Yeah that's one crazy tattoo.
Hey guys welcome back to most amazing top 5 im Court McGinley.
Lets jump right into our list of the Top 5 Scary 3D Tattoos That Will Blow Your Mind.
--Coming in at number 5--Creepy Crawlers- Oh my god this looks way too real!
I literally got shivers down my spine when I first saw it.
Yeah if you didn't already know- im not a big fan of spiders.
And this looks like some sort of optical illusion.
I swear this spider just looks so real.
This person did an amazing job with the colours and the shading and everything.
The shadows on the spider legs is what really makes it all that more realistic.
What do you guys think?
Does this look realistic to you?
Are you like me and you would run away screaming in fear if you saw it?
Let me know below.
--In at number 4--Big eyes- Now this one really freaked me out because its just too realistic.
This literally looks like a dolls face.
If it was just zoomed in on the face I would think it was an actual doll- not a tattoo.
The detail is insane.
Theres the little doll nose- and the detailed shading with the lips- then the scattered
But the coolest and most detailed part- also the creepiest part- has to be those eyes.
They seriously look like they are sunken in- and it looks like there's so much dimension
to them.
Its hard to believe that all of this was drawn on a flat surface.
It seriously looks 3D.
Beyond impressive.
--at number 3--Stripes- This one just all together messes with your mind.
Like what is it even suppose to be?
It looks like a one of those spinning tops with the lines on top of it- once it starts
to spin it just sort of blends all the lines together and hypnotises you.
Definitely looks like those sections on his arm are indented- kind of just looks like
he has one big hole on his arm.
It makes it look as though you could just reach your hand all the way through or that
you can just hold that middle part.
Yeah This is both really creepy and really cool at the same time.
Definitely draws you in and really tricks your mind.
--Coming in at number 2--Wolfs bite- This is one extremely detailed and dimensional
The 3D texture here is phenomenal.
Yes the tattoo itself is a little creepy- some might even say disturbing.
But that's not the tattoo artists fault- that's the fault of whoever wanted to get
this tattoo.
So for one thing this wolf looks pretty real.
All the details are on point from the teeth to the tounge- whiskers to the nose to the
Just all of it.
Then for whatever reason the skin has opened up and the skins teeth…yeah this tattoo
has skin teeth- and its trying to eat the wolf.
Yeah I don't get it either- if someone else has a different view on what they think the
meaning behind this tattoo is then please leave it for me down in the comments- because
honestly the best I can come up with is the flesh is trying to eat the wolf which lets
be honest really makes no sense.
But even though it doesn't make sense it's a really well done tattoo none the less.
And it really does look like its in 3D.
You can tell that in the tattoo the wolf is inside the skin behind the teeth.
That was done really well.
Maybe it stands for like this persons inner animal trying to escape?
Ok this could take hours im just going to stop guessing now.
--And in AT NUMBER 1--Elephant-- ok this one is un-freaking believable.
The people on this list are so freaking talented.
Tattoos have always interested me but the people who have done the ones on this list
are probably some of the best in the biz.
I would imagine doing 3D tattoos cant be easy- definitely takes someone whos extremely talented.
This one is just out of this world.
Now I know this list is about scary tattoos and lets be honest this one isn't scary-
I mean unless you don't like elephants.
In that case this is probably terrifying you.
But when I was doing research for this list- and came across this unbelievable photo and
I couldn't not share it with you guys.
This elephants tusks and trunk literally look like they are rising up and off of the person.
The trunk especially.
When I first found this tattoo I had to stop and get an even closer look as I couldn't
believe it.
And then sure enough it was a 3D tattoo.
I absolutely love elephants.
But due to my love for them I just found this one to be extra cool.
You guys have to admit this is unbelievably good.
Literally looks like the trunk and tusks arnt even touching the skin- how did they do that?
This is definitely a 3D tattoo that blows your mind.
Alright on that note there you have it that's our list of the 5 Scary 3D Tattoos That Will
Blow Your Mind.
Thank you all so much for watching.
Let me know what other lists youd like to see down below.
Don't forget to show us some love by subscribing to our channel and giving this video a big
thumbs up.
And ill catch you in the next one.
For more infomation >> 5 Scary 3D Tattoos That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Google Cloud Next '18: Day 3 Featured Spotlight Sessions - Duration: 4:07:07.
Legacies | Inside Legacies: Series Tease | The CW - Duration: 1:15.
Disney Theory: Who Is The Slave In The Magic Mirror? - Duration: 8:34.
Number one wallpaper - Duration: 0:58.
400,000 People In America Working As Slave Laborers For Corporations - Duration: 3:34.
Workers in the United States, in spite of all of the talking points coming from politicians,
still have things pretty rough in this country.
And according to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, things are actually a lot worse than most
people are willing to admit under the corporate rule here in the United States.
According to this recently released 2018 Global Slavery Index, more than 402,000 people in
the United States alone are modern day slaves.
