-If you guys wouldn't mind, I'd just like to write out
my weekly Thank You Notes right now, is that cool
with you? Is that all right? Thank you.
James, can I got some Thank You Note writing music, please?
[ Piano playing softly ]
Unbelievable. -Summer's here.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Thank you, goggles, for coming in two varieties --
leaky disaster or industrial eyeball suction cup.
[ Laughter, applause ]
[ Piano playing softly ]
Thank you, flyswatters, for not being called murder spatulas.
[ Laughter and applause ]
[ Piano playing softly ]
Thank you, humidity, for making taking off my jeans
feel like I'm removing Saran Wrap from two hot dogs.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Light laughter ]
[ Piano playing softly ]
Thank you, kayaking, for being the perfect summer activity
for anyone who loves canoeing but doesn't have any friends.
[ Laughter and applause ]
[ Piano playing softly ]
Thank you, bouncers wearing shirts that say "Security,"
because I thought you were just a strong, bald guy
who likes blocking doorways.
[ Laughter ]
Oh, you're -- Oh, you're the security.
-You work here. -Oh.
-I didn't know.
[ Piano playing softly ]
-Thank you, M&Ms, for being the only thing keeping my
trail mix from just being called squirrel food.
There you have it, everybody. Those are my Thank You Notes.
For more infomation >> Thank You Notes: Humidity, M&M's - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
The Groove - Dahulu (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 6:07.
Der nächste "Jahrhundertsommer"? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:03.
How to make a Paper Ninja Star Shuriken (5 Pointed) New Version - Origami - Duration: 3:02.
Dear Origami Lover, Welcome to Ninja Star making instructions
You will need 5 pieces 20cm x 10cm paper
Please follow the tutorial step by step for making a best origami ninja star.
Make 5 unites same
Darom Dabro - Love is (2018) - Duration: 3:37.
【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.
hello it's kinoshita yuka
i bought all the new dessert of 7-eleven
and i bought with it some food that i found it interesting
there is plenty of desserts that represent summer
hay, this product i find it so interesting
jaan, Ramune Warabi
i found it while i was looking on the net, and it was so interesting
it's so rare to find ramune as a Warabimochi, the Japanese style of mochi with the foreign carbonic juice
the aroma of the ramune is so stronge
it's not the smell of warabimochi at all
hay, this is how it looks like
like candy
the taste is strong, but it's not like warabimochi at all
it's like a mochi of ramune
warabimochi is more jiggly than this, this is more watery
but still looks like the mochi for me
but the taste of ramune is amazing and tasty
next, this...
next is, melty salty Cookie Cream
made by using the snow salt, and i think it's from Okinawa
this is how it looks like
so soft
this is not like anything i tried it
the cream is melty
i like this serie a lot
it's like the ice cream version of the daifuku, and this is so tasty
with the cream there is some cookies and White chocolate chips as well
and this is amazingly tasty
and the smell of the milk is so strong
we progress steadily
and this is milk with plenty of Mandarin, and it's heavy
it's like the summer of the old days, so nostalgic
hay, cold
the amount of the mandarin is so big and tasty
the taste of the mixed milk with mandarin is really good
it's a nice dish for diet
next is, Salted Soy Sauce Rare Cheese
made by using snow salt
the is plenty of sweets that looks like it in okinawa
hay, this is how it looks like
and in the bottom you can see the sponge and cheese cookies
looks so tasty
aaaah, cheese cream
yes, yes, yes
the snow slat goes so well with the rare cheese
it's really good to have a salty and sweet taste together
and in the bottom there is cheese sponge that gives a different good texture
crepe with cream custard
it's the texture of the crepe that is filled with plenty of custard cream
soft and with a strong taste
and because the cream is a custard cream, it's so refreshing
we still with the sweets
Water Cream
this is a real summer sweet
convenience stores are really amazing, they have evey kinds of sweets
hay, it looks so elegant
it's like the jelly and puddings
that's why it's easy to eat it
you can notice the difference between the japanese sweets and western ones
the anko here is thick, but it's easy to eat it
let's go to the Bread now
we have here, strawberry jam & condensed cream bread
isn't cute ?
