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Joanne Shares Her SilverSneakers® Story | Humana - Duration: 2:34.On April 15, 2015, I suffered a stroke.
I was 74 years old at the time.
I found her at the foot of the bed standing and she was saying, "I think I've had a
It left me paralyzed on my whole right side.
I saw my husband wheeling me around in a wheelchair in a hospital.
I said, "No, I'm going to walk.
I'm going to be myself again."
This wasn't going to beat me, that I was going to beat it.
We were lucky in that we started rehab almost immediately.
Humana and SilverSneakers are really the catalyst in everything that I do.
And Silver Sneakers is like a tool.
Almost every single thing that I did in rehab we had done in SilverSneakers prior.
I knew I could do it cause I had done it before.
And I was determined I was going to do it again.
Just because something puts you down doesn't mean that you're out forever and she's a perfect
example of that.
And I'm still working every day.
And coming to SilverSneakers has really, really inspired me to be 100%.
Movement for older adults is very important.
Things that you do in the gym should definitely relate to your outside life.
Whether it be carrying groceries, whether it be being able to lift and put something
on a shelf.
Trainers are wonderful.
They're caring.
They're sweet girls.
We love them and they really just get the best out of us and put a smile on our face
every day.
SilverSneakers gives older adults just the opportunity to exercise in an environment
where they can also socialize.
We do weights.
We do lifting, legs, arms.
You name it.
It's a head to toe workout.
It's a mind exercise.
It keeps her sharp, it keeps her laughing, it keeps her joking.
It's fun.
Everyone has a great time.
They're exercising.
They're helping their body stay healthy, but most of all they're having fun.
I found that being with my friends, working out, got me to the place where I am today.
I have someplace to go.
I have people to see.
I just thank God every day that I'm healthy, I can get here, and there's a reason for it.
I have a purpose every day.
SilverSneakers through Humana--it's just the best thing that could happen to anybody 65
and older.
Am I HAPPIER IN FLORIDA than Germany? - Duration: 9:28.At the end of last year I put out a video from our vacation to Florida.
And down in the comments under the video I saw quite a lot of people commenting that
I looked so much happier in Florida than in Germany, and that maybe I should think about
moving back there.
So am I? Should I?
Hey everyone, Dana here!
So yeah, looking back at that video from Florida I certainly agree I look pretty happy there.
But was I happier there then in Germany?
Well, yeah, sort of, but that doesn't mean I should move back.
I was on vacation in Florida.
During one of the most beautiful weeks of the year.
Almost the whole time we were there it was sunny, but not too hot, and I had traveled
to Florida from a place that had been cold and gray for weeks.
And I was in Florida to see some of my best friends and closest family.
Basically I spent a week driving around the state getting to see some of my favorite people,
getting to eat some of my favorite food, going to the beach, enjoying the sun, and not having
to worry about all those daily life worries because I was on vacation.
So yeah, I guess I would have to say that I was "happier" in terms of happiness
being this experience of feelings of like..."Eeee! Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes!"
That you get from something in the moment that triggers those feelings inside of you.
I mean, during that week in Florida there was an almost unending line-up of "eeee!"
feelings being triggered inside of me, but that was only able to be the case because
I was in Florida on vacation.
I lived in South Florida for years and believe me I was not always constantly that happy
as in the video.
As I mentioned in the video, vacationing in paradise and living in "paradise" are two
completely different things.
This might seem small and a little bit trivial, but just take the sand, for example.
On vacation I love the sand.
Sand in your hair; sand on my feet; sand on your clothes; it's all good -- you're on vacation.
But when I lived in Florida, I tried going to the beach in between jobs sometimes, or
I had school and then I went to the pool before work, and I can't speak for other people,
but when I'm trying to work and I've got sand stuck in between my toes and I'm wearing
socks and close-toed shoes or I need to put on a suit for my job but I have sunscreen
on from the pool and it's sticky and it's super hot out, those pleasant, good, feel-good
feelings did not stick around all the time like they did on vacation.
Okay, so then how about a more kind of happiness that feels like..."hmmm"
So, happiness that is less joy in the moment and more...a little more enduring.
Well, here's the thing: actually yes, I love the ocean. I'm an ocean person.
I just, the ocean speaks to me.
It doesn't have to be the Florida coast in particular, but I just love the ocean.
And I love the sun.
And I love the warmth.
So all of those things do actually have points for Florida as far as this more peaceful kind
of enduring happiness goes, because those things do really speak to me.
However, I still did move away from Florida to Europe in search of something else.
So clearly, even with the sun and the ocean, something was missing there for me.
Here in Germany, no I don't really have the sun and I don't have the warmth, and
living here in Munich I also don't have the ocean nearby.
But you know what I do have?
I am surrounded by lots of other countries quite nearby that I can just hop in the car
and drive to or hop on a train or a bus and travel to just for the weekend and learn about
so many other places.
I really felt like that was missing from my life in Florida.
And when I travel around Germany and Europe, and just also walking around Munich on a daily
basis, a lot of the buildings are really old and I personally love that.
I have a thing for history and old buildings and just the architecture here in general.
