OK Google. Open a bottle of beer.
No Problem.
OK Google. The beer is open....
...then let it taste you...
10 INSANE Bridges Which are Incredibly Designed 😱😎 #TTI 2018 - Duration: 10:11.hello my friends welcome to another video of TTI today we are going to
explore some of the most insane bridges that have the most advanced
architectural design around the world so sit back relax and enjoy the video on
fullscreen number 10 terrifying bridges terrifying bridges are those bridges
that can terrify people
the Ashima Ohashi is a Japanese bridge similar to a rollercoaster bridge with
terrifying experience that connects the two Japanese cities Matsui and Sakai
minato constructed with a high span in order to allow the passage of boat
traffic it is a shortcut to vomiting from nausea making driving over this
thing one seriously thrilling car ride it is one of the most spectacular
bridges in the world another terrifying bridge is a Zhang Jia Jie Grand Canyon
glass bridge that is the world's longest and highest glass-bottom bridge this
bridge is a suspension bridge and there is no steel structure it is made
entirely of glass this bridge is designed by Tel Aviv's based architect
Haim Gautam and surprisingly this bridge has some advanced pressure sensitive
glasses that are randomly installed on the bridge the glass appears to shatter
under your feet and you can even hear the sound of glass breaking as a visitor
walks on it the cracking effect is so cool when it opens officials to have a
car full of people across the bridge know how safe the glass was just pay $21
to enjoy this bridge number 9 Ponte Vecchio
the Ponte Vecchio is a medieval stone closed spandrel segmental arch bridge
over the Arno River in Florence Italy designed by 16th century architect
George EO Vasari the Ponte Vecchio was designed in part as a defensive
structure to launch defensive attacks on enemy ships it is one of the best
tourist attractions in Italy the pleasant atmosphere surrounding here
with the cafes street artists expensive jewelry stores restaurants and bars
number 8 moses bridge this bridge is built in the 17th century as a historic
Fortress of defence in Netherlands is fine by row and ad architects the design
of this miraculous bridge is inspired by the famous biblical story of prophet
Moses when he saved his Jewish nation from Pharaoh's army by dividing miel
River in two parts the Moses bridge gives visitors a unique opportunity to
pass through parted waters in the field a miraculous experience the bridge is
made from sustainable access technologies Akoya wood that is
completely waterproof here flooding would not be an issue so don't worry
because the height of the water is controlled by adjustable dams on both
sides of the moat so relax and enjoy this experience
number seven illuminating bridges these types of bridges are decorated with
colorful lights in an artistic manner with a little bit of technology the
bamboo bridge is an illuminating bridge which also is known as the Rainbow
Bridge situated in South Korea this is the world's longest fountain bridge
because spraying nozzles are installed across 570 meters of length the nozzles
can spray water in different configurations with music and lightly
FEX the bridge surely converts your black and white life into colorful
euphoria interestingly there are so many water pumps and each pump passes 200
tons of water in every minute another award-winning illuminating bridge is
high trestle trail art bridge situated in Iowa this bridge is ten feet wide and
25 miles long that is open to bicycles walkers runners and skaters designed by
an engineering firm Snyder & Associates incorporated interestingly the LED
fixtures are installed at a uniform distance on rotating square frames if
you drive the car on this bridge and without a doubt you will get a
psychological illusion that these lights rotate when you move forward this is the
coolest experience that you can wish to enjoy number six moving bridges the
first example of a moving bridge is rolling bridge from Heather Wake Studios
situated in London this bridge conceived by Britain's most significant designers
Thomas Heather wick and completed in 2004 its main function is curling which
is inspired by a tale of the robotic dinosaur in Jurassic Park while regular
bridge opens in two parts that's why it is an unusual and beautiful piece of
sculptural art this 12th metres long bridge made up of eight hinged sections
with hydraulic rams integrated into the handrail between each section it can be
controlled remotely and the motion can be stopped at any point
another example of a moving bridge is the fan bridge
it's design is inspired by Japanese folding fan the fan bridge is unveiled
at merchants square and designed by bridge specialist and Knight architects
the fan bridge consists of five beams of twenty meters length and each beam rises
at different angles in ascending order by means of Hydra Jack's fan bridge in
action on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock noon number 5 flower hofburg
this bridge is named after JJ's flower hoof the famous poet located in the city
