I heard somewhere that the Swedish AFOLs is among the best in the world at Community Builds ...
... which is nice for us.
In this first of the CB episodes we will take a look at three different pieces.
We start with CB City.
A CB is a Community Build wich is to jointly build together ...
... and then during an event you build up the whole thing and it will be a large piece.
Then you get the big even though you do not have to build everything yourself.
You can just build a smaller part.
What is important with Community Build is that you have quite clear framework ...
... where the boundaries go between the different sections.
In order to easily be able to connect it without looking wierd.
My name is Oscar Rydhé, called OZP.
I have planned this CB. CB City it is called.
We are about 10 people who have helped to build this province.
New parts that I have built for this exhibition is the S-curve and tunnel.
I have also built a new train to this exhibiion and it's a 241 Hector Rail.
Hector Rail is based here in Hallsberg which is next to Orebro.
That's why I built that model.
And for that one I have also built new container wagons that are 'Bricks from Sweden' Advertising.
A 241 Hectorrail.
It is built in 7 wide.
Which is a bit dicey. You have to use lots of small plates to get it together.
But the result is pretty good I think.
In the 80s LEGO had current in the rails. As you are used with other model railways.
But because US rules they went over to the plastic in the mid 90s.
And that's what we use here.
So all the trains have batteries in them.
That drives the motors.
Lego uses the this kind of IR remote controls.
And in the trains there's an IR receiver.
It's great when you're a kid and want to run your trains home. But it is less great at shows.
Not only can fluorescent lamps and stuff disrupt it.
Secondly, the range is quite poor, so if you have a train that is on the other side of the table ...
... the remote does not always reach.
Therefore, we have gone over to a 3rd-party system called SBrick and uses Bluetooth instead.
And then, I have built a program in the Raspberry Pi.
Which controls this.
So we have a computer that controls the trains.
It is a railway as a start.
With 3 tracks, circular tracks.
With a large railway yard.
Then we have a neighborhood too.
With a lot of houses, roads and cars.
This CB varies from exhibit to exhibit. Depending on who is coming.
The planning started in March.
Where we drew up the guidelines.
In broad terms how the layout would look like. Then we'll fill it out by hand as people sign up.
So it never looks the same on two exhibitions.
This Gothic cathedral, we are happy that we got by.
It's Wineyard who built it.
It's amazing.
Then we also have Kloss. The department store here. That Dalle built.
Then we tried to do a Batman scene here with some official set.
As the kids think is great fun. That they recognize.
This is actually the oldest CB available.
It is based on the LEGO CC standard. Their modular housing.
It started by people who took their own houses. Built their own house and brought.
And then we put up a railway around.
And then, there has since evolved from exhibit to exhibit. That we have built a little more.
And now we've got the rail ballast and moduverse plates.
These roads are brick built roads instead of LEGOs base plate roads.
And that does a lot to make it look much better.
We thank you for the visit in CB City and will soon have a look at the enormous CB Train Land.
That one is also in the lineup that was on the Klossfestivalen 2017.
But first we'll get to know a little about the entry-level-CB Atheria.
Hi. My name is Peter Ilmrud and has the alias Zilmrud on Swebrick and in other forums.
And I'm Thomas Krzeminski - Lordflintstone.
I Zilmrud and Lordflintstone are responsible for CB Atheria.
Wich is a fantasy-CB with elements of Steampunk.
It takes place in a fragmented world, where the world's parts floating around in the aether.
And this is an entry-CB. It is for beginners will be able to come in with a light threshold.
One can build only a small island or a small creature or little air vehicles.
So one can be in the CB and the big picture without the need to build huge and invest large sums ...
... of money and pieces.
The advantage is that it is quite easy to connect these islands.
We have suspension bridges that you connect them with and then you can have certain access points.
It is not so much the rules that govern and not so brick demanding, as I said.
And if the tables are uneven that doesn't do anything. Or if you have a different height ...
