Homemade Giant Yogurette
All ingredients & quantitative data are listed & linked in the infobox below.
Welcome to a new video...
...today I show you a recipe for a giant Yogurette chocolate bar...
...for that we first need a loaf pan (length 30cm)...
...also a stable &flexible plastic plate with the dimensions 30cm x 20cm...
...fold together the plastic plate a bit...
...& line the loaf pan...
...so that a rounding is created at the bottom of the pan...
...stick together with sellotape...
...next, grease the pan with a bit oil...
...& finally line with cling film as smooth as possible...
...then set aside...
...go on with the yogurt...
...which we have to drain a bit first...
...for that line a mixing bowl with a clean kitchen towel...
...add 500 grams cream yogurt...
...fold together...
...screw in a bit...
...& then squeeze out as much liquid as possible...
...if that's done place the kitchen towel including yogurt in a sieve & also set aside until further use...
...next, we can prepare the strawberry pellets...
...for that give 30 grams freeze-dried strawberries into a mortar...
...pestle for about 1 - 2 minutes...
...until you got a fine strawberry powder...
...give strawberry powder along with 30 grams powdered sugar...
...& 50 grams melted copha into a small bowl
...mix together...
...until everything is well combined...
...& then use a teaspoon to spread about 20 small strawberry heaps on a baking paper...
...afterwards set aside to harden...
...for the yogurt cream give drained yogurt (should be about 200 - 250 grams now)...
...along with 100 grams melted copha...
...& 600 grams melted white chocolate in a large mixing bowl...
...mix together for about 1 - 2 minutes...
...until everything is well combined...
...then pour the yogurt mixture into the prepared loaf pan...
...smooth down a bit...
...press the hardened strawberry pellets into the cream...
...& smooth down again with a spatula to close the holes...
...finally pour 100 grams melted milk chocolate on top...
...& spread evenly with a brush...
...next, allow the chocolate bar to rest in the fridge...
...for about 4 hours to set completely...
...afterwards we can lift the Yogurette out of the pan by pulling at the cling film ends...
...carefully overthrow onto the countertop...
...remove cling film...
...& then use a teaspoon to carve in the typical pattern by inscribing wavy strips onto the surface...
...if that's done line the countertop with a sheet baking paper...
...centrally place two equal high coffee mugs onto it & carefully set the Yogurette on top...
...next, melt 300 grams milk &100 grams dark chocolate...
...stir together well...
...& pour over the Yogurette to coat the whole bar in chocolate...
...gently lift up the bar with your hands...
...& carefully shake it back and forth...
...so that the excess chocolate can drip off & the inscribed pattern can be seen better...
...finally remove the chocolate tips at the bottom with a knife ...
...& allow the Yogurette to harden completely...
...& now we are done...
...that's what the Yogurette looks at the inside...
...here's a original beside...
...I hope you liked the video...
...please leave a comment & let me know what you want to see next...
...I wish you lots of fun baking...
...& see you next video!
For more infomation >> Homemade Giant Yogurette || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
'Simon Cowell vs. Ryan Seacrest' Official Clip | Celebrity Deathmatch | #TBTMTV - Duration: 6:12.
It's Simon Cowel versus Ryan Seacrest.
Say Nick, it looks like you have some fans in the audience.
I do?
Those two gentlemen right over there.
They've been trying to get your attention.
We've had some good times over the years, haven't we Johnny.
And they're not over yet.
Let's go down to ring side where Tally Wong
is with Ryan Seacrest.
Thanks Johnny.
Ryan, you and Simon regularly trade insults on American Idol,
but are you ready to go head to head?
Yeah, I think I am Tally.
Do you really think you can defeat Simon?
Tally, I can only hope that you the viewers at home
will find it in their hearts to make me the winner.
So what do you say America, if you want me to win,
please text your vote to IDOL 01.
That's Ido...
Ryan, America doesn't get to vote.
You have to fight Simon Cowel, in the ring, to the death.
Is Seacrest making a fuss?
I knew we should have kept Dunkleman.
Now that gentlemen had testicles.
Dunkleman? Dunkleman?
You sir have just bought yourself a death match.
All right you two.
I'm told you're both on some TV show, but frankly if you're not
on Gunsmoke, I don't know you.
Let's get it on!
There's the bell, and the battle is on.
Seacrest, I'm going to drop you faster
than a syndicated talk show.
Yolk's on you Cowel, I was dropped really fast by
a syndicated talk show.
How ironic that you don't know the meaning of the word ironic.
Oh, here it comes, another shining example
of a Seacrest come back.
You're a doo doo head!
Seacrest that was about as effective as panties
at an Art Kelly party.
You're in trouble doo doo head.
Astonishing, I'm met MPCs with more brains than you.
A hit.
That's more hits than all the American Idol albums combined.
Is that all you've got?
Clay Aitken punches harder than you do.
Seacrest punches.
Seacrest kicks.
Seacrest round house.
Okay, you've had your fun, now it's mine.
Seacrest doomed!
Simon says, bleed.
Oh boy, that's about as embarrassing as things can get.
Can you imagine a grown man wearing such underwear?
Unless Seacrest can find some way to counter, this is going
to get as ugly as from Justin to Kelly.
Oh! And Seacrest is down.
That's gotta hurt eh Nick?
Well, I'm sure he prefers it to being buried waste deep
in the Mexican desert, helpless to defend yourself
as every insect, bird and rodent
within ten miles feeds on your body, stripping
you of your flesh, bit by bit, until your death by thirst
three days later, comes as a welcome relief.