of Leo Arthur in the Netherlands constructed over Harlington bart river
by vendor eel mechatronic ax in 2000 by using only iron and steel this deck is
15 by 15 meters and dimension interestingly it can be quickly and
efficiently raised and lowered from one pylon within two to three minutes that
allows water traffic to quickly pass the bridge is raised and lowered about ten
frames a day that gives us the feeling of watching our real transformers movie
number four LM gateway this iconic bridge is now Denmark's modern identity
the Steven Holl architects has won the international design competition for
this fascinating bridge LM gateway this public walkway
suspension bridge is 65 metres above the harbour an iconic landmark for
Copenhagen's waterfront the bridge connects two towers and meet at an angle
that looks like a person doing a handshake over the harbour number 3
Falkirk wheel this bridge is an engineering masterpiece and a unique
rotating bridge of its kind it is named after the town of Scotland and
connecting the fourth and Clyde canal with the Union Canal and completed in
2002 this Falkirk wheel transport ships between the lower canal and upper canal
the height difference of both canals is equivalent to an eight story building
the wheels diameter is 35 meters that rotates on a central axis the weight
balanced on both sides of gondolas should be the same for smoother rotation
despite each gondola filled with water and having the capacity of 80,000
Imperial gallons but when boats come to the first side the weight of the boat
displaces water to maintain balance on both sides interestingly it has 30.2
horsepower electric motors that are extremely power efficient by utilizing
just 1.5 kilowatts of energy which is the same amount of energy that can boil
eight cattles of water truly this bridge is wonderful number two portable bridges
foldable mobile bridge from company 10-fold engineering
an affordable bridge solution that can be deployed anywhere cool number one
what will you do if you have to construct a river bridge in just 30
minutes don't worry because now we have
motorized floating bridge from a defense company called cnam it is a great
solution for crossing the water gaps for heavy MLSE 80 class vehicles it is a
great modular and motorized bridge that can be used in various military
operations as well as rescue civilians during natural disasters a team of 33
train personnel is required to construct 100 metres long bridge in just a half an
hour on the water the bridge modules are autonomous and motorized and can be
assembled easily and quickly owing to 360 degree manoeuvrability the pfm can
be deployed as either a continuous floating bridge or as a self-propelled
ferry enabling vehicles to cross the bridge fortunately because if its rugged
design is reliable in the field and requires very little maintenance thanks
for watching which bridge do you find the most interesting let me know in the
comments if you are new here then feel free to subscribe and don't miss our
latest video by clicking on the bell icon I will catch you in my next video
Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.33 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.04] - Duration: 34:28.What did you just say?
I said you have a daughter other than Subin.
I don't know what you mean.
(Episode 33)
Will you keep playing dumb?
You had a daughter when you were in high school.
And that girl grew up thinking you were her brother.
Am I wrong?
If you felt the least bit guilty toward her,
you shouldn't have caused women troubles.
Do you think you're King Uija?
He lived as he pleased with 3,000 concubines.
But to boot, now you want to marry?
Marriage is different from dating.
Since you got Subin's permission,
now get mine too.
Do you know how worried
I've been that you'll make another child like me?
Do you know what that's like?
How did you know?
What does that matter now?
When did you find out?
Why do you think I went to Seokpyo's mom?
If she hadn't taken me under her wings,
I shudder think how I would've turned out.
You were 17 when you went to her.
You found out that young?
Why didn't you tell me?
What was I supposed to say?
That I learned you were my dad, not my brother?
At that tender age,
it wasn't an easy revelation to digest.
Even breathing was so agonizing
that I worked liked crazy night and day.
But all you did was keep causing women problems.
You knew who I was.
Didn't you feel bad gallivanting with women?
Didn't you feel guilty at all?
Nothing changes whether I'm your sister or daughter,
but I'll do as I please with your family registry.
I felt bad even saying sorry...
It's Seokpyo's mom we should thank and apologize to.
I owe her a great deal.
That's why I can't neglect Seokpyo.
If you want to remarry
despite my opposition
or keep seeing women,
leave this house.
Leave the company too.
I'll keep Seokpyo safe,
so disappear from my sight.
I can't stand seeing your womanizing anymore.
What is this, Haengja?
Consider it my wedding gift to your family,
so get something nice for your daughters.
You can't get even get half of the pair for $2,600.
As for this dress, maybe you'll get one sleeve.
This one.
