Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

a small creator

Taking YouTube by the views

Demo VD of VocaloiDemo - not currently trademark don't steal it

the newest Vocaloid youtuber

With personality music anime and randomness

We present to everyone who cares

Cue explosion

Huh? What'd ya say?

I said explosion

Oh yeah, I almost forgot!


*Ack* Nevermind

What, that wasn't good enough for ya?

Well, I'll have you know-

Featuring Vocaloid music top tens

A Vocaloid segment called according to demo

the Vocaloid producers Glide

featuring my own Vocaloid music

A New segment the anime connection coming soon

I actually have too many videos of gaming so broad spectrum over here

A new segment called the Vocaloid school

And my own visual novel anime a video series

Trailers out now

We present Demo VD only on YouTube

Okay, not really

We're also on and a few other places so make sure you check online go to

Google, give it a go, type in tha thing, and just *ppf*

there I am maybe I

*jumbled words*

I should be

If you do not know what Vocaloid is

Subscribe to me to find out more the music of the imaginary life awaits you

For more infomation >> Demo VD of VocaloiDemo - Duration: 1:49.


Chuck Schumer Blames Donald Trump: 'Great Deal-Making President Sat On The Sidelines' | NBC News - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Chuck Schumer Blames Donald Trump: 'Great Deal-Making President Sat On The Sidelines' | NBC News - Duration: 3:27.


ULTIMATE Clash Royale Funny Moments, Glitches, Fails and Trolls | Clash Royale Montage #11 - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> ULTIMATE Clash Royale Funny Moments, Glitches, Fails and Trolls | Clash Royale Montage #11 - Duration: 9:59.


New Jurassic World The Game Dinosaur Ludia EP 207 HD - Walkthrough Gameplay Cenozoic Creatures - Duration: 29:20.

well guys it's great to see you again ah welcome back let's go ahead and we're

gonna jump right into a battle here I've got to battle for the legendary pack

right now so let's get going okay so I'm gonna use the Sark asuka's karna Raptor

and skep netis jumping right in so this guy's not gonna kill me in one hit so I

will put one into reserve he's swapping off to Austin for Saurus he's still not

gonna kill me in one hit so I will go to my pterosaur skeptic Metis petunias Irv

I'm not all that concerned even if one of them does kill me but he swaps out

all that could only hit me once and he didn't sue he's defenseless right now

New Jurassic World The Game Dinosaur Ludia EP 207 HD - Walkthrough Gameplay Cenozoic Creatures

attack - it's going to take them down put three in reserve so this battle is

pretty much over already

okay so he's got three attacked three he wiped me out but he is defenseless once

again so hit well actually just the hit up - we'll take him down I'll put

forward reserve one block Bambi's down awesome okay so the six-second onto

soros is zu okay he attacked four I blocked one I'm still

around so I got eight I'm just gonna attack eight and the battles over nice

sweet easy 8840 and you are down my friend sweet

okay so fifty DNA jump right into battle number two okay so I go with the

Pterodactylus Pteranodon and cool asuras

okay he's not gonna come in with one hat so I will put one into reserve so that

asaurus not gonna kill me with one head

I'll bring in my coolest Saurus I will attack I don't think it'll kill him in

two it'll come close oh it did okay I didn't think it would you got Dibley


he attacked one so I'm just gonna put three in reserve build off my reserve

for my Terra source

he attacked four he killed me he's defenseless so I only need to attack him

twice before and reserve one block

babies down awesome okay so all they have left is the Gorgas ooh kiss so he

attacked two I blocked one I think he's got two left doesn't matter

I turn it on I'll take him down attacked eight he blocked too but he's going down

