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On this episode of China Uncensored,
Chinese rockets are being launched in America!
A disease is affecting the Chinese military.
And finally, let the trade wars begin!
This is China Uncensored
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
I hope all the viewers in the US had a happy Fourth of July
celebrating our Independence Day.
Of course, for viewers outside of America,
I hope you also had a...happy...Wednesday?
This year, Americans spent almost a billion dollars on fireworks.
Nothing like celebrating your nation's freedom
like blowing things up.
And China helps us do it.
"About 70 percent of the professional display fireworks
are manufactured in China."
And "Ninety-nine percent of the backyard consumer fireworks
come directly from China."
But while Chinese fireworks may be
launching in some parts of America,
there won't be much of that from
the Chinese Communist Party's People's Liberation Army.
At least according to the PLA Daily,
the official paper of the People's Liberation Army.
"China's People's Liberation Army
is ridden with 'peace disease.'"
The problem is China hasn't had had a war since that one
with Vietnam in the 1970s.
And honestly,
it wasn't even a very good one.
I know, you're worried about the combat readiness
of the Communist Party's military.
Well don't be.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping decided
the PLA will be a world class military...
by 2050.
Yes, 2025, when I'm a grandpa, and Xi Jinping is...
still President of China.
But it turns out, Xi Jinping's military reforms
are less about creating a modern fighting army,
and more about his own personal war
against his political opponents.
And that's a war that's very active right now.
According to the PLA Daily,
over the past five years,
"At least 13,000 military officers involved in corruption
have been punished."
The anti-corruption campaign has been Xi's way
of purging powerful figures in the military
and making the PLA more loyal to Xi.
Many high ranking officers purged,
like Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou,
were tied to Xi's main nemesis,
the Guiana Shield Leaf Toad.
I'm sorry, I mean Jiang Zemin.
The resemblance is uncanny.
These purged officers were what Xi called
"the big tigers."
But now Xi's focus has shifted from purging
to what he calls "prohibiting omissions."
According to retired PLA colonel Yue Gang,
"Apart from corruption,
job omission is the next key symptom of 'peace disease'
in the Chinese military that should be cured."
Job omission is when Xi Jinping's political enemies
try to subvert him by...literally doing nothing.
That means instead of conducting normal training drills,
And instead, they just fake the training data.
In other words, the troops aren't actually training.
Hence, they have peace disease.
But you know, I think it's going to be okay.
At least for anyone who goes to war with China.
Speaking of war!
Today the US and China tariffs go into effect.
Too bad the PLA can't fight the trade war.
Then we'd definitely win.
We'll have more on this story as it develops.
Three more American have been evacuated from China
following mysterious health problems.
Several US employees tied to the embassy or consulates in China
have been sickened after hearing a mysterious sound.
There are fears it may be a sonic weapon.
Or as we mentioned before, really inept spying.
But a sonic weapon might not be the only new
experimental weapon in the hands of the PLA.
No, this isn't the world's most terrifying flashlight.
It's an experimental machine gun laser.
This image was released last month by the
Chengdu Hengan Police Equipment Manufacturing Company.
It emits rapid pulses.
But its makers claim it doesn't do
anything more than disorient people.
So basically it's a giant strobelight.
I hear it also plays EDM.
China is actually developing
a wide range of experimental laser weapons.
Here's another one: the ZKZM-500.
Official documents say it's also "non-lethal."
But they also say it can produce pain beyond endurance,
and "cause the 'instant carbonization' of human skin and tissues."
So...not actually non-lethal.
Also, it's also only 7 pounds,
has a range of half a mile,
makes no sound,
and its beam is invisible.
One researcher on the project said,
"Nobody will know where the attack came from.
It will look like an accident."
Wow, this dissident spontaneously carbonized!
Must've been an accident!
Glad that's in the hands of the world's most trustworthy police.
The good news is,
since this weapon is so far beyond
anything remotely out there,
some experts think the researchers
may have just been telling a tall tale.
So what do you think of the People's Liberation Army's
peaceful disease and laser weapons?
Leave your comments below.
And before we wrap up,
it's that time when I answer questions
from fans who support China Uncensored
on the crowd funding website Patreon.
Dafydd Nicholas asks
"Why does the Chinese population have less criticism
of central government control than westerners do?"
Well you see Dafydd,
Chinese people simply aren't ready for democracy.
I mean, yes Chinese people in Hong Kong and Taiwan
have been successfully electing their leaders for decades,
but Mainland Chinese people
simply need the Chinese Communist Party.
The Communist Party assures us of this.
That's why even though there are some
village-level elections in Mainland China,
the candidates have to be handpicked by the Party.
Otherwise people would get confused.
That's why you don't hear much criticism
from the Chinese population
about the control the Communist Party has.
The kind of control that lets the Party dictate
what you watch on tv,
if you reincarnate...
Even when you die!
"Furthermore, there's a must follow order.
No one can die inside of Beijing.
Local officials would be held accountable if anyone did."
The people clearly love the Communist Party,
which must be why you don't hear them publicly complaining.
