Recently, the news organization Truthout printed an interview between Truthout reporter Sarah
Jaffe and Cata Santiago, who is with the group Movimiento Cosecha.
Basically, what Santiago described, the movement that this group is currently working on is
getting people to understand the fact that Amazon is actually working with ICE to help
round up people for Donald Trump's mass deportations that he wants this country to begin engaging
Amazon, the site that most of us go to a couple times a week to order basic necessities that
we don't feel like running to the store, maybe they're cheaper on Amazon.
Not only are we supporting that company and the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos,
but apparently by purchasing from Amazon, we are also helping this horrible immigration
policy put forward by the Trump administration.
I say, "We," because I'm guilty of too.
I'm an Amazon shopper.
It's cheap.
I can't afford, always, to go buy more expensive products at a local store, just like most
It is a horrible cycle of capitalism here, right?
We don't make enough money, so we have to go to the cheaper options.
Unfortunately, a lot of times the cheaper options are things like Walmart or Amazon
or places like that.
These big box stores that drive local retailers out of business because we can't afford to
purchase from there because we have to work at these crappy places that pay us slave wages,
like Amazon and Walmart.
And the cycle continues.
It perpetuates itself here.
Unfortunately, in this particular instance, supporting Amazon means supporting ICE and
supporting mass deportations.
What's happening, according to Santiago, is that Amazon ... and a lot of people don't
realize this ... Amazon is a massive defense contractor for the United States.
They provide the servers that defense department, that the Pentagon uses.
They are massive in their military contracts, and that's where a lot of their money comes
But they're also selling surveillance equipment to ICE, and that surveillance equipment is
what is being used to track down immigrants in the United States, throw them in a prison,
give them a sham of court hearing and then sending back from wherever they came from.
Unfortunately, they're right.
If you support Amazon, you're supporting this.
It is hard, as I just pointed out, to be a conscientious consumer here in the United
States today because of this cycle of capitalism that we have.
You get paid low wages.
You have to buy the cheaper stuff.
Well, you buy the cheaper, you got to go these crappy companies that pay their employees
crap while they're making billions upon billions of dollars.
But it's because you can't afford to do the other stuff, and so that cycle continues.
We have to figure out a way.
We have to figure out a way to stop supporting these evil companies.
Right now, considering how they're treating their workers, considering how they're contributing
to the war machine, and considering how they're contributing to the human rights violations
that are happening at the hands of ICE officers every day, we have to find a way to stop using
The people have the power.
We just have to figure out how to properly use it to get companies like Amazon to stop
with their self-destructive ways and destroying the lives of Americans and Europeans and Hispanics
and South Americans, everyone on this planet.
Get them to be the companies that we need them to be.
We just have to figure out how to get there.
For more infomation >> Amazon Teams Up With ICE To Help With Trump's Deportations - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
10 DELETED & CENSORED Scenes From MISSION IMPOSSBILE Fallout - Duration: 7:01.
Mission: Impossible Fallout runs for an amazing 147 minutes and is jam-packed with awesome
action scenes and stunning moments, but there were even more great scenes cut from the final
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and in this video I'm revealing the top 10
deleted and censored scenes you never got to see in Mission: Impossible 6, including
White Widow in Kashmir, fake trailer shots, and helicopter near-collisions.
Watch out for spoilers if you haven't seen the movie, or add this video to your Water
Later playlist and come back when you're ready.
One scene from the trailers which fans were really hoping to see but which didn't make
it into the final movie was where Ethan's helicopter was going full pelt into an on-coming
truck on a forest road.
This scene would have appeared during the already-packed helicopter chase sequence between
Ethan and Henry Cavill's Walker, and I think could have been during one of the moments
where Ethan's chopper was spiralling out of control.
Given how close the chopper and truck come to colliding, I'd have love to have seen how
Ethan got himself out of this one!
In the movie, after the HALO jump in Paris, we see Cruise and Cavill land on the roof
of the Grand Palais, but a further stunt sequence filmed inside the Palais was cut.
The deleted scene featured Cruise swinging from a rope over the crowd and was rejected
by writer-director Christopher McQuarrie as, although it looked pretty cool, the film was
already running long and it wasn't necessary for the story.
