Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 22 2018

Google employees plotted with Antifa terror groups to wage violent revolution to overthrow

President Trump

Earlier this week, former Google employee James Damore filed a lawsuit against his former

employer, alleging that Google discriminates against conservatives, heterosexuals, whites

and males.

The lawsuit brings to light several shocking revelations about how the company treats employees

that don�t subscribe to the left wing progressive agenda, and with any luck, Google will be

forced to answer to their hostile and discriminatory acts.

One of the more shocking allegations in the lawsuit has to do with a conversation about

Donald Trump�s victory in the 2016 presidential election, in which employees questioned whether

or not it was time for a violent revolution.

�How do people cope with this?� one employee wrote.

�I�ve never been part of a military or war effort before.

�I don�t know how useful I�ll be.�

Another Google employee advised: �Get in touch with your friendly local Antifa.

�I won�t say violence has no place, but if you are going to be doing anything risky,

I can�t overemphasize the important [sic] of networking with people who�ve been thinking

about scenarios like the one we�re in for years, and building relationships with them.

We are only powerful if we organize.�

�This list is not truly anonymous,� yet another employee warned.

No one blames employees at Google for holding personal political beliefs.

Even though the vast majority of them appear to align more with the liberal ideology rather

than conservativism, this in and of itself is not the issue.

The issue is when the left-wing views of employees lead to harassment, discrimination and violence,

all of which should never be tolerated within the workplace.

Sadly, it seems as though Google feels differently.

(Related: Google blacklisted Natural News and removed 140,000 pages from its index.)

But the talks about potentially starting a violent revolution in response to the election

of President Trump is only the beginning of a long list of allegations made against Google

in the lawsuit.

Damore recalls one time when he attended a meeting on diversity training, which Google

employees urged others to sit in on if they wished to advance in the company, even though

the meeting was technically �optional.� Damore alleges that at the meeting, Google

talked about biases against women that supposedly exist within the workplace, as well as �white

male privilege.�

It sounds as though Google more closely resembles a liberal college or university rather than

a multinational technology company.

Why it�s important for Google employees to learn about diversity and �white male

privilege� is truly beyond comprehension.

Last year, James Damore explained that Google�s internal political bias was so bad that it

felt as though he was being forced to be a member of a cult during his time working for

the company.

Damore said that for many employees at Google, himself included, working for the company

�is a major part of their identity, almost like a cult with its own leaders and saints,

all believed to righteously uphold the sacred motto of �Don�t be evil.�� (Related:

Google insiders have warned that �outright censorship� of the Internet is Google�s

top priority.)

Obviously, the way that Google treats conservative employees is not only an example of blatant

discrimination, but also incredibly unethical and strictly wrong.

No workers for any company should be treated this way because of the political views that

they hold, nor should they be harassed or made to feel like some kind of an outcast.

It�s truly ironic how Google seems to put so much emphasis on diversity and tolerance,

yet when it comes to employees that happen to fall on the right side of the political

spectrum, diversity and tolerance suddenly no longer apply.

Hopefully, James Damore will emerge from this lawsuit victorious, and Google will be forced

to answer for the way it treats conservative employees.

For more infomation >> Google employees plotted with Antifa terror groups to wage viole - Duration: 4:51.


Are Google and Facebook monopolies? - Duration: 32:58.

For more infomation >> Are Google and Facebook monopolies? - Duration: 32:58.


Welcome to Big Swirl Island!! 🏝️ | Watch Top Wing FULL Episodes | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:34.

Welcome to Big Swirl Island.

Come along on a tour of beautiful Big Swirl Island.

That would be so primo!

Home to the coolest rescue birds in training.

Team Top Wing to the rescue!

- Yeah! - Yeah!

In the mood for a frosty treat?

Looks like we're not the only ones who want a frozen swirly today.

Then make Rhonda's Lemon Shack your first stop!

If you look to the left you'll see beautiful Danger Canyon.

