My name is Adaobi Frank and I'm a Google Certified Associate Android Developer.
I started mobile development when I left school,
and I was based in Abuja. That was where I was raised, that was where my parents lived.
My husband knew that I wanted to further my education and my career,
but over the years things had been really hard,
So we haven't had that opportunity.
So the next thing was to do certification courses to boost my resume, basically
make me more hireable.
I had a job that required me to move to Lagos for six months.
I was like the only female until a team from Andela came to join the project.
I think that was the first time I had even heard of the scholarship program to get the Google Android Certification.
When I got the email that I had qualified I called my husband, "Yes! We have the scholarship!"
I was struggling for time. I was already working a contract job in Lagos.
I would watch these videos on my way to work or on my way back,
so I would with my headphones and with my phone. All the time.
When I just finished the certification, I actually got a call for a job offer based in Abuja.
This is something that will make me earn...
More than ten times than the salary that I was earning before.
Ten times, I kid you not.
The interview process was something that would normally take like weeks,
was like, a couple of days.
'Oh, you are Android Certified? Great. Awesome.'
It was an amazing moment when she got the seal.
And the pay began to pick some bills: Rent, and go to help us to fix the cars.
She's been amazing. She's been supportive, she's helped me.
So now, I'm like working from my house.
And I can actually call myself a developer.
Not like, 'Oh, in my community I'm awesome.'
In the world. I am OK.
Awesome, we are trying to be awesome, but... OK.
For more infomation >> Google Android Certification & Africa Scholarship Program | Ada's Developer Story - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Privilege Escalation | Holey Beep | Google CTF #8 - Duration: 8:52.
Hello world, I'm Zanidd and today we will get the cake and we will eat it
Holy beep - pwn.
That's it. We have code execution on the fridge
You can already see the secret cake
Recipe wintermuteds todo list has mentioned that the door alarm on the fridge sounding all the time
This is usually a sign of the holey beep vulnerability before we do anything
We'll need to check out this
Because I've never heard of it.
So apparently. This is a real vulnerability with a CVE. Maybe we even
Have a step-by-step
Now that we've done a little mini research we can finally get to the cake
Let's download the file which I guess will be a zip file again, and let's go check it out
let me just clean up and
Find out what file type this is it's a zip archive as we would have guessed it already
We have the holey beep now. What is this? Holey beep a binary again
Let's just execute it for fun and profit
Holey beep period one period two - ok, let's say
- no such file or directory
Let's just create
Console file and then try to run it again
Okay, so I'm not getting anywhere here
We don't even have a server to connect to so I'm not I'm not sure if we have to connect to the server
We opened last time
But I'm guessing no because we didn't have to do this before and the holey beep
Doesn't seem to work on my local machine. So something is up
Okay, let's just try copying
The dev console device into the dev console device
This is taking a bit long, so maybe this will bear some fruits for us
hope you can see me better now and
We are still waiting
God damn it. How big is this console file? Wait, wait, wait, why do we make our lives heart?
Let's just create a link
I'm not sure if this is a smart idea but let's just try it for the sake of fun. And before we do that
We are going to create a snapshot because I'm not sure what this console
Actually does in Linux and I don't want
to ruin my system and then
Begin, everything from start or scratch.
So always make sure to
snapshot your virtual machine and
also always make sure to run your Kali in a
Virtual machine or a dedicated computer never on your main computer. Also, don't use it as main system
Let's just check out what happens
Except nothing. Let's actually run strings over this tool and
Maybe we'll be able to find something
Related to our f*cking cake
We will look for a proof-of-concept code
Well, okay, but that's just a local privilege escalation. What the hell what?
I'm totally lost here, but wait a minute
Let me just clean up
Why did I delete the exploit we have to connect to the server? Oh my god, I am so dumb
now that I
Know that I have to connect to the server
I connected to the server via the exploit with it last time and as you can see there is a dev here, so
I'm not sure we can switch directory and we
Have a console here
Which means that we also should have the holey beep we should have this on the server, too
so what I did here is just
find the file called Holey Beep, which is the same that we have on the server and
Now I'm trying to execute and we can do the same as before
but I'm not sure if that's useful in any manner and
Something happened what we could also do to make life
Easier is just find the file secret cake recipe
recipe and
It happens to be that it's on the root of everything. Let's just change into the home directory
I forgot what he was called home user
Let's just go into home user all a bit seems to be an executable. So now
We would want to overwrite the dev stuff
with the cake recipe
So what we do is we create again a link but this time we do it on the server we connect
slash secret cake recipe to the
Console and we have of course first to make the dev
And we cannot create
maybe we can use the temp directories since the temp is
Open for everybody and it happens. There is already a dev
Console stuff in here. So we are going to create the link to what is called secret cake
recipe to
dev slash console and now we are going to run holey beep
We are going to run it just a bunch of
Times just to make sure we get everything
I'm not sure if this works or if we have to actually let's just
check out what this actually is and
Here it seems to be not really usable
I cannot read it unless I do a privilege escalation which the holey beep is
actually good for so let's just go into the
directory just try to
Execute it. The original one. I'm not sure why but we are going to make sure that we are going to kill it
as soon
As possible. We are going to try different methods to exploit this all
Hey, yes, nice
Ok, this worked. I just tried different methods of like stuff stopping the execution
The ioctl function used in this has a special behavior that allows us to I'm not sure how to explain it
but this method we used is to pass something that
will create an exception and
use a pipe with the same because if the pipe runs into an exception it blocks the write()
so we do this and
we read what's in the buffer of this program and
finally we get to the cake recipe and
now if you watch closely we have all of
the recipe and we have the last flag, which is
The cake wasn't a lie.
