- What's up, you guys?
I'm Carly. - And I'm Marie.
- And this is the Relation(beep) Show,
where two unqualified self-proclaimed experts
are giving you advice on your real-life problems. (laughs)
- We have no skills.
Today we're talking about discovering your sexuality,
a.k.a., am I gay?
- Have you ever wondered if you're gay?
- Yeah, I was having like, really bad sex with this dude,
and I was like, well, maybe it's not him, it's me.
- Yeah, balls will make you feel that way.
Sexuality is weird, though.
I feel like it's an ever-changing thing,
and it's kind of a question that you always have to face.
I think everybody definitely has a point
where they're like, "What am I?"
- I feel like the people who are the most like,
"No, I'm 100% straight," are the ones that are like,
the most like, curious. - Right, right, right.
- 'Cause it is a spectrum, especially now in 2018.
- It's definitely not something
you need to know immediately and for sure.
Like, you don't need to be like,
"I have to have a label to be a person."
It's like, you could just do whatever makes you happy.
And some people go their whole lives
kind of like, trying to figure it out, and that's okay.
(percussive music)
First question, sometimes I'll see boys
who my immediate thoughts are,
oh, he's really cute, or, I wanna hold him.
But I think girls' boobs and butts are nice,
but whenever I see a vagina, I'm kinda grossed out.
What does that mean?
That's from Sam, and he's 20.
- He thinks vaginas are gross.
- He's grossed out by vaginas,
which, by the way, Sam, thanks.
- Thanks, Sam. - Thanks, Sam.
- Thank you so much.
So he doesn't necessarily wanna bang dudes, or bang women.
- But he also doesn't wanna bang girls.
He said he's indifferent, which means
he needs to figure it out, and you really gotta just--
- He's 20. - You gotta try it.
Yeah, you're 20.
- Just bang a bunch of people, see how you feel at the end.
- Exactly.
The only way you're really gonna ever find out
is if you give it a shot.
- Sam, bang everyone and everything.
- And never say that about vaginas again,
or I'll (beep)ing find ya.
- The four of us will find you.
- The four of us?
- Me, you, your vagina, my vagina.
- My vagina, yeah.
- Almost all of my friends have had sex,
I'm 20, and the only ones who haven't
are totally in a rush to do it.
I think something's wrong with me,
because I just don't really care about it.
For a little bit, I thought I might be gay,
but then I realized I'm not really into girls either.
Ashley, 20.
Ashley, sex is not that good most of the time.
- I mean, you're really not missing anything.
- With men or women. - Yeah, you're fine.
- Like, just chill. - You're fine.
- And then when you meet somebody
that you're like, super attracted to,
or you just like, feel it, then you feel it.
But like, don't just give to someone just 'cause
your friends are like, "Well, we're banging now."
- Right, right.
Don't just lose it because you feel like you have to.
You're not missing out on anything.
- No, you're really not.
- You're missing about 10 seconds.
- And the first time sucks. - First time sucks.
- I feel like you need to explore what your body likes
before you decide who's gonna give it to you.
Because if you don't even know what you want
and who you like-- - You're not gonna enjoy it.
- You're gonna be there like,
"Well, is this how it's supposed to feel like?"
Get you some vibrators with like,
eight different settings. - Right.
- You know, like a zut-zut-zut,
and like a zut zuh-zut-zut zut-zut,
and like a, zuh-zuh, zuh-zuh. - I hate that one.
- [Marie] The SOS?
I hate that one.
- [Marie] Zuh-zuh, zuh-zuh.
- Yeah. (both laugh)
'Cause it's like, heh!
Never mind.
(Marie panting) Yep.
- You're like, oop, oop, tsk. - Heh-eh!
Oh, never mind. (both yelling)
(Marie hums)
- Yeah.
- [Carly] Yep.
- Play with it, play with it.
- I just do the steady stream, but hey girl, that's just me.
Figure out what you like.
Next question, are you ready?
- Uh-huh.
- I was at a party and I had drank a little,
and I had basically made out with this other guy.
I was enjoying it like crazy.
But there is something inside of me
that keeps denying that I'm gay.
