What's going on, man? I can't see shit.
Parzival just got the Crystal Key!
Do you want it or not?
Aech, what the hell's going on?
Just practicing my "Mario Kart". What do you think?
IOI's trying to kill us, man!
Everyone watching, if you're in the Columbus stacks,
this is Parzival.
My real-world name is Wade Watts, and we're gonna need your help.
Aech, head for the stacks!
Okay, hold on!
Stick the key in, how hard is it?
Come on.
Yeah! Yes!
That's it?
Yeah, that's it.
Now, you just sign these papers, and the OASIS is yours.
You will be its sole proprietor.
That ain't so bad, is it?
I'm gonna need a second.
This is wrong.
This pen, this contract.
This is the moment that Halliday made Morrow
sign over his shares in Gregarious.
That was the biggest mistake of his life.
He knew that.
This can't be the end.
It's a test.
I won't make the same mistake you did.
Oh, good.
I just needed to be sure.
This is where you grew up.
Oh, that's just me a long time ago.
I like to have him around from time to time.
Hey, I have to show you something.
This, uh... Come on.
This is the button.
If you push it, the whole simulation shuts down
and a tapeworm program will erase all of the backup servers.
So you now have the power to turn the OASIS off forever.
Do you understand?
For more infomation >> Third Key Scene | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Teen Idle - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:42.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
Beyond Scared Straight: Inmates Beg the Teens to Change (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E - Duration: 4:58.
Alone: Sam The Leech Eater (Season 5, Episode 7) | History - Duration: 5:04.
Top Spiraling Moments - Never Before Seen! | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation | MTV - Duration: 5:29.
- Here's the countdown that started off the whole trip.
- Spiraling!
- [Narrator] Number one.
Deena falls down three times in the club.
(dramatic crash)
- Ooooooooooh!
- Safe!
- The DJ stopped the music for it.
- It was like (record scratching)
- Yeah, but she gets up like--
- He was like, "Was she okay?"
- She gets up like no problem
- I don't really see how she didn't break something.
(dramatic crash)
- She was literally spiraling.
- [Ronnie] When it comes to Deena and drinking,
it's like looking into a crystal ball.
It's like, and then tonight, she's gonna fall.
(dramatic crash)
- Ohhhhhhhhh!
- I got hurt. I hurt my shin.
I had to break the meatball fall
and she (bleep) weighed down.
- I didn't even think to think about you.
- My back hurt.
Yo, it was bad, bro.
So Deena fell three times in one night in one club.
That's level one spiraling.
Let's check out the next level.
- [The Situation] Here's level two.
Meatball spiraling.
- Meatball day!
Meatball day!
Meatball day!
- Ohhhhhh!
- Oh my god, they're spiraling right now, both of them.
- Oh yeah, that was--
- Angelina--
They were taking shots off each other.
- And Nicole.
- Shit got weird.
- [Angelina] I actually like you.
I do like you.
- I'm normal, I'm (bleep) normal.
- Yeah, I had fun with you.
- Go home!
- [Ronnie] Oh (bleep)
- Oh, oh, oh!
- Ronnie has the meat for that.
- Get me out of this car!
- I've been saying forever, it's Jimmy.
- I'm stuck!
I'm stuck in a weird situation, help me.
- It's weird seeing you, though
have to babysit the spirals.
Because usually you're a part of it.
- Everyone spirals differently,
that's what I have to say.
These guys spiral differently,
Ronnie spirals differently,
Snookie spirals differently,
Deena likes to fall off things.
- You don't want to get to level three,
cause when you're there, there's no turning back.
- So let's watch level three of spiraling right now.
- [Narrator] Nicole pissing in the pool.
- [J Wow] Ow.
- [Vinnie] Yo, why is it so dark in here?
- [Ronnie] Oh, that's when the light's were out!
- Oh my god, the power was out!
- I forgot the power--
No, I don't remember! (laughs)
- [Nicole] I'm going peepee.
- [Pauly D] Nicole, it's too dark.
- [Nicole] It's just, I really--
Go away.
I'm going in the pool.