While the movie gives us a number of big fight scenes inside the Grand Palais, another smaller
one that happened outside the venue was given the chop.
In the final film, after Ethan and White Widow exit the building, next thing we know they're
in the back of a car together.
But there's a deleted scene before that car ride where Ethan gets into a fight with White
Widow's brother Zola and smashes his head against a car, which actually left actor Frederick
Schmidt with a black eye!
I imagine this moment was ditched in the editing room as it didn't move the plot forward but
merely reinforced the animosity we'd already witnessed earlier when Zola warned Ethan not
to touch his sister.
Actress Vanessa Kirby told MTV that the car ride with White Widow and Ethan was part of
a much longer and now deleted scene where, in her words, "things got a bit fruity" between
In the cut scene, White Widow talked about how she enjoyed having blood on her dress
from the knife fight earlier in the Palais.
This deleted scene would have further played up the flirtation between her and Ethan, and
would also have been a call-back to the car ride that Ethan took with Max in the first
Mission: Impossible movie.
In case you missed it, Max was revealed to be White Widow's mother in this film, and
I explain that in more detail in my Mission: Impossible 6 Connections and Ending video.
This gorgeous scene of Ethan, White Widow and Walker marching through a hall of mirrors
was in the movie, however, an alternate shot of Ethan and Ilsa walking down the hallway
was never used.
McQuarrie has said that shot of Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson was never meant to be
in the movie and was specifically filmed as something cool for the trailers.
There was also a big fight scene with Isla cut from the film, and hopefully we'll get
more details on that on the Blu-ray.
The trailers also teased numerous shots from the final act set in Kashmir which never made
it into the final film.
Some of those shots hint at some pretty dark moments with Ethan, Ilsa, Benji and Luther
encountering murdered soldiers and aid workers at a border checkpoint.
The scene seems to go on with Ethan approaching the door to a bunker, opening it and descending
some stairs where I suspect he would have discovered further horrors.
It's unclear whether the murders they discover are the actions of Walker or Solomon Lane.
Some Indian viewers suspect these specific border scenes might have been cut to avoid
controversy in India as the Kashmir region which geographically spans India, Pakistan
and China is one of the most militarised areas of the world and has long-running border and
separatist conflicts.
In fact, Mission: Impossible Fallout has already been censored by India's film classification
All mentions of Kashmir have been cut from the Indian release of the movie, including
dialogue, the title card that comes on screen when the region first appears, and other scenes
have also been trimmed.
Director Christopher McQuarrie has said that any deleted trailer scenes were simply cut
because the movie was too long, which sounds perfectly reasonable given the film's long
run-time; though I do wonder if in this instance political considerations also played a part.
There's some curious behind-the-scenes footage of White Widow actress Vanessa Kirby on the
set in New Zealand where the Kashmir scenes were filmed.
White Widow never appeared in Kashmir in the final film, so I wonder whether there was
originally a story where the handover of Solomon Lane that she brokered was going to take place
One of the more meta moments in Fallout comes when Henry Cavill's Walker angrily asks Solomon
Lane, "why do you have to make everything so complicated?"
Originally, McQuarrie planned for this line to be part of a much longer segment where
everything in the movie was explained; Walker's backstory, what had happened to the plutonium,
and so on.
But test audiences hated it and thought it was tedious, so it was cut.
I can understand why this exposition was removed, as fans enjoy the Mission: Impossible movies
not only for their incredible action scenes but also for their twists and turns.
These work best when the audience isn't too confused, but doesn't know everything that's
going on and so it's about getting that balance right.
Curiously absent from the IMF team this time around after having appeared in the previous
two movies was Jeremy Renner's William Brandt.
In an interview with Digital Spy, McQuarrie explained that "when the movie started, we
didn't really have a screenplay, so it was very difficult for us to say who would be
in the movie for how long and on what days, and [Renner] had a commitment to Marvel."
"If we had a finished script, we would have been able to say, 'Yes, this will work and
we can let you go for this time', but there was just no predicting what those roles were
going to turn out to be."
"It was just an unfortunate case of bad timing."
Admittedly, Renner's role in Rogue Nation was scaled back to a smaller supporting part
than the one he had when he started the franchise in Ghost Protocol, so it seems natural he
would have given priority to Marvel, and, of course, he'd obviously have to honour the
contract he signed with them.
