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For more infomation >> Account linken en temperatuur veranderen met de Google Assistant Eneco Chatbot - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Google Web Designer: обзор интерфейса (2018) 😍 - Duration: 9:35.
Ranveer Singh Lovely Family With Parents And Girlfriend - Duration: 5:05.
Ranveer Singh Lovely Family With Parents And Girlfriend
Hannah Gadsby Sent a Legendary First Text to Emma Thompson - Duration: 6:26.
-You do the show in Melbourne.
And you do the show at the -- at the Edinburgh festival.
And you got to meet one of my all-time favorites,
Emma Thompson.
-I did. I had that -- like, I wasn't meeting people
after the show because it was, you know, it's a lot.
It's lot to watch. It's a lot to do.
And I'm antisocial at the best of times.
[ Laughter ]
And so, I had a blanket policy not -- I'm not meeting people.
But particularly sometimes when people like a comedy show,
they want a hug.
And there's -- I have a strong "me-circle" policy.
Keep it clear. [ Laughter ]
-Keep it clear, no hugging.
-Yeah. Mm. -Yeah.
-And this particular night, my tech came out and said,
"Look, I know you don't meet people,
but Emma Thompson's here, so you don't have a choice.
This is for me.
If you don't meet her tonight,
then you don't have lights tomorrow night, so..."
[ Laughter ]
-Yeah, that's -- that's the way life works as a tech.
Yeah. You look after the crew. -Yeah.
-So, I went out and -- I didn't really know who she was.
I did -- I had a vague idea.
I knew she wore a bonnet in something and --
[ Laughter ] -What?
She's one of the best ever.
-I Googled her. I know now.
[ Laughter ]
I went out, and she says, "Ah," you know, "Oh, me."
And she said, "Can I have a hug?"
And I'd gone, "Ugh." [ Laughter ]
-You actually did that?
But she wasn't reading the room,
and she gave me a hug anyway.
-Yeah, it which was, in the end, turned out to be quite pleasant.
I think, perhaps, I did need a hug at that stage
after doing the show over and over again.
It was quite a grueling show.
-It's like a roller coaster.
-Yeah. -Emotional.
-Yeah. So, we ended up just crying on each other's shoul--
I don't know what she was crying about.
It was my life. [ Laughter ]
-Wow. -Yeah.
But she gave me her phone number on one of those, you know,
those coffee cup cardigan things.
You know on the takeaway cups,
they have the little, like, cardboard --
[ Laughter ]
-Almost like a cardboard sweater.
Sure. Cardigan. -Yeah.
-Yeah, I know what -- -Yes, cardigan.
-The little -- yes. I know what you're talking about.
Yes, yes. -A little vest.
-A little vest, yeah. -A little coffee vest.
And she gave me her phone number on it.
Well, I'm not gonna call you. [ Laughter ]
-No, of course you don't --
-We've had a hug. That's enough. Back off.
-And a cry. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
-But somehow, she got ahold of my number.
[ Laughter ]
And not reading the room, and...
-I mean, really persistent.
-But I did not know she'd sent me a text.
And I was in the middle of texting someone else.
So, no real good reason, but I was keen to send my friend
a picture of Chuck Norris.
[ Laughter ]
And I accidentally sent it to Emma Thompson.
-No. [ Laughter ]
-It was -- she sent me a text going,
"That was an amazing show.
You know, it took me all night to process it.
It's changed my future of the world."
And I'm like, Chuck Norris, double denim, cha-choo.
[ Laughter ]
-It's like, "What is wrong with this person?"
"I've never met anyone like this person."
[ Applause ]
And -- how is your -- Is your mom handling all of this?
-Oh, she's always handled it.
Like, my mom has been a strong supportive non-supporter
my entire life.
-Yeah. -And then career.
So, my first ever --
She was in the recording of the Netflix special,
which was...not great.
[ Laughter ]
Like, it was already stressful enough.
And then, "Oh, good day, Mum."
-Yeah. Mom's there. It's like, "Oh, gosh."
-But she was at my first -- the first time I ever performed
in front of Mum was, by far, the most terrifying gig of my life.