hard and battled twos in the bag

speak okay fifty DNA jumping into battle

number three okay I'm going to use die more food on prior Troodon and soprano

tight cuz I'm not getting much feedback or comments from you guys

ah I mean is there anything you want to see I mean you guys want me to change

something I mean anything like that I do read your

comments and I'll answer you as soon as possible

okay so steak a sarah tops and tack me once I believe eat is defenseless right

now so no I can't take them down to two sopla two and reserved

I got a level 40 stick it Sarah top so cuz pretty strong okay he attacked one

gonna bring my dime more food on back I wasn't paying attention to what he had

so I'm just gonna attack for okay he didn't do anything so BAM he's down so

all I gotta worry about is two herbivores No

hey he attacked one gonna put foreign reserve now if he attacks all out he

will kill me okay he did it well I think I'm gonna switch right now my soprano

Titan this sort of hurt so I'm gonna attack all out with him so they can't so

if they take my other vote they would have taken my other Dino down my soprano

Titan might have been killed okay so BAM he's down okay so all they

got left is this Degas Saratov he's got six he attacked two meaning he's got

four left so I'll put two in block 2 in reserve

he's blocking for so he's got four left he attacked for I blocked too and he's

going down goodbye my friend goodbye in good nad

family prior Troodon is the victor battle fries in the bag moving right to

battle number four okay I'm going messed onto Soros

Pterodactylus and spina Raptor

so he's not gonna kill me in two heads so I put one into reserve probably try

yeah he's trying and he came pretty close but he is did fenceless right now

so attack of two would take him down wanted reserve BAM he's down asuka's is

up he's gonna probably attack one up he attacked - okay you didn't need to

oh I did for one in reserve so they didn't know that

so he's defenseless attack of two would take him down to and reserve good bye

gorgeous ooh kiss goodnight my friend sleep tight okay / asuras got three dude


bring in my spinal rafter and wipe him off the face of the earth they blocked -

I attack 5in he's down battle whores in the bag

okay so we're gonna go ahead and jump right in to battle number five okay it's

gonna be indominus rex take a ceratopsian Pterodactylus I didn't

really need to overpower them like that but why not so one in reserve because

he's not gonna kill me in two hits ostap asaurus is not gonna kill me in

one hit he did try

well my Pterodactylus yep my pterodactyl is so take him down in two

yeah down he goes sweet okay Terrell dost romantically okay so he

attacked - I'm down he's got nothing left

attack of - we'll take him down 1 and reserved BAM

down he goes one more Dino left to get my card back sweetie my legendary card

back so he attacked three he wiped me out he's got nothing left

mister Dominus is called ripping part I only need to attack him twice to take

him down I got 5 babies down

okay victory is mine legendary card pack is mine also so let's see 5000 DNA and

the t-rex yeah I need T Rexes got a build-off my t-rex is a velociraptor so

one day hopefully I could upgrade my indominus to level 40 and that would

fight for the helicopter on wha I got to give my guys time to recover because

these battles are really really hard battles but I got two days nine hours to

go ahead and do that so we'll leave that for now go on collect like cash if you

didn't see these

what are these called revenue towers you get those in later levels you can set it