strawberry jam and milk cream is a great mix
hay, it looks so tasty, looks at the jam
there isn't plenty of cream...
but the bread is fluffy and with a good texture
next is Karintō manju
i really like Karintō manju
the outside is like Karintō, and it's hard
it's with a hard texture
and the filled Bean paste is so tasty
hay, and now, with custard cream Eclair
hay, this is so huge
filled with plenty of cream
and because they used plenty of eggs with the cream, it's so thick
and now let's go to the dishes
spicy cold meatbowl noodle
aah, this meat miso looks so tasty
this seasoning as well
let's add to the noodles this soup
the amount of the soup is so big
looks tasty and thick
is it going to be spicy ?
sesame sauce looks so tasty
let's add the seasoning now
hay, looks so tasty
the soup is with a really uniqye taste
rich with flavors and the taste of the meat is so good
this noodles are so good for the summer, especially that's cold
and you can mix this soup with it so easily
and the aroma of the seasoning is so good
next, Fromage Sweet
ah, what fluffy texture
it's so soft and filled with cheese cream
next, melty tiramisu
this is how it looks like
aah, this is so soft
the taste is thick, and the amount of the cream is huge
the bottom rich with coffee taste, and this part is so tasty
and "Cheesecake for cheese lover"
what a nice name
looks tasty
filled with the kiri cheese cream
it's so fluffy
and with blueberry sauce as well
and this goes so well with cheese cream
this cheese is really thick
jiggly Annin tofu
jiggly and looks so good
jiggly ?
so jiggly
so refreshing
and so sweet
and without texture
because it's so jiggly
supper jiggly
it's melty and ultra jiggly
Jaan , Yomogidango
looks so tasty
the smell of yomogi plant is strong
it's soft and it goes so well with the red beans
and, mango pudding
the smell of the mango is strong
and with plenty of mango cubes
doesn't look like a convenience store sweet at all
this mango pudding is so soft
and the amount of the mango is so huge
and this is warabimochi
it's the traditional japanese sweets, warabimochi
mmm, this warabimochi is so jiggly
the sweetness is good
and, THE 7 Choux
it's heavy, and it looks like it's with plenty of cream
the humanity is really genius
but i'm not that genius
this cream looks so tasty
and with plent of vanilla beans
rich with eggs, what made it with a strong taste
let's try now this...
it's coco ichiban cheese curry chips
it's not just the taste of the curry
it's cheese curry, and this is amazing
this aroma is really unique
strong taste and delicous
the texture is so crispy, and because of that the taste is strong as well
hay, next, is the daifuku
hay, looks so tasty
a bright white
the same color as the plate
in this soft texture, filled plenty of anko
and with all this sweet taste there is some light salty taste as well
next, Kuromitsu kuzu kiri
hay, there is everything in 7-ELeven
there is plenty of Black honey
looks so tasty
it's my first time to try it
hay, this is how it looks like
looks tasty
the texture is good, it's like jelly
and the sauce goes so well with it
this is really good
there is 128 Kcal and this not too much
it's really good for diet
and in last....
blue hawaiian jelly
this is also i sow it on the net, and found it so interesting
and it's so rare
the blue sweets are rare, isn't that ?
and it's so elegant
topped with some cherry
it looks like a jewel
the jelly taste is so refreshing
and the mousse cream on the top is so good
the refreshing jelly goes so well with it
it's only 156 Kcal
the last bite, itadakimasu
7-eleven sweets was so tasty
it's the new summer items
and this huge variety is really amazing
there is always a new items
like Warabim mochi cider or blue hawaiian jelly
both the japanese sweets and the western sweets
and the noodles was so tasty as well
in 7-eleven you can buy anything really
and this is amazing
this was so tasty
and because it was so tasty why you don't try it as well ?
And as always thank you for watching
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
It's going well, so far it's all good,
I have teammates who have integrated me well as Geoffrey or Francis who speak French,
then all the players welcomed me very well, they are very friendly and I am very happy.