-Of course.
-Because she doesn't also read a room.
But she owns every room that she's in.
And she'd never -- we'd never seen stand-up.
You know, I'm from Tasmania.
There was no -- there was no real stand-up scene there.
And she never watched it on TV because it represented
two of her least favorite things --
men who think they're funny and who shout.
[ Laughter ]
And so, any time I had a glimpse of stand-up on TV, she'd go,
"Oh, I've got news for you" and just turn them off.
-Flick it off. Yeah.
-Yeah. But she arrived.
And, I was worried she'd be heckling me.
But then, she heckled everyone on the bill.
Your mom's just heckling comedians?
-All of them.
Like, one guy got up.
He was particularly short, and she just sort of yelled out
he'd be -- he'd be taller if he sat down.
[ Laughter ]
-Not bad, actually.
-It was pretty good. -Yeah.
-But my favorite one was a guy who came on.
He was talking about Starbucks.
And Mum just goes, "What's Starbucks?"
I'm from a small place.
[ Laughter ]
And he, sort of -- that took him aback because we --
Everyone knows what Starbucks is and he's like,
"It's McDonald's for coffee."
That's how he -- -That's a good one.
-He recovered. -Yep, he recovered.
But it did take him a bit more time to get his rhythm back.
-'Cause who would ever say, "What's Starbucks?"
-Yeah, I know someone.
[ Laughter ]
And anyway, so, but that's how perfect my mom's timing is.
She waited till he got his rhythm back
before she continued her conversation, which --
And so, he got his rhythm back.
And she said, "Oh, I thought you were talking about a movie."
[ Laughter ]
-This guy's like, "What is going on, ma'am?"
-And so he lost his rhythm again.
-Yeah. -And then -- so, she thought,
"I'll let him get his rhythm back."
And he did.
And just as he got his rhythm back,
Mum's going, "Oh, no, I was thinking about 'Star Wars.'"
[ Laughter and applause ]
-His whole act is gone.
-Gone. And mine. -And yours as well.
I would like to show everyone a clip of your special.
Here is Hannah Gadsby in "Nanette."
Take a look at this.
-I don't even like the flag.
There, I've said it.
Now, the pride flag.
Now, I love what it means.
That is perfect -- pride. Wonderful.
But the flag itself -- mm, a bit busy.
[ Laughter ]
It's just six very shouty assertive colors
stacked on top of each other.
No rest for the eye.
[ Laughter ]
An afternoon of that waving in my face,
I need to express my identity through the metaphor of a nap.
[ Laughter ]
-Hannah Gadsby, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ]
"Nanette" is on Netflix now.
Hannah Gadsby's Stand-Up Special Was Supposed to Bomb But It Backfired Big Time - Duration: 2:52.
-Thank you for coming on the show.
-Oh, my pleasure.
I'm a little -- I'm a little worried.
I -- I talk a bit slow.
-Oh, yeah.
-Yeah. I just noticed your other guesses -- guests, ooh.
-Yes. We -- we go very fast. Yeah.
-This is very -- In fact, we're out of time.
But thank you so much for coming on.
[ Laughter ]
Hannah Gadsby -- No, just kidding.
-Oh, you're kidding?
-Oh, no -- I am. I'm joking. Yeah.
-I got to say, I watched the special,
and I thought, at first, I thought you were Nanette.
-Ooh, yeah, that's wrong.
-Yeah. Thank you. [ Laughter ]
So it is wrong.
-I thought you were The Show.
[ Laughter ]
-I'm not -- I'm not The Show.
But I love the special.
Man, it's getting unbelievable reviews.
-It's a bit much, isn't it?
-No, I mean, not for me.
I mean, I love --
I mean, let me just say some of these out loud.
"Rolling Stone" said, "Game changing."
"Vanity Fair" said, "Groundbreaking."
"Washington Post" -- "remarkable."
"New York Times" -- "a major new voice in comedy."
-It's a lot.
-It's a lot to take. [ Cheers and applause ]
-I mean, what's life like right now?
What is happening? -It's not mine.