up to gather cash from six to eight dinos at a time so it saves you a lot of

time and then I'd like to see sometimes you can get some pretty decent values or

Ripoff look at em 3000 cash you get before John him and memorials he crazy

that's like the worst trade you could make okay so I got some dinos here the

hatched got the Paris F flow Soros then

you all okay so I have to sell that guy because I'm maxed out on you

then the ankylosaurus okay so that would be it uh underdogs

so you know let me use one carnivore against athletic party comin up there

okay why not why not one

fish the one in reserve because he's not gonna kill


and he attacked - so he defenseless and he's down got a 1 is in the bag sweet

1700 damage ok battle two would be two carnivores against two amphibians so

let's get this battle in the road so he's not gonna kill me with one hit so I

will put one into reserve I'm just gonna put three in reserve if it kills me

hopefully I could get the other ones because my reserve will be really high

okay he didn't kill me

I'm good tech forum block to see what happens okay

he wasn't doing anything so actually no I attacked for I put two into reserve so

he's got six an anti attacked sickness okay cool he's defenseless so tan Ecola

grass is gone rippled fur detect six he blocked zero Donny goes battle two is in

the bag

okay so then for the final one I'll need three carnivores okay this one's gonna

be kind of tricky I don't I have one strong carnivore left so this guy could

probably actually take me down into hit so I'm gonna do one book one block there

in case he attacks and he didn't of course I put two in reserve now but now

he'll probably attack and wiped me out so he's got to if he attacks - he'll

kill me okay he did not now let's take the gate down so I attack five down he


Diplo tater he's got five is gonna attack to have three left

they're probably flock I'm just gonna put forward reserve give my tani Cole

agree as a good start discuss seven he attacked six so he'll

kill me but he's only got one left so I need four to take him down one because

he's got one left and then I'm gonna block two and put one in reserve so that

when he goes

yeah live hope you didn't attack you see blocking

five oh no I think I'm gonna block I mean

he's probably blocking some so let's try blocking yeah I'm gonna block for one in

reserve this guy's probably gonna attack pretty hard oh he's got seven gah he

attacks seven so he walked me out huh that stinks

well you know guys I don't really want to waste cash because I had the Infinium

packs before and they are a very low level pack I mean like super low level

so I mean it's it's something that's not worth spending your cash to get your

dinosaurs back in the fight so let's see could be hatch anybody good oh I got my

legendary I forgot about him okay I got super rare and rare so let's do this

oh I got two super rare okay so let's go ahead hack to velociraptors and then I'm

gonna throw my t-rex in there awesome okay and guys aw that is gonna bring us

to the end of the episode I am a level 75 it told me it's max level so

basically I have to get thirty million food to move on to the next part of all

level 75 and I'm up to 27 I mean it's it's taken me a long time I mean I got

you know I get good production I get 240,000 every four hours so multiply

that by six close to one-and-a-half million food a

day but to get 30 million food it takes forever well guys thanks for viewing and

being awesome okay and then just good let's get him up to level 20 but when I

check out what this guy actually boss

okay so 10,000 yeah I think I am gonna buy two of them let's go ahead get this

guy up to level 40 okay so let's go ahead and buy more spinal raptors get

him in there get him up to level 40 so he's gonna be pretty powerful then I

let's go ahead and collect my coins using these

Dantas or I don't think that's gonna help me because I think I actually need

four of those to love them up because I think he's already at level 30 Oh

last month area yeah if I could win this guy okay so let's go ahead and try this

on usually these battles are on to the opponent really focus that much on my

aquatic creatures

I've reserved off my as possible

so looks guys gonna have to

these are ones I could usually win too many times I can't win the third one

last time I did and I got that one guy that looks like a saver

I probably should have I'm gonna put three in reserve okay so you got me but

he is

like three to take them down I'm gonna block the three input one

second battles in the bag let's see why

okay okay this is gonna be a tough one guys because I am outclassed

serious okay so I'm gonna block still get me okay guys I paused the game and

fought the battle several more times and here lots of it because I was way out

class in this battle so good strategy and that they didn't want to or you guys

buy a bunch of bats okay so awesome let's collect the card pact

so this is the last month there you

can't catch him right now cause my hatchery okay I think the legendary

fighting for the legendary pack is gonna be next

first I wanted to go see if the traders that

sometimes for coins you can get quite a bit you can get a pretty good deal and

then other times there's okay so I guess it's time to fight for the legend to

subscribe also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World The Game Dinosaur Ludia EP 207 HD - Walkthrough Gameplay Cenozoic Creatures - Duration: 29:20.


How to Make Kinetic Sand Foam Toys for Kids Children Toddlers. Video for Kids - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> How to Make Kinetic Sand Foam Toys for Kids Children Toddlers. Video for Kids - Duration: 3:27.


Uzbekistan vs. England | Group B | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | ⚽ PES 2017 ⚽ - Duration: 24:27.

For more infomation >> Uzbekistan vs. England | Group B | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | ⚽ PES 2017 ⚽ - Duration: 24:27.


आज का #राशिफल, 23 जनवरी #मेष से #मीन (#Aries to Pisces) राशि तक गुरुदेव मानवेन्द्र रावत जी के द्वारा - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> आज का #राशिफल, 23 जनवरी #मेष से #मीन (#Aries to Pisces) राशि तक गुरुदेव मानवेन्द्र रावत जी के द्वारा - Duration: 4:14.