At the gym, I sometimes just stare
at the really muscular guys, and I can't stop.
- Same, same, same
- I do like women too.
I'm so confused, please help.
Henry, 22.
- It feels like Henry just threw that women thing in there
just to throw it in there.
"I like women too!"
But like, this whole long thing about men.
- [Carly] But as friends, yeah.
- Yeah, you don't like us Henry.
It's fine.
- I think he's really mature and knows that he's gay,
but I think he's just in denial about it.
He's having that like, battle within himself,
and I think it's different for everybody,
like, their journey to like, coming out,
but it definitely isn't something that happens overnight.
- I mean, some people know from when they're young
and always know, and everyone around them knows.
But some people like, they grow up
in like, maybe a more conservative house.
If you already know, and there's something inside you,
you're in denial.
You know that you're in denial.
- Yeah, talk to other people about it.
There are a lot of people in your community
that would, I'm sure, love to talk to you about it.
And talk to your closest friend,
and see where to go from there, but--
- Talk to the guys at the gym, okay?
- Yeah, talk to those really muscular guys at the gym.
- "Hey, hey man, do you want me to, you need a spotter?"
(upbeat music)
- So you guys were so brave and sent us your questions,
so now it's our turn to be brave
and spin the wheel of truth. - Hoo!
- Okay, you go first. - And--
- Have you ever walked in on
a friend or family member masturbating?
- Oh, masturbating?
I've been in the room when a friend was having sex, though.
- Okay. - Numerous times.
- A college roommate, I'm assuming.
- No. - Okay, let's talk about it.
- My friend in college, we went to a house party,
and the guy who's house it was,
my friend was hooking up with him.
And I was hooking up, like, cuddling with his cousin,
but we were in the same room. - Of course.
- But we were on the floor and they were on the bed.
- I mean, I think that was a little disrespectful of them.
- Yeah. - They're having sex.
- But they were legit-- - They should be on the floor.
- They were full-blown having sex,
and we were on the ground just like--
- Snuggling. - Yeah.
- [Carly] That nice.
- Just like, "So, what's your favorite color?"
- I walked in on a roommate masturbating once,
this guy that I used to live with,
and I walked into his room and I went,
and I couldn't like, I froze.
Like, I couldn't walk out. - Did he see you?
- And he panicked, yeah, and went (gasps),
and pulled pants up, and then was like,
maybe thought that I didn't see it,
and started talking to me. - Because you wouldn't leave.
- He was like, "What's going on?
"How's your day, you just get back from work?"
I was like, relax with the hands, okay,
'cause I've seen what they've done.
(Marie laughs) Don't put 'em in my face.
Don't wave 'em around. - He was like, "Hey."
- Yeah, he was like, caressing me.
I was like, how 'bout we stop?
- He's like, "Is this a new necklace?"
- Yeah. (both laugh)
I stayed for a few minutes.
I'm kidding.
- Was he doing something weird with it, or he was just--
- No, he was just, which is so weird
to see someone jerking off.
It's like, ugh. - Ugh.
- What is that thing?
Have you ever had a sex dream about the same sex?
You know what, yes, and it was a mermaid.
- A mermaid.
- But as you can imagine, nothing worked.
- [Marie] How does sex with a mermaid--
- Because they have tails.
But is that the same sex as me?
No, because she doesn't even have a vagina.
- You said "she," though.
- Have you ever dated someone who was bisexual?
- Really?
- Actually, yes, four different guys.
- Four different guys? - That were gay.
That were gay. - Or bisexual.
- Or just gay. - Gay.
- Yes.
To be fair, three of them weren't out,
and the other one didn't speak any English.
So I didn't know that he was gay.
- But he knew.
- He knew, and he may have tried to tell me.
(Marie laughs) But--
- But you sat on his face. (both laugh)
- Exactly. - When did you find out?
- I found out after we had like, broken up,
and they dated guys.
So I think it might be me.
Okay, so we really, really hope you like this episode.
Here are a few lessons learned.
Number one, if you don't know who you're comfortable
having sex with, just have sex with everybody.
- Oh, everybody. - You wanna have sex with.