It feeds a part of my soul that was not getting fed in Florida.
So yeah, I do miss the ocean and the sun and the warmth, know, cobblestone streets
and half-timbered houses just speak to me, and when I walk down those streets, especially
when I'm on vacation or even just a day vacation, a day trip, I do have that same
excited joy in the moment pleasurable good feeling happiness as in the Florida vacation video.
Yeah, I've said it before, there was just something that drew me to Europe; something
about the buildings and the cities here that speaks to me, that I can't even put into words.
And also looking at more kind of practical things I guess: living in Munich I'm also
living somewhere with public transportation and that is great because, yeah, I hate driving.
You didn't see that in the Florida video, how stressful it was for me to be driving
around South Florida. Even though I wasn't even the one driving. Stefan was driving.
But still, it's stressful in South Florida.
And also living somewhere with universal healthcare.
I have mentioned that before.
I am so grateful to have the kind of healthcare that I have access to here.
And more!
So on both a practical side and on a kind of feeding my soul side, living in Germany
feels right to me.
But okay, wait now.
Besides the weather and the beach are there other things I miss about Florida as far as
this more enduring happiness goes? Yes. For sure.
I miss the food in Florida for one.
Oh my God, I miss the food in South Florida almost every day of my life.
And the friendliness, the outgoing friendliness of the people in the grocery stores, or just
when you're out and about.
Friendly outgoing customer service.
And I super miss people going out of their way to strike up a friendly conversation with
me for basically no reason at all except to just have a quick little chat with me about
whatever and then go on with their day.
I really, really miss that.
So yeah, basically there are things, of course, that I like about both places.
But right now living here just feels more like I'm living in the right place that
I'm supposed to be living in right now.
If that makes any sense?
So my question for you is: do you see a difference in these kinds of happiness, or is it all
the same to you?
And where do you feel happiest, in either sense of the word?
Please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks so much for watching.
I really hope that you enjoyed this video.
If you enjoy these videos and you're not subscribed to the channel yet, maybe think about subscribing.
And if you enjoyed this video, maybe think about giving a like with the like button.
Thank you so much.
And also I want to give a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons
on Patreon, who help make these videos possible.
Thank you so much for your support.
If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in
the description box below.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
Where do you feel happiest?
In, I miss about Florida the...what?
Forgotten Realms Pantheon - Ilmater and Istishia - Duration: 6:33.Hello everybody!
Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Guys there are lots of deities in the forgotten realms…
This series if that's what we're calling it is going to take longer than I anticipated.
Even doing two gods per episode there are soo many left!
But it's good, this is good.
I hope you are enjoying it.
Today we discuss Ilmater the god of endurance and martyrdom, and Istishia the primordial
deity of water.
Ilmater, the crying god, or He Who Endures.
Ilmater is the god of suffering and perseverance.
He is known for his compassion and endurance.
It is said that Ilmater wishes to take all the pain of the world unto himself, since
this is impossible he blesses those who endure pain on others behalf.
Alleviating suffering when and where someone can.
Ilmater encourages others to help one another, and take their burdens as their own.
A follower of Ilmater takes in the sick, and the starving.
They heal the injured and help make the world a better place.
The oppressed need look no further than a temple of Ilmater for guidance and refuge.
The symbol of Ilmater are two hands bound together with red rope.
I believe this symbol came about because the avatar of Ilmater had red rope covering his
wrists, perhaps red because of his blood.
The Avatar of Ilmater had open wounds across his body and his joints were broken.
It hurt him just to walk around, never fully healing despite his godly powers.
Ilmater is kind, gentle, good-spirited and quiet.
He is slow to anger but when angry has a fire like no other.
He is an ally and serves Tyr, and is a very good friend with Torm.
The three of them are known collectively as the Triad.
The Church of Ilmater is of the good variety.
Lawful or Chaotic doesn't matter to Ilmater, there are some Lawful Neutral followers as
well though.
His priests put others before themselves.
They tend to be more sensitive and caring of others.
Most are incapable of ignoring others in need, even when a case is hopeless they must help.
Many of Ilmater's followers are healers, or clerics.
They will show up to war zones and offer aid and relief to anyone suffering.
It is taboo to stop these priests and they are generally looked upon with sympathy for
their efforts.
Ilmatari are trained in the recognition and treatment of all known diseases, injuries,
and conditions.
The process of joining the followers of Ilmater is simple.
A novice enjoys a walk and talk with a senior priest exploring the novice's views of life.
Then they dine and knowingly drug the novice putting him in a gentle trance.
At this point clerics and faithful wizards using scrying spells to seek out this newcomers
true feelings.
If there is no dedication to evil the novice is accepted as a follower of Ilmater.
It might seem like a lot for followers of a deity of acceptance and understanding.
But in the past people attempted to join the church for the wrong reasons and would end
up stealing medical supplies rather than just asking for help.
Ilmater's priests can be found where they are needed.
Which is usually the worst possible conditions.
Ilmatari are taught to help all who hurt, no matter who they are, and that the truly
holy take on the suffering of others.