FROZEN SHOULDER CURE: Professional Musician from Switzerland Gets Her Shoulder Back! - Duration: 6:01.

My name is Beatrice and I'm from Switzerland. My frozen shoulder started

with a little pain and then it got worse. I had different treatments.

I also got injections of cortisone and it got worse until I nearly couldn't

move anymore. I was so confused because everybody told me something different--

one doctor said you have to move. Another one said don't move this arm. And then I

went on the internet and I found a blog about frozen shoulder and I read about

Dr. Oolo. I thought, "Yeah! I think that's the way." So these are the holes that come

up between the bones... just looking on the left side. There might be a little bit of

encroachment around c-56. You see the spacing in the discs here

and the spacing in the discs here? You see that the spacing here is lost. This

is what they were talking about on your report. So it's like a straight line to

here and then a straight line to here. It should be an even curve 34 to 43 degrees.

We're going to just check the range of motion here now myself and see if you have any

strength in those muscles. I'm gonna just have

you hold this up for me as hard as you can. Hold it up and just try to push it

up for me. And you've got some strength here. Turning this way for me. Just hold

it there for me as hard as you can. You got some strength there.

turn this way for me. Turn all the way. Hold it there as hard as you can. You got some strength there. That's a

good sign. Today you'll be able to control the movement yourself. Some

people have muscle wasting and atrophy. You're only 6 months into it. People

after a year, 18 months, 2 years their muscles are just gone and they, even if I

open it, they can't hold it because there's nothing anymore to hold it.

Then they have to build it all up. I think in your case you'll be able to hold it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

It will be better for you because your recovery will be faster. This is the area c5-6

right here. You can feel that there's some pressure right in there and you

feel these bones are not moving very well in there--

even on the left side they're not moving well. So that whole entire area of where

that the two lines meet is quite compressed and because I've seen the

x-ray I will probably do a small manipulation on that for you today just

to get it opened up a bit.

Her frozen shoulder affected my life too because I

helped her a lot. And I had to help her a lot because it wasn't possible without my help.

I came here to Dr. Oolo because he was my last hope that I can solve this


Together. Hands together.

Straighten the elbows. Let's give her a hand.

Are you happy?

Yeah! I am.

Closer... Closer... Closer. put your arms around her.

That was a long time since I was able to do that.

I wanted to do... (stretches) in bed.

And I'm happy when I can do this.

You'll do that tomorrow, OK?

Yeah, ok. Thank you so much!

When I saw how I could move my arm and what I couldn't have done for several months I was somehow, yeah I was

really happy. I am happy because I'm a musician. I couldn't play the violin

anymore and now I see that I can restart my practicing and

that I can move now and I have less pain. Yeah, I see a lot of hope I will

play the violin. I would recommend this frozen shoulder procedure!

For more infomation >> FROZEN SHOULDER CURE: Professional Musician from Switzerland Gets Her Shoulder Back! - Duration: 6:01.


Kabaty - Slideshow - Duration: 5:03.

The seat of the Warsaw Metro - Wilczy Dół 5

The area of ​​the STP KABATY Technical and Parking Station

Church of St. Father Pio

The interior of the hall at STP KABATY

The edges of the Kabacki Forest

Siding in the area of ​​STP Kabaty

The area of ​​the STP KABATY Technical and Parking Station

Entrance to the Kabacki Forest

Wasteland before the Kabacki Forest

A walking alley in the Kabacki Forest

Kabacki Forest

Kabaty metro station

Signposts at Al. KEN

Public transport in Kabaty

Architecture of the estate

Avenue of the National Education Commission

Kabacki Forest

Monument to the Victims of the Catastrophe in the Kabacki Forest

Kabacki Forest

Panorama from the observation hill

Monument to the Victims of the Catastrophe in the Kabacki Forest

For more infomation >> Kabaty - Slideshow - Duration: 5:03.


Britney Spears Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★ Income ★ Education★ Biography★ Boyfriend★ 2018 - Duration: 3:43.

Britney Spears Lifestyle

Net Worth

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