- Your professor. (laughs) - Yeah.
- Your friend's dad. - Why not?
- Your friend's mom. - True.
- The guy that bags the groceries at Trader Joe's.
- Been there.
- Explore your body, that's lesson number two.
Play with yourself every day, once a day.
- Number three is, always talk
to the muscular guys at the gym.
That's literally what they're there for.
They wanna talk to you.
Definitely ask, "Oh, can I spot you?"
And they're like, "Hey, you're not strong enough
to spot me," and you're like, "Hey, I wanna date you."
That's a great conversation back and forth
that you could do all on your own.
- Honestly, if they say yes, you can spot them.
Just stand behind them and like,
gently nestle your penis on their forehead.
- Right.
- That's why people go to the gym.
- Thank you guys so much for tuning in.
We hope you really liked this episode.
- I loved it. - I did too.
- Don't forget to comment, rate, and subscribe.
If you have any questions for us for the following episodes,
just leave 'em in the comments.
- Yep.
For more infomation >> Discovering Your Sexuality AKA 'Am I Gay???' | The Relationsh*t Show | MTV - Duration: 8:31.-------------------------------------------
Dizzy Wright on his Collab Album w/ Logic & His New EP! | MTV - Duration: 3:29.
I'm here with my guy, Dizzy Wright,
and we gonna talk about the new EP
"Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done."
Now, I know that you said somewhere
that your fans can expect this project
to be more sharper and more polished than your other projects.
How so? Um, well, it's just...
Okay. I'm stepping into my maturity, right?
So it's just like, you know, all the... all the...
all the projects are kind of self-explanatory,
like with "SmokeOut Conversations"
and, like, "The Growing Process,"
and then, like, "State of Mind,"
Mm-hmm. and, like, "Wisdom and Good Vibes."
And, like, you know, so I've been putting
certain energies out there and, like, you know,
I've been putting the energy out there
Mm-hmm. that I kind of want to get back.
So, this is just, like, where I'm at right now, I feel the sharpest.
This is where you're the sharpest.
You know, 'cause I feel like I've dropped a lot of projects
through some rough patches. Uh-huh.
And, you know, the fans don't really know about it,
'cause I'm not really out here, you know,
Mm-hmm. lettin' 'em know everything I be going through,
but this is where I'm like, yo,
I'm about to become a business owner.
I'm throwing these gems out here. Mm-hmm.
Um, these 444 gems out here... There you go, there it is.
You know what I'm saying? All right.
...to let y'all know that this is where I'm headed. Mm-hmm.
So, hopefully, they could take that
Do the same. and then use that to do the same, you know?
I like it, man. I listened to the project a couple of times already.
Yeah, I do. You got a track on there with Logic as well, right?
Talk about working with Logic and how y'all relationship came to form.
Logic's my boy. We was on the "XXL" cover together in 2013.
That's when we became homies. Mm-hmm.
We became homies a little before that,
but, you know, after we did the "Cypher" together,
that's when I was like, "Oh, okay, hold on now. We need to be homies."
He come in and it's been cool to just kind of watch him do what he do.
The collab kind of came together just really based off the love, bro.
Okay. Just like, I reached out and just let him know
that, you know, I had been cooking up something
that I needed him to bless, and it was easy, just like that.
Did y'all work in the studio together or you...?
Nah, nah, this record, I just sent to him.
Our previous record... So this is my third record...
Yeah. ...with Logic, so our previous record, we worked in the studio.
You know, now the boy doing his thing.
Shout out to my boy Logic 'cause he really out here killing the game.
But I had to send that verse in. Yeah.
And get that verse back.
You had to get that verse back. I ain't mad at it.
But, you know, I thought you guys were working on
putting a project together, like an album together.
Yeah, no, we talked about it and we wanted to do it,
and then after that, the whole situation with the Funk Volume happened,
and that kind of set me back on a business side of things,
'cause I realized that I needed to get
a little more control of what I had going on. Uh-huh.
And it's just... I had to kind to build back off of them small winnings,
so I didn't want to try to, like, do a project
or be tagging behind somebody new... Yeah.
...to try to, like, rebuild the buzz or kick things back up.