Repeat the cake wasn't a lie. Let's just enter this last thing in this pretty nice
CSS file and we have reached the end. I found the cake. Look at this some delicious cake. Mmm delicious
You should try this too. That's all for the Google capture-the-flag for me. Hit the like button if you reach
500 likes which is a pretty high expectation. I will do
Compilation of this challenge funny entertaining and educational and on Friday for my dear subscribers
That will be a v-loc. Also make sure to check in on Wednesday when I will tell you about a cool Wi-Fi hacking course
Annoying Orange - React to CRAZY OPTICAL ILLUSIONS! - Duration: 10:07.
¿Es posible la convivencia pacifica sin policías ni políticos? - Duration: 1:51.
Συνεργατισμός: Λάθη επί λαθών με υπερχρεώσεις σε δάνεια - Duration: 2:24.
Trío infantil de música regional mexicana causa furor en la redes | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:53.
How to Optimize for Googlebot - Duration: 3:19.
Googlebot -- what is it?
What does it do?
And how can you optimize your organization's website to make it happy?
Hi, I'm Meredith Esquivel, Digital Marketing Whaler and resident Whalebot at Whole Whale.
On this episode of Whole Whale TV, we'll be talking about another bot: the Googlebot.
What is Googlebot?
Googlebot is Google's web crawling bot, also known as a "spider."
"Crawling" is a process by which Google reviews landing pages to discover new and updated
pages to add to the Google index.
This is all done using an algorithm, so, the content of your website must be designed to
appeal to both humans and robots.
If the Googlebot can't find your article on "how to do the robot" because it isn't properly
optimized, then I as a searcher won't be able to find it either.
How does it work?
Googlebot discovers sites by following links from page to page.
To make sure all pages are trackable, go to the crawl errors page in search console to
make sure there are no issues.
Do this regularly to keep up with frequent site changes.
Like humans, robots aren't perfect.
Googlebot needs some help to figure out what to index, what pages to follow, and which
ones to ignore.
5 ways to optimize for Googlebot.
Number one: submit a robots.txt file.
It allows you to tell Googlebot what to do when visiting pages, what to index, and what
to hide.
For example, you want all your main content pages to be indexing in Google, but if you
have downloadable files on your site that are locked by an email signup, you'll want
to hide those so a user can't go to the file directly from a search.
Number two: create a site map.
A site map is a file where you list all the pages on your site, and tell Google about
the organization, or taxonomy, of the site.
What pages are related to each other?
What pages are about the same topics?
This map allows Googlebot to more intelligently crawl your site.
For example, you may have an "events" section of your site.
You want Google to be able to tell that your annual gala, webinars, and happy hours are
all a part of that section.
Number three: Keep it simple.
Googlebot doesn't crawl Javascript, frames, DHTML, Flash, and AJAX as well as simple HTML.
Number four: make fresh connections.
Content that is crawled more frequently is more likely to gain traffic.
Don't just write new content, but continuously update your older content so it stays on the
first page, and hopefully in the first position on Google search.
Link internally so Google can figure out how one piece of content is related to another
on your site.
Number five: check your tech.
Make sure your site is set up for technical SEO success.
Your server should be fast, and 404 errors should be minimal.
You can check 404s under "crawl errors" in Search Console,
or by using another tool like Screaming Frog.
So, now you know what Googlebot is,
how it works, and how to optimize for it.
So, go optimize! And keep the robots, Googlebots, and Whalebots happy.
To dive deeper with Whole Whale, check out our on-demand courses at, and use the code
WWVIDEO to get an 80% discount.
"Me prohibían llorar", denuncia madre separada de su hija | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.
Crazy Yummy with simple products! - Duration: 2:54.
How to Read Bookshare Books with Bookshare Web Reader - Duration: 1:05.
Launch a Google Chrome or Firefox browser on a PC, or Safari on a Mac, and go to
Log in with your username and password.
Your My Bookshare page will open.
Scroll down to View my Assigned Books or Reading Lists and select it.
Your assigned Reading Lists will appear.
Open a Reading List and select a book.
Then select Read Now.
The book will open in Bookshare Web Reader.
Select the speech icon to begin reading. [text is being read out loud]
Select it again to stop reading.
To adjust the settings, select the gear icon on the top tool bar.
You can adjust the: font style, font size, text and background color, and rate of speech.
Select SAVE to save your changes.
StandByGreece: Η Κύπρος ανοίγει την αγκαλιά της στους πυρόπληκτους - Duration: 2:40.
Taquería cierra sus puertas por falta de mano de obra especializada | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.
Football Stars Being Humiliated Neymar jr , Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi , Paul Pogba etc.● - Duration: 12:35.
Football Stars Being Humiliated Neymar jr , Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi , Paul Pogba etc.●
Football Stars Being Humiliated Neymar jr , Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi , Paul Pogba etc.●
Football Stars Being Humiliated Neymar jr , Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi , Paul Pogba etc.●
Exclusivo: Pep Guardiola abre el camerino del Manchester City | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:01.
Graphic Design Tutorial | ADVANCED Hair Masking In Photoshop cc 2018 - Duration: 15:32.
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