However, the worst part is, as Marvel fans know, that Hawkeye never even appeared in
Avengers: Infinity War!
So, instead of appearing in two of the biggest films of 2018, Renner played tag with Jon
Hamm, Ed Helms, Hannibal Buress, and Jake Johnson instead.
Avengers 4 did shoot back-to-back with Infinity War though, so hopefully he does have a decent
part in that movie.
And, assuming Renner does want to return, I think we'll see Brandt back in Mission:
Impossible 7.
Speaking of which, although I feel Fallout positioned CIA boss Erica Sloan as the likely
successor to Hunley, Brandt did work closely with Hunley in Rogue Nation, so it's possible
he could take over as the IMF's new Secretary.
Though that probably wouldn't be the most interesting role for his character and might
be disappointing to fans who'd like to see him return to active duty.
A funny trailer moment was cut from the scene when Benji, Ethan and Luther were waiting
to make the plutonium trade.
"This is a bad idea."
"Is it ever a good one?"
So, do you wish any of these deleted scenes had been in the film?
And where does Fallout rank on your list of favourite Mission: Impossible movies?
Let me know in the comments below.
Tap left to discover all the ways Fallout connects with the other movies plus how it
sets up MI7 or tap right for my full movie deleted scenes playlist.
If you enjoyed this video, I always appreciate a thumbs-up and a share.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Dance Moms: Brooke's Contemporary Solo - "Now Is My Time" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:20.
Peach Harvest - Time to Harvest My Ripe Loring Peaches! - Duration: 10:26.
so my Loring Peach tree has several peaches on it that are getting really
close to being ripe and I'm gonna go through this and pluck off all the ones
that I think are ready to go which is probably gonna be about a third of them
we've got some squirrel problems coming in I've lost three peaches this morning
and as these near even closer and closer we'll start losing them by the dozens
every day there's a lot of good ones on here here's a beautiful one here it
comes off the vine super easy basically there's no green
left it's got a red blush and some spotting which is normal the Loring
peach and it's about the size of most Loring peaches about two and a half
inches in diameter so and it's soft to the touch
I can bruise it pretty easily if I wanted to now they're all not going to
be as good as that one if I just pick off those that'll be good but then I'd
have these other ones that are not quite ready there's a little bit of green
still on that one in that one and I'm gonna leave those on for a couple more
days they're plucking off the ones that are
green so they don't know how good the good ones are so we're close "he" tested
it didn't like it and walked away and left it out there it'll be better for
him tomorrow he'll probably come back and finish that one up tomorrow but
anyway I'm sure there's a cluster right there of ripe ones so we'll keep
plucking away at these and I'll show you what I got
all right guys you've seen a few clips it's been a few days since the last
clips were shot and I'm trying to really push my luck on this peach tree I lost a
couple of peaches to pests looks like they were squirrels a few days ago I
lost four more yesterday I've lost six today the peaches are so close let me
put this camera around and we're gonna just pick as many of the most mostly
ripened or just about ripe peaches as we can and really limit the number of finds
that they can get and if they get a few more after that then they get a few more
but let me flip the camera around and show you this peach tree as you can see
the Peach tree is just still loaded with fruit a lot of them still have green on
them but a lot of them had a lot of dark coloring on them as well and so I'm
gonna pick off all these ones that you can see on here that have pretty good
dark coloring you got to remember with Loring peaches you don't want any green
you want the cream-colored yellows you want the oranges you want the Pink's the
blushes things like that are fine a lot of these have almost all that just
some of them still have a slight tint in some areas I gotta give you an example
from back here the bottom of that one's not in direct sunlight so it's still
getting a little bit of green I think if I take off a lot of the mostly ripe ones
the branches will kind of come up a little bit because the weight will be
reduced and maybe that will help change or alter the Sun positioning on a lot of
these but they're just loaded like here's a good example here one I mean he
got tested but he comes off pretty easily mostly yellow there's just a
light tint of green you know what he'll ripen on the counter in a few days I've
got this makeshift pouch here I'm just gonna start picking them up and record
some of it but I'll show you what I get at the end
here's a couple with a little more green than I'd like one side in the Sun is
really ripe the other side's not as much this one on the right is probably a lot
closer man this one could have used another three or four days but I'm
losing them I just was out here this morning men were lost and all of a
sudden boom four more I pulled off already being chewed at and these guys
are right there definitely getting the best of the best every single time you
see if I can grab a whole bunch more off here for you guys and we'll be back whoo
all right guys we pulled off maybe half and there's a ton more let me show you
the tree still I can't show you them all because they're kind of hidden behind
foliage but let me show you the tree and then we'll show you this monster basket
of peaches we got on this four-and-a-half five year old peach tree