Geez, that was dark Nick.
And for what?
For being one short?
You kill a guy just for being one short?
He did his best.
He's not a professional.
They know that going in.
Is that it?
Is that all you've got?
You fight like a theme park wedding singer performing
Karaoke on a cruise ship.
Yes, that just about covers it.
No, stop it.
I'm not a contestant. I'm not a contestant.
Had enough?
Because so far you're fighting is about as effective
as the French Army.
You call that an insult?
I've heard that insults from Randy Jackson's
arse some Chile night.
... It's a good thing you're so gorgeous.
You're going to Hollywood, or yes you are, you splendid thing.
How dare you hit me when I'm admiring myself.
Okay, Seacrest, the kid gloves are off.
And Cowel goes back on the offensive.
What are you going to do Simon, attack me with
more of your rapier-like wit?
That's exactly what I'm going to do.
My face...my beautiful, beautiful face.
I guess you'll never be America's Idol now.
Yeah, yeah, you're all rubbish.
You call that a stool leg through the brain, because it
was less than....oh wait no, it was quite effective....
I did it!
I killed him!
I've been waiting four years to say this.
Cowel out!
Oh, could you be any more obvious?
And Ryan Seacrest wins.
Seacrest killed Cowel with his stool.
And the winner is... what's the name again?
Ryan Seacrest...although I'm thinking of changing it
to Lord Rumblebottom.
What do you think?
That should go over big with the flyover people.
The winner is Lord Rumblebottom.
Well, that could not have been more exciting.
Little Women: LA - Christy Opens Up To Her Mom About Todd (Season 7, Episode 18) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:26.
Interns Vs. Anchors: KLG And Hoda Face Off Against The Interns In A Pop Culture Quiz | TODAY - Duration: 4:49.
Two Ladies Get Stunning Ambush Makeovers: 'This Is A Miracle!' | TODAY - Duration: 5:08.
You Think I Won't Kill You? | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:54.
Hey! Newbie, get to work.
Get to work.
Work violation. Work violation.
Lay those charges every six feet.
Keep it moving!
Hey, you!
Those are explosives!
IOI will not reimburse any lost coin if you zero out.
Keep it moving!
So what is this challenge, some sort of video game thing?
An Atari 2600, sir.
And every game ever made for it, thousands of possibilities.
Come up!
this is how you plan to resolve
the fate of the world's most important economic resource?
- Call me when you're close. - Yes, sir.
Go, go! No! Ahh!
One minute into "Centipede", the ice broke.
It has to be "Joust"!
Halliday still holds the world record on the 2600 port of that game.
Maybe we just need to beat his high score.
"Pitfall"! One of the only 2600 games that still hasn't ended.
And how about those "Swordquest" games?
Yes! The "Swordquest" games.
They were created for a contest Atari held with real...
I-R0k, how are we doin'?
To be honest, I think I need physical therapy because it's not...
Is the Orb ready?
Um, as you wish.
The Orb...
Of Osuvox.
How does it work?
Has it got, like, a remote or is there a button or something?
Nolan, it's a level-99 magic artifact,
not one of your drones, so it is activated by a magic spell.
Would you care to do the honors?
Where is she?
How'd you get in here?
- Art3mis. - Who?
Samantha Cook. Where is she?
If you wanna talk, we can talk, but you gotta put that gun down.
You killed my mom's sister.
You think I won't kill you?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just slow down, okay?
That was a corporate decision. It was not personal.
Where is she?
She's downstairs in the loyalty center!
I know she's in the goddamn loyalty center.
You're gonna tell me exactly which rig she's in
and the access code to contact her.
Yeah, that seems appropriate.
Start with access code.
6, 45, 7, 25.
Where's the rig?
I think he pissed himself.
Good job, Z. We're in his account.
So he really doesn't know he's in the OASIS?
This is what Sorrento should be seeing,
but this... This is what we're making him see.
We grabbed him in transit just as he was logging out of the OASIS,
so he thinks he's back in his office in the real world.
But actually, he's here, in the identical office that Aech built.
So, you basically just remotely hacked his rig.
A fixed rig like Sorrento's is easy to locate, hard to hack.
Unless he's stupid enough to leave his password lying around.
Loyalty center, I'm in.
All right, let's get to work.
Sculpting a Table with Wings - Duration: 9:57.
today I'm building this little table with wings. Now I realized the shape of
this little table may not be to everyone's liking. Wwhen the client
described the design to me I was a little skeptical that I could even build
the thing. The shape of the top and lower shelf seemed like it would be really
hard to make exactly the same, if I were to carve them by hand. But once I
figured out an order of operations, it greatly simplified the build.
Once I milled up all the lumber I glued up the top and bottom shelf. Usually when I do a
glue up of this kind I use biscuits or dominoes to keep the pieces from
slipping while tightening the clamps. Now since these are going to get a lot of
material carved out from the center. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't expose a
misplaced domino while carving, so I took a little extra time during the glue up.
to try to keep the pieces aligned with each other. When cutting the pieces to
length I butted the two pieces together to add a little bit more
stability with the track
Once I had them cut to length, i used the temple to trace out the wing shape
on the ends of each piece then headed to the table saw to cut away the bulk of
the material
I set up a dado stack about three quarters of an inch wide. There's a lot
of material to cut away all at once. I just took small passes
I started on the outside edges and work my way towards the middle. This seemed a
little safer because if the piece wandered away from the fence during the
cut the back of the blade would most likely end up in the void I had already
cut and reduced the chance of kicking back. I slowly worked my way across the
piece and raised the blade to the final depth of cut and repeated the process.