... that is compensated by the suspended bridges.
So it is a bit easier than another CB.
They bridges we have built up out of these strings with pieces that can be put clips on.
And ordinary tiles 1x4.
And then create a bridge that is very moving.
You can change the color scheme of it if you want. You can do it specifically so that you know whose bridge is whose.
They you connect these with the studs on the islands.
And, in that it is so bendy, it can be both curved and straight and twisted in different directions.
Which makes it much easier to place them on the islands so that it will look good on an exhibition.
There is no war in this CB and there are no police. Everything is hunky-dory here and all are doing well.
It is a little nice in contrast to everything else in the world.
Yes, there are no weapons and there are soldiers or such.
Otherwise, it's that the world was split sometime in the future. We do not know when.
So the earth became little pieces floating around in a fog.
And out of this fog as it came out some creatures that floated around and flying around.
And with time they learned to tame them and fly around on them.
A large part of what you can move around things with is this crystal, Aethernit.
And it also uses a fairly simple form of steam engines to power the airships and other things.
The aethernit also lifts up all the islands. That's what makes it float.
So you can use aethernit, if you do not have airships with balloons, you can ...
... attach it and get the airships to lift with the aethernit.
Here is my first big airship.
The idea was that there would be little organic. While the entire CB is. At the same time as it is a ship.
So it is a tree that serves as the mast. Which has grown through while holding up the pod under the ship.
And because it is not in the water it does not matter that there is something under the ship.
There are sleeping quarters for the ship in the pod.
And it is a hospital ship.
So here we have some twins who have just been born.
Small things..
I'm quite pleased with it actually.
Much beacuse of the organic. Makes it work with the tree.
Though it is steam and machines they still marry together.
The CB is built out of alot of nature.
Because you have collected the islands from different areas and created a society.
But over time we have developed the CB by building more cities and urban areas.
Now the latest we have is Morena.
Last year, Dalle has taken the initiative to build a capital city called Morena.
Wich is partly based on Venice. So he started with this part.
And we thought it was a very good idea.
The difference is that there are stone bridges. They are richer. They can afford to have stone bridges.
So then we span on that and then, this was an old building from Ooger, and then I built this.
That'll be about the same style though it'll be a whole block.
And then we have used stone bridges. But to get the flexibility we use a simple piece like this.
It wobbles a little bit so that the height can be adjusted one or two plates. Almost 3 plates.
If you not only use plates underneath.
And you can have on the sides. So that you do not have to have all of the islands completely straight.
Though it is rigid bridges. It works great.
This area was the first part that I built to Atheria.
It's the Owl Inn. Happy Owl.
I like very much when I build to have a little story. So I've made up ...
... all personalities and what happens here.
A little jealousy and the little funny things.
A pig chasing an ant here.
Here is one, you may not see it but, a slaughtered pig hanging and bleeding a little.
A skunk being slaughtered herein.
Small stuff when you see a whole build they say 'Yes, it's fine.
But then one can deepen one self and find small details that you think is fun.
What I got stuck with this CB was mainly the nature and to get them here leafy environments.
But also what is the Steampunk part of it all.
Hence, I have made an airship that was one of my first creations.
That is very much golden details and brown.
Wich is lifted up by balloons and a steam engine.
Then we have a bit more green islands with a little more nature. More flowers and a little more color.
A bit more history behind it. This build for example is one that purifies rainwater since water as a scarce resource.
You can try some different techniques. This was my first MOC actually.
Then we have expanded it to a bigger island.
Where you can look at it from many different directions.
A market with few houses around it.
And a lot of hustle and bustle. And a lot of different parts of nature around the whole build.
I also have one of these Ichtyoid.
I have rebuilt an official set so that it becomes a bit more fishy, flying creature.
One of my favorite techniques is half a stud in.
When you use a jumper plate so you get the brick in a little bit.
It is a simple technique but I think it was a beautiful structure out of it.