- No installments. / - Yes, sir.
I should've gotten one more for each.
Sir? This is maxed out.
Maxed out...
How much is the limit that just a dress...
It's not just a dress.
How much is the limit?
We can't tell.
Oh, right. Then
I'll just take this one.
It's still maxed out, sir.
Ms. Kim must know the credit limit.
So she gave me
an almost maxed out card to feel me out?
That's right.
That's the Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market.
I can't let small gains compromise the big. Then...
So you're testing Dr. Jeong?
I wouldn't put it like that,
but I want to learn about his spending habits
and see how he reacts.
So you are testing him.
He may have a doctorate and is well-educated,
but if he's wasteful,
I must rectify that at the get-go.
So that's why you gave him a credit card
that is almost maxed out.
It was the one Eunjo spent lavishly with.
After I confiscated it,
I realized there was less than $1,000 credit left.
Was I too harsh?
You did the right thing.
Now I really won't have to worry about you anymore.
Were you worried
I'd give all my hard-earned money
to a man I met later in my life?
That's what money does.
People don't cheat. Money does.
($52, Golden View Accessories)
Yum, it's good.
You seem to be in a good mood today.
Well, there's no reason not to be.
Should we hurry with the wedding?
Our mothers have approved,
so there's no reason to dally.
And because Ms. Kim can better enjoy
Dr. Jeong's company once I'm gone?
That too.
Take it.
Don't worry about it.
Where were we?
Oh, the wedding.
Mother's preparing a grand wedding gift for you.
What is it?
You're curious, right? It is...
Can't you answer or turn it off?
I can't turn it off because of work.
It's your mom, right?
Does she call you over every little thing?
What is it this time?
You spoke at length with her earlier.
Why does she keep calling?
Didn't you tell her you were seeing me?
She should wait if it's not urgent.
It's because I'm the only one she can talk to.
I know.
When anything happens, she keeps calling
with no consideration for what you're doing.
She calls even if I tell her not to,
so what can I do?
Because you humor her,
she mindlessly...
No. I misspoke.
You're right.
My mom's not a very thoughtful person.
I said I misspoke.
Why are you being so touchy?
What did I do that you're so angry?
Were you
going to call all night?
Why? Was Eunjo bothered by my calls?
I was humiliated this afternoon.
If you're like this to me too,
who am I supposed to rely on?
What happened?
I'll devote myself only to you from now on.
A man? Remarriage?
I don't need any of that.
Hurry up and get married.
Once you have kids,
I'll babysit.
I'll devote the remainder of my life
to my son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.
So what if I'm way too pretty for my age.
None of that matters.
That jerk hasn't called once
after how I left this afternoon.
It's completely over.
Did something happen with Mr. Gu?
Not him. It was Gu Jonghui.
His psycho sister.
What about her?
Why is she meddling in her brother's affairs?
Do you know what you she said to me?
To get lost.
I swear.
If you don't believe me, go ask Gu Jonghui yourself.
I don't need Chungseo or whomever else.
I'll live as is and then die.
I saw that you have a good night cream.
Let me use it.
Why the long face
when you should be madly in love?
You've suffered at the hands of your in-laws, right?
Why would you ask me that?
Just thinking about
my in-laws makes my skin crawl.
Is Busik's single mom already causing you grief?
No, it's not that.
Tell me. I'll put her in her place.
Your in-laws will walk all over you unless
you teach them a lesson at the get-go.
You always take the opposing side of in-laws.
This is the only time you're siding with me.
What a thing to say.
I'm not taking sides.
I'm growing more and more unsure.
I'm back.
I'm tired.
Sit anyway.
What's this?
Your dad sent you and Injeong gifts.
Must be hair pins.
He says things will look up soon.
Send them back.
I don't need them.
I bet your dad considers this as the beginning.
Isn't this what you wanted?
Not like this.
What I want is...
Busik, of course.
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
I'm sorry.
Why are you being like this?
I thought I was the only one suffering
and miserable after the divorce.
I didn't know the pain it caused you girls.
If you'd known,
would you not have divorced?
I should've explained it to you guys
and gotten your understanding.
But it was just so tough then.
Nevertheless, I still should have.
It's all said and done.
what would you like me to do?
I'll help you however I can.
Just don't disapprove of Busik.
Okay. I'll try not to.
That's all I want.
Miss Injeong, are you heading home?
