Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

(people chanting)

(people chanting)

(people shouting)

(people chanting)

>> "Send them home.

Send them home," they chant.

(people chanting)

>> Right wing nationalist

parties have boomed in

popularity on the continent.


>> Anti-Islam, anti-immigrant,


Its leader recently suggested

German border guards shoot



For more infomation >> "Finland First!": An Afghani Refugee Encounters Rising Anti-Migrant Sentiment | Exodus | FRONTLINE - Duration: 2:30.


Ultimaker: How to get started with custom mode - Duration: 2:32.

In this video we are going to introduce custom mode settings in Ultimaker Cura

while recommended mode is ideal for first time users

Custom mode offers precise controls controls to fine-tune your printing strategy

Select custom mode by clicking the "Custom" button in the print setup sidebar

Let's examine the elements of custom mode:

A printing profile drop-down box where you can select your desired layer height

A search bar that can be used to search through every possible setting

to configure the setting visibility to your needs

Setting categories with each visible setting in a list

Select a profile which is close to your desired layer height

Other settings such as print temperature depend on the

profile you have selected

Currently the option to adjust bottom

layers separately is hidden

Use the search bar and type "thickness"

Settings that are currently enabled are displayed solid

while hidden settings are grayed-out

Right-click a setting to keep it visible or hide it

When you're done you can clear the filter with the X icon

We are going to make a strong prototype profile

by increasing the number of top and bottom layers

and the infill density

To strengthen the base of the model

we will change the bottom thickness to 2 mm separately

Ultimaker Cura includes built-in tooltips which briefly summarize each setting

by hovering the mouse over them

For detailed information on each setting visit the Ultimaker Cura resource pages

When editing settings multiple icons may appear

The chain icon indicates that this setting applies to both extruders

The reset arrow can be used to reset the value to the profiles default setting

The i icon indicates that the setting differs from the parent settings

The gear icon appears when hovering over a category click it to quickly go to the setting preferences

This shows a full list of settings available in the software

To use


and edit this profile at a later time we can save it

Click the printing profile to open a drop-down menu

and create a profile from the current settings

If we make a change this menu can be used

to update a profile or discard the currently active changes

That's it!

You now understand the basics of custom mode

Thank you for choosing Ultimaker

For more infomation >> Ultimaker: How to get started with custom mode - Duration: 2:32.


The Incredibles 2 NEW CHARACTERS - REACTION - Duration: 7:12.

This is it! The teases are over!

For more infomation >> The Incredibles 2 NEW CHARACTERS - REACTION - Duration: 7:12.


Big News: Selena Gomez & Zayn Malik: Fans Flip Over Singers Rumored Collaboration - Duration: 1:54.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Selena Gomez and Zayn Malik fans flip over singers rumoured

collaboration Selena Gomez and Zayn Malik collaborating on a song together for the new live action Aladdin movie, so is it happening

Selena Gomez 25 and Zayn Malik

24 are rumoured to be teaming up to record a whole new world for the

2019 a latin movie and fans are losing it at the prospect the

Selena Gomez source Twitter account with one of the first ones to put the idea out there On January 21st

And we have to say we'd be 100% here for it

Has God finally answered my prayers when fan tweeted upon hearing the possible news. I would love this another wrote

Seriously, how awesome would that be if you're not hyped about the Aladdin film yet?

Simply get to know the new cast here

We know you'll fall in love as far as Selena and Zayn are concerned it gets even more interesting

One same fan pointed out the pair's history that's kinda awkward didn't she admit

She had a crush on the same like four years ago Lowell

Indeed Selena confessed in a 2013 interview that if given the opportunity to smooch any of the One Direction

Guys she picks sane flash forward to 2016 when sells then X Justin Bieber 23

Reportedly accused cell of cheating on him with Zane it turned out that Justin didn't actually make those accusations

They were simply fake comments by trolls

But the backlash still resulted in him quitting Instagram neither rep has confirmed the collaboration between Zane


For more infomation >> Big News: Selena Gomez & Zayn Malik: Fans Flip Over Singers Rumored Collaboration - Duration: 1:54.


BREAKING!! Intel Officer Just Revealed 'First President In History' To Be Hit With a FELONY INDICTME - Duration: 4:20.