Very easy to use and does not not swallow alot o bricks.
The Easy Build Tip.
What we are going to look at here is something as simply as a corn plant.
And the reason I want to show you it is, as you will see in the CB Train Land ...
... that if you put very many together in a field, it will be a very cool and groovy effect.
It looks very nice out anyways. And therefore I intend to show you how to do this even though it's very simple.
The design itself is very simple. It consists of 2 of these plant parts.
There are those here bamboo leaves and these common flower stems.
And then on them you put regular 1x1 round plates. Yellow.
You use 2 or 3, you can choose as you like, just click in and then you will take it in the order ...
... as you like. Mix different stems.
One can often start with a flowering plant at the bottom.
And then a couple there and bamboo on.
You vary on the different onces because it's supposed to be a living, organic thing. You put it just as you want.
Click together and then have one of those.
And as I said, the fun effect you will shortly see the CB Train Land.
Hi. Carl T on Swebrick. Carl Troein.
I am one of the five builders in CB Train Land.
Along with Andreas, standing over there right now.
He has built a little more than I have in this.
And he was the one that started this CB if i'm not misstaken.
And who keeps track of us and makes the layout etc in it.
Since we now have currently 5 builders. We have had a sixth man, but we have never been more than 5 who built simultaneously.
So it has moved on and changed the builders afterwards and expanded and reconfigured as we have rebuilt parts.
I chose to start in this part that actually are amongst the newest.
So this is Linköping Central.
Built for Swebricks big exhibition in Linköping in March this year.
So it has been with us in March and have been here now.
And I suspect that Andreas, soon will demolish it and build something else of the pieces.
For after all it is something big and living. Various bits rebuilt.
So this is his station where you see a lot of familiar characters.
Right now I see actually no, yes Scooby Doo is there.
Scooby Doo. The children like to find familiar faces here.
A little multicolored bicycles and other things are here and you can see the trains whizzing by here all the time.
Right now Östgötapendeln wich was also built for the exhibition in Linköping.
Of OZP, Oscar, who is at the CB City.
Peter, Ibbe, has been a part of the buildi here. Maybe we should go in this direction.
Here is Peter's part, which is a port. A large waterfront.
With many tracks and a lot of trains that is set.
Some of his own wagons and so on.
In a previous version of this, a year ago or so here was a proper big open empty space where they were building something.
And suddanly we saw what they had managed to build.
Namely, silos and one smaller building here.
Over here in the harbor is now a ship inside.
Here are a number of cranes that are working.
Over here there is a crane that actually works.
A motorized larger crane that can lift containers, drop and grab them.
Move them between trucks and trains.
It happens a lot of things out there in the harbor. I do not really know what these guys are doing.
But you see, there is hustle and bustle of it.
Not least because of the trains that are constantly whizzing around here.
One of the things that made this build, I do not want to say possible but definitely been a contributing factor ...
... that it has become as it has been is that the association as a whole worked towards this moduverse standard.
Going over from those base plates. LEGOs 32x32 flimsy sheets to a more stable standard.
One can possibly see it here.
They are therefore two bricks high.
Still, as the basic unit 32x32 but it varies much more.
And we've also a standard for the roads how they should look.
Right here is something a little special for this is a shift of the railroad so here goes up a little higher.
But otherwise it is a standard where the roads are made of bricks.
Light Bluish Gray and White.
And then, we have of course a standard for how it should look. So that we can build a lot of road and take with us.
Putting in the middle here. Also very handy as dividers.
Allows a little more reconfiguration of the buildi so that it does not have to match exactly with how broad the modules are.
But this build works otherwise so that we have an allocation how large piece each one should build.
So many plates, four and a half plate deep and so many plates wide. With the railroad tracks.
A half plate from the edge, so to speak, so that we have a small strip out here that you can then fill with ...
... in my case, I just filled it with rubbish I was about to say, but nearly so.
