Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 4 2018

Scary Smelly Fart

For more infomation >> Scary Smelly Fart | Little Red Car Videos | Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:03:20.


New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 2 - Duration: 10:58.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 2 - Duration: 10:58.


Johny Johny Song | Kindergarten Kids Songs | Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection for Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.

Johny JoJohny Johny Yes Papa Song |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection for Children| Toddlershny Yes Papa Song |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection for Children| Toddlers

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Song | Kindergarten Kids Songs | Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection for Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.


Car crashes into Colerain home - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Car crashes into Colerain home - Duration: 1:31.


HERRAMIENTAS para hacer tu propia AUDITORÍA de MARKETING DIGITAL - Duration: 12:23.

Today I want to show the steps and

tools must continue to make

your own audit of the presence

online your brand online

if I want to emphasize that this does not replace

an audit of a professional in the

matter but it will help you have one

more accurate on where you

You find and mark it

actions to know where you want



Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to a new video if you

first if you want to learn all

tricks on digital marketing and

how to be an entrepreneur success

comienza suscribiéndote ahora a mi

canal para no perderte ninguno de los

vídeos que publicó diario de preguntas

muchas veces porque tu web

no aparece bien posicionada en google

porque no consigues todos los links que

te gustaría porque muchos de los links

que consigues no acaban convirtiendo al


si te haces estas preguntas es bueno

porque es que te estás cuestionando

constantemente cómo mejorar pero para

tener la respuesta a estas preguntas lo

primero que debes hacer es un análisis

de situación a nivel digital de dónde

se encuentra tu empresa o tu marca

y aunque este análisis dependerá del

tipo de negocio y del sector

quiero darte algunas pautas que pueden

ayudarte a utilizar este sistema para


empecemos analizando qué tal está tu

web para aparecer posicionada en los

buscadores es decir en la parte que se

llama deseo una de las acciones que

puede revisar estilos distintos títulos

y textos están etiquetados


si las imágenes tienen su

correspondiente etiquetado para imagen

si están puestas también las etiquetas

meta en las distintas páginas de la web

algunas de las acciones que estoy

comentando te voy a comentar cómo está

no e

requieren de ciertos conocimientos

técnicos que de no tenerlos es mejor

que lo pongas en manos de un profesional

porque sino de lo contrario perderá el

tiempo y no conseguirán nunca buenos

resultados para esta parte puedes

apoyarte de la herramienta llamada

métrica sport

en la descripción del video te voy a

dejar el enlace a ésta y el resto de

herramientas que voy a mencionar a lo

largo del video cnop esta herramienta te

ayudará a obtener algunos de estos

datos y otros de interés en cuanto a

marketing digital que tuvo este

correctamente optimizada y visible para

dispositivos móviles es algo

estrictamente necesario o no por lo

tanto comprueba que es así pero una de

las cosas que personalmente más me

preocupa y de las que más me gusta

darle énfasis no es el tiempo de carga

de la web

algo que sinceramente pocas empresas se


y este factor influye radicalmente no

sólo en el posicionamiento de la web en

los buscadores sino en la experiencia

que van a tener los usuarios con tu web

y por lo tanto algo muy importante en el

porcentaje de conversión que vas a

tener lo cual significa ganar o perder


google dispone de una herramienta

gratuita muy interesante para hacer un

análisis de la velocidad y stage pitt

insights otro par de herramientas muy

útiles son website kreider y boo rank

que te harán un análisis de la web no

sólo en el plano del seo que estábamos

viendo sino también en otros


al final algunos compartirán datos pero

que va a ser interesante tener varios

análisis de herramientas otra también

muy interesante es google my business

si no te has dado de alta todavía da de

alta tu negocio lo antes posible ya que

te permitirá mejorar como tu negocio de

empresas se presenta ante posibles

clientes así como la información que

aparece cuando buscan en google el

nombre de tu empresa

una vez te des de alta tendrá que

verificar que es tu negocio lo cual

tardará unos días no pero en cuanto lo

tengas hecho completa con la máxima

información posible

la ficha de tu negocio añadiendo todas

las fotografías que puedas vídeos

comentando a los clientes que dejen

recomendaciones otra parte fundamental

de tu web es el contenido como lo tienes

enfocado y con qué frecuencia no

actualizas miras y la página de inicio

de tu web tiene algún tipo de contenido

que se actualiza con cierta frecuencia y

cuando digo cierta frecuencia semanal no

ya sea porque tienes una sección de

noticias o tienes un blog

de no ser así debes ver cómo hacer que

la página de inicio de tu web tenga

ciertos contenidos que vayan

actualizándose con una alta frecuencia

otro aspecto importante es que analices