Um, it's not one I understand.
I am doing this.
This is not my natural habitat.
[ Laughter ]
I -- yeah. I was -- I wrote the show
'cause I've been doing these hour-long shows for years.
It's what I --
you know, in Australia we do the festival circuit.
-That's right.
-And then I wrote the show 'cause I was a bit --
I'd had enough.
I thought, I'll -- I'll write a bit of it and back out.
It's a quitting show. I'm quitting.
I thought, "I'll drop a bomb and leave."
And I really thought it would divide audiences.
And it just hasn't.
[ Laughter ]
So, when I wrote it, it wasn't supposed to go,
"Oh, I'll get a Netflix special out of this
and everyone will see it."
It was like, "I'll probably get, oh, probably 12 shows
and be asked to leave."
[ Laughter ]
And the plan has backfired.
-No, 'cause -- yeah.
I mean, remarkable. Now you have --
Well, are you performing the show anymore?
-Not right at the moment.
-Not now, right here. No, this is not the show.
But no. But -- -No I have one more --
one more at Montreal Comedy Festival this Friday.
-Oh. -Yes.
-Wow. -And that's it. Leaving it.
-And that's it. Just leave it at where it is.
-Yeah. Well, it's on Netflix now, so, people can just --
I don't have to do it anymore. It's just --
[ Laughter ]
So good.
-I know, but we want you to do more stuff now.
Now that we see this, we want more.
-Oh, yeah, I'll -- I'll do something.
I've got -- you know, I said I was quitting,
and then if I quit, I'm an idiot now.
-Yeah. -Like, if I'd --
If the show had gone as badly as I planned, it would have worked.
But now, like, I'm left with the choice.
I'll either be an idiot or a hypocrite.
-Rather be a hypocrite than an idiot.
-I'll be a hypocrite. Yeah.
-Absolutely. Yeah, sure. Why not?
-Yeah. -I would too.
Amy Poehler Talks About Making It - Duration: 3:00.
-I'm so happy you're back in New York.
Do you like being back in New York in the summertime?
-I'm kind of killing it right now in New York.
-Oh, got you, okay. -I'm doing 13,000 steps a day.
-Wow. That's fantastic. -I know. Isn't that great?
How many steps a day do you do? -Steps a day?
I'm not -- I bet like in the low thousands.
-No way! Really? -Well, I don't know.
Yeah, I mean -- you're --
-You don't check your phone and see how many steps a day you do?
-I've not looked at steps a day.
I don't even know. Does my phone have that?
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, my God.
Yes, there's a whole thing where you can check your steps.
-Okay, well, I'll check after.
I'd love to know how many steps you're doing
since we're talking and I consider you a friend.
-Okay, you seem very confident that you're --
I feel like you want to know my steps
because you're sure you have more.
-I'm sure we're very close.
-I don't think you would have brought it up
if you had even a little bit of doubt
that I would have more steps than you.
-It is hard to do 13,000 a day. But I am doing it.
But I'm looking forward to seeing your steps.
Anyway, let's get back to the thing.
-Do you feel like it's massively more steps than you do in L.A.?
'Cause obviously, you're driving around.
-Yes. It is true. You do like 300 steps a day in L.A.
[ Laughter ]
Do you even check, or is it too depressing?
-No. You're not -- It's too tiring to check.
In Los Angeles, you have to drive to check your steps.
-Oh, really? -Yeah.
-You can't even check it on your phone?
You have to drive to an office. -You have to go to a place.
You have to dump a bunch of gasoline into the ocean,
and then you check your steps.
-This is very exciting you're doing this show "Making It"
with your friend Nick Offerman.
-Yes, the best. -This is a show --
[ Cheers and applause ]
It's a very relaxing, calming show
because it is not at all about
anything that's going on in the world.
-That's right. That's right. -Yeah.
But it's about, like, I think the sort of peace
that you get from, like, making things.
-Yeah. It truly --
We wanted to celebrate the creation of things.
We wanted to show people making things,
celebrate artists.
And we wanted to make a show
that kind of everybody could watch
and that didn't make you feel stressed out or humiliated.
