-Now, this game is called "Say That To My Face."
-On your turn, you're going to hold up
one of these celebrity masks in front of your face,
like this, okay?
And your partner has to talk like that person
and give you clues to get you to guess who you are
as quickly as possible.
When you guess who you are, you throw your mask away,
and the player on your right goes next.
There's a random timer,
and if you're holding the mask when the buzzer goes off...
[ Buzzer ] ...your team loses that round.
And we're gonna play three rounds.
Let's take our positions.
I'm gonna go here. You go there.
-I'm so nervous about this. -This is good.
It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be good.
-That's not true. Are you good at this?
-I don't know. We'll see. -I feel like you are.
You are so full of it. -[ Laughs ]
-Zachary... -I start?
-You start us off. Yes, please.
-Ready? -3, 2, 1...
-I don't say anything, right? No.
-[ As Schwarzenegger ] Get to the choppa!
-Arnold Schwarzenegger. -You got it.
-Now me.
-[ As Seinfeld ] Okay, people. Okay.
-Jerry Seinfeld. -Yes.
-Ahh! Ahh! Okay.
-"I have a huge butt and I'm married to Kanye."
-Kim Kardashian. -Yep.
Oh. Oh. Oh, oh, oh.
All right, all right, all right!
-Matthew McConaughey. -Yes!
-[ As De Niro ] Eh...you're offending me a little bit.
-De Niro?
-Yes. -Not bad, dude.
-Oh. ♪ Do you believe in -- ♪
-Cher. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-"I'm gonna climb the skyscraper
and kill the big gorilla right now
in every move that I'm in." [ Buzzer ]
-Oh, damn! -Yes!
All right. -That was a hard one.
-I would have never guessed The Rock anyway.
-All right. Guys, we got that one.
-Oh, yeah, yeah. -I'm psyched about this.
This is fun. This is really fun.
I can tell you're really happy. -It's fun now.
-This is the best game, isn't it, man?
-It's a great game. -Yeah, I love it.
It's so much fun. All right, Round 2.
Maybe you want to start us off there, Tariq?
-Oh, yeah. Okay. -Yeah. All right.
Throw your mask in 3, 2, 1, go.
-[ Russian accent ] I will -- I am -- Trump is my bitch.
-Vladimir Putin.
-Wow. -Oh, my God!
-You got that. Yeah. -[ Laughing ] Oh, my God.
-All right. -Oh. I can't...
Okay. Oh, god, I can't...
Brah! Brah!
[ Laughter ]
-"I live in space, on a ship." Raah!
-Cardi B? [ Laughter ]
-"I'm really hairy." [ Growls ]
-Oh, oh. Chewbacca?
-Oh, man. -Oh!
-"You get a car! You get a car!" -Oprah!
-Yes. Oh, my God!
[ Buzzer ] -Oh!
-We're tied. -Tied up!
All right, here we go.
That is officially the worst impression of Chewbacca
I have ever heard in my entire life.
Oh, my God!
I thought you were going like, "O-k-k-k-kay!"
I was like, "What are you doing?"
"I live in space, on a ship"? -She's not wrong.
-But then I got it. We got it. All right, here we go.
-This is so bad. -All right, here we go.
We're gonna do one final round for the winner here.
You start it off, pal.
Mila, you're great at this game.
-No, I suck. -No. I love you. Please.
-Okay. -All right, ready?
3, 2, 1, go.
-[ As Cage ] Where? Who?
-What's on the back of a dollar bill?
It's secret -- -Oh, the treasure.
-Yeah. -Nicolas Cage.
-Oh, "Umbrella," singer. -Rihanna, Rihanna.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-♪ Hit me, baby, one more time ♪
-Britney! -Yes!
-"Okay. I think everybody should have equal distribution --
-Bernie Sanders. -Hey, that's really good.
[ Speaking gibberish as Sandler ]
-Oh. Oh, yeah. What's his name?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Adam Sandler.
-Yeah, that's right. Good.
-[ As Reeves ] I am in "The Matrix."
-Oh, Keanu, Keanu.
-Oh, I have a big butt also! [ Buzzer ]
-Oh, that's the champs right there,
Zachary Quinto, Tariq Trotter.
My partner, Mila Kunis.
For more infomation >> Say That to My Face Challenge with Mila Kunis and Zachary Quinto - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Jimmy Shows Tonight Show Staffers' Marriage Proposal - Duration: 2:01.
-It was a very cool weekend for our staff.
We love it when something like this happens,
when love is in the air.
One of our writers, Arthur,
proposed to one of our art directors, Kat.
And she said yes. Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ]
And he did it -- he did it in a way only Arthur could.
I guess on one of their first dates,
they went to Washington Square Park,
and he sprained his ankle doing a funny jump off the fountain.
I don't know what a funny jump would be.
But, anyway, he sprains his ankle
on one of their first dates.
So this weekend he brought her to the same spot
and started singing her a song that he wrote
called "Sprain of Love."
[ Laughter ]
So, at the end of the song, about 30 staff members
and friends snuck up and surprised her
and started singing along.
She did not know anything was happening.
And they got video of the whole thing.
Becky was the one who took the video.
Becky was wearing a disguise.
Here's the disguise.
She had long white hair and a bowler hat.
[ Laughter ]
That was her disguise.
So then no one would know she was there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. She fit in. It's New York City.
Well, anyways, she got video of the whole thing.
I thought I'd show you a little bit just to make you feel good.
Take a look at this.
-♪ A sprain of love ♪
♪ A sprain of love, a sprain of love ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-How cool is that? I love that!
Congrats to Arthur and Kat! We love you guys!
That is just awesome. "Sprain of Love." Fantastic.
51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and Related Meetings kicked off in Singapore on Monday - Duration: 2:17.
The annual ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting is underway in Singapore.
It began on Monday, bringing together not only the top diplomats of the 10 ASEAN states...
but also their partners from South Korea, China, Japan and the U.S....as well as North
Korea Although a range of regional and global issues
will be on the agenda, particular focus will be on issues related to the Korean Peninsula.
With the key players of the North Korean crisis all under one roof, watchers will be waiting
to see whether their representatives meet to make progress on North Korea's denuclearization
and possibly the formal end to the Korean War.
Lee Ji-won has this report.
The seven-day ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and Related Meetings is expected to cover
a wide range of regional and international issues.
But among them the hot topic for this year, is likely to be the latest developments surrounding
the Korean Peninsula and northeast Asia.
The ASEAN Regional Forum, one of the major sessions at the annual meeting,... is the
only multi-party regional security forum that North Korea partakes in,... and as such, Pyongyang's
foreign minister Ri Yong-ho is to attend the event as well.
And with Seoul's foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha and Washington's Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
to be in the city-state this week as well, the focus is on whether these three diplomats
will meet and make progress in the June 12 agreement between North Korea and the U.S..
The leaders of North Korea and the U.S. met in Singapore just over a month ago to hold
a historic and unprecedented summit, where the two sides promised to work on improving
ties and achieve North Korea's denuclearization.
While Seoul's foreign ministry says organizing a three-way meeting is still under work, anticipation
is building up on whether Kang and Ri would meet, marking the first foreign ministerial
meeting between Seoul and Pyongyang in 11 years.
Foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha is expected to join in 5 sessions, including the ASEAN
plus three meeting.
Minister Kang is also scheduled to hold bilateral talks on the sidelines with the majority of
the ASEAN member states to discuss ways to boost economic cooperation and regional security.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
BRUDER TOYS! - Duration: 11:20.
Bruder toys
Aagyi "Nick Jonas" Aur "Priyanka Chopra" Ki Shaadi Ki Date | The Sky Is Pink - Duration: 1:03.
Aagyi "Nick Jonas" Aur "Priyanka Chopra" Ki Shaadi Ki Date | The Sky Is Pink
Queensland firefighters join national team to battle American wildfires - Duration: 1:13.
S. Korea's BSI in July marks record low since February 2017: BOK - Duration: 1:53.
Data from the Bank of Korea show that businesses were more pessimistic in July than they have
been in almost a year and a half.