con la herramienta google analytics

el perfil de usuario que está llegando

a tu web para poder confirmar no que los

usuarios que están llegando están

alineados con tu público objetivo ya

que muchas veces vemos casos donde crece

mucho las visitas de una web y por esto

se ponen contentos pero la realidad es

que las visitas que están entrando no

sean el público al cual se quieren

dirigir y no convierte para mostrarte

cómo hacer

no voy a entrar en google analytics y te

voy a decir cómo puedes encontrar esta

información dentro de google analytics

y lo que vamos a hacer primero es

definir la fecha en la que queremos

analizar esto imagínate que lo que

vamos a decirlo yo quiero analizar pues

los tres últimos meses imaginaos que en

este caso del 1 de junio al 31 de agosto

bueno para tener una referencia en este

caso por veníamos todas las visitas y

para ver el tipo de usuario que está

entrando bueno por un lado nos iríamos

a datos demográficos y podemos hacer en

visión general y ver el rango de edad

de los usuarios que están entrando así

como si es hombre o mujer o es

importante comprobar lo ideal que en

muchos casos hemos visto como productos

que van dirigidos a un público femenino

tenían un mayor porcentaje de visitas

de público masculino lo que significaba

que algo no está bien

otro dato interesante es la información

geográfica viendo de dónde vienen

todas esas se disipó en este caso bueno

pues podemos ver en este caso las

primeras en un 27% desde españa seguido

méxico colombia argentina o perú y

podemos ir más allá y ver las

distintas ciudades de cada país no para

poder detallar al máximo ya que es lo

que nos interesa no y en este caso vemos

pues que de madrid son el 22 por ciento

de todas las que hay en españa seguido

de barcelona valencia sevilla málaga

zaragoza alicante granada y bilbao

si quieres ver más de 10 resultados

justamente aquí te permite mostrar más

filas y amplias toda esta información

será también interesante ver desde

qué tipo de dispositivos se conectan no

nos vamos a dispositivos móviles

visión general

vamos a ver cuánto se conectan desde

escritorio desde móvil y tablet en este

caso como podéis ver pues

prácticamente el 85 por ciento casi

desde dispositivos escritorio y el resto

móviles y tablets no

estos datos varían drásticamente

dependiendo el sector ya que muchos

sectores donde se da la vuelta no donde

prácticamente el 80 y 90% del tráfico

viene desde dispositivos móviles

mira también si la web tienes

comentarios de clientes u otros aspectos

relacionados con

recomendaciones y valoración social no

se haga un usuario tener más confianza

en tu empresa

cuando lo ve otro aspecto que debe tener

también en cuenta es si en la página

inicial de tu web tienes algún vídeo

de presentación ya que los videos te

van a ayudar a que el usuario se haga

más rápidamente a la idea de quién

eres o qué servicios o productos ofrece

si aquí te recomendaría usar un video

donde sea personaje humano es decir

salgan una o varias personas hablando y

que no exceda el minuto o el minuto y

medio como mucho

otro análisis de presencia digital que

debes hacer es el referente a tus redes

sociales no ya que las redes como bien

sabes en los últimos años han

adquirido una importancia para los

negocios muy grande no por lo que

analiza si los perfiles actuales que

tienes en las redes sociales están

actualizados con una alta frecuencia

tienen contenido realmente interesante y

por interesante no me refiero a que

éste es constantemente publicando

contenido sobre tu empresa otros

productos no sino si publicas contenido

enfocado únicamente a ayudar a tu

potencial cliente no a venderle

otro aspecto clave del análisis debe

ser la parte de reputación online ya

que lo que dicen de tus productos de tu

empresa condiciona directamente los

resultados de la misma

por ello debes usar alguna herramienta

que te permita analizar qué están

diciendo de pie la red no sólo en las

redes sociales no en mi caso utilizó la

herramienta habrán uach puntocom

déjame que te enseñe que estoy dentro

de la herramienta watch es la que

utilizó entonces bueno por lo primero

selecciónel el tiempo que quiero ver no

en este caso os tengo marcado los

últimos 28 días y puedo ver el total

de menciones que recibido y si han

incrementado se han habido un decremento

en el mismo período del tiempo anterior

al igual que el número de personas que

han generado todo eso los trending

topics o las historias más interesantes

no pudo ver gráficamente también

absolutamente todo y por distintos tipos

de té gráfico puede ver una nube de

eta sino de cuáles son los temas que

más se están tratando de ver toda la

parte del sentimiento no si es bueno

como podéis ver en bueno hay una gran

parte del sentimiento que es neutral

pero el resto no tenemos en este caso

nada negativo y resto tenemos pues bueno

a esta parte positiva no dónde podemos

incluso picada y bueno pues sirviendo a

la patria en tiempo real fijaos que esto

ha sido hace hace una hora está esta

mención no es lo que están diciendo

que en este caso es positivo también

poner un poquito más al detalle con

distintos cosas relacionadas o

contenidos relacionados su influencia

social a nivel de tweets y retweets

acelerado de impresiones que han ido

generando así como hashtags

relacionados también con mi marca

en este caso es juan merodio blog de

toda la parte de de los de los vídeos