Once I had the center waste removed, it was time to cut the lower curve. I raised
the blade to the height of the curve then sited down the blade adjusting the
angle until it matched the curve as close as I could get it. I clamped a
sacrificial fence to the table for the workpiece to ride against. I lowered the
blade and made shallow past letting the edge of the saw teeth do the
With each pass I raise the blade about the height of the carbide of the teeth
of the saw blade. Several passes later I reach my layout line. The remaining wood
would be cleaned up at the bench with some hand tools.
Before I cut the shape of the upper curves I wanted to get rid of the
majority of the waste material so I tipped the blade roughly to the same
angle as the curve, I adjusted the fence the right distance and cut away the excess.
Then for the inner curve I did the same thing. Readjusted the angle of the blade,
the blade height, and the distance from the fence, and cut away the excess
I played it safe not wanting to cut too deep on the inside cut, so there was a
ridge of excess wood I needed to remove. A chisel and mallet made quick work of
that. Once I had the edge cleaned up I turned to my hand plane to smooth out
the top to get rid of the saw marks left behind from the dado blade. In this
orientation I am planing across the grain so I stopped periodically to
sharpen the blade. More often than usual
I used a hold fast to add a little extra downward pressure when I moved on to the wings
To create the curve I took shallow passes working the plane back and forth
following the curved layout line. The closer I got to the line and curved
shape the shallower passes I took. I should also mention that I cut the piece
about an inch wider than needed so I would not have to worry about any
tear-out happening on the edges. Especially since I'm planning across the
grain tear-out is inevitable
To refine the curve and get rid of the planer marks Iused a Festool
interface sanding pad.It works great on irregular surfaces and contours to shape
the workpiece.
After finishing up sanding I moved on to ripping the legs to the widest width
I set up a stop on my miter gauge and cut them to their final length. To attach
the legs to the top and shelf I'm going to use dowel joinery so I made a quick
jig to help me center the hole on all the legs. It's a pretty simple Jig. I drilled
the hole in one of the cut-offs and used some CA glue to add a couple of fences
to register against. Then clamp it to the leg, drilled a quick hole and moved on to
the next leg
Since the legs are tapered on all four sides a standard tapering jig was not
going to work. So I cobbled together a quick jig from plywood. I marked a
centerline on the jig and on the legs so I would have something to register to
when loading the jig. Then I made the cut but half way through the cut I realized
I was going to cut into the clamp so had to shut the saw down, wait for it to stop
before removing the jig to adjust the clamps. Total rookie move!
I got my jig reset and cut the tapers on the front and back of the legs. Then
cut the tapers on the sides of the legs. I had to readjust the clamps to hold
against a front taper while I cut the taper on the sides.
son of a............ while the table saw blade winds down so I can move the clamp out
of the way, let's talk about paint. As a woodworker I hate anything that is not
the natural color of wood. I think this thing would have looked awesome in some
lace wood or a zebra wood but the client was a fan of the Smurfs cartoon growing
up so I painted it Smurfs blue for her. To prep the paint for the gun I used an
additive called floetrol. It thins the paint so it'll go through the gun but
also extends the dry time of the paint so it will level out and create a
smoother finish. I did a crosshatch pattern when painting to ensure a good
coverage. Since it'll be hard to balance the thin legs on the clamps I cut a
piece of plywood to use as a platform to clamp against. I used epoxy for the
glue up to give me plenty of working time and to get all the legs lined up in the
during installation.
I did a quick double check to be sure the legs are all lined up and then glued
the top on. When putting the top on, it took my time to be sure I wouldn't smear
glue all over the underside.
Another quick check of the legs to be sure they were lined up before clamping it
all up. Then to prevent scuffing the paint I draped a towel over the table
and then tighten down the clamps
Glasgow, Scotland -- Princess Cruises Local Connections - Duration: 3:03.
♪Bagpipes and a hip, hop beat ♪
Scotland is just such a vibrant country and from the scenery to the people.
It's such a friendly place. There's always so much to do.
Emma: I grew up in Glasgow, from Glasgow borne and bred.
Glasgow's a wonderful city, it's still in my heart.
Bob Webster: It's a very welcoming place, that is
Scotland, and Glasgow in particular has a reputation for
welcoming people.
Andrew: Those very songs about Loch Lomond, ah, you can go and
sing "The Bonnie, Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond: if you wish.
The point you see above the water, then basically it's
deeper below the water. Go for a sail on Loch Lomond, see
Cameron House, see the wildlife that's along the shore.
Scotland is famous for its castles.
Andrew: Castles, once you build them, they tend to stay a long
number of years unless they've been invaded by someone so
that's what we've got so many of them still. Inveraray was
used for 'Downton Abbey,' probably more famous for
'Downton Abbey' than for what it was built for.
Gemma: Very emotional, I think, because you walk in and you're
on the castle esplanade and you have everything, kind of,
around you. It's so grand.
Andrew: Stirling Caste, that's where William Wallace was from.
Gemma: Sitting on top of the road dominating the city.
Andrew: I mean, just imagine the many, many years ago when
people were trying to invade the castle.
Gemma: From that moment seeing it, you just think, 'Wow!"
And then already you're excited.
Andrew: The New Transport Museum which is, again, voted
European Museum Of The Year. The old museum was great —
the new museum is so much better.
The Transport Museum and the Kelvingrove Art Gallery.
You could spend days in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery.
It doesn't matter how many times I go into it, I always
find something different.