Miss Injeong?
The sidewalk's icy, so be careful, Miss Injeong.
Are you okay?
Why are you wearing shoes like that in the cold?
And why's your skirt so short?
Aren't you cold?
Excuse me?
No, never mind.
What? What?
Will you stay there all night?
Get up.
Can you walk?
Of course...
Huh? I must have sprained my ankle.
What do I do?
I'm fine. I'll go on my own from here.
Will you be okay?
My house is right here.
Don't worry and go.
Good night then.
If it hurts even after a hot compress,
you might have stretched your ligament,
so see a doctor.
You talk a lot, don't you?
I'll do as you say.
Thank you for today.
Good night then, Miss Injeong.
Geez. He keeps calling me Miss Injeong.
I should've just dated him when Mom urged me to.
I was hung up on the CEO.
But I can start now.
Gil Myeongjo, you will be mine.
Oh, wow. Look at how tidy that looks.
Where did you get your haircut?
At Suk's Salon.
- Oh, my goodness. / - Oh, my.
Oh, my goodness.
What's this?
I'm ashamed I got it with your credit card,
but it's my wedding gift to you.
You got this with the credit card I gave you
to get something for your daughters?
As a father, I feel bad enough remarrying,
so it didn't feel right getting them gifts
with your money.
I didn't think that far.
Since you gave me the card, I figured
I'd make the most of it by getting you something.
So? See if you like it.
Oh, wow. It's pretty.
It is?
Wow. I'm relieved.
Now, now. Come here.
I've never seen anyone get the better
of a cold no matter how young.
Come whenever you miss home cooking.
I'm happy as it feels like
I got another son.
(Ms. Kim Haengja)
(Ms. Kim Haengja)
Wait, wait.
(Announcement Re: Bid for Genius Beauty Center)
(Winning Bidder: Kim Haengja)
(Status on Medical Supplies)
The winning bidder has been announced.
But Ms. Kim said the CEO had to be there
when she signs the MOU.
Will you go?
I'm thinking about it.
If you're a no-show for no special reason,
Ms. Kim mentioned
the deal may fall through.
President Hong,
are you okay being here for weeks?
Don't you feel stifled?
Is it a problem that I'm at my office?
I miss Hong Seok, the Center staffer.
Wait just a bit.
I'll be returning to the frontline.
Wow. Where to this time?
R&D Center? Or the logistics center?
Did Executive Manager Gu report to work today?
No. He's not coming in today.
You didn't know?
Yes, but I wasn't sure.
I don't know if you've heard,
but we will become a franchise flagship center.
All employment contracts will remain in effect,
and so will your wages and benefits.
I'll be here until a new director comes.
Once the handover is complete,
I will be returning to HQ.
This is a heads up.
Nothing will change,
so just keep working hard.
Okay then.
Beauty beauty all the way.
All the way.
What was that about?
The Center's been sold.
It's like a franchised branch.
To whom?
Ms. Kim Haengja.
They say better the devil you know.
What if Ms. Kim's worse than Director Gu?
Can't I be transferred to the main office too?
Who? Ms. Kim Haengja?
Yes. The infamous Ms. Kim Haengja of Geumdong
bought this place.
Ms. Jeong Inu.
What's with her?
The older gentleman who works here.
Dr. Jeong?
Where is he?
He stepped out, saying he had errands to run.
It's nothing.
Why are we meeting here instead of the cafe?
Why don't you sit down?
Go ahead.
What do you think of Inu?
I told you.
She's a neighbor I grew up with.
Do you love Gil Eunjo,
Ms. Kim's daughter?
I don't know why I must answer that.
You didn't propose to her with an ulterior motive?
Ulterior motive?
What do you mean?
What ulterior motive can there be in marriage?
I'm offended.
How about Inu?
You're not formally engaged to Eunjo.
You were merely invited to the house for dinner.
Couldn't you reconsider?
You'll have my full support.
Did Inu ask you to snag me for her?
And how will you support me anyway?
I'm going to be marrying Ms. Kim.
Isn't that enough?
You'll need to be married before saying that.
Once I get married,
will you come to Inu?
That is, if Ms. Kim and I get a marriage license?
As soon as you do, Ms. Kim will try
to legally adopt Eunjo and Myeongjo.
Adoption requires consensus between a couple.
Does this mean you may not do it
even if Ms. Kim wants to?
