-Here's how this works. Everything I say
is from an actual tweet by President Trump.
Once again, these are real tweets.
Do you want to start us off, Tariq?
-Yes, sir. -Yeah.
♪ Monday Donald said Cohen just wasn't believable ♪
♪ Said checking out his office was... ♪
-♪ Inconceivable ♪
♪ Totally unheard of and perhaps illegal ♪
-♪ Especially with a tape recorder ♪
♪ Taped under the table ♪
♪ Then the Cohen tapes leaked ♪
♪ Man, he didn't want that Called it a... ♪
-♪ Rigged witch hunt headed by the angry Democrats ♪
-♪ Then he took it back on up to 2016, blaming... ♪
-♪ Crooked Hillary and the DNC ♪
-♪ So the FBI is out looking for collusion ♪
♪ While the President tweets... ♪
-♪ I had a great meeting with Putin ♪
-♪ He put the caps lock on ♪
♪ Started beef with Iran, said... ♪
-♪ Never ever threaten the United States again ♪
-♪ Now never mind the grammar, no time for editing ♪
♪ He said that Robert Muller is... ♪
-♪ Conflicted and discredited ♪
-♪ He dissed his lawyer, Europe, and even Amazon ♪
♪ But don't worry... ♪
-♪ Your favorite President did nothing wrong ♪
[ Cheers and applause ] Thank you, buddy.
For more infomation >> Tweets with Beats: Trump on Secret Cohen Tapes and Collusion - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Biden 2020 Campaign Slogans, Tonight Show News Blender - Monologue - Duration: 3:55.
-Well, some news out of Washington.
As part of the Russia investigation,
Robert Mueller is now reviewing President Trump's tweets
to see if he obstructed justice.
So the next time you complain about your job,
think of the guy who has to read 40,000 Trump tweets.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Speaking of the President, Trump traveled to Iowa today.
He's under so much pressure
about Russia and the Michael Cohen tapes,
he said, "I got to get out of the country. Take me to Iowa.
I got to get out. I don't want to see anybody."
Actually, I saw that Trump held an event this week
where he talked about making trade deals
with other countries, which is called reciprocal trade.
Listen to what he said about it.
-We'll also make trade fairer and more reciprocal.
My favorite word -- "reciprocal."
[ Laughter ]
-"I love reciprocal. I always reciprocal my Coke bottles,
put them in the reciprocal bin.
[ Applause ]
Get this, guys. I read that on a recent "Air Force One" flight,
Trump got mad that Melania's TV
was tuned to CNN instead of Fox News.
[ Audience oohs ]
People were like, "That's crazy.
Donald and Melania flew in the same plane?
I mean, what is going on here?"
This is interesting. I heard that Trump
is more scared of running against Joe Biden
than any other Democrat in 2020.
Well, Democrats have heard him loud and clear,
so now they're pushing for Biden to run.
In fact, they even came up with some campaign slogans.
Check this out. First, there's
"Biden 2020: Trading Thumbs Up For Finger Guns."
Then there's "Biden 2020:
Let's Keep This Old White Guy Thing Going."
[ Laughter ]
And finally there's "Biden 2020: Because Obama Can't Run Again."
That's pretty good to me. Just...
[ Cheers and applause ]
Listen to this, you guys.
Last night, a heckler showed up at Sean Spicer's book signing.
Spicer was like, "Sweet. Someone showed up to my book signing."
But a heckler showed up to Spicer's signing
at Barnes & Noble and called him a piece of garbage.
And security was like, "Okay, that's enough, Mr. President.
Come on. Let's go back to Iowa."
"Take me to Iowa."
But the other news has been crazy.
And sometimes it feels like the stories
are just kind of made up, like someone just blended
a bunch of them together, which got us thinking --
what if the headlines were actually written that way?
So we took some real headlines, blended them together
to see if the new stories were any crazier
than the actual news. Take a look.
The first example, if you blend the stories...
[ Laughter ]
You see what I'm saying? -Yeah.
Next up, if you blend the stories...
Sounded interesting.
And finally, if you blend the stories...
-Whoa! -These are just --
They might be crazier than today's headlines. I'm not sure.
This is interesting. I heard that you can now buy
a LEGO version of the Hogwarts Castle
that's made up of 6,000 pieces.
...name for anyone who finishes it --
"He Who Must Not Be Dating Anyone."
And it's very interesting.
Ronan Parke - No Love (Like First Love) [Official Lyric Video] - Duration: 4:08.
Irfan Khan Lovely Family With Kids And Parents - Duration: 4:25.