Just be careful because it's dangerous.

Yeah, it says so right in the name!

Put on your swimsuits because it's time for a deep sea adventure

on the amazing Turtle Train!

Wow, I've never seen anything like this before!

Notice the rocky residents below and steer clear!

It's home to Big Swirl's scheming bats, Patty and Betty!

- Gimme that! -No, I got it!

- No, mine! - Hey, no, give it!

And finally, no trip is complete without a visit to Top Wing Headquarters!

Maybe you too can earn your wings.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

Whether you like surfing...

- Woo! - Or sightseeing.

I gotta get a picture of that!

Big Swirl Island has something for everyone!

Enjoy your visit and watch Top Wing, everywhere you find Nick Junior.

You can watch more Top Wing in the free Nick Junior app.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Big Swirl Island!! 🏝️ | Watch Top Wing FULL Episodes | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:34.


5 Лайфхаков для ускорения работы Wi-Fi-роутера - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> 5 Лайфхаков для ускорения работы Wi-Fi-роутера - Duration: 3:17.


Good Bye Mehran | United Motors Launch New 800cc Car - Duration: 3:45.

new united car

good bye mehran

For more infomation >> Good Bye Mehran | United Motors Launch New 800cc Car - Duration: 3:45.


Académico afirma que Noé tenía teléfonos celulares, drones y energía nuclear - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Académico afirma que Noé tenía teléfonos celulares, drones y energía nuclear - Duration: 3:40.


Couples Dinner | Portlandia | Season 8 - Duration: 4:26.

[dogs barking]

- Thanks for coming, you guys.

- The food smells incredible.

- I'm starving!

- Well, we're still waiting on Josh and Liz.

- Oh. You haven't heard?

- What?

- They broke up.

- Oh, no! - Josh and Liz?

- Oh. - Yeah.

- You know, I noticed he was posting more online.

- Yeah. - That's too bad.

- That's really weird.

- Honey, what's wrong?

- I sent them an invite, right?

And Josh wrote back to me privately, just him.

And he said, "I can't wait to be there."

He can't come to a couples dinner alone--he's single.

- Oh, he just texted.

- What'd he say?

- "Hey, looking for parking, Yaa!" Y-A-A.


Shut off the lights. We have to lock the door.

- I got my app here. Off, off.

- Brendan, come on! Just shut the lights off!

- Come on, dude! - Do you have just a switch?

Can we use a switch? - Adding alarm...

- Brendan, please! Come on!

Shut them off! - There are levels to them!

- All right, uh... - Come on!

- Oh, shit... - Just stay quiet.

[doorbell rings]

[dramatic music]

- It's too late.

- He's here.

- Hello?

- God, he already sucks.

- I'm flying solo tonight, hope that's okay.

- Look at his posture.

Was that a dance move he just did?

- Brendan? Michelle?

- Brendan, he cannot come inside.

- Here, I'll go lock the door. - Being single is contagious.

Go, go, go, go, go!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

- Oh, hey, buddy.

- Hey. Heard about you and Liz.

- Oh, don't feel bad. Life has many chapters.

- Wow, that's a really good attitude.

- Brendan, don't listen to him.

- Seriously, man. It's for the best.

- Oof! [thud]

- I get to do my own thing.

You know, I set up the drum kit again.

Right in the living room.

- Oh, really?

- [screaming]

- [groaning]

Hey, Michelle.

Is your sister still dancing?

- No.

[bones cracking]

- Hey, what do you guys think of that barista at Case Study?

Would it be weird if I asked her to a movie?

Do people still go to the movies?

It's been a while. [chuckles]

I know she's 23, but there's something about her.

- [gasps]

Is it that she's 23?

- Oh, no, no, Michelle. It's not like that.

She has an insatiable curiosity.

I think she was home schooled.

- Josh! Sorry!

Michelle! Come on!

Go! Ah!

- Have you seen these dating apps?