It is true that I have to learn the language very quickly in order to understand my teammates and the coach,
however it is all about the language of football, and the language of football
is not so complicated to understand when we are on the field and they give me instructions,
I understand almost everything and if I miss something I ask Geoffrey and he translates it to me.
He helps me to integrate with the others, he translates me when I don't understand a word
and he helps me with everything.
It's a very special competition, I had the chance to play it two years ago,
it's true that it's something unique for the club, for the fans
it's so important so let's try to achieve good results in Champions League.
Yes, they have a very high level, but the club and the coach
brought me for playing against that type of players.
It is a challenge to play against great players,
they are going to help me to go forward with the club and to learn how to tackle these kind of strikers.
Of course, I can play during the season with long or shorts passes,
I don't change a lot the way I play but I could try something more complicated from time to time.
The camp with my teammates is going very well, there is a good atmosphere,
everyone gets along well , since we all have the same target,
to prepare well for a good season.
I am a new player that wants to show many things,
I will do my best for my new colors,
and it is source of pride to defend the Valencia CF.
"Kushal Tondon" Aur "Karishma Sharma" Ek Dusre Ko Bol Rahe Hain "Hum" | Alt Balaji - Duration: 2:29.
Giấu Nước Mắt - Lý Tuấn Kiệt. Nhóm HKT ( MV 4K OFFICIAL ) #GNM - Duration: 9:43.
Mitsubishi Retentive Timer Working - Duration: 4:15.
You have to select T250 Timer for this tutorial. The retentive timer range start form this Timer.
I just create the M1 bit for understanding the retentive timer function.
Now, Here we create Y0 Output which is On depending on status for T250.
See the timer value it didn't get zero even if the input contact OFF.
Here we use M2 to reset the timer value.
And finally when time over then T250 contact become On and Y0 coil also On.
But the problem was, how can we Off the Y0 Coil.
So that to Off the Y0 Coil , we take M2 contact and reset the T250 Timer.
Finally you can able to hold the timer value as well as you can control the output.
Rap Buồn Tâm Trạng Hay Nhất 2018 | Rap Nghe Đi Rồi Thấm ( Phần 71 ) | Biến Lẹ Đi Anh Ơi - Duration: 2:29:44.
Các đội tuyển 'ao làng' đặt mục tiêu như thế nào tại ASIAD? - Duration: 6:18.
How to use TOR Browser on Android || Android par TOR kaise use kare 🔥🔥 - Duration: 3:20.
சைக்கோ கணவரிடம் சிக்கி தவிக்கும் மனைவி கண்மூடித்தனமாக தாக்கும் மிருகம் | KOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS - Duration: 1:33.
Fallout Fives | Ranking the Fallout Developers - Duration: 13:24.
Temptation Island: Filippo Bisciglia si apre sulla malattia che ha segnato la sua infanzia - Duration: 3:29.
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners Part1- HTML quick notes - Duration: 9:17.
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.
From now on we will be discussing on HTML and CSS integration, that means we are going
to implement a page based on HTML and we will integrate CSS with it.
In our previous case we had a discussion on crash course on HTML; you may check it out,
the link is provided in the description box below.
Now in that essence, the first thing that we will be needing is a project folder.
There will be a root folder inside which all these integration part will be taking place.
That is what you can see here, this is the text editor which we will be using, it's Atom;
and here is the root project - HTML and CSS integration is the name, that we will be carrying
on with our project.
Now in the first case all we need, we need to create an index.HTML page, that will be
displayed into the browser.
So that is why we need to create an index.html page and if we right click here; and we can
see that here comes the new file; so all we are now doing we are creating here an index.html
And here it goes; it is an index.html.
In the second case as we have discussed earlier in the crash course of HTML we need to insert
some tags over here.
If you are just a beginner for the present moment so that is why we will be repeating
some of the important features those are needed to know.
Now HTML page, it always starts with an HTML, and you can see that this is an opening bracket,
so that is why we will have to close it.