-And I don't like that kind of show.
I get too -- I don't --
The only person I like yelling is Judge Judy.
-Okay. -Because she's always right.
-Do you still watch "Judge Judy"?
-I watch "Judge Judy" almost every day.
-And I try not to watch the news that much anymore,
because it stresses me out.
And local news is the worst.
-Mm-hmm. -Because it's terrible news.
But "Judge Judy" --
For people that watch "Judge Judy,"
it only has like six minutes of content
and like 20 to 25 minutes of commercials.
And all the teasers are local-news teasers,
and they're the worst news. -Yeah.
-"Woman found in train!" You know?
-That doesn't sound bad.
-"Burnt to a crisp!" -Oh, there you go. Yeah.
-That kind of thing. -Because "woman found in train."
Maybe they were looking for her, and that's where she was.
Michael Cohen's Secret Recording, Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star - Monologue - Duration: 3:05.
-Let's get to the news.
President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen last night
released a secret recording
of a conversation he had with Trump in 2016
about paying off a "Playboy" model
who claimed to have had an affair with him.
"Oh, that'll be the end of him," said Americans two years ago,
and a year and a half ago, and a year ago,
and eight months ago, and four months ago,
and a hundred other times. [ Laughter ]
That's right, Michael Cohen released a recording
of a conversation he had with Trump
about paying off a "Playboy" model.
And sure, it's lurid because it involves "Playboy,"
but I'm only in it for the articles.
[ Laughter and applause ]
I'm a reader. What can I say?
President Trump today complained about the release
of a secret recording last night on Twitter, saying,
"What kind of lawyer would tape a client? So sad."
At which point, Rudy Giuliani slowly hid his tape recorder
behind his back.
[ Laughter and applause ]
President Trump yesterday told a crowd, "Just remember,
what you're seeing and what you're reading
is not what's happening."
Which is also his daily affirmation.
[ Laughter ]
"And don't worry -- Melania looks at everyone like that."
[ Laughter ]
The National Parks Service has approved an application
for a white civil-rights rally
in Washington, D.C., this August.
That should make for some interesting chants.
"What do we want?!
Seriously, what do we want?
I mean, we're doing pretty great, right?"
Seems like we shouldn't be having a march."
President Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
was destroyed today by a man with a pickaxe
and not, as I had assumed, by a woman in a pantsuit.
[ Laughter and applause ]
It was that guy with a pickaxe.
A new study has found that only 49% of married woman
say they usually orgasm during sex,
compared to 87% of men who say the same.
Raising the question, what the hell are 13% of men doing?
[ Laughter ]
"Welp! That's enough for me.
I hate the end part."
[ Laughter ]
[ Laughter ]
The --
[ Laughter ]
The Ferrari replica from the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
will be up for auction next month.
When asked if it was the actual car used in the movie,
the auctioneer responded...
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
[ Laughter ]
My favorite joke in the show by a factor of like 10.
[ Laughter ]
Finally, Ikea has announced plans to test out
small-scale stores that could fit more easily
into city environments.
Just as soon as builders can figure out the instructions.
[ Laughter ]
30 Shocking pictures of Bollywood Actresses without makeup | 30 Bollywood Actresses Without Makeup - Duration: 3:55.
30 Shocking pictures of Bollywood Actresses without makeup | 30 Bollywood Actresses Without Makeup
Игровой мультик про животных | Мой милый питомец как котенок для детей - Duration: 13:51.
Nach Trump-Drohung vor "enormer Vergeltung": EU kauft nun mehr Flüssiggas aus den USA - Duration: 2:32.
Kaboochi | Dance Song | How To Kaboochi | Dance Music | Kids Tv | Dance Challenge - Duration: 1:21.
Kaboochi Dance Song
Clash Of Clans - TH12 FARMING BASE LOOT PROTECTION BASE ✅ - Duration: 10:38.
WOLFOO CLEAN UP TOYS - Duration: 6:12.
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"Yeh Hai Mohabbatein" Ke Actor Ka Intimate Video Hua Viral | Ribbhu Mehra - Duration: 1:00.