I knew that it was gonna be a rough patch
that I needed to kind of work through... Mm-hmm.
...and then we'll get back to what we supposed to be doing
when I get back to where I'm 'posed to be.
Okay, when you get back. I feel like you on "TRL."
You back where you're supposed to be right now, Dizzy Wright.
Come on, man. I appreciate it. (applause)
And then, so, we can expect an album,
though, from you two, eventually, though. Oh, yeah.
I'ma go ahead and I'm gonna make sure it happens.
Okay. cool. That's what's up, man.
Tag 2 in Gais: Frederik Rönnow über seinen Start - Duration: 2:28.
Monitor your YouTube Competition with TubeBuddy Competitor Alerts - Duration: 1:25.
Want to keep an eye on your YouTube Competition without them knowing?
This legend level feature helps you do just that!
<TB Tips & Tricks Bumper>
Hello Everyone, I'm Andrew Kan from TubeBuddy, and our Competitor Alerts tool helps you
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Make your selection and click Save.
From this point forward, you will receive a notification which includes a link to the
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a new video.
These alerts will help you keep up with your competition, so you can stay ahead of the
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I'm Andrew Kan from TubeBuddy and thank you all so much for watching!
Der verlorene Sohn und der ältere Bruder (2) – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 24:46.
SCEG Sues To Stop Rate Cuts - Duration: 2:57.
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Unveils New Mobile Phone App - Duration: 0:17.
Fair Prospect, Portland, Jamaica - Duration: 6:22.
Fair Prospect begins about here
Fair Prospect Primary School [Right]
To Fair Prospect High School [Right]
Fair Prospect ends here
Next community Long Bay
Read with Bookshare Web Reader and Read&Write - Duration: 1:33.
Read and Write for Google Chrome is an extension that gives Bookshare members more options
when reading on a computer or Chromebook.
Read and Write is available in the Chrome web store.
To get the extension, open the Google Chrome browser.
Select "Apps" in the top left corner of the page, then select the Web Store app.
Search for the desired extension, then follow the prompts to install it in your Chrome extensions toolbar
Once you have installed the extension, go to www.bookshare.org.
Log in to Bookshare with your username and password.
Your "My Bookshare" page will open.
Select "View Your Assigned Books (Reading Lists)"
Open a Reading List and choose a book.
Then, select "Read Now."
The book will open in Bookshare Web Reader.
Select the Read and Write icon in your Chrome extensions toolbar.
Highlight the text where you want to start reading, then select the "Play" button,
or select the "hover speech" tool and hover your cursor over where you want to start reading
[text is read out loud]
To adjust the voice settings and rate of speech, select the arrow on the right end of the toolbar,
then select options and then speech.
Select OK when done.
Annoying pine cone | Stung by a bee | Flying white fish | That frog again | FT Balou - Duration: 5:02.
How to Subtitle a YouTube Video with Camtasia - Duration: 13:05.
How do you handle YouTube closed captions
when there are two, three, or more people talking in the video?
I'll tell what happens.
A mess.
But no worries, I have a Camtasia solution for you.
I'm Naomi Skarzinski with the Top Shelf VA channel.
Your place for creativity and inspiration for business and life.
Okay, the first thing to mention is I have already
produced an in-depth tutorial on how to create transcripts and closed captions.
Those methods work perfectly fine if you are the only person speaking in your video.
The first half of that training is a good review of the various ways you can create
the actual text file for your transcript.
I've provided the link in the description below.
What we are looking at today is what can happen when loading a text transcript
with two or more people, music, and background noise.
It can be difficult for YouTube to set the timings when loading the text file directly to YouTube.
I'll show you an alternative solution using Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018.
Let's first see what the problem can be by loading the text for one of my client's videos.
Let's get in here and see how YouTube did with the timings for the closed caption.
I usually like to review this at one and half speed to save a little bit of time.
Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo from the Discovery Beach House and I'm with
Our concierge extraordinaire and thank
you so much for joining us on our happy hour tour.
Okay, so far so good.
So, here we are at the Ronny's Place here in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.
Hmmm, the intro bumper is still showing the previous closed caption section,
so the time is off right here.