Also in the event that someone does complain,
the Party has these guys.
Thanks for you question.
And remember,
if you want a shot at having your question answered
on the next episode,
consider supporting China Uncensored on Patreon.
China Uncensored is only possible
thanks to viewers like you.
Thanks for watching.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,
see you next time.
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So check back frequently.
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easy EGG COFFEE on the stove top! - Duration: 6:08.
chef buck here and today we're gonna brew up some coffee we're gonna make
some egg coffee not the super-sweet actual egg on top
Vietnamese egg coffee but Scandinavian Egg coffee because we're in a house it
a new location for us... my favorite way to make coffee is the French press but
there's no French press here there's no mocha pot... this is a super simple
stovetop egg coffee... you want to take a bowl and egg drop it in there and then just
crack your egg up and I'm making a big pot of coffee ... for 32
ounces of water I put 8 tablespoons of coffee ....take your coffee and
pour it on your egg .... yeah the shell
the yolk everything so now we're just gonna mash it up ...if you're used to
getting it from a coffee shop this is a little bizarre .... it
doesn't look very appetizing what we're gonna make here is kind of a goo kind of
a paste and this egg and you might not be enough
make it as gooey and pasty as you want so we're gonna go ahead and add in just
a wee little bit of water just to help us make it a little more gooey to get it
all mixed together and this shell is going to help remove some of the
bitterness out of the coffee when we brew it and the yolk is going to help
hold the coffee together and then that's gonna make it easy for us to separate
the actual coffee from the ground after we dude it up so now we've got our
coffee and egg goo all together I got my pot of water and brought it up to a boil
now I'm gonna go ahead and turn it off and let it sit for a minute let this
water cool down for one minute that way the water isn't going to be as hot when
I put my coffee grounds in there that helped with the bitterness as well no
but you don't want to it's just like when you're making a French press coffee
you don't want to use boiling hot water although I am going to bring it up to a
bubble once I put the car in there so it's gonna be a little
hotter than usual but you know we got to cook that egg dude huh
alrighty so it's been about a minute so now I'm gonna go ahead and dump my
coffee in here my coffee and egg combo then I'm gonna turn the heat back on and
just leave it alone for a minute before I stir it up let that egg kind of
solidify a little bit in there so now I'm gonna go ahead and stir it up a
little bit here and you can see how everything's kind of stays kind of
chunky I don't think you want to talk about chunky with your coffee I actually
you do want to talk about chunky in this here because the chunkiness is what's
gonna make it easy to separate the grounds from your actual coffee it makes
sense it does seem very funny to see eggshells coffee yeah but I sort of
remember when I was a kid I think my mother used to put eggshells in her
coffee when she would brew it not the entire egg but just the eggshells people
would use that to remove the bitterness from the coffee but anyway I've raised
the temperature back up a little bit and now I'm just gonna let it sit I've
turned it off again I'm gonna let it sit for about three minutes not too long
gonna treat it almost like a French press so it's been just over three
minutes our coffees all clumped up been sitting here and this gooey mess so now
I'm going to take my pot of mess so I do kind of like a double strain and I kind
of pour it boom boom boom and I hold most of the grounds back and since
they're clumped together you know most of that coffee is going to stay in your
pot so I'm giving it kind of a very loose strain here yeah man
look at that most of the grounds stayed in there almost all of the grounds and
look at that big horrible mess but we're just gonna set this aside and now I'm
going to pour my coffee into my coffee pot but I'm gonna do a double strain
here just so I can catch any more coffee grounds that I missed see there's one
little clump right there they got through but look how clear that
coffee is going in here so most of the coffee gets caught up in that egg so if
you don't have a brewing system for making coffee if you just want to make
coffee on the stovetop this is a very functional and tasty way
to do it so I had given it kind of a loose strain out of that bowl and then
that was all that I missed so now we've got a pot au hot Scandinavian style egg
cottage all right well I'm gonna drink this out of a jar so that you can see
what it looks like clear Ronnie a little taste test here
although this is hotter than I like to drink my coffee it's really good you
know it doesn't taste eggy at all egg you would never think that an egg had
anything to do with this it's so smooth you know but we use good coffee anyway
but if you have crappy coffee you know I think I think that eggshell smooth it
out and to be clear when you say we use good coffee we just don't use crap
chef buck he finds a few brands that when it's on sale he decides he likes
sale that's what I like I'm one of those terrible people that puts a little bit
of cream in their coffee or a lot of more a lot of cream on my own eggs
actually coffee do this you got on hands right I got to cut down on the dishes I
got to wash there you have it boom some Scandinavian egg coffee you can make it
in a pot on the stove ...if you have guests over or young children you're
trying to introduce em to coffee at a young age... yeah make up some egg coffee
but we've got some other ways to make coffee in our coffee playlist and I'll
have that linked so check it out go to MyFoodChannel dot com check out all our
recipes and sign up for our mailing list and try some egg coffee
and we'll see in the future ...buh-by
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Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.
Remove the brake caliper.
Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.
Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.
Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.
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Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.
Remove the brake caliper.
Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.
Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.
Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.
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