I have only covered the ground with weeds.
But I have some ideas about what should grow up there, too.
Precisely this is my piece.
There is apparently a farm. Or it's probably not a fully functioning farm, given that ...
... there is not so much land. I think of it more as a 4H-farm.
Which may also explain why there is so much kids running around here.
And a very lot of adults right now. There is currently happening something, they dig and someone is running pigs etc.
The latest addition to my part is a little color on the roof there. It has not happened so much here since Linköping.
What more can one say!? The hippie has apparently died there.
There was a hippie that fed the goats inside.
I'm a little happy that I have nine goats.
I bought them before they became so very, very expensive.
House in Sand blue. I have more sand blue at home. Should maybe build it bigger or prettier anyway.
Yes, they're here rail posts.
The posts to the railroad, I can say something about them too.
It is as you can see a lot of windows.
Again inspired out of something we saw on the web somewhere.
And yes, you see here are lances and one of these little hands holding a stick.
It is the kind of thing that happens when determining a standard before the pieces have gone off in price.
So I feel a bit sorry for those who venture into this now and will buy these windows for 20SEK ($2.2 USD) each.
My part ends here somewhere. I have little forest too, apparently.
Great fun to transport these trees.
They are full and fine now. They will be full and fine when I put them in a box on Sunday.
And is fine in bubble wrap.
They make it home. They make it to the next show, and then when I raise them out of the box, then all the leaves fall off.
I have learned from experience. They then shake off so when you lift them all comes off.
Here in the forest, it happens not so much. The pigs have escaped.
Running around there now with some other small animals.
I do not really know what the scout where going to do with the knife but it gives itself well.
Then we have a transition. It does not appear so clearly. There are also some fun this.
To try to build the transitions between our modules.
Right now, here's a crack, but it's only because the tables are so uneven.
To try to build it so that it blends together. So that the ground is not completely mismatched and so.
And here is Janimakays part.
That is a little trees, forest, and then a sawmill that is making things with wood
Small details, if you look.
The man here who's in a great hurry to that building there.
Whatever he is going to do in there.
Here things happen too. Hustle and bustle.
It loads. It disengages. It runs away somewhere.
I like what's been done here. Right here with these moduverse plates that you can play with the depth ...
... in them too so that you can go down and have such immersed for water.
And of course then also raised.
Which you obviously can do with a standard base plate also but it's not that exciting.
I will show an example when raised, here we have a hill.
And now we are on Andreas, Kwagges, part.
So this is a hill and on this hill hides regulators to 9-volt rail.
Right now we feed from the other end but there is so that it can supply power from this end.
And if you look at the track it's not the new plastic rail, but the older metal rails.
In addition to, the observant see that this curve is just too wide, large, not tight.
So it is not LEGO's own track. This is the new ME-rail.
In the metal version.
So purists say _Well that it is not Lego, but we say -Well it's much nicer like this.
And it's compatible. Works great.
The ballast is a little to fix course since it lays on top of the curves. But it works.
The trains chug and chug and chug along here.
He has a lot of ground, and much corn here, Andreas.
Very good-looking plants. What you can do with these different plant parts.
As I understand it, it's alot of BrickLink in this.
There is little LUG-bulk also in parts of trees and stuff. If people wonder where the bricks come from.
Much details. One must stand here and watch to see everything that happens.
The rabbits have some little deliberation here. The dogs have their on the other side.
I think it's awesome that Andreas has found a way to incorporate his ...
... badge bricks and bricks from such different events as he has been on in the actual layout.
To actually sit there like a container and looks quite reasonable out.
I'm just carrying around mine. It's getting a bit long this. Cracked and break and fall on the floor.
I like this house apparently. It's a nice half-timbered house.
Here is a lot of hustle and bustle in the builds, which I think is very important too.
It's the kind of thing that makes people stop and look.
Just as one can get into those little stuff, too, and not just the big nice buildings ...