The BOK attributed the plunge in business sentiment to concerns over the trade conflict
between the U.S. and China.
And the outlook for August is gloomy as well.
Our Ko Roon-hee reports.
Business sentiment among South Korean firms dropped to its lowest level in 17 months.
The Bank of Korea announced on Tuesday... that the business survey index came to just
75 in July…down five points from the previous month.
A reading below 100 means there are more pessimists than optimists on the local economy.
Meanwhile, confidence among the nation's manufacturers also fell by 6 points in July-- the first
drop in the last three months.
The central bank attributed the sharp fall to the rising trade uncertainties between
the United States and China.
Many South Korean businesses worry about the impact of the trade tensions because they
sell a lot of intermediary goods to China….that are made into final goods and exported to
the U.S.
The report also highlighted the uncertainties in the automobile industry… amid fears that
the United States could impose tariffs on car imports.
The outlook for next month among manufacturers also remains dim… at just 73 on the BSI.
That's 7 points lower than the previous month's forecast.
Sentiment among non-manufacturers in July was also gloomy…at 76 on the index…which
is four points lower than the previous month.
The drop was mainly observed in wholesale and retail businesses.
The Bank of Korea said this is because of low domestic demand during the summer vacation
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
FC BARCELONA SKILLS 2018 || Lionel Messi, Ousmane Dembélé, Lvan Rakitić, Busquets,André Gomes - Duration: 4:31.
NASA finds 3D-printed houses we could use on Mars - Duration: 2:13.
Premer Phande Kakatua | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Jisshu Sengupta - Duration: 1:53:11.
Lets rock it.
"You mad man, you cause Shiva to go mad."
"That's why you pray when things go wrong."
"In the dark, suddenly."
"Caught on you, with a stir."
"In the dark, suddenly."
"Caught on you, with a stir"
"And tight situation made you sweat!"
"You mad man, you cause Shiva to go mad."
"That's why you pray when things go wrong."
"Your hat has a rose."
'Your short has perfume."
"No one can match up to you."
"Your hat has a rose."
'Your short has perfume."
"No one can match up to you."
"Your bald head has little hair."
"That sways with the wind."
"And it says you are cool!"
I swear!
"On the terrace you roam all easy."
"And your pants hang loose."
"But if we pinch you."
"Hold on to you tight."
"Then you will lose all control."
"You mad man, you cause Shiva to go mad."
"That's why you pray when things go wrong."
"You are the boss."
"Totally full toss."
"Without you there is only loss."
"You are the boss."
"Totally full toss."
"Without you there is only loss."
"He is our boss."
"Absolutely fresh."
"But is in a fix when things go wrong."
"Where shall I tickle you?"
"Let me scratch on your itch!"
"In the dark, suddenly."
"If we scare you."
"You will see what all bursts around you."
"You mad man, you cause Shiva to go mad."
"That's why you pray when things go wrong."
"You mad man."
"You mad man."
"You mad man."
Oh my my.
She is Champa Bannerjee.
In old Kolkata, on one side of our paternal..
..house she has opened a Girl's Hostel.
Has named it "Little Girls' Hostel."
"Praise to Krishna."
"Sing praises with good tunes."
"Play all tunes, and sing to him."
Oh you mad boy!
"Praise to Krishna."
"Sing praises with good tunes."
"Play all tunes, and sing to him." - What is this?
- Singing devotional songs.
This is devotional?
This is devotional?
Soft, soft.
Red shirt, so many girls!
They were singing too.
Have you lost it?
Soft, soft. Soft, soft.
It's healthy. You should do it too.
You will lose some weight too.
Cool, cool. Don't be excited.
Do you have no shame? - Cool, cool.
No shame at all?
Can you not take God's name at this old age?
That's what I was doing. Krishna is a God.
You have lost it. Gone all bonkers. - Cool, cool.
You will become sick.
Oh no, no Champa dear.
And I am Bhombol Bannerjee.
Champa dear's fortunate husband.
For the last 5 years, our relation is becoming a bit bitter.
Whenever we face each other, we fight.
Because, let that be.
So to compete with her, I too have opened a Boy's Boarding.
Named it 'Little Boys' Boarding'
Thank god!
"Praise to Krishna."
"Sing praises with good tunes."
"Play all tunes, and sing to him."
The relation between the Boys' and Girls' hostels is also very tricky.
Hold the ladder tightly.
Hold, hold, hold.
Oh leave my back!
Hold the ladder tightly!
Wow, good, good.
Body up, body up.
What, what? - What happened?
Oh look.
Sneaking into the girl's hostel? Will beat you up.
Run, run, run.
They are.
Go, go, cut it off! - Okay.
Yes, yes, all of them are there.
What a disaster! All lost. Everything destroyed.
What, what is it?
What else? The rope we put is gone. Cut off.
Who dares to do so?
I will see! I am the most brave!
Hey, stop it. Only big talk.
And them? - What to say.
Something or the other has to go wrong. Here, come here.
What now?
Listen to him.
Brother, came to get my ladder.
Brother, what ladder? When ladder? Why ladder?
The ladder to go to heaven.
Give it back.
Actually, near their hostel, the hoarding was being put up.
They forgot it there.
Hey, why did you forget?
Oh my my. My poor ladder. No, no not done.
I need it for my electric works.
I have something to say here.
Go on.
Let it be.
Dimpu, do something. Go to them and talk it out and get it back.
Yes. - No!
Am I crazy?
It is with the girls?
Then is that ladder still a ladder?
Must have been sold off as wood in the market.
And burnt to ash already.
Oh my my, my work ladder.
How much does it cost brother? They will all pay for it.
Will this one do?
That won't do. Even money won't do.
It was my father's.
Oh your father's? And they destroyed it.
My father gave it to me with a lot of love.
Forgive me father. They destroyed your ladder.
All his father could give was a broken ladder?
Hey, what did you say?
Me? Nothing at all.
Said nothing eh?
I have something to say here as well.
Where shall I keep the clothes, boss? - Just here.
Your photo came in the papers?
Yes, that's what I do.
I can take yours too.
You don't have to take mine. Take Tua sister's instead.
She is angry and furious. Red with rage. - Why?
Because you tried to sneak in with a ladder?
Like I would care.
Yes, yes I know. Now give me the money, I'm getting late.
How much? - 4 rupees.
Here 5 rupees, 1 rupee for you.
Oh my, thank you.
I have got your clothes.
Keep it on the bed.
Tua sister, heard the news?
Now what?
Sir said that when you get angry, your cheeks look like malpuas.
What? How dare he.
Oh but don't be angry Tua sister.
When you smile you look very nice.
Sir says so too.
Don't tell me about him. Go off now.
I'll go if you pay me.
8 rupees right? Keep 10.
Thank you.
Listen. - What?
What else does your sir say?
You just said not to tell you.
No I won't say. - Off then!
Oh my my. I'm sorry.
Stupid idiot nonsense!
It was an accident. I am sorry.
Sorry? - Yes?
Sneaking into girl's rooms in the morning, that too is an accident?
Now bumping is also an accident?
No, no, no.
You scoundrel, low, I'll mannered man! - Try to understand!
What is the matter?
Madam is he misbehaving? - Oh no, no.
Yes, please take care of it.
You go, I will see.
Tell me brother, the meaning here.
Carry on we are busy. - Later okay?
"Oh my weary heart."
Why late he kaka?
Why is Neel not here?
Full wrong english.
What could take kaka this long?
Maybe he got his soul mate?
I have poetry running through me.
My grandfather was Tagore's sweeper.
Watch your mouth Govinda, if you fear me!
Crossing the seven seas, he now comes.
Hey, hey. Who are you? What do you want?
Voter id?
Who are you?
Where have you come from?
Seems familiar. - Very familiar.
Looks like kaka.
I have something to say here. - Say and I will.
I will just slap you. - No, no, no.
What kaka?
Oh my god, kaka now come?
And face all red?
Hey wait up.
Whose house did you go to rob?
Why did they leave you like this?
Dare touch me. Not a finger.
"Now it is your turn."
What, who is this?
