for me

it's a perfect life.

This is just one day in darkness ...

only a hundred left until the Sun rises again.

For more infomation >> Ford Ranger Black Edition: 100 Days of Dark - Duration: 3:57.


How to make Amazing Bumpy Car Riding Machine from Cardboard - Duration: 5:46.

How to make Amazing Bumpy car Riding Machine

Hope You Enjoy Watching the Video!

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Bumpy Car Riding Machine From Cardboard

Thanks For Watching..

For more infomation >> How to make Amazing Bumpy Car Riding Machine from Cardboard - Duration: 5:46.


The Farmer in the Dell - Song & Lyrics - Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:29.

The farmer in the dell, The farmer in the dell

Heigh-ho, the derry-o The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child, the wife takes a child,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the wife takes a child

The child takes a cow, the child takes a cow,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the child takes a cow

The cow takes a dog, the cow takes a dog

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the cow takes a dog,

The dog takes a cat, the dog takes a cat,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the dog takes a cat,

The cat takes a rat, the cat takes a rat,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the cat takes a rat

The rat takes the cheese, the rat takes the cheese,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . . . the rat takes the cheese

The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone,

Heigh-ho, the derry-o . .. the cheese stands alone

For more infomation >> The Farmer in the Dell - Song & Lyrics - Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:29.



For more infomation >> CHIẾC KHĂN PIÊU 2018 - LK NHẠC SỐNG VÙNG CAO TÂY BẮC - GÁI XINH NHẠC NGHE LÀ PHÊ - Duration: 57:38.


How To Treat A High Fever In Adults | Get Rid Of A Fever In Children | Bring Down A Fever In A Baby - Duration: 3:26.

Let's talk.....fevers! That's good for the intro

so, fevers actually help our bodies beat infections and they do this

by stimulating our immune system and also making it more difficult for the bacteria and viruses

to survive in the heat

normal body temperature is 37C but it does vary a little

and a fever is generally anything above 38C and that's it

a high temperature can be quite worrying but most children and adults recover

within a few days with no problems but before we move to treatments

here are some red flags that you need to be aware

you must seek urgent medical advice if your baby is

under 3 months with a temperature of 38C or higher

or your baby is 3-6 months and has a temperature of 39C or higher

please make sure to read the description below or click on the link

and it has all the other red flags to be aware of, now let's move on to tips and medications

tip 1 tepid sponging is no longer recommended and this was the only sponge that I could find

so it'll have to make do

this is because blood vessels constrict when the water touches the skin

so what happens is less heat is able to escape so it's kept in deeper parts of the body

tip 2 fluids, try and drink about 2 litres a day which is about 8 to 10 glasses to prevent dehydration

get plenty of rest make sure you're not covered up too much so basically

don't wear what I'm wearing right now and make sure the room temperature isn't too high

tip 4 try to eat nutritious foods your body's using a lot of calories to beat the infection

so give it the energy it needs, now let's move on to medication

okay so for children consider giving them children's paracetamol or children's ibuprofen

only if they're distressed and these shouldn't been given together

unless you're advised by a healthcare professional

always check the age and weight restrictions for any medicines that you give

and also ask your pharmacist for an oral syringe so it's easier to administer medicine to a child

adults however can take, paracetamol or ibuprofen either together or separately to help a fever

remember though ibuprofen should not be given to anyone whose asthma attacks have been triggered by it

or by any medicines in the same family

if you do want to try any of these medicines always run it by your pharmacist, nurse practitioner or doctor first

and always read the information leaflet

and that's it for this week's video I think this is really useful information for everyone to know

so please help spread the word by liking, sharing and tagging friends

who'll find this information useful

hey guys thanks for watching this week's video

make sure to click that like, follow or subscribe button now to stay up to date with new weekly videos

can you hear this creaky floorboard...... awww it's killing me

"where did you get the red flag?" I made the red flag, good quality isn't it

For more infomation >> How To Treat A High Fever In Adults | Get Rid Of A Fever In Children | Bring Down A Fever In A Baby - Duration: 3:26.


Rebecca contó por qué imita a Shakira | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Rebecca contó por qué imita a Shakira | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:24.


நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு தருவதாக கூறி பல முறை என்னை அனுபவித்தார் | நித்யானந்தா வைரமுத்து சிஷ்யை Seeman - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு தருவதாக கூறி பல முறை என்னை அனுபவித்தார் | நித்யானந்தா வைரமுத்து சிஷ்யை Seeman - Duration: 1:09.


Stefan Kramer imita a Pitbull Mr. World Wide | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Stefan Kramer imita a Pitbull Mr. World Wide | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 6:12.


Yeka Rosales imita maravillosamente a Gloria Trevi | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Yeka Rosales imita maravillosamente a Gloria Trevi | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:47.


Independent Contractor or Employee - Duration: 7:57.

Independent contractors or employees?

That is the question for house cleaners.

Alrighty, we're going to talk a little bit about that today.

I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask A House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now today's show is brought to us by

They're the guys that make the mattress encasements for your beds to protect you from allergens

and dust bunnies and dust mites and bed bugs, and all kinds of things like that that get

buried in our mattress.

Then when we sweat, the sweat sinks into the mattress as well.

This has a moisture barrier and it protects you from that., mattress encasements and pillow encasements to keep you allergy-free.

Alrighty, on to today's show, which is about independent contractors versus employees.

Now I got a question that came in from a house cleaning business owner who wants to know

should she hire employees or should she hire independent contractors.

That's an excellent question, and every house cleaner or house cleaning business owner at

some point will probably ask that question.

What it comes down to is how is your business structured?

Are you a solo operator and you're only ever going to be a solo operator and maybe hire

one other person?

Because if you're only going to hire one other person, you can outsource some of your chores

to an independent contractor.

But if you have long-term visions of growing an empire and you're going to have matching

cars and you're going to have teams of people that have matching uniforms, then you're talking

about an employee.

If you're dictating the clothing that the person is wearing, that's an employee.

Now, an independent contractor can follow a dress code but they do not wear your uniforms,

and you cannot tell them what to wear.

Now if you're dictating their schedule and you have them scheduled at a specific series

of hours during specific days of the week, that is an employee.

Now an independent contractor you can give them a job and you can say, "This is the range

of the job."

They get to schedule themselves and they get to pick their own hours.

If you want to dictate that, that is an employee.

Now, there's a big difference as far as cleaning supplies go, because if you want to provide

the cleaning supplies and you've promised your customers a specific set of cleaning

supplies, that's an employee.

Now the independent contractor provides all their own cleaning supplies, so you can say,

"If you work for our company, we provide green, non-toxic solutions or whatever and they have

to fall within that range," but you cannot specify the products that they use.

If you provide vehicle expenses or a vehicle, or

you provide for vehicle insurance, that's an employee.

The independent contractor provides their own transportation and you cannot tell them

that their car has to be clean.

They can just show up in whatever their car looks like.

If you want to manage the image of your business, talking about clean cars, what the cars look

like, if the cars have magnets or decals on them, that's an employee.

Another issue is do you provide insurance for the worker?

If you provide insurance for the worker, that's an employee.

Independent contractors provide their own insurance.

Now if you have an employee, you got to provide workman's comp for them as well.

You do not provide that for an independent contractor.

For an independent contractor, you do not pay FICA tax.

All the Social Security and the benefits and everything that you take out, that's an employee.

But for an independent contractor you simply give them a 1099 miscellaneous form at the

end of the year that basically says, "This is how much money you made during the course

of the year."

You do have to report that to the IRS and you have to report it to your independent

contractor, but you're not taking out any of the benefits, so the independent contractor

doesn't get any benefits from you from Social Security.

If you're a house cleaner, do you want to sign on as an employee or do you want to sign

on as an independent contractor?

That's really going to depend on how you have your future set up.

If you need the flexibility and you want fly by the seat of your pants and you want to

be freelancer and you want have multiple accounts, then you would sign up as an independent contractor.

If you're looking for structure and you want wear a uniform to work and you want them to

provide your company car and your car insurance and your gas for your car, and you want them

to provide your health benefits or your FICA and your Social Security and all that stuff,

and your cleaning supplies, then you would sign up as an employee.

