On Sunday, Donald Trump in between tweets about it not be collusion, that it of being
a witch hunt and Mueller, blah, blah, blah, blah.
He tweeted out that he has the best poll numbers of any Republican President every.
Nobody in the history of the United States has ever polled higher within in the Republican
Party itself than Donald Trump is currently polling.
Those poll numbers he's bragging about are the fact that 90% of registered Republicans
are self-identified Republicans, approve of the job that Donald Trump is doing.
And Trump says that those numbers are higher then everybody, including Abraham Lincoln.
He specifically said he is more popular than Lincoln according to these polls, his numbers
are higher, right?
Well, if you consider the fact that Lincoln was assassinated 70 years before presidential
polling began, then no you'd actually still be wrong.
You're an absolute liar.
Not only are you comparing yourself to people who did not live during the time of presidential
polling, which only began during the second term of FDR, but you're still wrong about
your main point that even if we only included Republicans who were alive during presidential
polling, you're still wrong.
George W. Bush hit a high of 99% approval within the Republican Party in January 2002,
a few months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and he had actually hit above 90% within the
Republican Party in the few months before that.
So yeah, you're not the most popular Republican President in history, you're not even the
most popular Republican President since the year 2002, you have nothing to stand on.
Maybe you'll a little upset by the fact that once you branch out from just self-identified
Republicans, a number that is dwindling by the way, that's why it's so high for you and
you go to the general public, we see that you're overall approval rating is 41.9%.
Any other president would consider that a crap number, but you, that is actually your
all-time highest approval in the county.
41.9%, you can't even break 42% in composite polling's of every group in this country.
Nobody cares about your poll numbers man, except for you obviously.
So how about you stop tweeting out the lies and nonsense regarding these numbers that
you don't even understand and maybe you start focusing on how to fix the lies of the millions
of Americans that you have ruined due to your trade wars, your anti-environmental policies,
your horrible FEMA responses to Puerto Rico.
There are a million different problems that you could be talking about, rather than lying
on Twitter about how popular you aren't.
For more infomation >> Trump Lies And Says His Poll Numbers Are Better Than Lincoln - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Why Does Belgium Exist? (Answering Google Autocomplete - Europe Edition) - Duration: 10:25.
So, I recently saw this map, depicting the top Google autocomplete result for each country
in Europe, with the results for each of them, and seeing as how I answered them on a similar
map of the US a few years ago, I thought "why not do this again?"
I don't know, you might learn something here (granted, that's the goal of the channel).
Okay, ready, set, go.
Why does Iceland have so many volcanoes?
Iceland is a volcanic island, on the converging point between the Eurasian and North American
plates, so it's very similar to Hawaii, in a way.
Why does Britain want to leave the EU?
Well, first off, not all Britons want to leave the EU (most notably Scots and Londoners),
but the reason for all the Brexit talks largely came down to immigration, the economy, and
national identity.
Basically, Britain has always strongly identified with its position as being not quite attached
to the rest of Europe, so the UK has always had quite a bit of an arms-length relation
with the other EU countries.
There are hundreds of points and topics to bring up about this, though, so onto the next
Why does Ireland have no snakes?
Because snakes don't live on this left-side driving island with a funny accent [Ireland],
they live on this left-side driving island with a funny accent [Australia].
No, actually, snakes never lived in Ireland, and the whole tale of how St. Patrick drove
out all the snakes from Ireland likely refers to metaphorical snakes.
i.e. "snakes" was most likely being used in a derogatory fashion.
Why does the Netherlands have so many tulips?
Tulip-mania was an interesting thing.
You see, tulips are not native to the Netherlands, so when they were brought back, the Dutch
thought they were pretty nice, and so having tulips on display became a sign of wealth,
and then a sign of broken economies, and now a sign of the Netherlands.
Why does Belgium exist?
I've been there twice, and I still can't tell you.
Why does Norway have a low crime rate?
That is a really interesting thing to look into, as Norway has a low recidivism rate
[DYK: "recidivism" is when a former convict comes back to prison for a crime committed
after their release], but famously has prisons based on rehabilitation, rather than punishment.
It's not something that comes easily to someone not from there, which makes it really
interesting to learn more about.
Why does Sweden hate Norway?
Because they have a lower crime rate?
I don't know, culture, I guess.