Bob: Glasgow Cathedral, it's been a place of worship for
800 years.
Andrew: Every great city has its own cathedral. The Glasgow
Cathedral, is just such a lovely building and again,
that's what you say about Glasgow, you really need to look up.
Gemma: So much history and so much passion.
Andrew: Whiskey is something, probably a little bit like wine
there's so many different flavors.
Bob: Near Glasgow, there are two first class distilleries,
Auchentoshan and Glengoyne. I've got a bottle at home of
10-year old single malt Glengoyne and I must try it some time.
Andrew: So many shop, it's just a vibrant city.
Bob: There's a wonderful street called Buchanan Street, it's
full of really nice shops. The best fish and chips just off
Buchanan Street, there's little chips down the lane.
Andrew: Whiskey, tartan, and shortbread. But there's a lot
more to Scotland than that.
The home of the bagpipes is certainly Scotland.
Bob: I've heard them from weddings to funerals involves
a piper. It's got a great tradition, as well.
Gemma: We have so much to offer. We have so many different sites.
Bob: There are 30 million people in North America who
can claim to have some sort of Scottish descent.
Andrew: Don't always believe everything you read.
Sometimes, it's better to ask a local.
Ist weniger mehr? - Ant-Man and the Wasp | Film Review (spoilerfrei) - Duration: 7:18.
Spanish for survival - Frases con animales - Duration: 1:26.
At don Quijote, we're environmentally conscious
and in tune with our surroundings
That's why today we're bringing you common sayings with animals
If you come to learn Spanish with don Quijote,
you'll feel like fish in the water
In other words,
you'll feel comfortable wherever you go
But if you come in winter,
be careful!
You might become a little bird
It's not that you're going to frow feathers,
but you might feel very cold
In Spanish, we have expressions
with roosters
To do something in less time than it takes for a rooster to crow
means to do it really quickly
If someone tells you you're a chicken,
it means you're a bit of a coward,
you run away at the drop of a hat
If you're watching this video around lunchtime,
you probably want to kill the little worm
In other words, you're probably a bit hungry
and want to eat something so you're not hungry anymore.
So, have fun with animals
and talk about them in Spanish.
See you later.
Get Rid of Quick Access on Google Drive - Duration: 1:15.
This is Darius from http://therabbitpad.com, and in this video I'm going to show you
how you can get rid of that quick access toolbar in Google Drive. Please make sure
to hit that subscribe button as well as that notification bell to receive
updates when I post videos in the future. Google Drive has this relatively new
feature called the Quick Access menu, which is useful for me because it allows
me to quickly open a document that I may be using frequently. However, you may not
want to use it. So this is how you get rid of the quick access toolbar. You
click the gear in the upper right hand corner of the screen, which takes you to
your settings. And then scroll down to where it says suggestions and uncheck
this box that says "make relevant files handy when you need them in quick access."
So uncheck that box, click done, and then refresh your screen. And now that quick
access toolbar is gone. Thank you so much for watching this video and please be
sure to subscribe.
120 Cool Backyard Pond Design Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:33.
What's My Hogwarts House? - Duration: 9:39.
- Hello, hello, hello my friends.
Kaitlyn here and what's my Hogwarts House?
(upbeat electronic music)
So growing up, I was a huge Harry Potter fan,
like I read the first book when I was in 4th grade
and my best friend and I would play our own
like Harry Potter Hogwarts games where we were
like characters inside of the books.
One of the big things about Harry Potter is
kind of wondering what is your Hogwarts House?
And so everybody has like their own opinions
and you wanna take quizzes about what it is
and so I had always imagined myself as a Ravenclaw
because I went to William and Mary,
I was like top of my class and just always like
reading books and learning and stuff,
but when Pottermore first came out
and there was like an official Sorting Hat
quiz made by JK Rowling,
I took that and I was actually sorted into Gryffindor,
and I was like, oh, okay, well, I guess I can
see this because Hermione's in Gryffindor,
you can still be really smart and stuff,
that makes sense and then a couple years later
they relaunched Pottermore and had like
a lot more stuff on it and so I wanted to
go back and look and found that I couldn't
access my original account,
so I had to take the sorting quiz again.
I was like, that's fine, I'll just be Gryffindor again,
obviously, but when I took it, I was actually
sorted into Slytherin and I was like, what?!
How could I possibly be a Slytherin,
that just seems crazy to me.
Okay, so the Sorting Hat says about Gryffindor:
"you might belong in Gryffindor,
"where dwell the brave at heart,
"their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart."
Okay, makes sense, so what did it say about Slytherin?
"Or perhaps in Slytherin,
"You'll make your real friends,
"those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."
Generally, we think of Slytherin as like
cunning and ambitious, right?
We tend to take that negatively and I don't think
that JK Rowling intended for ambition,
cunning, resourcefulness, to just be a negative thing.
So what I wanted to do is to take a couple of quizzes online
including the Pottermore quiz again,
and definitively decide, with the internet as my witness,
what Hogwarts House I'm actually in,
because now people ask me what it is and I'm like,
I don't know anymore, but we're gonna do this
and we're gonna accept whatever the results are.
So, first quiz is a BuzzFeed quiz
because obviously BuzzFeed is the internet's
foremost place to go for quizzes, right?
"You've made it to Hogwarts, which means you've already
"bought a wand from Ollivander's.
"What material is at its core?"
Unicorn hair, of course.
"During the end-of-year exams,
"you notice that one of your classmates
"is using an enchanted quill."
