Google employees plotted with Antifa terror groups to wage violent revolution to overthrow
President Trump
Earlier this week, former Google employee James Damore filed a lawsuit against his former
employer, alleging that Google discriminates against conservatives, heterosexuals, whites
and males.
The lawsuit brings to light several shocking revelations about how the company treats employees
that don�t subscribe to the left wing progressive agenda, and with any luck, Google will be
forced to answer to their hostile and discriminatory acts.
One of the more shocking allegations in the lawsuit has to do with a conversation about
Donald Trump�s victory in the 2016 presidential election, in which employees questioned whether
or not it was time for a violent revolution.
�How do people cope with this?� one employee wrote.
�I�ve never been part of a military or war effort before.
�I don�t know how useful I�ll be.�
Another Google employee advised: �Get in touch with your friendly local Antifa.
�I won�t say violence has no place, but if you are going to be doing anything risky,
I can�t overemphasize the important [sic] of networking with people who�ve been thinking
about scenarios like the one we�re in for years, and building relationships with them.
We are only powerful if we organize.�
�This list is not truly anonymous,� yet another employee warned.
No one blames employees at Google for holding personal political beliefs.
Even though the vast majority of them appear to align more with the liberal ideology rather
than conservativism, this in and of itself is not the issue.
The issue is when the left-wing views of employees lead to harassment, discrimination and violence,
all of which should never be tolerated within the workplace.
Sadly, it seems as though Google feels differently.
(Related: Google blacklisted Natural News and removed 140,000 pages from its index.)
But the talks about potentially starting a violent revolution in response to the election
of President Trump is only the beginning of a long list of allegations made against Google
in the lawsuit.
Damore recalls one time when he attended a meeting on diversity training, which Google
employees urged others to sit in on if they wished to advance in the company, even though
the meeting was technically �optional.� Damore alleges that at the meeting, Google
talked about biases against women that supposedly exist within the workplace, as well as �white
male privilege.�
It sounds as though Google more closely resembles a liberal college or university rather than
a multinational technology company.
Why it�s important for Google employees to learn about diversity and �white male
privilege� is truly beyond comprehension.
Last year, James Damore explained that Google�s internal political bias was so bad that it
felt as though he was being forced to be a member of a cult during his time working for
the company.
Damore said that for many employees at Google, himself included, working for the company
�is a major part of their identity, almost like a cult with its own leaders and saints,
all believed to righteously uphold the sacred motto of �Don�t be evil.�� (Related:
Google insiders have warned that �outright censorship� of the Internet is Google�s
top priority.)
Obviously, the way that Google treats conservative employees is not only an example of blatant
discrimination, but also incredibly unethical and strictly wrong.
No workers for any company should be treated this way because of the political views that
they hold, nor should they be harassed or made to feel like some kind of an outcast.
It�s truly ironic how Google seems to put so much emphasis on diversity and tolerance,
yet when it comes to employees that happen to fall on the right side of the political
spectrum, diversity and tolerance suddenly no longer apply.
Hopefully, James Damore will emerge from this lawsuit victorious, and Google will be forced
to answer for the way it treats conservative employees.
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