Irfan Khan Lovely Family With Kids And Parents
How To Add Your Shop/Office/School address On Google Map Easily | Urdu Hindi | Anwar Academy - Duration: 6:03.
How To Add Your Shop/Office/School address On Google Map Easily | Urdu Hindi | Anwar Academy
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65 years of armistice: Two Koreas move to declare end to Korean War - Duration: 3:21.
Today marks the 65th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Agreement.
But now talk of ending that armistice and formally declaring the end of the Korean War
is being discussed.
South Korea has expressed its desire for it to happen by the end of this year, but North
Korea and the U.S. are still colliding on whether steps for denuclearization have to
come first before agreeing on a peace treaty.
Our Oh Jung-hee has this report.
The Korean War ended with an armistice agreement in 1953,... and since then, Korea remains
the only divided nation in the world.
The people of the two Koreas live facing each other over a heavily militarized border.
It's not a 'complete peace' on the Korean Peninsula, but a 'temporary ceasefire' continuing
for over six decades.
"65 years have passed since the 1953 armistice agreement and the two Koreas are moving to
formally end that decades-long war.
There was a previous attempt after the 2007 inter-Korean summit, but the latest attempt
is stronger and is gaining momentum-- it was reaffirmed through the first-ever North Korea-U.S.
summit... and the two Koreas have set a specific deadline of within this year."
July 27th, the anniversary of the armistice agreement, was seen as the most plausible
But the overall process slowed down... as Pyongyang and Washington face the question
of what has to come first.
Washington is cautious about declaring the end of the war... as it may get rid of military
options to pressure the North to denuclearize.
But Pyongyang wants the declaration first... as that gives the regime a security guarantee.
"The U.S. is concerned that North Korea may demand the withdrawal of U.S. forces from
South Korea.
But North Korea won't ever accept a deal where it has to abandon all of its nukes first.
Seoul should call on North Korea to come up with a detailed denuclearization schedule,...
while speaking to the U.S. about how they'll reward the regime throughout the process.
And the declaration on ending the war should cover denuclearization as well to satisfy
Pundits add... a war doesn't come to a formal end with a declaration only -- it has to be
stipulated in the peace treaty.
The declaration itself does not have a legal binding power... but gives an assurance that
the related parties will cooperate... which could accelerate North Korea's denuclearization.
"The goals of denuclearization and a peace treaty are both too big to deal with -- it's
difficult to decide which has to be done first.
The reason why the Panmunjom Declaration stipulated declaring an end to the Korean War within
this year... was to give North Korea an assurance as soon as possible... that South Korea and
the U.S. are taking confidence-building measures on their part.
North Korea needs a reason to denuclearize.... and declaring an end to the war provides that
Watchers point out that the two Koreas could first end an unusual decades-long armistice...
and then settle on technical issues through a peace treaty afterwards.
The foreign ministers of the two Koreas, the U.S., and possibly China could discuss the
matter when they attend the ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore next week.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
"Dinesh Vijan" Birthday Bash | Yami Gautam | Inside Video - Duration: 1:07.
Как я выбирала туалет для СОБАК Trixie Puppy Loo. Баки мазила! - Duration: 2:08.
Many S. Koreans look for cool vacation spots amid heatwave - Duration: 2:35.
It's been incredibly hot this month in Korea, as it has in many parts of the world.
That would normally mean heading to the beach or the pool, but a lot of people here are
finding other places to go and other ways to cool down.
Our Ko Roon-hee has this report.
The intense heat in South Korea is changing how some people are spending their summer
Here at Gyeongpo Beach in Gangneung, Gangwon-do Province,… people are huddling under big
beach umbrellas… to escape the blazing sun.
But aside from a dip in the sea, where can you cool off?
One of the most popular spots is Hwaam Cave located in Jeongseon, Gangwon-do Province.
This place used to be a gold mine… and was in operation from 1922 to 1945.
Natural stalactites were found inside… and it was later developed for tourists.
According to an employee, this summer has brought more visitors than last year because
people like the cooler air.
"If you venture inside this cave, the mercury dips to a refreshing 11 degrees Celsius.
It's almost 20 degrees cooler than the sizzling temperature outside in Jeongseon."
"We heard that this cave is cool and refreshing.
But I am actually cold right now.
My kids even had to wear jackets."
It's both entertaining and educational for kids, who can watch these little goblin characters…
explain the process of gold mining.
Visitors can also learn about the mine's history -- how Koreans were forced to work here during
Japan's colonial rule.
If it's too chilly in the cave, another option is Ahnbandegi village in Gangneung.