... but also the small details. The scenes where things happens.
Here are people out walking all around. There are animals.
And so we come to, I was about to say the last bit, but it's one of those earliest pieces here.
Robbans major industrial area.
Well what can we say about it. It's great, it's awesome, very uniform. And terribly nicely, I think.
It's really just to stand and watch it. Just enjoy the surroundings.
This little drab.
And trucks and forklifts and other things working in here.
Out here happens some little scene also. Someone who tinkers with a motorcycle.
Looks almost like a motorcycle club that keeps there.
In a little suspicious area.
The trees are of course one of those things that one can distinguish us on, that we all have different styles of how we build our trees.
So if you are not sure which piece goes with which. I think the trees is almost the safest way to determine that.
And that is about it.
If you also want to build this sweet Lamborghini, the instructions are on the creator ...
... Jerry Builds Bricks YouTube.
Now he is not a Swedish AFOL but that does not matter because this is after all a series on the passion for LEGO.
Yes Great Community Builds are always fascinated.
And what great cities we have seen in this episode.
Another man who builds very large cities on his own is Jörgen Fagerlund and him we will meet in the next episode.
What !? 100 bucks for some gas. Come on. What is this?!
Contact: patrik.hansson@hotmail.se
For more infomation >> Swedish AFOLs [3] - Community Builds [Subtitles] - Duration: 29:56.-------------------------------------------
Finish it Friday- Let's get our UFO's Finished July 27th 2018 - Duration: 5:07.
hi everybody it's Friday so that can only mean one
thing it is finished at Friday so basically some of you will be wondering
if I actually got my purse finished from last week well I did and subsequently I
have done a review and that will go up in a couple of days but I did finish the
purse and as you can see I have used some Singer fabric there and it turned
out really well I was really happy with it
I did make a little bit of an error in it and you can see that there the glue
that I used has actually come through I didn't use a lot of it but it's come
through on the front so this one is just for me anyway so I don't really care
it's another project finished and I can't wait to start using it my other
purse is starting to get a little bit tired so yeah I'm really happy with that
and that one's called the Roxy so I will do a review that I probably go up on
Sunday or Monday I'm running a little bit behind schedule this week
unfortunately so yeah you'll get to see that pattern and where to get that from
so yeah I'll give you a bit of a sneak peek inside so you can see all those
card slots you've got a coin purse and it's also accordion so yeah I'm pretty
happy with how it turned out and I'll put the review up slow finish it Friday
I have noticed that a few of you have been putting pictures up in our Facebook
group and leaving comments underneath the videos as well which is great I'm
really happy to see that and I hope everybody continues doing that um so
this week I have rummaged through my UFOs again and I have actually found one
that I completely forgot that I had ordered so this was through um Club
clobbered I think is how you pronounce it and it's called clock Coburn it's in
the bag and it's September's featured dishonored and you'll never guess who it
is it is actually the crafty Gemini so it
is actually four zip away organizer so um yeah it came
with everything that I needed in the project and it's using some of the
crafty Gemini fabric and everything it's got all the zippers it's got a zipper
pull in it and all that sort of stuff I haven't cut it out I don't know what
else was in the bag cause the bag was open and there were some stabilizers and
stuff in the bottom of my tub so I'm assuming that there was some more stuff
to go with it but as you can see it looks like it was
supposed to it's got a little piece of vinyl in there no the vinyl still in
there but as you can see that's what it is that I'm going to be making so in
saying that oh I am definitely going to be trying to make that this week I don't
know if it's still available online or not it does have a password here that I
need to get in to do the video course so cause Vanessa is really great with it
video courses so I'm going to go in there and do that and then I will
possibly do a little bit of a review on how I went with that because I don't
think there is any pattern as such because this is all that's in in here I
don't know what else came with it that's how long it's been sitting there for
it's got three fat quarters of the kinfoke fabric by Vanessa virus Wilson
the crafty Gemini it's got the vinyl a zipper a double zipper and then it also
has a kaleidoscope zipper pull some fabric clips which is probably the stuff
that's actually fallen out into the bottom the best press I took out when it
first came and I use that all the time because it was a little bottle and a
notepad and a pencil which I have subsequently fall down as well because I
don't like them just that sort of stuff to sit in with my UFOs so you know what
the drill is for finish it Friday I post up this video I share it over to our
Facebook group you leave a comment but underneath the video telling us what
you're working on or do you need some help with some stuff you can also leave
a comment underneath this video on you tube as well and tell us what you're
working on and what you're trying to get finished we're trying to build a
community so I hope that you join in the fun if you haven't joined our Facebook
group yet the link is underneath this video you can hit that link and someone
will approve you send a request to join of course and someone will approve you
my name is Nicole reed for darvanalee designs studio and this is finished at
Friday thanks very much for joining me everybody and I'll see you all again
soon bye for now
Google Doodle honors Lyudmila Rudenko, chess champion and savior of children - Duration: 1:41.