que resultó interesante también son

los emoticonos los emoticonos más

usados ya que incluyen también en la

marca como también analizar en cuál de

los canales hacen más menciones en este

caso pues podemos ver qué es twitter

pero no podemos vivir por facebook foros

herramientas y clovis noticias etcétera


puedes ver distintas webs donde estás

siendo mencionado al igual en este caso

pues bueno toda la parte del sentimiento

así como de otros usuarios

cómo les está repercutiendo y

gráficamente o visualmente mejor dicho

de dónde vienen las regiones porque en

este caso de españa el 54 por ciento de

estos niños son 21 de gran final 2 por

ciento también por esto es sólo un

pequeño resumen no es el dashboard

resumen de de las distintas acciones que

puedes poner también alertas no para

que te vaya avisando diariamente con la

frecuencia pero es importante que

utilices algún tipo de herramienta de

escucha activa de tu marca

aunque como te comentaba esta es una

auditoría relativamente superficial y

no va al detalle de cada cosa pero si te

recomiendo hacerlo lo antes posible

sin lugar a dudas te va a ayudar a tomar

mejores decisiones en tu negocio

cuando haces una auditoría de tu

presencia online vas a entender mucho

mejor la razón que te aleja de

conseguir los objetivos y por lo tanto

de definir esa hoja de ruta de manera

mucho más certera

eso sí como te decía esto no

sustituirá el análisis hecho por un

profesional por lo que si realmente

quieres apostar por el marketing digital

para hacer crecer tu negocio lo antes


mi recomendación es que te apoyes en

uno de ellos quiero conocer tu opinión

por lo que dejan en los comentarios con

el hashtag marketing digital

si ya tienes el chato auditoría de

marketing digital y si no crees que

realmente es importante entre todos los

comentarios que reciben los videos del


shorter en mi curso online estrategia de

marketing digital y si te ha gustado

este vídeo

dale me gusta y si quieres que siga

haciendo más vídeos como éste

suscríbete a mi canal de panamá



For more infomation >> HERRAMIENTAS para hacer tu propia AUDITORÍA de MARKETING DIGITAL - Duration: 12:23.


LEGO City Wild River Escape review! 60176 - Duration: 6:33.

hello this is the LEGO City wild river escape set features a cop in a speedboat

versus a criminal in a raft with one paddle and a skunk I guess this is a bit

of a step up for the criminal faction if you will from that set from about a year

ago that featured a cop in a speedboat versus a guy in a tire with one pedal

and no skunk I like this speedboat it's modest in size only six studs wide but

it has some length and it looks kind of sleek it looks like it would be a pretty

fast pursuit craft and it has some lights around the sides they use just

three stickers on this in total it is able to just barely fit a passenger in

this case would be a criminal to go behind the driver there behind the

little roll bar yeah I think it it's it's cool you know it just it doesn't

look too fancy to special you can bring the outboard up it's nice when they do

that although it doesn't look like it has much in the way of a prop there but

I appreciate the fact that this is designed to work on the ground where

most kids are actually going to be playing with it you know normally when

they do ones that have the the prop it's either something really large and then

it's above ground or it's actually kind of stick down and make the thing come up

in in the back if you put it down all the way so this is nice has inverted

tiles on the underside so this is able to skim over surfaces pretty easily and

yeah there's just your one spot to barely put somebody back there so I

think this does everything that it needs to do and the build is fine

the criminals raft though is possibly a little bit more interesting to me it's

not a type of craft that I like more than the speedboat but there's just more

going on with this build and everything that goes with it I mean you've got the

the two pontoons that I'm assuming are either inflatable or rigid inflatable

pontoons and then you know the guy sits on one of

them man he paddles away furiously trying to get away with his cargo now he

has the skunk who

is taking a little bit of a free ride here is hitchhiking along I don't think

it was the intent of the criminal to keep the skunk with him probably just

hopped on at the last minute cuz hey maybe it's a criminal as well

it's trying to get away from the cops but you've got this container here this

chest has some stuff in it and that's kind of a broken top that's partly

broken open here but it's just kind of the stowaway hideaway container of goods

as well as a tool of the trade for the criminal there so it just has a

few gems in it that looked like they could probably be pretty valuable and

there's plenty of space to put that there so you know you could use this

with other sets put other criminals on here as well start to you know add more

to the scene you put other cargo on there other materials that have been

stolen you could just dump all this stuff right in there you can see how

much you know you just imagine how much stuff you could actually build up there

if you want the skunk can come along with other people and with cargo they're

just you know lots places that you can put things here so it's just to me it's

just something that that asks to be used in more different ways you know use your