I mean Oregon and Washington can't stand each-other.
Why does Finland have the best schools in the world?
It's not that Finnish schools give too little, it's that American schools give too much.
I mentioned all this in a past video.
Why does Russia support Assad?
Yeah, okay, let's answer a less controversial question.
Why does Russia own Kaliningrad?
Before and during WWII, the area of Poland east of Gdańsk was also part of Germany,
just separate from their old monster claw, but then Germany lost WWII, and ceded most
of this land to the newly created Poland, as part of the Potsdam Conference, but the
Soviet Union sliced up that area, and gave the northern half to the Russian SFSR, renaming
it from Königsberg to Kaliningrad.
Why does Estonia want to be Nordic?
Estonia is culturally and linguistically much closer to Finland than their Baltic neighbors
to the south, and Finland is already a Nordic country.
Why does Latvia have fast internet?
Latvia, Lithuania, and even Moldova have some of the fastest internet speeds in the world,
vastly surpassing the US.
One easy factor for this is how much bigger than those other countries the US is, but
that's also the only piece of information I found telling me why.
Why does Lithuania have the highest death rate?
Well that certainly took a turn.
Unfortunately, the three Baltic countries (yes, including you, Estonia) all have a pretty
high death rate, especially in suicide.
One of the biggest causes in Lithuania are likely social and economic factors, but Vilnius
is making this a big priority.
Why does Belarus exist?
As in, why is it separate from Russia?
Well, Belarus hasn't always aligned itself with Russia, as it had largely also been under
the control and influence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and today, their language is
mostly similar to Russian, but with some non-Russian undertones.
Why does Ukraine want Crimea?
Okay, this is not going to be an easy video.
Basically, in 2014, Russia illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, and in
those scenarios, people aren't exactly willing to share.
Why does Poland own Prussia?
Because Germany was bad in the first part of the 20th century, and being a dick to Poland
apparently has its consequences.
Why does Denmark have high taxes?
The Nordic countries are famous for providing many social services to their citizens, in
exchange for a high tax rate.
However, looking into Denmark's tax policies, they actually aren't insanely high, but
in some cases, they can get somewhat high.
Why does Germany have so many names?
Come on, you remember History of Germany, right?
Why does Luxembourg exist?
Powerful houses, Holy Roman Empire, disunited central Europe, and I mean, someone needed
to settle Indiana.
Why does Switzerland speak French?
Switzerland has four languages, with the largest being German, but also with significant portions
who speak French, Italian, and Romansh.
Switzerland is an interesting country, since it was basically formed as a protective confederation
between local kingdoms in the 13th century, and the linguistic minorities are most strongly
present nearer to the borders of France and Italy.
Why does France speak French?
Why does Andorra exist?
Basically, Andorra was a feudal state, under joint control of the leader of France, and
the Bishop of Urgell, and it just kind of stuck around 'till today, long after the
feudal system was abolished… in 1993.
Why does Spain have a lisp?
For those of you who don't know, Castilian Spanish pronounces C's, Z's, and D's
at the ends of words like the English TH (though this is not true of S's), thus the word
velocidad is pronounced more like "be-loth-i-dath".
There is a claim that it's because there was a king who spoke with a lisp, but that's
not actually true.
There was a king who "lisped a little" in the 14th century, but the lisp only started
to propagate 200 years later.
Another claim is that it's more convenient, like separating casa from caza, or siento
from ciento.
Why does Portugal exist?
Really, people?
The Iberian peninsula is not one cohesive group of people, but a messy patchwork of
different groups, not just Spaniards and Portuguese.
There are also Catalonians, Andalusians, Galicians, Basques, and Castilians, which is also why
Spain has a hard time keeping itself together.
Why does Italy wear blue?
Italian football teams generally wear blue shirts, as a tribute to the Royal House of
Savoy, who used to rule over Italy, its neighboring regions, its colonies, and Armenia for some
Oh yeah, and their favorite color was blue.
Why does Austria have a navy?
Well, I mean, it's an island nation, and a rather large one at that, so it needs to
protect itself from… [slap] okay, okay!
You can't just let me make the joke?
In all seriousness, just because a country is landlocked doesn't mean it doesn't
need a navy (however odd this may sound), and Austria also sits on the Danube River,
which gives them access to the North and Black Seas, as the river is considered an international
Why does Slovenia wear green?