They stand up to tyrants, and allow no injustice to go by unchallenged.
I feel a bit like a broken record here.
Ilmater's followers are good people.
Their day to day activities involve feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and healing
the sick.
But they also bury the dead, and many can come to Ilmater's temples seeking help after
a love one has passed on in this mortal world.
The most important ritual of the Ilmater church is the Turning.
It is the duty of every priest of Ilmater to try to get dying persons to turn to Ilmater
for comfort, receiving his blessing before they die.
Calimshan is home to the "House of the Broken God" which is Ilmater's largest temple.
The church contains paladins, knights, warriors, clerics, monks, and a few wizards.
Istishia, also known as the Water Lord, God-King of the Water elementals.
He is one of the four primordial elemental deities.
Along with Akadi, Grumbar and Kossuth.
Known as the cold gods of the elements in Zakhara.
Istishia represents Water.
There are other gods of the oceans, or the deep.
Gods of waterfalls, pools, or springs.
But Istishia is more abstract and covers just water in general.
He is a dynamic deity who is dispassionate and difficult to pin down.
He provides the atmosphere in which life is born, but not life itself.
He furnishes a crucial resource, but cares not how it's used.
He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water.
Like the other elemental lords Istishia doesn't really care for his worshipers.
He does accept gifts though, and the rewards of his followers are most often the ability
to travel easily through water.
People pray to Istishia for calm seas for travel, but also knowledge to find something
hidden in the water.
The church if Istishia can be of any alignment.
Again the cold elemental god doesn't much care for good or evil, chaotic or lawful.
These are concepts of a different world.
Istishia cares about change and transformation.
Faith in the Water Lord has four major sects: The Church of the Magnificent Storm, The Church
of the Sacred Sea, the Church of the Watery Paths, and the Church of the Eternal Transformation.
The church of the Magnificent Storm believe that water is the cleansing power of Istishia.
Washing away your impurities.
"Stormers" as they are known try to get caught in the rain and can be found during
thunderstorms or other severe weather.
The Church of the Sacred Sea believe the oceans represent Istishia's body.
They pray for safe sailing for Istishia's allies and oceanic storms to sink his enemies.
The Church of the Water Paths can be found near rivers and streams, as they believe these
represent Istishia's reach onto land.
That no other god shapes the world of Faerun more than Istishia because of the rivers that
carve into it.
Finally the Church of the Eternal Transformation believe that water moves from one state to
another yet remains eternally present.
So life must move in a similar fashion, and if someone dies they have just moved from
one state to another.
You are transformed into a form more suitable for an existence on another plane.
Large temples exist in port towns, and near bodies of water.
Believers in Istishia believe him to be the great equalizer and leveler of the elements.Their
faithful avoid personal combat and direct confrontation.
Keeping waterways pure and clean is a major goal of the Church.
Although the church does a lot of good in the world it is still viewed sometimes as
an elemental "cult" rather than a church.
Despite their obvious hierarchy and church related day to day activities.
Those elemental lords it's just hard to realize them as a full blown deity sometimes,
but they are.
And that's it for today!
Thanks for watching everyone!
Quick plug to you all, I started a DnD show on Saturday mornings called the "Saturday
Morning DnD Show."
A fellow DM and I talk about our experience as dungeon masters and what's going on in
our current campaigns.
You can watch us live 9:00am pacific standard time saturday morning on Twitch.
Or catch the video later here on YouTube when I get a chance to upload it.
Links in the doobly do.
Be sure to hit that like button and I will see you all in the next video!
New "Jaw-Dropping" Text From Peter Strzok Reveals Shocking Admission About Trump - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Better Late Than Never - Please, Don't Eat Me (Deleted Scene) - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Learn animals for kids with Baby Dance | Colors and Baby Dance | Yolo KidsTV - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
B777 Privilege Style for TUI Schiphol landing. [watch your flight] - Duration: 7:21.Airplane info as captions in subtitles ↓↓↓↓ in the youtube app.
Boeing 777-28E(ER) Privilege Style EC-MIA from Montego Bay to Amsterdam on flight OR344 on 21-01-2018.
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner Aeromexico N783AM from Mexico City to Amsterdam on flight AM25 on 23-01-2018.
Airbus A319-132 Royal Jordanian (Oneworld livery) JY-AYP from Amman to Amsterdam on flight RJ151 on 21-01-2018.
Boeing 777-FFT Air China Cargo B-2093 from Shanghai to Amsterdam on flight CA1023 on 23-01-2018.
Boeing 777-FB5 Korean Air Cargo by Korean Air HL8285 from Seoul to Amsterdam on flight KE509 on 21-01-2018.
Airbus A330-343 Turkish Airlines TC-JNH from Istanbul to Amsterdam on flight TK1953 on 23-01-2018.
Boeing 747-412F(SCD) Singapore Airlines Cargo 9V-SFN from Seattle to Los Angeles on flight SQ7956 23-01-2018.
Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer - Duration: 18:04.Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer
Knowing the symptoms of prostate cancer is very important for us because it can help us in preventing the occurrence of prostate cancer
anticipate and do early treatment
Many men don't find out they have prostate cancer until the cancer has spread
NCI prostate cancer making it more difficult to treat
This is because in the early stages
Prostate cancer often doesn't have many symptoms
That's a problem because prostate cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in American men after skin cancer
People often ignore the warning signs of prostate cancer
Until the problem becomes severe it is important to be aware of these signs as addressing the problem early can save you from future
Complications if you have multiple signs and symptoms of prostate cancer
Ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best treatment for prostate cancer
Here are the early warning signs of prostate cancer
difficulty urinating
The first early warning sign of prostate cancer is having difficulty while urinating you may feel like you need to rush
But after some time you may feel like there is nothing left to come out
There might also be a case of stopping midstream or urinating more often than usual
Another sign is the difficulty in stopping you will find it hard to stop after finishing
Or you might feel you still need to urinate even after finishing
The yareta are surrounded by the prostate gland and even a tiny tumor can interfere with
ejaculation and urination
pain while urinating
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
Due to the tumor surrounding the urethra any person having prostate cancer can feel a lot of pain during urination
There are other reasons behind pain during urination
One of the causes of pain while urinating is because of the urinary tract infection
It is its classic symptom, and many people will quickly relate the pain during urination with your nary tract infection
However it can also be the early warning sign that indicates prostate cancer
When you experience pain during urination and then it is better to consult the doctor for treatment rather than ignoring the symptom
blood in the urine
The Sun is not so much common
But in some cases the blood can be seen in the urine
This condition is also known as hematuria
If you see the blood in your urine, then you must immediately see the doctor without any delay
You don't have to see lots of blood in your urine
You might just notice a smear or a pinkish tint there are various reasons behind seeing blood in the urine
The reasons behind seeing blood in the urine could be because of prostate or bladder infection BPH or because of kidney stones
However it can also be seen because of tumor in the kidney bladder or prostate
Leakage or dribbling urine all people hardly discuss this sign, but it is one of the early warning sign of prostate cancer
It can be set as a meal urinary
Inconsistency version it does not occur in large volume, but it is still noticeable
The longer trips to the bathroom as you wait for a long time to stop the dribbling or leakage on the path to the bathroom
Are the signs of the tell-tale?
The doctor will explain to you that it is most likely the symptoms of overactive bladder
However, if the symptom is combined with other symptoms, then it may indicate for further testing
rectal problems
This one is a big concern for meal
but it is often difficult to consult with others if you're finding it harder to get an erection or to maintain the
Erection then you should consult the doctor
Erectile problems are usually caused due to adverse chlorosis
However it can also be caused because of prostate cancer
interfering with each acylation or erections
There are cantle exercises for men, which you can try it has a positive impact on your prostate
chronic constipation and other intestinal issues
The prostate gland is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum so a tumor in this location can interfere with digestive functions
However, it's sort of a chicken and egg situation
chronic constipation can contribute to an enlarged prostate by putting pressure on a gland and vice versa
chronic constipation and intestinal problems can also be early indicators of colon cancer
frequent pain in the lower back hips or upper thighs
The most common sites for prostate cancer to spread are the lower back all this and EPS
Unexplained pain and tenderness in these areas are signs of trouble
One way to distinguish this type of pain from run-of-the-mill
Sciatica and lower back pain is that it may feel deeper and more like a dull ache
However experts say any lower back or hip pain that doesn't go away is a reason to see the doctor
Having to be in the middle of the night
this is one of the fly' symptoms that men diagnosed with prostate cancer say they remember now that they look back if
You find yourself waking more than once a night urgently needing to go a trip to the doctor is in order
Bear in mind though that the symptom is far more likely to be caused by BPH or an overactive bladder than by prostate cancer
Blood in the semen this sign like blood in the urine is often not described very clearly
it's not a large amount of blood more like just enough to make semen pinkish or straight according to men with prostate cancer if
You notice an odd color - semen speak up
conclusion it is always better to diagnose your problems early for the better treatment of your disease if
You experienced some of these 9 early warning signs of prostate cancer then it is better to see your doctor without delay?
But if you have only one symptom, it's probably just a symptom of a common illness
Hi, I'm Julie on this occasion I will talk about the superfoods for prostate health, hope you enjoy it a
Diet that is good for your heart is also good for your prostate
Which means an Asian or a?
Mediterranean approach to eating like lots of fruits and veggies easy on the red meats and eating foods with good fats
To maintain your prostate health check some of the most useful foods below here are the top 8 superfoods for prostate health?
one Brazil nuts of
All the different types of nuts these South America's native. They're a rich source of selenium that is important for prostate health in
Fact just an ounce of Brazil nuts can contain as much as 10 times the RDA for selenium
Studies have shown that selenium intake is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer
the Brazil nuts are also a very good source of zinc one more mineral that plays an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate the
High saturated fat content of these nuts suggests limiting your consumption to just a few ounces per week
But if they are such a superfood when it comes to selenium that is all you need to help promote prostate health
To broccoli it contains high amounts of the phytonutrients sulfur Fein and the entails both having
anti-cancer properties
One study published discovered that in double carbonyl
Which occurs naturally and broccoli suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells and inhibited the production of prostate specific antigen?