imagination it's such a simple thing but I don't know it just seems like a good

basis for a building toy for me with all those those spots to connect things and

with all that open space to do with as you please

I took the lifejacket off the policeman so you can see his torso print better I

think that's a really good looking torso SAN blue is the base color and you see

it has three layers of clothing suggested here a little bit of depth

with the folded over collars and some pretty fine lines used they also give us

the printed legs but the the line thickness for those seems a little bit a

little bit larger a little bit out of place like an older print almost just

differences in in style and interpretation between different graphic

designers I'm assuming and then the kind of wannabe mountain man criminal is

still wearing his jail suit beneath his jacket

beyond the stripes there I think it's a pretty good print I just wish they

wouldn't always include the stripes I'd talk about that all the time he's got

his man bun going on back here and in the back again on the back of the police

torso fine lines and just a nice look it doesn't look like it's trying to be too

fancy or too high-class it still looks like a lego thing it just looks just

looks good to me there's your alternate face for when

this guy gets caught or possibly just when he has been stuck up when he's been

hit by the skunk although maybe this isn't quite a skunk afflicted face just

yet I think he would look even more distressed than that so this is probably

just when he's gotten caught and there's how the boat looks with both the cop in

there and the criminal being taken away as far as I can tell the skunky is

nothing new it's just the exact same mold of course as before and I believe

the same print as well looks pretty good though this is an OK set I think that it

would be pretty fun to play with for a lot of kids keep in mind that the boats

do not float and that goes for both of them but I think that it's well set up

for the most standard play patterns of just being on a carpet or table or

whatever I do feel like the u.s. price of this is a bit high for the volume of

stuff you get just subjectively I wish there is a little bit more I think the

UK price is very reasonable by comparison so you know it's just one

of those variances where maybe you don't end up getting the best value but not a

bad set I just wish it was a little bit cheaper but that just does it for my

thoughts on this one so I'm gonna get to work on the next video which will be

coming out pretty soon stay tuned I'll catch it in


For more infomation >> LEGO City Wild River Escape review! 60176 - Duration: 6:33.


Sports Flyer Design Tutorial | Photoshop Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 26:14.

Document 2004p* 2761p, resolution 300 px

color #d8dbde

For more infomation >> Sports Flyer Design Tutorial | Photoshop Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 26:14.


[ Advanced ] Snood Tutorial Bergère de France - Duration: 3:41.

Hello everyone

Today you will learn how to make stripes

and change the color of yarn by knitting this snood

We have chose the merinos 7 quality

as the main colour Moussaillon

and as the contrast colour Pissenlit and Orge

But there are other colours, it is up to you to use your creativity

For this you need 3 balls of MERINOS 7

You will also need a pair of 7 mm needles


a wool needle

and tape measure

Start with your main yarn

Leave 150 centimetres of yarn, before forming the first loop on the needle

Then, cast on 68 stitches

Knit 16 rows in Garter Stitch

Once your 16 rows are completed

cut the yarn, leaving 20 cm after the last stitch on the needle

On the next row, take your first contrast colour

Leave a 20 centimetre tail before knitting the first stitch

Knit 4 rows in Garter Stitch with this yarn

On the next row, take your second contrast colour

Leave a 20 centimetre tail before knitting the first stitch

Knit 2 rows Garter Stitch with this yarn

For ease of reference

we will now call the thread of the first secondary color : yarn A

and the yarn of the seconde secondary color : yarn B

You will now re-knit with your thread A

On the next row, collect the thread A

and make it along the edge

work 2 rows in Garter Stitch

Continue your stripes in the same way

On my piece, I have now knitted 4 rows wtith the thread B

8 rows with the thread A

4 rows with the thread B

and finished with 4 rows with the thread A

But you can decide to change colours when you want

On this pattern we finished with 17 rows in garter stitch in the main color

Now cast off your stitches

Cut the yarn 50 centimetres from the last stitch knitted

Join your snood with an invisible seam

Then weave in all the remaining ends of yarn inside your work

Your striped snood is now finished

Feel free to share the video and tell us which colour combinations you have chosen

See you soon for new tutorials

For more infomation >> [ Advanced ] Snood Tutorial Bergère de France - Duration: 3:41.