The idea of "Slovenian green" is a tribute to Slovenia's mountains and forests, and
natural beauty, even though green isn't on their flag.
But I mean, seriously, how wealthy is Slovenia?
How populous is Slovenia?
How large is Slovenia's economy?
The one thing people never bother to really ask is, how is Slovenia?
Why does Croatia have all the coastline?
Bosnia and Herzegovina has only a tiny coastline around the city of Neum, giving it the second
shortest coastline in the world, behind that of Monaco.
A lot of this had to do with the Ottomans and the Habsburgs.
Basically, Bosnia and Herzegovina crystallized as an Ottoman province, and looking at this
map, you can probably see what happened.
Why does Bosnia and Herzegovina have three presidents?
Bosnia and Herzegovina is basically a mishmash of three smaller republics, including the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republika Srpska, and the Brčko District.
Also, it's split up into three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats and Bosnians, who
don't always get along.
Why does Serbia hate Croatia?
It's complicated…
Seriously, Balkan history cannot be covered in a few seconds.
Why does Montenegro have a Spanish name?
That's actually a pretty good question, since there's a town in Costa Rica called
The country's name, though they speak the Slavic Montenegrin language, actually does
come from a Romance language, just not Spanish.
It actually comes from the Venetian term for "black mountain".
Why does Kosovo want independence?
Balkan politics are never easy.
Basically, Kosovo (and their largely Albanian population) has not been treated nicely under
Yugoslavia, and later under Serbia.
Why does Macedonia want to be called Macedonia?
Macedonia is a region in northern Greece, and just north of Greece is the country of
Macedonia, which sometimes goes under the name "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",
Basically, there's a strong connection to Alexander the Great here.
Why does Albania want to join the EU?
Unfortunately for them, Albania's a bit of a ways off from actually joining the EU
as of yet, but it has been a candidate country since 2000.
But yeah, mostly economic and political factors, like with most EU applicants.
Why does Greece have a bad economy?
Basically, tax evasion, lying about trade deficits, and investors demanding impossibly
high interest rates is not a good combination for economic success.
Why does Malta drive on the left?
Because they were actually a British colony.
Why does Cyprus have so many cats?
For those of you who don't know, Cyprus is basically overpopulated by cats, which,
as it turns out, is not good for the environment of Cyprus.
Basically, the cat population has gotten way out of whack, especially with stray and feral
Why does Turkey make you sleepy?
Okay, let's search up a real question…
Why does Turkey hate Kurds?
Oh god, okay.
Why does Bulgaria not use the Euro?
Bulgaria, though a fully-fledged EU member, is not a member of Schengen or the Eurozone,
and instead uses their own currency, the Bulgarian lev, meaning "lion", much like Romania's
Basically, the main point for these questions is that joining the Eurozone is a difficult
process that not all EU countries can actually do.
Greece tried it without meeting all the proper criteria, and that didn't do them much good.
Why does Romania have fast internet?
If any American knew, America would have faster internet, and I'm American, so I don't
(I also kind of already answered this question)
Why does Moldova exist?
From 1918-1940, they were part of Romania, but they didn't like it, so they decided
to not be part of Romania.
Why does Hungary not use the Euro?
Hungary uses their own currency, the forint, but it is likely that the Hungarian government
will replace its currency with the Euro sometime in the 2020s.
Again, certain financial goals are in order.
Why does Slovakia not recognize Kosovo?
That's a pretty random pair of countries you've picked there.
Slovakia has given hints that it might change its stance on the issue in future years, but
right now remains one of the few EU and NATO members not to recognize Kosovo as its own
Why does Czechia not use the Euro?
Czechia will eventually adopt the Euro as its currency, as soon as they, again, meet
all the requirements to join the Eurozone.
For now, though, they use Czech koruna as their currency, so be aware of that if you're
planning a trip to Prague anytime soon.
So, there you have it!
43 countries, and why they do certain things!
If you enjoyed this video, please be sure to give it a like, share it, and subscribe
to learn something new every Sunday!
Also, if there are any countries I missed, or if I got any facts wrong, please do let
me know.
Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 30 de julio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 22:09.
Lorenzo Méndez le respondió a su ex Claudia Galván | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:57.