They're a trip!

It's a whole different world out there.

- Let go! [grunts]


Mike? - Hey, buddy.

Me, you, and Josh should go to the Grand Canyon.

I don't know, maybe drop by Vegas on the way.

It's nearby.

[in distorted voice] Vegas seems fun.

- Mike, where's Kathleen?

- Imagine living in wine country.

[in distorted voice] Chardonnay all day.

- No, they're both single now.

♪ ♪

- There's plenty of fish in the sea.


- There's plenty of fish in the sea.

- There's plenty of fish in the sea.

- There's plenty of fish in the sea!

[overlapping distorted speech]

♪ ♪

- All right, let's get our stories straight for the cops.

Tried to have a couple's night.

Josh came over, he's single.

- That's the story. - All right.

-Then three people died and our house burned down.

- Yeah.

[sirens wailing]

Should we get a hotel? - Ooh, yeah.

For more infomation >> Couples Dinner | Portlandia | Season 8 - Duration: 4:26.


RC LED Lights Programming with Arduino - Duration: 3:17.

Hello, and welcome to Beaver's Hobby Channel.

Today I am going to do something a little bit different.

Have you ever want a set of lights on your vehicle?

Simply putting some LEDs in

will only result in the lights always on.

But lights control box is still not quite what you are after.

Now it is time to say good bye to the misery

of pre-programmed lighting sequence.

And use Arduino to program it yourself!

What you need is an Arduino which is a microcontroller,

preferably the Nano version

because it's small enough to put it inside a car body.

Some LEDs

and some resistors.

There's something called Ohm's law

about the electrical current and stuff.

But this is a quick and easy project

so I'll just shove the highest resistors I have on it.

If my LEDs don't burn, good.

If the lights aren't as bright as I want

I'll just find another the resistors with lower ohm.

This is the schematic for 2 lights.

If you want only one lighting sequence

you can connect everything,

load the program in to Arduino,

and it is done.

And this is the schematic that I am using.

It has 2 lights with an input from RC receiver.

So I can change the sequence program from the switch my transmitter,

which is the channel 4.

Now let's look at the code.

The link to the code is in the description below.

The code is very easy.

First define the pins for LEDs.

Then put the blinking sequence you want in the loop.

And if you want you can read the input from the transmitter

at the end of the loop.

I have 3 programmes for the lights.

The first one is always on.

The second one is alternating between 2 lights.

And the third one is 3 strobes

alternating between 2 lights.

The condition of each program is triggered by the 4th channel

and I read it with pulse in

which is not a responsive way.

So I have to hold down the button

until it changes the state.

It's much better to read the transmitter with interrupt

but I don't know how to do it yet.

Now let's take a look at the result.

That's it for this video.

I hope you enjoy it

and have some idea to build one your own.

Please subscribe if you haven't done it yet.

Thanks for watching and see you again next time.

For more infomation >> RC LED Lights Programming with Arduino - Duration: 3:17.


Winnaars Decemberactie Max ICT - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Winnaars Decemberactie Max ICT - Duration: 0:46.


How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Apple Cider Vinegar - Duration: 1:16.

how to get rid of stretch marks with apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar you will need one cup apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup water

spray bottle

what you have to do the vinegar with water and pour it into

a spray bottle spray it on the stretch marks and let it dry naturally leave it

on overnight

sour as usual in the morning and follow up with a good moisturizer how often you

should do this repeat this every night before going to bed

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Apple Cider Vinegar - Duration: 1:16.


Double Dragon - Piano Medley - Duration: 13:07.

Sheet music in the description

For more infomation >> Double Dragon - Piano Medley - Duration: 13:07.


D-TEK Stratus Refrigerant Leak Detector Introduction Video - Duration: 2:19.

A leaking refrigeration system can be extremely expensive.

Not only are refrigerant prices constantly rising,

but strict government requirements

lead to costly fines for leaks.