Google Doodle honors Lyudmila Rudenko, chess champion and savior of children.
Before becoming the first woman awarded the title of International Master, she helped
evacuate stranded children during World War II.
Lyudmila Rudenko gained fame by taking down kings and queens, but was most proud of helping
to save the lives of children during World War II.
The women soviet chess master helped pave the way for women in the sport, becoming the
world's second women's chess champion in 1950, the same year she became the first woman awarded
the title of International Master.
To honor her achievements and the many titles Rudenko collected, Google dedicated its Doodle
on Friday to the chess champ on her 114th birthday.
Born in 1904 in Lubny now part of the Ukraine, Rudenko began learning chess from her father
at the age of 10 but didn't begin tournament play until she was 25.
During that gap, she earned a degree in economics and focused more on competitive swimming than
chess, becoming a champion in the 400-meter breaststroke in Odessa.
At the onset of World War II, Rudenko went to work at an armament factory in Leningrad.
When the factory workers were evacuated to another city hundreds of miles away, the children
of many workers were left behind.
As the Siege of Leningrad began, Rudenko was put in charge of evacuating the workers' children.
She organized a special train that removed the children before the military blockade
tightened around the city.
Despite her success as a chess champion, Rudenko considered this to be her life's most important
Rudenko died in 1986 at the age of 81 in Leningrad, now known as St. Petersburg, Russia.
She was inducted into the Chess Hall of Fame in 2015.
I MIEI REGALI PER L' ONOMASTICO - 16 LUGLIO 2018 - - Duration: 6:05.
лучшие песни Торегали Тореали & Ернар Айдар - Duration: 1:14:38.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
NetzDG: Gefahr des Overblockings nicht gebannt - Duration: 1:22.
Cock A Doodle Doo | Best Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:54.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.
Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has found her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick
And knows not what to do.
Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe.
Should You Wear Shoes in the House? How About Indoor Shoes? - Duration: 6:00.
Should you take your shoes off when you come inside the house?
This comes from a homeowner who wants to know what are the etiquette rules of a clean house
and clean flooring.
We're going to talk about that today.
Hi there. I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by HouseCleaning360.com
If you are a homeowner and you need a house cleaner, you can find one that fits your price
and one that fits your style of cleaning on HouseCleaning360.com
There are all kinds of maids, and housekeepers, and house cleaners, and home service providers
on HouseCleaning360.com
All right, onto today's show, which is from a homeowner who wrote into the show and wanted
to know, "Am I supposed to take my shoes off when I come in the house?"
The answer is it's a really good idea.
Now, when you come in from outside, if you walk across your grass, what happens is you
are tracking in whatever is on your grass.
It could be bugs.
It could be freshly-mowed grass.
It could be dirt, dust, debris, or airborne contaminants from the weather.
And now you're tracking that in onto your clean carpet.