Kim And Kanye West's Son, Saint West, Hospitalized For Pneumonia|NVS News - Duration: 2:25.

Kim And Kanye West's Son, Saint West, Hospitalized For Pneumonia

The only son of power couple, Kim and Kanye West, Saint West spent the last few days of 2017 in a hospital bed.

According to TMZ, the two-year-old son of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was admitted to the hospital on Thursday with pneumonia and was released on Saturday, just in time to ring in the New Year.

Both Kardashian and West stayed by their toddler's side over the two days, including sharing overnight duties, a source told the gossip site.

Saint is now at home and reportedly doing well, the source added.

 My precious baby boy is so strong!" Kardashian, 37, wrote in a Tuesday, January 2 Instagram post.

After spending three nights in the hospital & seeing my baby get multiple iV's and hooked up to oxygen machines, our end of year was challenging.

Pneumonia is scary.

I just want to thank every nurse & doctor out there who works so hard around the clock.

We are so grateful for you all! He's home and all better.

He's so resilient.

I'm sure he will say the ambulance ride was cool! My strong saint.

For more infomation >> Kim And Kanye West's Son, Saint West, Hospitalized For Pneumonia|NVS News - Duration: 2:25.


2018 Yamaha R25 will look like R15 V3.0 and R3 will look like R6 | Yamaha R25, R3 new model 2018 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 2018 Yamaha R25 will look like R15 V3.0 and R3 will look like R6 | Yamaha R25, R3 new model 2018 - Duration: 2:15.


IT _Come guardare sfogliare o cancellare la cronologia delle ricerche su YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history.

Access your search history by selecting History in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab.Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> IT _Come guardare sfogliare o cancellare la cronologia delle ricerche su YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.


The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.67 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.01.04] - Duration: 33:59.

(Episode 67)

Meet me at the vacation house, midnight.

Don't go.

I said don't go.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant with your child.

You can't go anywhere now...

Without my permission.

Han Jiseop.

I'm sorry. Something urgent came up.

I can't keep our promise.

Let's reschedule.

Darn it!

Are you messing with me?

Don't ever make this kind of

ridiculous mistake again.

I won't it slide next time.

I'm 6 weeks pregnant.

I found out a few days ago.

I'll only allow you to look like that today.

From tomorrow, I won't ever forgive

you looking at me like that

with those horrible eyes.

The family you must protect...

Is now me and our child.

The place you're meant to be

is right here next to me.

We must keep this a secret from mother.

If she finds out I'm pregnant with your child...

Our child will be in danger.

- There... / - Wow.

What's all this?

What smells so good?

Wow, is this seafood stew?

It's fresh seafood that was caught today.

Jiseop went to the fish market this morning.

He did?

How did you think of doing that?

Have you got your memory back?

You used to love seafood stew.

Did I? Eat up, everyone.

Haesol, you eat up too.

Okay. Thank you for the food.

Jiseop, please take Haesol to kindergarten today.

I have to go to my office today.

I have to cancel our lease before we go to Australia.

Okay, I'll take her.

Did you really decide on it?

Geez, come on.

They've already made up their minds.

Why do you keep bringing it up?

Why are you trying to deter them?

I did no such thing.

It's not like they're leaving for good.

They'll only be gone 1 or 2 years.

The least you can do is support them.

Stop saying things to discourage them!

What's up with you?

- Why get mad at me? / - Why wouldn't I get mad?

Mom, don't be like that...

What's up with your mom these days?

She's always getting mad and going off at me.

I can't stand talking to her these days.

What do we do? He hardly gets angry.

Father must be really angry.

Mom, is it because you're upset about us

moving overseas?

What's there to be upset about?

I'm happy about it.

Don't be like that to dad.

Dad virtually raised Haesol.

He doesn't want to be apart from her, that's all.

Don't worry about your dad.

Just ignore everything and go.

Then you be good to dad in my stead.


No matter what anyone says...

You're Mo Jinja and Ki Raseong's daughter.

You got that?

Who doesn't know that in this world?

If there's even the slightest chance

that you are that madam's daughter...

I'll take the severest punishment for it.


(Big Heart Child Care)

When will my dad return?

He said in a few days.

Something urgent must've come up for him.

Will dad really miss me?

Of course. He misses you so much

and wants to come back quick

but something just came up.

I like you too now, mister.


You seem like a nice person.