I feel like I'd be somewhere between encouraging
the other student and then doing nothing,
just because sometimes I'm like,
uh, just leave it alone unless someone else,
you know, it's affecting me directly.
Let's go with encourage the other student (laughs).
That's probably the Gryffindor answer,
I think at heart I wanna be a Gryffindor,
is really what happens.
"You would be most hurt if a person called you"
(stammers) ignorant.
"You're locked in a duel with a skilled opponent.
"They fire an unknown spell at you, and you shout:"
This one seems like weighted to be Slytherin
as like evil, that's not cool.
Probably Expelliarmus, I mean,
disarm them, then they can't do anything.
"Which of these most accurately describes
"your relationship with your closest friends?"
Surrounding myself with people, no (laughs).
I mean, like I am wary around new people,
but that doesn't describe my relationship
with my closest friends, so no.
"Which of your skills are you most proud of?"
Definitely not to make new friends,
we all know I'm very bad at that,
so yeah, absorb new information.
"You're allowed a pet at Hogwarts:"
A cat, obviously.
"Choose a Deathly Hallow."
Don't you have to choose the Cloak of Invisibility?
Didn't we learn that the other two were like the bad ones?
"And finally: We know the Sorting Hat takes into account
"your preferences, so which Hogwarts House
"do you feel you identify the most closely?"
Let's do Gryffindor, cause that's the one I felt like it,
(bell dings) hey, okay, see,
see, now look at this.
Alright, so BuzzFeed says I'm Gryffindor.
I feel like I've taken this before
and I've gotten this like exact result, so,
who knows, who knows, this is why we're gonna take multiple
and two out of three is what we're gonna go for.
So the second one is gonna be this Time quiz.
It's like done by social scientists, yeah.
"Social scientist from Cambridge University
"to create a science-based quiz
"on which House best matches your personality."
"If there is an important reason to face something
"that scares me, I will face it."
Yeah, definitely, if it's important.
"I tend to manipulate others to get my way."
Mmm, yes?
"I've used flattery to get my way."
Not necessarily.
"If I'm worried or anxious about something,
"I will do or face it anyway," yeah.
I hate it, but I do.
I see myself as oh, definitely not disorganized or careless.
"I wouldn't want people to treat me
"as though I were superior to them."
I guess, yeah.
"I will do things even though they seem to be dangerous."
Well, it depends, like, if I have to do them, yes.
If I don't have to do them, not so much.
"I'm an ordinary person who is no better than others."
I mean, I like to think of myself as special.
Like I don't really think that I'm really
better than others, but somewhere in between.
"I tend to exploit others toward my own end."
I don't really think so.
"I have used deceit or lied to get my way."
Maybe, sometimes, five (laughs).
"I often push myself very hard when trying to
"achieve a goal," yes (laughs).
Hufflepuff, what?
I've never been sorted into Hufflepuff before.
"Your personality shows a high degree of friendliness
"and humility, which are valued among
"members of Hufflepuff House."
What the heck, why did Pottermore sort me into Slytherin?
Alright, let's see what Pottermore says.
Uh, we can't really do two out of three,
if we get a different answer on every one.
"Moon or stars," stars.
"Four boxes are placed before you.
"Which would you try and open?"
"The small pewter box, unassuming and plain,"
uh, this one, I don't know.
"If you could have any power, which would you choose?"
Invisibility, sometimes I already feel like I have that.
Power to change the past, ooh, I would be change the past.
"Which of the following do you find
"most difficult to deal with?"
Honestly I feel like maybe cold.
I get so cranky when I'm cold.
"How would you like to be known in history?"
Kaitlyn the Wise, Kaitlyn the Good,
Kaitlyn the Great, Kaitlyn the Bold.
Either be great or bold.
Feel like probably great is where I would go.
"Left or right?"
Uh, right? (bell dings)
Okay (laughs) see?
I've now been sorted into three different Houses.
So Pottermore definitively sorts me into Slytherin.
This is two different times that I've been sorted
into Slytherin, but the other two quizzes I took
had such a low percentage of Slytherin,
one was 0.3%, one was 17%,
but Pottermore says that I'm Slytherin.
Let's try one more, tie breaker, tie breaker quiz.
"You're making a PowerPoint presentation
"for a class project, you: take charge,
"organize everyone and end up doing
"almost everything (laughs)," probably.
"When you die, you hope to:
"have achieved success and traveled the world."
Mmm hmm, yeah, achieve success.
"Which of these entertainment professions
"most appeals to you?"
The screenwriter, the storyteller.
"How do you flirt with someone you like?"
Not very well (sucks teeth).
Probably trying to have a real, deep conversation,
which is why I'm bad at flirting.
"In high school, your favorite extracurricular was:"
I guess student club cause it was like dance.
"You get home from the corner store
"and notice you were a little undercharged."
Probably don't worry about it, like I feel bad about it,
but I would be like, yay, extra dollars.
"Your idea of a worthwhile summer vacation is:
"hanging out and catching up with friends back home," no.
"Parachuting or diving off cliffs," no.
I guess a good book cause not many of these sound great.
"You hear that a girl in your class just switched
"to writing the same essay topic you've been
"working on since September.
"Resent her from afar, but say nothing,"
(laughs) probably.
"How do you get your time alone when you want it?"
Yeah, I've found that I just like tell people,
"I need to have Kaitlyn time, bye."
"When planning a group trip, you are the one who:"
It's either the first or the last one.
I'm not very good at traveling,
so it's difficult to like say that I would be
the one who took the reins on travel plans,
let's be the backup leader, who knows,
I don't even know at this point.