And if too much refrigerant is lost,

the system won't work.

This can cause food loss due to spoilage,

and even result in store closure

until the leak can be found and repaired.

Simply put, leaking refrigerant

is like leaking profits.

This puts tremendous pressure

on contractors and technicians

to locate and repair leaks quickly.

But finding leaks in large,

commercial systems can take

hours or even days.

When refrigerant leaks from the system,

it forms an invisible cloud in the area.

So while traditional leak detectors

are good for pinpointing leaks,

getting to that point can be difficult

with a cloud of refrigerant in the room.

Your favorite leak detector

may just continuously alarm

in a cloud of refrigerant.

That's confusing.

Now, there's a better solution

for refrigerant cloud hunting.


D-TEK Stratus Refrigerant

Leak Detector and Portable Monitor.

The revolutionary D-TEK Stratus

guides you to the leak source

through an easy-to-follow

numeric parts-per-million readout.

The PPM readout indicates

the refrigerant concentration,

the higher the number,

the closer you are to the leak source.

Once you've found the general area of the leak,

switch to pinpoint mode

to identify the exact leak location,

like a traditional leak detector.

You'll find those profit-crushing

leaks in no time.

D-TEK Stratus combines

the superior leak detection of

INFICON D-TEK leak detectors

with the functionality of a portable monitor

to bring you the industry's

first refrigerant

cloud hunting leak detector.

This innovative tool

will help you find leaks

quickly and easily.

And besides its cutting-edge cloud hunting

and classic pinpoint modes,

D-TEK Stratus features

a newly redesigned infrared sensor

and a quick-charge lithium ion battery

both of which can be

easily replaced in the field.

Plus, INFICON offers the

confidence and peace of mind

of an outstanding 2-year warranty.

Save time and money

by locating the cloud

and pinpointing your leaks

faster than ever

with D-TREK Stratus.


or your local distributor

to learn more

about D-TREK


the next big thing

in leak detection.


Laboratory Accurate.

Toolbox Tough.

For more infomation >> D-TEK Stratus Refrigerant Leak Detector Introduction Video - Duration: 2:19.


Al Roker Teams Up With Chef Marcus Samuelsson For #ManCrushMonday | TODAY - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Al Roker Teams Up With Chef Marcus Samuelsson For #ManCrushMonday | TODAY - Duration: 4:48.


Louise Turpin's Sister: Louise Always Distanced Herself From The Family | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Louise Turpin's Sister: Louise Always Distanced Herself From The Family | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:45.


Megyn Kelly: I Have No Regrets About My Question To Jane Fonda | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Megyn Kelly: I Have No Regrets About My Question To Jane Fonda | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:19.


Louise Turpin's Sister Teresa Robinette: Louise And David Are Dead To Me | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Louise Turpin's Sister Teresa Robinette: Louise And David Are Dead To Me | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 7:57.


Galadriel's Mirror | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 4 - Duration: 5:00.

Will you look into the mirror?

What will I see?

Even the wisest cannot tell.

For the mirror...

...shows many things.

Things that were...

...things that are...

...and some things...

...that have not yet come to pass.

I know what it is you saw.

For it is also in my mind.

It is what will come to pass if you should fail.

The fellowship is breaking. It is already begun.

He will try to take the ring.

You know of whom I speak.

One by one, it will destroy them all.

If you ask it of me...

... I will give you the One Ring.

You offer it to me freely.

I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this.

In place of a dark lord, you would have a queen...

...not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn!

Treacherous as the sea!

Stronger than the foundations of the earth!

All shall love me...

...and despair.

I pass the test. I will diminish...

...and go into the West...

...and remain Galadriel. - I cannot do this alone.

You are a ring-bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power... to be alone.

This is Nenya, the ring of Adamant.

And I am its keeper.

This task was appointed to you.

And if you do not find a way... one will.

Then I know what I must do.

It's just...

...I'm afraid to do it.

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

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