GOOGLE'S Pixel 3 continues to generate excitement and new leak could reveal that wireless charging
is finally coming to search giant's flagship phone.
The Google Pixel 3 looks set to bring a swathe of new features to this hugely popular smartphone
Rumours are rife that Google is likely to include a faster Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor,
improved camera and better battery life.
It's also thought that the larger Pixel 3 XL will get a full edge-to-edge screen which
will cover almost the entire front of the device.
In fact, the only part of the Pixel that won't be filled with this display is a small notch
at the top and slight chin at the bottom of the phone.
Now another new leak may reveal that the latest Pixel is getting something many were hoping
would appear on the Pixel 2 - wireless charging.
9to5Google is reporting that the alongside the updated phone will be a new accessory
called the Pixel Stand.
This dock is thought to be able to add power to the Pixel 3 without the need for wires
and that's not all.
Once placed on the Stand users may also set seamless Google Assistant integration even
when their phone is locked.
The Pixel 2 doesn't include wireless charging and that puts it behind some key rivals including
Samsung, LG and Apple.
Adding this new way of refilling the device would clearly be a popular move and would
certainly make a sense as it will future-proof the phone.
This latest leak comes as a new picture was recently released on the web which claims
to show how the larger Pixel 3 XL in all of its glory.
Gizmochina says it has managed to see images of a set of CAD drawings detailing how the
phone will look inside a case.
Although Google seems to be going for a single camera on the back, there could be the inclusion
of a double front-facing system which may add some DSLR-style depth of field to selfies.
Two final features revealed in the image is the space for a stereo speaker at the base
of the phone and a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner in the middle of the device.
For more infomation >> Google Pixel 3 may finally get this major missing feature on the Pixel 2 ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Wake Up With Busy Philipps - Duration: 2:12.
This is the Nurse Jamie face roller. I have one of these at home, and I travel
with it. Well, first of all it, it just feels really good; it's like a little massage
for your face. I like my jawline to be very defined – this helps. I don't
know, is that lymphatic drainage? Maybe, but I know that you want to always move
up, up, up. This is the Sarah Chapman– whoa! Oh that feels good.
Does that work? I bet you can do that as well. Do it like that. Ooh, definitely do that.
This is the Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser.
I'm such a messy face-washer. So, we're gonna use the Lilah B. Aglow Face Mist.
This one smells really good. I love KNC Beauty. You want the star to go where your
wrinkles are. I read this thing that said Millennials don't care about wrinkles.
Yeah, 'cause they're in their 20s. I didn't care in my 20s either, and then you hit your
30s and then your mid-thirties and then your late 30s, and you're like, "Oh no, I
should have been paying attention." Ooh should we do a mask? Why not. I do like at
least four to five masks a week. I love rose gold stuff. I'm at a point in my
life where my skin is really good. I just need moisture and, like, no wrinkles. I'll
leave these eye masks on and then put another mask on top. I love, like, the
gelatin vibe; it makes me feel like Silence of the Lambs in a good way.
Collagen lip masks, which I have to say, I love, especially in the winter. If
your lips get chapped. I'm a mask addict. I love By Terry.
Oh my God, smells like roses.
Face Facts: Busy Philipps' Genius Skincare Dos and Don'ts - Duration: 1:55.
I've always loved my freckles or – I call them moles.
When I started off as an actress in this industry, when I was 19, I was told by a
lot of people to remove them. Still, even a year and a half ago, a woman told me that
she thought I should remove them. I think that ship has sailed, my friend.
And no. And then go f*** yourself. I don't believe that you choose between your ass
and your face, although I do believe in eating avocado. I do believe in eating
good fats. You know, we exercise our bodies daily, hopefully. I do, so you gotta
work the face. I had a facialist a million years ago when I was, like, 19 or
20; he said don't forget about your ears and your neck,
otherwise you'll turn into a lady with a beautiful face and the crocodile ears
and neck. Well, it's stuck with me. Always wear sunscreen and take care and
drink water– are the best things you can do for beauty, and you'll be alright.
I can handle most things.
When I was a kid, my mom wouldn't really buy me masks because she was like, "You're a child."
So I would always read magazines, you know, how to make your own beauty products. I read one that was like,
you can make your own beauty mask with yogurt and honey, so of course I went into
the fridge and I got yogurt, and I mixed it with honey and I put it all over my
face and I waited 20 minutes and I washed it off and my face was bright
red because my parents had bought artificial yogurt; it was raspberry, it had dye in it
in it, and it died my face red. So, my mother was livid. She was like, "What did
you do? You have to use yogurt that doesn't have any dye in it, Busy."