(bell dings) Oh my gosh!
(laughs) Guys, "you would be a Ravenclaw."
Oh, man.
Holy cow, guys, alright.
I was all like this is gonna be the definitive,
definitive answer for my Hogwarts House
and all I have learned is that
depending on which quiz I take,
I get a different answer.
So, I don't know, I don't know anymore
what House I should be in.
My question for today is What Hogwarts House
do you think I should be in,
because wow, I wasn't expecting this.
I thought that maybe I would get Gryffindor on one
and then Slytherin on the other two,
so yeah, question for today, you've seen me
answer these questions, what do you think
my Hogwarts House is?
And you can also tell me yours in the comments
down below, but (groans) I'm so confused.
I don't (fake crying), I just want an answer.
I'm exhausted (laughs).
Remember that you can check me out on my other social media sites
and there's a card over here that if you click on
will take you to my website.
There's a form you can fill out
if you wanna submit a question or video topic
for me to make a video on or a blog on,
and so just check me out on all those places (laughs).
Plus, remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell,
so you know the moment there's new video.
And I am just gonna go contemplate my
Harry Potter world existence because I don't
understand anything anymore (laughs).
I'll see you guys next Thursday, bye.
(laughs) (upbeat electronic music)
APPG-General Aviation National Planning Policy Framework Response - Duration: 6:28.
9 Foods To Take Care For Liver | How To Detox Your Liver Naturally At Home - Remedies One - Duration: 3:12.
it's not something you probably think much about but your liver is a key
player in your body's digestive system everything you eat or drink including
medicine passes through it you need to treat it right so it can stay healthy
and do its job today's video will discuss nine food to make your liver
healthy before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our
YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon
so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily one apples apples
are rich in pectin and other enzymes that are necessary to cleanse the system
and release toxins from the digestive tract
thus they help the liver in handling the toxic overload during the cleansing
process - avocados avocados are super foods that are rich in nutrients they
help the body to produce a compound called glutathione that helps the liver
in cleansing harmful toxins 3 green tea green tea is rich in antioxidants
it contains catechins which facilitate the proper functioning of the liver 4
carrots and beet roots both carrots and beet roots are rich in flavonoids and
beta-carotene and thus eating them can stimulate and improve the overall
functioning of the liver 5 garlic this pungent smelling white bulb has the
ability to activate the enzymes in the liver that flush out toxins from the
body they also contain selenium and Allisyn and both these compounds help in
cleansing the liver 6 lemons these citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C
which helps the body to synthesize the toxic materials into substances that are
easily absorbed by water thus it is recommended to have a glass of lemon
juice in the morning as it is very helpful in stimulating the liver 7
walnuts walnuts contain a high of the amino acid arginine that helps in
detoxifying ammonia from the liver they also contain omega-3 fatty acids that
facilitate the normal cleansing process of the liver when you eat walnuts make
sure you chew them properly in dense swallow 8 olive oil olive oil and other
cold compressed organic oils such as hemp oil are really good for the liver
they help in providing a lipid base to the liver that can suck up all the
toxins and wastes from the body this takes some burden off the liver 9
turmeric you can consider it as the favorite spice of the liver as it helps
boost liver detoxification by assisting the enzymes to flush out toxins how you
take care of your liver let me know in our comment section below if you like
this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends for more daily tips
subscribe to our channel below thank you
Alice Merton - No Roots (Branimir Cover) - Duration: 1:36.
Best Wireless Bluetooth Speakers 2018 - Top 10 best Wi-Fi Speakers 2018 - Duration: 3:13.
Whether you're looking for a rugged speaker for the beach or a multi-room
sound system these are ten of the best wireless speakers you can buy today
JBL pulse 3 is a waterproof with solid Bluetooth audio but the main event is
the LED light which makes the speaker a tad pricier compared with similar
sounding speakers the bose soundlink micro delivers an impressive Bluetooth
audio performance for its size but its price feels a bit high the large but
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design powerful Bluetooth audio performance with huge bass response and
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quality support for multi-room audio and Amazon Alexa voice control
jlabbe block-party a wireless speaker that delivers some
serious thunder from its modest frame it's an excellent building block for a
simple multi-room audio system the outdoor friendly JBL boombox delivers
thunderous bass balanced with solid high-frequency presence in a nostalgic
design Google home acts with an attractive design and great sound works
as a mono speaker a stereo pair or part of the whole home audio system
the impressive 12 inch IKEA enemy a minimalist design that has the beauty
and power of a Bluetooth speaker twice its price exceptional value with
excellent audio performance with strong bass presence and crisp highs the beer
play a 1 is a portable Bluetooth speaker with some of the best bass response
you'll find in such a compact size excellent audio performance surprisingly
strong bass response and long battery life the Amazon echo is a great-looking
and affordable smart speaker with the best voice of systems technology
according to Fitbit you've taken about 8200 steps about 8300 steps about 8400
steps okay ordering jumbo sushi platter from Amazon restaurants ok playing your
Caturday playlist okay launching automatic ball thrower okay
reordering a picture frame and these are the best wireless speakers you can buy
today for more details and great deals follow the links in video description
below thanks for watching and see you in the next videos Cheers
Top 10 Scary Shadow Urban Legends - Duration: 12:27.
Hello, and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet.
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Scary Shadow
Urban Legends.
Humans are naturally and understandably wary as to what lurks out of sight in the shadows,
and I get that!
It stems back to basic human instinct, plus I guess it doesn't help that there are so
many movies and urban legends focused on creepy shadows out there!