It's a farm village located at an altitude of 1-thousand-1-hundred meters, so you can
not only feel the breeze but also get an astonishing view of the endless cabbage fields.
"Becuase this place is located at a high altitude, it's really cool here.
Especially in the shade."
And when the sun goes down, it's time for stargazing, which some people don't mind doing
for hours.
"I wanted to visit somewhere new, rather than the well-known beaches.
I came here to look at the beautiful stars and relieve my stress."
The heat in South Korea is likely to continue for a while, so for many holidaymakers looking
to cool off, it's time to think outside the box.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News, Gangneung.
Vlog #11 #SquishyMHrisponde - Duration: 6:06.
WFA talks Better Marketing: David Wheldon on brand safety - Duration: 0:33.
WOLFOO PLAYS CLOWN - Duration: 5:54.
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Computer Repair Tutorial. How to Repair Computer Problems. Computer. ♦СВОИМИ РУКАМИ Handmade DIY♦ - Duration: 25:02.
In general, I often cut down a computer. I myself do not understand why. it happens
working. It works that he cop and food with bios detected
anti-guard protection is shorter than suspicion I have the biggest on a power supply
here I have a big white 450 watt I would take it with an ear and that it is interesting when
I already have this here and this fee and prosek I remember I climbed the middle
looked porridge I had problems here The system was switched off in short by itself
but I had suspicions for all I have here as if there was isolation
A shorter check was the food all eagerness I had a suspicion of 2 with a soul along
is shorter than 2 кондёра 2200 микрофарад фоточки did another one hour I want
look and exactly change a with him for problem and already then I'll run probably
in the radio parts and buy conduits, but also any need to buy know more company
some there is shorter than that they are blown away either from an overabundance
voltage or lack of voltage I do not exactly remember but they are blown away and not all
here he is a 450 watt rolls big white I like this office very much
years it was not a problem it was not only now it turns out that he started to act up
I think and still you know, if the problem not in him this may be
something else in the ideal of course it was to take the power supply
put in his place and seams worked a day or two
check as I have this problem she was taken out somewhere well, once a day happens
two happens 2 1 1 2 days just sit and You work it is cut down and all
and with the voltage I bios check voltages normal 3 volts 12 and 1
something is there volts is also normal c then there is under some kind of load
especially hang this when he cuts it down even you give a video
relict mounts but it happens rarely but it happens to our installation she installed
I leave for installation and food somewhere but when we came we did not mount it
so in this case are you not sure You will come and you are ready to have a better view
post a society to untwist here so here it is rising is some kind of here
One went through the normal type still interestingly it was played out to clean
him vacuum cleaner without dismantling the vacuum cleaner here
insert and start to blow with another hand I suck with this conveniently addis
here and here and this is the biggest Caucasus He seems to look normal so spring
that it's not good to disconnect here here it is here she is soldered yes I
I remember this lack of it there soldered cope with this and fiddle around here
well, and here's the first thing I see here this 2 200 microfarad 6 3 volts here it is
slightly blown I also see that this one was blown away by this
us who hood probably this flat stomach that is desirable in
Ideal all to change the conduits so advises but I will naturally change only those
which me here so here visually how we can see this is also where we are different
produced by this native of these nina I think so
these are desirable here this change of course Yes, and how they are like this and that's it
decided a little under was blown away it too gave birth this is to replace these three and how to set foot and
volt line or 12-volt line they know that they are exactly 1 233
The condo needs to go take a single that is bad but everything is here for this one
jumper soldering will be kapets as uncomfortable and there office we have some more
or not seen from this side it is seen that 470 microfarads two teeth up to 16
volt 470 microfarads for replacement Also this is 470 microfarads of 16 volts
this you see a little bit higher this slightly below
push it to stubs, if it is the same shorter under substitution 2 through 470
microfarad and here this is 2 200 microfarad is the same here we do not have
it is seen badly its damn it is so innocent to drink it
I shoot this pigtail as well that there is a hole in his hole is bad
I live shorter Everyone is here to see this post and
push here soup you could raise this fee
all to do and here it is removed this Well, and it turns out one by one so
I'll take out the pigtail pay a raise that we will spin here and
we can not stick it out. He will be on the drawback that he is very
Dohrena here are these braids I and how many here all different and sit on the most
difficult to take out this big one baldu tomash printed circuit board like this
It is necessary to be careful The future must be unambiguously
some kind of jumper or shorter so that they could be
from connecting to it's not a matter of quieting pudish
to repair so to clean from a dust It is necessary to not so it is necessary to make so more short noise
here we have the bolts and time I see shorter than four like they went but now I look anyway
completely can not be removed the tab I unscrew it needs to be
pick here is also soldered here 220 will destroy if I'm here from tab or