Wrestled in the mud?
I am kaka.
And what's wrong?
I cannot bear this. - Why, what is it?
Their leader, Tua. - Yes.
Tulika Acharya. - Yes I know.
Just for a bump she made such a scene!
You are the boss, and the public made you toss?
We will see!
Hey, not more very far.
Will you'll shut up? I am leaving!
Oh no, no. No, no. - Listen.
I have a plan. Come here.
Softly, softly, softly.
How more will you brush for?
I cannot find the mirror. Getting late to go to the parlour.
One second, wait.
How much late? The show will start.
Alright, fine, fine.
You'll won't be ready, and will tell me.
Oh just give it. But I'm not done.
Hey Tua, give me the mirror.
We are all going right?
You three are going?
Why are you angry with me?
So we all are going?
Oh my, dressing up so much!
I cannot bear this.
Stop this now.
This with nail polish and lipstick. The other with hair.
I missed exercise today.
Oh please stop that.
Oh stop it, you look fine.
Hey, isn't this the photos of the girls in the hostel?
Yes, this is Tua.
What is this? Where?
Still sleeping?
Up, up. - Tua get up.
Get up now Tua. It's so late and still?
Hey Tua, up, up, up.
Why? What time is it?
There are posters all over the area.
Whose? - Photo with slogan. - Yours.
Still sleeping! They are yours!
Here, see your photo.
This is mine, I'm putting lipstick.
With lipstick on her lips, she comes out as Kali!
Look, my photo.
Eat as much as you want, and poop as much as you wish!
Disgusting! Cannot take this!
Oh my, this is yours.
Mine? What is written?
She gyms all day, with cheeks round like cherries?
Oh no, no, no.
Such an insult.
Look, look, look, your photo. - Mine too?
Maxi on and hair done, just like a pillow rest for fun.
I will beat them up so hard!
No, no, no, that won't be correct.
The point is how dare they. - Yes!
Yes, right, right.
How dare they!
Are they even human?
Just print posters like that?
We should not let them be.
We will teach them right.
I will tell the police. - Yes, yes right.
Give me the phone. - There, there.
Here, take my phone.
Is it ringing? - Yes.
Sir phone.
No one here.
Hello who? - Police station?
I am the police, who do you want?
I am calling from the girls' hostel.
One second, wait.
Which one are you?
Which one are you?
Your father here!
Going mad hearing a girl's voice eh?
I am their grandmother speaking.
You shameless pig. Have you no brains?
Which one are you? - Oh that's bad.
Yes madam, what can I do for you?
Your voice is just so sweet.
Order me madam Champa.
Yes, right track.
Send your force. A big scene here.
Bad posters of the girls have been put all around.
That's good news.
All of them are into acting is it?
Oh my god!
You have a bald head and a stupid brain.
Listen, arrest all the boys, this is their work.
Yes, but I need proof.
Listen you football.
No, no, I am Botobal. Abadoot Batabal.
Same Botobal Botobal.
What did you say, you need proof?
Hang up and I will call the S.P.
Oh don't be angry, I'm just doing my duty.
Your husband Bhombol is the owner eh? Like I knew?
Yes, arrest that old man first.
Lets see how big you are.
No, no, kaka first.
Kaka, kaka, kaka, kaka. - Arrest kaka first.
Your uncle? He stays in that hostel too?
You idiot kaka. Meaning Kartik Kanjilal.
He is the leader of the boys.
44, 45, rubbish.
You cannot do it, give it here.
Give, give, give it.
Too heavy, need the small ones.
What are you smiling for?
Kaka dear, get up, the police are here.
Why? Why police come? Is this station?
They have come to get kaka.
They have come to arrest you now!
But why, why, why have they come? Why police?
The girls have sent them.
They have an arrest warrant in your name.
Kaka run, run, run, run.
Oh my, he fell.
No, no, no use in running.
Do something, hide under the bed.
I had something to say but brother.
Later now. Listen, listen, listen, I should tell them.
Yes, yes, yes go. - Go, go, go.
Where? Kartik kaka, where is he?
He has gone home.
Home.. home he has gone home.
I swear on mother, Mother Kali, I swear.
And where is his home?
Dhaka, foreign, international.
Foreign? Meaning Bangladesh?
But is it different from our land?
It is, did you not know?
Uncle, why you catch kaka?
Who is he, talks wrong english?
He is Mota, we call him Shidhu.
No, no, his name is Shidhu, we call him Mota.
Quiet! - Stop, stop, stop.
A completion is it?
They sneeze out loud, like a competition fought out!
Now chase him out.
Who, who said it? - Who? What, what?
Who said that? - Oh no, no, not you.
Fever, cough and cold, sneezing all of this is around us.
And affects all.
The environment is destroyed.
Meaning it can affect you too.
Did you know?
Fever? Viral? I will be off now.
Yes, yes.
I will go now. - Yes please.
When kaka comes from foreign.
I will be back. - Yes, yes go.
Wait, is he that one? The viral disease?
No, I am the kaka you were searching for.
No need for hide and seek.
Are you inspector Sapra? - Yes.
Oh no. sub inspector Sri Hari Sapra.
Are you a man?
What is this? Why, do you have doubts?
No, no doubt.
The building next door? That's the girl's hostel.
That is the witch quarters.
All men are their enemies.
Even yours too.
Oh my, what?
Why, did the sir not tell you?
The oldest witch there is called Champa.
Had taken over me 30 years ago.
Hasn't left yet.
Why is your tongue out?
Not right to say that. - What else then?
But call your own wife a witch?
She calls me a ghost! - Oh, then fine.
Oh my head is spinning.
And want to vomit.
That's what happens.
Here take this 100 rupee note and buy some rasgullas before going.
Done? Bye now?
What will I go and tell sir?
Kaka has gone to Dhaka so there is no ruckus.
Not good?
No, no this is fine. Say this.
Durga, Durga!
"My youth!"
"My youth is like the blooming Champa Chameli."
Wrong time?
Did you get a call from home?
You know, there's going to be a dance competition.
Is it? Who will dance but?
Something can be done.
But we cannot dance well!
"I am a song bird of love."
"I sing to you with love notes."
This insulting habit, is it a family disorder?
No. - Then?
A gift from my in laws.
Don't talk rubbish.
Who called the police?
And what about the posters?
Like I don't know you.
You are spoiling the boys.
They are like my sons.
The girls too are like my own.
I know.
You know nothing. Nothing.
If you did, then.
Just after me when you can!
Lots of work left. Have to go.
Modern day dance competition.
Look, gave me a leaflet.
Modern day dance competition.
Great gifts too.
Trip for 7 for 7 days in Bangkok.
Will you come? - Bangkok?
Yes! Wow!
Well, what is Modern day dance? What's that?
It means something like ball dancing?
Let's, you will always stay late.
Modern day dance means disco. And pop.
But we don't know that.
If we win but, it will be great!
And I know only classical dancing. - Will that do?
Sure it will, why not.
I have a friend who dances great, we'll call her.
That will do.
And we will shake it up.
Done. - Done.
Done. - Yes.
Why don't you go?
I as in front of you.
What's that? - Oh man! - You go. - Yes, you go.
You go.
I can't I can't believe me.
Hello, hello, hello?
Okay. - Okay.
Pretty clouds float in the sky.
And now, below that fun boys will dance.
Are you good aunty?
Is it fine? - Great boss!
I will say.
Did I say it wrong? - No, no very good
I wanted to say that.
That the girls.
There. The girls.
Look so nice.
Just like, just like.
Just like actresses of Bollywood movies.
Now the dance.
"All you here come make some noise."
"Put your hands up in the air."
"With the beat."
"Come on let's do it."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
"Check us out."
"Come on people let's do it."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
Let's do it! - "Come on then don't be shy."
"Come on then don't be shy."
"Sing with the seven tunes with fun."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
"Forget all worries."
"Forget all pains."
"Will only have energy and vigor."
"So get the flutes."
"So get the flutes." - Come on! Come on!
"Sing with the seven tunes with fun."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
"Sing along."
"Come on all of you here."
"Come dance with us."
