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Magic Healthy Food Stories for Kids from Steve and Maggie + MORE | Speaking Wow English TV - Duration: 11:49.Yes.
Nine out of ten.
Oh great.
Oh hey.
Hello boys and girls.
How are you?
Oh listen.
That's the bell ringing, because it's snack time.
I'm so hungry.
Are you hungry?
I'm lucky, because down here I've got some crisps . Oh I like crisps.
Do you like crisps?
They're delicious.
Hi Steve hi.
Hi Maggie.
Would you like some crisps?
They're delicious.
They'll give Steve a big fat tummy.
I'm going to save him.
No crisps for you.
Don't take all my crisps.
Oh Maggie.
What is she doing?
Don't be such a naughty naughty bird.
What is Maggie doing with my crisps?
Oh dear.
Oh dear.
So unhealthy.
Let's give Steve an apple.
A nice juicy apple.
Yummy yummy.
Oh look boys and girls.
Maggie's coming back.
Has she got my crisps?
Hey Maggie.
What have you got?
A nice healthy apple.
An apple?
An apple.
Oh, but Maggie.
I don't like apples.
Do you like apples?
Oh well.
I'm so hungry.
I guess I'll take a bite.
It's delicious.
This apple is delicious.
I'd forgotten how much I like apples.
Pardon me.
How rude.
That apple was delicious.
But I'm still a little hungry and lucky me.
Down here I've got some cakes.
Oh hey Maggie.
Would you like a cake?
I like a cake.
Cake is unhealthy.
Oh no.
No no no.
No more cake for Steve.
Yummy yummy.
No more cake for Steve.
No cake, no cake, no cake.
Oh Maggie.
My cakes.
Not my cakes.
Oh I'm saving Steve from a big fat tummy.
So much sugar.
Let's give Steve a nice juicy orange yeah.
Oh Maggie.
Oh look.
Has she got my cakes?
No she hasn't.
Oh Maggie.
What have you got?
An orange.
An orange?
An orange.
But I don't really like oranges.
I prefer cakes.
Oh Maggie.
I suppose I should try a little piece of this orange.
Yum yum.
That's great.
I'm very sorry.
That was very rude.
Well I had an apple that was healthy and delicious.
Then I had an orange which was healthy and juicy, but shhh.
Don't tell Maggie.
I've got one more special treat just down here.
I love chocolate.
Do you like chocolate?
Hey Steve.
Are you eating chocolate?
No Maggie.
It's not chocolate.
Where is she?
Oh Maggie.
Give me back my chocolate.
No more chocolate.
Naughty naughty bird.
No more chocolate for you.
No no.
I've got to give Steve a healthier snack.
Let's give him a banana.
So Maggie.
You haven't got my chocolate for me.
But what have you got?
A banana.
Oh banana.
I suppose you're right.
A banana is a better snack than chocolate.
I don't want a big fat tummy.
No no no.
Thanks Maggie.
And anyway, I like bananas.
Do you like bananas?
But now, I need a drink.
And all I've got is well.
This fizzy drink and that's not very healthy.
It's full of sugar.
I wonder what Maggie will bring me instead.
Oh look.
Thanks Maggie.
Orange juicy.
So now.
I feel healthy and strong.
Ready to go and play hey Maggie.
Let's play let's play.
Oh listen.
What's that noise?
I think Maggie needs my help.
Oh Maggie Maggie.
What's the matter?
Oh dear.
Oh Maggie.
Are you okay?
My tummy hurts.
Oh dear Maggie.
Did you eat all of my chocolate?
My crisps, all of my cakes, all of my fizzy drink.
I'm not surprised you've got a poorly tummy Maggie.
You should eat more healthily.
And so should you.
Like me.
Bye bye boys and girls.
See you next time.
Bye bye.
Oh Maggie.
It's Steve and Maggie.
The sun's coming up.
Good morning boys and girls.
It's time for breakfast.
It's Saturday today.
No school.
I can have my breakfast slowly.
Say with me and pat your tummy.
I can have breakfast.
I can have breakfast.
I can have breakfast.
I love breakfast.
You can't have breakfast.
I can have breakfast.
You can't have breakfast.
Your bedroom's messy.