Investigators found that eating broccoli more than once a week can reduce the likelihood of developing stage 3 and 4 prostate cancer by 40%
If the vegetable is cooked longer than five minutes its anti-cancer abilities fade
Before cooking cut the florets into pieces and let them sit for about 5 minutes
This allows cancer preventing elements to form before cooking because heat nature's the enzyme which causes the process to occur
To boost the healthful value of broccoli add virgin olive oil fresh garlic and cayenne
3 green tea
The powers of green tea are attributed to antioxidant compounds called chickens
Which has been shown to destroy certain viruses and bacteria boost immunity and fight prostate cancer
Research has shown that green tea polyphenols can significantly lower the levels of biomarkers for prostate cancer
Green tea catechins also may help men who have pre cancerous prostate lesions which alert a high risk of developing prostate cancer
Studies show that men who drink at least three cups of green tea a day have a reduced risk of prostate cancer
Experts have found that compound of green tea interfere with the activity of an enzyme having a role in initiating prostate cancer
These compounds also prompt prostate cancer cells to destroy
Kentuckians help to repair damaged DNA that can otherwise trigger cancer growth
for mushrooms
Asian mushrooms containment Ihnen a type of SS glucan that has demonstrated anti-cancer properties
Asian mushrooms also contain a potent antioxidant called ERG athenian
It's forte is exerting potent antioxidant properties to protect the cells throughout the body
including the prostate
One research recently found that earth athenian provides protection to cells from damage associated with toxins and other substances
pomegranates in
particular pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and a phytonutrient
Onion that is especially helpful in promoting prostate health
Studies show that pomegranate extracts can slow the production of prostate cancer cells and prompt the cells to destroy themselves
In other research a lotta tannins have shown that they can interfere with the growth of new blood vessels
important ephra nourishing prostate tumors
Although pomegranate itself can be a challenge to eat pomegranate juice is readily available as a popular choice
six pumpkin seeds
pumpkin seeds offer some unique health benefits for the prostate especially for those who have benign hypertrophy of prostate the
Pumpkin seeds oil help prevent the hormones from triggering multiplication of prostate cells
This oil also contains carotenoids and omega fatty acids
Show that men who have high levels of carotenoids in the diet have a reduced risk of prostate enlargement
another nutrient found in pumpkin seeds a zinc which is also associated with prostate health a
Recent study suggests that zinc protects against the development of prostate cancer
seven salmon
Omega fatty acids are an important nutrient for supporting prostate health and a nutritious way to get these fatty acids is with salmon
Studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids and fish slow development of prostate tumor and progression in men who already have the issue
Study results reported that eating salmon at least once per week might reduce a risk of developing advanced prostate cancer
Even if it is genetically predisposed
One question about salmon is whether to buy formed or wild fish
Research shows that while salmon is a healthier choice
eight tomatoes
Tomatoes are a source of lycopene
It is a potent antioxidant that has proven itself in studies to have properties that enhance prostate health
tomatoes antioxidant, PO 10 C increases when they are processed
Best tomato paste soup sauce or juice offers more antioxidant protection for the prostate than do fresh ones
The results of many studies show that processed tomato products really enhance prostate health
Researchers say that just a serving of tomato product every day can protect against the DNA damage that sets the stage for prostate cancer
tomatoes are also helpful for managing benign prostatic hypertrophy
Here are 6 risk factors of prostate cancer
One age age is a huge factor in your risk for prostate cancer the statistics are shocking
30% of men 50 and over already have prostate cancer
80% of men 70 and over have prostate cancer
On average the age of diagnosis of prostate cancer is 70 years old
Generally the older the men the greater the risk of developing prostate cancer
aggressive forms at prostate cancer can affect men at any age
But this is rare if you are over 40 years old it would be a smart idea to be proactive and get checked
To genetics
Family history can play a big part of your risk of prostate cancer
If your family has a history of prostate cancer you may have a greater risk of developing it yourself
having a close relative with prostate cancer can give you a two to three times larger chance of getting this disease as
Of now there is no specific. Gene responsible for the elevated risk of prostate cancer as
Far as scientists can tell the answers lie in multiple genes
Prostate cancer seems to run in some families, which suggests that in some cases there may be an inherited or genetic factor
Still most prostate cancers occur in men without a family history of it
Having a father or brother with prostate cancer more than doubles a man's risk of developing this disease
The risk is much higher for men with several affected relatives particularly if their relatives were young when the cancer was found
3 exercise
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
The researchers found that men who were moderately to highly active had over a 50% reduction in their prostate cancer risk
Men who exercised in any amount had a 13% reduction in the risk of the aggressive form of the disease
How much time you spend in the gym can directly affect the likeliness of you developing prostate cancer?