I was like, no one told me that. She still didn't buy me masks. She just bought me plain yogurt.
Quickly sit down the battery on Android? 10 Secret Ways To Extend Battery Charge On Android - Duration: 6:13.
Even Fox News Hosts Are SHOCKED By Rudy Giuliani's Stupidity - Duration: 4:59.
Rudy Giuliani had a really, really bad Monday.
I know most people say they hate Mondays, but, trust me, yours probably wasn't as awful
as Rudy Giuliani's.
See, Giuliani thought it'd be a good idea Sunday and Monday to make the media rounds,
get his face back out there, and also destroy his client's case, which is exactly what he
did during almost every single interview.
In fact, after he had given all those horrible interviews, he decided to go on Fox News,
the friendly audience, the people who absolutely could not screw this up.
They're team Trump.
They're going to make sure Giuliani doesn't do anything ridiculously stupid, and they
absolutely failed.
Take a look at what happened when Giuliani phoned it in on Fox News.
Let me just ask it this way.
You've now told us about two meetings.
There was one that the public knows about, which when you talk about a meeting and you
say that the president wasn't there, that's the one that everybody would assume that we're
all on the same page about.
What you're saying now is that there was another meeting that was leaked that has not been
made public, and I would assume until now really described by you, Rudy Giuliani, in
detail, that happened three days prior that had Don, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort,
Gates, and possibly two others.
That's the meeting that Michael Cohen says the president was not ... or the president
knew about ahead of time, but you say the president was not there.
No, no.
Cohen is not alleging ... Look, I don't know.
All I have are two reporters telling me Cohen told them there was a meeting three days before
with a group of people that I said and that they discussed [inaudible 00:01:42] meeting
and that the president was not there.
He didn't say the president knew about it.
I am telling [inaudible 00:01:48] that meeting didn't take place, never happened.
He had to have it with himself.
Second, there's another leak.
This one is out, and this one Cohen says he was in Donald Trump's office when Donald Trump,
Jr. walked in and told them about a Russian meeting that was about to start.
That is also not true.
But, sir-
Didn't happen.
This is Melissa Francis.
I just want to jump in.
I don't think any of that really addresses the question of why you would say he wasn't
at the meeting.
Why did Cohen say?
Why are you saying that the president wasn't at the meeting?
I understand those two meetings that you just set out there, but that doesn't explain why
you're saying he wasn't there.
Because the meeting didn't take-
Who asked if he was there?
No one asked if he was there.
It takes a lot for the people who are your friends, the people who would defend you no
matter what.
The guys at Fox News, the women at Fox News, the producers at Fox News, everybody is on
your side.
When you leave them stunned, shocked, searching for words, trying to make sense of what the
hell you just said, you know you've screwed up.
Because as those hosts right there on Outnumbered admitted, you just gave information that you
hadn't said before, and it doesn't look really good for Donald Trump.
"Was there a second meeting?"
"Maybe, but no, but Trump was there but he wasn't there, but he didn't know about because
he did know about it."
That is essentially what happened during that interview.
But I guess the biggest takeaway here throughout both that interview and every other interview
Giuliani did was the talking points have, once again, changed.
It's no longer, Trump didn't collude, although Trump is still saying that.
It's that collusion is not a crime.
Well, the reason Giuliani keeps saying that is because he's fixated on that particular
word, collusion, that word choice, because it's very hard to find a statute in federal
law that has the word collusion, and that's what he's trying to say.
But that doesn't mean that conspiracy, defrauding the nation, things like that, foreign election
interference, all of those are 100% illegal as is working with a foreign power to influence
a US election.
Yes, 100% illegal.
But Giuliani is able to say that because we're using the word collusion, it's not illegal.
Well, yeah, but I'm pretty sure when the charges come down, it's not going to have that word
in it.
It's probably going to be worded a little bit more eloquently in some kind of legal
language that most of us may not even understand.
But stop trying to argue semantics when the heart of the case is whether or not a foreign
power interfered in a US election with Donald Trump.
But by all means, please, keep going out and doing interviews because at this point you
can't even go in front of a friendly audience, like those on Outnumbered on Fox News and
give a decent interview where you don't completely screw over your client.