That's what it's all the same in this direction. get out in this
and that is, there is no minus and button, too connect to soldered
there will have to be a concept like this turn it over and we will solder it there and
it's interesting that I have it even happens I thought that I 450 watts on I'm not a fig
wipe 550 watts in general office it to me really like 5 years, we think not without
I worked for the problems and as I was told two details are even better to put the condotters
same as you stood high im pendant dreams are called either
computer just call them that's who interesting and simply called computer
High impulse and impedance per layer impedance and high impedance
suspended kondery at me left all of a result 18 griven
I took three pieces of 4 green and two pieces for 3 hryvnia in general, they are the pantheon
too, say take it better right away the light The same as what the clock was then
five years you will buy the same that is, they are deflated in either case
every well, I'm on a bike I drove there here is shorter this power bike rocket
from today's kill go on
took the same manufacturer by the way he told me that there are a lot of fakes in
In general, this is how it is faked or not we do not know at our own risk
so the first bolt is here the second one hides here and the third one
disguised is already here here it is there it is badly visible, he is there
here is a tribal children's thing and helping me light even here the advertisement will decide to throw up
it is really more convenient to cue such an array narrow
and he is still on the magnet all d-shaped they have still those too
can help with what has a bolt which I have this I untwisted
here its function is not to take out the knife and then do it at all.
Here is the biggest conduit I watch seemingly alive or they do not swell
too copaxone is seen neither repair that is this food was not repaired and
you see after repair it is 5 years yet surrounded me normally and say something I look
microchip steak still found one in the shower all there so unscrew the poison picture
look something looking for something that prevents you from seeing more there is this bolt somewhere in this somewhere in here
This place feels like it feels like this dion dog is see yeah this is it
More shortly here still to unscrew the if it is screwed to this here is the radiator
shock is so so now I need it somehow so
put all the cords and heavy especially Yes, as you can see, a little bit of it all
block all the same I look with the help I think I will be in this position
his and here I am here these conduits can be just
pull out here will solder should be it is convenient and somewhere else there is a conder
is in this part here I look Straight the mountains over us played it is visible that to me here
generally good mountains such as far as on whether the mountains are gray
with 2 urki still but I think while this is the most a convenient place for soldering me first
you need to change these two conders and then I have here two conders here
Change them then move on to the next so we set the heater to warm up and wait so
here only look can be a problem1 but also with molecular glue somehow
she is here once here this canyon in principle, I will not stretch without problems, too
these two are okay yeah, all is well that It is necessary to take into account necessarily here a minus
on some capacitors I saw The problems were up to what exactly some
manufacturers write plus a strip and not minus and I looked there one soldered all
The motherboard has changed so much shorter we have minus this strip here
Also there is a minus of a strip that is also a bigger leg is a plus
less a leg this minus they all go by the way you see their legs are bent
try to kill them neatly here they are still here
We have to push through holes in she can clumsily come to us dress
desirable even see this gnarly take and take out so they are
at least so even though would be so normal by the way here this one here
the capacitors never saw us like it microfarad and numbers at random bought two
Two hundred as it is the same well, as if just there at all on the other side and here
all these things were very not to be seen home well in the radio parts 20 minutes shorter
yes close and you were on the bike by there it is shorter, we hope that this
the same should be 200 because it has a screw written there too on the side of Vent I
In short I think that he will also check went to the soldered warmed up with us trying
to get out the first thing that's bad I'll erase his legs go to the raskoryachku there is one
to the right 2 to the left it's bad in that sense That we have a strong pull that he
good got out here so here first came out well so remember the minus he was
to the right like this I saw I shoot look at the entries 1 2 cases for a total of 2
Here, too, in the raskoryachka there neatly I myself ljashko close
so well they do not feel sorry for you, as it were, already so specifically more or less neatly
so on yalom you understand it yet art must have but then pleases that
this is exactly 2,200 microfarads of 6 3 volts I guessed more shortly and now we need this
minus there just on video looked good really records
video because it is unclear how it was on the canal and dad's hole again
hole to hit once with crawled like this now you need to solder
and prune but better of course cut First, then I'll have a good time but I'm so
To the old-fashioned business it is necessary to cut it first where my lazila everywhere the ads you see are buying
for their Rosh, here you have advertising and
solder solder
light bulb is always
what kind of barrel do you see here? was close to give yourself we need to be more careful
the same goes with their next hole to fall when the soldering iron dad is smaller
Of course I have to write that I have I'll try to smell like this so I agree
agree well, then the video that scored 200,000 and there is eternal right for the needs of me too