Okay, go on in.

- Your teacher is waiting. / - Okay.

Be careful, you'll fall.

The selling point of our spicy seafood noodles

is the broth.

Its sales have risen by 150% from last month.

And there is an endless request for new franchise.

The noodle-making machine

was our best idea.

Making the noodles to order...

- Has given our flavors high praise. / - That's right.

By using noodle-making machines, we ensured

the same flavor in all of our restaurants

and it has become our distinct advantage.

(Han Jiseop)

What I'd like to request all of you here

is that we have stricter policies and evaluations

on all of our Gangin Foods suppliers.

So I'd like to take this opportunity

to implement a specialized evaluation system

to ensure objective and impartial selections.

So you're saying that the current system

has many problems and is flawed?

That is correct. Suppliers and subcontractors

being selected by one person,

as in the current system,

makes it difficult to deal with corruption.

Isn't that a direct attack on the directors

who have the authority on these matters?

That's right!

You speak as if there's corruption

in the approval system already.

Do you have any proof?

I am only suggesting this because

I feel there is something going on.

What is he on about?

Then bring substantial proof before you speak.

Criticizing the current system without any proof

is not something you are authorized to do.

And it can severely damage our company reputation.

(From Naeil Foods, CEO Jeong Dongil)


Congratulations on your promotion, Chief Director.

Thank you, CEO Jeong.

Did you enjoy the cake

I gave you last time?

Excuse me?

Oh, yes. I enjoyed it.

I'm so relieve to hear that.

Yes, thank you.

Good work, CEO Jeong.

Have you decided on a date to leave the country?

That's good.

Have a good rest for a few months.



Sir, it's Han Jiseop on the line.

Connect me through.

Yes, this is Kang Jaeuk.

Kang Jaeuk?

You've become so natural now

after living with my mask on.

What do you want?

Are you kidding me? You broke our promise

and that's the first thing you ask?

I'm a little busy right now.

- Let's talk later. / - Want me to come up instead?

I have things to take care of.

I need time to sort them out.

Sure you haven't changed your mind?

Not at all. I'll set a date

and call you back tomorrow.

Your daughter is waiting desperately for her real dad.

Don't turn me into a liar and make sure you call.

I will.

Was that Jaeuk?

He must be in a hurry.

He's really rushing.

He must be very antsy.

Mother always said this.

There can never be two suns in the sky.

One of them must disappear.

That way everyone lives.

I'm sorry.

Kang Jaeuk...

Are you looking for someone?

Wait a minute.

Aren't you the daughter of the madam

who visited my restaurant last time?

You recognized me.

Are you here for Seora?

Yes, that's right. But

it seems like she's not home so I'd better go.

- Good-bye then. / - Wait.

Come in for some tea.

Excuse me?


You're here.

I told you she'd be here right away.

Let's go into Seora's room and have some tea.

Is that okay?

Come in.

What did you just say?

Where are you going?

We're going to Australia.

We're getting things ready now.

No way.

Have you really decided to go to Australia?

Haerim introduced us to someone who can help.

Jin Haerim?

So this is Jin Haerim's doing?


I don't want to hate you.

Please don't tempt my husband.

And your husband says he'll go too?

- Did he agree to it? / - Yes.

Jiseop wants to go too.

So you need to let go.

Please don't tempt Jiseop when

he has made up his mind.

Did you run a DNA test on

Jiseop and Haesol? Did you?

No, there's no need.

What are you saying?

I saw the DNA test on Kang Jaeuk and his mother.

It was certain that they were mother and son.

- Really? / - So...

Miryeong, please let go.

Make a deal with me.

I'll find you your birth parents.

So you give me a gift too.

What do you mean, birth parents?

What are you saying?

Don't you understand?

I'll help you find the parents that gave birth to you.

How do you know who my birth parents are?

And who told you...

- That I have different parents? / - Forget all that.

I'll help you find your real parents.

I'll find you the parents you lost 24 years ago

and you give me your husband.

Yang Miryeong,

are you out of your mind?

Do you think I'm joking right now?

Then please leave.

I don't want to speak with you anymore.

And don't ever

come near Jiseop again.

I won't just watch next time.

You treat me like I'm crazy now

but you'll know in time.

Exactly what has been going on around you

without you even knowing.

But by then, it'll be too late.

No way...

How does she know my birth parents?

There's no mistake.

She definitely knows something.

Could it be...

That the madam's real daughter

is my Seora?

What do I do?

My goodness, what do I do?

(Assemblyman Jin Gukhyeon)

What are you doing here without even calling?



What do you mean you're going to Australia?