What happens is when you vacuum your floor, you end up scooping up a lot of that stuff,
but if you don't bring it in your house in the first place, then you can keep all of
that outside or to a contained area.
Now, right inside my garage door, because I come in most of the time from my garage,
hanging on the back of the garage door coming into my house is a shoe rack, and on that
shoe rack are all of the shoes.
So I take off the shoes that I'm wearing and I put on a pair of house shoes that I wear
inside my house.
So you can still wear shoes in your house, but it's a dedicated pair of shoes for your house.
Now, the reason I prefer shoes is because I like the support that shoes provide, so
as long as I've been cleaning, it hits all the different areas of your body, from your
neck, your shoulders, your back, your knees, your hips, so it's a lot of movement, and
I really like having shoe support because it supports my knees, and my lower back, and
then my shoulders, so it's great for my spine.
So if you like wearing shoes in your house, that's great.
If you have a special pair of shoes, some people wear slippers, some people wear flip-flops,
some people just go barefoot in their house.
Now, there are billions of contaminants that are still in our house, whether it's little
bits of particles that are from hairspray, or cleaning chemicals, or dust, or whatever.
Even if we're barefoot, then that gets on the bottoms of our feet, so I like to still
cover my feet, just to prevent any kinds of germs or whatever, that then I'm wearing around
on my toes, right?
So even though the floors are clean, I still like to keep my feet covered.
All right, another thing that we learned as children, and we learned this from Mr. Rogers,
is that when he came into his house, always, he would stop and he would take off his shoes,
and he would put them away.
So it's exciting to think that, as you come right inside your house, there might be a
space where you could put your shoes away, and he always took off his sweater and put
on a different sweater, but he always put it away.
He didn't take it and just throw it on the floor.
So even as kids, we watched him take off his sweater, put a new sweater on, hang up the
old sweater, take his shoes off, put new shoes on, and put the outside shoes away.
So it's exciting to see that that is a good idea as we keep organization and tidiness
inside our homes.
Take the shoes off from outside and put them away, and like I say, I've got a rack on the
inside of my door.
You can have something similar or you can have a bench.
There are different ways that you can store those shoes.
Some people have a mat and they just line their shoes up on the mat.
Some people have a little garbage pail and they just dump all the shoes inside, and then
when they go outside again, then they grab the pair of shoes from the bin, and they take
them outside.
Some people use a laundry basket.
It doesn't matter.
There's no right or wrong way to do it, but it is a good idea, when you're coming in from
outside, to take off the outside shoes and leave the outside shoes either hung up on
a rack or whatever, so you're not bringing all that debris inside.
Now, another thing that I might recommend as you're thinking about your outside shoes,
the outside shoes are great, recyclable shoes, especially if you work out in your yard, because
we all wear tennis shoes, and running shoes, or whatever, and as those shoes get old, instead
of just throwing those shoes away, those make good recycled outdoor shoes for when you're
working out in the yard or you're doing outside projects that might be a little bit dirty
or messy, like pressure washing, or painting, or renovations, or something like that.
So I have a pair of junk shoes as well, and they used to be my indoor shoes, and as they
get holes in them, or as the treads wear out, or whatever, those get recycled and become
my outdoor shoes, and then my outdoor shoes that have holes in the toes, those get recycled
then and thrown in the trash.
So there are a couple of different ways you can do shoes, but my recommendation is that
you do have outside shoes and that you have inside shoes.
That way, it'll keep all of the outside stuff outside and it will keep your carpets
as clean as possible.
Now having said that, I still recommend that you have regular maintenance on your carpets,
and that you have a regular carpet cleaner come in, because even though we maintain our
house, and we vacuum, and we get rid of the dust and all that stuff, there's still stuff
that's tracked in.
A lot of it is from food that we eat, so even though we may be wearing house shoes, it's
still possible that our carpets could get dirty.
So just pay attention and make a system that works for you, and that might mean leaving
outside shoes outside.
Alrighty, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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