- [Deena] Nicole!
- [Nicole] I wanna pee.
- She peed in the pool in front of all of us.
Oh my god.
- [Deena] Pee, baby.
You, pee.
Love you.
- [J Wow] Nicole, stop.
- [Paulie D] Oh my god.
That pool's not heated.
- Oh my god.
- That pool's not heated.
- So Nicole turns into what she calls Drehn
during spiraling level three,
and that's what you're seeing right here, Drehn.
- [Nicole] I'm pissing.
- [Vinny] That is a Snooki in its natural habitat.
Snookis naturally pee outside.
- I'll be honest with you, I had no idea
people were peeing in the pool.
- Yeah, me neither, and I was there.
- Well, and then, at the end I end up
getting down on one knee in the pool.
I didn't even realize that.
- [Paulie D And Vinny] Wow.
- The golden engagement.
- [The Situation] Yessir.
- I call that a pissprosal.
- Yo, if you thought Nicole peeing in the pool was crazy,
wait till you check out level four 24-hour spiraling.
- The degenerates are here!
- Spiraling.
- And we're spiraling.
- I think--what time is it?
- It's eight A.M.
- 10 A.M.
- So, in case you don't realize,
we already went out.
They didn't go to sleep yet.
- [Vinny] Exactly.
- They didn't go to sleep yet.
- [Vinny] Yeah, we were in bed,
they were making noise, we're like
"shut the (bleep) up, who's talking right now?"
- [Paulie D] I thought I was in a dream.
That's a 24-hour spiral, and this
is the result of it.
- [Nicole] Taxi!
(snorts) Cheers!
One, two, three, go!
(bottles clattering)
(tropical music)
- To give credit to Nicole, too,
she's like, this big.
- [The Situation] She's a machine, yo.
- She's a machine.
- She's a machine.
- [Nicole] Senor Frogs!
This is fun!
Senor Frogs!
We're--oh god, I'm drunk.
So--I don't know how we're alive,
because I don't party at all when I'm home.
Oh, I can't even walk.
- Oh, here we go.
(Nicole laughing)
(Nicole snorts)
- Hey guys...
(playful music)
- [Vinny] Oh my god.
Have you slept yet?
- [Nicole] No.
- You guys smell.
- [Paulie D] I wish you guys could smell this.
I felt it.
My shirt was like this with the smell when they walked in.
- [Vinny] There's a difference between
smelling alcohol on a bar and smelling it
coming out of someone's pores.
- Bye.
- How is that humanly possible?
(playful music)
- I went hard.
- You know what you need, a name!
- I went too hard.
- You need a name, like Nicole has Dren, what's yours?
- Wrong Page.
- Wrong Page.
- Oh, (bleep)
- I (bleep) with that.
- (bleep) yeah, I was on the wrong page,
that's for damn sure.
- We just coined that, Wrong Page.
What's the better choice: Bailiff or Keratos? Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 11:47.
Don't Throw These Bags! When You See What Can They Do, You`ll Keep Them Like A Gold | Cleaning Tips - Duration: 2:21.
we normally discover packs loaded with silicon dioxide err silica in shoeboxes
but the greater part of us will discard them instantly supposing they are lethal
and pointless in today's video we'll discuss do not throw these bags when you
see what can they do why you you ll keep them like a gold before you watch this
video please take a moment to subscribe our youtube channel by clicking the
subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we
post new videos daily the truth is distinctive in spite of the
fact that silicon dioxide should not to be eaten it has numerous different uses
around the house these are only a few ways how you can utilize these white or
light yellow granules at home one keep your workout gear dry the thing is that
silica is utilized to retain dampness so putting these sacks into your training
pack alongside your workout apparatus will prevent bacteria production in
light of the fact that these flourish in damp areas silica gel sacks will get rid
of the awful stench subsequently keeping your pack dry and clean too prolongs the
usability of your makeup to counteract dampness in your powder cosmetics
basically put one of these sacks in your cosmetics case three put them in your
wardrobe if you put these little bags in your wardrobe you will prevent the
currents and spread of moisture furthermore you can prevent the
unpleasant smell that goes hand-in-hand with moisture for restore your water
damage telephone the most astonishing utilization of silicon dioxide is
presumably in connection to restoring your water damaged telephone in such a
case put your telephone among four to five
silica gel sacks so they ingest the dampness and dry your telephone
have you ever aware of these benefits of silicon dioxide let me know in our
comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more
daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
12 RULES FOR LIFE - Animated Book Summary - Duration: 11:05.
Hailey Baldwin Black Floral Dress With Justin Bieber - Duration: 1:18.