let's take a look look at this they're everywhere
these are all the ones that are either really green on one side are not quite
soft enough so I didn't want to pick them a lot more over there
got a few on this cluster here quite a few more there loads of them up here
even inside down here we got a couple these are the ones behind the ladder I
was talking about they're all pretty green down here you gotta remember with
peach trees the highest peaches on the end branches will ripen first then
everything else that's high will ripen second and as you work your way down it
ripens last the only exception is peaches on the very ends even on the
lower branches and ones that get the most sunlight will ripen first as well I
end up finding a few more damaged peaches here so we've got six that are
damaged they weren't all damaged yesterday because I inspected the tree
but guys look at this basket and I know this lighting is uh is shadowed because
it's not direct sunlight so the the green looks a little more green than it
really is and honestly I've eaten them green door just a little bit less sweet
they're a little bit more tart still very flavorful but and they don't need a
lot of red the key is they don't need red to be ripe not luring peach as long
as there blush-colored they're good we've got
something here that I'm basically blushing pink this one I pulled off cuz
it had some damage it's pretty brain still in my opinion it probably won't
eat well but we'll leave it for a couple days and see what happens I'm gonna
weigh this up madness the aroma is awesome it smells like peaches but I'm
gonna weigh this up and we'll see what we got in peach wait now I've got some
in the house that I pulled off a few days ago
I've eaten probably eight or ten of them and we've lost several more but let's
get this basket weighed up we'll even add the ones from the house that are
ripe to it well there it is guys twenty-three pounds of peaches so far
harvested - the probably ten that we've eaten so call it 24 pounds and we can't
include the ones lost to pests but that's how it goes man it's hot guys but
we got 23 pounds of peaches you saw the outcome that's only probably half maybe
half of what's on that tree and still to come
probably this weekend coming up I'll harvest the rest of them see how many
more we get if not by this weekend then then pretty shortly here now that
there's less peaches on the tree and more surface area of the unripe ones
exposed to the sunlight harvesting and maturing should happen pretty quickly
I'll tell you guys you know what I've tried a lot of things to keep the pests
off the off the peach trees and they'll keep coming they'll keep coming Matt
fact there's a Mockingbird out here right now looking at the peaches but he
just flew away when I came by but I'll tell you let me put the camera around
these pie tins seem to work the best and now that I'm removed a lot of the
ripe fruit they're going to take a bite out of the ones that are the closest and
I was tempted to pull the rest of them off honestly but here's the deal
I've got a pretty good amount of peaches now and if they get some more that's
fine what I don't want to have happen is pull them off and have them go to waste
because they're not quite they'll be too tart if you like eating little sweet
tarts and I don't want to do that some of these probably will be okay if I pull
them off now they'll mature and ripen over the next few days but I want to
leave a handful up there and we'll pull off another batch of them here so
check it out guys another basket as you can see these ones are the ones that
there's a lot of ripened ones a little bit more green the lighting is not good it's
not as green as this as you'll see in the house but a slight tint of green on
some of these I don't mind there's still there's still peaches all over this tree
so we'll keep working on it every day see if we lose any and how many we get
but now I'm gonna wait I'm gonna weigh this up I would imagine it's at least
another 12 pounds but we'll check it I'll get back to you in a minute all
right guys here's the other box of peaches like I said we had 20 almost 25
pounds yesterday and another 14 pounds today plus probably a couple pounds in
loss but either way we're right around 40 pounds and I would suspect that I at
least have into the 10 pounds on the tree so this tree in picked fruit this
year is going to produce 50 pounds of peaches and that's not bad for less than
a five year old peach tree you know I think part of the success I had this
year on this Peach Tree is because of the pruning I did last year I did a lot of
summer pruning last year and then I left it alone didn't do a winter pruning at
all that's why I got a little out of control but I really think the summer
pruning helped get a lot of growth Spurs a lot of fruiting spurs and that's why
we got on a four and a half almost five-year-old peach tree while we got
such a pretty good harvest if you were to add in all the peaches I've lost man
who would've got a big one final thing I want to say is I know my peaches were a
little small and I planned it that way I didn't thin the clusters in the spring
after they set fruits because I knew I'd have some loss to the pests and I
figured I'd rather have two or three times as many at half the size just for
sheer quantity to kind of mitigate my losses anyway everyone just wanted to
give you a harvest of my lowering peach tree you can still see all those peaches
on it back there hopefully you enjoyed this video with me if you did please
give it a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching
the good thing about all these peaches is I get to make one of my favorite
fruit smoothies with yogurt, orange juice, and peaches!