I might be bringing you some scary shadow stories, buuuut at least I dressed I guess…like…opposite
to a shadow!
Let me know if you are afraid of your shadow?
Like and share.
Thanks to our channel sponsors.
Let's start things off with the biggest and best known shadow urban legends.
The Shadow People at number 10.
Light and dark have been associated with goodness and evil throughout history and across cultures.
Shadow people are supposed to be the embodiment of evil from the dark side, the other side.
Humans have perceived shadow people throughout history, but more recently we have given them
the name of Shadow People.
In folklore, these are interdimensional beings that have the ability to shapeshift and travel
into our dimension.
Shadow people are usually tall, and sometimes have glowing red eyes.
Generally shadow people simply stalk or observe with a threatening unspoken intent.
A late night talk show on Coast to Coast am held a lengthy segment on Shadow people in
2001 and one of the hosts interviewed a native American Elder, Harley SwiftDeer Reagan.
Throughout the show, listeners were encouraged to send in their drawings and experiences
of shadow people and the response was over whelming.
There are a lot of psychological explanations for seeing shadow people – including sleep
deprevation or stress leading to the phenomena of Pareidolia – where the mind response
to a stimulus by making you see things that aren't there – like figures or faces.
Is the presence of the shadow people simple science, or is there something deeper and
darker going on?
Can the rest of the numbers on this list be attributed to Shadow People, or are they something
else entirely.
9 - Black Mass Ghosts Whether or not you believe in ghosts, there
have been countless reports of people seeing ghostly apparitions over history.
Usually ghosts are described as being white, grey or see through… but some have reported
seeing dark ghosts, like shadows.
These are often referred to as black mass ghosts.
Paranormal investigators tend to agree that these apparitions are different to regular
Some thing that these ghostly apparitions are ectoplasm or ectomists – like emotional
stains left on the world from people who have died in high emotion circumstances, like in
historic battles.
Some go as far as to say that these black mass sprits are negative imprints left on
the world from angry spirits.
If you see a black mist or shadow, you should steer clear.
8 - The Shadows of Zombie Road, Missouri The road running through wildwood in Missouri
used to be called Lawler Ford Road, but it has been known as Zombie Road since the 1950s
and has been abandoned since the 1970s.
Even when the road was in use, people didn't like it.
Eerily, they said it never felt the same length or looked recognisable…sometimes it would
seem long and narrow, as if it would go on forever.
Since is decommission, the road has been at the centre of many urban legends.
Along with the classic killer in the wood legend, many people have reported seeing shapes
and shadows along the road and in the trees that surround it.
Those that hike or bike on the road as part of a woodland trail, a popular spot in the
spring through to the autumn, report seeing human shaped shadows along their routes.
The trail is closed after dusk, which has led to a lot of locals asking why that is,
7 - Dudleytown Connecticut Dudleytown in Connecticut is often referred
to as the village of the damned.
The town was founded in Cornwall, Connecticut in the 1700s and has been abandoned since
the mid 1800s.
Why you ask?
Well local legend says that the town is cursed and is haunted by sinister black wold like
It all seems to stem back to the founders of the town, the Dudleys.
The Dudleys' were reportedly related to Edmund Dudley, an English nobleman who was
beheaded for plotting against King Henry the seventh in the 1500s.
it seems that his act of treason brought a curse upon his family who saw mysterious misfortune
and a spate of deaths and suicices.
Reportedly to try and rid the family of the ill fortune, the Dudley's emigrated to the
new world, moving from Guilford, England, to Cornwall, Conneticut in 1748, establishing
Dudley town.
Legend has it that the bad luck, manifesting itself in the form of dark shadows, followed
The town saw disasters beyond belief, lead to a number of suicides and disappearances
of the Dudleys.
The rest of the residents left town.
The more recent urban legend that started circulating in the 1980s says that if anyone
who visits the ghost town today steals anything from the town, they will be cursed with shadows
like the Dudleys.
Local historians refute the link between the Dudley Family and the English Nobleman.
However, as the town has been closed to the public, the mystery and legend lives on.
6 - Slenderman Ah, the legend of Slenderman… it was only
a matter of time until he cropped up.
Most of you watching this video will know who Slender man is….
But for the benefit of those that don't, he is a big old scary, shadowy creep.
Stories of Slender Man surfaced in 2008 as a creepy pasta, but he is drawn from real
folk lore stories, especially from east Europe.
Slender man is said to be a very tall man with no face who wears a suit and tie.
He is mainly seen watching you from the shadows and lurking waiting to kill you.
Sometimes he appears as simply a shadow, sometimes he has tentacle arms.
He may sound like a bit if a joke, but in 2014, a pair of young girls conspired to stab
their 12 year old friend so they could win the trust of Slender Man.
5 - Shadow Puppets Shadow Puppetry as an art dates back to the
first millennium BCE in Asia.
It is not clear whether it first originated in China or in India, as both have long used
the art form as a medium of entertainment.
Shadow puppetry then spread into Islamic and European culture.
Shadow puppet plays have been known to be dark and mysterious and in some countries,
especially India, they have deeply religious connotations.
The central theme of pretty much all shadow theatre is a battle between good and evil.
It is thought that during the plays, the gods, if entertained and appeased, would protect
the audiences from evil.
As the shadow puppets are so deeply rooted in ritual and the spirit world, there is something
quite scary and supernatural about them.
4 - Hat Man The Hat Man is possibly a shadow person with
a particular love for male millinery.