Southern Kids Try Fortnite Dances – And The Results Are Priceless | Southern Living - Duration: 1:39.
I grab the books, I bring 'em over,
pull 'em back, throw 'em.
(techno music)
(upbeat electronic music)
No, it's impossible basically.
(lively electric music)
Wait, is this going to go viral?
The Most Heated Fights - Never Before Seen! | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation | MTV - Duration: 5:39.
- Check out our most
heated fights right now.
- [All] This is Guido on Guido drama.
- The third most heated fight of the vacation.
Vinny versus Nicole versus Jenny.
What are the boundaries?
- No!
- Vinny
like please just stop.
You know,
obviously there's history.
You're still alive?
- I'm going in the hot tub.
- Ew.
- Woo!
- Don't touch me.
- He was pushing the envelope.
(Ronnie laughs)
- God, you're going to ruin my marriage.
Get off me.
(dramatic music)
Oh we're not doing confessional together.
- Oh!
- Vinny.
Don't touch me.
My man will not like that.
- Can I talk to you for a second?
- No. - I've got to ask
you a question.
I gotta ask you a question.
I was gonna ask you what the rules are.
- You're being annoying.
You're disrespecting my husband now.
- Why'd I have to do this scene in body paint?
- And can anybody take somebody serious
with a flag painted on their chest?
- What do you mean?
You have that on your back.
- Got him.
- Listen.
He has a legitimate question.
- No, but you made it like dramatic.
- I'm dramatic?
- So what?
What's the God's honest question?
- Sometimes you go,
I can't be next to Vinny.
- Okay.
I can't.
- What am I supposed to do right there?
Go oh okay
and then like walk away.
- Don't be like annoying.
Just know the boundaries.
- I don't know the boundaries.
That's why I'm asking you.
- Establish your boundaries right now.
- We're friends Vin.
Just stop talking about it.
This is literally gonna (bleep) ruin my marriage.
I'm gonna get (bleep)pissed.
- He wants to know the boundaries.
- Nicole!
- Don't (bleep) with my family.
- If Gianni was in a house
he was like close to somebody,
and then they like I can't be next to Gianni.
I just hit my 10,000 steps.
I didn't know how the Nicole past
was gonna like rear its head.
- No pun.
- Yeah, no pun intended.
I wasn't expecting that fight to happen that day.
- Leave me alone.
- Listen.
- Go be on his side.
Thank you.
- Okay, fine.
We're done.
- Thanks for being a good friend, idiot.
- Don't (bleep) call me an idiot.
Don't (bleep) say that.
Because when you say you're (bleep) done
be (bleep) done.
- Looks like a (bleep) Doberman versus the Chihuahua.
- You're the worst.
You're ruining my (bleep) marriage.
- Be an adult.
- Jesus, you're the worst.
- Not ruining, (bleep) Nicole.
Well she's just blamed me for ruining her marriage.
So I'm out.
- I hear you, you annoying.
- No one is trying to ruin this girl's marriage.
- Exactly.
She calls me a (bleep) idiot.
I don't deserve to be ragged on.
- Oh my God.
You're be so (bleep) dramatic.
Shut up!
- That was the best.
- When the Jwow came out.
- Meanwhile, Nicole was scared of Jwow.
100 percent.
- Yeah.
- Deena versus Ronnie.
The car fight.
- Don't call me sweetie.
- Okay, sweetie.
- No, don't (bleep) call me sweetie.
- Okay, sweetie.
- You're in an aggressive state tonight.
- You know what, D.
You are a good person
but you play both sides.
- How am I playing both sides?
- You want to be my friend.
You want to be Sam's friend
but like.
If Sam was a talking bad about me,
you wouldn't be like
don't say that about Ron.
- Deena was a little on edge in Miami.
- Yeah.
Sometimes you order your meatballs with extra sauce.
- You're gonna tell me she's never said one bad.
- No!
Because you know what?
This past year,
we didn't talk about you.
It's not all about you Ron!
You narcissistic (bleep) (bleep).
It doesn't all revolve around you.
- It actually does.
- It doesn't all revolve around you, Ron.
- Obviously it does
because you're the one mad
because the (bleep) doll is there.
- I don't (bleep) like the doll.
- Oh why?
- I don't like the doll.
- Why?
- Because she doesn't know it's here.
- So then (bleep) call her and tell her.