4 points to consider BEFORE you look for a proofreader or editor - Duration: 4:18.
Have you ever thought about hiring an editor or proofreader? If you have, chances
are that your first port of call was the Google search bar, but then you probably
got about 8 million hits when you typed in something like 'I need a proofreader'
or 'looking for an editor', and that really isn't any help to anybody. So today in
this video I'm going to give you four things to think about to help narrow
down your search before you even type anything in that search bar. The first
question to ask yourself is whether or not you need an editor with specialist
subject knowledge. Depending on the field that you're writing for and the
prospective audience that you have, it may be necessary to have somebody who
understands the language and the concepts that you're using. This is
particularly true for maths, medicine, statistics and law, where small errors
could have serious consequences and it's vital that you have somebody with that
subject-specific knowledge to review your writing and make sure that any
small errors are picked up before it gets published. On the other hand, if
you're writing for a general audience it can be a great help to work with an
editor who isn't from your specific field. They can act as an advocate for
your prospective reader and make sure that your writing is accessible and they
can clarify anything that may be unclear to your prospective audience. Have you
ever heard of the curse of knowledge? Sometimes we forget just how much we
understand and know about a subject and make assumptions about what other people
know. Your editor will help you pitch your writing at the right level for your
audience. The second thing to think about is what sort of writing you're doing.
Depending on this you'll probably want an editor with experience in that
particular area, whether it's a PhD dissertation, a book, or an article, or
marketing copy, you want to know that you're working with somebody with
experience in that area. For example, some editors work exclusively with fiction,
others focus on PhD dissertations or journals, while others maybe have a
slightly broader portfolio but will still include the type of writing that
you're doing. The third thing to think about is what type of file you're
working in. Most editors are happy to receive a Word document and work in
Track Changes, and when we're at the proofreading stage it's common to use a
PDF so we can see the layout of your writing. However, if you're working in
more specialist software such as InDesign or Latex
it's really important that you state that clearly up front so you can be sure
that the editors who respond to your request for help
have those skills before they contact you. And the last thing to think about is
do you want somebody who is local to you? In these days of instant global
communication it absolutely isn't necessary to have an editor or
proofreader who lives just up the road from you. I have clients myself from
Brazil and Mexico to China. and all points in between and it doesn't matter.
We communicate via email, we transfer our files, and the process is very smooth.
However, you may have a really good reason for wanting a local proofreader
or editor. You may want somebody with specialist local knowledge, or you may
want to actually meet them face-to-face so that you can work with them in person
on your project. The important thing to realise is that the best editor or proof
reader isn't necessarily the one that lives closest to you. So if you're
thinking of hiring an editor or proof reader, help yourself by refining down
your search by specialist subject knowledge, by type of writing, by the type
of file you're using, and by location if that's important to you. Thanks for
watching! Don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more worry-free writing
chat, and check out the description for the link to the original blog post that
this video is based on. See you soon!
Anime Mix「AMV」- Everything remix - Duration: 3:07.
Steampunk Seahorse | Creating Alternative Nautical Jewellery - Duration: 6:49.
Wynonna Earp 3x03 Promo "Colder Weather" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.
Quantico 3x13 Promo "Who Are You?" Series Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.