BREAKING!! Intel Officer Just Revealed 'First President In History' To Be Hit With a FELONY

INDICTMENT!! After months of the liberal media ridiculing

Trump over his claim that Obama spied on him during the election, Trump finally got vindication

this week. America learned the truth on Tuesday that Obama did in fact unconstitutionally

spy on Trump throughout the presidential election, leaving Barack Obama with his pants down yet

again. Now former intelligence officer Lt. Col Tony

Shaffer just revealed that Obama's wiretapping was not only a federal crime, but says that

the results of this investigation will likely result in Obama being brought up on FELONY

CHARGES. The colonel's dire prediction about Obama's future is sending shock-waves through

the black hearts of liberals all across America today, as it's now thrown a monkey wrench

into Obama's plans to stage his "political comeback" this fall.

In a a recent interview with Trending Today USA, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer called 'Obamagate'

an "order of magnitude" even bigger than the Watergate scandal because the incident

included "using nation-state resources for purposes of political gain."

When asked if Obama could be arrested for violating the law, he said that it would be

the "first time a former president could be indicted for a felony."

"…I think it is very possible that he acted outside of the scope of his duties,

responsibilities and authorities to turn the resources of a nation-state on a candidate.

This is, as I've said before, soviet-dictator level wrongdoing," he added.

Shaffer said that Obama using government resources to spy on Trump was for the sole purpose of

getting Hillary into office, as Obama hoped the wiretapping would produce enough "dirt"

on Trump to sabotage his presidential run. Given Shaffer's lengthy military career,

his rise to the top of the American intelligence community, and his current senior position

at the prestigious London Center for Policy Research, his prediction about Obama shouldn't

be scoffed at. Being brought up on felony charges would completely destroy Obama's

plan of making his political comeback this year, as he'd be trying to figure out a

way to keep himself out of prison instead of spending his hours obsessing with ways

to bring Trump down. The Hill reported on just how extensive Obama's

spying truly was, as this unconstitutional move wasn't just limited to listening in

on Trump's calls. They reported: If these reports are accurate, it means U.S.

intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And

those are just the ones we know about. Besides Manafort, the officials include former

Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump "transition

officials" were "incidentally" captured during government surveillance of a foreign

official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted "unmasking,"

or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive,

their names are supposed to be hidden or "masked," even inside the government, to protect their

privacy. In May, former Director of National Intelligence

James Clapper and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates acknowledged they, too, reviewed

communications of political figures, secretly collected under President Obama.

After getting away with whatever the hell he wanted over the past 8 years and wiping

his butt with the Constitution, it looks like Obama's cockiness might just be his undoing.

He might have gotten away with his antics in the past, but things are vastly different

now that Obama doesn't have all his minions blocking all investigations into his crimes,

as was the case when he was president. If this colonel's predication is in fact

true, Obama's little plan to keep trolling Trump with his little shadow government from

the headquarters of his D.C. home could soon be coming to an abrupt end. How poetic would

it be that after spending 8 years pandering to terrorists and trying to destroy America

that Obama could live out the rest of his life behind bars in an orange jumpsuit? Sounds

like perfect justice for America! What do you think about this?

Please share this news if you want to see Obama behind bars for the rest of his treasonous

life! Scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! Intel Officer Just Revealed 'First President In History' To Be Hit With a FELONY INDICTME - Duration: 4:20.


Exclusive Interview with Ryan Taylor at The North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami 2018 - Duration: 17:54.

For more infomation >> Exclusive Interview with Ryan Taylor at The North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami 2018 - Duration: 17:54.


new listing, house for sale, 115 warwick st, iselin, nj 08830 russell haek weichert realtors - Duration: 3:15.

hey guys if you're looking to live in iselin New Jersey this Cape could

possibly be for you sits on a 40 by 100 Lot

complete renovations three bedrooms two full bathrooms fully finished

basement one car detached garage and if you like

what you see need more info just shoot me a text call me the contact

information is in the description box

alright guys that wraps things up here like what you see need more info just

shoot me text/call me till next time have a good one

For more infomation >> new listing, house for sale, 115 warwick st, iselin, nj 08830 russell haek weichert realtors - Duration: 3:15.


How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence - Duration: 1:41.

How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence

How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence

How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence

How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence

How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction - Home Remedy For Impotence - Duration: 1:41.


কোলকাতায় স্টেজ মাতালেন শাকিব খান | Shakib Khan Live Performance at Kolkata 2018 - Duration: 0:37.

Shakib Khan Live Performance at Kolkata 2018

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