Cleveland Orchestra suspends concertmaster amid allegations - Duration: 1:28.
7 days to die Surviving Like a Boss | 7 Days to Die Gameplay Ep 3 S1 | PC Pete - Duration: 19:04.
Hey, good morning my friend. How are you doing? come in here. Let me speak to you
Let me speak to you very quickly. Come on. Come on. It's good for you
Let me help you up. You don't want come on. Ah
Come on, man
Would you?
That's one need it's two times and we've got extra balls from him or here, whichever
Okay, it is good
Okay, welcome back my fellow survivors this is
Pete coming back with another seven days to die video in this
Episode we're gonna continue our journey and look where I am. This is our new base
Underground base and there is a bit of a problem because I did a whole morning of recording just to show you
everything and stuff and it's suddenly
Suddenly it was all gone because it's my fault. I did not have enough disk space and
Recording program decides to completely crush on me and did not record anything
But it's okay
So I will tell you everything what's been happening as you can see we have a forager and I do I do
Apologize that I cannot show you I will always make in this Forge because of course of the sudden current
Circumstances, however, I will include my video tutorial on how to make this Forge
So have a look it's gonna be on the little eye icon above on the top right corner
somewhere right now
What we did is we pretty much
I'm not gonna go in there because I can bet
There is plenty zombies
And it's late. So in the morning, I will show you what I did
What updates are get to the base and there is a land claim block here and I've placed it like this
To destroy this land claim block is pretty crazy. I show you
You see it's 8,000. It's pretty pretty crazier
So but the land claim block is very important though because if you have the land claim block I can
move where the forge
so when you
Don't do that, obviously because right now I do not want to do this because if I were to do it
I would lose all the stuff that's inside being smelted already. I
Did the anvil and to make an anvil is very very simple?
Once you have your Forge out quickly tell you you just need a 200 item and two and 20 clay
But it's not the lump of clay that you have in here. I do not have it in here
But you know
Which lump of clay I'm talking about the one from the previous video that one lump of clay
You need to put that lump of clay inside the fort over here and smelt it. Is it here or here? No here look
It's about 700 smelt it. I've got 200 and something stones melted. Let's melt a little more because it's good
You can smelt let brass iron and everything
So in that so once you have your 200th iron and 20 clay from here you can then
craft an anvil and
What is this? I do not know
On let's type in forge
So this is a crucible. I do not know how to read this properly
But to do this we're gonna need four iron times 14
Mechanical parts, which we do have small stone times to tell a 100
1200 and lump of clay 900 player you crazy
but this
Steel brass and bulletproof grass in a forge Allah and recipe is very good so we can craft a bullet for grass
I don't think we're gonna need this, you know
so I did this because you know
I have a plan of making this base a little bigger because right now it's a little bit claustrophobic
And this bed is not gonna be there and we also went to get a loot crate
which was next to us and we found a lot of amazing items and
When we were there, we also hunt a wolf because I was going to go and get that crate
But there was a wolf or wandering wolf and it was huge as hell. Zombie dogs are small really small compared to that wolf
so we went up to the tree and
From there from the safe distance. We have destroyed that wolf
Ok, let's make a pickaxe. I wants to make a big bucks
Hang on wait a second, I think
Peacocks aha we need for Tyler, okay
Let's make some a fourth iron
Well, we well we can make hundred and forty well I propose let's make about the hundreds now
That should be enough
So all this is temporary and I leave it like this with wood because I wants to paint it
And the fourth we're gonna move it eventually. I'm gonna make like a door in here or somewhere further
to lead to another room and we're gonna put forge a working bench and
You know chemistry station eventually in there and we're gonna have some like working area over there
the reason behind this is I want to make more than one fold and