There are socks on the carpet and pants on the bed.
Tidy your room.
Okay mum.
I'll go and tidy my bedroom.
I'll just have a little rest.
Oh dear.
I fell asleep.
I am hungry.
I can have breakfast.
Oh no.
The sun's up and it's not breakfast time anymore.
But I can have a snack.
It's snack time.
Look at all these delicious snacks.
I can have a snack.
You can't have a snack.
Yes, I can have a snack.
No, you can't have a snack.
Yes, I can have a snack.
You can't.
The living room is messy.
There's a toy train under the table and boot by the TV and toy cars on the sofa.
Okay Maggie.
I'll go and tidy the living room then I can have a snack.
Here we go.
I really like this.
Oh great.
That was great.
Oh and hey I forgot to have a snack.
Oh look.
It's too late for a snack now.
It's lunchtime.
Oh great.
I can have lunch.
You can't have lunch.
I can have lunch.
There's a problem in the basement.
Oh no.
What's the problem in the basement?
Oh no.
This is a big problem.
Bigger than I thought.
This will take a long time.
I'm really hungry now.
But look.
The sun is going down.
It's not lunch time.
It's dinner time.
But hey dinner is bigger than lunch.
So hey.
I can have dinner.
Dinner time.
Dinner time.
Dinner time.
I'm so hungry and it's dinner time.
I can have dinner.
Steve stop.
Oh Maggie.
I can have dinner.
You can't have dinner.
I need help.
There's a cat in my tree.
Oh Maggie.
I can't have dinner.
I can't have dinner.
I have to go and help Maggie.
It's a cat.
Come on.
Woof woof.
Shoo shoo.
Go away.
I'm hungry.
Shoo and stay out of the garden.
Oh no.
The sun's gone down.
It's too late for dinner.
I can't have dinner now.
But I can have supper.
I'm so hungry.
I could eat anything.
Supper's ready.
Chicken for supper.
Chicken for supper.
Come here.
Lovely juicy chicken.
My supper.
It's me.
My supper.
It's Maggie.
My supper.
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When A Stranger Hands This Woman A Creepy Note, She Knows Faking A Seizure Is Her Only Chance - Duration: 6:39.whenever we see a character caught up in something really cool and really
far-fetched on television we usually have a simple response it's just fiction
that doesn't happen in real life but don't be so hasty to judge all those
outlandish tales might just come in handy as they did recently for Julie
drag land a late-night crime drama junkie in Oakland California she was
writing the Bay Area's public transit system when a TV trick she once thought
to be pure fiction might have saved her life the whole saga started when a
passenger handed her a sinister note you know the old adage often declared loudly
by your parents bookworms in lovers of the outdoors
television will rot your brain more than that it's certain to turn you
into the ever prevalent couch potato but Julie draglines case it might have saved
her life Julie lived in Oakland California across
the bay from San Francisco she worked as a PR specialist for Sega Networks and
she indulged in the occasional crime drama when it came time to kick her feet
up and relax of course you might expect that crime shows on TV aren't any good
for more than killing a few post work hours they're mostly fiction after all
Julie might have agreed that is right up until September 2017 when she faced a
terrifying scenario she'd already seen before a TV it was about 5:00 p.m. and
Julie was on a big area rapid transport BA RT train since it was Saturday the
train was free of the usual horde of rush hour riders the 32 year old broke
to Dublin in East Bay City with just 15 other passengers one of whom had
sinister intentions as the train passed through San Francisco a
with strawberry blonde hair sat down behind Julie cameras captured the
ensuing scene as the stranger casually dropped a note on Julie's lap Julie
picked it up and read it over then she panicked anyone who's ever ridden public
transportation especially the BA Artie will tell you that it isn't unheard of
for strangers to hand out notes usually the messages claim of debilitating
ailment and ask for cash this note however put its own spin on the practice
written in Redick the note carried a terrifying message there are two guns
pointed at you now if you want to leave hand back your wallet plus phone now
plus do not turn around and be discreet do not turn around until after you have
left Sigma Center plus you will live then Julie did what anyone in her
situation would do I started freaking out she later told the San Francisco
Chronicle she didn't want to give up their stuff of course but what could she
do parts racing she surveyed her surroundings some things stood out what
stood out to Julie as the seconds ticked away
nothing and that wasn't a thing she saw no evidence of guns no one watching her
every move from across the train was there truth to this note which she truly
be killed if she did anything but comply he's somebody really going to shoot