How did you find out?

What are you planning behind my back?

Tell me right now!

Plan what?

Ki Seora said she wanted to take a break overseas

for a year or two

so I agreed.

I heard Haerim organized it.

You know everything!

That horrible girl.

Haerim knows you have your memory back.

And she plans to send you overseas.

That's her charm.

Why can't you be half the man Han Jiseop is?

Now you're comparing me to him?

If you like him that much,

make him your son.

Fine. If you fool around with Haerim's plans,

that's exactly what will happen.

You don't

seriously mean that, do you?

That's why I'm telling you to get your head straight

and stay focused!

Han Jiseop's family have

accepted Seora, Haesol and me going overseas.

Now all you have to do is end the game properly.

Get rid of Han Jiseop right now.

Tie him up with Ki Seora and send them abroad.

Then you want me to save his life?

You take care of that.

You started all this.

If you leave the embers burning

they'll come back alive and burn you and me

to the ground.

Don't look down on Han Jiseop.

He's a lot smarter than you.

I told you not to compare.

I'm the rich prince.

He's the smart pauper.

I'm your son.

He's a stranger.

Got that?

Oh, you're Seora's mother, right?

How have you been?

The marinated crab turned out well

so I brought some for you to taste.

You shouldn't keep bringing things like this.

I'm sure you eat much better food than this

but please have a taste. It marinated perfectly.

It was a shame not to share.

Thank you. We're enjoying your kimchi from last time.

I really appreciate it.

Not at all. It's more than enough for me

that it's to your liking.

Let's have some tea.


The thing is...

Did you find your daughter's photo last time?

The photo?

My daughter took it and lost it.

What a shame.

That must be a precious photo.

You're right. I'm so upset about it.

Does that mean

you have no childhood photos of your daughter?

I do. Please wait here.

This is the missing child flyer for my daughter.

This is my daughter's photo.

Is something wrong?

I-I just suffer from hand tremors.

(Missing Child, Jin Yeorim)

She looks a lot different now, doesn't she?

Excuse me?

No, no.

It looks just like her.


People keep saying they look nothing alike

so it was bothering me.

You must be happy.

I'm happy. But my daughter

can't seem to adapt.

I should've found her when she was younger.

I feel so bad

whenever I think of that.

Oh, look at me.

I have to go and prepare the noodle broth.

I'd better go now.

Let me invite you for dinner next time.

I should repay your kindness.

Yes, sure...

What do I do? What do I do?

What do I do now?

What am I to do?

Her parents were so close and yet

she didn't know for 24 years.

What am I going to do with Seora?

No. After all I did to raise Seora.

She's my precious daughter.

Seora's the child that saved my life.

No matter what anyone says, she's my daughter.

I don't care.

It's not my problem.





Did you study hard

and have fun with your friends?

Yes, dad.

Mister, are you really Haesol's dad?

And who are you?

He's my deskmate but he always teases me for

having no dad so I hit him.

You deserve to be hit.

How does Haesol have no dad?

Her handsome dad is right here.

You bother Haesol again

and I'll teach you a lesson.


Stupid coward!

Little lady,

shall we go home now?

I'm fine.

Grandpa made this for you.

Grandpa will be happy about you wearing it now.

But, mister...

What is it?

My real dad can take his time.

What do you mean by that?

If he's busy, he can take his time.


your hands are warm now just like dad's.

How about I use these warm hands...

To give you a plane ride?


- Let's go! / - Let's go.

Why did you call me out?

What is this?

What is all this?

It's a gift for taking care of grandfather.

Is this really for me?

My goodness.

Don't complain about meat at home

and go out and buy yourself some.


Did you say your son was your dead sister's child?

That's right. He's my dead sister, Miyeong's son.

Are you certain that your son

isn't a twin?

Of course. When I got to the hospital,

Jiseop was crying by himself.

Why wouldn't the doctor have told me if he was a twin?

That's true.

You'd better go now.

What is all this?

Why are my bags out here?

Who is it? Who threw my bags out here?

Who is it?

It's me. Open the door.

I'm the caretaker.

Don't you dare open the door.

Excuse me?

Oh, yes...

Madam says not to open the door.

What did you say?

You can't do this.

Open this door right now.

Open up!

Thank you for your hard work.

I'll wire your pay to your account.

Give your account number to the maid.

You can't just kick me out like this.

You can kick me out when you want

but I must say good-bye to the chairman.

Please, open the door.


Who are you?

What are you doing? Let go of me.


Give me a glass of water.

- I'm so thirsty. / - Won't be long.

Part-timer, water please.

Here's your water.

I've never seen you two before.