Inu's my dear daughter.
Don't just say no.
Do think seriously about what I said.
Busik, let's meet after work.
I'll wait for you at the Center consultation room.
Why do I feel so bad today?
Do I finally need hypertension medicine?
They say once you start taking it,
you must take it until you die.
Who's this?
This is Kim Haengja. Who are you?
Oh, my. The young lad from the Center?
What's going on?
Okay then.
I'll think of a place and
call you back.
Yes, okay.
Haengja! Haengja!
Why is she fussing again?
Why are you fussing and giving me a headache?
No one's home, right?
What are you talking about?
You and I are both here.
Listen, Haengja.
Please save me.
Haengja, help me just this once.
Please help me.
Sit and explain calmly.
The thing is... You see...
I resolved never to return when I left
for the States...
So you ripped off your money club members.
And I had to deal with the aftermath.
Why bring up something that's been taken care of?
The back of my neck is stiff as it is.
Don't raise my blood pressure.
Um, you see... The thing is,
there was one other person.
What did you say?
And I happened to run into her today.
She now knows I'm in Korea,
so it's a matter of time before she finds me.
If not, she'll come to you.
How much did you take from her?
I set my kids up with a dry cleaning business.
I didn't spend a penny on myself.
But it went belly up due to the hurricane.
Haengja, please save me just this once.
Answer to what you've done this time.
If they want you behind bars,
so be it!
How can you be so shameless?
Just once more. No more.
Then I'll work very hard at the pawnshop.
I'll take Eunjo's secret to the grave.
I'll leave if you just get me that money.
Haengja. Haengja. I beg you.
Please save me.
I didn't do it for myself.
My kids. What if my kids starve to death?
Oh, come on.
Haengja, please. Just this once.
Dr. Jeong,
I slipped up as I wasn't thinking.
What is this?
I should've given you cash instead of a card
so you could spend carefree.
Please stop doing this.
But I want to.
It's for an outfit each for you and your girls.
I'll need to do the same for you and your kids.
Be nice to my children.
And you have a major feat to undertake.
A major feat?
Adopting my kids once
our marriage license is formally issued.
Oh, right. There was that.
I asked around, and people say
it's not easy adopting
when you have biological children.
So thank you for being so willing, Dr. Jeong.
When will you stop that?
It's Geunseop.
Oh, right, Geunseop.
Are you ill?
You don't look well today.
Oh... No, no.
I just have something on my mind today.
My goodness. Don't worry.
I was born with good health.
This Center? Ms. Kim bought it?
You haven't heard?
Ms. Kim hasn't told you?
Now that everyone at the Center knows,
she'll probably tell me.
Isn't that a good thing?
How so?
If Ms. Kim bought this place,
it's a good thing for you.
She bought it to give to Gil Eunjo.
How is that good for me?
Gil Eunjo?
Would she have gotten it for me?
There's something Mom said.
While Ms. Kim's cutthroat about money,
she dotes on her kids like no other.
Why is Gil Eunjo ruining everything for me?
Who is she to
rob me of Busik and my job?
Technically speaking, she's robbing me of you too.
Yet I'm to work under Gil Eunjo?
Forget it.
There's something I have to tell you.
Keep it to yourself.
What is it?
You're here earlier than I expected.
I was determined to stay here all night.
What is it?
Busik, the Center has been sold.
I know.
You know?
Then you must also know to whom it was sold.
I do.
Ms, Kim got it as a wedding gift for Ms. Gil and me.
Oh, she did?
When are you getting married?
Soon? We should set the date.
Are you sure your marriage to Gil Eunjo can work?
What do you mean?
will you marry me instead of Gil Eunjo?
Let's get married.
Come in. Come in.
Sit down. Sit.
I would've liked to
cook for you at home,
but we have someone staying with us.
It's nice here too.
A good friend runs this place.
I come here once in while
for special occasions or invite people I like.
I see.
You seem to have lost a bit of weight.
Are you sure you're not skipping meals?
Of course not.
So... So why did you want to see me today?
There's trouble at home,
but I have no one to talk to
or an elder to turn to for advice.
You kept coming to mind.
Oh, no.
Is it something serious?
It's not that serious.
Maybe I just wanted to see you.
My goodness.
I don't know why you tug at my heartstrings.
Anyway, thank you for thinking fo me.