someone for her phone into wallet she relayed later to the Chronicle I started
to question him a little bit but I was still really scared nonetheless she
needed to do something the robber was waiting taking stock of her surroundings
to make sure once more that no one had a gun leveled in heaven
she Malvin helped me to the man sitting across from her he didn't notice
apparently because he left the train at the next stop
with Hobe exiting the train somewhere around 16th Street Juli had few
practical and discrete options left hand over her wallet and phone or take the
chance that they weren't guns pointed at her then a crazy idea struck her and she
gotten it from TV Juli determined that she had to fake a seizure it was a risky
strategy but it was crazy enough to work if I
faked a seizure or fake like I'm passing out
I'm not even not compliant she told CBS San Francisco hoping someone would come
over to her and at the very least make it a tough shot for the alleged gunman
Juli put on a performance I slumped sideways and started shaking and crying
I closed my eyes and increased the bigger so people would pay attention as
Juli convulsed in the train seat a nearby couple noticed like Good
Samaritans they rushed to check on her and that's when Julie handed over the
note once the couple read through the bold ranting threat they understood
exactly what was happening apparently drawing attention to herself did the
trick as Julie reported the strawberry blonde woman she assumed and who cameras
later confirmed to be the note past her exited the train as it stopped at the
Civic Center station Julie was safe or was she as it turned out there weren't
two gunman sitting on the train waiting to shoot Julie the note was a lie it was
a scam designed to get some money out of someone panicking for his or her life
later authorities searched the Civic Center station for evidence of the
stranger authorities found no evidence of the woman of the station but they did
see her on the VAR T's cameras still Julie didn't care if they caught her or
not she wasn't going to press charges and
hope to leave the incident in the past she remained level-headed afterwards
in fact Julie related the whole experience very matter-of-factly on
Twitter someone just tried to rob me at gunpoint on Bart they sat behind me and
drop this note into my lap later with her head clear Julie recalled where
exactly her seizure idea came from it's impressive that Julie was able to stay
calm with it note on her left calling a robbers bluff importing the attempts is
like something out of well a crime drama I hope you like this video then please
have a subscribe button and click on bail icon to never miss the video from
our chim
Deer Hunter 2018 Cheats - How to get unlimited Gold and Hunter Bucks - Duration: 5:08.Hello everyone my name is Dan I just wanted to let you know that you can get
this amount of Gold and Hunter Bucks in Deer Hunter 2018 with a simple trick
I will explain step by step how you can do it too, this is a limited version of the
generator so make sure you get yours while this is still available
just make sure you watch the whole video and follow the steps shown in it what you need to
do first is to go to this website, as you can see the link to it is deer2018 dot
make games easier com you will have a link to it in the video description
access it and once you get here you will have to enter your username, I'm just
gonna enter mine in here and the amount of Gold and Hunter Bucks
that you want I'm just gonna enter some random numbers okay what this does is it
changes the amount that you have in-game with the amount that you enter in here
make sure you leave the anti ban filter and the dedicated proxy turned on and
then hit generate, we now have to wait for a few seconds until the generator is
delivering the resources, once this completes we are gonna be asked to
verify that we are human this is because the website as I was told is spammed by
bots a lot
now just hit this 'Verify Now' button here and you will then get a list of apps
what you have to do here is to install two apps and run each of them for 30
seconds one minute each and then you're good to go I'm just gonna install
two of these apps myself to show you how it's done all the apps listed here are
on Google Play and App Store I'm just gonna fast forward the video now so that
you don't have to wait that long and until this completes I'll get back to
you in a minute
okay and now I'm just gonna log into the game to show you that it is now updated
as you can see my Gold and Hunter Bucks are now loading up I just wanted to say
that this is limited to the first 200 people so hurry up and get yours
immediately by going to the web address shown in the video description that
would be all guys I really hope I helped you thanks for watching and goodbye!
Deer Hunter 2018 Cheats
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