Now, this is not necessarily people involved in the sex slave trade, where they got, you
know, kidnapped and put into that.
These are people who actually go and they work for corporations.
They work in factories.
They make our clothing.
They pick our crops.
And according to this index, due to the conditions under which they work and the slave-like conditions
there, the poverty wages, sometimes even below federally mandated or state mandated minimum
wage laws, these people are essentially slaves.
It is indentured servitude towards corporations here in the United States and it's happening
in 2018.
40 million people across the planet are working under the same conditions that those 400,000
here in the United States are working under.
And according to the report, there are several reasons why this problem is actually getting
worse instead of better.
The first happens to be our consumerist culture.
We always have to go buy things.
We have to have the biggest, the baddest, the best, the newest, the shiniest.
Because of that, demand for products across the board, even products we can't even afford,
goes up.
And that's where these indentured servants come from.
Most of them are not actually US citizens.
Some are brought over here from other countries under the promise of "Hey, we're going to
give you a scholarship to college," or, "We're going to give a modeling contract."
We're going to give you some kind of opportunity here, and once they get over here, they realize
that they're trapped.
These employers, whoever is doing this, the modeling agencies, the schools that bring
them over, take their green cards, threaten them with deportation if they do not ... not
their green cards, their passports.
But they threaten them with deportation if they do not play by the rules that these corporations
or other organizations want them to play by.
We have seen this in the fashion industry in the US.
The farming industry.
Private schools are doing this.
Modeling agencies in New York.
This is across the board and it is not unique to any one particular sector in the United
But more than 400,000 people in this country today working as modern day slaves so that
they can continue to make the crap that we just have to run out there and buy every single
The response to this is that we have to become more conscientious consumers.
We have to understand what we're buying, where we're buying it from, and where it came from.
We have to be smarter and more responsible with our money so that we as a public, as
a country, stop contributing to this massive problem here in the US and all across the
We owe it to these people who have become modern day slaves to our consumerist lifestyles.
My first run of Soulless 5 - Duration: 17:48.
When I've uploaded the Dreamhack vid, and you know that every monday you will have one
Many of you have requested me to play Soulless 5...
That has been released a few days ago, so as you can see...
I've never played it, and these 17 minutes long...
I'm going to die.
Well... I hope this is fine... because...
I'm not gonna hit anything...
I'm not gonna lose anything for trying it...
Top Five Reasons To Watch Teen Choice | TEEN CHOICE - Duration: 0:50.
[Spanish Cover] 'Singularity' - (방탄소년단) Google Translate Sings by UTM - Duration: 3:32.
No Small Creator - Duration: 4:23.
Oh hi!
KYLE: So Matt has been working out of Media Lab for the last couple of days.
Say "hi" Matt.
KYLE: No, I said say hi Matt and you were supposed to say hi Matt.
It would have been hilarious.
You ruined it.
Go ruin something else.
MATT: Want to buy me McDonald's?
KYLE: What do you mean buy you McDonald's?
MATT: Alright!
Matt introduced me to No Small Creators.
I'll put a card that links to the video up in the top right corner.
It should be there now.
If it's not that's really awk–
Let me try to distill the message down into it's essence.
Into it's purest form.
The Michelle Pfeiffer of content, if you will.
It's the idea that we are more than the number that appears underneath our videos.
I'm not trying to pretend that I'm bigger that what I am.
In the grand scheme of things I'm a micro channel.
But can we not still provide value?
That's … that's an actual question.
Please validate me.
There's a comments section for a reason.
For many, who wish that YouTube could become a full time job, there is this ideal that
they hold onto.
They have a million+ subscribers.
They can survive off of the generosity of their audience.
They can pursue opportunities because of their audience.
They're allowed to murder one person each year.
Tom Hanks overdoes that allowance each year, but … how can you stay mad at that face?
Value is so hard to quantify.
I mean there's monetary value, which has all sorts of problems, but you can sell something
for $20 and people will either decide to buy it or not.
But there is also emotional, spiritual, and intellectual value.
And that can vary wildly amongst different people.
I mean, I vividly remember going to watch the movie Boyhood.
And because I'm pretentious I loved it.
Anyway, I had this deep, emotional response to the this near 3 hour long film.
The credits come up, I'm wiping away tears, and the guy behind me stands up and loudly
proclaims "Well that was a waste of time!"
We were two people who watched the same thing but experienced something completely different.
And this is not an indictment on the guy behind, who was very clearly and obviously wrong.
But it's to show that value can't possibly be summed up by popularity.
I won't go through my entire sob story of how for many years I struggled with finding
value in anything.
I felt lost, and hopeless.
There were small flourishes here and there, I don't want to make it sound like friends
and family weren't around to spread joy and precious memories.
But there were long stretches of seeming despair.
And in those moments I found just a bit of respite from the creations of other people.