Then it's showing the music notation with the next caption.
So that's off and is going to have to be fixed.
Let's see a little bit more.
Yeah. (...here.)
Well, our sangria is not like the regular sangria.
Okay, it does well until we get to this section.
Evelyn said, "here."
Sabrina said, "yeah,"
and Ronnie said, "Well our Sangria…", etc.
None of which lined up where they should have.
Let's go ahead and speed up to another
section, so I can show you what a pain it can be to line the timings up in YouTube.
Let's put this back to normal speed.
So, we can see where Evelyn says, "Pura Vida" is not lining up properly.
We then have to go back to find the right place to stop,
which can be tricky since we cannot adjust this wave form at all.
It's hard to see.
Okay, she said, "yeah" right there, and now I have to
adjust it here by dragging this over to the left.
Then I have to go back and drag the beginning of this
one over to the left to match it up with the one before it.
There is Evelyn's pura vida,
and Sabrina's pura vida,
and her cheers.
You can see how it can be frustrating to do this in YouTube.
It's hard to line everything up with the wave form,
having to adjust the left and right on every single solitary caption
because when you move one in YouTube, it will affect all the others differently.
It's very frustrating.
Well, you get the picture.
Let's go ahead and see how we can do this in Camtasia.
Before we get in there, let me mention a few points.
First, I'm going to show you one way specifically, which I think is the easiest,
for creating what is called a SRT file in Camtasia 9 and Camtasia 2018
to load to YouTube.
Second, I never render and load directly to YouTube from Camtasia.
It's a personal preference.
I always render out to a MP4 file and then load the MP4 file to YouTube.
Why do I do this?
By rendering it first as an MP4, waiting for five minutes or so, and then watching the MP4 on
different player rather than in Camtasia or the preview, I usually can catch something I might have missed.
For me, it helps ensure I load the most accurate and close to perfect video as I can
provide to YouTube.
So, with this tutorial I will be using the MP4 file I had rendered out.
However, you could easily do this directly in your Camtasia project file if you wished to do so.
After loading the MP4 to the first track, I expand it, so I can distinctly see the wave form.
This is so much easier to read the wave form here than it was in YouTube.
I click on Captions.
Then I click on the Add Captions button.
A large text box for the captions appears on the canvas.
On the track above the first track, which is holding the
MP4, the captions asset appears, which I like
to expand out the full width of the video.
I manually expand the Closed Caption asset here,
but really, it's not necessary to do that.
It's just a habit I picked up.
It will expand automatically on its own.
If you were doing this in your project file, simply add a track above where your audio is and
add the captions there.
Okay, go ahead and get the text file of the transcript.
Highlight the text.
Copy it with Control plus C and paste it into the captions box with Control plus V.
Click on the Closed Captions setting icon here at the top and then select Sync Captions.
A pop-up window explains a little how to use this.
Your video will begin playing.
Click a word to create a new caption.
Repeat until all text has been captioned.
I want to make a note here for you.
In most cases, when you
transcribed your video, you should have transcribed with one sentence per line.
That will help you in knowing when to click on the word starting the next sentence.
Try to click with the new sentence each time.
Sometimes, if a sentence is long, I will click somewhere in mid-sentence and after all the
settings are made, when I am tweaking, I will adjust it then if I need to.
For now, I'm just trying to click when I hear the word of the next sentence or mid-sentence.
It doesn't have to be perfect, because you will have the opportunity to tweak everything once you're done.
Use Pause and Stop buttons to control playback.
Go ahead and click on Continue and the video will start right away.
Up here, you will click on the word when you want the next caption to start.
Our concierge extraordinaire and thank you so much for joining us on our happy hour tour.
Let me go ahead and stop this for a second and show you what is happening.
As you can see here, what I have tried to do is click a word every time that someone is
speaking separately or starting a new sentence.
Now, here's the thing, I clicked on stop instead of pause, to show you this.
If I had clicked on the Pause button, it would say Resume, and you could easily just keep going.
If you do click on stop, no worries, you're not stuck.
Simply place your playhead where you want to start.