He's my part-timer assistant.

What would you like?

Forget the noodles. Is the owner in?

Are you a friend?


Your friend is here.

- Mihong. / - Jinja...


What do I do now?

What's going on?

Why are they crying?

Did you two cause trouble?

- No. / - No.

(Kang Jaeuk)


Let's meet tomorrow.


At the vacation house.

There won't be any problems tomorrow, right?

I don't make the same mistake twice.

I won't let it slide this time.

Sure you haven't changed your mind?

Okay. Vacation house. Tomorrow.

What? Tomorrow.

They've decided to meet tomorrow

at the vacation house.

Mr. Ju, I won't allow any mistakes this time.

If Han Jiseop remains alive and goes to Australia,

it'll be all over for you, me

and even Assemblyman Jin Gukhyeon.

Carry out the plan without a single mistake.

Make sure Jiseop and Haerim don't catch on.

Be extra careful.

(Nice dad)

(Haesol's gift)

Han Jiseop,

you'll be back here by tomorrow.

You have nothing to regret

even after you've come down from there.

These precious treasures

are waiting for you right here.

You're early.

How does it feel?

To return home no longer wearing that mask?

How does it feel to return to your place, Jaeuk?

I thought I'd be happy,

but not as much.

The same goes for me.

Should we not swap then?

I'm just kidding.

Let's get on with it.


They will swap clothes and return to their homes.

Han Jiseop will be in a jumper.

Jaeuk will be in a suit.

Take care of it without any error.

Han Jiseop has changed into Kang Jaeuk's jumper

and is heading home.

Make sure you don't lose him.



Why didn't you take the picture I drew for you?

Did you leave it because

it was too ugly?

Oh, right. I forgot about it.

Okay, just wait a bit. I'll be right there.

For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.67 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.01.04] - Duration: 33:59.


Tutorial Snood - Duration: 1:31.

You will now re-knit with your thread A

On the next row, collect the thread A

and make it along the edge

Thread your thread A over the thread B

and behind the left needle and hold it

Make sure that it is the same lenght

as the height of the two rows knitted with thread B

it should not be too tight or too loose

Sew your needle and knit a stitch with your thread A

here is the edge

you see your thread A, follow your two rows of thread B

But you can decide to change colours when you want

When knitting your last row withe one of the yarns,

cut it off leaving 20 centimeters after the last stitch

Do not forget to leave 20 centimeters of yarn before knitting the first stitch

Feel free to share the video

See you soon for new tutorials

For more infomation >> Tutorial Snood - Duration: 1:31.


"It's always really hard playing against him"—Roberto Firmino lauds Virgil van Dijk's abilities - Duration: 3:37.

"It's always really hard playing against him"—Roberto Firmino lauds Virgil van Dijk's abilities

Everyone associated with Liverpool is happy that Virgil van Dijk has finally signed, but perhaps that goes most of all for the Reds' forwards.

While Jurgen Klopp's front men are feared throughout the Premier League, there have been a handful of opponents who find a way to thwart them.

Last season Southampton were one of those, as the Reds failed to score in four attempts against Saints—two in the league, two in the League Cup.

Dutch defender Van Dijk played in two of those matches, one as Saints' skipper in the semi-final first leg and the Premier League game in November 2016 when Liverpool sat top of the table heading into the match.

On both occasions the Dutch defender marshalled the back line with great consistency and ability, and forward Roberto Firmino is in no doubt that it'll be far better to have van Dijk on his team rather than opposing him from now on.

"He's a really, really good defender.

It's always really hard playing against him," the No.

9 told

"It's very hard, he marks very tightly and I just think he's a really, really high-quality player.

Firmino, who has 16 goals for the Reds in all competitions this term, expanded on what makes Van Dijk such a difficult opponent to face.

"I think in addition to the fact he's very physical, it's his presence.

He's tall, he's very strong and that's in addition to his innate ability.

"I just hope he helps us as much as possible.

I think like everybody else who comes in, they add something to the group and I hope that he can also do that and bring something to the team himself.

"I'm really looking forward to playing alongside him, of course.

"Obviously it's great that he's joined our team and now that he's come with us of course I'll welcome him in with open arms and I'll look to make friends with him.

With this particular duo at either end of the pitch, Klopp's side has become just a little more impressive than they already were.

For more infomation >> "It's always really hard playing against him"—Roberto Firmino lauds Virgil van Dijk's abilities - Duration: 3:37.


Glowing Skin Naturally at Home with Carrot Juice | Glow Skin in a Week In Urdu - Duration: 7:48.

Glowing Skin Naturally at Home in Urdu

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