The musicals of Stephen Sondheim, the books of J.K.
Rowling, and the fake fighting of professional wrestling.
At some point we should go through each of those in particular, but I want to move on
to my own creative life.
I turned a corner from a consumer to a creator in the late 2010s.
There has to be a better name for that decade.
20 teens?
I'm not going to jail for this.
OK, I can't think of anything.
But I really became a creator of things in the 2010s.
And I knew it would take a while to create what I thought was needed.
Because I looked at other people making videos, and what they were able to do, and all I could
focus on was that number under their videos.
That number was always large.
The cool people that I watched had these amazing numbers.
And here I was in the single digit territory.
Also the subtitle to the book I'm writing on my dating life.
Single Digit Territory.
All I wanted was those followers.
Because followers meant that I was valuable.
Without that big number I was worthless.
Mental health is a bitch.
It's really only been in the last couple years that I realized that my approach has
always been wrong.
Followers are not what I should care about.
Subscribers are not the be all and end all.
But community is.
This is not just one of those marketing things where they substitute one name for another
and try to sell you on some grow fast scheme.
And usually is packaged in a very useful pyramid shape.
The number being big is fun.
It gives you a lot of opportunities.
But people who find a lot of value in you, and can't wait to watch each week is a much
better situation to be in.
Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of my all time favourite TV shows
once said that "I'd rather make a show 100 people need to see, than a show that 1000
people want to see."
Because those 100 people will stick with you, engage with you, and be able to support you.
It might not be millions of people, but it means I've created something incredibly
Plus I can go and get my Starbucks in the morning without showering and nobody gives
a rip.
There truly isn't such a thing as a small creator.
Not when you're making something of value.
I strive to do that each week.
Let me know how I'm doing below.
Have a great day, I'll talk with you next Thursday!
Nonito Donaire vs Luis Maldonado | KO Rd 7 | Boxing Highlights - Duration: 19:38.
these tailor the tape here at Foxwoods Donaire turned 25 just two weeks ago
four years younger than Maldonado the champion with the slight edge in height
and recent at yesterday's weigh-in both came in under the 112 pound limit by one
pound and the key unified rules is no standing 8-count no three knockdown rule
a fighter can't be Saved by the Bell in any round if an accidental head butt
costs the fight to end within four it's a no decision after four rounds they go
to the cards if a punch causes a cut and the injured fighter cannot continue he
loses by TKO so here at Foxwoods in connecticut we
are getting ready for nonito Donaire vs. Louis Maldonado for the IBF flyweight
championship let's get the formal introductions from our bring it out sir
Jimmy Lennon jr. ladies and gentlemen a very good evening to you and welcome to
Foxwoods Resort and Casino here in Mashantucket Connecticut as we have a
big night of action in store for you and at this time we present the first of our
world title attractions and it's all brought to you by Gary Shaw productions
in association with Foxwoods and Shope time.this now coming away is sanctioned
by the IBF president marian mohammed supervisor daryl peoples and the IBO
president idi levine supervisor dr. jason levine hello with the Mashantucket
Pequot athletic commission it's reducing our three judges scoring this bout
please welcome the Challenger nice
his opponent across the ring on my left the defending world champion fighting
out of the red corner wearing red trunks with white trim fighting out of suddenly
andhra california by way of general some post city in the philippines he weighed
in the same as his opponent 111 pounds his record 18 wins one defeat 11 wins
coming by way of knockout tonight ladies and gentlemen he is making the first
defense of his title please welcome the IBF flyweight champion of the world
known as the filipino flash introducing no neatly
once again ladies and gentlemen 12 rounds of boxing scheduled our referee
in charge now to give instructions Charlie Dwyer tell me both all the rules
set a good clean fight obey my commands at all times shake hands good luck
when sweaty
we get our tripleheader underway with the IBF flyweight championship kendo
neato Donaire build on his stirring wind just five months ago we know he can
punch but he also brings good skills and lightning speed and a very fast daughter
the aggressive Louis Maldonado very tough guy who seldom goes backwards tard
though as Donaire which could be a huge factor probably if there's one thing in
this match that we would be looking at it's a question of whether Luis
Maldonado can attack make Donaire feel his punches
Donaire the champion in the red with the white trim Walden Otto the Challenger on
the red and green Maldonado can take a punch has lots of heart however he is
hittable any cuts which could also impact tonight Maldonado mainly a boxer
counter puncher good body puncher will switch to southpaw usually in round two
for summaries like clockwork although Donaire doesn't think he'll
switch as much versus a right-hander we shall see interestingly donators only
lost against the southpaw after that he quit for a while his heart wasn't in it
but in time he realized he loved the sport early on here in this match what
we want to see is when Maldonado is attacking Donaire does he square his
body to him and make himself a more available target
Donaire fields have all done out will be easier to hit them dark in Ian because
he keeps coming forward dar Chilean as unorthodox as he is fights more from the
outside as you can see down there with those high red socks terrific physical