A Harvard University study found that moderate physical exercise provides a boost to the immune system
Encouraging it to produce under cells and protective chemicals that battle cancerous cells in
Addition it is speculated that burning fat. Also decreases prostate cancer risks
For weight being overweight increases your risk of developing various forms of cancer including prostate cancer
Overweight and obese men are also at risk for developing a more aggressive form of prostate cancer
according to a study from the San Diego Naval Medical Center
Weight has been shown to affect your risk of prostate cancer
There's where the higher body mass index are more at risk from dieting of aggressive prostate cancer
There's where the lower body mass index have been shown to have less risk of dieting from aggressive prostate cancer
Wait doesn't seem to affect your chance of getting the disease, but rather your likelihood of surviving it if you do
masturbation habit the more often a guy masturbates during his 20s 30s and 40s
the greater his risk for prostate cancer
Concludes a study in the journal bgu International
The study authors say elevated levels of the hormone testosterone have been linked to higher rates of prostate cancer and also to increased libido
Six sexual activity the more sexual intercourse a man has the lower his risk for prostate cancer
Especially if he's over 50
That's according to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
Lab tests have shown the biochemical content of a man's semen is different when he ejaculates during sex versus during masturbation
It's possible that intercourse fires up the prostate and helps clear out potential toxins in waistt
Masturbation can't match this study authors suggest
Thankfully so far there have been no links between sexually transmitted diseases and an increased risk of prostate cancer
However some studies have shown that a lack of sexual activity can increase your risk
To naturally lower your risk aim to ejaculate three to five times a week
This can cut your risk of developing the disease by up to 30%
The prostate is directly tied to the reproductive organs, so working your system out will help keep everything healthy
Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended
Nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or nutritional advice
Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems
instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice
How I Plan & Organize My Content for YouTube - Duration: 9:23.Hi everyone! How are you doing? Welcome back to Lavendaire.
So if you've seen my 2018 goals video, you may know that one of my goals this year
is to get better at planning ahead for my content, getting more organized with my channel.
So today I've partnered up with Trello to show you
how I plan and organize my content for my videos.
So first off, the biggest question that I always get is:
Where do I get my ideas for my content?
How do I come up with new ideas?
Generally, most of my ideas come from whatever I'm going through at the moment,
whatever I'm currently learning, whatever I'm currently inspired by.
So sometimes it's life lessons, things that have happened to me that I want to share about.
Or it could be books that I'm reading that are really inspiring me at the moment.
Whatever lessons I'm learning from the book, I'm usually dying to share about it.
Other times, ideas might come from writing morning pages or meditating.
So you guys know about morning pages.
It's where I stream-of-consciousness journal in the mornings.
And usually I just word vomit whatever's in my mind.
And it's funny because lessons and insights will just flow onto the page,
and when I read back, I'm like, "Whoa, that's really good. I should share that."
So I get a lot of ideas from journaling, and when I'm meditating, when I'm sitting in silence,
I'll have thoughts pop up.
Usually they're random thoughts, but sometimes they're actually good ideas.
I feel like I get a lot of inspiration when I do those two things because it's where I'm
more in tune with my spirituality.
Lastly, I get a lot of ideas from you guys.
I love collecting feedback on topics you want me to talk about,
usually from comments on my videos, Instagram, even emails or DMs.
I'll read what you guys suggest and I'll collect them on my Trello, which I'll show you in a bit.
Trello is the app that I use to organize my content ideas
and bigger projects like my Artist of Life Workbook,
and also to organize my task to-dos with my assistant, Alice.
Trello is a productivity app that helps you manage your work.
Whenever you need to manage big projects and lists in your life.
You can create boards for each project and lists within that board,
and also cards to help you organize tasks or any information you want to collect, basically.
I love that you can move lists around.
You could rearrange them, rename them.
And you could do the same thing with cards as well.
And also, you could put so much information onto cards which I love.
I love that you could put due dates, attach files, put comments, tag people.
It's really, really flexible, and so helpful.
There's also so many other ways you can use Trello.
You can use it to organize your recipes, plan out a home project,
plan out your job hunt, your creative process,
and just any other projects or lists that you can think of in your life.
The best part is: Core features of Trello and completely free,
so if you're interested in trying it out, you can click the link in the description below.
Alright, so here is my Trello board for content ideas.
And this is where I'll generally input my random ideas.
So when I have an idea, I think I would usually put it into "Ideas" or "Great Ideas".
Great Ideas are just ideas that I like more or ideas that I think will do better.
And then these are more general ideas that maybe I just haven't felt the spark for.
And then "Up Next" are my upcoming videos that I plan to do.
I don't always stick to it.
I definitely always like moving things around or moving great ideas onto Up Next,
and just playing around with it,
which is why I love Trello because I love the flexibility of using cards
because my mind's always changing.
This year I'm trying to create my series and organize my content, so I generally –
I did some research here on what were the top videos that people liked on my channel.
And then I basically wrote the idea for series here
and then I decided to make a separate list for series.
So within each of these are ideas.
So these are personal growth ideas.
These are self care video ideas, habit video ideas, journaling video ideas,
organizing ideas and inspiration, dream life series. You get the picture.
I'm trying to just get better at organizing ideas.
Moving over to this side of the board, I have suggestions.