I'll be seeing you tomorrow as Genius' CEO.
I wanted to meet one last time as a Center staffer.
Oh, my. What's wrong with me today?
Are you okay?
I had a lot to do today.
I must be getting old too.
It would've been nothing back in the days.
I shouldn't have asked to see you today.
No, no.
I'm going to the restroom for just a bit.
Ms. Kim.
Oh, my. What's wrong with me today?
Ms. Kim! Ms. Kim!
Snowfall spreads over Maryland - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
2018 Yamaha FZ-16 new version of the FZ-15 | Yamaha MT-16 2018 launched in India | Mich Notorcycle - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Bắc Kinh thành Bãi Chiến Trường sau Lệnh Trục Xuất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:44.On this episode of China Uncensored,
did someone just drop a bomb on Beijing?!
Welcome back, Chris Chappell here.
What happened in Beijing?!
Did North Korea launch a missile?
It looks like a war zone!
What's that, Shelley?
Oh, I'm sorry, that isn't a war zone.
What you're looking at...is progress!
I mean, not progress.
That sounds so self-serving.
What you're looking at is the Communist Party's deep, caring concern
for the welfare of the common people.
Funny how concern looks like wholesale destruction.
This is Daxing district.
It's home to many of Beijing's estimated 8.1 million migrant workers.
Just to give you an idea of how many people 8.1 million is,
it's like the entire population of New York City.
But all crammed into a city
with 3 times as many people.
Plus add terrible traffic and unbreathable air.
And if you think the living conditions
for the average New Yorker are bad...
well, you're right actually.
But for Beijing's migrant workers,
it's so much worse.
A million of them literally live underground.
On the plus side,
if things ever do go south with North Korea,
the migrant workers are already living in bomb shelters.
I can see the real estate agent trying to rent out this apartment.
An exclusive opportunity
to live three floors underground
in a historic air defense bunker.
It has high ceilings!
Spacious closets!
Washing machine in the building!
Truly a steal.
China's migrant workers travel from their tiny villages
in the economically depressed countryside
to big cities like Beijing to find work.
That means they don't have the residence permits
that would let them officially stay in the cities
and do things like send their kids to school.
Migrant workers have fueled China's economic boom.
And unsurprisingly
"Migrant workers doing construction and service jobs
are often poorly paid
and lack any semblance of workers' rights."
And many of their homes
are not exactly what we would call up to code.
That's why a massive fire broke out last month.
It killed 19 people
and made thousands of others homeless.
So the authorities responded
by providing warm food, a place to stay…
…Haha, just kidding.
The CCP used it as an excuse
to kick everyone out of the neighborhood,
demolish all the buildings,
and leave them homeless on the streets of Beijing,
where the nighttime temperatures
were several degrees below freezing.
It's for the good of the people.
In some cases,
residents only got a few hours' notice.
"Word comes out you have to move,
and the machines are coming in
and destroying buildings."
"Why do you treat us like this?
It's not like we're foreigners.
We are Chinese.
Let's say you want us to move out,
to go back to our hometowns,
that's fine.
But give us a couple of days to do this, right?
One day is not enough."
I guess you'd call these people
the huddled masses yearning to be free.
And don't worry,
there were swarms of warmly dressed police officers around
to make sure everyone did as they were told.
And just to be clear,
these newly homeless migrants
aren't just the people whose homes burned down.
It includes tens of thousands of people in the surrounding areas, too.
In fact, Beijing announced a 40-day "safety" campaign
to clear out "illegal structures."
Because forcing the migrant workers out into the freezing weather
with practically nothing but the clothes on their backs
was totally about their safety.
It is absolutely not a pretext for the Party
to carry out a population control plan
they had announced in September.
Or the fact that the freshly evacuated real estate
is worth a lot of money.
Since, you know,
in China, there are no meaningful private property rights,
and local governments typically make about
40% of their revenue from land sales.
Fortunately for the homeless migrants,
they're not completely out of luck.
There has been an outpouring of support from people across the city.
Fellow citizens have donated food,
clothing, and temporary housing.
The people of Beijing really came together to help each other.
There's also an open letter to authorities
written by more than 100 scholars, lawyers, and artists
protesting the evictions.
People also protested the way
Chinese state-run media callously referred to the migrants
as Beijing's "low-end population."
So how did authorities respond to the public outcry?
By ordering the media to censor all references to the evictions.