Dragon Age Inquisition Online Multiplayer 2018 Ep. 4 - Duration: 5:15.
alright hello everybody welcome back to some Dragon Age I stream on Twitch I'll
link that down below so be sure to check that out but today we're playing as the
Arcane Warrior who is very cool so the abilities I'm
gonna do for him well this is what I have right now so I have this one which
is obviously yeah the Spirit Blade and then the Chain Lightning but I also
would also like to get another power so yeah we're gonna do we're gonna do Stonefist
apply that to - I just I'm gonna map that to RB ok and then all the potions there
yeah we're gonna go on routes threatening and we're gonna go on random
there we go
we've gotten reports of a High Dragon nearby
if true it would be worse that war for the surrounding
countryside a Frost Worm according to the rumors I've heard I've sent soldiers
to investigate if this dragon is more than a wild tale they'll handle it
I also have the power where every attack kind of builds a barrier so that's going
to help
nice Stonefist right there
ow there Stonefist got my health back thank you that's me
yeah this sword is
so powerful
k let's just knock him over c'mon
Guardian Spirit there coming in handy
ahh man
all right so that didn't go as planned but that's okay
stuff that I've gotten since the last time so actually for my archers I
got the Knight-Commander Longbow which is awesome and then I got the Emperor
Blade this weapon for shield I'm sorry weapon and shield and then for the staff
I have this one fully upgraded and then I also got Mhemet's Warhammer you can
read that he was a Templar who loved to kill Elves so I mean that's
then you have yup the Emperor Guard Blade and then also for the armor I've gotten
three for the Archer and then I got I also unlocked the Reaver and also the
Elementalist so if I can just show you all the characters I have so you got the
Legionnaire oh I've also upgraded Constitution three
times Willpower three times Cunning once so I also got the Assassin the
Archer, Elementalist, Keeper haven't unlocked these guys yet got the Reaver card
She's actually really fun to play as the Hunter the Arcane Warrior I crafted the
armor for him I got the card for him and then I crafted her armor so if I
actually go to my Reaver just because my Reaver is a beast
I can show you
the weapon she has so she's using the same one as my Avvar and then her armor
I've also put some upgrades on Superior Vanguard Armor Arms and then the
Vanguard Armor Legs so yeah I'm gonna call that the video thank you very much
for watching guys and I'll see you next time
*NO WAY* Old Spice is The Pirate Bay! - Duration: 1:54.
Toddler Learn Colors with Cutting Fruits and Vegetables Finger Family Song | Learn Colours for Kids - Duration: 3:35.
Toddler Learn Colors with Cutting Fruits and Vegetables
Finger Family Song
Learn Colours for Kids
Highway NAM SONG HAU- VIET NAM .Chapter 7 - Duration: 48:35.
How to Edit Your Signature on Gmail - Duration: 0:39.
Hi! In less than a minute, I'll show you how to add a signature to Gmail.
Just open up the Settings.
Scroll down on the "General" tab.
Find the "Signature" section.
Now, just type a signature. (I inserted a picture in mine, too.)
Click Save Changes.
Let's start a new email to see if it worked...
Success! Our signature has been edited!
Thanks for watching this tutorial by Inkbale!
3 Important Tips To Choose The Right Anchor Text For Internal Link Building - Internal Links SEO - Duration: 0:58.
Choosing the right anchor text for your internal links is often an overlooked component of
SEO, but you will see major benefits if you choose the right anchor text for your internal
Here are three of the most important tips that will help you choose the right anchor
text for your internal links:
One, use sucinct anchor texts.
Always consider the needs of your customers and content that you're linking to and the
most accurate way to describe the page that you're linking to with your anchor text.
Two, relevance of your target page.
Links that point to relevant content will send stronger signals to search engines, plus
this approach helps your customers continue learning about your product and trust your
Three, track anchor text keyword density.
Exact match keywords are a great tool to help you rank for specific keywords, but you need
to be careful that you do not optimize your anchor tech or specific keywords across your
Anchor text for internal linking strategy is meticulous aspect of internal linking,
and this component can be easily overlooked.
You can use the above tips to ensure that you have powerful anchor texts to help search
engines and people understand and engage with your content today!
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