With that is going to be extremely extremely hot in this room. So I'm gonna make a little corridor and like a
special room for that because
Right now we feel very warm. But if I put one two and three and four items
Forges it's going to be too crazy here and we're gonna have to be completely naked
okay, my fellow survivors now we have our
Pick axe so we can get rid of this piece of shit
And we have a hammer which we can all the time upgrade in very very good
can we I know we have to know how to
Repair this I think I am a sledge hammer. We might need to find the schematics
We're gonna go to the book store one day. Oh
This is so much better guys so much
Okay guys, so as you can see we've managed to
Make this room a little bigger. So it's no longer. So claustrophobic I accidentally
Upgrade it's too much. I don't think I wants to upgrade it with the metal it I don't think there is any need for that
Because it will be too much
So I'm planning to do in here and there's gonna be walking to another room which is might be our bedroom
Over here. I'm thinking we could probably do the forge and stuff like this over there
and and this could be another room and
In here, I plan to
Make a passage. Let me see where we are. Yes, very good
and about here, we will do a little gardening and
Also, I was thinking we should probably make a little mine for mining and we could have maybe either hatch in this
Room here or in one of the other rooms that would lead even further down
under the ground and
then from there we can start building like a proper mind and gather resources like hire and
everything else
Because we need a lot of iron
Because iron is very good for you
If we scrap this very good you see so when you scrap clash sounds it gives you more
audio quality
broken glass and
Because of the broken glass we're gonna have 18 we can make put it into a fort you can smell that
Glass and the van and we should be able to make more dust
Okay. So are we ready to go? Yes
And because we don't have
Unfortunately any of
Well, we are very thirsty right now
The problem is we're going to be walking extremely slowly because our stamina is going to be constantly very low
And it's not because I'm holding the sledgehammer
And we feel
And she screams
And that would be it and we found for water how lucky oh
And we have a hoarder
We have to be careful now
Maybe cuz when she screams she brings all the zombies. Oh
Oh, oh, oh, let's fuck off. Let's fuck off. Oh
No, no
No, no, no, no no no no, no
No, no, no, no no with this sledgehammer, it's not so easy
Let's use the first-aid
Eat a couple of very very good as no berries
So that family is fantastic I already love it
What is mine
What is my share
Yes, my fellow survivors, so that's what happens when you
When you use the forge a lot
It brings the Screamers and streamers brings more zone. Just remember when they start screaming
You either fight or you escape
Okay, it's good
It's nice we've got on some loop it's beautiful
Constantly looking around because they can come very very
Silently from behind and when they do it's very hard to escape
They are a very very very clever sometimes
Sometimes not so much but sometimes they are you know
And then they try to do some seeable attack situation to you
And there is a screamer guys
We have the screamer we have the screamer and we have more zombies coming but that's okay because
We're gonna smash them all
Hello my love
Okay, that was pretty close hey, don't you think
Okay, let's see what we have here
Now loads, maybe some animal fat so we can make more torches. Yes, we can
It is very nice
Later on we will install some special traps
For all these zombies, but for now, it's not a problem
How much wood we collected not enough I want a little more
We still get a break upgrades the rest of this
Wooden plates there, but that's okay
We will do this
We will do this when the time is right guys. I'm very excited for this base. I don't know
How about you but I think we survived like a boss. I think it's pretty good
For a fire that because later on a zombies aren't gonna be so nice anymore
All right guys so a bit of a choco because what have happened was I
Went up there. I stopped talking on trees and I thought I'm gonna pause
the recording for a second and
Suddenly out of nowhere plenty. Zombie dogs came after me
Even though the forge is off. So that's pretty crazy
However, it's okay. We're gonna make it. Oh
My god, do you see what I see?