At first I started inputting your suggestions into cards,
but it took a long time.
So now I just input it into a Google Sheet.
So here's my 2018 Feedback sheet I just started.
This is the Google Sheet for feedback and video ideas.
I have Alice help me input this.
So whenever you guys comment on Instagram or YouTube, we'll put some ideas up here and
I love how we have it organized.
And then this is just my system that I used last year for 2017.
Same thing, I had a category, put it all your suggestions, category, all your suggestions,
which I copy and pasted.
And the blue highlighted ones are ones – I think it's ones that I liked or ones
that I was planning on doing.
So skincare routine I did, travel packing I did.
And then this doc is just one that I created long ago, maybe 2015.
And I keep it around in case I want to pull any ideas from this one as well.
The rest of these are just other ideas like vlog ideas, podcast topic ideas.
But I really don't spend that much time back here.
This last list are just reminders, things that I want to remember, Q&A folder, just random things.
So sometimes I will put notes in each card, of what I want to include in the videos, like this.
But for the most part, I just write the title here and I flesh out the video ideas onto a Google Doc.
So this is my "Just Write 2018" Google Doc where I flesh out my video ideas.
If you see here,
I basically have a doc for every single year since I started Lavendaire.
So we have 2014, 15, 16, 17, and 18.
So usually – this is 2017's version – the top is where I put reminders for myself
as I'm shooting my content, what I want to focus on and stuff.
And then if you scroll down, you have the month that we're currently in
and then the video title, and then I flesh out the video ideas.
Usually I just do an outline. I don't write exact scripts.
So here are some future ideas for videos that I'm fleshing out.
And then after that, I have "February & later",
and then these are just other ideas that I have fleshed out from the Trello.
And then at the bottom of the doc I have a "Done" pile.
So these are just ideas that I've finished and so I just want to put them
at the end of the doc because I don't really want to look at them again,
and yet I don't want to delete them completely.
As you can see, this was my previous video, the "How to Make a Plan For Your Life".
This is basically what I'm looking at when I'm making this video.
I just have an outline and then I just talk from there.
By the way, I also try to plan out my thumbnails for each video
because thumbnails are increasingly important,
so I always just brainstorm what kind of photo would be good to match this video.
And then lastly, I also pay attention to different ways that I can title this video.
So ways that I do title research are: I use the YouTube search bar
which is great for kind of giving you an idea
of what other people are searching for, what's popular.
Make sure you open an incognito window in Chrome
so that you don't use your YouTube search history.
So go to
You see how this is a fresh version of YouTube?
So I would type out "how to plan your…"
So I see that "plan your day", "plan your life", "plan your week".
These are popular and more searched.
So my other options were "how to plan out your life" which is still there.
So if you're trying to compare between two or three video titles,
then another tool that I love using is Google Trends.
So in Google Trends, you can search the popularity of different search terms.
So I would be like…what was my other option?
"Make a life plan".
Okay, so for example, with these search terms, "plan your life", "plan out your life" vs "make a life plan",
you see the differences in the popularity and this is what I factor in when choosing my video titles.
Lastly, I use a tool called "TubeBuddy Tag Explorer".
It's an extension for YouTube.
So I would type in my video title, "how to plan your life",
and then I'll get most used tags related to this title.
And it could also help you craft a better title or it could just give you ideas for tags.
Alright, I hope you liked this overview of how I plan and organize my content.
As always, if you have video suggestions, podcast ideas for me, leave them down below.
I love to read and collect all your feedback.
And also, you know, I'm trying to plan ahead with my content this year, so I need new ideas.
Alright, have a beautiful day.
Love you all so much, and I'll see you next time. Bye!
This Is Us - The Fire (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Chicago Med - Fear (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Tape à l'oeil : Mahdy, 7 years old, dancer - #ORIGINALKIDS n°5 - Duration: 3:21.Knowing how to move is an art
To dance is to show emotions through movements of the body
You get away from everything when you move and you let out the tension and the pain
We believe that the energy of tomorrow's world relies on the talent of children which emerges when seen through adult eyes.
What I would like most is to give inspiration to others
for them to try to do new things
I think everyone can do it, You just have to want to
Mahdy, 7 years old
I love to dance, it's my passion
He has always danced, ever since he was small
As soon as he heard music he moved to the rhythm,
even before he knew how to walk.
To be a good dancer, Katia, my teacher, told me that you have to train every day.
I take classes in jazz, classical, hiphop
and what I like most is hiphop.
When I dance I feel strong like a grown-up
and I just empy my head and I concentrate.
Depending on the music, I express joy,
anger or sadness.
There were times when it was very hard
because this little boy brought some extremely deep things.
Even if you are good at the start
it's hard work to become someone.
This is the normal way of things for a dancer.
I mean... a born dancer!
My goal is to give him the opportunity to access art, culture.
I don't want my social status to have an impact on his future.
My mother is great.
She's nice, she plays with me,
When I'm afraid to go on stage, Mum always encourages me.
These are sacrifices.
I don't think he is aware of it.
And so much the better, it means that I am succeeding.