And then authorities tried to shut down
local people's attempts to help the migrants.
Because you know,
they were making the Communist Party look bad.
But even though the Party is censoring TV,
newspapers, and even social media—
people are still going to notice
that something happened to all the migrant workers.
Like when no one is around to deliver their food.
"The ripple effect of the mass evictions
has swept the city—
fashionable restaurants without waiters,
airport ground staff and security personnel left homeless,
online shopping blocked
as Beijing delivery services are disrupted
by distribution warehouses suddenly bulldozed."
Chinese authorities have bitten off more than they can chew with this one.
This is just one of two huge scandals
to hit Beijing back to back.
The other one, we reported on last week.
There are allegations of sexual abuse
at an expensive kindergarten targeting the upper middle class.
According to Weiboscope,
which tracks censorship on Chinese social media,
"the level of censorship in recent days
was even higher than during
the politically sensitive Communist Party's five-yearly national congress in October."
Which is insane.
The Party Congress is one the most politically sensitive events there is.
And these scandals even have surpassed
that level of censorship.
Over the last couple weeks,
the CCP has managed to alienate
both the poor and the middle class of Chinese society.
Even the censors are complaining they can't keep up.
So what will the impact be?
For the migrant workers themselves,
the ones who can't find another place to stay
are mostly going home quietly.
There's not much else they can do.
Overall, it's hard to say right now
what the economic impact of this will be.
And remember,
Beijing typically sets an example for the rest of the country.
So probably we will see evictions in other cities
of more migrant workers—
a.k.a. the "low-end population".
And a nationwide campaign to evict migrants
could cause a national uproar...
or maybe just give real estate developers
more great business opportunities.
Look at this place.
So rustic!
So much open space!
Lots of light!
It's a steal.
So what do you think?
Has the Communist Party crossed a line?
Leave your comments below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,
see you next time.
You know,
it's about time that the Chinese Communist Party
got their own eviction notice.
If you want to know why,
check out our website,
There'll you see loads of videos about what the Party has done,
plus half hour episodes
you won't see anywhere else.
So visit ChinaUncensored.tv!
'It is rotten out here in Ocean City' - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Temperature recovers tomorrow _ 010418 - Duration: 1:49.Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, we are finally seeing a break from the cold wave, give us the details.
Yes Daniel, on the Korean traditional calendar tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day
of the year, called "Sohan" in Korean.
But ironically it'll be warmer than today, weakening the cold wave we've been having.
The dry weather is worsening by the day and the warnings along the east coast have expanded.
There is rain and snow in the forecast on Jeju Island and the east coast tonight but
the amount will so little that it won't even make a dent.
Seoul begins the morning at minus 5 degrees Celsius while Daegu and Busan begin at minus
3 and 2 degrees.
Clouds from the morning will clear up in the afternoon with Seoul rising up at 2 degrees
while Gwangju and Busan boosting up at 4 and 8 degrees.
Until the weekend, we'll get some relief from the severe cold.
However, the following Monday, we are expecting nationwide precipitation.
And after that, even colder weather awaits us, dropping down the morning low to minus
12 degrees.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
2 men killed in shooting at Orlando tobacco shop - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Korea's National Tax Service announces procedures for foreigners filing taxes - Duration: 0:40.Foreign nationals working in Korea will also have to file their taxes by February.
The National Tax Service revealed the requirements and procedures for year-end tax adjustments
for this group.
The same rules apply to foreign workers as everyone else, except when it comes to tax
deductions for housing expenses.
The NTS offers an English hotline for foreigners and is providing booklets and services on
the English website.
The number of foreigners doing their year-end tax adjustments in Korea has been on the rise.
Last year, more than 560-thousand out of some 2 million filed their year-end tax adjustments,
an on-year increase of 20 thousand.
S. Korea patiently awaits response from N. Korea - Duration: 2:12.Anticipation peaked as the inter-Korean communication line was reconnected.
The North did make contact but nothing much was said.
Seoul now waits for Pyongyang to name a preferred date for high-level talks.
Our Ji Myung-kil gets us up to speed with the developments.
The North Korean liaison official called the South at 9:30 a.m. via the newly restored
cross-border hotline at the truce village of Panmunjeom.
According to Seoul's unification ministry,... the South Korean official asked whether the
North had anything to notify... to which the North Korean official reportedly said "No,"
and that if there is anything... the North will make contact.