I'm not trying to be a dick
but I'm being honest with you.
Like straight (bleep) up.
Now I'm gonna (bleep) say how I feel.
- Oh my God.
I'm done, I'm done.
- And here it is.
The most epic and the most heated.
- Jenny versus Angelina.
- Hey.
- Hi Angelina.
- Oh hey bitch.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- So I'm just gonna ask
the obvious question.
Why the (bleep) are you here?
- Jenny wasted no time with this.
- She's like a preying mantis.
When she has sex with you,
she rips your (bleep) head off.
- No bitch!
It's been 8 years since we've seen you.
- Let that go!
- I bet you, you won't make it a (bleep) week in this house
because you are not a part of our (bleep) family.
End of the day,
you have not experienced
what we all have (bleep) experienced together.
- This whole stuff was built up
from stuff that was said off the show.
- Yes.
- So Angelina made some comments online
about Jenny and Nicole when they went back and forth.
And they never got to speak face to face.
Until this show.
- Not once did you try to a make amends
in eight (bleep) years.
- How do I make amends to you?
- Eight (bleep) years.
- Do I have your number?
- I didn't have you blocked bitch.
I didn't have you blocked.
- I don't have her number.
- You never Twittered me.
You blocked me on every (bleep) social media.
- You blocked me actually.
- You want to come somewhere eight years later.
- Right now
we are watching a baby hippo named Angelina
get preyed on by wild hyenas.
- You have no (bleep) idea
what this took.
And you're not a part of group chat.
- Facts.
- Fact.
- Oh no.
Jwow is ripping the hippo's head off.
- You guys should be like
know what let me try to give this girl a shot
because we don't really know her.
- No, I know you.
You're not a nice person.
- Oh my God.
Nicole is (bleep) her vagina.
I mean, wait.
- How long are you staying?
I just want to know
so Nicole can pack your bag.
- Oh.
- She's not packing my bags.
- Get the (bleep) out of this house.
- I'm staying.
Michael B. Jordan Details How Killmonger Could Have Defeated Thanos - Duration: 1:14.
What's up, guys?
Frazier here for Complex News.
Anyone who's watched Avengers: Infinity War knows Thanos is no joke.
Interestingly, Michael B. Jordan thinks that his 'Black Panther' character Erik Killmonger
might have stood a chance against the Mad Titan.
When asked by the folks over at A.V.
Club what he thought about Killmonger taking on the villain, Jordan laughed and said:
"This is the first I'm hearing of it.
I think the one thing about Killmonger is he really plans his attacks, and they're
well thought out.
So if he ever stepped in a situation with Thanos, he would feel confident that he had
the upper hand—at the very least, he would know he had a shot.
So I mean, we already know that Erik's willing to sacrifice himself for a greater good, so
I don't think he's ever fearful of losing his life.
So I think if he ever stepped in front of Thanos, he'd already have a plan for taking
him down."
While Killmonger is undoubtedly a smart guy and a skilled fighter who would come up with
a solid plan if he were to fight Thanos, it still seems highly unlikely he would be able
to take him down or get even remotely close to taking him down, considering all we know
about the Mad Titan and especially with all those infinity stones in his possession.
Who knows, maybe we'll get a chance to explore that possibility in the upcoming Black Panther
sequel or the untitled Avengers 4 movie, but most likely not.
That's the news for now, but for all the latest news on Michael B. Jordan, subscribe
to Complex News on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
Player Spotlight: Jessica Fishlock (Seattle Reign) | #NWSLonLifetime - Duration: 3:12.
The Voice's, Dylan Gerard Performs "Empty Sheets" - Duration: 5:02.
Truck Wars: The Truck War Between Oldsmobile and Ford | History - Duration: 5:07.
Trump Voices Skepticism on Sale of 3-D Printed Guns - Duration: 4:36.
Split After 8 Months – Hollywood Life - Duration: 2:17.
After wowing Simon Cowell, America's Got Talent champ is ready for Jackson - Duration: 4:05.
Tom Hardy's Transformation in the Venom Trailer Will Terrify You - Duration: 1:18.
Sam Heughan On What It Was Like To Film 'The Spy Who Dumped Me' | TODAY - Duration: 4:40.
Titanic 1997 Film & Their Real Love Partners In 2018 - Duration: 5:01.
Собираем переноску для животных. Инструкция по сборке Trixie Skudo 1 IATA для авиапутешествий - Duration: 1:39.