attributes tall angular strong good reach factors against dark idiot
will they impact here tonight here's that nice jab and a good right hand
followed by a left uppercut by the narrow zone there has a complete arsenal
and the hook that knocked our Tinian out was a punch that he wasn't using for a
lot of fights because it was injured early in his career and now he it's a
weapon for him and they want to land it in every fight jaan expectedly it was
the telling punch most thought the right would be more instrumental and there is
a good left hook by Conair Henare had broken his left hand earlier
in scre as you point out and it had posed problems throughout his career it
was a perfect left hand with uncanny anticipation I mean he too is I
mentioned Walton I was a good counter puncher but so is Donaire if you recall
now Jenny was just about ready to throw a left hand himself when he got nailed
with the left hook by Donaire and the punch had so much force behind it that
their chin Ian was completely disoriented didn't even realize he'd
been knocked out you know so far in this match
Donaire has also had the edge in hand speed his combination is the much
quicker than Maldonado now we we noted on there's a quick starter so we kind of
expect that 20 seconds left in the opening round scheduled for 12:00 for
the IBF flyweight belt has mentioned Maldonado battled Christian Mijares to a
draw no easy feat although Mijares a southpaw some compared Donaire to
Mijares because of his size and punching accuracy
but talked about the left hook and how it is now an important punch for him
countering left just like the one that got to dart inin because it was a right
hand for right at the end that first time Maldonado switched lefty so he beat
it by about four seconds he did switch to lefty in the first round against dart
chin e'en which may have actually worked against him because I thought he was
more effective with his straight right bucks and he just didn't jab enough in
that fight we'll see how this one goes against the man who conquered to our
chin Ian you noticed in the corner of donair the man talking to him was his
his dad knows Itoh donair senior said he father son seems to be the case here put
on there
really caught and Bonato disoriented he's in some trouble now is he back
he's got him against the ropes with a huge right hand to start things off some
bleeding now he'll and even as a lefty Maldonado is having trouble and he
mentioned bleeding manolito is trying to end it in dramatic fashion the face of
all tonight oh now a bloody mess now this is nothing new with him
the blood from Maldonado all over the chest of donair the left hook upstairs
and Maldonado stumbled momentarily but maintained his balance southpaw stance
here I always feel that when a guy switches to southpaw he loses something
his offense and defense does suffer zone there has mixed in some great lead
rights like that one that set Maldonado back on his heels but the left hook has
been an impressive weapon as we look at it from above there's the right hand by
Donaire and later on the left hook would become a factor as a lefty now the right
hand very low from all donato and Donaire turns that hook over
and I clean up the mess on the face of Luis Maldonado a ringside physician dr.
Michael Schwartz was in there but here's some the bleeding erupts out of the
corner of his right eye even for the next round begins
so he's in difficulty already here to begin round 3
you know Maldonado came back as we noted with four wins after the loss to the
ginning but three were against fighters with records of 10 and 17 7 and 28 and 2
and 3/4 sergio Espinoza's 14 3 his last win and it was a tough finish
the final minute of round 3 it's scheduled for 12 but will it go that
deep Donaire said he said he thought it just hammers away with the white it just
makes their complete he's just red-faced
swing and a Miss by Donaire looking for the end
eleven of his 18 wins by knockout don't air
and he's looking for number 12
okay do you have to keep going in this fight
he's handsome
hey you know the corner to go lefty we see him there as a right hander but
that's where he did switch to lefty and the problem is he's been ineffective
from both stances and when he goes to the left-handed sense there's the left
hook by donated that would miss but for he'd been landing so steve righty or
lefty there's no safe haven for this young man famed cut man Jimmy Montoya
earning his money tonight he actually worked with nonito Donaire in the past
for about three years nonito actually lived in Jimmy's house
for a while so he knows the champion very well but boy he's got his work cut
out here with the cuts Jimmy Montoya really a great boxing guy
as a trainer cutman manager and all the rest nonito Donaire 18 and 111 knockout
six and a half year pro he's in the red trunks Luis baldanado with the more
experienced 37 1 and 1 28 Kos a nine-year veteran IBF number for his
second world title shot but it is not going well
they're singing with that left hook and how about Donaire switched to lefty
momentarily and there is now actually coming to left
nice right hook my mouth and there's in the keys I said though
there can't throw wild punches that's exactly what he did there
he got hit with a really good right hook by Maldonado did that punch make a
difference in what the raisins versus Jose Cardenas
July o6
took the second round left hand straight left that scored by
yeah there was a balance situation for Maldonado
and also the good news not bleeding except for a little bit from the right
and it's going around the ice Maldonado who look completely out of this fight
will land a big right hook there's that's the first of what was a number of
good punches that he landed not just the right hook but also some very good
straight left hands and later on in the round he would keep the pressure up
using his jab as a rangefinder there was a nice left hook by Donaire and he got