Okay, guys this this is some next-level shit, oh
Shit I
Couldn't see the garden backpack
Wow, there is another one
OK we've got this
Wow that was close that was crazier, I
Do not know where the zombie bear is anymore. Let's get the back pocket the weather is getting clearer
Cannot see the backpack. That's the problem. Oh, it's here that
Was some crazy Ibuka type shit. Honestly guys, I think we're gonna keep this for now
Alright guys, so this should be everything for this episode
If you enjoyed this
please smash the hell out of this like button and also share this video with your friends if
You have any questions or it wants to engage with me?
feel free to use the comment section down below and if you are new to my channel
I would really appreciate your subscription and as well
Don't forget to join our a notification army by simply
Smashing the hell out of this Bell button because the Bell button is very good there for you. Okay
My fellow survivors, so that will be everything Pete out. Peace
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Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala Lalalalalalala la la la la...
Dance the night away! Let's dance the night away! (Sunny summer~)
Dance the night away! Let's dance the night away!
Where should we go tonight? (Dance the night away!) On this festive night of shining stars?
The moment we start dancing To the sound of waves.
So let's go somewhere. (Dance the night away!)
It's so cold, Yerin is so lonely. (Ahh..) So many couples this summer, making me sad. (Woahh...)
Under the moonlight, You and me and the world
Where I can hear myself breathe.
Don't forget, I'll remember This summer night in my heart.
One, two, three, let's go!
Dance like we're Flying to the top of the world, hey!
Let's dance the night away~
Sunny summer! Let's dance the night away!
One, two, three, let's go! Let's have a good time!
Shout out to the other side of the sea. It's so summer summer!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Let's have a good time!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Having a good night!
I'm gonna follow you, we're gonna fall in love~ Let's dance the night away~
Dance the night away! Let's dance the night away! (Sunny summer~)
Dance the night away! Let's dance the night away!
Thumbs up, let's cross the Milky Way. The half-moon is smiling.
I wanna go to the beach where the waves crash. (Will reach the moon's far side.)
Where I can hear myself breathe. Yeah it's good!
If you wanna have some fun, Like the silver sand.
This moment is special. Don't miss the pleasure of it.
I'll be honest, I love you. Let's go to that place of mystery.
It's so summer summer!
Sunny summer! Let's dance the night away!
One, two, three, let's go! Let's have a good time!
Shout out to the other side of the sea. It's so summer summer!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Let's have a good time!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Having a good night!
I'm gonna follow you, we're gonna fall in love~ Let's dance the night away~
Shout out loud Like today is the last day.
Jump up high Like soaring beyond limits.
What do I do? (Would you) be my? Will you make my wish come true?
It's so summer summer! Sunny summer! Let's dance the night away!
Sunny summer! Let's dance the night away!
One, two, three, let's go! Let's have a good time!
Shout out to the other side of the sea. It's so summer summer!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Let's have a good time!
Dance the night away! Let's dance! Having a good night!
I'm gonna follow you, we're gonna fall in love~ Let's dance the night away~
Yeah! Yeah yeah! (Sunny Summer~) Yeah! Yeah yeah! (Woah~)
Yeah! Yeah yeah! Let's dance the night away!
Yeah! Yeah yeah! (Sunny Summer~) Yeah! Yeah yeah!
Yeah! Yeah yeah! Let's dance the night away!
"Una morte orribile". Si sdraia sull'asfalto per fare un "gioco", muore a 17 anni - Duration: 2:37.
Hello there fellow user, I'm Snogwritts! [ Channel Trailer 2018 ] - Duration: 0:57.
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"Hey there fellow user, I see you came in for a visit."
"Well, welcome!
The names Snogwritts!
I'm just a young colt with big dreams!"
"I'm formerly known as a jack of all trades, but in this channel, I mainly focus on Fanfiction
All kinds!
Dark, Comedy, Romance, you name it!"
"So if you ever feel bored like everyone else in the universe, then feel free to come
by and I'll have a story ready for you!"
"I upload new readings every Saturday!"
"There's also some extras like vlogs, animations, etc. anything that I find worth posting."
"So what are you waiting for?
Be sure to like and subscribe to this channel and hit that bell!
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"Anyways, take care have fun!
This is Snogwritts, signing out."
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