Ms Officeஐ விட சூப்பரான ஒரு Software | WPS Office Suite ( Alternative to MS Office) - Duration: 2:54.
We have plenty of softwares which is been used in our computer
MS office is one among that which needs no introduction
It is basic software wh ich is used in every one's computer
. If you check the originality of the software you have
it might have reached you from your friends circle or as online download in a cracked version
If you see what problems that the cracked version has: Some time our documents will be damaged and often MS office will be locked
Such problems are encountered in the cracked versions.
On the other hand, if you think of buying an original version of it, the cost will be around Rs.7,500
which is affordable to few but unaffordable to many
When I searched for a remedy online, I found an original software named WPS
In this video, we are going to review this WPS software
What special it has? If you download MS office online, you get a cracked version consuming 1.5 Gb of your memory
But original WPS software falls in the range of 80 -100 Mb only
It will occupy only the minimum storage
Hence it will work prominently in any low configuration systems.
Moreover all the facilities like Word, Powerpoint,
Excel is also available in this software with different names.
Word is named as Writer, Excel is named as spread sheet and Power point is named as presentation.
Other than this, font, template and all the features in MS office is also available in this WPS software.
In fact to be frank, it has more features than MS office has. You can use the extra features on payment basis
In case you are satisfied with the basis features, you can enjoy it in the free version which is equivalent to the features of MS Office
In addition to this, WSP is available in android and IOS too.
In case where you want to open a document or powerpoint with MS office in our mobile,
we are suppose to install separate application for different tasks which occupies a lot of our memory
But WPS is an all in one application. It is available in smaller size, so will occupy minimum space in storage
So you don't need to install separate apps for each task. It can be used as an all in one software
WPS itself has presentation, writer and spreadsheet. This software is available in IOS too.
Other than this office app, it has pdf to word convertor and cloud storage facilities
In case you want a detailed information about this, please comment below
And also please mention if WPS software is useful to you?
If you think, this video is useful, Please do like, subscribe and comment. Meet you with such new information in our next video.
Thank you
Take Watermelon Seeds And Boil Them The Results Will Shock You | Cure Urinary Tract Infection - Duration: 3:31.
juicy watermelons are super delicious and refreshing especially in hot summer
days they are packed with vitamin C pantothenic acid copper biotin potassium
vitamin A carotenoids vitamin b1 vitamin b6 and magnesium but wait until you see
what watermelon seeds can do for you in today's video we'll discuss if you take
watermelon seeds and boil them the results will shock you before you watch
this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by
clicking the subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first
to know when we post new videos daily
watermelons are packed with fatty acids essential proteins minerals like
magnesium potassium manganese iron zinc phosphorus and vitamins like vitamin
niacin and folate the seeds can help in the treatment of kidney diseases and
problems with the urinary tract make yourself a nice cup of tea using these
seeds to get rid of kidney stones and sand cook grind and bake watermelon
seeds in order to get the maximum of their benefits how to prepare and use
this miraculous recipe 1 grind 20 to 30 watermelon seeds and cook them in 2
liters of water for 15 minutes drink the tea for 2 days and make a break the next
day to repeat the tea treatment for a few weeks but it is really important
that you make a break every third day health benefits 1 stronger heart
watermelon seeds are packed with magnesium which is essential for the
heart these seeds also regulate the blood
pressure and improve the metabolic functions use the seeds more often to
prevent heart disease in high blood pressure to prevent aging antioxidants
prevent premature aging strengthen skin structure and provide a healthy
complexion 3 acne treatment the cotton bud in watermelon seed and
dabbed it over your acne it will also remove any dirt and dead skin cells
watermelon seed oil works well for every skin type and it will also help you
treat skin issues for stronger hair protein and amino acids strengthen hair
roasted seeds make hair shinier because of their copper content melanin is a
pigment that colors hair 5eg scalp the mild texture of watermelon seed oil
makes it easily absorbable use it as a daily moisturizer for dried itchy scalp
sakes hair damaged watermelon seeds contain essential facts that prevent
hair damage 7 blood pressure and coronary heart disease
arginine aids in the treatment of coronary heart disease and regulates
blood pressure it also prevents further narrowing of the blood vessels amino
acids like tryptophan inch lysine are also contained in these seeds have you
ever aware of the benefits if watermelon seeds let me know in our comment section
below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends
for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
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