Before Miami, I had never flown.
With the crew when they arrived I was a little scared
but as soon as we started dancing, I was wasn't afraid anymore
I wanted to test the dome and I succeeded!
I didn't think that thanks to dance I could experience something so amazing.
And thanks Mum, thanks to you I can dance every day.
Every day, is that how it's said?
Every day!
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it
Reach your goals!
I want to dance all my life.
I will never stop
My name is Mahdy I'm 7 years old and I've been dancing since I was 2 years old.
Discover his talent and share those of your Original Kids in our stores and on / #originalkids
For #WomanCrushWednesday Christy Turlington Works To Make Childbirth Safe Around The World | TODAY - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Учим таблицу умножения на 2 - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Vượt Luân Hồi Vào Tịnh Độ _Tập 1- Sách Nói Phật Giáo - Duration: 41:40.-------------------------------------------
Tape à l'oeil : Laurène, fière maman de Mahdy - #ORIGINALKIDS n°5 - Duration: 1:15.Laurène, proud mother of Mahdy
My name is Laurène. I'm Mahdy's mum,
and I'm a childminder.
My relationship with Mahdy is very close.
He needs me, he's really affectionate.
Because he seemed so passionate about dance,
I gave him the chance to develop his talent.
He's very hyper.
Personally, I like this way of life.
You're not stuck in front of the TV.
I don't know where his passion comes from.
He has always danced, since he was tiny.
As soon as he heard music, he would move to the rhythm,
before he even knew how to walk.
He will spend time practising and training,
which will take over completely.
He will be the best, always taking things to the next level, breaking his own record.
That's what he says: "I want to break my record."
So he'll be practising, training all the time.
In daily life, I help Mahdy by trying to build his self-confidence,
and helping him to control his emotions.
Mahdy is very expressive.
In Miami, he really impressed me. He was awesome.
I was super proud of him, because
I quickly realised how professional he could be.
I am proud that he's the kind of little boy who puts his heart and soul into whatever he does.
Co nowego u nas, czyli Nowości w 24.01.2018 - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Tuberculous disease | 6 symptoms of tuberculosis - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
The best way to increase RAM on Android without root (100% work) - Duration: 8:02.hi,friends
Meet me again on this simple channel
this time I will share the trick how to add RAM memory Android so as not slow again...
Because RAM runs too many applications that are not too important
I need to explain, adding here does not mean to change the RAM memory from 1Gb to 5Gb
not like that !!
the point here is to optimize the performance of Android RAM to fit the function
if you want to know how, watch to finish this video
Before I continue, for those who have not subscribed to this channel please subscribe by clicking the subscribe button
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As a support for me to create the next tutorial
okay i continue
there are 2 ways to add Android RAM memory, using the application and without using the application
I will share how to add RAM memory without using the application first
the first way by disabling the Android animation transition
because the Android transition animation consumes Android RAM memory a lot
how, first you have to enable developer options
open Android settings
search about the device or about the phone
click software information
click the version number seven times
go to developer options
scroll down
search windows animation scale, transition animation scale and animator duration scale
change windows animation scale, transition animation scale and animator duration scale become inactive
the second way, by disabling the default Android app that you are not using
like Google photos, hangouts, google movies, play music,
Skype, OneDrive, and OneNote
so that the default Android app is not running on the Android background
how, click and hold the app
then click disable
You can also disable Android native apps from Android settings
search application manager
search the default Android app you want to disable
for example, a hangouts app
click disable
and this is the default Android app I disable
third way, limiting the number of applications running in the background
how, open the Android developer options again
search Limit background processes
select at most 1 process or no background processes
the fourth way, disable or remove the widget from the Android screen
both weather widgets and widgets from apps
how to remove it, click and hold the widget then click remove
avoid using animated themes and live wallpapers
the fifth way, close the already-used app to keep it from running in the background
how, click the app's recent button
then click close all apps
The sixth way, if your Android RAM memory is small, you should use the lite version app
such as Facebook lite, Messenger lite and Line lite
because the application of this lite version is made so as not to consume much RAM Android
next, how to add Android RAM memory using the app
the first by using the application RAM Control eXtreme
i use the pro version
this application you can download on Playstore
if it is installed, open the app
click the task killer
this killer task menu to stop applications running in the background
tick the app you want to stop
click kill
then no apps running in the background other than the app from the Android system
then click settings
click RAM boosting level
choose etreme or super extreme
click RAM Booster
click boost RAM
click boost
if you see, my RAM memory increased by approximately 100 or 200 Mb
for this application to run automatically, click start
the second way using CCleaner app
click analyze
click continue
click go to settings
scroll down
click CCleaner
enable CCleaner app accessibility
tick what you want to clean
like cache, Apk files, empty folders, thumbnails or call logs
adjust it to your liking
the click clean
the third way, using the built-in Android RAM cleaner
then click delete or clear
now the available RAM memory space becomes 900Mb
increased approximately 200Mb
Like that tricks from me this time, hopefully can be useful
If you like this video do not forget to click likes
leave comments and share to your social media
Thank you for watching and see you again
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