"Come on let's rock the world."
"Come on, come on everybody!"
"Good thoughts, good vibes."
"I wish to have the one I call secretly."
"I know not what to say."
"Come and open your heart to me."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
"So get the flutes."
"So get the flutes."
"Sing with the seven tunes with fun."
"Come to me my friends."
"Let's hold our hands together."
"Sing happy songs and dance to it."
"Shake your body."
"Rock the world."
Come on, baby! - "Clap your hands."
"Baby come on, do it."
"Rock the world."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Shake your body and move your body."
"Come baby don't be shy honey."
"Leave Rumba, Samba, Disco behind and dance your heart out in Bangla."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"I want a man who can get me so excited."
"I am a type of girl who will like it."
"Come you fire bomb."
"Let's make a blast now."
"Come make me happy honey."
"Play it louder now."
"Come you fire bomb."
"Let's make a blast now."
"Come make me happy honey."
"Play it louder now."
"Have all the fun today, I know not about tomorrow."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Sing humma humma."
"Come dance now baby."
"And make some noise now."
"Sing humma humma."
"Come dance now baby."
"And make some noise now."
"Have all the fun today, I know not about tomorrow."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Play the drums, come play the drums."
"Leave Rumba, Samba, Disco behind and dance your heart out in Bangla."
"I want a man who can get me so excited."
"I am a type of girl who will like it."
"I want a man who can get me so excited."
"Hail Bangla! - "Shake it out."
That's fine now, say it.
Great, great, too great.
Wait now.
Here, here you go.
The boys are dancing great.
Give it, move.
What I was saying, yes.
We have danced well too.
We have danced well too.
Police officer in charge here? Come, come, come up.
Here sir.
Wait let me turn it.
Here sir.
Hello, hello?
It's okay.
I really like it. That is obvious.
After many days I feel like I am back in my youth.
Makes me want to sing and dance.
Still feel like dancing.
Old man's wants to dance! Huh!
Football sir, hurry up now.
Calling you a football.
Who? Where? Who is it?
You shameless girl, don't you have fathers or uncles at home?
Silence! Silence!
Calm down!
So shall I announce the winners? - Yes, yes come on.
The winner of the dance completion today.
The girls have come.
Shall I say? Should I? - Yes.
The girls have come second.
No, no, no. - Cheating! No, no!
This will not do. No, no, no.
Cheating! No, no!
Okay girls, okay.
Patience, we have a prize for you.
Come Tua come, and take this.
No, don't go.
Not at all.
No need to take the prize.
Go on now.
All cheaters! Huh! - Here you go.
Quiet now, quiet.
Now boys, your reward.
Boys get the tickets to go to Bangkok.
Oh my god.
Only paper. Where are the tickets?
Not there.
Not there, what do you mean?
Not there meaning the whole thing was a sham.
Got up. Must be the girls.
Meaning you know what wrong.
I will slap you right across. Wrong english in the middle of all this.
And in the girls' box?
Will be revealed shortly.
Check it. Open and see.
Must be a pressure cooker.
No, no flower vase.
Stupid girl, a flower vase in such a big box?
Must be a dinner set. - Yes.
Open and see. Open and see.
Open and see.
Open and see.
Come on, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Open and see.
Stupid girls, go to the river..
..bank, and jump in the waters and you will have a lot of fun.
You think you can get to Bangkok so easily?
Wear your maxi, and ride in the taxi!
Loser wrote it? - I said that.
Madam, a horn has been honking for long.
Is it the taxi? - I think so.
Come quick.
There is really a taxi.
Who sent you here taxi? - The boys?
Who? Who sent you?
Tuktuki come here. Let me take care of him.
Stupid monkeys! Idiots!
God! It has increased.
Hail Lord! Tickets!
Can you go to Bangkok so easy?
But say something. - Yes.
Why were you falling on the girls while dancing?
That girl, her eyes, were so beautiful.
What! - What did you say?
Just like mother.
Good news! Good news! Good news!
The girls are heating up.
What? Wrong english again.
I will beat you up good. Move now, move, move.
Listen. - Yes.
The girls have said they want no trouble, only peace.
That's why the girls want to take us to a 5 star hotel to eat.
I am not going.
I am not going.
Do you not feel hungry? - Just one day. One.
Do you not want a day's freedom from Tepi's disgusting stew?
Tepi's mother?
Tepi's mother, Tepi's mother, Tepi's mother.
Tepi's mother?
No stew cooking today.
So stew then for you today?
I don't get what you say in english at all.
Tepi's mother you are free, for we will be getting a treat.
To think about eating at a 5 star hotel, makes my mouth water.
I am not going.
Why not? We are in this together. You will have to.
You go. I go. All go.
And the net result is, what you'll said before.
Yes, they will boil you in hot water and finish you off.
Stupid boys!
Hey come, come, come.
My name is Mini.
Yes, I know you.
And how?
I had seen you before.
When returning from the toilet.
Stop now.
I am beauty. I teach at a school.
I am Raju, I act in serials.
Yes, stays in the crowd on TV.
Is it not Raju?
Why, did you not see me in the mother-daughter fighting serial?
3rd lead?
I never get to watch TV.
Tell me then. - Hey will you stop, give others a chance?
My name is Govinda, study homeopathy.
Hello, I am Rita, I work in a beauty parlour.
There is a boy called Sutli is not here.
Plays the table very well. Couldn't be here for a function.
What kind of name is Sutli?
We hang out mosquito net with his pajama string, so.
Ya, ya, Sutali.
Ya, my name, Siddharth.
I, I, I am business, is in the.
Motu will you stop?
Yes, so shall we order?
Order sir?
Mutton biriyani, seekh kabab, chicken tandoori...
.. roast, and all that is good. - Okay sir.
Hey listen, end with the sweets.
And a bit more of that. - Yes.
Leave it here, we will serve it.
Why worry, we will take on our own.
Give it to me.
I will be back from the bathroom, excuse me.
I will wash my hands and come.
I will be back okay.
I am going too.
Okay. Fine.
Excuse me, we will be back from the bathroom.
You'll eat okay? I will join you. - Yes, yes.
Okay, no tension.
Eat up now, eat.
Whatever you say. The food was great.
You would have missed it.
Eat, eat. - All girls go?
No back come?
That's right.
The girls went and aren't back yet.
There's a letter there.
See what's in it.
Wait, I'll see.
It's a card.
With a poem in it.
Poem, give, give.
A feast like this you will not get everyday.
Now get beaten up, for we will be off.
Oh nice, good rhyming.
Shut up idiot, listen to the fm from now.
Do you even understand the meaning? - What?
That they have all gone!
What? - Oh my god.
So they won't pay?
But they called us here?
They did.
Now just get ready to have sweets.
Oh my my.
I need to poop, can I go?
Do it there, don't you dare move.
No, no, bad smell.
Sir, the bill.
How much is it? Kaka, how much?
How much, how much?
Go brother, go now.
How much, how much?
18,432 rupees.
Wanted to eat eh? Eat at a 5 star!
Now get out all the money you have. Out now, out.
Out now, out. Out now, out. Out now, out.
Get it out.
What, 2 rupees?
100 rupees. - Give!
You took it all? Not the whole thing.
Give me yours, give it.
Forgot my purse, nothing.
How much?
Wait now.
Hello gentlemen, any problem?
Actually, my girlfriend want eat us.
Oh no, no, no.
He can't say it, let me explain.
Actually, our friends came to treat us and ran away.
Actually, including everyone's money, we have.
Here, my 4 rupees. We have 218 rupees.
But I do have a credit card, which has a balance of hardly 500 rupees.
I can give that.
What fun! The bill is of 18,000 rupees.
And you have just 5000 and 218 something?
Okay, give me the money and you may go.
Arrange for the money and I will have them stay here.
Very good.
Hold this please.
I will give you the credit card.
One minute, just one.
Thank you so much.
Kaka but?
Want to stay at a 5 star, eat at a 5 star eh?
Now stay here and do as you please.
I am off.
Hey kaka, listen.
Where were you going?
Leaving without us?