【Cheese & High Calorie】 Super Tasty Korean Food [Cheese + Hot Dog] Making My Hotdog! [6000kcal][CC] - Duration: 10:01.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today there's been something out there that I've wanted to make for the longest time... and what is that you ask...
a "hatog" was popular in korea its a cheezy hot dog
The name alone Just sounds scrumptious
I also want to do a twist on this recipe... I'm going to deep fry it
cheese + deep fry..... its a dish worthy of the gods
alrighty let's get cooking
These are the ingredients Chopsticks cheese melty cheese pancake mix baking powder
Water flour oil and ketchup and condensed milk to taste
first we wrap out 2 cheeses together. I love these cheese sticks so much
I can't help myself anymore I gotta take a bite
this one isn't going to turn out but then again I'm making these all for myself
skewer the cheese with a chopstick
The string cheese is kind of tough to skewer
Add baking powder to pancake mix
Mixwell to make our dough
and to the cheese wrap it in the dough
Making sure to wrap it tightly so that none of the cheese escapes
If you are able to see any of the cheese through the dough it will leak out so be careful when wrapping
Dipping your hands in water will help keep the dough from sticking to your hands
This is what it should look like but since the cheese and dough are of the same color
its so tough to tell them apart
add panko to the dough
Once it is covered in panko breadcrumbs then deep fry
It smells amazing
omg they look amazing
Even though I was so careful to wrap them up this one is leaking cheese
they look dangerously delish
This is going to be a memorable entry into my series of deep fried vids
there ain't a way this tastes bad
These look like Curry buns
and once you cover them in sugar and sweetened condensed milk....
they're all done
They look so yummy I can't keep my hands off them
Summers at time of year that makes you not want to eat deep fried things
but that isn't a thing today I'm so excited to try these itadakimasu
There's a bit of cheese coming out of it and it looks So scrumptious
The sugar that's covering it also looks yummy
look a the cheese will'ya
That's exactly how I imagined this the cheese stringing out like that is the best part of these
and the flavor is to die for
The salty cheese and the crispy coating along with the sweet sugar coating is the bomb dot com
you just know its gonna be super yummy
I will drink it with soy milk
wait that's wrong... I will have them with soy milk
It's so ridiculously stretchy
The string cheese has such a nice firm texture and the melting cheese surrounding it is all melty
I just love how both those textures come together
and its surrounded by a donut like coating that is so crisp
this is just the most perfect thing in the world
milk and 'hatog' I'm having the best time ever right now
I'll try cutting one of these with a knife
just look at it will ya.....
oh it it broke off so quick
did I slice it too deeply
The fact that they're so nice and hot is wonderful as well
I will try again to cut it
its the 'bestest' thing ever
I'll now reuse the chopsticks
its too yummy
this is an absolute sin
tadaa I've heard of people using ketchup with this
They put the ketchup on top of all the sugar and stuff
K don't it look amazing
This is yummy as well cheese and ketchup go so nicely together
The catsup with that extra sugar takes on such a nice flavor
this gives it a richer flavor
The cheese is so melty due to using the melting cheese in it the stretchiness give it a good look but
I think it might turn out alright with just using the melty cheese
as long as you wrap a bunch of them together
A lot of sugar sticks to the dough
I've had a lot of viewers ask me to do this and I've always thought this might be so tough to
make that I've shied away from making it for the longest time
its rather EZ to make
Golu Why Are You So Late | Funny Whatsapp Video - Duration: 0:16.
please subscribe my channel
✅ Regalos de playa personalizados #5 Disco volador de 23 cm - Duration: 0:35.
Penang Char Kuey Teow recipe - Duration: 7:27.
Char Kuey Teow is now world famous.
Siam Road Char Kuey Teow of Penang was ranked 14th on the Wold Street Food Top 50 list at
the World Street Food Congress 2017.
It was described as the classic traveling food cart on four wheels.
Mr. Tan, the owners, cooks it over a perfected-over-the-decades wood-fired wok, and the smokey appeal is the
reason for the lines wherever he drags his char kuey teow cart too."