The man appears to be a world wide phenomena with many reporting seeing the dark apparition,
who is distinctive due to his fedora shaped hat.
No details are ever distinguishable with the Hat Man, however, as he is seen as a pure
shadow with no features.
People report dreaming of this dark shadow as much as they do seeing him lurking in the
The correct course of action should you see the hat man, according to urban legend, anyway,
is to control your fear and to forcibly tell the shadow to leave, that he isn't welcome.
So…not run and hide, then?
3 - The Mystery of Shadow Bands Here science meets urban legend.
There is a known phenomenon that occurs during a solar eclipse.
So during a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the earth and momentarily
blocks out the sunlight.
During the eclipse, when the sun has narrowed to just a little filament of light, shadow
bands form.
They are strange gray ripples that flit over the ground and buildings, creating a distorted
looking reality.
During some eclipses, the bands are vivid, but during others they are barely visible.
In a 1970 Eclipse visible from the Unites States East coast, the bands looked like jail
bars in Greenville, North Carolina.
They are very very difficult to photograph, too.
There are a number of explanations for the bands, varying from single slit diffraction
– but others think they have a far spookier and more mystical explanation.
A lot of people report feelings of deep unease when they see them, too…although this is
probably down to the un natural lighting state.
2 - The Dark Watchers of Santa Lucia Originally known by Spanish Settlers as Los
Vigilantes Oscuro, The Dark Watchers are a legend in Santa Lucia, California.
Described as tall, sometimes giant sized featureless dark silhouettes often adorned with brimmed
hats or walking sticks, it is possible the dark watchers are a variant on the classic
shadow people.
Over the years, the watchers have been frequently spotted in the Santa Lucia Mountains watching
passers by.
The figures are mainly spotted around twilight and dawn.
No one has ever seen one up close, and it is said that if a person does ever come close
to one, they will disappear.
They have been regularly spotted by walkers, and many believe that if they stay on the
path they are on and keep going about their business, the watchers won't bother them.
Writer John Steinbeck's son, Thomas, believed he saw the watchers growing up.
In the 1960s, a high school principle reported seeing a tall man with a hat watching him
as he led a group hike.
When he called out, the figure disappeared.
Scientists offer a number of different explanations for the sightings with some saying they could
be Brocken spectres, which happen in certain atmospheric conditions when the sun is at
a particular angle.
Others say they could be fatigue based hallucinations.
1 - Walking Sam Suicides Between December 2016 and March 2017 a stagger
103 suicide attempts were made on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
Of these attempts, nine people between the ages of 12 and 24 died.
The reservation, home of the Sioux Native Americans was blighted by a cloud of death,
as they put it, brought to them by a demonic shadow spirit that many called Walking Sam.
Oglala Sioux tribe vice president Thomas Poor Bear said that parents of the reserve had
come to him telling him of nooses hanging in trees.
Eventually, it as reported that a tall man spirit was appearing to children and convincing
them to kill themselves.
The apparition is said to be 7 ft lean with no mouth and carries the bodies of Lakota
men and women in his arms.
This wasn't the first time Walking Sam had appeared in the area, in 2009, he was alleged
to have been spotted in Pine Ridge, which coincided with multiple teenager suicides.
In 2013 and 2015 he was again said to have shown up.
When local records were examined, it seemed that he may have appeared in 1974 near Jefferson
South Dakota – around 360 miles away from Pine Ridge.
New York City Urban Legends Comments Rebecca Felgate's Hell Gate Bridge.
That's right.
Cross if you dare….
Jakov Novak wroteL If croatia wins the world cup you must do scary croatian urban legends
– unfortunately they cant win as that would mean beating England tomorrow and I've heard
its coming home!
Ahhh this video is going out in the future and im scared!
Phineas and Ferb - Gitchee Gitchee Goo (CZ) - Duration: 1:43.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are PFT.
I'm Phinias, this is Ferb.
♪ Bau chiki bau bau, ♪
♪ I know the words well. ♪
♪ Mau mau mau, ♪
♪ the heart beats like a beam. ♪
♪ Chiki Chiki chuva, ♪
♪ I will tell all of them, ♪
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
♪ And I say: ♪
♪ Bau chiki bau bau, ♪
♪ I know the words well. ♪
♪ Mau mau mau, ♪
♪ the heart beats like a beam. ♪
♪ Chiki Chiki chuva, ♪
♪ I will tell all of them, ♪
♪ kiči kiči, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
♪ And I say: ♪
♪ Bau chiki bau bau, ♪
Wait, what does that mean?
Now you're singing.
And how did he make the single?
It was not easy, it took the whole afternoon.
We had to snoop, but if you're not afraid ...
Enough! I'll tell mom!
All right, what do you tell?
Well, I'll tell her.
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
Hey, Candy, you're still a 100th ompetitor.
Do not you want to help us here?
♪ Bau chiki bau bau, ♪
♪ I know the words well. ♪
♪ Mau mau mau, ♪
♪ the heart beats like a beam. ♪
♪ Chiki Chiki chuva, ♪
♪ I will tell all of them, ♪
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
♪ And I say: ♪
♪ Bau chiki bau bau, ♪
♪ I know the words well. ♪
♪ Mau mau mau, ♪
♪ the heart beats like a beam. ♪
♪ Chiki Chiki chuva, ♪
♪ I will tell all of them, ♪
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
♪ Kiče kiči love, ♪
♪ with me just ♪
♪ waves, ♪
♪ waves, ♪
♪ mava, mava, mava, mava, ♪
♪ kiči kiči ků, ♪
♪ I love you. ♪
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