They're very, very different business structures, and depending on what your goals are will

depend on whether you hire an employee or an independent contractor.

Now, with an independent contractor, they have other clients.

If you hire them to help you, you raise the risk of them taking your clients and customers

from you and going out on their own because they're already out on their own.

They have other customers.

They have other cleaning accounts.

If you have them come in and help you, even for a day, you run the risk of losing your

accounts, and they don't sign a non-compete.

They're independent contractors.

There's an agreement that they already have other accounts and clients, and that the market

is wide open and they're free to choose and come and go as they please.

It's a risk, but you have to decide what works best for your business.

There are times in my business I've had employees and I've had independent contractors.

That are people that when they come in for a job interview and you listen to the words

that they say, you sit there and you can hear them between the lines.

You learn to read the body language and the things that they say.

You're like, "Hey, this person is going to be here for two or three months and then they're

out on their own.

They're going to start their own business."

If that's the case and that's an entrepreneurial person that you're hiring, hire them as an

independent contractor.

You are not allowed to train an independent contractor, but they can watch your operation.

They can see how you work.

They can see how your other employees work and they can try to fit in with that of their

own violation.

Then as they spin out on their own, you can send referrals and overflow and all those

things their way.

Some of the dearest friends I had in my business worked for me for a couple of months,

but I knew they were never going to stay with me.

They were never going to stay.

Instead of creating this animosity and "Are you going to steal my clients?" it's like,

"Hey, I know you're going to steal my clients.

Let's work this out right now.

Let's fit in a structure arrangement where you can work for these people and you can

build rapport with them, and I can help you get up and out running on your own so you

can run your own business."

Then they became consulting clients and we ended up working together.

In the event that we got understaffed for whatever reason, somebody called in sick,

somebody went on vacation, we were over shorted on people, then I would call one of the independent

contractors that used to work for me and I'd say, "Hey, I got a house here.

Can you cover for me?"

There was a risk that they were going to steal that customer, but out of respect oftentimes

they would say, "Hey, I know this is your customer.

I'm not going to take them.

I'll just help you out for the day."

It's dependent on how you set that up in the beginning.

If you have working relationships with independent contractors, it can help the smoothness of

your business flow in between the ups and downs of having employees.

Do you have one or the other?

It's up to you.

I had both.

It really depends on how your business is set up and what you're trying to achieve.

Alrighty, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Independent Contractor or Employee - Duration: 7:57.


【MUKBANG】 Mochi + Fish Roe Cheese Are The Best!! 56 Pieces OF Various Takoyaki [CC Available] - Duration: 5:09.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles By ~Aphexx~ )

So today! tadaa I bought 7 packs of 8 takoyaki from Gindako totalling 56

and what I bought today are.... (she'll tell you again later)

you guys...... I had the toughest time choosing between these

chewy cheese mentaiko (fish egg) and these cheezy mentaiko (fish egg) they both look the same

but once I eat them I'll know which are better and which exact ones they are

these are my first takoyaki of 2018

I'm so excited.. takoyaki are so delish aren't they

and to top it off they're the famous Gindaco itadakimasu

lets kick things off with these 3rd gen onion n' mayo

they leveled up their onion n' mayo game

it must mean that somewhere out there are a first and second generation

its got onion and these bits of tempura batter on it... don't they look yummy

This combination of flavors Is a definite winner

the yummy tempura bits and that oniony flavor Strike such a perfect balance

The surface of these is so Nice and crispy

With a very soft and gooey interior And big plump pieces of octopus

Next. Are the limited release chewy cheese mentai (fish egg)

You just can't tell the difference between the two of these

this one is prolly the one with the chewy bits of mochi on it

I was right That combination of mochi and mentaiko is perfect

and y'all know you can't go wrong with cheese

These deep fried ones Tastes great with this flavoring

mochi + cheese

So what they did was take the regular cheese mentai and then covered it in mochi sauce

so its not like its packed with mochi in it but rather a nicely balanced flavor of cheese and mochi