If you visit Penang, head straight to Siam Road Char Kuey Teow.
If you do have that plan, I have the video here about how to prepare this world famous
street food.
Let take a look of the ingredients required before we move on to the actual stir-frying
of the noodles.
The noodles (call kuey teow)
There are two types of kuey teow available.
The wider one is more suitable for stir-frying, and the narrower one is better for soup noodles.
Loosen it so that they do stack up on each other.
Blood cockles
These cockles are the signature ingredients of Char Kuey Teow.
Follow these step to clean and prepare the cockles:
Rinse the cockles with water.
Remove the cockles and place them in another container.
Add some water enough to cover them.
Change the water a few time until the water runs clear.
Add a teaspoon of salt to the water and wait for a few minutes.
Soak the cockles in hot water for half a minute if you have difficulty to open the shell.
Hot water helps to loosen the shelf.
Open the shell by using a small knife or just by bare hand.
Bean sprouts
Soak the bean sprouts in water can keep it fresh for a few days.
Fishcake Cut the fish cake into thin slices.
It is too troublesome to make the fish cake just for preparing a plate of noodles.
Even the professional Char Kuey Teow store owners are using the ready-made fish cake.
I use fish cake instead of Chinese sausage in this recipe.
Prawns Clean, devein and apply some salt and let
it sits for 10 minutes, then wash with running water.
Salt can make the prawns to become more crunchy.
Egg Crack an egg.
Chinese chives
Cut the Chinese chives in section, about 5cm.
The seasoning.
For 200g of Kuey Teow, here are the seasonings that you need.
4 teaspoons or about 20g of light soy sauce.
2 teaspoons or about 10g of oyster sauce.
1 teaspoon of about 5g of dark soy sauce.
1/2 teaspoon or about 2g of fish sauce, which is optional.
And finally, 1/4 teaspoon or about 2g of ground white pepper.
Stir-frying is a quick and free-flowing process.
Make sure you have all the ingredients within reach before you start.
It will only take less than five minutes.
Ladle some oil into a well-seasoned wok.
Once the oil is heated up, put two prawns into the wok.
Let the prawn sear on one side and then flip over to pan-fry the other side.
Add some chopped garlic, once it becomes aromatic, throw in the loosen up kuey teow.
Kuey teow tends to stick if the wok is not seasoned.
If you feel the Kuey Teow is about to stick, do either on or all of the following:-
Add part of the seasoning.
The seasoning mixture moistens the Kuey Teow and presenting it from sticking.
Add some more oil if it is insufficient.
Add a small number of bean sprouts to the Kuey Teow.
The water from the bean sprout will prevent the Kuey Teow from getting too dry.
What is the best time to add the egg?
It is after the kuey teow sauce has thoroughly mixed with the noodles.
The high heat should have caramelized the sauce and start the char the edges of the
You will start to smell the wok aroma permeates the whole kitchen.
At this stage, there will be plenty of smoke rising from the wok.
This moment is when you should turn down the heat and push the noodle to the side of the
wok, leaving a clean area for adding the egg.
Add the fish cake.
You can add the fish cake slices at any time to the wok as it is pre-cooked.
Reduce the heat to low-medium, Crack an egg and spread into a thin layer with the wok
When the egg becomes half-cook, lift up the kuey teow and flip it onto the egg.
Stir and flip quickly so that part of the egg will stick onto the Kuey Teow.
Add the last portion of the bean sprouts along with the Chinese chives and have a quick stir-fry
over high heat.
Add the cockle, turn off the heat and cover with the noodles.
The heat from the wok is sufficient for cooking the cockles.
Most people like the cockles to be just barely cooked.
Add earlier if you prefer to eat fully cooked cockles.
I have just shown you how to prepare the banana butter cake.
You can download the recipe and read more details on my blog: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel by
clicking the button below.
You will find there are many more of the similar Asian dishes out there.
Thanks for joining me today.
I'll see you in the next video.
My name is KP Kwan.
By for now.
[6DOF] Moving in synchrony between worlds - Duration: 1:33.
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