We are stuck here, both have cut us off. Now what?
Chicken kabiraji, biriyani, pulao, tandoori!
They must be cleaning utensils by now.
They must be hanging upside down and being beaten up by now.
Come on, come, come. - Don't hit, don't hit.
Come on hurry up! - Please.
Open your pants too. Please?
Open your watch please.
Come on, hurry up!
Pull and open this way
And the chain?
This mother gave or I won't pass my exam.
And then sweets too!
Here, hold the bucket and the broom.
And go to the toilet and clean it now.
What, can you not hear? Come on.
Go clean the toilet!
What are you'll standing for?
Clean this place quick.
Hurry up now, clean it.
You weren't there, but you would have seen, jokers all of them.
I would beat them up myself!
And they were biting on chicken legs!
And so disgusting too!
Here, eat you last meal.
Be well.
Don't you remember I am hurt?
Come, come, come and see.
Come see through the window.
What? What is it?
Oh come and see. - Come, let's see.
Take me too, I have back pain.
Oh my my.
Who, who, who is it?
How does it feel?
We dying, you sleeping?
Laughing? You dare to laugh?
Have you no shame? Left us alone?
And you took off?
Now do you get it?
I knew it before.
This would happen.
Yes, work on his brains and this is what will happen.
Wanted to eat at a 5 star?
Wanted to eat pulao, chicken tandoori, now understand ..
..the taste of Tepi's mother's food!
If you had taken me then this would not happen.
Let me say what has t be done.
Yes tell us.
Cut them, kill them, conspire to rape them.
Don't even think about it, they will in turn rape you.
You idiot!
Now where is your poetry?
He's all dried up, won't start.
Let all this be, now say, what next?
I have something for this.
Yes, yes, say what you have. The matter is.
We love all girls.
Oh yes, yes.
This is what you wanted to say?
That will backfire.
We will trap them.
But we will not fall into the trap.
Oh dear mini, I will slowly open the window to your heart.
Day after is Holi yes?
Yes, yes.
It is Holi!
It is Holi!
"Open the gates to your heart."
"Oh done play with me dear."
"On this happy day of Holi."
"Will put colors on your red cheeks."
"It is Holi, Holi is here my friends."
"Let's make it all colorful!"
"It is Holi, Holi is here my friends."
"Let's make it all colorful!"
"It is Holi!"
"Oh don't cry so much."
"Don't fall in so much love."
"People may call you hero."
"But you are a big zero!"
"Oh don't cry so much."
"Don't fall in so much love."
"People may call you hero."
"But you are a big zero!"
"Oh don't hurt my heart."
"Don't take your eyes off me."
"You are my friend, dear friend."
"I will paint you with pretty colors."
"It is Holi, Holi is here my friends."
"Let's make it all colorful!"
"It is Holi, Holi is here my friends."
"Let's make it all colorful!"
"It is Holi!"
Yes, say what you have to.
Hurry up I am getting late. I have to play Holi.
What are you staring at?
Had something to say.
Yes, yes say it.
Mad, no, no what was it? Sad? Sam?
Sadananda Mahapatra.
Oh the same, say what you had to quick.
Yes, mean.
Yes, yes, I was saying.
Was saying that it will.
Take some time, right, I will be back.
Oh no, no it is pain. Pain in my heart.
So am I doctor or what? Why?
They sent you a pot with rope? Oh no, no, no.
Very bad, very bad.
You'll are such nice girls.
I have a gift for you.
What is in it?
Very nice, very nice stuff.
Just for you.
A symbol, serious elements, symbols of life. For love.
Oh fine, fine, don't explain, I will open and see it.
My god! What serious elements, symbols of life?
Will you open this?
Help me.
Slowly, it hurts.
I cannot, I have to open quickly.
A symbol?
Serious elements?
And what else?
Symbols of life.
And what are these?
Made a mistake.
Oh, and how?
There were 2 packets.
One was for the charity and one for your birthday gift.
So by mistake.
By mistake my packet went to the charity?
Is it so? And what was in it?
Your birthday was 6 months before, so.
I got a birthday cake.
Got a cake 6 months before?
That will be eaten by ghosts now.
Hold this.
Pachi? Pachi?
Hey you, where are you going?
To get the clothes.
And what news on that side?
Said they won't fight with you.
Stop now, all drama.
The problem isn't yours it's mine.
The hotel people took away your clothes so I am running a bit short.
Do you want a beating?
You scold me uselessly.
And Tua sister. - What does Tua say?
Says for kaka my heart shouts out.
You naughty boy!
Mini? Mini?
What poet boy, you?
Mini, your mini skirt is just like modern art.
Looking at you my heart goes crazy.
Mini, may 12 months you.
Will be slapped repeatedly.
What is it?
Seemed like you slapped me.
Drifted in the poems.
What you said was poetry right?
No, mantras.
For what?
For your burial service.
Hey, do you know who you're talking to?
An old man, look at him just!
Shut up! He is my father.
Father? - Yes father.
No, my real father.
My father-in-law eh?
Dear father-in-law, stay safe.
Bless me.
Yes, yes, live long.
Cannot be imagined even.
One gets slapped.
Mini, may 12 months you. - Will be slapped repeatedly.
One gave away 160 rupees from his pocket.
I got a birthday cake.
Got a cake 6 months before?
That will be eaten by ghosts now.
Hold this.
Pachi? - Great!
I cannot think.
Oh, so you don't know his.
Hey, tell him yours.
What about him now?
"On this cloudy day, I only wish to be happy."
"You will come and sit beside me, and we will have campa cola."
Hey there! Hello. Good?
Very good.
Sit please.
Did you write this letter?
How can I tell without seeing?
Hit my face.
Oh yes, yes written by me.
I love you very much.
You are my dearest Panchi. - Who Panchi?
You are Panchi?
Prachi, Prachi Sen. Say it correctly.
Pachi. - And don't love you. Susu?
No, no don't do that.
I don't need to go, my name is Sutali. - Yes Sutali.
Not Sutli. Sutanu made into Sutali.
But that's fine.
You can love me later, no problem.
You can love me tomorrow, no problem either.
You just have to love me.
In 365 days I will never love you.
You are uncivilized and stupid, understand?
Are you saying this to me? - Yes.
Then hold the bag.
Now listen, you all are liars and are disgusting and mean.
Called some boys over for lunch and ran off, have you no shame?
What, you called us frauds?
Yes I did. - Oh really? - Bearer?
Don't be overbearing by calling the bearer.
I will beat you with the bearer.
Hey Bearer!
Oh really? Called us frauds?
Dare you say it again. - Will you now? Will you?
Hey, say what next.
What then?
What? - I won't say.
Oh just say it.
She tied me with a rope.
What rope, the one from your pants?
No, your father's you evil boy!
A fat rope and she made 2 knots here.
No, no, don't say fat, say thick.
Yes, like your head.
Held me together and kept me tied like that. Evil!
And then what happened?
She raped you?
No, that's what they'll do to you.
Go without your shirt once, you evil boy.
Shut up!
And what then?
Say it now.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Hey you, let me go!
No need to hold me.
Hold him tight.
What else will you have?
Won't have this?
No let this be.
So mean, it will rain on your wedding!
Yes, it will rain on your wedding!
When you come out in the Pujas, your slippers will tear.
Is it so?
You will see, there will be lightning near..
..your house and it will destroy your roof.
She fed you all the food with her hands?
Fed all the food.
To you?
No, the dog.
Hey Tommy! Look a dog, I am very scared of them.
You won't eat, so Tommy will.
You are a mean woman. Mean, mean so mean.
And you are stupid.
Will you have the sweet? - No!
I won't give you nothing.
What a bad girl.
The bus you get on will break down.
The plane you get on will have its propellers stopped.
But still you cannot have the food here.
Take all the food.
Better, feed the dog.
I really like to eat.
- Is it so?
I will report to Human Rights!
And you kept staring?
What else?
Close my eyes like a blind man?
Why are you getting angry? Do you know what this means?
What is it?
That you are worse off than a dog!
I know. You evil, see what happens to you!