to kind of pushed backward but it was in around Louie's small got to be careful
now he can't get too cute he is dominate as the you know the first three plus
rounds and then all of a sudden Maldonado got his wake-up call and you
know for some reason - there went into a southpaw stance which seemed to be
uncalled for at the time he was dominating in a Orthodox stance
inexplicable and you know this reminds us that Maldonado has been ranked in the
top 10 and there has been much more to the body
shot by Donaire great shot downstairs in the in the last round is a straight left
hand that scored by Maldonado he's got the Donaire back packing up but
as he's backing up a nice left hook by Donaire there will always and he's come
back in to scrap up the power of don't air
but left hand there by right on the nose you seen some blood on that show as well
I think
but maybe more sometimes we were even seeing from the face of mom
around sex scheduled for 12:00 for the IBF flyweight championship detailed
O'Dare the champion of the red with the white trim Louis Maldonado ranked number
four the Challenger on the green and red and white team up keep up
we're seeing a real lesson in how resilient are there to do go straight
that shook Maldonado up momentarily but he comes
tough kid Maldonado
and he's scoring
better after he gets drilled and he continues to come forward
but clearly around Donaire one but an exciting one nonetheless and we had
around seven who thought it would go this far after the way it started
Maldonado the kind of fighter that just doesn't back down you know you ask
yourself if Luis Maldonado was just a little more powerful you know when he's
been into the mob them out or not getting in from time to time but and you
know Donaire will be tested and as we look at
the press hrothgar know they're in charge
five hundred fifty nine fifty five four
different kind of a fighter than Glenn indeed the war technical there's a nice
that took today to the chin well if there was any part of the Leto's been
there then there's preparations to this fight that he did skimp on because of
all the trips to fill Philippines and all the rest
not only taking the business here
so we don't see the evidence of so there has been excellent
he's won just about every round and he is what he got up though in a rocket
nonito Donaire dramatically ends that round a big uppercut that's the one that
started the problem for Maldonado and then this left hook sends him to the
canvas great uppercut on the inside by donator that froze Maldonado there it is
look at him he's just got throws right there and then got hit with the big left
hook by nonito Donaire somebody asked Maldonado the car do you want to
continue what did you expect him to say I mean after what we've seen in his
career not only tonight he's seen a number of times he never quit he has no
quit really richest a greedy performer
Donaire I think wants to go out there and get him up in this round
feel the resolve did he fight then they're a little
cause for optimism is the amount of stress
there's a garage
the very closely but he lets it go on as Donaire just let
up momentarily Charlie Dwyer right on top of the
situation third man of the Ring
when they're looking to edit in dramatic fashion
that is nonito Donaire scores a TKO last round that started the problem
perfect straight right hand through the card and then don't err knew that if he
could just throw enough punches he might get this fight stopped and he blasted
away charlie Dwyer did a very good job of letting this fight go to the point
where he gave Maldonado a chance at least but then was able to step in just
at the moment where this fighter was in trouble
good job by referee and for Maldonado and what else the left took was the
punctuating punch and why not it's been such an important was there the course
of this fight for donut actually half left hook half uppercut but no need to
go on air you set it before the fight
so his fans celebrate the dream
Hey America! Please turn subtitles on!
Hello there my friends, we got another beyblade burst rivals gameplay today
Today we will level up a bit on the quick play mode
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Amy Tan Inspirational Video - The Secrets in our Imagination and the Love of Family - Duration: 10:42.
Hi, I'm Olivia, and today's Happy Nugget! comes from Amy Tan, the American author who's
written such novels as "The Hundred Secret Senses," "The Bonesetter's Daughter,"
"The Valley of Amazement," and my favorites, "The Kitchen God's Wife" and her first
and incredible, best-selling novel, first published in 1989, "The Joy Luck Club."
"The Joy Luck Club" was made into a great film adaptation which is rare, but Amy Tan
was involved in the process and everyone working on the film was committed to making it the
best it could be.
From the dedication of "The Joy Luck Club," "To my mother, and the memory of her mother.
You asked me once what I would remember.
This, and much more."
From the beginning of "The Joy Luck Club," "My father has asked me to be the fourth
corner at the Joy Luck Club.
I am to replace my mother, whose seat at the man jong table has been empty since she died
two months ago.
My father thinks she was killed by her own thoughts.
'She had a new idea inside her head,' said my father.
'But before it could come out of her mouth, the thought grew too big and burst.
It must have been a very bad idea.'
The doctor said she died of a cerebral aneurysm.
And her friends at the Joy Luck Luck Club said she died just like a rabbit: quickly
and with unfinished business left behind."
The memories of Amy Tan's life, the secrets that are hidden within her mind, and her never-ending
curiosity fuel her writing, and as she weaves a thread of emotional truth from her heart
to the page, she invites us into a web of her imagination, and we get caught in the ride
One of my favorites books is "The Opposite of Fate," a collection of writings Amy Tan
describes as "musings on a writing life."