The added shredded bits of seaweed taste great

These are the regular flavored ones with sauce

Such simple flavors Allowing the takoyaki flavors to shine through

next are teritama (egg)

that mellow sweetness from the egg goes so nicely with the rich teriyaki sauce

this will go great on almost anything

would probably taste great slapped into a sandwich

next up is onion n' octopus

it comes with a tempura dipping sauce that has grated radish in it

dip it

so nice and refreshing

rich flavored or refreshing or cheezy or mochi flaovrs... takoyaki go nicely with an infinite amount of flavors

its so yummy taking these piping hot takoyaki and dipping it into this cold sauce

last up are my faves from their regular menu... cheezy mentaiko

that rich cheese takoyaki taste so awesome with the mentako flavoring

last one itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshtia

these first gindako of 2018 were so yummy

the limited edition 3rd onion mayo....

3rd limite~~ genratinn..

so tongue tied

the limited edition 3rd gen onion mayo

and the mochi cheese mentaiko were so yummy its absurd they don't have it on

their main menu

its so sad to think that these flavors will go away soon

especially taking into the fact that there are no other things on their menu that resemble

the onion and mentaiko takoyaki I don't want them to disappear

all the takoyaki on their regular menu were very yummy as well

gindaco are always so nice and crispy and the soft gooey interiors with

such nice big plump bits of octopus the'yre so darn yummy

it was all so yummy won't you all please give it a try

and as always thanks for watching and if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment

section below and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Mochi + Fish Roe Cheese Are The Best!! 56 Pieces OF Various Takoyaki [CC Available] - Duration: 5:09.


A flight attendant with face in the clouds | E43 - Duration: 12:24.

Hi guys

This episode is with a 'face in the clouds'. My guest is en ex-flight attendant

the topic is working on board,

she gives you some tips how to start doing this job

and some details from crew training program. So we can go on!

welcome again, as I mentioned, the topic is flight attendants job. My guest is ex-flight attendant Karolina

hello Karolina, - Hi

Starting with exaggeration, I have two non-standard questions from friends - travellers ...

The first one: have you ever heard about (or do you have an experience ) with '10000ft club'?

And the another one, if flight attendants (girls) have closer relationship with pilots

And we can start with the Pilots topic :)

Is this true? - Yes ... same like in other, office and collective jobs

When the crew, generally people, working and spend time together

then the relaton ships can grow into partnership

but please, don't belive

that something can 'happend' in aircraft cockpit

meanwhile you are eating your lunch

... really no, during flight are all crew members professional

and second '10000ft club' question

for those who never heard about

when you are 'dating' :) on board in 10000ft ... on toilets...

do you have any professional experience?

That was the most polite explanation I have ever heard :-D

Yes, it happened from time to time. I met this situation once.

but not in my cabine space.

and it wasn't my personal expeirence :-D

god, save me, that I really don't wanna experience.

but it happend on my flight

and to be honest with you, I really don't understand that

first of all, the toilets are really small

really, so its unbelievable that somebody can 'get into action'

and then, the plane is most of the time flying,

and there is no extra time to clean the toilet

before each flight...,

to precisly clean it

so then we can say... its also 'kind of couple challenge' :D

so also from the hygiene point of view, I recommend not to do that

... that was for a fun, but now, let's get into serious topic

we are talking about flight attendants job

and what is this job about

what did you expect and what exactly was far from your expectations?

lot of young girls are dreaming about a job on board, like glance job

what is the reality?

What are pros and cons of this job

what I really like about this job

and true is, I also dreamed of being flight attendant, during my childhood

The main bonus is travelling.

The chance to see the world

to visit places, where I could never get to

because of ... lot of purposes

or at least visit one place per year during holiday

so the travelling and meeting new people and cultures is the best advantage

this opens your mind and gives you new, wider perspectives

And do you have a chance or time to experience foreign culture at destination

or it is about on board experience only?

when the flight is longer than 5 hours, then there is a time

called 'layover' - I can explain as a time to refresh yourself, somewhere abroad

free time is about 24 hours or more

and then there is a time to do trips or sightseeing

or do longer, further trips

and that is bonus from employer?

No, that is paid on my own

or from budget I got for layover.

Is there something in this job, you were caught out by?

Or some cons of this job?