Your father will get a dog named after you!
Your wife will wish you brother's day! - Shut up!
I want to cry.
Yes do so.
Take this form for the application for the groom for Tulika Acharya.
Wait here, I will be back.
Such a good combination eh? - Yes. Looking good.
Tua, won't this look great?
The thing of beauty.
But I don't think it will fit.
Don't joke always!
And what about this?
This will be good.
Do you know what's happening?
What, what? - What is it?
A line of almost 150 boys.
Oh my, for what?
They all want to meet you.
Boys are here, saying that you put an advertisement looking for a groom.
Here, look.
Some have print outs even.
Bengali Weddings.com
Educated, beautiful, age 24, only daughter of millionaire father.
Need a groom for Tulika Acharya!
Meet on 12th September in the afternoon..
..address :Girls' Hostel, Bakultala Lane.
What rubbish, all lies.
I think this is a work of the boys.
Right. - Do something, get someone very old from the crowd below.
Poke him a bit and it will all come out.
Me? No, no, send her.
Shall I get him on my back?
No, no, get him by the hand now.
To send him piggyback will be done later.
Okay come on. - Come, come.
Come, come.
Want to marry eh?
That group of miscreants.
Let them come!
Come, come.
Tua, uncle is here.
Sit please.
My name is Champak Pramanik.
Which marriage is this for you uncle?
No, no dear, not for me, for my son.
Oh. So what does your son do?
He roams around fields. - What?
We are farmers so.
Have acres of land.
He farms, what else.
My son is not very educated.
So if he has a bride like you, I mean so educated.
I get it. So how does he look?
His looks?
Fair, good looking..
..very strong, and built too. Just like your friend here.
Do you have a photo? - Photo?
I have it. - Let me see.
Here it is dear.
Oh my, it's a cow.
Not a cow dear, it's a well breed domestic cow.
You shameless idiot, joking eh?
Having fun in the girls' hostel eh?
Oh my Kaka and Tua look so nice!
Idiot! Nonsense! Such a big insult!
Tuktuki, come here. - Yes tell me.
Get all the names and phone numbers of all the boys waiting. - Okay.
Go, go, go, go.
Will you marry them all?
No, no, not marry but something else.
Will date them.
Will go around infront of the boys, and they will burn in jealousy!
That's a good idea.
First candidate Nil Desi.
Tuktuki, make the call.
Dial and give it to me, I will talk.
9 8 3 6
Tua, you will meet him tomorrow.
Hello ji.
I am Sidhu Singh and this is my Pammi the great.
That's nice. so what do you do?
I drive a truck.
I see. - We have 2 lorries, in Punjab.
And bank balance? Money?
Have a lot. All will go to my son.
I don't get it, you are the groom right?
No, no, son. I am the papa.
But if I have to marry, it will be you, papa-ji!
Now what Pammi ji?
What do you mean? I will suicide!
No, no.
Okay then Ji family, I will be going now. Bye, ta-ta.
Bye, bye Ji.
Don't leave me and go miss, I love you very much ji.
Sit now ji, sit.
The next candidate Subhash Chandra Das.
I am very sick today, why don't you go?
Tuktuki, make the call and find out where to meet.
Please accept my heartiest greetings.
I accept.
Actually, it is most courteous.
So have you come to marry? - Of course.
My name is Subhash Chandra Das.
I work in the Municipal Corporation.
Alright. Can you drive? Play cricket?
Drink alcohol? - No. - Go to the disc?
No, but I write poetry.
My pretty wild grass,
Get eaten up by little goat,
You are the onion,
And I am the food,
You are the egg roll,
And I am the wrapper.
Good right?
What is it dear? What happened?
I have an allergy for poems.
Oh my, what?
Alright, take this then.
What is it? Flowers?
No. Cauliflower.
You eat this!
Stupid boy!
Oh no.
So you are sure that the girls meet those boys everyday?
What else.
They say poetry and they fall down.
Sometimes they get picked up too. - What?
Gift them cauliflowers too! - What!
Why? Eating cauliflower? No gas passing? So falling down?
My foot!
So, these girls?
Do we hate them?
Disgusted! - Right.
Hey, do something.
Make me a list of who all Tua meets!
Oh my, oh my my.
"The pain that I feel now."
"Can anyone know this?"
I will kick you so hard! Sit!
They will burn with jealousy.
But I see you're the one burning.
"Fire, fire, fire, fire has broken out!"
"Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn."
That's Sardar and Sardarni, too much to take.
And that one is still standing with the cauliflower.
What Romeo?
What did you say?
Grown up a lot eh?
High heels, lipstick, so good!
Who? - Who else? Tua sister.
Gone to search for a groom.
My my, no shame.
Yes, you are right.
The groom is near home. Just need to look.
And who is it?
Sounds nice eh? Kaka and Tua, and then gone.
Grown up a lot eh?
Will beat you up blue black!
Won't you come with me?
No I have the rickshaw waiting.
Yes, yes, what else.
People will travel on plane and you will take the cow cart.
People will travel on a speed boat, and you will take the donkey.
Are you done?
I am in no mood to fight with you.
Me neither.
What do you think of yourself, Champa Bannerjee?
All this ego can only be yours?
That's what I know.
Been bearing everything for 5 years, alone.
You are wrong.
Anyway, I am sorry.
Go to the car.
What, what, what is this? Me?
You have the rickshaw.
But you said sorry.
Come in.
Buchki? Oh Buchki?
My dearest?
Come with me now.
And leave that Champa aunty behind.
Sleeping eh?
Look, the full moon smiling outside and you are still sleeping.
I wish to marry you.
Have the garlands here.
Didn't find Rajnigandha, so I got the Marigold.
Buchki? Oh Buchki?
Love before marriage? Wait, let me shower you with petals.
Buchki? Oh Buchki?
Oh my dearest!
Who, who, who is it!
What happened? - Thief! Thief! Thief! Thief! Thief!
I am Govinda.
Okay. But who Govinda?
Krishna. The god? Him.
You goat.
And you got a marigold garland to eat.
My fan stopped working.
So I thought I would sleep on Buchki's bed.
And this idiot comes and hugs me?
Says he wants to marry me?
I will put you in jail, you stupid thief!
No, no, don't call me a thief. I had come to marry Buchki.
Buchki, come here to me.
Buchki, come here.
Hey Buchki, come here!
Can you recognize this drunk?
Where do you stay?
Who are you brother?
Call me anything but brother.
Brother and me? - Hold this one hostage.
Kaka will come tomorrow and ask for..
.. forgiveness and then he will be set free.
Tie him up tight!
The girls have taken responsibility, I will sleep now.
Yes, yes, you sleep and I will go.
Don't you dare move!
To whom? And for what?
For that donkey?
When to madams' bed to marry her.
Just think, just think about it.
What an item.
Wanted to play the game of love? Now drown, you all!
Oh my, he is in so much pain.
All girls, eating her.
No, no, beating her.
Not her, him!
And then. Then. And then.
Will you say what then!
Saying, saying.
And then Kaka said that he really loves Tua.
All lie. - Hey no, true.
He seems angry from outside.
But very soft from the inside. Like feathers.
He loves Tua very much.
He lover her right? - Yes, yes he does.
Loves her huh?
All lies, you idiot! - No, no, very ticklish!
Listen. - Hey, what is this?
You have bathed a long time back.
Why don't you eat now?
Saved my soul.
What I was saying.
The poet likes Mini a lot.
And then Limpu and Beauty.
Prachi with Sutli.
And Raju and Rita are fixed.
And next to our Mota. Mota, and Tuktuki next to him.
She looks like a little insect. But nothing bad eh?
And you and I are lovers forever.
"Forever you will be mine." - Enough!
Will wear my clothes and tell you.
I get it all.
And what about Kaka and Tua. Union is very important.
Not in this lifetime.
Wait, wait, wait, let me see. What then?
Kaka didn't come, how long will we pet him here?
No, no, what use of Kaka? I am good here.
I can stay 2 more days.
Yes, 2 more days? 2 more days eh?
Hear this goat1
I will have you for lunch!