Amy Tan has a rare gift, an ability to feel things deeply, and express those feelings
in stories so vividly sometimes her writing will break your heart while making you laugh.
It's difficult for a writer to capture your heart and your imagination at the same time.
Difficult to do in fiction, challenging to do in non-fiction, yet Amy Tan does both with
grace, talent and humor.
Sometimes in the face of tragedy, being able to laugh can help us to survive.
From her wonderful book, "The Opposite of Fate," speaking of writing Amy Tan said,
"By the time I graduated, I was sick of reading literary fiction.
My osmotic imagination had changed into one with filters, lint traps.
I thought that literary tastes were established norms that depended on knowing what others
more expert than I thought was best.
For the next twelve years, I read an occasional novel.
But I did not return to my habit of reading a story a day until 1985.
By then I had become a successful but unhappy person, with work that was lucrative but meaningless.
I was in one of those situations that cause people to join a religious cult or spend a
lot of money on psychotherapy, or take up the less drastic and more economical practice
of writing fiction."
Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California in 1952 to Chinese immigrant parents.
Her father escaped the Chinese civil war, and her mother barely escaped Shanghai before
the communist takeover in 1949.
As her parents struggled to make a successful life for their family in America, Amy Tan
was expected to one day be a concert pianist and a brain surgeon.
When Amy Tan was fifteen, her sixteen-year-old brother died of a brain tumor.
A week later, her father also died of a brain tumor.
To escape the unimaginable tragedy, Amy's mother took her and her younger brother half-way
across the world to live in Holland.
At seventeen, Amy Tan went to college and after being enrolled in pre-med her first year,
she switched her major to English.
Almost two decades later she quit a well-paying job to try to make a living as a freelance
business writer.
her previous employer told her to hone her skills in account management.
He said, "Writing is your worst skill.
You'll be lucky if you make a dime."
Again from "The Opposite of Fate," Amy Tan writes, "Imagine: There I was, in a
bookstore, recalling these past sins, about to read from my own published work.
I gave a silent apology to my fellow authors Jim Joyce, Joe Conrad, and Bill Shakespeare,
may they rest in peace.
And then my eyes landed on another familiar title: The Joy Luck Club.
I stared at those CliffsNotes, thinking to myself, But I'm not dead yet.
I flipped through the pages and found an obituary-like biography of the author, me, Amy Tan.
I was shocked to learn that I once had carried on 'a relationship with an older German
man, who had close contacts with drug dealers and organized crime.'
Could this possibly be describing my Franz?
True, he was older than I was, twenty-two years to my sixteen when we met.
And yes, he was friends with a couple of Canadian hippies who sold hashish, but I don't remember
them being that organized about it.
Whatever the case, does my personal history of having once dated a loser constitute the
sort of information needed by 'serious students,' as Cliff refers to them.
Will this make them 'secure in the knowledge that they have a basic understanding of the work?'
In page after chilling page, I saw that my book had been hacked apart, autopsied, and
permanently embalmed into chapter-by-chapter blow-by-blows: plot summaries, genealogy charts,
and—ai-ya!—even Chinese horoscopes.
Further in, I was impressed to learn of all the clever nuances I'd apparently embedded
into the phrase 'invisible strength,' which is what a mother in the book taught
her chess-playing daughter, Waverly.
According to Cliff, I meant for 'invisible strength' to refer to the 'human will,'
as well as to represent 'female power' and the 'power of foreigners.'
It was amazing what I had accomplished.
The truth is, I borrowed that phrase from my mother, who used to say something like
it to me whenever I was whining aloud.
She'd say, 'Fang pi bu-cho, cho pi bu-fang,' which is commonly uttered by Chinese parents,
and which translates approximately to: There's more power in silence."
Amy Tan's writing breaks cultural boundaries to reveal what lies at the core of the human heart,
what makes us all human beings—universal emotions.
Many critics, scholars, academics, and people try to label Amy Tan, put her in a box,
tell her what her writing should mean, or what it means, but Amy Tan remains
true to herself, an American writer.
What drives Amy Tan's writing is a desire to answer the endless questions she has about
her own past, her life, and life in general.
Some of the greatest writers in the world.
Those who are able to reach out and touch some part of our souls, are always trying to answer
their own questions with fascination, obsession and determination.
From her book, "Where the Past Begins," Amy Tan writes, "My mother cried whenever
she talked about her mother.
'They treated her like some kind of prostitute,' she once said.
'My mother was a good woman, high-class.
She had no choice.'
I said I understood.
And she replied: 'How can you understand?
You did not live in China then.
You do not know what it's like to have no position in life.
I was her daughter.
We had no face.
We belonged to nobody.
This is a shame I can never push off my back.'
She raged about the lack of respect people showed her mother and later her—as if they
lacked morals and feelings.