Now this is a characteristic feature of an HTML tag; these tags are very much important
in case of declaring an index.html or any kind of HTML page; browsers understand this
tags and they act accordingly.
So that is why tag is a very important feature.
And you can see that we have created a pair of tags.
This is known as the opening tag and this is known as the closing tag.
The closing tag always ends with a slash in front of it; now inside we will be creating
head tag.
This is another important feature.
An HTML page it typically consist of a head tag, and on the other hand, a body tag.
So anything that is control related that is presented within this head tag; for say if
you are linking your page to another page in the future cases will be seeing all those
links, all those important sources, all those important JavaScript files or anything that
you wish to connect to your main .html page is practically enlisted within this head tag;
and not only this, every kind of meta content or meta description and every kind of declaration
or every kind of description about your page, those things practically come within your
head tag.
On the other hand in the body tag, this is the part where each and every content of your
website,they practically reside into this particular part, this body tag.
So anything that is related to the content those will be inserted into this body tag;
and anything which is related to links or description or name, these kind of things;
all of these things should be placed inside this head tag.
Now you might have seen there that every tag which is initiated those are on the other
hand is being enclosed over here.
So HTML in this sense, it has a definite opening tag and a definite closing tag.
So that is why HTML will be a container tag.
That means those kind of tags, those have a definite opening and a definite closing
But there are some tags those have only opening tag and it doesn't close or it doesn't end
like this one.
As in this case if we insert here br tag, you can see that this br tag is ended in a
different way.
So this kind of tag which has a definite opening but no definite closing tag those kind of
tags are known as empty tag.
So there are certain kind of empty tags those will be in use in these particular cases such
as this br, there's another case of hr tag which practically declares the horizontal
lines into your page and then we will be using image source or img tag.
In that particular case we will see that these particular types of tags they have a definite
opening but they do not have a definite closing tag.
Now inside this particular head tag we will be introducing for the time being - a title
So what does a title tag do?
Anything written inside this title tag, for say, we are writing here as...
For the time being this is the HTML CSS integration folder and inside we have created this index.html
and you can see that in your browser this is practically a blank page as we have created
a Blank page so far; only the title is provided.
And you can see that the title is now visible into the upper part into the upper tab of
your browser.
This is HTML CSS crash course.
This is practically now visible over here.
So anything written with in this title tag that will be visible into this particular
upper tab of your browser.
Up to this part it is alright now let's get back into this body element.
Right now what we are going to do here we are going to observe some of these basic tags;
such as this typography part; if we place here H2, this is an H2 tag and beneath it
we are creating another h3 tag; for say...
Now we can see that we have created two distinct tags; this H2 tag and this H3 tag.
Inside we have written something such as in the first case this hello beautiful world
and in the second case how are you these days?
I think there should be a question mark; ok now save it, all we need to do we need to
save this one; you can save it from here or you may press CTRL + S in order to save your
Now let's get back to our project and reload and we can see that there are two distinct
kind of typography is being displayed.
So you can see that both of them are now aligned into two distinct blocks.
So if we get back to our project we can see that we have used these two different typographs;
this one is the first text format which is H2 and this is the second one, h3.
As we have used two different tags for this two different lines and these things are practically
block level elements; so that is why they are now represented in two different and distinct
That is why we can see that both of them are now appearing in two different paragraphs,
in two different lines into your browser.
If we cut it from here and if we paste it right within this H2 tag; press control+s,
get back to your project and reload and you can see that both of them are now aligned
into the same line.
Hence it is clear that both these two lines, those are practically been created due to
usage of two different tags here; reload and you can see that the new line is formed again.
Both these tags those are practically presenting A block level element.
So what is this block level element and this inline element.
In knowing so the first thing that we are going to do we will be now using here a div;
there it goes; and a span element.
What is this div and what is this span element which is being used in this HTML?
So this is the thing that we need to know with examples and that is why we will be present
in some kind of examples in front of us in order to understand what is this div and what
is this span element been used over here....
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