I will have you for lunch! - Yes!
Let me eat first.
That stupid fat Bengali!
Don't joke about his figure.
Yes, he should be beat up.
Love eh?
Look what he's doing, peep and see. Go!
You come too? - Come!
Maybe. Being beaten up.
Oh my my. - Poor thing.
Huh. Move.
Who? Who? Who? - Me.
Where did you go?
And what are you wearing?
Going home.
Didn't go to office?
No. - Why?
Fishing. Caught it.
Why did you go? Where?
To get news. - What news?
Tua goes out with different men everyday.
Will you marry Tua?
No, no, I just went for you.
Shut up! You cow!
Yes, they called me a goat. You call me a cow.
Make me the poultry too.
You on aunty's bed lastly?
I didn't do it on purpose.
It was a misfire.
Actually, I want to marry Buchki, so.
What did you say?
I said it out loud.
Believe me Kaka, the girls aren't that bad.
I should go, and change.
Give me the shoes.
You came here to meet the cauliflower groom here?
Yes, came there with it.
And there is my friend's house.
Hey, listen.
I have a gift for you.
Gift? Again?
Don't be scared.
This one is good.
You will be surprised.
Here, here, take it.
Nimyle phenyl and soap?
Yes, domestic house stuff.
Like your serial names?
Where did the serial come from?
Listen, you know it.
This is our love, Bengali love.
Oil, soap, and incense sticks.
Wait, wait, aren't you in sales for Nimyle?
Oh my my.
My dear, dear?
Using this Nimyle phenyl and soap, our life will be great.
Shut up, no poems, please.
Here hold.
Hey, don't be upset.
Hey listen. Listen now.
I saw your serial.
I did see your serial.
But I didn't see you.
And how will you? Just how?
The director said that small roles don't suit me.
They will launch me as a main character in the next episode.
I too want to act In movies.
Then do so who is stopping you?
Do it.
Take nice photos of yourself.
And then go to directors and give it to them.
Photo? Will you ask Kaka to click them?
Mad or what? I have just one head and he will break that.
Scared right?
Why are you so scared of Kaka?
Mad or what? Scared? And that too of Kaka?
Actually Kaka is very scared of me.
You are right.
I am very scared of you. - Correct.
You'll talk, talk. I will go!
Oh God!
What are you doing here? Hanging out eh?
No. - Go.
Go. - Sorry. Sorry!
All of them are dating. And lie to me?
You short, I long. Put clothes now.
Thank you.
You, I, friend.
Say it in Bengali please?
"What my heart wants."
"You are she, just her."
"What my heart wants."
So hard!
I know, the Bengali language eh?
No, your buff hands!
Okay, I go.
You bad, bye.
Oh my, upset him.
What, no office?
No, I don't feel like.
Alright. You take rest. I am going.
Okay bye. - Ta-ta.
"Deep in my heart."
"I only want you."
"And amidst it all."
"I will have you."
"Deep in my heart."
"I only want you."
"And amidst it all."
"I will have you."
"Beyond the wants and gets."
"Today I am lost with you."
"You are my, my love."
"Only you are my love."
"This known heart of mine."
"Craves for something unknown."
"The tunes and melody of this song."
"Takes over me like a fever."
"This is called love."
"This is called love."
"This hope and love is for you."
"All my dreams are for you."
"Oh my dear, you are mine."
"Just mine, only you are my dearest."
"Deep in my heart."
"I only want you."
"And amidst it all."
"I will have you."
"My heart wants to say."
"Some words to you."
"It wants you close."
"Only wants you close."
"In pride and love, to hold you close."
"In pride and love, to hold you close."
"You have filled my heart with colors."
"Wants to know you anew."
"This love is for you."
"My dear, I only am yours."
Dr. Shobhon Das, Landmark Hotel. Alright.
Okay, bye. Yes.
Tua? Tua? Aren't you supposed to meet the Doctor?
Then won't you go? He is the last candidate.
I don't like this game anymore.
I am very tired. You go.
Me? I have to go with Raju, he's taking me to a producer.
Raju? - Yes.
And he has a producer? - Yes.
He acts and it all gets cut in editing.
And he has a producer?
Why don't you go? Please?
Stop now, no need to go at all.
Oh yes, he will call me, what do I say?
Alright, say I will go. Just know when and where.
And this is last. No more.
Okay, chill.
Excuse me? - Yes madam?
I want to meet Dr. Shobhon Das.
Your name please? - I am Tulika Acharya.
Just a minute.
Hello, Dr. Shobhon Das. - Yes?
You have a guest. - What name?
Ms. Tulika Acharya. - Ask her to sit.
Okay sir.
Ma'am please sit, he will be right with you.
Alright, thank you.
Tua right?
What is she doing here?
Finding a groom.
Looks like fun, let's go check it out.
Wait, wait, I have a plan.
Come on.
Hello Ms. Acharya.
Oh you must be Dr. Shobhon Das? - Right.
Let me introduce my friend, Partho. - Namaste.
What are you doing! Shut up!
Let's go to the room then?
Why room, the restaurant is fine.
I have come from Noida just to meet you.
I stay in this hotel, Room No. 209.
Come on please.
I think to sit at the restaurant will be better.
A Bengali girl from Kolkata, so unsmart?
Alright come.
Okay then. Come Partho.
Oh my, they went o Rome?
Not Rome, to the room!
Oh. Room!
That is right. The room? Watch out.
Hey, slowly.
I can hear voices. Come on.
What is this?
Oh my my, don't change infront of everyone.
Hurry up.
The door is opening!
Are you okay? - Yes, yes.
Don't fall out.
Okay okay.
I found the room.
You ass, I just said that!
Room Service.
Busy now, come later please.
But we have news that you have that in your room.
A bomb. Bomb? Sir bomb!
But madam is sleeping. - Sleeping?
Sleeping right?
I will not disturb at all. Will just swoop in and swoop out.
Come on. - Come sir.
A bomb. Big bomb.
Bomb? - Yes Bomb.
Come out, come out, come out.
Where? - There.
Oh my, gone or what?
She's taking it.
What? - Breathing!
Oh, oh yes.
Do something, pick her up and put her in the cabin below.
And then go out with her.
And I will lie down in her place.
Alright. - What?
And what about you?
Oh me? Oh I?
I will be fine, they will find me unconscious under the blanket.
Okay then
This item will not fit.
Fold her up eh? - Fold her?
I cannot do it alone.
So what now?
Oh, I will hold. Quick! Quick!
Don't leave her, she's unconscious!
Lie down, lie down.
Come on, hurry up.
Service complete.
What? - Bomb?
No,, no, no bomb. No bomb.
Thank you.
No bombs, come on.
Mr. Khan? Yes, I have a girl of 24 to 25 years.
Good health.
Ask him if he wants her alive or dead?
Yes, you want alive or dead?
Oh cut up? Fine, all parts will be given to you.
Kidney, heart, lungs, eyes, everything. All of it.
Just need 50,000 dollars.
No, no don't worry.
Straight to Canning from here. And then on sea forward.
But we have Formalin.
Sir, all instruments ready.
Oh yes. - Do it before she is conscious. Oh move, move, move.
Game over. Understand?
But a handsome guy like me?
Packing? Where are you going?
When will you be back.
Won't come back.
Aunty, your fees.
No, no I haven't come for money.
I want to know where you're going.
Why are you going? Why?
Missing mother a lot.
Oh my, missing her then go visit her.
Yes, go and stay with mother for some time.
No aunty, I have resigned also.
This city isn't for me.
Don't stop me aunty, let me go.
Will you really go?
What is it? Bhombol Bannerjee here?
Had to say something.
Not about us.
About the boys and girls.
What now?
Kaka dear and Tua dear.
They love each other.
And Tua is leaving?
Stop her.
When did you care for all this?
Don't argue with me, it won't end well.
Do as I say.
Madam, Tua is leaving. Where are you?
Madam, are you crying?
Why are you crying madam?
Sir, it must be you.
What is it madam, tell me?
Did he scare you? Just tell me.
No, no. Why will he scare me?
He is scared himself. That it may happen again.