At 4:30 p.m., the North called again and said let's bring it to an end for the day.
Officials on the South Korean side had called North Korea half an hour earlier at 9:00 a.m.,
but the call went unanswered since working hours in the North are 30 minutes behind those
in the South.
That's because two years ago North Korea brought its time zone forward by half an hour.
The hotline had been cut off in February of 2016 by North Korea... after Seoul closed
the joint factory park in Kaesong in response to Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test and provocative
rocket launches.
But after Kim Jong-un expressed a willingness in his new year's speech this week to reestablish
dialogue, the North announced on state TV that it was reopening the direct telephone
And it did so soon after a proposal from Seoul Tuesday that the two sides discuss cooperating
on the Olympics and look for ways to improve ties.
Seoul's unification ministry said it will wait patiently until Pyongyang responds about
the details of any upcoming talks and then look at the next steps to take.
If North Korea ends up sending a delegation led by the chair of its committee for inter-Korean
affairs, Ri Son-gwon, then South Korea would likely send its unification minister, Cho
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
Maquiagem de Pabllo Vittar: pra dar o close certo! - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
How to draw SOAP for kids - Duration: 3:53.How to draw SOAP for kids
Learn HTML and CSS - Best HTML editor [Hindi - Urdu] - Duration: 12:20.Learn HTML and CSS - Best HTML editor [Hindi - Urdu]
Korea's top economic policymakers discuss ways to fuel 3% growth - Duration: 1:39.Authorities in Korea are closely coordinating policies to deal with the various issues at
Among them: the nation's central banker and the Finance chief.
The duo focused on setting the Seoul's economic goal for the year.
Park Hee-jun shares with us what was discussed.
With the start of the new year,... Korea's top economic policymakers have been discussing
the economic issues that lie ahead in 2018.
Bank of Korea Governor Lee Ju-yeol and Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon gathered at a breakfast
meeting on Thursday to exchange views on various economic matters in the country.
The meeting's primary focus was on reaching Korea's goal of a three percent economic growth
in 2018.
The Korean economy saw a three-point-two percent expansion last year, and hopes to see the
same rise this year.
Ahead of the meeting, Kim said he will cooperate with the central bank to achieve three percent
He also vowed to improve the quality of life through job creation and innovative growth,...
to commensurate with the country's per capita gross national income forecast to exceed the
30-thousand U.S. dollar mark for the first time.
But to reach that goal, there are some downside risks and uncertainties that need to be addressed,
which include North Korea's provocations and South Korea's mounting household debt.
The finance minister stressed the need for strong policies to eradicate such risks.
And to that, the central bank chief said Korea managed to overcome such obstacles and achieve
favorable growth last year, due to strong fiscal policies.
He added that the economy is expected to continue with its recovery trend in the new year through
active cooperation between fiscal and monetary authorities.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
At least 17 dead from winter storm in eastern U.S. - Duration: 1:41.At least 17 lives are taken by the winter storm engulfing the East Coast of the United
The anomalous cold front has continues to impose its presence since it developed around
Cho Sung-min has the full story.
The death toll from the severe cold weather has risen to at least 17.
According to Reuters, the latest two deaths were reported in Houston, Texas.
Emergencies were declared Wednesday in multiple southeastern states, including Florida, Georgia,
North Carolina, and Virginia... states that rarely experience serious winter storms.
In fact, it's been reported that the snowfall these states are getting is the heaviest in
nearly three decades.
Parts of Florida have seen snow for the first time in 28 years.
Charleston, South Carolina has received more than 12.5 centimeters of snow, which is close
to a record for the state.
Schools in the southeast were closed and airports canceled more than 2-thousand flights on Wednesday
and Thursday.
Forecasters predict the snow storm that hit the southern U.S. could pick up momentum as
it moves up the east coast... and turn into a so-called ''bomb cyclone," which can bring
coastal flooding and drop up to more than 30 centimeters of snow.
Warnings have been issued from the gulf coast of Florida's "Big Bend" region to the northern
Atlantic coast.
As the storm moves up, it is expected to leave more than 20 centimeters of snow in Boston
and at least 15 centimeters in some parts of New York.
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the city is well prepared for what's to come,... and is
planning to use around 40,000 tons of rock salt and 700 pieces of snow removal equipment.
Cho Sung-min, Arirang News.
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