Her chest would heave like bellows, filling with despair, expelling it as fury.
She was right.
I didn't understand until recently, when I was treated like a pariah.
A few months after "The Joy Luck Club" was published, a relative complained to
my mother that she should not be telling me all these useless stories.
"She can't change the past," he said.
My mother told him: "It can be changed.
I tell her so she can tell everyone, tell the whole world, so they know what my mother
That's how it can be changed."
Many of us live the stories of our parents, their shames, their struggles, their battles
as if they were our own.
We feel pain, indignation, and anger at our inability to make things right.
We can't change the past, but we do have power.
We can alter present perception.
We can build a better future by telling their stories.
In Unites States you can be someone no matter your social status, no matter where you came from,
no matter where your parents came from.
In the United States of America, you have the freedom to write your own story.
There will always be people eager to tell you who you are, how you should live
your life, and what you should think about your own work.
Don't let others put you in a box and label you.
Look within your own mind, heart, and soul for your own identity.
And that's today's Happy Nugget!
If you enjoyed this video please like it, share it, and subscribe.
As always, I link below the video anything I recommend.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks for watching.
See you next time.
Mennonites and the Tech Revolution - Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 025 - Duration: 14:10.
Well, hello everybody! Welcome back to another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives.
I am here again with Matt Landis,
we did a previous episode, so if you haven't watched it there is a link below.
This is in his office here at Landis computer.
This episode is a lot more about technology, the previous one was more about social media,
but as a general rule technology has fundamentally changed our world in the last 20 years or so.
Historically, as a general rule, Mennonites have always been a little slower to adapt new innovations.
We have always been kind of cautious.
How can we cope with this new emergence of all this new technology?
One of the things about first being slow to adopt new technology; that is very much a perception.
The interesting thing is Mennonites in some areas of technology, for example,
when it comes to business technologies,
engineering technologies, solar technologies,
surprisingly Amish adopt solar kinds of things perhaps before a lot of other people.
Now that's interesting.
So it's not all types of technologies that
Mennonites and even Amish, and I don't claim to be an expert on Amish,
but it's really information and communication technology where they tend to be very very slow.
Kind of like the digital age basically, computers all that.
When someone asks the Mennonite to talk about technology at their church,
they are not thinking about medical technology, they are not thinking about CNC machines.
They are thinking about communication and information technology and how that affects us.
It can be overlooked, but that's usually what they are looking for.
Recognizing that the highly significant part
of communication and information technology is shaping our lives.
So why is that? Why the ready adoptance of some technology and not others?
I think Mennonites and conservative Anabaptists are very, very, sensitive
to what shapes them as a people, very sensitive.
They just have a hair-trigger sensitive sensor for those kind of things
Media ecologists are people that study media.
Neil postman, for example, he has noted that when you change information and
communication technology it has dramatic effects on how people interrelate, even more so in transportation.
So, I think Mennonites, because of being sensitive to that, they've noticed that.
And that is why they, of course it depends on how conservative an Anabaptist people.
Even transportation, they have some questions about it.
But most in, let's say the conservative Mennonites and Anabaptists,
it is largely information and communication that they're really pushing back on.
Because of that perception that it has such profound effects on culture,
and even how we view the world,
if now you get your whole world just kind of encapsulated by the smartphone, in a way,
that really changes your perception of everything around you.
It has a dramatic shaping effect, older people often complain about it.
That people are in their phones as opposed talking to each other.
No matter how we look at it, it does have a dramatic shaping effect.
It connects people that otherwise never would talk.
At one time you could depend on spatial separation,
living back a farm lane to be separate from other people
Social media and technology changes all of that.
Even, really, I live in Tennessee nine hours away.
We had never met until, online, you saw a video I posted and you messaged me about it,
and now we are here doing this.
That would have never happened 10 years ago.
So, how do we cope with the Internet age, because we kind of are in a new age now of the internet?
I would say that we cope with it in the same way that the church
has been faithful throughout history.
That is being a people that are transformed by Jesus, that is at the heart of it.
We can think about methods to try to tweak how we do things.
But at the heart of it Mennonites believe that that is the foundational changing thing.
And by repentance, which is changing your mind about the way you think about things.
Bringing it back to the core of what makes us who we are.
I think it was a sociologist in the 60s, Jacques Ellul,
he said that a lot of people think that they can use
technology to fix the problems technology has created.
But he said it's always too late. And I think he is on to something.
Maybe a way we would think about that today is, okay so we're gonna
fix the problem of having access to inappropriate content, photos for example, pornography.
Maybe a way to apply what he said is,
"A filter alone (another piece of technology) won't entirely solve the problem because it is a too late."
Really what you have is a fundamental change of your life,
and not to say the rest helps, but certainly a fundamental change.
Repentance and a new person.
What has the Anabaptist response been to the digital age?