What again? What madam? Tell me.
Sir, tell us sir.
We had a girl.
Her nickname was Mona.
The apple of our eyes.
And she fell in love with a private tutor.
The boy was Christian. Names Khoka.
Your madam agreed.
But I couldn't.
A Christian.
And that too a mere school master.
One day, father called the girl and made her promise.
That if she marries that boy, she will see her father dead.
The girl promised too.
And then her marriage was fixed with an engineer.
The arrangements were done, and invitations almost done.
One day we were returning from shopping.
Returned home to find a lot of people.
Oh my.
From then, your sir and I stay separate.
I can never forgive this man. Never at all.
Took my girl away from me forever.
And that's why, that why you two stay with girls and boys.
Is it not madam?
I will not repeat my mistake.
Please stop Tua.
Only Kaka can stop Tua. - Yes!
And Kaka will be convinced by Bode.
What's with the diary?
Making a list of the days to beat you.
Want to say something?
Two suitcases, a side bag, sunglasses on and a taxi waiting.
Who, Tua sister?
Where is she going? Gaya or Kashi?
Going home, won't be coming back.
Good then.
Will marry and you will be invited.
I don't want that.
She loves you and will marry someone else?
She told you?
What, she never said anything.
She? Tua will tell you?
She is a girl after all.
You risked your life to save her.
Why don't you go dear, go and save your girl.
Get her back.
Please step aside. Put the bike aside.
Come on, come on.
Why sir? - What why?
Give the license.
Actually, I forgot the helmet in a hurry.
Oh, forgot it eh?
She will leave sir.
Leave? Who will?
Tua. Tua sir.
Tua? Your wife?
Oh no, no.
Then who? Lover or friend?
No, no, nothing like that.
If I cannot tell her today, I never will be.
Say what? Oh, love case?
Come, come, I'll take you.
You will take me? - Hurry up, I'll take you.
No need to take your bike, let it be here.
And come with me. Hurry up.
Hurry up and come with me. - Santanu, keep watch over the bike.
Yes, watch over it.
Bye. Come.
There sir, that bus.
Please ride faster sir. There, there.
Sir please overtake.
Drive faster sir.
That's why the police is always late.
What did you say? - No, no nothing.
Wait, wait, stop now, wait now.
Oh he'll hit. The back. Oh okay.
This is the bus sir.
This one.
Please get off fast sir.
Ask sir, please.
Sir, what is it?
The man's treasure is in your car. - Where sir.
Inside, will have to be taken out.
That I understand.
Above or inside?
Sir, her here. - Where, show me.
Hey you, come down.
Running after stealing?
Me? - Yes.
Stealing? - Oh yes.
Come down.
I don't get it. What have I stolen?
Heart! Have stolen his heart.
Hey you, boy.
Sir.. - Next time you go searching for your lover..
..don't forget to wear your helmet.
You might not get a sergeant like me.
Thank you. - Take care now.
Thank you, thank you sir, thanks.
Don't forget your bike.
"Deep in my heart."
"I only want you."
"And amidst it all."
"I will have you."
"Deep in my heart."
"I only want you."
"And amidst it all."
"I will have you."
"Beyond the wants and gets."
"Today I am lost with you."
"You are my, my love."
"Only you are my love."
"This known heart of mine."
"Craves for something unknown."
"The tunes and melody of this song."
"Takes over me like a fever."
"This is called love."
"This is called love. Only I am your my love."
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Trào ngược dạ dày thực quản, những dấu hiệu dễ bị bỏ qua về y học - Duration: 7:05.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, signs easily overlooked in medicine
Acid reflux is a typical symptom of gastroenteritis. Many people find it very easy to detect and treat acid reflux.
But the fact is, there are many signs of vagueness, which the person can not detect, from acid reflux disease.
Many symptoms of acid reflux disease, is confused with another disease.
Acid reflux disease, if not detected and treated early, can lead to stomach, esophagus, even gastric - esophageal cancer.
If the symptoms appear below, you may be suffering from acid reflux.
1. Chest pain.
The stomach functions digestively, thanks to the gastric juice, which has a strong acidic presence in the stomach, which is caused by a covering film.
But when people eat too much food, for a short time, especially greasy foods,
will cause acid, (gastric juice), reflux into the esophagus.
Here the esophagus is not protected, so it will be affected by the acid of the stomach.
The patient will have a burning sensation in the epigastrium, a more severe pain in the chest.
Many people think the pain is a heart attack.
If you experience chest pain after eating, or pain when exercising, go to a health facility,
For a digestive or cardiovascular examination, only the doctor is the one who determines the best cause for your chest pain.
2. Pain is heavier when lying down.
Acids in the stomach when reflux into the esophagus, will cause heartburn.
Even when you lie down, bending down, these symptoms are more likely to occur.
The cause is that, when sitting or standing, gravity will help keep food in your stomach, while lying, you are more likely to suffer from acid reflux.
Because of that, doctors often advise people with heartburn to raise their heads, and should not eat before sleeping.
3. Pain after meal.
Pain in the epigastrium occurs immediately after a meal, especially a full meal, which means your stomach is overloaded.
In this case, you may not need medication, just change your eating habits.
Breaking your diet, eating slowly, using low fat foods, grease, alcohol, cigarettes, and so on will help improve the situation.
4. Bitter mouth.
Sometimes the acid escapes from your stomach, which can be up to the throat, accompanied by bile, which makes us feel bitter in our mouths.
It usually occurs, in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, (neurological disorders),
The excessive opening of the pyloric valve, the bile will be reflux from the duodenum into the stomach, followed by stomach fluids into the esophagus.
If this happens, especially in the middle of the night, you should see a doctor.
Your doctor will prescribe an acid-suppressing medication, or antacids.
This is the reason, gastric acid drugs, often prescribed by doctors for patients to drink at night, before bedtime.
5. Noise.
Whenever a person is hoarse, he or she usually thinks of a cold or flu.
However, this can also be a heartburn symptom.
Gastroenterologist and Gastroenterologist at Temple, Texas- TS. Pfanner said,
When stomach acid is absorbed into your esophagus, it can irritate the vocal cords, making your voice sound more husky than usual.
If this occurs after eating, you may have acid reflux.
Sore throat.
Sore throat is a typical symptom of colds, or flu, but in fact, this can also be a sign of a digestive problem.
Colds, flu, often cause sick people always have a sore throat, accompanied by runny or sneezing.
Without these signs, consider sore throat as a result of acid reflux.
7. Ho.
There are many symptoms of respiratory disease, such as cough, wheezing, which can be due to heartburn.
According to medical experts, it is caused by acid in the stomach entering the bronchial area, the lungs, these are the farthest away, stomach acid can move to.
Thus, it causes the patient to have a chronic cough, feeling a sore throat.
Especially it appears after eating or lying down.
When this happens, the patient needs to see a doctor, to measure the pH in the throat of the patient.
Coughing and wheezing, these are two symptoms, often for both the patient and the doctor, to think of asthma.
There are cases of patients with these two diseases, but also from cough, dyspnea due to heartburn, turning to asthma.
This is because gastric acid can activate the nerves in the chest, causing airway spasm, which eventually causes airways to swell, cause inflammation, and so on.
9. Nausea.
Nausea is usually a result of acid reflux.
However, if nausea can not be found, the patient should think of the disease.
Especially after you have nausea, nausea or vomiting accompanied by one of the symptoms mentioned above, you probably have acid reflux disease.
10. Add lots of saliva.
According to Dr. Coyle, Torrey Pines Medical Center in La Jolla, California said that when the mouth more saliva,
It also means that your stomach is producing too much acid, and is refluxing into the esophagus.
This involves the nerves and reflexes.
When gastric acid reflux, a natural reflex is the body that secretes saliva, to neutralize this acid.
11. Difficult to swallow.
Over time, gastrointestinal acidosis with increasing frequency, will cause the esophagus to be affected,
Severe edema may cause swelling, which eventually causes scarring that causes the esophagus to narrow, thereby making the patient feel difficult to swallow.
Thu Ha, According to Health.
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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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