BEST Denzel Curry Songs On "TA13OO" - Duration: 10:05.
This wasn't easy. Denzel just dropped one of the best albums of 2018, nearly every track
was great, and I've gotta try to narrow it down to a handful of picks for the best
songs. But I've managed to do it, so today that's what we're gonna talk about. If
you wanna see how my twin first reacted to this album, that will be linked in the description
below, as always we share the exact same thoughts on the album, almost like we're the same
person. But with that being said, this is CDTVProductions, and let's look at the best
songs from Denzel Curry's TA13OO album.
Going into this track I didn't know this combo would work so well, but oh my god everyone
on here killed it. Straight from the second the hook kicks in, you can tell this track
is just gonna be full of raw energy, and it doesn't disappoint. Denzel comes in with
this maniacal delivery, JPEGMAFIA gives us a great verse, cynical as always and taking
a few more shots at Drake which is also fun, and ZillaKami definitely ramped up the anger
on here a notch or two, literally barking his lyrics by the end of his verse. It's
a brutal track, and it's great.
This is easily one of the angriest tracks I've heard from Denzel, and the psychotic
energy he exudes here is insane. Just that contrast between the chorus of this track
and the verses makes it all the more explosive, going from Denzel rapping normally to him
suddenly firing out his aggression over some extremely heavy 808s. It's really fitting
for this to be the final track too, it brings it full circle as the album starts pretty
positively but by this point it's just fully descended into darkness. It's a crazy, energetic
song, and it's one that makes me really wanna see a Denzel concert at some point in
my life.
In terms of the message, this could honestly be the most important song on the entire album.
It speaks to the state of the rap industry, where most people have to portray a fake caricature
of themselves to gain some momentary fame. This can be seen everywhere
in rap, with people doing increasingly dumb stuff for some recognition because that's
what people want, but Denzel also touches on the fact that this could be destructive
for the mental state of people chasing that fame. It's a song that really covers the
struggles of fame, trying to achieve it, and struggling to trust people once you have it.
On top of that, it's just a banger that shows Denzel's versatility, as there's
very little rapping throughout this track. This song looks like it's doing big things
for Denzel's career, and he genuinely deserves it.
This was the first single released from this project, so I thought I would've cooled
down on it by now, but if anything it's a track I bump even more after the release
of the album. Thematically, this track is almost a more exaggerated and braggadocious
version of Cash Maniac, the track that it comes after. Denzel is just flexing on this
track, whilst preparing us for the harder sound of the tracks on act 2 of the album.
This track doesn't quite reach the aggression levels of Black Metal Terrorist, but it's
still insanely hard hitting. Denzel is right at home on that bassy, ruthless production,
delivering his lyrics in such a bloodthirsty way that it's impossible to not bang your
head when you hear it.
3 - SIRENS | Z1RENZ (feat. J.I.D)
A lot of rappers have given their views on the politics of America right now, and this
is Denzel and JID's track for doing that. Denzel's goes in on both of his verses,
with this amazing metaphor on the first one that essentially represents the relationship
between minorities and America. And then, well then there's JID's verse. He absolutely
murdered this. He did so well that Denzel said he actually went back and wrote another
verse for this song because JID did so damn well, originally the track was just JID's
verse and Denzel's last verse. He basically makes the entirety of his verse
an extended metaphor, comparing America to a girl, and that's great because it means
you can go through his verse and look at every line to see how it applies to this metaphor.
On top of that, his flow is just crazy and he has one of his fastest verses on here (lemme
know if you wanna see a video on that). It's always interesting for me to hear songs about
the state of America because as you can tell, I don't live there, and that's what
this track delivers.
This song really stood out to me, as it's pretty much one of the most upbeat sounding
tracks on here, and I think it really exemplifies the "Light" segment of the album. Don't
get me wrong, the topic Denzel is talking about still has dark tones to it as the song
is all about pain, the emotion that the black balloons represent. However the song does
display hope that these black balloons can pop, and eventually your pain will pass, so
there is a very uplifting side to it, which is really amplified by the lighter production
and beautiful chorus. It's a song that definitely sounds like it could have a lot of commercial
appeal whilst still talking about serious topics and issues. Not to mention, we have
a great guest verse from GoldLink, who really fits in on this beat with his smooth, melodic
tones. I just really love the symbolism of this track, and I could see it becoming one
of the most popular from the album.