One of the things that I have done because of my interest in technology,
I have surveyed between 25 and 30 statements that Mennonites and Anabaptists have made.
I have noticed about nine things that seem common between them.
To answer the question what has our response been so far,
well number one is in culture technology really dominates, it is the kind of shaping paradigm,
it is the kind of thing that shapes.
Where as Anabaptists and Mennonites they feel like it's Jesus,
and the community of Jesus' followers that really has to shape us.
And because of that people there they're thought of as people that don't use technology.
When everyone, or when a significant number of people,
see technology as kind of the hope for the future and the thing that drives what people think.
And then there's a little group of people here that don't accept that.
It is very easy to look like they don't accept technology,
but I don't think that's the case.
So when it comes to technology, what are some, for Mennonites,
some misconceptions that we have of it, because we're not always right,
but then what are some correct things as well?
So I think one of the misconceptions that that you hear is that
this is the first technological big transformation that we have had in history,
and it is just not the case.
The going from an oral culture to a to a written culture, and many of the arguments,
you can look at ancient literature and you
can see many of the arguments of going from a oral to a written culture
sound like arguments against social media for example.
You could look at going from an oral to written,
and then you went from a handwritten to a printed culture,
that was another dramatic shift.
Each time that happened it was a big transformation that the church had to respond to,
or had to had to move through.
One of the things we often say we often say that young people are looking at their phones all the time.
Well one of the things I like to point out is, think about us older folks and
how much we look at clocks.
Young people their phones drive their lives but,
for older people, clocks drive our lives and we have no concern about that whatsoever.
So technological transformation, it continues to happen.
We only usually are thinking about the very latest one.
I asked myself, "when is there tension in my life and what causes it?"
It is often a clock that is responsible for it.
Just acknowledge technological transformations have happened throughout history.
The church needs to, yes judge technology,
discern technology, and make that move an appropriate way.
So I would say that is a common misconception.
That is interesting!
Well then what are some correct perceptions that we have?
I was going to use this as a misconception and a right conception.
So often when people talk about technology they say,
"Technology is in neutral it is just how you use it."
You will often hear that and Mennonites often talk in that language.
But interestingly enough, in the philosophy of technology,
they no longer think that that is a good way to think about it.
So, we talk about misconception, but right conceptions.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus does say if something offends you,
and it talks about a body part, then cut it off.
And I think Anabaptists are perhaps among the very few that believe
at some point you can cut things off if they continue to be offense.
The idea that you can cut something off is not un-Jesus like.
Now, when you know when do you do it? Obviously there is lots of questions.
Groups have put that point at different places, individuals have put it at different places.
But the idea that you can say no to something,
in the past Mennonites have said no to TV pretty unanimously,
but that idea that you can say no as a group is kind of a radical idea, but one that is probably not a wrong idea.
As far as how do we as a people, as Anabaptists,
move forward in an intentional way, not completely isolating ourselves from new technology,
and the flip side you're just swallowing them
(because I have some friends that did that too they want the other way,
just to fully adopt all these new things),
where's the middle ground there, how can we move forward in the future ?
I think Anabaptists have been among some of the most intentional users of communication technology.
That is not often thought about, but when I have reviewed what Mennonites,
all the effort and all that all the things they do to be intentional,
and very thoughtful about what they do with technology,
they may be among the most intentional users of communication technology.
Kevin Kelley wrote a book "What Technology Wants"
It is a fascinating book, it is a really interesting read.
But one of the interesting things he says and, maybe he gives Mennonites too much credit,
but he says, and maybe I'll just read it here.
He describes Anabaptist technology discernment by noting that,
"Yet, paradoxically the Amish [and conservative Mennonites]
are far more scientific than most secular professionals about
which technology they adopt. (p. 254 1st printing)"
Typically non-religious consumers tend to accept technology on faith,
based on what the media says with no testing at all.
As opposed to conservative Anabaptists testing this thing and giving a pressure test to say,
"How is this thing gonna affect us."
Which is really interesting and I think a right way to do it.
Maybe we don't always test it as good as we should;
maybe Kevin Kelly gives us a little more credit than we should get.
But it is true, there is a lot of thought and a lot of,
"How is this gonna affect us?" and "What is this gonna do to us?"
thought put into it.
That is fascinating, and I think that is gonna come as a surprise to a lot of people who watch this.
I think the perception often is from the outside,
or from other groups of Mennonites that aren't doing it the same way maybe,
is that they're just not thinking through this,
and they are just kind of,
"Say no to all of it just to make sure we got the bases covered."
That's really encouraging to hear it is not that way.
Thank you all for watching another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives,
and thank you again Matt for for doing another one with us,
maybe we can do it again sometime.
This has been really good,
very educational for me and hopefully for a lot of other people as well.
If you all want to see more videos like this just comment, maybe a topic you would like to see.
Feel free to subscribe and like this video if you want to see more.
We will catch you guys in the next one.
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