I was suprised, how hard - exhausting, this work can be,

despite I heard about that ...

Most 'false' myth is that flight attendant is sky waitress only

I disaggree with this term

all members of a crew have hard

2 month training

and it is difficult to get used to

different working place and foreign language

with this life style

to deal with it

each of flight is different, new crew, never met before

the crew is not a stable team?

It is not so common in Emirates

and trully, I am not sure,

may be it can have some pros ...

so you need to be able to work in a temporary team

So it is temporary team work.

Now skipping to another topic

myths and facts in aviation services

don't forget to read article on where are more details.

Flight attendant does not have to help you with a cabin luggage.

Especially helping with luggage is the most common myth.

We have no duty to lift up baggage into 'hat rack' (place above a head)

we are not paid for that even not insured

so when I helped with luggages

I did it for a half of a year

and sometimes the luggages are heavier then 7kg

it is my own risk, when something happens, like back pain etc.

So simply it is not duty ... it is just an option to help

The red dress is not the official suite

but she brought a part of a suite

So I explain you the way to wear it

Put the hat on, at the back hair knot,

with little of forehead covering

Desert scarf? (joking)

There are 7 parts of a structure

like a 7 Arabian Emirates

Sorry it is not well ironed :D

Don't worry it is ok. :) .. ok :)

and thats it

So when you decided to be a flight attendant, you mentioned, you had a training

can you in few words explain to us what is the training about?

Sure, it is two month training

part is a theoretical

aircraft technical and common aviation knowledge

Training is done for specific aircraft type and its specifics.

Is it common to be trained for specific aircraft type?

It's common

After training, you got a licence for the defined aircraft type.

And you are trained for?

for Airbus A380

and its my favourite one

and I am also licenced for Boeing B777

I like A380 because of comfort for tall people

but back to the training

so you have to remember aircraft technicals

then there is a first aid course

survival course, in case of accidents

What does the survival course consist of?

It is about practical skills

in case of emergency landing

into the water, or on the landscape

what is necessary to do when..

And that's done on simulator?

sure, its one to one plane model to real plane

is it in Czech Republic?

no, its trained in Dubai, Emirates

but I think

CSA has here in Czech some simulators

at least for pilots

simulator is a bonus for us

in short you have

survival training

medical training

how is about language? Is excellent English level is needed?

You don't need to have a certificate

my English wasn't the best one when I 've started working

but by chance, I passed through an interview

but after few months I got better

the management understand

that when you daily face the English language

you quickly get deeper into the language

if you have good basics

I forget to mention self defence

with practical issue

in case of onboard accident

and more and more knowledge

and of course .. the waiteress onboard skills

serving meal and drings

Another information, recommendation and job restrictions

are ready in article on website (link below the video)

Can you give an advice for job candidates?

Let me think..

Girls and boys interested in..

to get this job is not easy

but worth to try it again and again and never give up

for some airlines is more difficult, than the others

it can takes a time,

but if you hang on, finally you can get the job

And what is more important

you need to have some social skills,

which one do you mean?


and be able to work in temporary team

every day different team, different cultures and nationalities

and 'keep your shirt on' in tight situation

when angry or drunken passanger is unpleasant and rude

simple to be able to wear the smile and be professional

We are at the end of the interview, and that is a time for an interesting or funny story.

So what interesting or funny happened to you on board?

I have funny experiance

this I like to tell when somebody asks me

I took a care of drunken passenger

that happend a lot

but this one was really drunken

so I need to take a care of him and don't serve him alcoholic beverages

he was in my part of cabine

I took a care of him

so he thought that I like to be with him

and at the end of the flight, he decided to marry me

... before landing, I couldn't find him

then I found him on toilet

he slept on a toilet

... with pans off - naked

:-D and that time you decided not to marry him :-D

:-D I closed the toilet,

and went to senior to help him

The first question of my senior was if I saw his penis

.. and because you saw, you decide not to marry him

(smiling) ... I closed the door and went for a senior

really funny story

Karča like taking pictures and now working as a photographer

so there are pictures in the web article made on her trips.

during layovers

So don't forget to follow us here on youtube,

on instagram - and read the article on

see you next time bye, bye

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