Go back up to the Closed Captions settings icon and select Sync Captions again.
Click on Continue.
A message appears asking if you want to start at the playhead or from the beginning.
Select at playhead.
If you wanted to start all over again from scratch for some reason, from the very very
beginning, that is when you would click on Start at beginning.
For our purposes, we'll start at the playhead.
The first few times you do this, it will take a little
bit to get use to keeping up with the audio and clicking but it's a relatively short learning curve.
Now of course, you don't need to watch me do all of this, so let's jump to the end here.
Now what we are going to do is watch the captions with the audio and fine tune it.
To get back to the beginning of the video I will click on Control plus the Home key.
What I'm going to be looking for is to have two lines per caption.
You can have three; however, I prefer two.
I'm also going to look for places where the timing needs to be adjusted
slightly because I clicked either too early or two late.
I'm not going to go through all of these but show you just a few quick samples.
We'll listen and watch the wave form.
Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo from the Discovery Beach House and I'm with
Our …
So, we see here she starts with "our," so all I have to do is move this to the left.
You see that's much faster than it was in YouTube.
I'm not having to worry about the adjusting the left and the right sides of a caption.
See, they are stitched together and move as one.
So, here we are at the Ronny's Place here in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.
Here, with the music, I want to separate this out into two captions.
I'll right click on the caption and select Split Caption.
When splitting the caption, it puts the same text on both sides of the split.
On the first caption of the split, I will delete the text starting with "One of the special things…"
On the second half of the split, I will delete the music section.
Now I'll move back a little and line up these captions appropriately by the wave form.
One of the special things that I love about Ronny's Place is not only Ronny himself, …
Let's go ahead and do a couple more examples.
Here's an example of where I want the sentence to end on the caption before it.
I'll click in the caption, cut out the Ronnie by highlighting it and
pressing Control plus X to cut it.
Remove the extra line space by pressing the delete key.
I'll go to the prior caption and adjust the sentence.
Then I'll paste Ronny to end of the sentence by pressing Control plus V.
Here's the place where all three were speaking.
Remember, that was a little tricky in YouTube.
So, I'm going to decide to adjust this, so it makes a little more sense.
I'm going to take Evelyn's "here" and move it over with Sabrina's "yeah" and indicate that it is
the ending of Evelyn's other sentence by putting it into parentheses.
This will indicate to the reader that both are speaking at the same time.
I think you get the idea now.
Simply go through all the closed captions, adjust as necessary to the wave form, and if
needed, moving some text from one caption section to the other.
Once you get use to it, it will get much easier and faster.
Don't forget to keep hitting Control plus S throughout to save the work you have done.
Once you have all the captions the way you would like, you are only a
couple steps away from loading them to YouTube.
Go to Share.
Export Captions.
Go to the location on your hard drive where you want to export the file to.
Give the file a name.
As you can see, you are now about to save the file as a SubRip Captions File with an SRT extension.
Click on Save.
If we open the SRT file, what we will see is Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018 has time
stamped each caption.
This is what YouTube's closed captioning system will read.
Back in Youtube, under Subtitles CC.
Let's go ahead and remove the previous text version I had used for demonstrating the issues
of YouTube's automated closed captions when you have two or more people in the video.
Let's get rid of that.
Now click on add new subtitles or CC.
Upload a file.
Click on Subtitles file.
Browse and then go to the file on your hard drive and double click on it to upload it.
You'll get the warning message that uploading a file will overwrite this version of English,
which is perfectly fine.
Click on upload.
If you want to be on the absolutely safe side to make sure everything is accurate before you
publish, you can watch it one last time.
You can make any minor tweaks to the text on the left side here.
It should be fine because you used Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018 to super fine tune the timings.
So, you really should be fine.
Once you are happy with it, click on save changes.
That's it!
If you have two, three, four, or more people in your video, use your Camtasia 9 or Camtasia
2018 to get the most accurate closed caption SRT file possible.
I'll have the link to other closed captions and translations training video in the description below.
You can watch the first half of that video to learn ways to produce transcriptions for your videos.
Remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell to get more training videos
on a wide variety of subjects.
Until we meet again, have a wonderful day!
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