And just like Sumo, I thought this song might've lost a bit of its impact by the time the album
dropped cause I'd heard it so much, but it really hasn't, it's still one of the
best Denzel songs overall in my opinion. The song acts kind of like an analysis of the
hip hop scene in 2018, with Denzel speaking on drug use, meaningless rap songs and rappers
becoming a slave to their labels. He makes it clear in the second verse though that he's
not necessarily trying to hate on these rappers, he's just saying what he doesn't do. It's
got great flows and an incredibly catchy rapped hook, making sure it's a song that'll
stick in your head. It's a great look at what mainstream rap is like right now, and
Denzel's thoughts on it. I absolutely loved it when it dropped, and it's a song that
just isn't getting old for me. And that's why this song is my favourite
from TA13OO by Denzel Curry.
Giovanni Medina habló sobre su relación con Ninel Conde | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:06.
Kate del Castillo podría pasar Navidad en México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:44.
Matías Novoa e Isabella Castillo hablan de sus personajes | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:08.
Jennifer Lopez llama "inútiles" a los hombres jóvenes | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:35.
Cristiano Ronaldo supera a Lionel Messi | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:35.
Danee Marmolejo deja Exatlón por lesiones en la rodilla | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:34.
¿Alan Ramírez podría dejar la Banda MS? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:08.
Los Tucanes de Tijuana están en contra de reto viral | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:35.
Geraldine Bazán y Gabriel Soto siguen casados ante Dios | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:52.
Padre de Meghan Markle consumió drogas | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.
Laura Zapata no quiere ni oír de Cynthia Klitbo | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:41.
Adrián Crush habla de Jerry Bazúa | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:52.
Julio César Chávez opinó de Demi Lovato | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:06.
how to shoot spring summer BTS - how to shoot a fashion editorial - どのようにファッション誌を撮影するか - Duration: 8:13.
no fear,
summer is here.
let's go for a beer!
there is no need to wear cashmere.
somehow, I feel like Shakespeare.
I am so full of $#&%, ain't I?
I just love this place,
you can see Mount Fuji down there,
maybe after 30 minutes,
just by the sunset.
I am in a beach,
30 minutes away from Tokyo.
really cool place, nice to chill...
you see very few people here!
looks nice and cool...
lovely place!
since we are talking about summer,
today I am going to talk about
a photoshooting I did
for a bag and wallet brand,
for their spring and summer collection.
I told you in my very first video,
that I made an album with different pictures
that I like a lot,
from different photographers, yeah?
pictures that give me some kind of inspiration.
I saw this setting, check it out!
it is so simple. It is a white backdrop,
maybe paper,
looks like a sofa,
the model is laying on the top of it.
what a nice setting!
so simple!
I went to the studio,
got some boxes together...
the paper comes from behind to the top of the box,
then the model sits on the box
as if it was a sofa!
got a 4000 watts HMI,
pointed straight to the model.
just like the light of the sun.
harsh shadow.
I told the model to pretend to be feeling really hot!
when people feel hot,
what kind of faces do they make?
argh! it is hot, isn't it?
that's what I told the model,
to come up with her expressions!
she did it very well.
look at her expressions,
I can tell that
she is feeling hot!
great! so simple to do...
just one spot straight to the girl.
you can do that with a 500W
photo-flood lamp.
against a white backdrop.
very simple setting!
direct your model to come out with the expressions you want.
in my case...the summer look!
It took me so long to make another video,
because I was watching the soccer games,
it was too hot....
nobody wants to stand in front of a camera when it is too hot!
the sunset!
in my previous video...
I said that the following video,
in this case, this one...
was gonna be about how to become a fashion photographer.
I lied!
it became a bit more complicated than what I thought!
and I want to make that video a nice one!
explaining in details
how you can do it!
if i managed to do it...you can manage too!
but I want to tell you the details, yeah?
I just don't want to just upload a simple video to youtube, telling you how to do it....
because it is a bit more complicated than that!
it is not that complicated,
but it needs a bit of effort!
let's enjoy the sunset!
hope you are enjoying summer,
wherever you are in the world!
I am not going to tell you what I am gonna post next week,
because I might lie again!
enjoy your summer.
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