such a soldering iron there in this way we change the following
that I am very nervous when taking doses yet still need something to solder
shorter nerves are handed over that he noticed that it is better not to overheat and
when you finish it preferably between walk around like this because that's how
With a large soldering iron, I do it Of course, dry ravata, of course, you drunk
even as it did not go well, that's why she there is a love road between this stick together
not punitive this time then I noticed that
cut more conveniently at once there for yourself to take as much as you need there
I'm taking this down but half the floor centimeters were cut off
and so it is more convenient because at first you are a plus for climbing it, it seems, will run through the board and
While here we have already grabbed here You need it and you can not get caught and when you
you immediately fall into two legs and only I lambie roshen ohms there and
it seemed to me so convenient in To take the ideal in general by sucking and
then we are without sucking here so much we work there
so I have one more problem The capacitor here is swollen here it sits
for once and here it is also necessary from here pick out
you know, I have a problem with something that one of them may be
a five-volt line of some kind or to teach the top of the 12 volt is better all that
visually at you here кондёры are blown up better to change them now I need
find on pay it is located so I see that he is sitting the path itself
under him, I'm leading your way from the donkey but micro
there is nothing to contact and everything Here I have to confront these two
to drop it is my crochet such all the details it is desirable to pay attention he sees it
repair on this power unit transit changed in it but thank God
The problem still only works with coders but I'm hoping for it here
performed poorly it is also necessary and 200 microfarad it was purely taking everything because
I did not see how much there without you see I guess at all
okay, that's not cutting off approximately this is how it is and then
it's easier to just get two holes right away with another one You heat the parties over the heated and they are two
The hole immediately passes by the way on the board you see a condenser and where he has
minus goes the barcode everyone would have known so on some cards are the opposite of something
It is written that a minus it that is plus plus it is noted and not a minus and estimate and all
so the perry sing the postarin potamu that u you are most certainly a minus
noted intensified now to get here from the drinking-bout
healthy side, everything is now desirable well check here dorozhechki so
clean the carcasses here with a soldering iron so gently take
or everything is going well here soldered and so each pass check here between
they were not short-circuited where exactly we have understood here at us a track accurately
from this side and here we understood Also here it's neat here.
synthesis is not it is on the same road so there's nothing to worry about if even
We sealed up here a little bit and got here no problem here I'm here from
walked a bit off in this green isolation but nothing terrible track
the whole so it's nothing to worry about the main thing is not to shorten between
these two pins that we have understood here here accurately we will clean
we'll still replace this one this one I look normal more or less all
the rest are so suspicious of any do not, in principle, still have such a
from the nuances when sealed preferably on so this is a move after
singing after there is such that one foot grabbed the second when that's visibility
she's just in a hole like this like this dangles that is, the contact can be
micro there may not be this at all such nuances here and in principle now
I need to reassemble it and check in bios
well and then already under loading was To see whether this was the problem
often happens that you think that it's conder it could be something else
if I have already been disassembled and desirable already cleaned of dust de mozhna
it is advisable to lubricate the fan dress here so that's how I'll clean it.
vacuum cleaner just blow it specifically site helps and do not climb
you take such a small brush is it for me
haircut machine was there in the kit and Here's even pay all the business to climb
quietly here so here it is possible here so all purge to blow blows out of another
countries with vacuum cleaners are shorter than honey ones thanks to this flashlight who
generally convenient even here inside the magnet back side
I take it like this and you once so real I could not get my hands on it here, try it.
get the tomline away
these souls of seconds changed the slightest suspicion of some kind
which you see in their offices you need change
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福岡県糸島市の美味しいそば屋"そば処山崎"へ - Duration: 6:05.
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Very good
RapX feat. SKA 86 - Wedi Rabi (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:49.
Temptation Island 2018: ecco chi è davvero la tentatrice Teresa Langella! | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:13.
ICC Men's Test Match Players Ranking | Test Batting Rankings | ICC Ratings | ICC Top 10 Batsman - Duration: 1:53.
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In this video I will tell your about ICC Men's Test Players Batting Rankings.
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#10 - Dimuth Karunaratne - 720 Rating
#09 - Dinesh Chandimal - 740 Rating
#08 - Dean Elgar - 746 Rating
#07 - Aiden Markram - 750 Rating
#06 - Cheteshwar Pujara - 799 Rating
#05 - David Warner - 820 Rating
#04 - Kane Williamson - 847 Rating
#03 - Joe Root - 855 Rating
#02 - Virat Kohli - 903 Rating
#01 - Steve Smith - 929 Rating
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